Metal Gear Rising Is A Masterpiece

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crazy that platinum made this masterpiece and also babylon's fall oh wait i have a sl wait do i have a safe spot on this oh from the pepsi man mod oh i totally forgot yeah there's a pepsi man mod that came out for this game and i made a video on it i was gonna say because i played this on xbox when it came out not steam oh i don't have what's uh there's a level after hard [ __ ] plus ultra what's after hard infinite climax that's bayonetta what is this one this one has one after hard revengeance that would make sense we'll start hard i am going to do the tutorial it's been like six years since i played this i remember when they first announced this game they were showing off like the free flow slicing and it blew my [ __ ] mind then they delayed the game four years god it's so cool this game still has so much [ __ ] style i'm ready there it is yeah that's that good [ __ ] that's still so [ __ ] cool all these years later that still feels so good one sword keeps another in the sheath sometimes that's so anime i love it sometimes there's a saying i like others don't eat a man's ass if you don't like his ass uh-oh i actually don't really remember the story that well i just remember the nano machines son this would be a treat dragon long sword nice yeah [ __ ] that guy in particular just confirming the kill splitting him in half wasn't enough he could have been dual-wielded weapons with each half of his body i forgot how many memes spawned from this game like even that smile is a big meme even to this day i still see that in the twitter replies [Music] [Music] i can't believe this is the same god damn team that made babylon's fall fell off so hard yeah i don't know what happened this game is a masterpiece and the fact they made babylon's fall blows me away it's like if pablo picasso just released nfts like himself today like it's insulting like how do you go from this to babylon's [ __ ] fall [ __ ] that's so hardcore sundowner or when you download the pepsi man mod he's coke guy [Laughter] don't do it god the voice acting is so good [ __ ] i still have this song on my ipod rules of nature such a banger i was gonna try and parry in the air but i don't think i can yeah i'm getting him now there we go that's better yes i'm getting it now i'm coming oh i forgot about this oh there it is [Music] it's so [ __ ] good very good but do not rest easy just yet huh not the cleanest run i'm not gonna lie it's been a little minute a bit rusty i forgot about that [ __ ] oh you could oh i must have just been out of range [Music] it's so good and the song slaps so hard this game's like ninja blade if ninja blade was good actually it's really nothing like ninja blade other than just like the really over-the-top [ __ ] like this i'm coming this one's for my city hey you got an a on that one that's better yeah i love ninja gaiden i didn't like uh zero though oh you're saying give war a chance oh i actually forgot they killed the prime minister right away damn i just got caught off guard it's like i'm experiencing this game again for the first time or maybe he's not dead seem like a tough guy he comes back with a [ __ ] giant mech but you hold it back no bro i killed like 90 people on the way here that's like just a lie my sword is a tool of justice and it still gets a lot of blood oh it's ultimate technique oh my god [ __ ] that's so cool i've got him in checkmate oh god not like this lucky devil he could still kill me and then dodge i'll never understand that cliche so yep here they come well well might as well just leave and that'll do that man this game is still so [ __ ] good it's aged so well a lot of games from this era are just genuinely better than some modern game most modern games that come out another platinum games classic vanquish i bet that one also still holds up pretty well i tried replaying that not too long ago and still really enjoyed it when did this game come out was it 2012 i think it was 2012 2013. god damn i can't believe it's been almost a decade all this high technology and the best they can do for a busted eye is a piece of cloth come on guys there we go and that's where i get their uh spine that's still just as cool as i remember electrolytes is what they're called in the game i was up coward [ __ ] idiot these prime gubs i remember there's a cow nearby oh [ __ ] luckily the civilian just ate that rock always oh man that's a shame and i missed the juice it wasn't my fault the civilian died it's gonna happen to anyone oh unlucky not clean but we got it done perfect we're back scary oh what an [ __ ] wasn't clean but we got there in the end thanks for your sub zaku my galaxy brain can [ __ ] post at levels that you couldn't possibly understand [Music] which song is this i actually don't remember this one on the soundtrack imagine taking orders from a dog how embarrassing have some shame oh so clean all mine easy game oh i was clean now i'm getting real stinky with it i'm starting to get the feeling back oh you won't even get to hear the whole song because i'm just going so crazy right now oh i feel so bad we didn't even get to hear that whole banger more games really need to use like actual music i guess that's the wrong way of saying it like music with lyrics and [ __ ] it just always goes so [ __ ] well this is just a great example of that been something like near too as opposed to just orchestral pieces just adds so much to the ambiance oh guilty gear is another great example now it is but now i don't oh [ __ ] do it again i need to climb up those there we go get this [ __ ] garbage out of here get away from that civilian i'll save you oh i immediately oh my god that's so unlucky he probably wasn't innocent anyway this willian probably committed a crime that's justice baby that woman oh well i totally forgot about her being in this game i remember monsoon sam and son downer who's she oh mistral oh she's the one you fight it like all that gas and [ __ ] with the giant tanks what's happening bro block the air kiss i mean my man's he's got quick reflexes oh this is the part with two helicopters isn't it oh i got spoilers helicopters i always hated i remember them being my least favorite enemy but now that i'm an adult grown [ __ ] man with hair on my chest maybe i won't mind as much let's ride you're bringing [ __ ] to a piss fight i even killed the guy behind him i'm nuts that should be how is it not ness did i take damage this was a problem i had when i was trying 100 this because you need to get all i think you need to get s on every instance on revengeance and the s's are sometimes so arbitrary you can unlock revengeance mode right away by doing konami code on the title bro i'm getting my ass blasted on hard mode do you think i can do revengeance right now give me some time to get the hang of the game again his ideas gave my life meaning ideals jack what are yours justice and ice cream on tuesdays oh i forgot about this this is [ __ ] cool there we go okay i blew it i thought i could just go a little wild and wacky i guess not lesson learned very clean no there we go oh good angle [Music] oh i saw me baby good fight easy first try you seemed like you were crying a second ago that's right where you wanted to be in the explosion bro i could have just done that from a distance too the detonator only had a three foot range they could have just shot it with a missile like from a helicopter they didn't need a detonator did the same thing it had the same effect they just blew it up what's the point of the disguise if you're just going in the sewer anyway find that connection sneak into the lab and see if you can find evidence implicating them on anything this is one of my least favorite missions on my first playthrough yeah i remember this one being pretty slow oh all right is there a way to lock on i i haven't bothered asking because i haven't needed it but jesus this guy jumps so much this thing's nuts i couldn't block that i i'm getting [ __ ] so hard by this thing who's whining but what is a kid doing in the sewers anyway looking for the ninja turtles i wouldn't trust this kid oh wow wait what are the odds okay i didn't remember that i was just kidding just out of range why still out of range jesus christ okay hard mode is absolutely holy [ __ ] the difficulty just spiked hard nope oh my god once they get me in a corner they just have their way with me why wow that was tough holy [ __ ] jesus christ even when i did pull off the occasional period then they were too far away oh they're too far away for it to actually hit and got all day no so you ran that's sad no child should have their organs harvested i don't know if that's a hot take or not but i'll just say it and i know the rest bro those machines killed me like six times so every detail you wouldn't have stood a chance unlucky this is what it is here i come master of stealth strikes again why no is there is there a dodge button there's got to be right and i just haven't used it yet oh wow do you think metal gear rising 2 will ever be put into development uh no and i kind of hope it never does after what babylon's fall became apparently the guy who made like the main guy behind metal gear rising made babylon's fall the man's had a rough time something they used to upload there we go very clean when there wasn't three of them that [ __ ] was easy oh [ __ ] here comes three of them start to talk to this guy oh i'm so oh my god i'm so [ __ ] sorry nope oh one [ __ ] jesus christ okay these guys popping off what okay what the [ __ ] man [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] just [ __ ] spam lights in here man what the [ __ ] oh jesus oh clutch probably wasn't even worth finishing that with no health because i'd already used a [ __ ] health gel i knew i'd seen that guy before stephen strong know colorado senator stephen armstrong they're already talking about him as a shoe-in for the nomination in 2020. george george right in you've heard of chloroform yeah important anesthetic in smaller doses but breathe too much of it and adios that's some detroit urban survival training right there wait i killed george so the option was saved the kids or saved george and i chose neither the kids have now died from chloroform inhalation and i just slashed george in half there's no way he actually killed george right otherwise it'd be pointless i guess we'll see maybe george is on the news like a news anchor scheduled visit hey george yeah just remember that go away now god damn i guess we really are in america [Music] legally just okay i don't remember that plot line at all in this game to be honest it's all about book violation of state and federal law i don't believe in laws i guess you'd better arrest me then nice super clean never mind and uh i thought the other guy didn't die or something very clean oh man he's getting [ __ ] up damn he did not expect that oh this poor guy 69 hit combo that was easy like this move that's a good combo that poor guy got it rough please let me over why why why okay i'm coming through the old oh why respond well that's what i was afraid of [Music] okay you guys [ __ ] me up secret weapon that didn't work he saw right through it keep it going i'm not done yet better the other guy got away okay not terrible didn't take a ton of damage that's good oh what the [ __ ] oh what is that it sounds like he's scatting that sounded like a what is it friday night funkin god damn ouch getting beat down by two average people come on now oh you just got so [ __ ] lucky don't worry i'll send you to your wife and kids in hell thanks for the how electrolytes you are to chop away the ripper monsoon my name is monsoo of the winds of destruction yeah i guessed as much so [ __ ] cool yeah he's the meme guy he likes memes a lot so tell me who saves the week from the man who saves the week oh is that a riddle you're the ones exploiting the answer is time free will is a myth religion is a joke what about big chungus where does he fit in that meme list what are you saying i'm saying jack is back god that's so [ __ ] cool you're just making me stronger sound like willem dafoe [Music] oh yeah this is why i fight now we're [ __ ] feeling it this one's for the memes [Music] oh this game's so good oh the cutscenes are so [ __ ] good who's next i think it's time for jack the letter [Music] beyblade [ __ ] here we'll stay stamatic here okay hold on if you saw okay if you could stop beating my ass for one second let her rip oh jesus [Music] oh jesus what how did that hit what a load of baloney all right all right looking pretty good what the [ __ ] oh i think i have to parry in order to hit here these perries are looking good though what oh my god i threw that so far oh jesus christ oh my lord stop oh my god jesus okay that didn't work i threw two of them i think that was a planned phase shift so i wasted two of those bad boys okay let's find them didn't want them anyway there we go that's better oh stun lock maybe nope come on i'm starting to okay starting to believe okay what what here i come oh what oh jesus let's go yeah well it took me like 16 healing pace there but we finally [ __ ] did it monsoon was blasting my ass your memes oh overly attached girlfriend we'll continue memes never die they just become cringe amen brother they achieve thanks status we can finally get it the fox blade [Music] contact this that was a ripper but oh is this just the fox blade in general i thought you had to upgrade for it to do this oh [ __ ] okay yeah that's going to make the game pretty pretty easy yeah foxblade might be a little too strong even not upgraded does it take me back to the start of the level no just checkpoint cool i'll do that then let's get the pole arm off let's try the psi out jesus that what the [ __ ] he's still going ah well wasted two uh health pace what a shame i do have to fight every enemy i encounter how is he he's still not vulnerable yet oh my god holy [ __ ] this guy's so tanky i'm just gonna keep eating shots in the back until i can finally take this guy's electrolytes there we go and i missed it unbelievable i keep forgetting to jump for that combo all right there we go 133 hits on that guy jesus i don't know what i'm [ __ ] looking at okay cool cool all right i hit a lot of buttons in no particular order and it worked jesus christ [ __ ] that was slow oh god i didn't remember had to fight monsoon too where's his head what okay very good awesome this fight is trash why am i just redoing bosses god damn it not true i have more brains then so i mean it might not change for the world or whatever but i'll have more brands [Music] things the resub yarn we're just suppliers we don't create the market for war and who does the patriots are gone ryden get sundowner do not lose him this time don't worry i've got him here i come then i should really upgrade before doing this fight but i'm also not a [ __ ] what am i doing yes boss is amazing let's ride i'm not gonna bother with the helicopter i remember he rides it at some point [ __ ] that was it a parry god dammit man i've got him trapped in a [ __ ] loop here though oh what the [ __ ] do i hit i'm aiming for the little arms there and i clearly hit that one it's gone but i still took full damage thank you oh that still hit oh my god should have double dodged i suppose huge parries god damn how many times i have to parry him gotcha that's what i i just [ __ ] said that actually then he comes up on the helicopter gun yeah baby let's go damn i didn't get to chop the [ __ ] out of him unfortunately getting a phone call from sundowner oh hey he's even waving at me hey i have 100k bp i can now upgrade this i think this will make the game a little too easy though but let's just see what it looks like oh he's got oh my god he's gonna sacrifice himself make sure you sub coyote god that's so [ __ ] badass oh excellent piloting oh my now are these like also broken against bosses or is it just the small enemies so i'll have to switch them before bosses [ __ ] in puking let's go hey sam oh it's not sam right having a little heart to heart i have analyzed his words and actions i am unable to ascertain his motivation forget it we've both heard enough speeches about higher causes by now history will decide who's right end of story history is written by the victor as they say but i can't read or write this is between us [Music] [Music] and it ends here okay let's dance [Music] come here will this reach damn it this time it'll land well i'm way too far i really want to see that land there it is [Music] oh baby you know i'm [ __ ] reading them oh okay there it goes nope oh close just barely got that up in time nice looking real good i don't have a whole lot of health though i didn't oh i didn't parry oh not like this there we go [Music] gotcha easy game bye sam he barely had any cyborg enhancements was this outcome necessary nope evidence inclusive my file indicates sam inherited the sword from his father he had a dad i will retain it in memory of sam [Music] in the japanese version the cyborgs have white blood but sam has red showing that he isn't augmented wow so what was sam fighting for it's not explained in this imagining it's explained in the dlc apparently he wanted ryden to win so what was he fighting for he was fighting just to fight but a cool reason oh okay hi there stranger damn this [ __ ] just got so [Music] oh it's a long anime hey thanks sonny thanks honey he's gonna [ __ ] shoot myself in a rocket ship i guess mach 23 time game time i've still got the double fox blade so i'm just gonna absolutely rampage through all of this [ __ ] here i might switch off because it's just a little too strong it's not busted against bosses just the little guys oh jesus what the [ __ ] this guy's [ __ ] me up holy [ __ ] what difficulty is this it's hard mode it's just i'm using the fox blade so it just absolutely destroys everything [Music] isn't sam's blade even better how the [ __ ] could sam's blade be better than this are you alive oh my god he is oh never mind it's a bug damn this guy is [ __ ] strong i'll just keep chopping them all right i may have won the battle but he won the war oh the master of stealth strikes again baby oh god [Music] wow what oh my lord is a prime gel i totally forgot about this boss armstrong you coward well if it isn't saucy jack yes sir air force one is turning back to the states what how'd they know someone posted photos of what's happening on the beach the whole world is up in arms show me no twitter the [ __ ] america's wanted this war for years the patriots they knew war was good for the economy thanks to the recent darren the prime alteram and bunny they left out the patriots planted the seed we don't need them around to filter and foster their memes any longer [Music] extremists lawless gangs mad men he's a prime of course terp that would have to include you wouldn't want any eyewitness reports complicating the message [Music] well let's dance this is a battle may a war on memes [Music] then let it ride i say oh [ __ ] i didn't realize that was gonna be oh i didn't know there's gonna be a hitbox on that there we go there's a little something that's saucy jack there we go let's go big damage maybe okay just ran out it's okay [Music] another big iframe oh wow how unfortunate oh my god what a [ __ ] shame looking good what okay really fired in the turbos on that one [Applause] come on fire that's so stupid what the [ __ ] oh my god that was close that was so [ __ ] clutch holy [ __ ] cool there we go nice [Music] oh man we're [ __ ] feeling it give me that guys so [ __ ] cool here with like the suplex this one's for america and cheeseburgers and budweiser [Music] easy god he's so cool let's go the hell are you thinking playing college ball you know that's a cushy ivy league school [Music] god it's so [ __ ] cool i bet you can't even butt chug [Applause] what the hell are you nano machines son he's such a cool villain just look at that walk it's so [ __ ] sassy jesus christ [Music] this is scripted loss right oh maybe not what you got me [ __ ] up armstrong oh [ __ ] i'm dead he's a cheater you said swat yeah this is this this is just uh it's pretty tough god damn stop what the [ __ ] he's spamming all right here we go [Music] [Music] is yeah but he didn't play college football i mean he's pretty [ __ ] huge i do need capital and votes wanna know why i have a dream what [ __ ] all these lipstick lawyers you see will smith slap chris rock american pride and the strongest will thrive free to live as they see [ __ ] they'll make america great again wait that's actually kind of [ __ ] wild this was before the make america great again [ __ ] this was 2013. god damn they predicted the future he looks so giddy i was wrong you're not greedy [Music] you're batshit insane god it's so good making the mother of all omelets here jack can't fret over every egg that line is iconic [Music] it's working yes yes like some jojo's machines [ __ ] they harden in response to physical trauma yep goddamn right they do shirt when samuel fell data analysis was inconclusive but that has changed i have established new parameters now created my own he's free you little [ __ ] no i said my sword was a tool of justice not used in anger not used for vengeance but now now i'm not so sure and besides this isn't my sword every line in this game should be kind of cringy on paper but in the actual context of the game it's always so cool like [ __ ] it just [ __ ] works let's dance oh my god [Music] i remember when i was first playing through this on it must have been hard back then actually too i really struggled with armstrong he's just a tough boss he really is oh [Music] oh that's that was [ __ ] cool speed runs going well jesus christ i [ __ ] him up that was so clean oh my god untouched 57 hit combo on him [Music] no oh i thought i could keep him stunned running back i literally can't do it with a thumbstick i genuinely [ __ ] can't i can line it up but then i can't hit it okay i thought it was over after that okay little surprise attack at the end [Music] what are you okay that time blade mode didn't go off maybe it didn't register the swap now we win well good start oh my god i'm stuck inside the fl okay maybe we don't win [Music] that was amazing i just got juggled inside the flames yes looking good [Music] oh my god i hit the wrong [ __ ] i thought it was gonna be x again okay good i really threw this one nice [Music] [ __ ] him up [Music] this oh this one's for freedom yes good [ __ ] i could have finished this like 30 minutes ago if i just switched the keyboard for the rocks right away oh my god that was so frustrating is it tier one sanic [Music] so killing armstrong i don't really see how that's going to like help us in the public perception they think terrorists just killed a lot of american soldiers and now armstrong's dead with no explanation but at least i'll leave a worthy successor you jack and if it costs a few lives so be it damn look at that [ __ ] thing the ryden i know is a hero i mean you could make the argument that armstrong could have been a hero dude was about to end war forever [Music] bryden just ensured war continues made me really want to replay dmc like the whole devil may cry series but more specifically dmc not five but after four the dmc reboot that game had some of the goofiest [ __ ] ever but the gameplay really slapped no one really gave it much of a chance but i loved it for the gameplay and the writing was just perfectly garbage that game is overheated that game came out at the worst time for what it is it came out like what i think it was 2012 maybe late 2011. so you still had all that like twilight and like emo hype and [ __ ] and the main characters they changed the look of completely to match that aesthetic so everyone immediately hated it fighting for reasons they don't understand causes they don't believe so your mind is made you will not come back sorry boris i understand but then what will we do god i wish they'd make a sequel i've got my own war to fight ah it's so [ __ ] good oh yeah jet stream and blade wolf okay sure we can do the same dlc give me just one second well actually i'll fill up my water in a minute let's start it at least i'll do hard instead of very hard i don't want to do very hard i've already got my ass blasted on hard i'm not ready for that stream hey that's me let's go i'm here [Music] why are they gonna beat my ass is a tier one frosted this whoops yeah take that [ __ ] isn't that the same two guys i killed as ryden the ones that were like my wife and kids this is for them hopefully i can take this guy oh they're twins yeah okay that makes sense yeah [Music] oh that's nice unique animations for that [ __ ] good love to see it oh what a play okay what the [ __ ] i'm getting absolutely blasted good play all right we're getting there so is that his main mechanic is charging attacks during combos can i taunt a robot i wonder stop i'm trying to taunt oh yeah it does work holy [ __ ] he's going nuts okay no jesus oh okay [Music] yucky this isn't easy oh god what in the [ __ ] did they buff blade wolf here because he was not very hard in the main game everyone is buffed combination complete well really struggling playing as sam like i feel like i will actually never well never get a charged attack off on here on any boss oh my god holy [ __ ] there's no tell on that second one this is so much harder than the [ __ ] base game holy [ __ ] he's so unbelievably fast with virtually no downtime okay please lock on okay thank you finally this is already over oh my god i'm not going to bother getting the paste i got desperate finally thank god holy [ __ ] well that was so much harder than literally anything else in the main game and it wasn't even close you fight because you're forced to one i fight because i don't either prime fat and there's some dumb peters and metabots [Applause] now now i am quite good you know okay looking good oh my god wow those two worked really well together they were they were really in sync holy [ __ ] oh my god everything comes out so much faster what the [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] playing as sam is brutal oh boy jesus christ oh my god just [ __ ] dodge once yucky [Music] nice huge play give me that easy shish kebab [ __ ] huge [Music] nice we got him on that one [Music] that was pretty smooth back in brazil all by yourself almost took it down too if you had another outfit would have taken its place one way or another it always goes back to business as usual you realize that didn't you sad that's why you left i was out for revenge and i got it well then let's see what you got now 237 nozzles nice really starting to cruise did someone change my difficulty to normal when i was away easy we take that that boss was not prepared for a double jump feature all this trouble he isn't even cyborg he doesn't have a lot of augments but i believe he's still a cyborg otherwise why would he have all of this [ __ ] on him you just go on street clothes he has bare minimum augmentation right but he does still have some augmentation which is what i'm saying okay this guy doesn't have any stealth moves i see so that's what's going on here gotcha oh straight up his [ __ ] for that one nice thank the spine out of his butthole good [ __ ] we're getting there now [Music] oh god gorilla well really [ __ ] him up there i'll put you right here misery mercy kill you're welcome you can say thank you oh my god i can't [ __ ] stop oh my god i'm stuck hitting a wall here is just death oh my lord ah i need a little guy here's one oh my god in the grenade oh my god that's sad oh please stop oh my god just stay on the target all right now we're moving now it's only one instead of two swords oh my god stop this is the worst [ __ ] location for a fight in the entire game it's so tight quarters oh i actually fight armstrong nice painless what's your game armstrong gonna talk me to death like i said son time for your final interview [ __ ] he's so cool that is pretty awesome things are some fairer come on okay let's practice okay didn't expect that i'm already i i think i'm already yep oh what the [ __ ] i need to stop trying to mix heavies in with this i need to just do lights sam's heavies are too slow what [Music] oh my god all right what the [ __ ] was that actual moon moon please don't make me oh my god if it makes me slash through [ __ ] again i'm gonna be so [ __ ] sad i'm not gonna lie oh okay hold on i'm switching mouse and keyboard already [Music] okay jesus he's going [ __ ] sicko mode good lord stop oh god oh this isn't wwe [ __ ] oh almost pressed the wrong button i would have been really sad i'm not gonna lie [Applause] [Music] wait so sam beats armstrong so canonically sam is the strongest well easier than the elevator fight it was the elevator fight was absolutely ridiculous that [ __ ] made my [ __ ] so soft i was so upset [Music] always crunching numbers running running the math the data starting to make sense whoa damn armstrong the job's yours welcome aboard so what did he stab on me my arm yeah he did so how did he fix his arm then since he didn't do any like augments nice short dlc adds to the story nice oh was this dlc supposed to be like before the game came out why would it say that i know it's prequel dlc but if the dlc came after the game if the dlc came after the game let's see what they'd say like to be continued that was good took just showing us six hours to do all of it god this game is still so [ __ ] good just an absolute classic
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,425,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W2dYyQm742k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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