Dark Souls 2 Is Not A Bad Game

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of all the souls games this is the one I've played the least I only beat it once whereas all the others I've eaten multiple times bloodborne Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 1 and sakido blood on you can turn it off oh so apparently this game has nothing to do with the actual lore of Dark Souls it absolutely well not according to everyone on YouTube giving summaries of Dark Souls Lore they always leave out Dark Souls too the first Dark Souls is still one of the best ones I think for me the order is bloodborne Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 2. well like I said hey like I said I only beat this one once this was my least favorite I didn't like this one why whoa whoa whoa why is there so much input lag officer Greg baby what the [ __ ] is going on no not officer Greece [ __ ] thanks weird lady that's me all right uh so we're not gonna do sorcerer even though it seems to be the most broken I don't know what we should do though maybe Rapier would be cool oh yeah didn't this game the cleric's starting mace is like super strong isn't it I just saw that isn't the clerics starter mace like pretty busted the cleric and do god build well what's god build is that more fun than Rapier well what's more fun between cleric god build or whatever or just Rapier what do you what are we what are we thinking we're thinking cleric okay the team's pretty overwhelming for cleric isn't this a pretty good gift I was just looking at uh the an OP thing is this a good gift Rapier is boring because it's so good okay well I'm definitely starting like this and I'll I'll decide later on what we're gonna do oh yeah it's a man [Music] I'm gonna grab Rapier and then we'll figure out what we want I was just looking up where it is yeah there's a huge okay there's an actual like pretty noticeable input delay when it comes to sprinting and turning holy [ __ ] get up oh close I got a little dicey e bonfire yeah I'm just beelining the Rapier right now I'm obviously go back for my [ __ ] or the other [ __ ] Dark Souls 2 does not have iframes for opening doors fog walls or levers I didn't know that did not remember that oh so much for that theory I definitely had iframes right there opening that I think I'm going here there we go clean whoa the item fall I don't remember much of this game at all there's the lift is this another level one run no no no I just want the Rapier hugues are right beer it's apparently real [ __ ] good so I want to try it God this mace does so much damage no oh no actually did an extra swing thank you oh this is gonna be sad if I die here a life gym a key and then like some weird [ __ ] back at this well I don't feel like wasting a bone this is a short walk oh do I go fight the pursuer right now [ __ ] that's gonna be such a [ __ ] for me I missed the Estus in majula right lady and majula yeah let's go get that first thank you okay no I'm gonna I'll try and get the ballista off on him I don't think I'll succeed though but you bet your sweet ass I'll try pardon me nerds okay so it starts with a Dodge and then immediately onto nope I didn't get it off in time [Music] fudge this and then immediately hit that ballistic and if I [ __ ] up well we'll see if I can at least get the attack patterns right nope oh it doesn't fire automatically okay well there we go let's try it Perry too early okay oh two hand parries have tighter frames oh my God why oh that I guess I was right oh I didn't get the second one oh God Miss click I didn't mean to dodge no that's sad foreign close what the [ __ ] Jesus I don't know how my last dodged nope I just looked at my phone why now how do you get your health back in this game is it life gems to bring your health back to like full bar instead of like uh low bar oh human effigy okay can't level up I'm saving it for the Rapier I want to give it a full-on try how did I get invaded I'm not even in human form why am I not taking damage oh he's a hacker oh well how do I get out of here then keep online just fight I couldn't he literally didn't take damage and he also didn't do damage to me he was just breaking my items hold on I'll look at that in just a second let me get this bonfire oh no does it make it foreign troll build ah gotcha same thing I'd have more respect for hacking than spending every day on Dark Souls 2. the worst of the series got it still good still good make it make it make it yes God damn it I forgot an item son of a [ __ ] all right now I have to go get that wait why isn't the blacksmith here what did I forget wait why the [ __ ] is in the blacksmith here oh I see I just had the rest again okay so I need one of these all right and then the Rapier and we're all set but it is the Rapier that I'm going with the whole game I think at least I'll try it if it's fun if it's not so be it so it's a 12 20 10 10 split yeah oh cleric is rough for this [Music] okay yucky uh oh oh that's uh some stinky [ __ ] I need 20 10 12 and 10. uh oh all right well 12 here first is big order of business should I just use these or am I going to need these do I need Solo pursuer or Last Giant at any point for anything okay cool oh it's for the boss weapons yeah but they're kind of [ __ ] weapons or at least I imagine they are I guess I don't really remember so obviously I don't remember where I'm supposed to go in this game at all but we'll just do some exploring and see what comes cool the wall that's a big start that adaptability I'm already feeling it it's helping those that uh that's good I don't know why I couldn't Dodge after the first attack how do I hit this thing it's too low to the ground for my weapon oh I missed it that killed me Man full damage is no joke in Dark Souls 2. holy [ __ ] foreign God damn it how do you hit that [ __ ] thing Let's Farm up some Souls real quick so I can level up properly like good stats now I've used a bonfire aesthetic here so these things should be giving me a lot more right that's out of bonfire aesthetic works you don't use bonfire aesthetic here you use it on bosses to get boss weapons well it's too late I already used it on on the spawn fire what do you mean it makes this specific area a new game plus it makes enemies harder yeah right which is what I wanted because it gives more souls right why am I being corrected what did I say that was wrong and respawns bosses what what did it okay okay I'm glad I'm glad we had this talk all right let's just Farm up some [ __ ] all right big is there a ladder here so I don't die okay maybe I just jump on this nope slid right off that branch I'm assuming I can't just run through this fire you can run fast no chance look at my [ __ ] health Fire doesn't damage [ __ ] that I don't believe that at all it seems like a lame ass chat meme right now this I will say though Dark Souls 2 is the only Souls game I only beat once or twice all the other ones I beat quite a few times I thought this was definitely the weakest of the series why can't I talk to this guy am I gonna cheese Dragon Raider I don't know probably cheese oh you got me [ __ ] up I definitely thought I was out of range Jesus Christ this guy's blasting me yeah I know you can choose the Dragon Rider and make them fall off but apparently you can't do that once you pull the lever which I've already done foreign what are your thoughts on little dogs all dogs are beautiful I love dogs I have uh what is that less than one HP right there it's looking pretty good are you [ __ ] serious no [ __ ] way I forgot that I have the heel oh great yeah that's the ring I needed [Music] um yeah I'll go for it well I kind of want to spin the souls on dexterity and then I'll come back just in case wait what the [ __ ] oh right oh this is supposed to be 20 for the build I think it's 20 and then everything else in the decks so we'll just do 12 and 13 for now go to the well in modula majula why to your right not that one oh here doesn't he like charge and fall off foreign [ __ ] I didn't look close I bet I had one extra attack on my stamina boss literally easier than the trash mobs yeah oh I should really go back and spin my Souls just in case I suck a fat [ __ ] dick hold on foreign I still think that's the dumbest [ __ ] change that they've ever come up with for this series having to put points into making sure your roles are useful for the iframes oh the [ __ ] curse frogs I remember those they were in Dark Souls one too when I played Dark Souls 1 for the first time I got blasted by a curse frog and couldn't figure out how to lift it so I ended up just quitting Dark Souls 3 is by far the best I love Dark Souls 3 as well but apparently it's super easy and I don't remember it being that easy but it's been a while since I played it so it's entirely possible so it was really tough for me but after that it was smooth sailing okay what the [ __ ] foreign he's your friend oh no damn I didn't know that he looked like such a bad boy what does he do for me had I not killed him he lights the way man I don't need any help whoa oh one no okay there's the boat I remember the boat so that at least tells me that I went the right way so how do I get this item without poisoning myself I have to like throw something at it God damn it Jesus Christ the stun lock [ __ ] me I couldn't roll or attack holy [ __ ] oh I got a little greedy there flawless garbage boss yeah it wasn't a hard boss it's pretty easy the [ __ ] is that damage it's the Rapier man Rapier is great God we're so close to the 2020. I've already done all this up here though when I was getting my Rapier setting up I did everything this way I'm pretty sure I mean I guess I could have missed something I didn't expect him to do that what do you mean Jesus Christ foreign do I want to use the branch of your on this guy or do I want to use it on the other one yeah okay why is he just break dancing oh I remember this boss this is the Sentinel boss isn't it oh boy oh boy yes this is all too familiar now so far I first tried every boss even though there's only been four are we doing a normal run are all bosses uh just really a normal run let's [ __ ] get it God that's unlucky that he's against the wall what foreign oh no adaptability help damn it I [ __ ] up foreign foreign yeah first try again really [ __ ] cooking boys that the only oh wait wait what the [ __ ] just happened to him let me spin my stalls and then we can experiment there's an invisible door by the stairs you found uh there we [ __ ] go so I think it's only a Vigor plus dexterity I don't think I need any other stats but I could do strength too because this will also I'm pretty sure the Rapier also scales off that foreign what the [ __ ] is going on I'll just keep that closed I don't know how I didn't take damage from that use fire bombs on that saw you mean that wall throw a fire bomb at the wall because of the crack is it worth it well I never use my fire bombs anyway that was better Arch Drake is that better than what I'm using I I haven't changed my [ __ ] oh I'm actually using archdrake cool is that any good The Wanderer set it's a full set no it's not good well what does it do it looks cool that's all oh God damn it let's go spin these Souls down the lift takes you to the watery area to the boss sounds whatever I just happen to encounter is what I'm doing yeah this this is looking familiar oh boy oh no Oh I thought I'd kill him with that God damn it and I have to waste an extra heal oh what the [ __ ] oh all right all he has is a faith spear it doesn't really seem worth it but I'll do it anyway [ __ ] them no oh my God I accidentally buffered an attack God that got sad invaded by dark Spirit Terry testicle how is that possible I thought I could only be invaded because oh Jesus I thought I could only be invaded if I was a in human form I'll make what the [ __ ] I'm out oh boy I tried to sneak around it'll fall in here eventually I will trap you here for the rest of the [ __ ] day man what an [ __ ] oh Jesus whoops oh I backstabbed him I wouldn't have killed him oh [ __ ] it's a boss fight oh my God I vaguely remember this boss oh [ __ ] that was a little early I just died yeah I got body blocked by him that's so upsetting that's so upsetting attacks aren't that fast you need a chance to heal how in the [ __ ] that hits every time what the [ __ ] thank you going for it oh foreign gotcha that boss took two tries they're 30 17 and then we'll just keep going up get old Leo I want the old Leo ring and the Flynn ring but I don't know where to get them guide me to Flynn or old Leo whichever one's closest holy [ __ ] okay now what foreign I have to kill it no I'm done why am I not sprinting oh wow I got real lucky foreign better be through here all right let's [ __ ] get it oh hey orange Dean oh this was dumb I didn't mean oh God too late I got lucky oh that was easy probably could have done that without going back but whatever old Leo ring acquired needed that for my build I need 26 right okay so we're close 27. okay now where can I get the Flynn ring that's the last ring I'm missing for my build got old Leo Ring of Blades where do I get Flynn Flynn ring is DLC yet well how do I access it though I have the DLC this is scholar the person how do I use it oh yeah I should just use all my Souls right so I'm gonna just be done with adaptability 25 seems like plenty to me especially since I'm already doing completely fine so I think I'm just going to do more dexterity I'll do dexterity to 30 and then start going to uh endurance I think in the Heidi Tower the miracle lady you can talk to her so she can go to majula so she can open a secret passage I've already talked to her oh I just used my [ __ ] Souls too oh the gods from son of a [ __ ] which of these don't I need can I just use the Dragon Rider soul I feel like I'm not gonna use that for [ __ ] right I'm not gonna I'm just gonna burn the dragon Rider's Soul it can't be it can't be used for much ah Jesus Christ maniac it seems like a pretty low level area was I supposed to come here earlier very close call is this a boss or is this just a new area I think it's just a new area right oh my God it is a boss oh [ __ ] okay all right you know I'll give it a whirl no s this but we'll see how it goes holy [ __ ] I remember this part this is the Chariot isn't it yeah I remember this I have no idea how to how to play this but I remember it's like instant death if you [ __ ] it up how do you do this again oh God they okay I see they didn't get hit by The Chariot what oh what the [ __ ] okay I'm guessing just run the whole way and then maybe find a hole to hide in first hole is definitely not the right one okay I have to have my [ __ ] Shield out Jesus Christ thank you oh I'm out of stamina God damn it what the [ __ ] I should have just ran to the liver killing the summoner's [ __ ] worthless I'm lucky I guess I didn't run fast enough this time okay that's [ __ ] good that's how we do it okay then to roll into the wall is that right wow there's a so wow that guy right there followed me all the way from Spawn holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy jumps down after the bonfire and he followed me the whole way I didn't think there was any chance I killed Summoner before getting that down where's Summoner what the [ __ ] no I'm not a stamina oh Christ thank you there we go um I think endurance next how far are you into the game not very I've done like every boss I haven't been like b-lining the main ones I've just been doing every single boss for the most part is this better than Dark Souls 3 oh [ __ ] no Dark Souls 2 is the weakest of the Soul series I think it's still not bad but I definitely think it's the weakest I have to go sign for a package holy [ __ ] ah I never went down I never went down here I started and then I just came back I remember now I think this is where I'm supposed to go now right not where I'm supposed to go oh I'm already here anyway okay let's [ __ ] try it thanks are we so anxious oh I see oh there's a path on the left no I can't go that way holy [ __ ] so is there anything I missed here I did the pursuer and [ __ ] I feel like I didn't miss anything this guy only took two shots last time what wait where did the tankiness come from buck so why is there a fog gate here do I fight the pursuer again oh cause I bonfire yep that's right that's right it's because I did the bonfire that's right I forgot all about that damn it foreign just in case you know what I'm just gonna go spin these Souls just in case things go titties up oh [ __ ] I forgot this just takes me to this [ __ ] place I already did all this I'm assuming this is the Jesus the right way to the skeleton Lords you know I might as well just go get the cat ring now it is an NPC that was an NPC I thought it was just a really shitty PVP here oh never mind then so it is not 10K Souls it is 13.4 K Souls all right let's [ __ ] get it foreign holy [ __ ] that was still a ton of damage I thought it was going to take no damage higher level stuff I'm going for it oh God damn oh [ __ ] what oh okay there we go I just had to ride that down don't you [ __ ] do this to me no you son of a [ __ ] there we go I'm gonna go back up I'm just exploring down here is all so is ricard's Rapier the best in the game should I be getting that next or am I going to be just fine with this Rapier so where is ricard's Rapier hey a chunk you're gonna hate this without a light source oh we'll [ __ ] see oh got some good [ __ ] actually I look pretty cool like that this looks even cooler though Helm of aorus am I still agile enough yes end of Shard God damn that was big good area oh here's here we go that was big agdq safe strats most difficult boss so far uh I've killed every boss on the first try except Lost Sinner he's the only one that took two so our not true Chariot but that's also a gimmick boss pursuer took you more than one tried did it I don't recall oh yeah cause I was trying to do the ballista thing this is a [ __ ] easy game if I and I'm not even using a light source I'm going by pure [ __ ] raw gamer instinct son of a [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] what do you mean ah this isn't even the boss [ __ ] what a waste oh wait are you gonna let me please God I really don't want to do this again you can you can cruise with me if you want [Laughter] all right I like this guy my man brought a torch no torch no problem and Charlie's got my [ __ ] back all right wish me luck oh my God it's not a boss good luck in this area is this actually a hard part oh God I see I see I see why he was destroying all of those Jesus this is chaotic there we go there's a second one oh my poison was cured oh wow okay big sweep foreign close oh that was easy so this area was it DLC or some [ __ ] because I don't remember this at all but it's a great soul embraced so I'm guessing it's not now this there's a item over there will I die going for it and is it worth even thinking about you get Flynn's ring if you go to the DLC now that's what I want Flynn's ring is the one I care about [ __ ] that item whatever it is Flynn's ring is mine very last item for the build what item was that though can you tell me what it was a spice okay worthless it's by majula there's a door Midway down the well oh I've already unlocked that bonfire then oh here okay foreign okay so this is locked okay so it's here oh that was right this guy's just [ __ ] waiting up here there we go there we [ __ ] go okay forgotten key is that the key I need for the DLC or do I need more I need to go down the hole in majula there's a door that is opened by that key okay so what that door that was locked when I dropped down here initially what's that lead to thanks the resub Matt that goes to the other DLC one of the covenants uh oh baby big [ __ ] move okay damn all right now what the dragon Talon was a DLC key okay so now do I just go to a bonfire go back to the uh the well and use the dragon Talon also where is a ricard's Rapier I can definitely afford to upgrade the [ __ ] out of that I really feel like I should just go grab ricard's Rapier soon it's in huntsman's Corpse pretty sure normal Rapier is better yeah fair enough [ __ ] it I'll just stay with this okay let's run it so what DLC is this so the whole thing scholar of the first sin but isn't the scholar the first sin taking place at like a city so I'm assuming this was a different DLC Mrs sunken Crown okay man they have a custom skin for xqc in here that's [ __ ] Wild nice work from soft it's like a fortnight skin oh is that a stamina oh my God what the [ __ ] is that uh just X Longbow plus seven holy [ __ ] that's big wait how do I get the [ __ ] out now no [ __ ] way I'm supposed to bone out there's gotta be a way to make this go up no [ __ ] chance ah so you do just have to shoot it before you get on there and I see that was my only way out okay oh is this where the Flynn ring is can you take the noble way out I just can't be responsible xqc's Channel being here going [ __ ] wild about it no I'm not playing with the summon this guy's just from stream and he hopped in invaded thanks all right we're in business no what the [ __ ] happened there holy [ __ ] this area has like so many different little things attached to it I'm gonna take a guess and say this one oh my God I'm a [ __ ] genius my gamer instinct is nuts oh oh [ __ ] too far oh what the [ __ ] oh my God ah what a leap but it's not worth it look at this [ __ ] aggro Range man holy [ __ ] oh I can't believe it he didn't keep going they do the tin give Subs private username so Jester Thomas really is just AI he takes no [ __ ] damage though foreign there we go wow that guy takes a [ __ ] ton of damage this is the hardest boss in Dark Souls coming up I hear that about like every single boss ever so far the only one that's lived up to the hype is Manus no bonfire oh did I miss a bonfire that's fine oh gee what the [ __ ] oh I didn't mean to roll that way is Drake blood clothing any good it's probably not better than what I'm currently using if I had to guess it is better than what I'm currently using okay I'll switch doesn't look as cool as what I was wearing but it does seem to be better I'm assuming I'll fat roll with this no will this fat roll me yes is this even a boss I do no damage holy [ __ ] foreign bosses that just summon enemies foreign oh I'm dead so that the skeleton charged it up when I started [ __ ] God damn it I don't know maybe I should just kill the last skeleton is there any reason to keep the last guy alive is there a point to it she spawns more so if I keep that Last One Alive it prevents her from spawning more she doesn't spawn on top of it I'll just keep the last skeleton alive then if it prevents her from spawning another wave it's probably worth it oh what oh my timing is way off she didn't even summon that time and [ __ ] me up oh uh all right not skeletons this time that's not good I'd rather the skeletons oh thank you [Music] so lightning is the best where do I go to upgrade to lightning it's not this guy is it I don't see a way to do that and what do I need for it a Lightning gym I don't think I have one I know I think I have fire don't Infuse get gold Pine resin or your Dex parameter will get [ __ ] oh here it is yeah I passed it uh where do I get who do I buy it from can I buy it you need Fragrant Branch of Yore to get to the Shaded Woods I have I have one don't I oh I somehow missed all three of they do no damage and yet I'm missing everything on them right now oh that was a lot more damage foreign so what was the point in me even killing these did this did this give me anything worthwhile another path what oh oh wait here this isn't the way I came in okay okay cool cool cool I thought this was the way I came in I see I didn't expect that I thought it was gonna be like a slam wow foreign that was a lot quicker than I thought it was going to be wow all right Jesus Christ I'm dead I actually just died foreign this is rough I'm in an animation lock okay he dropped on the ladder I was trying to use and I couldn't move right here okay I'm probably [ __ ] this is your least favorite part of the game oh boy because of the poison holy [ __ ] okay okay Christ [Music] foreign foreign just playing it safe oh Jesus Christ these guys are still coming [ __ ] so what did me burning the windmill do The Rock lady sells chunks who's the rock lady thanks the prime fell diver I haven't met her yet okay so where is the Rock lady I want some chunks the chick with the fat Rack in Harvest Valley she only sold shards what do you mean oh she goes to medulla because he moves off the chest it doesn't matter still only shards what the [ __ ] there we go exactly what I [ __ ] needed Rapier plus 10. can I finish DLC no let's find out let me spin these let's just do endurance all right let's see how big of a difference this made not a huge difference at all unlucky immediately summoned him instead of the skeletons oh nope oh baby I'm done foreign you oh I didn't roll in time come on [ __ ] man whoa oh just out of range got lucky [ __ ] foreign this is not easy I don't want to attack him but maybe I should I was gonna keep him alive because I don't really want her summoning skeletons either but maybe I should kill this guy oh no the skeletons suck oh come on okay still too early wait what the [ __ ] is he what what did she summon Little Pigs [Music] that hit I'm dead ah how did that hit God I thought I had time is she somebody oh my God that's some free damage I passed up on oh time [Music] oh [ __ ] thank God when she summons that big guy it's so much [ __ ] easier I should have just dispelled this I should have just immediately got rid of the [ __ ] skeletons and hoped for the big guy each time I thought she was just gonna always do skeletons if I did that really low level for it still squeaked it out is this back to back bosses [Music] through the okay oh hold on okay whoa what the [ __ ] foreign oh my God whoa what hit what the [ __ ] hit me [ __ ] unlucky foreign [Music] oh my God I got stuck in his [ __ ] foot that was that was it that was the one oh my God what a shame foreign glad I didn't waste the repair powder I couldn't decide if it was enough or not we were able to squeak it out oh all right good so having the crown of the sunken King what does it do does it do anything for me I doubt it let me see is it like in my inventory anywhere does it do anything oh it has like a special effect well I don't have all the crowns I only have sunken King what are the other crowns Ivory King and Iron King okay let's do those next Iron Keep after the okay so I have to go to Iron Keep anyway so I might as well just keep doing the normal path thank you I oh I couldn't Dodge oh you son of a [ __ ] can't believe I didn't get through the fog in time this is a boss uh of course of course oh foreign [Music] foreign kill him oh I can't [ __ ] believe that what oh I thought he was jumping I'm throwing so [ __ ] hard oh I never took the [ __ ] cat ring off I see holy [ __ ] I never took it off foreign oh my God I can't believe that oh I have two Ring of Blades uh what should I do ring of Giants plus one or ring of evil eye Giants okay ah the Ring of giants is fat rolled me foreign off I did not realize that was fat roll me I need my shield for stamina and I don't have the gloves on no Giants ring evil eye it is I can't see Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh miss click I didn't mean to [ __ ] roll run okay [ __ ] it where the [ __ ] did that where did the what where did this one come from oh oh my God what the [ __ ] foreign just doesn't even feel good I should have had that on the first try uh pursuer foreign [Music] [Applause] nice oh rigged blades plus one that's actually huge was that like a guaranteed drop or was that just really lucky RNG guaranteed uh well bring a blades plus one baby that's actually massive foreign I actually remember this back when the game first came out uh I got summoned to a world where a guy was using like the giant golden Thunderbolt and he one shot this thing foreign I see so the only challenge was uh not rolling into that it seems oh is that the next DLC over there okay good hold on let me level up I actually have two of their PCS sagacious I think they're very good I wasn't looking at the screen did I pick up the right thing God I wish you wouldn't there we go I just wanted that key I've already I just did the sunken Crown DLC so now we're doing whichever one this is let's do this fog fog oh the boss respawns because I use the aesthetic right no point okay this is pretty [ __ ] cool actually yeah it might even be better than the sunken crown I still haven't done the secret boss for Sunken Crown should I do it or is it not really like a good boss I just remembered that we didn't do the third the optional boss in sunken Crown it's kind of split dog [ __ ] don't really bad okay it's a 3v1 PVP boss that's not very fun examine it but when it's not attacking oh what is dexterity ring do it's probably better than my uh evil eye just straight increases dexterity Scythe plus seven holy [ __ ] Scythe is a duck's weapon isn't it that actually might be something to think about you son of a [ __ ] can these guys climb the ladder can I just what what that I can't believe that reached me what the [ __ ] are these guys is what do they care I see now I get it well they just blow themselves up if I trigger it okay good good good you son of a [ __ ] wow talking about this guy the point in killing this guy oh okay it didn't even work anyway okay great great this guy's got good moves yeah and it didn't even reach him anyway what a [ __ ] waste uh that's a big outplay Jesus foreign how Wild and wacky all right I guess that's just a reminder to go offline uh what he broke was my sword and everything else but it didn't save any of it so that's good no oh how unlucky [ __ ] oh yeah so lighting these on fire does it do anything for me or not really roll fast enough you don't insta die but what does it do so what does the curse do in Dark Souls 2. so it's different than Dark Souls One what does it do drops your HP get I'm just going for it we'll see oh I see uh that's a dead end foreign nope [ __ ] I don't think well what the [ __ ] what okay rough I don't think fume Knight's gonna be hard I don't know anything about the fight but I imagine it'll be easy oh God don't fall [ __ ] maldron's regaining HP just standing there what a shame why there we go [ __ ] range well muldrin won't respawn though so that's fine I haven't done fume yet that's what I'm working towards right now so where is few night probably over here he's at the bottom of the tower okay so then I'm going the right way s [ __ ] it's still falling what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] looking good oh what the [ __ ] is the range on this guy compared to the other ones holy [ __ ] oh so close oh cause he's powered up oh [ __ ] I just noticed you know what I'm only gonna use this one and we'll see what happens I still have plenty of smelter wedges I can always come back is Health regions if you leave them good then it'll be an even fight foreign unlucky oh [ __ ] new attack foreign too late not a very hard boss it's just that region so yeah I have to use it otherwise it's going to take too long oh [ __ ] that hit oh I'm [ __ ] oh I can't believe that actually tapped me oh no [ __ ] oh I was out of stamina that was so free oh oh my God what the [ __ ] what do you mean ah what a shame I'm dead I thought I had more time oh God [Applause] I had nowhere to really go there and I couldn't roll nope oh God I couldn't Dodge after that holy [ __ ] that AOE is so sad I did it again man I'm so tilted I'm dead okay foreign that should have been four rounds ago wait I was the only boss in the DLC there's two more but I just got the crown so do I get two crowns from this oh I have to come back for the boss like when I'm going through memories the way to him is insane you should do it to what the blue Smelter Demon okay if I have to access memories then I can't do it right now anyway where's my third Crown I want to get the third Crown now Shaded Woods is this way right or this way all right whoa I've been ambushed oh I'm stuck oh God oh God luckily they don't do much damage [ __ ] man Jesus Christ I see can I even fight these guys right now I can't see wow I'm getting blasted holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there's so many this place is optional here oh okay not gonna bother them is there a boss attached to it or no okay but I'm not gonna bother this is the DLC area [ __ ] the Mist oh perfect that's what I want this fat roll for now it doesn't matter you're too weak for the DLC I've already done crown of the sunken King and Iron King and everyone said the same [ __ ] there oh you got me [ __ ] up I'm gonna I'm gonna [ __ ] cry oh my dick is so soft now well we're fine good God still like his nuts isn't this the last area of the game I don't think so I mean maybe it's been so long since I've played this I still have more DLC to do though foreign big prank so all I needed was frozen flour for this last DLC right okay then let's do it how about Majora's Mask I would never stream at Zelda game again except for Skyward Sword when that comes out the back seating in Zelda is on a whole nother level [ __ ] melting down in caps lock if you're exploring for a second instead of speed running all right game time last crown and then we can finish the game so what was the order of DLCs I think Old Iron King was first right and then was it this in sunken crown or is this the last DLC this is the last one so it's sunken old iron and then this oh I see it's invisible yeah oh Jesus [ __ ] crazy I can see it I'm lying I really can't see it by the way I can't see [ __ ] I'm assuming I need an item to be able to see that boss I wonder could you do that without the item like if you were just like a [ __ ] top tier gamer could you just blast that out I wonder that'd be kind of nuts I keep hearing about horse [ __ ] Valley is that actually what it's called in the Dark Souls Dark Souls lore once you run through it you'll know why okay [ __ ] just make the enemies invisible call it a difficulty Spike oh [ __ ] I think this is a dead end too [Applause] no no we're good we're good oh don't be a boss fight everything's still invisible don't do it [ __ ] it I'm going hey wait I have the Priestess does that mean I can see the enemies now oh what the [ __ ] is that what what where did that come from does he uh he uses that [ __ ] ring to disguise himself as like an item doesn't he that's what that was let me lose aggro real quick and then I'll come back I wonder where what the [ __ ] I see they haven't lost aggro thank you Holy Night the fight down here I guess well where is the ice guy going like he pretends to go AFK oh my God I couldn't [ __ ] roll in time I say [ __ ] this NPC I'm just gonna go do the boss and then come back you just go from the first ball on fire which is faster it feels faster okay that was big foreign oh my God Jesus Christ I'm a little confused oh unlucky I can't get close to him because his hitbox is so [ __ ] huge and like lagging it's just not worth it I can try again but I think just staying back and whittling it down like that's gonna be the way holy [ __ ] what happened there uh how did that Miss no [ __ ] way what oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I thought he was gonna jump oh rolling into that thing is just a death trap 100 that hitbox is [ __ ] yeah I already did the Old Iron King I didn't do one of the or two of the bosses though apparently I needed to do like the memory part first so I couldn't do one of them officer Greg uh do I say yes here I imagine yes so I fight the ivory King wait do I just go right to the boss my friend let's get it yeah I forgot to use an effigy and I turned off the ring of binding so just one of those things foreign oh boy oh God I see so I need more Knights because otherwise it's gonna take [ __ ] forever for them to freeze the portals huh make it make it make it make it please God just make it Lord have mercy [Music] no what the [ __ ] I don't want to fight all this [ __ ] oh there's so much there it's so tedious [ __ ] okay I thought I would one shot them clearly not lesson learned I'm dead these things are disgusting holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] foreign I was blocking for all of that it did it did full damage through my shield wait was this my friend I think I might have just don't fight me yeah I think I [ __ ] up oh that son of a [ __ ] I haven't [ __ ] trusted him he played the long con ah ah I FedEd a soul I see Knights are optional but it'd be literally all [ __ ] day to fight the boss without them because he just keeps spawning is the recent Putt-Putt very unlucky that is quite literally the first mimic in the entire game that I've come across that is the first one I didn't even think they existed in Dark Souls 2 must only be for this DLC where is this bat oh here he is let's go big guy nope this guy is stagger proof foreign now I can go to whatever that night [ __ ] was man everyone calls it horse [ __ ] Valley I'm excited to see it Maybe foreign good so far goddammit God damn there's so many foreign Jesus Christ oh I just died nope I got lucky he didn't lunge God damn it what the [ __ ] they're going wild right now okay reset what the [ __ ] it's not even like aiming at me this what the [ __ ] oh me [ __ ] help okay so where's the fourth night he's before the second bonfire all right all four nights hopefully this won't be as long now oh not bad the four nights really made a big difference but uh unfortunately I have no Estes left so really [ __ ] cool boss he runs super Goofy oh my God these guys spawned the entire time that's rough oh no I rolled too late why did the [ __ ] pyromancer stay spawning there we go yes and they actually closed the gate this time holy [ __ ] what I didn't roll what seal it [ __ ] seal it [ __ ] seal it why why all right pyromancers during the boss fight let's do it ah this is so dumb he didn't see oh I didn't die no I did that took so much longer to recover from at least I wasted a life gym on the way out nope hang in there I need you to dry aggro it's very helpful [ __ ] foreign oh God there we go when they seal the portal up on time it's very very easy now I have all three crowns let's [ __ ] get it I already did Iron King I've done sunken the sunken Crown Iron King and now this one I've done all DLCs okay so who do I go to to use all three of these crowns oh wait no Vitality right I wanted more vitality no but if I'm gonna be using Flynn that doesn't really matter much 25 adaptabilities plenty you can equip sir alon's armor and Flynn ring and its low weight medium defense set I don't know if I have sir aloe vera or whatever his name is oh I need to go to memory oh sir Allen's the one where I need to be in memories chat told me here we go [ __ ] yeah okay I'm gonna keep bringing a binding on just for now and then once I uh meet velstad and get permanent Humanity I'll put this on oh is this him oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I saw that coming I thought I thought I could get out of there in time oh well yeah because I've done all the DLCs so I'm definitely over leveled for the like actual game I had a feeling what wait what what oh my God I could move oh my God I just got stun locked over the item don't do it oh my God I actually remember this boss rough start not gonna lie okay I see so that's what the attack actually does okay that guy had like two attacks in total all right let's run it okay ah [ __ ] I'm trying to listen to the lady oh God oh yeah Jesus this is what I remember okay yeah yeah I remember this part there's like a bunch of holes gotta try not to fall no no this I'm stunned oh wait I don't have invincibility on these fog doors I think I'm just dead let's go I just got so lucky I couldn't rule no damn oh I remember this [ __ ] frog thanks for the five gifts up to conquer there's holes in this boss fight right okay none of those hit thank you oh he does it twice okay foreign almost lost to that hey this is for the uh BDSM guy now stat is awesome yeah I fought him in sunken crown it was pretty cool I did not think that was gonna hit [Music] foreign oh [ __ ] [Music] I didn't roll well that's sad oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that too late no we're good foreign let's go naked I should hit like a [ __ ] truck right now not a huge difference if I'm being honest also not a huge difference in the amount of damage I take either so it's not like I've lost anything by taking off the armor was my right but same thing there's two I know I can wear armor with the ring but I don't think I have any light armor I didn't check I'm just assuming I don't to be honest I'll check in a second foreign foreign that last one you missed how sad [Applause] why was that so easy that boss was always easy I remember I'm pretty sure I first tried that even back when the game came out I did not use Rapier is it a hard fight I don't remember this one let's try it okay he doesn't take much damage oh oh God I hate that I hate that huge AOE fire [ __ ] is there a closer bonfire if there is I'll definitely do ancient dragon but I really hate this super long journey back there isn't yeah it's the opening doors and a thousand enemies on the way it is not an easy Trek and fighting them every time to the boss doesn't seem worth it at all if there's a closer bonfire I'd love to do ancient dragon I don't recall if I ever did it when the game came out last run that hit me still somehow I can't open the door if you blocked it I just got stuck oh my God all right it's not worth it fighting through all the enemies to the ancient dragon too slow running too inconsistent I don't think it's worth it there all right so these guys won't attack God oh God no it might be worth it to finally do the Dragon okay so isn't it if I remember correctly and I'm taking a guess don't I stand on this like back left Edge and then I can just get cool nope oh [ __ ] [ __ ] rough just immediately jumped oh my God immediately jumped I'm dead all right went to a dead Sprint the second he took off still couldn't dodge it where's his tail there it is I've changed my mind I'm gonna get the crown so I just need to go to uh vinic right so do I just talk to him and it gives me the uh turbo crown Jesus Christ this man just really wanted to talk let me tell you a story a secret of fire why isn't he turning my crowns into anything I have all three from the DLC you need four oh my [ __ ] God okay where's the fourth one then only available if you've killed Vendrick in the undead crypt and are in human form using the Ring of the Dead does not count so I have to kill bendrick and then go to Shrine of Amana so I'm guessing I literally can't even start the fight without a single giant Soul my sword's gonna break okay uh let's be further than back to Dragon I've already used a uh what's it called Humanity [ __ ] it let's run it I cannot stand this [ __ ] fire what looking pretty good foreign too easy didn't even get touched [ __ ] yeah not bad the hardest part about that fight was just getting to it all right next let's do sir element so everyone has complained about how long of a journey this is foreign oh my [ __ ] god what it took three last time what the [ __ ] man foreign I expected that to be a lot longer to the boss never mind this isn't bad oh okay no sapuku animation on that one pretty tanky guy that was new why how did I not roll oh what a waste of a gym I didn't dodge oh uh what why neither neither Dodge what what do you mean this guy I don't know why people say a few nights hard that boss was [ __ ] easy this guy is nuts his attacks have a crazy hitbox on him oh my Lord oh my God he's so far away foreign I think I might just do decks I think hard cap is 50 so we can get up to 50. all right this shit's pretty expensive holy holy Lord does this give any like bonuses or is it just good light armor like is there a set bonus or something it's just badass it's fair that looks nice [ __ ] yeah all right where to next try fighting King ventric as you are now if you'd like to have a taste I'll pass I'll go for like five Souls this is what I remember this you could farm this the [ __ ] okay foreign [Music] do I have enough giant souls to do Vin yeah I have to probably do Vendrick now it's like five I think oh [ __ ] wait what happened I think I rolled into him huh what what God damn it he's so [ __ ] tanky come on baby foreign [ __ ] yeah what am I missing I have the three crowns plus I just killed bendrick Undead what do I have to do now you're missing the four oh that's right the Shrine of Amana there it is now we're good have not done dark lurker but you know what let's do dark lurker now so I can stop getting asked so much guide me to dark lurker once I do this which way which one offers me the humanity is it the Old Iron King which one what's it called all of them do now oh so now I can just choose this one I think looks coolest it stops further hollowing so let's say I die now in human form do I stay human okay cool oh [ __ ] there we are oh I can just walk out the hole ah I didn't realize I thought that was like a one-way Street so where is the last one actually while I'm here I'm gonna do the Scorpion fight Bradley of the Old Roy sure [ __ ] it get her Bradley I'll let you do this if you want Bradley you're doing great does he do any damage you're really taking it to her Bradley wow you're an animal Bradley holy [ __ ] oh she had to destroy the tree oh whatever this boss I think is the third most hyped boss it was fume Knight which I thought was easy ancient dragon which was just a horribly designed boss but wasn't hard and dark lurker those are like the main three let me see yes yeah I can tell you I did not do dark lurker so this will be first time dark lurker damn that was intense holy [ __ ] dark Luger's nuts okay this guy is nuts on what holy [ __ ] he cannot be staggered what the [ __ ] oh I see so now I just revisit all the three locations I met this guy at and light the thing oh okay okay he's getting me with the old no look Strat do I go right into dark lurkers [ __ ] or what happens now oh I'm right in it oh foreign oh do I so to do dark lurker do I have to run through all three guys again every time am I run through I mean like I actually [ __ ] kill all three guys every time yeah that's really dumb oh it's an AOE oh this is so silly you can get the dark lurker through any cave now oh cool okay that's good let's go to the uh oh my that was so unlucky I thought I had enough time [ __ ] I died [ __ ] thought I had a gym out but I forgot to switch I thought he was split kidding [ __ ] God damn it I took damage for no reason foreign yeah yeah I got really lucky he did a super late split for some reason [ __ ] that was nice sometimes he splits immediately and then that time he didn't split until he was three shots from Death I'll [ __ ] take the RNG on that see the only thing you have left is to beat the scholar the first sin yes oh [ __ ] I'm out of water all right horse [ __ ] Valley let's go so it's called horse [ __ ] Valley because there's a lot of horses can you not Dodge that what the [ __ ] man I don't know how you dodged that oh I'm done I see they have a ranged attack too dead [ __ ] that was far enough away true man this is not a very cool area oh the dark lurker I have to finish the Scorpion part oh there's another pad Chad told me to go [ __ ] right when it was literally immediately left Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] whoa oh wait that tarantic's actually gonna be kind of rough wait wait oh my God I couldn't roll need to kill the little guys oh boy oh one HP in a dream his skinny little God his skinny little legs are so hard to hit what the [ __ ] no a little early on the Dodge admittedly oh God there we go oh God damn it I can't get close to this guy [ __ ] there we go foreign okay a little early on the roll all good oh part of my speed run strut no I don't want boss weapons oh who's this get in here man Hunter oh boy that's a rough place to be Manhunter how do I fight this thing again oh wait how did that hit [ __ ] I was out of stamina foreign oh God okay I should kill the little spiders holy [ __ ] why bounced off the armor foreign [Applause] good work Man Hunter O'Hara we did it you missed the memory is there any reason for me to go to the memory or is there just another Soul the giant that I don't need considering I've already killed Vendrick just another giant Soul okay good that I'm not gonna bother just finish it at the dranglia castle okay I've done every DLC every DLC boss the majority of optional bot every hard boss in the game whatever hard boss you're gonna ask if I've done I've done and I'll say the uh after all of this I think the hardest boss was dark lurker it took me five tries but I thought the boss was significantly harder than the other ones like fume Knight ancient dragon [ __ ] like that wait who's here it's Bradley and Ben Hart I mean I I remember the last boss is pretty [ __ ] easy to solo let's just have a little fun let's see if Bradley and Hugo can do it without my help took you like 20 tries on fume nope I went back and watched the VOD it took me nine but a lot of it was because I kept throwing at the very end when he was one shot so I don't really consider that being a hard boss I just kept choking let's go boys also I know you can cheese these guys really hard you can make them fall off you're an animal Bradley he does 16 damage this guy's nuts foreign Bradley basically heals the boss I think the fact that there's two of them here is gonna make it hard for these guys so I'm gonna take this and then they'll see if they can do this the Chandra whatever it is oh [ __ ] oh I'm getting hit I didn't even notice that's embarrassing I had no idea I was even getting hit oh is that Bradley's attack does it do any damage I didn't notice anything also this guy doesn't really seem to want to fight all right you two can handle the Chandra let's see I will not help at all I think they can do it all right boys get after oh Jesus oh God Ben oh Ben oh no Bradley do something oh it's not looking good Bradley such a [ __ ] coward yeah I don't know I don't think they're gonna pull it off yeah Ben's [ __ ] Bradley you got it let's see if the Bradley solo dream is alive oh that's his first Dodge ever I think no come on Bradley I don't think he's call me pessimistic but I don't think he's gonna pull it off all right [Music] oh wow she got hit by that wait what I thought I was immune to curses wait I thought I was immune to curses [ __ ] I see that doesn't work here it's dark magic not curses oh I thought it was curse no boys Ben hang in there no oh they're [ __ ] no way no way Bradley pulls this off no chance Bradley pulls it off why the low Estus I just never collected Estes this is basically like an Estus playthrough you know I take it back Bradley might actually pull this off he has been whittling her down really well he actually might be able to do it next to the gift sub Odem he's unfortunately getting comboed right now though come on Bradley oh good Dodge Brad Chad Meister oh God he's gonna [ __ ] do it maybe I don't know he he doesn't have the lightning anymore hold on I may have been a little too overconfident in Brad's abilities if he does fail I kind of want to just throw and see if they can do it again I actually think they can do it though given good RNG come on Brad God damn it no that's for you Brad he was so close he was so [ __ ] close I'll be honest I don't know if I fought aldia Jesus thank you [Music] no foreign [Music] Aldi is timing those beautifully good [ __ ] so how many bosses did we miss I'm pretty sure we did every boss except for blue smelter horse [ __ ] Valley boss that's the only two I know at the top of my head that I did not do you missed three cat oh what's the wait what's cat what's the cat boss yeah that's what I was I was just trying to avoid reskins which is why I skipped those because I know horse [ __ ] Valley is just too Ava's pet blue smelter is literally [ __ ] cool ranch Smelter Demon whatever I miss gank Squad and gargoyle so I missed four in total that's not bad that is not bad nearly 100 nearly got a hundred percent of the bosses in the game that is not bad at all and I wasn't even doing it on purpose I just wanted to make sure I did every hard boss all right we're getting the leaving ending [Music] foreign such as so if we did take the throne I don't remember that ending what happens do we destroy the world if we take the throne you just sit there and the cycle continues uh
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,954,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dd-R-wEG1Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 35sec (9335 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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