Ranking the Bloodborne Bosses from Easiest to Hardest - Part 1 [#16-30]

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hey everybody my name is democracy and today we're taking a look at just how tough the bosses of blood-borne are but I didn't rank these bosses alone I pulled the community and we got over 300 total responses before we get into the bosses let's give some quick honorable mentions to the bloody crow of pain Hurst the real boss of Bergen worth and his one voter putting those two [ __ ] whales in Hamlet and now that further ado this is the community's ranking of the blood-borne boss difficulty and so we kick our list off with the wishes upon entering the area for the first time you might think that the boss is this Tim Burton reject but if you swing a quick left you'll notice this mouldy old crone in the corner you kind of meander around the arena for a while until you realize two things first this boss seems to pose a less of a threat than most enemies you've faced up until this point and second these are probably the blindest and most disinterested enemies you'll encounter in the entire game really this fight boils down to scouring the corners of the room to find the witches oh that's right I said witches after you've killed the first one a second health bar appears on the screen at this point the second witch gains some actual attacks such as an AoE that I embarrassingly got hit by twice in this fight but it's mostly a breeze dodging your attacks and she'll be down before you know it I should note if you don't kill her quickly she can resurrect the first witch but are you really worried at this point as a quick tip you can actually find the second witch before killing the first one you can tell because when you attack the boss health bar doesn't decrease if you whittle their health down evenly you'll have to deal with the second phase attacks even less and as a final nail in the easy coffin if you use a hunter's mark to leave the fight and come back with zero in sight the Tim Burton monsters don't even show up making this fight even more of a joke I don't think there's any doubt that this is the easiest fight in blood-borne after conquering possibly the most terrifying place in the game you'll come to this planetarium with a bunch of these blue jello heads as you see the wave of goobers closing in on you you might start to panic attack only to notice hey the health bar isn't going down hey what are you doing back there yeah that's right it's the Phalanx or royal rat vanguard a blood borne but with the twist just watch oh well thanks that just makes you a bigger target and just like that the fight is over in all seriousness this boss fight is ridiculously easy it's all just a matter of crowd control you'll be best served hiding the group across the room then rushing in to attack the boss the only thing to really watch out for is backing off when they group up now you can use the shaman bone blade an item which makes enemies turn on each other I've heard of many people using this to great effect but I've died twice pathetically trying to pull this off so I'll just stick with good old hack and slash ah you always remember your first this guy has probably one of the coolest entrances in the game one minute you're just walking down a lonely bridge and then surprise [ __ ] the first time I saw that I audibly screamed and then promptly switched to laughter after realizing what a pushover this guy is you know I think this boss was intended more as a learning tool than anything else because the golden rule for a large majority of big bosses in this game is this stick to dat booty I mean it bob-and-weave hunters first you pull off the Juke and then you spank that ass rinse and repeat and help me bend over in no time I will say that I always thought the cleric beasts might be a lot tougher if he was scaled for endgame I wonder if from soft had the same idea once you get over the nasty intro and appearance this boss is mostly a pushover if you're familiar with the tower night from Demon Souls the concept is similar here before you take on the boss you'll want to run around killing these lovely ladies once they're dead the fight becomes much simpler now get in between the bosses many feet and attack his butt and eventually you'll stagger him and can attack his head for bonus damage but typically I keep hacking away at that probably booty because that's the golden rule the only real thready poses comes in three attacks the AoE which is pretty easy to dodge considering the long wind-up and audio cue the acid vomit which can be seriously deadly if you don't run to the sides of the arena and worst the It's Raining Men attack literally he will summon a blood cloud over you and make it rain bodies this attack is also easy to dodge but it's easy to get greedy and tanked the hits so just keep the green check and smack that booty for the win yay more blue aliens this boss is similar to the shadows of yharnam in that it's a gang you're going to get magic shot at you and you need to use the environment effectively to win if you go with those expectations this boss is pretty much a cakewalk probably the only challenges that these things hit like a truck especially in New Game+ one of the easiest ways to handle this fight isn't focused on one of the four failures while keeping an eye on the rest of the range attacks if you can do that in Dodge effectively you've got this one in the bag oh yeah I've forgot to mention that hilarious attack they do when they're below 50% where they raise the roof and summon meteors this would be frightening if it didn't come from the same direction every time oh you failures just can't do anything right kanya if you're ready to finally silence that annoying baby's crying you're gonna have to take on the caretaker first which considering this is the final fight before the endgame this fight is really easy to be honest I think this is one of the few bosses I've never died to and that's for one reason all you got to do to win is follow that golden rule the catch here is it's made even easier by the fact many of the nurses moves are locked in once they begin one such attack has you're doing multiple hits for many seconds but it's a long wind-up so it's stupid easy to get behind her and just wail on her the only real threat is that she spawns a clone and brings out the mist but even then all you have to do is run in circles around the arena until the mists is gone and then finish her off not only is this boss super easy but it's probably one of the only fights in blood-borne I'd consider boring Wow time for the voted worst boss in blood-borne I would argue that the lore implications and dialogue of this fight is worth it the first time around but on repeat runs this guy can be a total troll first you got to chase the guy until he decides to go in the first room there you can fight him while he tries his damnedest hit you with augur oh and he has these annoying dodgy skeleton minions really though as long as you don't get greedy and strafe effectively the trip to half health is a breeze then you get to chase him through some mirrors listen to him talk some more and finally when you corner him you can Duke it out he gains a sort of double punch move that is a joke to deal with but his other new move a call beyond is the one to watch out for if you're not careful this move can one-shot you the easiest way to handle that though is just staying close in that case he almost never uses the move if you do that you should kick this guy at his nightmare in no time our first chalice boss is the undead giant with the ball and chain I decided to only include unique or notable chalice bosses and this guy's notable for one thing once he enrages it 50% he will follow up most attacks by swinging his ball and Shane wildly and oh my god if you get hit by this attack I ran the chalices on my overleveled as [ __ ] character to save some time and he still almost one shot me with my health bar the size of a football field but if you play the fight safe and back off after every one or two hits this guy's pretty easy really he's just great at punishing the greedy which gives him a decent spot on this list the secret of final boss of blood-borne can't even crack the top hat well that's really no surprise considering how easy the fight is especially coming after the one before it honestly this boss is about as generic as they come in terms of moveset especially considering how many large monsters you fought up to this point the only real threatening move a note is a blast it takes all but one of your HP the caveat though is afterward the moon presence has to recharge allowing you to regain tons of HP while just beating it down as long as you can manage this move you should take down your final great one with ease I gotta say I'm pretty surprised to see old skin flaps this low on the list not that I think he's particularly hard but I've heard more than one person say the blood star beast was the reason they quit blood-borne then again those people probably didn't vote in a poll on a game they'd quit so here we are the blood peace can be made a trivial fight in one of two ways one straight to the left once his attacks whiff hit him a few times rinse and repeat or to parry the parry timing can be a little tricky because you really have to wait until the last second but once you have the timing down this blood beast is a joke the only thing of real consequence in this fight is the poison build-up but as long as you're stocked with antidotes and use one of the aforementioned strategies you should have no problem slaying this beast after seeing these buggers on the walls around yharnam it was thrilling to see one suddenly drop in to fight you of course due to its lanky nature this boss has incredible reach there are a couple different ways to fight this boss the safe way is to get behind its tail and hit it well this does pathetic damage compared to the arms or head as long as you keep behind the tail you can't be hit then when a mcdowell inevitably jumps just stand where the tail used to be the head will end right where you're standing and you can just whack it once or twice and retreat back to the tail the second option is the unlock and kind of wildly attack the arms not sure I recommend this strategy but it's actually how I killed him the first time around lastly in what I believe to be the best strategy is to lock onto the head bait the attacks and punish you'll notice when watching a big deload that most of his moves have a really long recovery time this is to let you get hits in on the weak points so if you play the fight from a distance and dodge effectively it'll be an easy and relatively safe fight darkbeast parle is the best example of a mixed bag boss I can think of in blood-borne it boils down to two categories those who have the damages stagger easily and those that don't if you can stagger them easily by hitting his leg and then keep knocking each leg down this fight is an absolute joke but if you can't stagger the Beast get ready to battle the camera and dodge dodge dodge this beast is lightning fast and can be really tricky to dodge if you want a tip mine is the wait until you have at least the +4 weapon and are around level 35 to 40 before fighting parl if you do that it shouldn't take you longer than 30 seconds to down this beast the best example of a gank boss in blood-borne the shadows are more of a test of kiting and crab control than anything else there are three ring race one that throws fireballs one with the two-handed katana and one that breathes fire I always aim to take the two-handed katana guy down first as he is the most help and is very dangerous once you get any of them down at 20% health they grow snakes out of their head and get them more vicious moveset by this time hopefully the katana guy is nearly dead so you can finish him and focus on the fire breather once he's down immediately head to the fire thrower and keep us all going if you give him too much time at this stage he can summon massive snakes that will likely kill you but he has the least health of the three and it's a pretty easy kill leaving you with a gangbang to be proud of as the finale of the static chalice dungeons the yharnam Queen is definitely a pushover compared to everything you had to fight to get to her in the beginning of the fight she just sprays blood at you in a few different ways all pretty easy to dodge what sucks is whenever you get close that annoying baby crying starts and if you don't move back in a few seconds you'll be trapped for a moment this is easy to avoid but it can make this fight painfully long eventually she'll pull out an actual weapon which is great because she can be parried and that'll help hurry on the fight a little bit she'll also spawn clones and gain some new attacks but truly this fight is just about patience as long as you play it safe and only attack when you have an open window the queen is a pretty easy kill oh my car how I hated you in my first playthru you're looking at the boss I'd died too the most in my first playthrough I believe this had mostly to do with my insistence on playing pretty passive I was still so used to the souls games where I could cower behind the safety of my shield and pick my hits but whereas I had an easy time with Gascoigne using the music box and molotovs Emilia was just not the same she absolutely punished me for keeping a distance and I believe that's where many players struggle however once you know to play aggressively and stick like glue to that hairy ass she becomes a much easier experience fire paper and a serrated weapon definitely help as does a stock a numbing miss for her healing attack that will surely lead to a lot of smash controllers at the end of the day I loved Emilia for forcing me to adopt a new play style that made me a much better player in blood-borne and an even better player upon my return to the souls games so to honor you in death by car I salute you with a well everyone I hope you enjoyed checking out the first half of blood-borne bosses with me I appreciate leaving a like if you did and be sure to subscribe to see more Souls boring content leading up to Dark Souls 3 thank you guys for watching and I'll see you tomorrow in the second half of the list Oh
Channel: theDeModcracy
Views: 3,461,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, demons souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, bloodborne, dark souls funny, bloodborne funny, hardest souls bosses, easiest souls bosses, bloodborne bosses ranked, best bloodborne bosses, best bosses in the souls series, hardest bosses in the souls series, easiest bosses in the souls series, favorite souls boss, best fallout 4 mods, best skyrim mods, how to kill shadows of yharnam, how to kill vicar amelia, bloodborne platinum trophy
Id: bPDic2UwDlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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