Dark Souls 3 Is Still A Masterpiece

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dark souls lore is so [ __ ] cool i agree i don't understand a [ __ ] thing about it really but it is really cool which game had the best bosses from what i remember i actually think dark souls 3 has the best bosses uh who do we want for this one you know we can get a classic back we can do a hitler run this is like old-school stream lore back when i was streaming on youtube we did a dark souls uh remaster run through and we did it a [ __ ] idiot immediately backed out the lore behind hitler was basically he was a zit come to life kinda the first unpopped unkindled lord of cinder i don't remember exactly what his face looked like if i'm being honest will i do the npc questlines i will probably do exactly what i just did for dark souls 2 and do the vast majority of the bosses i only missed 4 bosses in all of dark souls 2. it's looking pretty good i i haven't seen zittler in a long time but if i remember correctly this is exactly what he looked like kind of like a little i don't even know some kind of it's like the labia majora but with two eyes there something like lovecraft would have nightmares about i think it's not bad i'm just gonna say it's a relative of zittler instead of zittler reincarnated because i don't remember it enough man that that schnoz means business this is like that nose from the spongebob or i think it was spongebob right where he had to like clean a giant [ __ ] nose or something what show am i thinking of courage courage the cowardly dog that's right oh i evened it out too much that's better well but now is i now he has big anime lolly eyes unfortunately i flattened his cheeks out so much that it stretched his ocular [ __ ] what is it called the ocular hole down so he's got his entire eye drooping down now he looks pretty good i'm happy with that is it oh all that work [Laughter] wonderful we can at least see that it paid off damn now we're cooking so what build do we want i actually might do the dual twin blades thing i've i don't think i've done a dual weapon play through ever on stream okay let's run it zittler is back yeah why offline you scared of invaders uh when i played online for dark souls 2 a hacker came in and crashed my game and tried to corrupt the save when i was almost done with the game [Applause] so i just don't want to go through that again at least three sub shimane oh rough start right in my [ __ ] ass oh my god i'm getting blasted he is annihilating me right now i thought this was going to be so much easier than dark souls 2 because the dark souls 2 is so clunky [Music] last estus i thought i could get a free hit in there no close first try i committed real hard to that hey i've never used twin blades well at least i have it in five years i didn't remember like the optimal damage i thought this was the combo you know what build you're gonna do yeah so for non-cinders mod for base game i'm gonna just do twin blades i've never done a play through with twin blades so that should be an interesting one i did moby huge big dick two hand build demon souls remake so i'm not gonna do strength again i did um pyromancy like a goofball pyromancy build for dark souls 1 playthrough just finished dark souls 2 doing rapier which was pretty busted to be fair and now this one i think would be a nice medium oh wow all right that is not a lot of damage to this guy no i couldn't roll i committed too hard how does dark souls 2 comp feel compared to dark souls 2 right now all right indescribable exit tier 1 credit it is so much tighter this guy has the uchi katana right oh god god damn it son of a [ __ ] not going off the ledge i'm not going to cheese him that is a lot of damage oh huge man straight secured me for a second what he's still alive my god third try on the [ __ ] swordmaster it's like way in the back right what the [ __ ] just popped up on my screen what was that what the [ __ ] is going on what this is some wacky [ __ ] let's go oh you got me [ __ ] up oh jesus christ he's going in i absolutely thought that would kill okay we got lucky i didn't die there basically tier one hands fmw our fmv and the resub duncan all right what order should i go in boys what are we feeling i forgot all about these guys oh god damn he's going in god damn i don't need to use a firebomb i can pull this off holy [ __ ] does it ever stop holy [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [Applause] dragon breathes fire through there doesn't it or is it up here i don't remember hope it's up here holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this guy's going nuts my god i don't remember this guy at all oh hold on hold on i gotta get warmed up here there there we go okay isn't there a bonfire nearby because i know if i go like down the ladder and [ __ ] is vort right one of those guys explodes into the big thing i remember that i don't remember which one though i think this one i guess correctly just too slow it's probably not worth fighting it he gives titanite this guy gives titanite killing these gives tight knight i don't remember that what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he can still like attack me through that oh [ __ ] there's a shortcut to the elevator first bonfire all right i'll have to find that i'm i'll die from this fall if i do this won't i i'm pretty low i'm pretty sure this just kills me if i do this fall we'll see [ __ ] run it [ __ ] there that's much more convenient don't do it oh [ __ ] oh god close that was very close i shouldn't have gone for that why why i thought that would kill i got greedy damn i thought that was just so free [ __ ] idiot outplayed speed run strats baby that's a big brain maneuver i like the surge oh geez he's still alive what the [ __ ] i just don't feel like making the big run again i i don't think i'm gonna get vort first try either though so we'll see need to get some mike in the prime bev oh no i didn't have stamina oh never mind i got him first try now i'll do the answer i just really didn't want to make that long run back i usually give some big small i don't really remember dancer apparently very difficult though we'll see a little out of range not looking too good i'm stuck that's not a lot of damage i'm doing to her maybe i can't do maybe i can't do her early game that is not much damage at all let's try again oh oh [ __ ] oh i dodged the wrong way i meant to go right but i dodged back it was a decent run i just don't do any damage to her which is the problem is your most hated boss she doesn't seem too bad if i could do damage yeah it might just be a little early that's going to be a really long boss fight if i don't upgrade my [ __ ] i i'm not asking for charity in fact in fact if you do this for me i'll be sure to repay you in kind i may be a petty thief but i have more wits than most royalty what do you say then [ __ ] yeah i definitely grant this right give this ring to obloretta at the base of the high wall do your part and i'll do mine blue tear stone ring what does it do damage absorption when hp is low yeah thanks you give someone a source oh yeah rings don't weigh anything in this game right forgot about that in dark souls 2 they weigh a [ __ ] ton each oh they do weigh oh god damn it get down i think that's the last item i needed in here right hey what the [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] is this jesus christ no dancer there's no way i get dancer this early i do no damage to dancer i just tried twice i had a really long run against there i had like [ __ ] 30 attacks on her and didn't even do half damage i just don't do enough for it right now yeah i killed the mimic okay yeah i got it jesus oh my god they're going nuts on me somehow i failed to die as was all day no poor guy well perhaps my calling lies elsewhere how does the idea of taking me into your service strike you i was once a sorcerer i run a pretty tight ship i am honored truly i should be dead yeti i y'all of londo what a nice guy so he went to firelink now yeah oh i forgot you can actually stun these guys by rolling into them let's see if i can hit the big ones in the back there bang oh that's on the money oh wow okay very strong arm oh those don't blow up oh not on my estus take that anyway though nerd [Music] okay so i guessed right on that one i do no damage to this what the [ __ ] outplayed nerd [ __ ] too easy what a move oh my god i'm [ __ ] stun locked here all right let's not take any chances i have plenty of estus okay oh my this guy's nuts oh what okay okay gonna have to change the strat here oh right through and he just oh big poise okay how did i miss that backstab come on what the [ __ ] this guy's poise is crazy this guy's nuts this guy's harder than any boss in this [ __ ] game finally holy [ __ ] so much healing good lord so much [ __ ] healing favorite boss fight and music i would have to think about it i'm not sure there's no bad music in dark souls like it's always so good jesus christ damn this guy's popping off this time i'm just gonna hit bonfire anyway might as well take some souls [Music] oh i totally forgot about that oh god oh god i'm out of stamina jesus christ there we go boss to the left here i remember that uh isn't there there's like a bonfire in the sewer or something right like over there is it not here in the sewer it is thought so oh jesus christ let's do the tree boss real quick i don't remember if the tree boss is hard or not i don't think so i could be wrong i remember it breaks the ground and you fall with it where's it's little like nuts there it is where's his nuts i'm just at his taint nope where are these other nuts god damn it oh boy oh boy i'm stuck first try holy [ __ ] but i have to find a way up this lift only goes down you're seeing well there's a private jubilee anywhere so how do i make it go up also did i miss a bonfire over there or anything i don't think so i think the next bonfire is probably up step on it and jump off real quick i see i'll make friends with the giant who are you i hope any time that was easy oh these are some links disappear like that you had me downright worried but thanks to you an epiphany has struck me square in the head do you see that i'm no coward and i have a steady hand but that thing makes my skin crawl how now think twice before you go down that road all right thank you sub kappa is there really no bonfires nearby that i've missed closest one is still all the way back well it's too late now god dammit be careful nice sick word [ __ ] yeah that was we easy must put our duties first but for the moment we have a toast to me hey my sword and our victory together amen brother well i'm going to have myself a little nap the only thing to do really after a nice toast are these two guys alive are just having a conversation ayah oh i did not expect back to back there oh hey oh flynn's ring that's huge that ring was like a very in-game ring in dark souls 2 for me it sucks in dark souls 3 oh don't tell me that wait how do i get down thanks to the gifts of lilith and the prime knownism i didn't see any planks to like cushion my fall like through the well in dark souls 2. unless it's that do you have to make this jump over to that holy [ __ ] okay oh never mind that wasn't bad holy [ __ ] okay holy [ __ ] maybe this was a bad idea should have leveled up first maybe that thing just went nuts on me i might just bone out i don't know i'm thinking maybe just bone out i don't even really want to risk it oh my god i'm stun locked so hard what is this mildred wait holy [ __ ] this is mildred isn't it damn we shouldn't have to kill her god i still remember doing the soul level 1 play through i needed her to kill the tarantula lady for me oh what a [ __ ] headache cell sword twin blade is a cheese build absolute resin well i never used twin blades when the game came out i'm trying not to just keep doing same builds demon souls was a moby huge strength build with dragon bone uh dark souls 1 was a goofy pyromancy build and mainly soul level 1 dark souls 2 we did break gear so this one made sense to do this yeah i'll switch builds at some point i'm sure i won't do twins or to sell swords for the whole thing i remember this is where like the wizard guy is at a lot of titanite shards [ __ ] yeah okay what an [ __ ] why are you playing offline uh because when i wasn't playing offline in dark souls 2 a hacker came in crashed my game and almost corrupted my save and that was when i was like at the end okay jesus christ give me the [ __ ] out what in the [ __ ] is going on these guys are going nuts how good are you at parrying uh probably not very since i haven't done any parrying in the last two dark souls games i've streamed i can't move i actually can't move just let me out what the [ __ ] hardest enemy in the game jesus christ what [ __ ] man huge stun luck there's a giant crab in here right i don't even know why i'm bothering to kill everything i just figured might as well let's keep exploring here oh there's a huge crab all right this thing is [ __ ] tanky oh god damn um i think through some turbo motions did you get the grass crest shield yet not yet i still need to find that why am i fat rolling oh [ __ ] unlucky unlucky i buffered the attack okay now go back to fire link and just suicide to get yola's quest moving was that your first death uh since getting yoll well since beating vort that was my first death needs to reset mo check yeehaw where is this coal at oh wait it's over here isn't it oh he's still coming christ i thought they dropped aggro out of swamp the farron cole is back at the forgotten crossroads with two chimera i didn't kill fair and cold [ __ ] yeah let's infuse with sharp now hey wait where's my sharp gym i definitely have a sharp gym don't i oh i have to go i have to give call what needs me there it is sharp jim let's go not bad that's definitely faster i can't keep it up for too much longer though you can use it without the blue bar really ah i didn't know that that's big i'm not in the deep part of the swamp you were right oh [ __ ] unlucky what tactics these recent hypnos you fat rolling yeah it's cuz i put the daggers on at least i think that's why i'm fat rolling let me see yeah i don't need the rapier anymore oh [ __ ] you guys are giving me the what for just the one already lit oh [ __ ] wait i wasn't paying attention fight it again oh boy oh boy yuck [Applause] oh my god what a combo this guy is absolutely going nuts holy [ __ ] i'm done [Applause] there he is i knew i was right oh wow i'm a little shocked that hit that's okay nice twin blades make this game too easy man i mean if i remember correctly pretty much every build in this game is viable oh another crystal lizard come back here [ __ ] oh there's two yes huge got them both oh jesus what the [ __ ] okay unlucky run what the [ __ ] how did that hit man go go gadget extended on me just backstab abyss watchers and it's easy hmm [Laughter] thanks to recep lewis nope this is not my first time i've beaten this game many times i've never used twin blades though oh [ __ ] unlucky [Music] [Music] oh the hitbox lingered [Music] god dammit oh [ __ ] i thought i had a little more time oh my boy not a clean run here [Music] last one was so clean this is real sloppy [Music] thanks there's auroboros [Applause] [Music] oh man he's [ __ ] me up oh i was still in range this isn't looking good yeah exit five gift subs payno there's some flappy ass cheeks the prime fabricate and resub golfing tea oh my god why this is a very sad run oh i thought i could get the backstab off ah i think i'm just gonna stop going for backstabs now oh no not like this [Music] thanks to me some numbers i meant to roll forward oh boy no [ __ ] man thanks theresa milani god damn it how did i miss that oh my god how did i miss that backstab that was the saddest run yet thanks to the prime z man and spartan got hit with the back of that fire hitbox when i dove through favorite boss that you remember i think manos is the best boss in dark souls actually probably the hardest one too what this is sad makes the recent resolution jesus christ what the [ __ ] oh my god it's a sad run oh how sad stuck on the corner almost got me oh man not like this [Music] what in the [ __ ] i can't catch a break seven seven tries is there a lizard nearby exit tier one carrot uh how did i get hit by that [Music] do you prefer this over demon souls yeah i think so really like demon souls remake but i still think dark souls 3 is better i think it'll be fine i've heard it all before is this an enemy or what is this thing have you just arrived thanks to resub very unusual rejoice my new friend oh wow i don't do a whole ton holy [ __ ] there's a lot oh god dammit what a stretch holy [ __ ] there's a lot of dogs jesus the trees are alive too what the [ __ ] good lord [Music] okay this looks like it'll be a headache with the enemies here but i'm not worried no you son of a oh wait that's good that's good for me ah what i thought he threw already guess not thanks to prime amber you need to be at least soul level 300 for dlc i have never what level am i i think like 40 yeah 40. should be fine only cowards do the dlc at such a high level you should be embarrassed to even say that out loud if i'm being honest oh thank you the 20 gift subs door appreciate it man whoa no ah almost i think there is a bacchus i really appreciate it door thank you man don't do it oh huge dodge actually [ __ ] bonfire there's got to be a bonfire nearby right or left oh yeah and i don't have to make that journey don't wait for the bridge every time what holy [ __ ] this ladder's really tall my god what the [ __ ] how jesus christ oh this looks like a boss fight first boss of the dlc everyone was screaming i'm too low level four let's find out lock on please oh this isn't looking too promising [Music] i see there's a whole new enemy here [Music] okay [Music] [Music] all right that's a lot i do not do much damage admittedly okay thanks to the recep swat guy why they give some dr coxy okay okay i don't do a ton of damage but we'll be fine damn that combo [ __ ] dog hit me and then he hit me at the same time son of a [Music] [ __ ] is going on i had that i actually [ __ ] had it that time but i couldn't lock on for some reason it just hit me to the left instead of on him what a shame i almost had that you know what that gave me confidence i think i can do this it's so level 40. that was really unlucky if i could have just locked on there i would have had him i just needed to hit him with two more shots there i've got this i [ __ ] got this yeah killing wolf i'm not as concerned about as long as it's one on one i feel fine if i can just kill grave tinder and then one-on-one wolf i am pretty confident i get it oh what in the [ __ ] is going on i'm sucking some [ __ ] oh he doesn't even need to call it okay okay [Music] play it safe son of a [ __ ] thought i was out of range we're good we're good thought he followed me [Music] [Music] yes no god hang in there all right all right all right all right here we go this is the first one on one with great wolf let's see my okay so he does that like six times [Music] oh [ __ ] god couldn't even dodge okay never mind it may be just a little overzealous to do so level 40 against this holy [ __ ] man i never thought i could do it i did all of the dark souls 2 dlc is severely under leveled but this is a whole new beast hey that wait that fire arrow just helped what a nice guy told you i didn't need to uh oh my god i can't go this way okay i didn't realize that it was blocked by the stairs there i thought i could just go around that and then left okay unlucky i remember this area what oh i can dodge in time oh it goes further ah what the [ __ ] was that i've stumbled across something very important here thanks to resub doval so does this mean i can't go down now what the [ __ ] is this ah i see again it is blocked by an invisible force ooh but this is going to be a problem if that's my only way out because it is blocked uh oh i know we're good thanks threesome bob the blob and the tier one he's story in the prime drago the resub duval there to be i missed that second attack oh my god i'm getting [ __ ] comboed out of this world okay these guys are real real slippery here okay oh that's unlucky holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what wait what how is he hitting me okay this guy's aim is nuts oh the maniac kind of stamina they only revive if they have white eyes gotcha oh isn't there there's a boulder in here isn't there yeah yeah yeah friend or foe oh hello oh this is my girl oh it goes backwards whoa holy [ __ ] what a wacky ball i don't feel like going back up what in the [ __ ] was that i'll take it out played [ __ ] so she's back where oh look at those [ __ ] reflexes boys holy [ __ ] my god actual [ __ ] gaming animal holy [ __ ] hey henry oh jesus christ what the [ __ ] ha i don't even understand how you're supposed to fight that my stamina doesn't go up quick enough oh another one of those fire demons this is a mimic oh oh oh oh god not like this i can't move i can't move i can't move i can't see gotcha smoldering leak i haven't missed anything from anri's questline right or is this all part of henry's quest line right now that's horus isn't it all right good stamina horus bad boys though she's single now [ __ ] yeah do i need to talk to her immediately or can i do the next boss as well thanks to recent camille hell here first okay oh okay don't tell her about horus she'll die so do i have to go back to her and just not reveal that she's there horus is dead because of me also what's this way i didn't even finish going this way she only dies if horse is alive down there yeah that makes sense considering he went insane and was attacking so it makes sense that she dies if horus is alive oh this is the guy that takes me to that like a dark zone right and he like slaps his hands down with his jewelry his [ __ ] ice yeah this guy i'm just gonna cap out here just to be safe [Music] did he even attack did the ai just forget to attack okay i remember the boss being easy but he didn't even throw out a single attack oh my god what in the [ __ ] can't move i can't [ __ ] move i'm stuck in his hitbox i what this man i'm getting [ __ ] up this hitbox is huge i he's i can't move on the left holy [ __ ] oh my god all right revise this strategy because this is not working though holy [ __ ] outside thank you tier one waffley waffles and the prime play seat in dragon chair how do i avoid that i can't roll through oh i have to just go right on top of them next if it's unknown burger all right um i think 20 20 40 is probably good right let's do that let's get this up to 20. so do i have to go talk to the people at firelink before i find andre again oh my timing is nuts thanks recep igor so where is anri next holy [ __ ] these guys are tanky does it matter if i go this way can i do this stuff now oh holy [ __ ] oh my god [Applause] too early holy [ __ ] oh god why is there five stacked on top of each other how is he still alive oh god jesus [ __ ] christ is there trapping here [Applause] this does not give me very many extra souls this is worthless you know what might be worth though is grass crest is there no boss or anything back here just an undead bone shard in estes no boss this area really is useless god this place is huge there's really nothing here except an estus shard and undead bone shard that's it in this whole area pyromancy tome and fume sword but i probably won't use the fume sword okay let's just uh go to israel [Applause] mr tome not like i'm gonna use that you can get the ballista to kill it all right well near we go oh i could just go kill dancer now right yeah maybe that's what i'll do go a little out of order i bet i can kill dancer now i forgot to upgrade my weapon and i didn't burn that bone shard either have to do two of the main things there it's it's fine should be fine don't take a chance [Applause] we i just need to warm up on the bosses all oh i was out of stamina for the third dodge what in the [ __ ] i cannot get a lock on her right now there oh i thought i dodged in time it fell apart really quick i just couldn't get an opening to heal go in a little greedy yeah yeah all right all right that was sad that was embarrassing god damn it i didn't know that was aoe i thought she was already going the face too on that what now she is what am i stuck on oh my god i should have rolled left i definitely should have rolled left actually losing the dancer with sellsword twin blades i'm level 44. the [ __ ] do you mean it's not like i'm over leveled for this oh oh i committed a little hard actually 10 gift subs crack appreciate it man what rough time to look at chad that's all right exit prime josh this is torture it's been four attempts what the [ __ ] what are you leaning no this is the fourth attempt actually thanks every subject i'm sure you got it on your first try while under level of course what's the case oh didn't realize there was a two attack on that okay too early make sure me give some prime the bit spinny and greco [ __ ] man how did i miss that dodge how did i miss that dodge ah that was free thanks to the resub chucks how did i not hit that dodge [ __ ] man [Music] okay i haven't seen that yet oh just play it safe okay let's do attacks again i don't need i will get this at sub soul level 45 what am i 44 48 sub soul level 50. uh all right i guess that was a sad one that ends in a slam yes i learned that's aoe [Music] i'm going in going for it gotcha [ __ ] see no ember no upgrade we got her 12. more attempts than i would have liked but we still got it oh i remember i don't know if this is still used but i remember back in the day when dark souls 3 speed running was still in its infancy just a fetus they found a glitch where you you use some miracle here and then you die down there but then you immediately don't die and then you just have like a locked cameras like a floating orb and you just skip a ton i don't know if they still use that though [Applause] oh i remember i remember now what's the next part of anri we need to do the next part of andrey's quest line and onion we just gave onion his armor where's the next part out oh my god how unlucky holy [ __ ] they formed a wall with their bodies so who am i refraining from killing for anri apparently there's like an assassin somewhere here that i'm not supposed to kill there's an invisible assassin cool if he's invisible then i just don't even need to worry about it because i probably won't see him anyway oh jesus christ how many [ __ ] dogs are here jesus christ oh what the [ __ ] what ah more large titanite [ __ ] yeah oh i'm stuck jesus all right good start good start i'm not gonna parry i haven't parried once this game and i'm not about to start i thought that was two attacks oh whoa jesus not really an aoe but his transform was doing some damage too huh gotcha three tries third try too easy baby next to me some holly minkoy and snack pack whoa what the [ __ ] is this that guy's very upset oh gee oh god i'm upset holy [ __ ] this guy's nuts tommy was always going [ __ ] wild on me what is the tracking ah hopefully this is it i just get the [ __ ] out nope that's not it let me out dogs can't climb ladders i'm [ __ ] out oh wow i'm getting comboed out of this world all right i went for a backstab bad idea i see what okay bad start but we're good we'll be fine i don't have a torch i'll just wait till someone can hit me with fire [Applause] so once i does this guy use fire okay i guess now we'll never know hit me hit me hit me oh my man oh god all right a little too much fire okay a little much oh that's an enemy didn't even notice yeah take this we'll see i don't know why i thought i'd have immunity on that [ __ ] ladder i should have just rolled down ah good old dung pie yeehaw sleep well sam oh my god not again holy [ __ ] all these enemies [ __ ] went nuts on me here i might as well open this [ __ ] right here oh my god he actually i didn't think he'd be able to get out from there these guys also look a lot like the unchained ogre from sekito i don't know if that's just a coincidence or if that's where they come from this may be plus seven let's go all right i will not be using the gimmick weapon against yorm though apparently siegward will which is fine whatever have come to uphold my voice [Applause] like if i don't help at all does he just win yeah he absolutely will i'll let you do it siegward this is your friend oh are you okay siegward that seems pretty aggressive oh wow keep on him siegward oh man i actually got hit i'm just not even going to take a chance no segward my friend excellent work siegward you could have grabbed the sword and helped too oh we can have two to your valor and my old friend oh i didn't know that i thought there was only one and he had it had no idea no seaguard i'll wear your [ __ ] i'll go full siegward now just for him no god wait that's a lot oh man that's that's a lot more than i thought it'd be actually i don't know about that what i didn't dodge in time dodged too early that time please stop show mercy okay this is not the right way oh that's aldrich down there isn't it let's just uh i can be like that can i thanks there's someone life gives you lemons oh when life gives you cake oh jesus christ okay i don't remember how this guy fights at all holy [ __ ] oh this track i thought they just went in a straight line god does it ever oh what the [ __ ] did the arrows ever stop holy [ __ ] brute force it oh god dammit [Applause] oh like no hey buzzer beater oh too easy [ __ ] that fire hitbox lingered a long time second try not clean but we got him too [ __ ] easy idiot i'm stuck in his nutsack here what is happening what is happening i can't tell [Music] is what the [ __ ] is going on he's so fast all of a sudden this phase two means business oh my god i can't even get a hit on him now i've rolled right into it first try [ __ ] yeah hardest boss so far the one i took me 12 tries on dancer that's the only one that's taken more than like five took me 12 on dancer everything else has been sub five go gandhir round two i got him first try when i started last time see how it goes this time around miss click i [ __ ] buffered it oops hold on just play it safe no gotcha gotcha first try again i think there's some general [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah back-to-back first tries on osceros and champion gandir big time gaming now okay uh where to next now i've done the champion gondir and then the other guy he's issa rose whatever i already killed dancer so just go back to dancer bonfire all right nameless king let's do nameless king yeah yeah now that i have the dragon pose i can do nameless king i remember that [ __ ] i went to the wrong one holy [ __ ] i cannot move first time i killed this boss i didn't realize it died in a single plunge so i actually slowly whittled it away you skip a boss nope this is a gimmick boss actually jesus christ did i skip a boss where the [ __ ] do i go to plunge is it up here there we go are there a lot of gimmick bosses not in dark souls 3. i think this is actually the only gimmick boss i can't think of a single other gimmick boss oh yorm yorm yorm is also a gimmick boss we just did yorm you need to kill him first oh my god oh how unlucky move has he done nameless yet nope that's what i'm doing next oh he's still alive nameless king is the hassan meme boss right where he just can't beat nameless king there's a lot of hype around nameless king so this this bad boy is probably not going to be a let down like pontiff in the recent platinum oh my god these things are [ __ ] nuts jesus what the [ __ ] this is chaos where's the bonfire there's a prime utopia from the tier one moyer this wait does this immediately start the boss fight oh god wait the first ring starts it instantly [Music] no okay cool yeah i didn't remember it starting so why is everyone freaking out because i ran the bell doesn't really matter does it all right let's run it and then i'll go back for havol and [ __ ] all right let's see how we do i vaguely remember this boss oh [ __ ] ah that i did not remember that is not a lot of damage okay thanks to tier one your boy crippling depression okay uh was not hitting as hard as i typically do here that's okay oh my god that fire is rough we go what okay just legs finish them off let's give some decks in the resub crabs and gucci you can r one there didn't matter okay okay big gamer time now let's read some crazy jesus and brock in the prime sam a little early oh god oh my god i didn't [ __ ] buffer to roll unlucky i didn't mean to roll i buffered it what is going on why why am i not doing what why does this sword keep getting put away is that like a special ability this is a rough one really so much fire on this one what the [ __ ] that's five fire in this one things that prime teddy bonkers and recent bacon and gifts of jesus oh wow oh wow [ __ ] jesus christ that attacked i was ah i was hammering dodge if that attack hits me i cannot dodge after it holy [ __ ] unlucky man oh bad timing oh [ __ ] i thought i had time i'm all over the place right now too early it's alright god damn it oh my god thanks to the gifts of dnd oh man oh no i buffered it oh why don't you use ember yeah if i get better runs going against him i'll start improving up before them but right now i'm still not getting his attack patterns very well oh my god i don't know what that does i don't know what this does what the [ __ ] is happening no i buffered it what i don't know what hit me on that oh [ __ ] my god if he hits me with that full swing i can't dodge the second attack if the stun's too long and then i accidentally helped be instead of dodged on the last part there my timing is dog [ __ ] now oh wait what oh god [ __ ] i cannot believe i didn't just kill him the when i had him down to one shot i can't believe i [ __ ] choked got hit with a [ __ ] lingering shockwave hitbox i'm tight [ __ ] tight gotta shake off gotta shake off the tilt i don't know what is happening with this here that's that [ __ ] thing again christ i forgot the amount of times i accidentally buffer a roll is sad we're getting there i'll get them in the next couple thanks to theresa muga what's going on let me in all right let's [ __ ] get it dodging time holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what a sad run too early what is going on man this is the worst run for uh last 10 attempts here actually getting [ __ ] manhandled on phase one yes [ __ ] yeah finally god i could have had that like eight attempts ago if i just didn't choke on the last hit then the tilt set in but we got it was that like 20 tries uh i think it was sub 20 but it might have been 20. i kept track up until number 12 because 12 was the previous most attempts it took me to beat any boss in any dark souls on stream not true actually manos or manus took me more but 12 is how many it took for the last two games was the highest so after 12 i stopped counting did i miss anything worthwhile in archdragon or is my build pretty much optimized i mean i have karthus milk ring dexterity boost pontiff right eye for attack boost fap obviously and then clarity oh havel right right right i'll do happen oh poised right through me he's going nuts okay okay havel's getting a little wacky on me he is [ __ ] me up harder than the nameless king man no more [ __ ] around havel hate to do you like this but i feel like i have what okay christ one hit from that and i'm [ __ ] stunned for life i have to play real slow on this guy okay i say that as i charge in and get [ __ ] up okay can i burn an ember mid-fight and get my health back [ __ ] you [ __ ] what tips do i have for sekito treat it like a rhythm game if you treat sakido like a rhythm game you're gonna have a lot more success also don't anyone bring up ishin the sword saints it's a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] boss i hate that boss i think to date that is still the longest boss battle i've ever had on stream ishin's sword saint like by a healthy margin i can't think of anything that even comes close uh where to next i don't want to do the dlc yet so what's my next stop i already killed dancer oh the dancer bonfire right i've bee lined to osceros and champion gandir yeah we'll see how freed goes this [ __ ] first boss though it i did this really under leveled but it was still such a pain in the ass i didn't even get close half the time okay i'm getting a little greedy i do so much more damage now that i'm an appropriate level for this fight i'm sucking fat ass right now i gotta get warmed up here see behind me [Music] okay first try at a good level so i'm guessing this was the right way wait this is the way it came from wrong way this shortcut i'll just make it to the next bonfire oh god what the [ __ ] there's a thousand dogs there's a wall no [ __ ] upstairs there was a wall yes [ __ ] i'm back boys it is only the flame quivering at misguided ash doing well gamerx hope you're doing well these ashes feel good let's get it [Music] [ __ ] i thought i thought i heard that correctly oh the tracking on that what what do you mean oh god okay i need to get some good chilio there's a prime bagel [Music] thank you for the anonymous hundred gift subs [ __ ] yeah man really appreciate the generosity [Applause] this is [ __ ] cool this whole boss cinematic is great thank you man i really appreciate the huge anonymous hundred gift subs and thank you thank you so cephalopod and the bits quotes and the five gifts of saint milky crazy tier one butter and resub amari he's a prime minister oh [ __ ] is this two bosses here what the [ __ ] is happening okay let's go one at a time free first i have to wait for him to finish his [ __ ] come on she's camping with her dad what whoa whoa whoa where's my weapon oh christ oh boy i'm in the corner yep this is rough this is rough i might be [ __ ] finisher finisher yes okay this is still first try i heard three phases so you did kind of spoil that for me but we're looking good [Music] i didn't realize that was an attack uh okay unlucky didn't know that was an attack that was a great first try though i made it all the way to phase three first try i'll take that i will [ __ ] take that now we'll get her on the next one oh i just killed myself what a sad follow-up to phase three on first try those were new moves there okay she kind of popped off thanks to the resub lek i thought she only had like a small move set but there was like six new moves in that combo there won't happen again okay so the only way to really stop an attack from her is to interrupt it with her bad boys no oh no stamina oh there's one attack [Music] no i went for it [ __ ] i thought i had that her attacks just go for so [ __ ] long the only way to stop it is just to break the chain there she has [ __ ] poised so oh my god i couldn't dodge son of a [ __ ] do they genuinely get faster like if you die do they actually get faster because i am missing every like dodge attack now when i hit all of them before all right now i'm just so slow what the [ __ ] okay good speed run good speed run just tap it up oh oh i wasted ember just amber it's okay i don't mind wasting one okay just give me the [ __ ] out holy [ __ ] where did that come from what a waste i had a perfect phase two man what a [ __ ] waste i should have [ __ ] into this so long ago i can't believe it this is sad make me [ __ ] tight oh there we go close call [ __ ] me was that 11 i think that was 11. close thanks to the resub legit fashion one i will finish the painting thanks to tier one luxor of a cold so that it might make a home for someone my thanks that's it the [ __ ] did i do that for she's painting bloodborne's world oh yeah i can see that yeah yeah okay yeah i see it now yeah to be honest i kind of want to just go back for main bosses real quick and then do ring city so i don't just back to back the lcs uh so i just killed nameless king in the main boss area where's the next one because i don't quite recall are you really bragging about doing the dlc 30 levels over leveled yup you seem to be very offended by that what are you the best gamer in the world or some [ __ ] did this hit soul level one with your eyes closed well you're six years old but who gives a [ __ ] i'm happy about it am i not allowed to be you keeping my happiness on the game here big man you're gonna try and fight dragon slayer armor i do all the main bosses and by man i mean any boss that's not a reskin so all the optional ones and [ __ ] whichever one people say is hard i like to do all of them i don't like to miss any what's been your favorite boss so far nameless king actually i don't know i really liked frida frida was cool these guys are throwing beautiful bombs right now oh gosh where's my firebombs what oh it has a ranged attack oh [ __ ] this is such a long elevator i don't want to do this elevator again first trying the boss baby let's go he's optional i didn't know that oh a little greedy oh what the [ __ ] is this jesus christ there we go whoa what the [ __ ] was that [Applause] oh i didn't even realize there was something else here jesus what in the [ __ ] hardest enemy in the game no doubt they're so low to the ground it's nuts i pretty much have the optimal rings i think my shit's already plus 10 like i think i'm good oh wow that was a huge slap of damage big [ __ ] dodge is that the right way i'm going with my instinct it is [ __ ] it wasn't oh wait give me that oh okay i know where i am there's a bonfire nearby i think it's up here into the right at least i think i know where i am oh okay man that guy was really [ __ ] in it holy [ __ ] oh my god let me in quick [ __ ] things there's some mighty red i'm just going right for it first try let's get it back to back first tries let's go holy [ __ ] oh yeah yeah i remember this boss this is where the little guy stands on top of the big guy welcome unkindled [Music] now have your rest okay forgot that he can teleport oh man okay not the cleanest but we got one dear brother i'm on my way maybe rotar yeah i'll be doing the bloodborne dlc when we do bloodborne yielding rise if you would attack him now officer greg for that is our curse incest as [ __ ] incest doesn't exist in dark souls never read anything in the lore about incest it really is the music is super good man he's got his backpack on now [Music] yeah after doing the dlc i am way too strong for the base game now holy [ __ ] wow yeah first try again as you give some off donut and the prime saturn and the resub buddy yeah i'm gonna finish base then go right to ring city because i uh we're hitting real [ __ ] fat over here who's this i'm in here oh that's right for my um wedding ending i totally forgot about yuria alright yeah yeah it was my first summon [ __ ] i totally forgot you don't have to summon her for the ending why well i'm not going to risk it i work [ __ ] hard to get that angry [ __ ] i'm going to make sure i do it right thank you bass babe all right good start now we're cooking oh yuria no area hang in there whoa what the [ __ ] this guy's got a crazy move set great job yuria all right let's see this i haven't gotten this uria ending before let's check this [ __ ] out no he's dead yuri jesus okay so how do i do the ending from here now that yuri is with me now what you have to link the fire okay so link the first flame don't link it okay i'm getting a lot of mixed information you lock yourself out of the dlc okay i'm out to everyone that's been spamming no in caps lock if this works you owe me a [ __ ] sub get your mom's credit card out and get ready because you're putting your goddamn ass on the line here with all kinds of false information so if this works you owe me a sub and vice versa this doesn't work everyone's saying yes it was a [ __ ] sub he's the resubmister i already used the summon sign already subduria just yeah look at my [ __ ] harem so i can't skip these can i okay begin journey two in current state journey two can be initiated from the shrine bonfire if you do not wish to begin now the answer is no so i say no so this means everyone that was spamming that i [ __ ] up you're [ __ ] now you all owe me a sub pay up put your [ __ ] ass where your mouth is let's go [ __ ] this looks cool oh this guy's going nuts oh [ __ ] earthen uh earth in i thought i saw an s in there oh okay okay okay maybe i'm concentrating the wrong one first oh my god i buffered an attack all right first try [ __ ] yeah oh there's a phase two okay oh my god yeah this is definitely looking like one i shouldn't lock on for [Music] no first try so this is the demon prince that everyone [ __ ] hyped up nice [ __ ] yeah first try oh what the [ __ ] okay all right all right all right i miscounted oh never mind no i didn't there's just two summoners oh god i was looking at [ __ ] chad oh my god okay i speak of thine kind behold this city we are kindred fear he looks like an old like heavy metal rock star at least his face does like ozzy osbourne or some [ __ ] one i speak of dying awfully cheeky oh my god i swear there's something about this dlc like when you throw an attack you go so much further as long as you're near a ledge there's like a [ __ ] ledge boost or something because i am falling off like [ __ ] crazy i'm coming in what are these like little cockroaches what a wild dlc oh wow look at that guy is there a bonfire nearby or no because if there is i'll go ahead and try and kill him oh christ all right i miscounted i thought okay they did a lot more than three i didn't miss count they just did a lot more than three son of a [ __ ] you missed 80 of the map how i just killed everything on my way to that [ __ ] swamp except like the guys on the stairs so like dark souls 3 or dark souls 1 remaster more probably dark souls 3. dark souls 1 still probably my favorite but dark souls 3 is it's just so [ __ ] good thank you snooper yep this is ring city we've got madeira and gale last two bosses i haven't beaten yet and then it'll finally finish the 100 uh all boss play through [Music] where's the other guy that's cursing me yep bloodborne after once we finish this it's not worth it i [ __ ] hate these things man these are some bloopy that's [ __ ] rough i'm too [ __ ] good baby i'm in it oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] where'd the other guy come from god damn all right i'm guessing this is it let's run it does this madeir or half light it's my dear damn do i have to make this long journey back each time if i died of a deer [ __ ] i figured there'd be some kind of big lunch body takes reduced damage yeah i've noticed let's get it yeah oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how far does that stretch i rolled harder than nameless kings so far it's only been two deaths but yeah it seems like it'll be more difficult than nameless oh my god the splash is so large nope god that really stretches far man that's rough i understand his head is the weak spot but i'd rather just get some guaranteed damage from a safe spot for now oh oh what the [ __ ] is oh i didn't know he i'm had projectiles i actually probably could have had it on that one you're gonna amber up um yeah i'll ember for this one i won't summon but i will amber oh [ __ ] all right this is a sad [ __ ] run right now i don't need to [ __ ] estus oh i got greedy five tries bang not bad not bad over hyped you do not have the right to stay over hyped you're using twin blades what a sad little man you are no no you're using a good weapon which means you can't be happy you didn't actually kill him you cheated you have to use your bare fist like me and by that i mean i watched somebody do it i've never actually beaten him no how how did i get this glitch mid mid game oh [ __ ] this is the third time this has happened this boss [ __ ] sucks it's not do i have to play this boss online because i can't open the door oh i guess never mind i must have missed the prompt what the [ __ ] how did this happen again i need to restart is that a bug yeah for some reason well for some reason that pops up sometimes it's usually only when i first start the game though but i've been playing for almost two hours now and for some reason came up that looks like a hack what kind of [ __ ] hack just brings up a [ __ ] mesh of chinese characters what do you mean that'd be the world's most useless hack i can't even read it it's a glitch with dark souls 3 on pc it's really common oh you know what it is i actually when we were still doing youtube streams i installed the jojo's bizarre adventure mod that's what it is oh so that makes sense okay i totally [ __ ] forgot we did that oh that's [ __ ] right i yeah i never uninstalled that mods make that [ __ ] pop up all the time yeah yeah yeah yeah i completely [ __ ] forgot about that that mod didn't even work that was just such a [ __ ] waste jojo's is like a pokemon mod where when you get a weapon and you swing it you summon an enemy it was a really cool idea but it didn't work super well so i only streamed it for like an hour so what is gail's lore early out of stamina [ __ ] i'm accidentally buffering so many roles right now holy lord damn man you guys got some wacky moves uh great timing can't believe i didn't dodge it [ __ ] thank you logan this does seem very bloodborney thanks the prime claudia the blood of the dark souls there's three sub games playing no no point in risking it his health pool is not oh what the [ __ ] christ this man's got a [ __ ] machine gun oh god i'm going too early okay so he's got a machine gun and dr strange's cape christ you struggled way more with gail than you did madeir right now i'll say gail seems a lot harder than a deer madeira was five tries this is looking like it's gonna be more this guy seems kind of nutty and his health pool is pretty [ __ ] fat too oh [ __ ] i'm assuming i can't backstab him right pretty good phase one oh [ __ ] a little greedy [ __ ] i'm dodging the wrong way oh i see i see tier one trent damn i probably could have had that there i was playing it real slow real patient i had a perfect phase one choked at the back wall uh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bad phase one not happy with that all right oh [ __ ] okay lightning is rough hold on [Music] oh my god i got so greedy i thought they'd finish him [Applause] gotcha three tries bang or four three or four i thought that was gonna take a little longer blasted not bad yep i already killed my dear i killed every boss in the game 100 what do you think was the hardest boss the hardest boss actually for me was nameless king nameless king i thought was a lot harder than madeira and gayle he's the prime nikko give blood of the dark soul yes who's the coolest in the game honestly probably gail gail was really [ __ ] cool my thanks fashion one all right cinders mod time let's [ __ ] get it this was great that was a really good uh really good run 100 of the bosses that was fun that was good
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,269,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tKVYzYUT1vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 29sec (8849 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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