Thermal Vision Mystery Food Challenge

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Hear ye, hear ye! 1 day to go!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting disclaimer on the front end about not trying it at home. I wonder if they're getting heat (ha) from Youtube.

Classic Rhett and Link, always getting caught up in the length of their thermometers...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I enjoy seeing their wacky guessing logic in these challenges. Also, interesting camera angle! Away-from-the-desk games are always appreciated by me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh that last last thermometer pull was a classic Link fail πŸ˜†

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DTake2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/logfromrenandstimpy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow they post this early in the morning i don't think I noticedπŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lord_vader_jr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always loved this game format so very cool they found a way to make it different and interesting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rA9_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Info ready or not, here we come. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Snakes, bedbugs, gold fish, what cool thing do these creatures have in common that we don't? - you can bring them all home from the state fair. - I don't think that's it. It's the fact that they can see infrared light! Infrared, don't say infrored like we used to say growing up. - [Both] Infrared. - Infored. - Infrared. - Infored. - It's a type of radiant energy that we humans feel is heat but our eyes cannot see. Now what does infrared light look like? I don't know, I can't say it! but that all changes today. - Yeah, today we got ourselves a very high tech and very expensive thermal camera in order to play a very stupid I mean, scientific game, which may turn the heat up on our gag reflexes. It's time for infrared camera, time to engage. is that ahead of some lettuce or the head of Nick Cage? Welcome to the heat check zone. - Link is holding the FLIRT1K high def infrared camera. This thing picks up the heat signatures, of things like me and things like Sprite, not a sponsor but one of them is cold and one of them is hot. Can you tell which one? - I bet you this really black one is cold, and this purple-ish one is hotter. - It's just room temperature. But this one yes, we just took it out of the fridge. - Nice. - Okay, so here's how this game is gonna work. In every round there's gonna be two dishes back here. We're going to be able to see them, because we're going to put the camera back here and we'll see the heat signature of both of the dishes. They're both going to look relatively normal but one of them is going to be very nasty to eat. However, YouTube, if you're listening, everything that we're gonna be eating is completely non-toxic, and explicitly edible food grade things. But just because we're gonna eat a little bit of it, doesn't mean that you at home should even think about eating it, so don't. - Don't even think about it. So we're going to draw thermometers. Longest one gets the power of choice. You gotta eat what you choose. And it may really suck. In the end... The person who loses the most, is gonna have to dawn the dreaded thermal of onesy in Good Mythical More. - Okay, so the fancy-schmancy camera is in place, and it is filming the foods that are in there. - It's behind here, it's back there filming this, but here it is. - That's a hotdog, it's more of a cold-dog though look, we got, it looks like the wiener's pretty hot, but everything around it has got no heat except some on top. - We got some sort of plate of eggs. - That's not eggs, that's spaghetti and meatballs bro! - Oh! - You wanna say, what kind of egg, what kind of chicken makes it egg that's perfectly spherical. - Hard-boiled eggs. - And also hot, it's all hot. - On a nest, a hot nest. - A hot nest. - Of hard-boiled eggs. - Okay, and in every round, we're going to determine who gets the power of choice to guess or to pick which food they're going to eat by selecting one of these handy-dandy thermometer. - Why is it a cold-dog? Don't pick yet. - I'm not taking my hand off of it. - So you're saying, that this the middle of the dog is hot, but the condiments on top are cold. The cold ketchup man ketchup. - It's hot ketchup and the bun is room temperature. - That hotdog has like a cold piece of cheese draped over it with a hot piece of butter on top of it. - I mean, it would be easy to replace the condiments with something that was nasty but still cold, but would also be easy to put something in the meatballs that made them taste nasty. And they also might be eggs. - That doesn't look... I mean that that's too, that's too smooth to be a meatball. Look at how smooth it is. I think it's a freaking... Eyeball or something crazy man. - It is really hot on top too. - It gets really hot, right on top. - Right on the tip. - All right, for the power of choice. Three, two, one. (laughing) You jerk! - Look at that brother! - You jerk. - Okay. - Gimme this. Which one do you want? - I'm scared of those, those eggs. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take the hotdog. - All right, you're ready? - Let's reveal. - Let's reveal. Oh look at that! (laughing) - Yes! - See? I was right. - Yes! You were right. - [Stevie] It looks beautiful though, doesn't it? - Look at those hot eggs. - [Stevie] It's, it's edible children's dough. It's not made out of children. It's like the play dough, it's a play dough that you can make, that's edible. So it has vegetable oil, cream of tartar, salt. It's fun to play with, but I don't think it's going to be so fun to eat. And that's just a hot-dog, yeah. - I thought it looked a little smoothies. - Nice and warm, well... It's hot, huh? - Yeah, it's it's it's so hot that it's almost... - A little bit of that meatball. You were so right about being scared about those meatballs. - I'm telling you man. Ah... - It's good? - No. - Is it hot? - It's hot! - It's hot? How hot is it? - It's hot and salty. (laughing) It's as salty as, oh my gosh. - It's still hot, you can still see it in the camera. It's so hot. (Link gagging) - Oh, okay, well, you didn't get it down! - We got two other plates up in here, oh, we gotta... - This is waffles. - A short stack... - Or is it pancakes? - It could be pancakes, with... - That's pancake, 'cause it's got blueberries on top. Pancakes or waffles. - We got a basket with hot lava. Is this nacho and cheese? Or is that paper that lines the basket. - I think it's paper that lines the basket. So, I mean, those are blueberries. You can, I mean, it would be so difficult to take the... - They're blue because they're cold. (laughing) I can tell that the texture that their blueberries, and that's butter. - That's a cold slab of butter slathered on some hot cakes. - This feels like it's the easiest thing to manipulate, the fire bowl. The hot fire bowl is filled with something nasty. So I feel... power choice man! - Power of choice? Well we go all the way over here. - I'm gonna go all the way over here. - Three, two, one. - Oh, short daddy. - Yes! All right. - Okay. - Okay, so I need to, I need to choose. - You have to choose. - Before we reveal. You know what? I think this looks innocuous. - Then they made a pancakes man! - No, I'm going to, I'm going to go with the pancakes. Let's see it. Oh yeah. - Yeah the pancakes are good. - Look at that, grab yourself. You almost... - [Stevie] It's supposed to be chips in Caiso come on. - Oh, that's what I thought, yeah. - [Stevie] But it's actually glue chips, glue that's made out of like organic pantry items, and some homemade toothpaste Caiso, with a little natural food dye for some, for some possess. - I love everything that you just said. - [Stevie Thank You, you've never said that to me before. - Yeah. - Okay. (people laughing behind the camera) - Don't give up. - Wow! Too much jaw out. Gon pull my front teeth out. - You want me to yank? Oh, it smells like toothpaste. - Oh, I got a toothpaste all over it. I don't believe I can bite this. - Quick reminder, there will be no episode of Good Mythical Morning tomorrow. Hahaha, Psyched. In fact, the exact opposite. There'll be so much Good Mythical Morning happening tomorrow, all live, because it is the first ever Good Mythical Morning, all day long live stream from 9:00 AM Pacific, that's noon Eastern to five, 5:00 PM. - Pacific which is. - Pacific. - Eight o'clock. - 8 PM. - [Both] Eastern. - We're going to be, we're going to be streaming it up. So join us, don't forget, as tomorrow, 19th. - The whole day, we're going to be raising money for one of our favorite charities, Inner City Arts, will tell you all about why they're amazing and why you should be a part of that. - So don't forget, join us all day tomorrow. Be your mythical best. Let's look at this, oh, it's an ice cream. - Uh, but you don't know that. - I'm very... - It's cold. - It's like so, so cold. - What just happened? Everything got hotter. - And then what is that? - A plate of... - There's something really cold in the middle. - Two little cold dabs, and then a... - That's a piece of chicken. That's a piece of chicken, chicken, chicken legs. - Chicken legs. - It's a chicken legs. - I think those are just two holes in the chicken. Now they could slather that hot fried chicken in anything, but they can, I know they can make ice cream into anything. - It's easier to make ice cream into nasty. I've been on this show long enough to know that. - You could slather nasty on a chicken leg! So you would choose the ice cream? I think I would too. - No, I would choose the chicken. - Sure you wouldn't choose the ice cream? - I would choose the chicken. But first gonna choose... - This one, this one, this one, you grab first. - This one. (laughing) - Okay, three, two, one. - Oh gosh! (laughing) - Familiar feeling huh? - Oh, man! Man! I should've gone for the one that you set the interest in. - Let's take a look at it. Look at that, I like how that happens. - Well, I still don't know. This looks nasty. - This also looks a little suspicious, why would they... - [Stevie] Wait, what did you not pick? You're just wait! - Oh yeah, I'll picked that one. - [Stevie] Wait! - Did I not pick? - [Stevie] No! So now you have to eat... Well I'm so confused. You just wanted to see it's so freaking bad. - I wanted to see it so bad, I'm choosing the chicken, even though I would've chosen. - Oh, you can't use it after you see it. - I think this is nasty. Is that nasty? - [Stevie] We're so preoccupied by the size of your thermometers, that you forgot the game play of the entire thing. - I wasn't gonna take the ice cream! - [Stevie] You said, yeah Link said he was gonna take the ice cream. Okay, so that is... - I know why did I grab the ice cream, 'cause it was just close to me. And I grab food that's close to me. So that has nothing to do with the game at all. - And then we get to activate this thing dropping with a foot action. So I got really excited about the foot action too. I was like huh, look at what I can do with my foot. - What is he about to eat? - [Stevie] Okay, that is homemade organic lipstick made with waxes beet root powder and Shai butter. - I mean, uh! I mean, oh! - You look beautiful. - How's that? Could be worse. - That chicken's good, what's that on it? - Tastes like a made out with... - Just ranch? - [Stevie] That is a ranch. (laughing) - It's just ranch on chicken ya'll. - Just made out with a makeup counter at Clinique. - Okay, I'm up two one. So our last round we either tie or I win. So either way, you're gonna wear the onesy, thermal onesy. - Did I get all the lipstick? - Yup. - Okay. Oh, check it, oh, it's the same thing. A hot one and a cold one. - Pretzels. - pretzel like material, frozen pretzel, hot pretzel. - I am, I can see salt crystals on this one. So if they were able to generate salt crystalness. - I would choose the cold pretzel. - Okay, gentleman's agreement. Are we gonna take the thermometer that is closest to us? Or furthest away from us? Because there's only two left. - Let's find out. Why do we need a gentleman's agreement? Just grab one. - Because I know how you do this. As soon as I start reaching for it you reach and try to grab really, really fast. - So whoever gets it first. - My arms are crossed man. - My arms are crossed and I got this. (laughing) It was so long. - You grabbed it and dropped it. (laughing) And then I was like, well, I guess I'll take it. - You got me to do that. - I baited you. - How did you get me to do that? Did you pinch me? - That was all you man. - [Stevie] Guys, do you remember that there's another part to the round, this round? Okay. - You have to power of choice, but he actually needs to choose. - [Stevie] Yes, yes. - Okay, man, I just I'm gonna go, it would be most interesting to make, to make the hot ones nasty. 'Cause that's like more of a feat right? But I can see, I see salt crystals on this one. And so I'm gonna, look at that, I did hit the screen , things happen. I'm gonna go with the, I'm going with the hot one. I'll give you the cold pretzel. - All right, bring down the curtain. - Oh wow, is that? Is that just a? - Is that icing covered? What the heck? - What is that covering in? - [Stevie] Unfortunately, those are not icing covered because they're made of edible homemade soap, with egg white powder, xanthan gum, rendered, ham fat, and sodium hydroxide, and flour. - Did you say rendered hand fat? - [Stevie] Rendered a ham, ham. - You gotta eat some hand fat man. - Smells like a candle. (mumbling) - There's a lot of kick in those. - A lot of ham fat. - They're like candles, like you could... Stick a candle in there. Stick a wick in there. That means that you've lost. Boy, you almost won, but we couldn't hold on to your big thermometer. So that means that you're gonna be wearing the thermal-onesy, whatever that is in Good Mythical More. (mumbling) - You know what the time it is. - Hi, my name's Joe. I'm heading into me senior year at Washington State University here in Pullman, Washington. And I just found my recorder from grade five. (playing the flute) And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - She could give you a run for your money. - Yeah, she could play for... What's that band with the guy who plays the flute? - Marshall Tucker band? - That will work. - Click dot link to watch us try frozen candies, that aren't normally frozen in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Voice] these three colorful GMM mugs are going away forever. Get yours now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,560,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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