Most Epic Minecraft Builds (Game)

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Cool, how's it Hermitcraft

Also 69 upvotes lessgo

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Giraffe1501 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Because Geminitay is now a member of Hermitcraft.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NeonTigerMMX3 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

I know this post is old but, "Marvel Flash" 💀💀💀

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Big_Pogchamp 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
- How weird can Minecraft builds really get? - Let's talk about that. (GMM jingle sounds) Good Mythical Morning! - In case you didn't know, Minecraft has become one of the most popular games in the world. There, I said it. - Is that right? - Mm, yup. (Link and crew chuckling) Finding diamonds, killing giant spiders and drying by lava have got a grip on the population. And also my son, Shepherd, he's been gripped by Minecraft. We're trying to pull him away. - He has! - Well, I actually thought it was gone, but then Minecraft came back. - Yeah, it'll do that. - Even if you don't play Minecraft, seeing the intricate and elaborate masterpieces that people are actually building within the world is wild. - Yes. So how about we take a look at some of those mind-blowing builds in the most competitive GMM game know to man? - Yeah! (theatrical music) - It's time for... "Mystery Countdown Theater-Minecraft Edition." You know how this game goes? - Yup! The faster we buzz in with the right answer the more points we get. And today the winner gets to feed the loser. I got beetroot soup, time-lap style. Now I would know what beetroot soup is if I paid more attention to what my son is doing, but I didn't,- - It's in Minecraft. - It's in the game. - And when you lose, you get beat,- - Right? - So there's a double meaning- - Double root. - Of course I'm gonna wear something to bring me luck. I recently survived a treacherous LARPing battle but I did come out victorious. - Hmm? - I don't know if you know, I'm into LARPing now. - I did not know that. - Yeah. Yeah. (crew sniggering) - Oh... - So I'm gonna wear my lucky shoulder pads. This is the only part of my costume that survived an attacked by an evil maid- - An evil maid? - Yeah, that, that burnt my costume to a crisp but I kept my, my Daisy-themed shoulder pad- - Yeah, I see that. - intact. - This is kind weird, I gotta say. I'm freaking out a little bit right now because I also recently fought in my LARPing battle and came out victorious. And the only thing left was my shoulder pads. (Rhett crowing) - Are you serious? - Yes! Yes! - Well, you must have been at the LARPing battle across town. - Yeah. - 'Cause I did not battle you. - Yeah. I mean, we should talk more. (Link enthuses) We should talk more outside of this. - Well, that's- - You know, outside of work, we should talk more because then I mean, cuz I think we could team up into LARP. - Did you, uh- - Ping, Larping. (Rhett chuckles) - Did your costume get burnt by an evil maid? - No. It was a frog prince. (Rhett titters) (crew laughing) - Guys, what's so weird, is I was also LARPing but I'm wearing a, it's like an athletic cup that's covered in AstroTurf, which was part of my costume. - Are you going to display that or is it just- - No, no, no. It's just for you to imagine. (Stevie chuckles) - Okay? I just thought it'd be nice for everyone on this lovely morning to imagine. - Can I stop now? - Yeah. (Stevie and Rhett laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, so all the videos you're gonna be watching today have been generously provided by three YouTube channels. GeminiTay, Shannooty,- - Shannooty! - Yeah! - And Noxua, are you ready? (Rhett applauds) - All three! - [Stevie] For your first clip? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Here we go... - Oh, oh, okay? - Uh... (button chimes) - Rhett? - I believe it is a bear? - That ain't a bear... - [Stevie] Gotta be more specific? - Yogi... (Rhett guffaws) (all laughing) ♪ Yogi! ♪ ♪ Yogi! ♪ (Rhett crows) ♪ Yogi the bear ♪ - It that his new theme song? - When is the last time you saw Yogi the Bear? - Well I don't know! Sometimes they do- ♪ Yogi the Bear ♪ - and they change them! (crew scoffs) - Um, okay, I'm sorry. It's not Yogi. - Yeah, I figured that. - [Link] He's got a big tail. Uh, what? - Oh, I know now... (button chimes) - [Stevie] Link? - It's just a hairy bear. (crew chuckling) - Okay now? - It's just a hairy bear. (button chimes) - Rhett? - It is the Coca Cola Polar Bear. (crew tittering) - I mean OK... When I said more specific I didn't mean like going that far. It's a polar bear. - It's not, it's green! - Polar! - I did say polar bear. - [Link] Hold on... It just turned white! (crew chuckles) (Link emotes) - You did say polar bear. You said Coca Cola, I mean what do the judges... Ah, yeah, we're giving it to you, Rhett. (point accrual device chimes) - Oh, obviously, - Yeah, yeah. - I mean I think it's - Of course we know it drinks Coca Cola! - I see no Coca Cola! (crew titters nervously) - Every polar bear drinks Coca-Cola, that's why the ads happened. - Listen, if you drink- - I only got one point by the way. - If you're gonna guess and you're gonna be overly specific, I'm all for it. But when you go like general, general, now don't wanna bring up anything, like being, but- - I will say, Link did say, "Hairy Bear." (Rhett scoffs) - Yeah. I was very specific. - I will say... - Green, hairy bear. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know they changed color at the end, Morgan Morgan? - Let's just move on. - [Link] Okay. A fence. (crew member chuckles) Oh, what? Oh, what in the heck? (Rhett chimes in) - Rhett? - A cemetery. - What? - Correct! (score board chimes) - What, why are you using that accent? - Yes, well, ever since I won my battle against the Frog Princes I've been trying out a new accent. - That's a spooky cemetery? - A cemetery. You got thoughts about that? - Yeah. I'm not impressed by it. (Rhett scoffs) This is a cemetery. - Okay. Okay. Okay. - What the heck is this? - Holy moly. - This is, it's a bust of some sort, um... (Rhett chimes in) - Oh, gosh. I believe this is Poseidon. - Stop with the accent. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] You are correct. - No! Come on! (Rhett crows) - Serious! (Rhet revels) You could have guessed Aquaman. Oh, wow, look at that. - Yeah, it's crazy, man. That's Minecraft? - [Stevie] I would like you to know that actually you could not have guessed Aquaman. That is in my "Not Accepted," category. - Oh yeah. - You could have guessed- He could have gotten it wrong. - Link could have guessed Aquaman. - [Stevie] King Triton. Oh yeah, King Triton was the other possible answer. - I mean, that's an impressive world. I wonder how long it took to make that? - Oh, well I'm sure it is in the description. - A lot longer than it took for you to guess it, sadly. And I'm getting zilch! - Well, you know what? Let's take a, a short break, so yeah can... (Rhett scoffs) - I need to gather myself. - You should gather yourself. You know what? You should grab a copy of "Blood Oath," "Rhett and Link Versus the Global Love-Making Crisis." It's an original comic book, exclusive to the Mythical Society. We're so proud of this thing. It's crazy. We had a lot of fun creating it. - It's wow. - It is the latest quarterly item, collectible item on the Mythical Society. Only available to mythical society members. Join 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by March 31st to get your copy, visit for detail. - The AstroTurf cup, I think is what's throwing me off. - [Stevie] Yeah. I... - Is it on the inside or the outside? Am I picturing it right? - [Stevie] It previously, previously was on the inside but it caused some chafing - Hmm. - and I had to move it to the outside, um... - Ah, okay. - [Stevie] And it's a little bit of a, it's a little weaponized cuz the little spikes- - It's got spikes? - Yeah. It's it's like a chastity belt. - Wow. Are the, so are the spikes on the, I was asking was the turf on the inside of the cup or the outside of the cup? You're saying the spikes are on the inside of the cup? - No, no, no, no. - Of course not. - That would be for somebody else. - She's not helping. - Yeah. (Stevie chuckles) - Is that turf? - Oh Yeah. - Yeah, this is my turf. - This is AstroTurf? - Yeah. - [Link] Okay. What is happening here? (Link chimes) - This is one of those Japanese trees that you prune and you trim him and you, ficus? It's not a ficus tree. - Yeah. - What the crap is- - Ficus tree is a guess. - No, it's called a... Bonsai tree! - [Stevie] Correct! - Yes! - Wow. (scoreboard chimes) - How long do we give someone to derive the- (crew laughs) I just, what's the official rule? - That's pretty good, man. - That's purdy. - I was gonna say "Jack and the Beanstalk." That's odd. - Does this bring up nasty memories of when you- - Yeah. quickly killed your very old Bonsai tree. - My wife got me a 25 year old Bonsai tree as a romantic gesture. - Killed it in two months. - No, I think made it three. - 12 to 5! - [Rhett] Oh, bubbly. - [Link] What is, is this some sort off... (Rhett rings) - Rhett? - Believe this is a dam, to be specific, the Hoover Dam. - Yes, correct! - That was my guess too. - Dang it! I wanna just shove this in your mouth! (Rhett scoffs) - [Stevie] For another point, can you name another dam? - You know, there's actually a dam close to the Hoover Dam. That's almost as big as a Hoover Dam? I don't know the name of it. The Bloover Dam. (Rhett guffaws) - What a work of engineering? I'm talking about just the Minecraft version. (Rhett chuckles) - Yeah. Yeah. A lot of blocks. Brick by brick. You know,- - You know, when you think about it- - you know how many people died, making the Hoover Dam? You know? I wonder how how many people died making this version? - We wrote a song about it back in the day. All right. I'm not out of this, am I? - No. - No, of course not. (Rhett groans) (Link buzzes) - Link? - This is a Ballet dancer. (crew scoffs) - Good guess? - [Stevie] Incorrect. (Rhett breathing deeply) - What in the world? - Oh? - What? (Rhett buzzes) - Oh! (Link sighs) - This is the dragon lady from "Game of Thrones." Her name is Momoa's... - D'you have to give her name? - Little girlfriend? (crew chuckles) - Momoa's m- muh- girlfriend? - Her name is Dragon Queen. Her name is Blond Girl. Her name is sh... - Okay, we will accept that. (scoreboard dings) - [Stevie] Yes. It's Daenerys Targaryen. - [Rhett] Yeah, I only got a point anyway. - I read the books before I watched the show. And you know how, when you read a book and you're like having your mind the wrong way to pronounce something? I was like, Dana-reece... (crew laughs) It's like, I,- - Oh yeah- - [Stevie] Okay, so right before this, this is the name that I always have a, have a hard time with. And I was like, okay guys, remind me, you "Game of Thrones" people, how to pronounce it. I got three different ways to pronounce it,- - Daeneries? told to me all one time. But I think it's Daenerys. - Daenerys. I think it is Daenerys. - That's right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Not Denaereece. - Targaryen? Targaryen? Oh gosh. Come on Link! Come in, Link!. Shoulder pads, Engage! - Wow, okay. (Rhett mutters) Gotta get moving... Quick! (Link activates) - Link? - Volcano. - Correct! (counter chimes) (Link erupts) - Oh yeah, yeah. Does it erupt? - That's good. That's good. That's good. - Come on, erupt. Oh, look, it's erupting, but it's blue and then they change the color. Oh, here, you know, entire islands are made that way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You can visit 'em. - Most. - I wouldn't visit 'em at that point though. - All right. - Closing the gap! - Yep. Yep. Yep. Gap it up. This is another person. - Oh gosh. This is, no points for this one. (Link registers) - Link? - The Flash. - Yes. - The blue Flash. - Yes. You start blue and turn him red at the end. - [Stevie] Correct. - I only got three points for that? - Until the little thing- - Crap! - Until the little things came on there was impossible to know, you know what I'm saying? Like Ben Johnson! - Ballerina. (Rhett guffaws) (crew laughing) - It could be... Yeah. For all you Ben Johnson fans. - He's a, he was a track star. He was a runner. - When you think about... He was Rioded-up in the 90s. - [Stevie] Oh, I thought you just like named a random generic name? - Oh, yeah, like you- - Hey, it's a - - Real Roided-up- (crosstalk) - Jokes on two different levels, Stevie, The people who know what I'm talking about and the people who don't. - Oh, now I can't go to the next round. Ben Johnson. - Stevie is like, what a plain name for a person? How hilarious? (crew chuckling) How is Ben feeling right now? - Ben Johnson. Wow, okay. Hey, listen. Any man's game. Okay. (chimer chimes) - [Stevie] Ooh, Link? - Fabulous Treehouse. - Yeah. It's a tree house, but yeah, it could be fabulous. Let's see. - I got it! (chime sounding) - You got it. (Link guffaws) - Yay! Fabulous Tree House! Wow. This is amazing! - [Link] Hey, look at that! It was fabulous. - [Rhett] You tied it up going into the final round! - [Link] Yes! Yes! - [Rhett] This has ever happened before. - [Link] Yes. Yes. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, bomb! Look at that fabulous tree house. Man, I really have a fantasy of it living in one of those. - Aah... - I had a dream the other night. I'll tell you about it in "Good Mythical More." Don't let me forget. - Okay. All right. It all comes down to this man. Okay. This is tricky. Can't buzz too early. - Can't buzz too late. (Rhett buzzes) (Link sighs) - Rhett? - Godzilla. - [Stevie] I'm looking for a very specific answer here. - Godzilla versus Mothra. - Incorrect. - Yes. For the win. - Shoot. (buzzer clangs) (crew scoffing) (Link chimes) Why would you say, why would you even say why was Mothra the person you would say? - I haven't seen any of the Godzillas. I don't watch the franchise. - What about Godzilla versus - King Kong? King Kong. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Yeah, that sounds right. - Yes. Look at that turquoise King Kong. - I just- - Damn it! Come on now. Don't get naughty mouth. (crew chuckling) It's not worth it. Oh, this is, this is pretty cool. Now that I've won. What? I came from behind. - That was pretty exciting. - And I won. - I gotta admit, was pretty- - Do I get a prize? - That was pretty exciting. I'm almost excited. - Oh! - Hey. I don't know how I got here, but I was just fighting demons in Godzilla versus King Kong, you know, but congrats on losing. - Nice shoulder pads. - Thanks. They're so sparkly. Thank you- - Did the mange get the rest of yours too? - Uh, no, but that's for you though. Enjoy! - So this is a punishment? Do I eat? You feed it to me? - Yeah. Yeah. - Oh, let's do it over, - IT's the beet soup. over the table so we don't need to get,- - Oh yeah, I Remember, I remember now. (crew sniggering) - Hmm! (Rhett masticating) (spoon tinkling) - That's pretty nice. - You've been "beeten," Sir. They were rooting for you. - Thanks again to GeminiTay. Shannooty. And Noxua, for sharing your awesome work with us. (Link applauds) And you can check out their channels in the description box below. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what Time it is? - Hi, I'm David Christie and this is my nephew Fynn and we're from Warner Robins, Georgia. (xylophone chimes) And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Hmm! - He likes that theme song. - So easy and uncle can do it. - And he got excited about that. All right. Click the top link to watch us play the pixelated video game character game, in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's going. - Join 3Rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by March 31st to get Mythical's first ever comic book. Visit mythical for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,173,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: QNgKpLiaeYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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