Can I Beat Elden Ring by 1 Shotting the Bosses?

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elden ring has a lot of ways to increase your damage and that got me thinking is it possible to beat the whole game while only attacking each enemy once and the first build you're probably thinking of when i say this is comet azure but i thought that might just be a little bit too easy and another issue is that a lot of bosses have multiple phases making it very difficult to one-shot their whole health bar so with those two things in mind here are the rules that i made for this challenge i am only allowed to use one attack per enemy or per boss face and second i am not allowed to use comet azur unless i absolutely have to to complete the challenge what's immediately coming to mind is this guy close enough let's go get this process started so we got to go get a good amount of buffs to start here we're gonna go get the charge detect here gonna be very useful because it turns out charged attacks are almost always the strongest attacks we'll go get the charged attack talisman as well okay i can also do the cheese for this guy that's 40k souls okay hope that he goes for the right attack okay um we're probably not going to use golden vowel we're going to want to use commander's rally or whatever the [ __ ] it's called okay now that is a very very substantial buff i feel like i should have got way more smithing stone ones ah the stormhill shack trolls right now let's go pick up these twos come to think of it why am i upgrading this weapon because all i need to do is get to 40 strength i put on strength talisman that's five strength tier that's 15 that puts us at 36. i need to level strength four times and i'm able to wield the troll crusher i i should just be able to run in there and yank it right don't don't don't all right this is expensive this is very expensive i have to one get this leveled up one more time and two get my strength to 25. probably like 15 20k yep and now let's go let's go gauge how close we are two-hand physic determination 1450 i really need some more buffs there it is or uh we we can do a skip to get royal night's resolve we don't want to because it's very difficult what exactly do we need we need a perfume bottle land octopus ovary budding cave moss damage multiplier on their head this cave with the jump attack cloak i think it has budding cavemos but in cavemos let's go budding cavemas nice let's make our way over here get our weapon upgrades nope nice there's a five okay strength and armament get that going okay and now i can go getting getting that charged up allows us to get the axe talisman put on which is pretty nice pretty important let me go check if we can get our red tear stone now three two six two gotta try to get a sneak attack on this guy here here drink no no no no no [ __ ] where do i get two smithing stone sixes sixty percent of like the three thousand damage that we did it cracked it open didn't it yes okay that's all i need now we set up red tearstone so now we go drink vow blue drink to hand i need oh no oh yes i wish bridge skip was in this was in this version of the game i mean it technically is but it's i i honestly think this is going to be easier than bridge skip there we go all right would be sick if i was just like consistent at this but this is the reason why yeah baby there it is raises attack power when wearer suffers from madness plus 10 for 60 seconds dropped by the first generation albinorics found at the volcano manor okay whoa we'll drop it here okay switch on over drink this dr uh cast this drink this okay go here put these foolish ambitions to rest oh you gotta be [ __ ] [ __ ] me dude all right we'll go level up strength a little bit more i hope that's enough there it is okay there there there that's what we like to see now should be a good time to talk about what a boss phase is as i am allowed to hit every boss once per phase i ran a poll asking you guys what you thought a phase transition was and the most popular answer included either a brand new health bar a cut scene or a unique move that adds something to the move set if a boss does any one of those things then that means it is a multi-phase fight and i am allowed to hit them once per phase and since godric has a cutscene that makes him two phases meaning i get to hit him once before the cutscene and once after the cutscene this is what we like to see i didn't even pick up the iron wet blade okay ashes of war resolve heavy okay and then we'll flask and golden vowel as she's coming down now [ __ ] it i'll flask right now but with golden vowels she's coming down okay no i suppose the way to do this is to go here and then we're just gonna have to hot swap it okay three golden vowel royal knights resorts heart [ __ ] flame grant me strength drink resolve charged heavy i'm hot swapping it excellent okay get up here resolve wait there it is baby there it is i can go get another talisman pouch well let's let's go see what happens 10 strike absorption that's not good um okay jellyfish shield is a good buff there's the jellyfish shield oh i i didn't even set up [ __ ] red tearstone did i last time i don't think i did 4138 i forgot the jellyfish shield you're right here here 41 18. that's like only a hundred damage higher isn't it so jellyfish shield's gonna get better as we progress further but right now it's not great all right let's go let's go get godric's great rune getting a way to build madness up on myself is 100 going to get it done let's go see what this is looking like the flame of frenzy so we go here go back here alright drink jump off okay excellent drink drink vow two hand here now run away from this excellent do the vow okay let's go bro we are probably going to want to go fight the deer who gets the weapon off of the boss remembrance all right so let's go ashes of war go here and do the fire attunement all right let's pick that up over to kalid see if i can get the the flame shrouding cracked tear drink vow flame two hand i'm further out than i thought it was holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] walk on through vow flame to hand resolve oh come on why why did that work why did that work this time ass damage yes you got the ass damage buff okay we're here for the winged great horn now i'm hoping that this doesn't do damage and it just applies a debuff that would be amazing twin gargoyles they have good absorptions to everything except strike so that means we want to go full strike which means strength let's go put this back to the heavy attunement what about the debuff well i'm hoping i don't have to use it if i have to use it fine i'm just hoping i don't okay come on charge charge attack do it come on 4806 uh okay let's just try to put the debuff on top of it oh come on come on all right well uh how long does blood boil last it's 60 seconds as well isn't it that should be enough it's an additional 10 drink spawn them in get the aromatic soul stifler thou okay excellent drink thou soul stifler that'll do now we've got some simps okay there that was [ __ ] lucky okay good oh there we go all right now we got god-free ghost go there spawn the debuff do flame okay now that'll work i just need to go get like 2k more damage okay well at least we finally got an understanding of how much damage we're doing and we need 18.9 percent damage buff is my weapon maxed we're in lane dell i might be able to upgrade it don't don't and there's the four smithing stone sevens okay okay let's go replace this with this let's go here okay put this on drink here val switch to this drink please john okay we got the debuff on him come on bro we probably want the mushroom crown now where do i get fat hid pot is that it that should be it right yes purchase [ __ ] it all by three i'm really worried that they don't stack even though their phrasing really makes it seem like they should stack so give morgoth a try because he's a two-phase boss i actually expect him to be easier okay let's go here wait no way really that didn't put him into phase two that's definitely over half of his health right that's really weird at least i think i need a little bit more of a damage buff we have a very easy thing to go get if morgot is weird and doesn't phase transition at a health threshold but instead be hit after you hit the health threshold well that could be an issue okay there we go we go bang yeah all right there it is that's all i needed i could also do flame cleanse me it seems like you need to get margaret to his phase two threshold and then hit him one more time in order to actually get him to go to phase two which if that is the case i'm not 100 sure if that is the case but if that is the case i can just parry him and then that'll transfer him into into phase two so drink there go there go there okay in throw the thing do the thing okay okay and now i actually have to phase transition him we can phase transition him by getting a parry like that okay there we go i'm pretty sure for the sake of leveling up the weapon we're also gonna go fight nile first drink vow switch flame uh throw that [Music] cleanse drink go through i can go get the the blood talisman and supuku let's see how much sauce this man's gonna need sick okay drink switch this to this switch this to this okay cast i was supposed to drink after this but that's all right go here flame this throw that flame head through cast okay now i need to do that but not die we could use a red or uh bewitching branch on sword guy bewitching branch is one attack on to the sword guy and so i i can't attack the sword guy again but i can attack the shield guy and i can't attack niall the idea is it'll distract let me get a hit on denial he'll do phase transition and i'll get the second hit onto him no the swordsman was dead before the twirl on both of them drop that past this oh my god okay i really need him to do phase transition okay there he goes past this smithing stone eight eight from the yellow annex tunnel one is by the cave of the four lord okay there it is so we are here to get the white mask we go drink vow flame throw that brother there it is there it is sort of ready to go take on fire giant let's just go see what it looks like resolve [ __ ] i missed the weak spot okay let me see what it does on the weak spot [Music] this is gonna be so easy we get three attacks on fire giant he's a three-phase boss i need to average that much damage per hit okay drink there switch cast horse switch switch cast not sure this is gonna work okay there we go beautiful i will drink right here nice okay sopuku i think i have to bait out the the fall move but this is this is looking very achievable it looks like we have a single rng single bit of rng at the beginning of phase three and that's it no i can't i can't believe i just [ __ ] that up why can't i hit this dude's [ __ ] eyeball it is so [ __ ] hard to hit this eyeball i'm just [ __ ] growing now no dude why does it have to be on the one that i'm [ __ ] up oh oh my god [ __ ] finally bro okay vow sapooku there there oh you gotta be such a [ __ ] fatty all right [ __ ] it sleep isn't an attack it does no damage therefore i am allowed to use it and not consume the one attack that i am allowed prank okay madness all right drink switch switch switch um we gotta do soul stifler first okay seppuku resolve fury there it is drink resolve theory there it is okay so i go here [Music] it's soul stifler there there let's take a look at malakith he's got 10 620 health total good absorptions though brother please okay well the exalted flash is gonna run out okay maybe we wanna do the up close strat okay that as a strat will work now i need to be doing 5k instead of 4k okay so we drink switch go through vow switch stifler there it is okay and so now i think i back up shapooku is this helmet no okay that's good to know okay back up shampoo [Music] [Music] baby that was nice gideon should be funny okay let's go here here val okay i was supposed to change helmet let's see what happens okay gotta go research 21 000 hp so we got to do a bit over 10k each hit 11 831. that's what i need to do on the first one okay drink flesh i guess i should do that last but whatever val switch separate okay 7988 i need a 35 buff so that is incantation golden vowel and poison synergy 11 762 how much damage did i need to do i mean i guess we can replace gold and try replacing golden vowel with commander standard see what happens there we're gonna drink this we are going to golden vowel oh you have to let go of it that's weird okay um we are going to hot swap over to this soul stifler it's live we're gonna go here this is scuffed let's see what it does [Music] all right that works rink pop this okay blue switch this uh i'm forgetting what i do this this this okay switch this to this throw lens in oh i can probably one shot ratagon eldon beast is not a two-phase fight he's not a two-phase fight i'm not gonna be able to do this much damage so i'm gonna have to go get uh whatever it's called so it kind of doesn't matter radigan's second phase is considered when he does the hammer i mean i i don't even agree it should be after the first stomp and slam but that's not the definition we've been using because both of those moves are repeatable there is no part of his move set that switches up all that happens is that eldon stars gets added to the move set that does not qualify a phase change in any sort of way where is terra magicka even from academy crystal cave excellent that's what we like to see all right now where do i get loose shots from defeat this okay okay run up sorry puff run up there it is jesus look at how it does not cost much at all [ __ ] it i'm really just guessing here we got more larval tears if i need them is there a chance that he doesn't parry comment azur i'll [ __ ] find out i guess so like is there rng that i can get here where this will work but yeah this is this is one that i'm gonna rest on i think i know how to actually one shot these two bosses or at least i i got like kind of an idea here's the deal okay this idea involves me being like really high level it involves me having full strength full intelligence uh and then i don't know probably like some other conditions in there and that's that's perfectly achievable i can ruin farm all the way up all those levels but so as to not waste my time and your time i'm just gonna cheat those shits up now unfortunately this also raises my immunity which is not great because it's gonna mean two poopoo bombs but it is what it is i mean here's the question i asked myself would it be better to break the rules of the challenge or just simulate a [ __ ] ton of rune farming because it's not like it's not like this is unachievable like you you literally can go get all this it just takes a while i will still go get the items that are necessary like the hidden cereal tier for example so we drink golden vowel um soul stifler okay switch over to all that go here drink uh [ __ ] shapooku there there all right that'll do so that's the cereal hidden here i can hey hold on we do we do the magic buff right oh i'm also gonna need more memory slots we want tara magicka to be to the left of comet azur golden vow to be to the right of flame of frenzy then we want flame then we want cleanse i'ma go see if i actually can one shot him i think it's gonna be possible but the thing is if i set myself up to one shot ratagon i'm not gonna be able to one-shot elden beast but i just wanna see i wanna see if it's if it's possible finish off the flame now we're gonna do flame grant me strength hot swap to this shank myself hot swap to this double poopoo bomb okay oh my god it is not possible to get a setup that one-shots ratagon and is capable of one-shotting eldon beast but individually i one-shot ride-a-gun now i am going to do one attack per phase of radagon so two phases we take him out in two attacks and we are going to kill eldon beast in one attack so let's get that all set up we need that i need to go in here and do physic and do this and this okay we go flame swap shank throw flame through okay bonk bonk all right switch shank switch excellence okay now switch over to that switch over to that drink the thing okay get back here let's go dude let's so when radagon uses that stomp and slam move he is capable of teleporting which he wasn't capable of doing before if you consider that a phase change it is possible to beat all of elden ring one shotting literally every single phase of every single mandatory boss and i only needed to use comet azur once
Channel: Bushy
Views: 6,879,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring
Id: hX7xcxpxHhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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