Bloodborne Speedrun in 34 Minutes

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alright try again try again what's Emilia skip Emilia skip is it's a it's a skip that requires you to enter into a death cam and then quit out so you end up skipping you fight cleric beast and you use 10,000 echoes to buy the emblem curse of whole with the subscription the brand new twitch Prime subscription thanks so much personal I really appreciate it thank you so much and then you you perform the Emilia skip and you skip Amelia but you need to quit out in order to do it so this run that I'm doing right now it does not allow quit outs so he can't do that on this I like this run a lot better even though I don't really like any percent as a whole I like this one better than the the Emilia skip route Piero Grif good luck on blood-borne runs and Freda today I will definitely get Frida I was really I was streamed for like nine and a half hours yesterday so by the time that I fought Frida I was really angry already we'll get her today abject gothic how's it going the littlest Cthulhu how are you just like my prime account and had to make sure to sub up thank you so much that's awesome for dude thank you for doing that that's really cool anchors the true boss oh yeah I lose I lose 85 percent of my abilities when I'm hangry 85 percent at least you seem really tired oh yeah was at least I big rave tender I'm happy about that I wasn't angry enough where I couldn't be grave tender started learning this run yesterday making save files if you ever need any help or tips feel free to ask good luck I'll take the two for two I guess going round to bite perfect not healed though oh what's that smell the sweet blood oh it seems to me it's enough to make a man sick pretty good pretty good vaio how's it going man how's it going now I played that safer than I did the last time I got that orangey cuz I'm a peach and I healed so I that could have been faster if I didn't do it but I was though as I'm sure I was unsure so I just healed but that was good I'll take it that's what we're looking for got to be real careful with the dogs up here though the dogs and then the skip and the werewolves then Suzie that'll be real careful ha GG is over Europe I'll take this really surprised I was able to get through those dogs usually that's a death sentence when that happens he tried even at the end he tried I joined in the run dies now it's still going on we just lost a couple seconds it's it's we're so good dead eyes how's it going Holly Jay how are you tortoise how's it going man Israeli good to see you everyone coming in all at once what's the lore on your many hats I buy hats because chat likes them and I liked them too I used to only have a few but since I started streaming I've been getting more and more nope No oh my god I almost rolled right off dude I saved it I saved it it was so close and I almost fell down because I jumped Layton because I jumped late I was rolled off oh that was I was sketchy I've gotten lucky twice in a row now with the the werewolf not following me that's nice it's eating Leigh nice we're gonna use a fire paper right at the third column boss fight starts at the last column we use a beast bug palette get her to start walking towards me I'm a punji into the corner hit her four times and are one of them three transformation attacks transform back go for to transform back go for three make sure you don't get hit that was so close there's another punji into the corner once again don't get hit I need five our ones here full stamina three our ones charged our two to the back charge our two to the head she should be dead there we go decent enough fight decent enough not the best but that was I was close to getting hit if you saw the the the health I had I was very close to getting hit a couple times so I had a strafe years ago and doomed cube how are you doing going I'm good to see you thanks guys thanks all right let's remember to not go to the workshop again okay now on this split it's gonna look like I'm gonna lose time probably I'm gonna do a different strap but I'll save it later on I'll save it on the next foot the time that I lose I trust me I won't be losing time here I mean I think I'll be saving a couple like just like two seconds or something also we'll be saving two blood vials use the madman's knowledge here when for a dupe but I didn't get it okay so that's the extra after I kill Amelia here I will use the mark and Mark out this is a couple seconds faster but it's gonna look on the splits like it's slower we run out of stamina so use fire paper skip the cutscene run slow animation use the beast bug pellet here gotta hit her hand then her arm and her arm three attacks to sagger another three on this leg cking with the 30 bits thank you so much more hits on this leg the third will stagger but we go for extra damage one more extra hit on the head before taking the visceral three hits the stagger but again we'll go for the extra fourth hit she won't stagger this time instead after the third hit she's gonna back step and hit me with her chin OOP three are ones then r1 l1 we use the cold blood we'll pause the timer here because this is an extra loading screen you but this is the gate that I opened up before Amelia we're gonna run through it open up this gate hopefully these guys won't hit me we're good there this brain suckers guarding a twin bloodstone shard we need to steal it not get grabbed okay through that the next boss is where this run will start to spice up the first boss is hard secondary is hard third ones not hard at all but shadows rum what you're our goal and one reborn that's that's where this this run really picks up before we do that though we got to go level up our character level up our weapon always right on target but I missed the drop down it's all you run at agdq is flawless oh it had flaws but I'm glad you like it artorias thank you so much dude thank you so much okay so here we're gonna use the 13 insight we have 2 by 13 bloodstone shards we'll use those to level up our weapon to +3 and then we use the twins that we got to level it up to +4 we'll also put in the gem using the blood gem workshop toll that we picked up after killing Gascoigne that chest run down to the doll hit her with an r1 l1 channel the blood echoes into 25 levels of strength 15 of skill we're back to the forbidden woods thanks Sam I appreciate it man the janitor how are you doing you blood sir beast is optional but you have a choice of killing blood star beast or cleric beast and paying ten thousand echoes to open the gate so you have to make a choice between Blood Service and cleric beast and I'm making that choice because it's this is the fastest way of doing it if you are not allowing quit outs on the run as far as we know today uptime is only 48 minutes we have not been live very long and I need more coffee I can tell you right now I need more coffee do I run anything else other than bloodborne right now we're doing a playthrough of Dark Souls 3 and I'll be running that for a little bit no major skips and I'm also going to learn the demon souls run as well virtually alongside one another so we can incorporate multiple runs into the stream right now I only know the blood-borne run but we will be learning more but if you want to see me learn some new runs you can see me behave like a scrub for a little while feel free to watch that until I learned and we thought going man everyone follow-up lethal how are you doing dude I saw briefly before I started that you were doing new shadow of the clauses game would it what have you thought of it so far all right this is where it hangs right on this skip right here I was good enough that's what we needed I need to get the skip though otherwise it means nothing go over yes it went over oh my god all right don't screw it up Manny it still got a lot to get through I didn't want to jump there I'll take it though I want to l went on rum another r1 l1 on ROM full stamina 3 are ones actually no she stepped back so we're gonna go for - another - ok we might be able to get over one cycle here one - I'm gonna just be safe go for a charge are to need four hits here one two three four did she really not did she really not die there and she she's really not dead okay okay you all right let's do this that's not optimal that's really not optimal dammit alright there's a beast in here guarding a gem that I need a full heal here dodge the attack you don't want to get hit there because then this guy will shoot a gun at you I need my ball paper equips yama cake has it going good to see you alright one we're born my meat my meme fight a gdq please don't be like that be nice please be nice I'm asking you to be nice here okay I want to l1 l1 to the body for a stager we got the Sagar for attacks to this body first agar we got it now five attacks to the arm hopefully we got it save some time still his run can be improved by a bunch that guy with the subscription the brand new twitch Prime subscription thank you so much that guy thank you so much all right we just got to get to the end of the lecture building here I have my punji spooled up there's a silver beast in the next area who is guarding a scurrying beast that I need to kill for three bloodstone chunks so we need to go do that Indrani as I'm doing well how are you doing Kyra has it gone all right two bosses two bosses two areas still sleepy I'm always sleepy Tortoni these days I'm always tired only got like five and a half hours sleep last night I woke up was like yeah I'm just gonna start streaming how's it going dude alright 15 and 25 on the skill I need to buy twin bloodstone shards and level up our weapon a +8 also put the gem in go back to the nightmare of mensis Coffee hater or coffee Hatter with the hundred bits thank you so much thank you so much all right hi hopefully these silver bees don't follow me with this one up here I really want him to not follow me sometimes he follows you to the door I would really just prefer that he didn't I saw a rock coming and I was not having any chances there was a big giant boulder on its way dude I was having nothing to do with that nothing to do with that I I didn't trust it one bit I don't know I think I'm gonna get the blue elixirs here I might lose time I just want to be safe I don't know if that's a smart idea or not we're gonna do it though I've got a bad feeling about the the other thing I think this is the thing to do for this run right now though we could always get a better time in the future I'm not sure exactly how much time that wastes was definitely a few if our cards are right maybe we'll get some good rng here focus go focus yourself okay the cards are still right it doesn't matter orangey is is completely random I need it I need to eat that earlier remember are you kidding me what is role oh my god dude what a troll that that lost a bunch of time that lost way too much I don't like that I don't like that one bit that wasn't good that wasn't good at all double bad RNG Josh this is gonna be close this is gonna be close it's coming down to the wire Dominic how's it going Coffee Hatter with a hundred bits your run at adgq was Stoppers I'm glad you liked the man that you so much dude thank you so much all right guys you got to pray for orangey man right for orangey wet-nurse has as something called early nightmare phase and we absolutely cannot get it we cannot get it no mistakes either as one teleport that was the trick I knew she was gonna check what's world record what's the time for world record is a 2938 what do I need what do I need that's way too close I shouldn't have gotten a blue like sir I'm not gonna get it I'm not gonna get it it's gonna be it's gonna be like this is gonna be twenty nine thirty nine twenty this is gonna be twenty nine thirty nine and I'm gonna be so mad right now as I peached out I deserve it I deserve it you you you still good run it was 10 seconds off
Channel: IGN
Views: 5,862,922
Rating: 4.8460355 out of 5
Keywords: IGN, PS4, games, Action, Gameplay, Bloodborne, FromSoftware, Sony Computer Entertainment, speedrun, heyzeusherestoast, bloodborne speedrun, top videos, speedruns, speed run, fast speed run, fastest, top
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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