Stove vs. Microwave Taste Test

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- To microwave, or to stove? That is the question. - I am not Link. - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Summer, and yes, you're not Link. - It's true, I'm Stevie. - Hey, Stevie, that's right, you're Stevie. - Yeah. Here's the reminder. Link is under the weather, and he is at home right now. But- - [Link] I'm right here, on the microphone. - You ruined the surprise! We're switching places, Link is on the god mic, I am in Link's seat. I'm going to do my best to be a Link substitute today. - Okay, all right. Link, are you intimidated by this? You feel threatened? - [Link] I'm pretty excited. Like, I've always wanted to be Stevie for a day, so here I am, sitting in my own dining room, watching you guys on a video chat, and taking over the god mic. - That's what I'm learning, is that Stevie, you don't even have to come in, you could just be at home. - I know, I know! Yeah. In my own dining room, that I totally have. - That's right. Well, I'm excited because this kinda feels like when you had a substitute teacher in school. I'm gonna cut up a little bit, I'm gonna test your patience. - Oh, great. I thought you already did that on a normal basis. - Okay, you ready to taste some stovetop and some microwave foods? - Oh boy, am I. - It's time for "Worth the Wait, Stovetop Vs. Microwave Edition." - Okay, here how it works. (both laugh) - [Link] See? It ain't easy, is it? - We're about to try two of the same dishes, one was cooked on the stovetop, and one was cooked in the microwave. We'll compete to guess which dish was made on the stovetop. The person who guesses the least amount of dishes correctly must wait to speak until the winner tells them to in Good Mythical More. - So you're talking about the loser. - I am. - The person who gets the least right, the loser. We're making sure you understand what a loser is. But just as importantly, after the answers have been revealed, we're gonna compare cooking times and then decide if the dish that took longer to make on the stovetop is actually worth the wait. - Let's do it. (upbeat music) As you can see, we can't. - [Link] Yes! Yes, Stevie, you said it! - I'm doing you proud. - [Link] You did great! - You're gonna let her say that? - Just wait. - [Link] I love it. I would've been offended if she didn't say it. How did it feel? - I didn't mess it up, so, that's point one. - [Link] That's like the best part of my job, Stevie, you just experienced it. - Yeah. - Are we doing it? - Yeah, what do we have before us, Link? - [Link] Okay, you can start eating. These Jimmy Dean fully cooked original pork link sausages take up to 12 minutes on the stovetop, and... - Is that your finger or a sausage? - I think I have multiple sausagi. - [Link] Just chomp away. - I think I just got one. - This feels very heavy. - [Link] They take 65 seconds in the microwave. - Oh, sorry, Link, am I interrupting you? - [Link] 65 seconds in the microwave, 12 minutes on the stovetop. Your job is to tell me which sausage was cooked on the stovetop. - That's a good sausage right there. - That's good! - Mm, yeah. - [Link] Jimmy Dean don't play. - Let me tell you, the blind sausage whiff, which is probably on Urban Dictionary. - The old sausage whiff. - Is not great. When you don't know it's sausage, like right before we started I was like, "I'm not into this." But the taste is excellent. - You don't like the nondescript smell of sausage? - Yeah, there's something about blind sausage whiff. See, okay, Link, this is, I'm politely moving over towards Rhett, with what I'm, this is like a little hop to. Rhett, I'm moving towards, oh, sorry. - Don't, wait, what was that, was that a fork or an elbow? - No, I was tapping you. - Okay. - Now I'm going to do this. - [Rhett] Hm. - [Link] You're trying to tell me how to do my job? You need to be telling me how to do your job. - I'm illustrating. - I appreciate the fact that she cares about safety. She's coming in with the fork, and she's thinking about my welfare? I could get used to this. - [Link] All right, guys, I'm gonna give you a three two one. - Wait, we haven't even talked about the sausage! - I like 'em. - Here's the thing. They both taste really good to me. - There's one that's better, though. But I'm not gonna tell you what it is, because I do believe that it's the one from the stovetop. - Okay, there's one that I firmly believe is from the stovetop. It has like a crispiness level to it, it has like a pop to it, that I really really like. - Yep, mm-hm. - And... Yeah, so I believe one is definitely stovetop, and I'm ready to guess. - Mkay. - [Link] Place your hand over it in three, two, one. Oh! Take your masks off. You disagreed. - Which one is it? - [Link] The sausages cooked on the stovetop are on... Stevie's side. - Oh, that's so weird, did I say something that made it seem like I was gonna vote for one thing, but then I voted for the other thing? - [Link] You exactly did, yes. So I'm very confused. (both laugh) - Yeah! Hey, I see what's happening here! I see what's happening here! - [Link] So wait, what's your real answer, then? If you're just making fun of me. - I'm making fun of you, but this one tasted, like I said, there was a crispiness, and a poppiness. - Yeah, and it just, yeah, the flavor, not just that, but the flavor came out so much more, and so okay, listen. Is it worth the extra 10 minutes and 55 seconds? I think it is. I think it's that much better. - I mean, listen, it depends on the day. If you're going to work in the morning, you need something quick, this is good, this is really good. But if you really, if it's a weekend breakfast, I think it's worth the wait. - 11 minutes on the weekend. - [Link] And you know what, Stevie? I'm gonna give you the point, 'cause I know you were just doing that to screw with me, and you know what? I'm gonna take the high road. - Okay. - [Link] You both get a point, for both being correct. Let's move on. - Okay. (upbeat music) - [Link] These green chili and cheese tamales, from the Tucson Tamale Company, are fully cooked, and they just need to be steamed. They take 30 minutes on the stovetop, but they only take four minutes in the microwave. - What? - You can just put a tamale on a stovetop? - Yeah, wait. How does that...? - [Link] I just said this as if it were, it didn't make sense to me. I said "30 minutes on the stovetop, but only four minutes in the microwave." But what I meant to say was, "But a honking four minutes in the microwave." - You're confusing me, man. (Stevie laughs) - [Link] It takes longer in the microwave than it does in the stovetop, by three minutes, 30 seconds. - That was unclear, that was unclear. - No, it doesn't! It takes 30 minutes on the stovetop, and four minutes in the microwave. - Link, yeah. Via the reaction in the room, yeah. - Hey, man, numbers are hard, aren't they? - Yeah. - [Rhett] They're hard. - [Link] 30 minutes on the stovetop, not 30 seconds. - I heard whatever the right thing was, just 'cause my brain made sense of the numbers, and the options. - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Link] I said 30 minutes, but I was thinking seconds, and I was like "That's crazy!" - 30 seconds on the stovetop, you've got yourself a hot tamale. - This is not bad. I mean, I have some thoughts. - It's not bad, but it's also not great. - Yeah. I hate to say this, it's moist. - Yeah, it's real moist. - Here's the thing about me and tamales, though. I don't like it when they taste like tamales. That tastes a little too like- - What do you want it to taste like? - I want it to taste like something that it's not supposed to be, because I just don't like when things taste like they're supposed to taste. - [Link] Uh-huh. - Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Stevie laughs) Hey, you know what? You're a great substitute for Link. You're making me feel very at home. I feel so at home. I'm ready to guess! - Yeah, me too. - [Link] All right, tell me which one's cooked on the stovetop in three, two, one. - I mean, if this isn't the stovetop, then... - [Link] You are both correct. - Okay, yeah. - This is a drastic difference. - I would like something in between the two. 'Cause this one was kinda dry, and this one was wet. - The fact that it was steamed, which is technically something you do on the stovetop, but, that's just a, you can't recreate that in a microwave. 'Cause you're literally adding water when you're steaming something. But this, you're just putting it in the microwave. - 26 minutes, that's the thing. Well maybe, here's the thing, maybe you don't have to do it as long, because they did it too, that's too long in my opinion. So maybe you can cut it down. - You got a Peloton, right? - Mm-hm. Yes. - Yeah, you have a Peloton that's just a desktop Peloton, that you just do with your hands, right? See, 26 minutes, you do some Peloton, and then you go eat your moist tamale. - And then they cancel out doing the Peloton by eating the tama- that's great. - That's how life works. - Okay, so it's worth the wait, then? - To me, it's so much better that I can find something to do for 26 minutes. - Okay, I'll go with that. (upbeat music) - [Link] These Tai Pei chicken potstickers take about 11 minutes and 45 seconds to boil on the stovetop, and that's including the time to actually boil the water beforehand, a'ight? They take up to six minutes in the microwave. - Well that depends on your altitude. What altitude are you talking about? - [Link] Which potstickers were cooked on the stovetop? - Guess he's just ignoring me now. - Yeah. Actually, that was very me. I think he did a good job, there. - Yeah, yeah. - Potsticker? I barely know her! - [Link] Focus, guys. Focus. - Yeah, okay, that was, you brought a little Linkishness there. - I don't like the way this feels. The stabiture, I don't feel as if that felt good for my fork. - This is not how I typically eat my potstickers. But I was not given chopsticks. - My body's saying no, and this is just normal food. Like there's nothing gross about what's happening, but... - What's your body saying? - "No." - You gotta listen to your body. - It's saying no, and I'm trying not to listen to my body because my body's being ridiculous right now. You know, a potsticker is what I call a turd that doesn't go down the toilet when you flush. - Oh, Stevie! - What do you think about that one, Link? - [Link] You know there's other people watching besides me. (Stevie laughs) - You know, that's a sign that you need to adjust your diet. (Stevie chuckles) - Yeah. - That shouldn't happen. You shouldn't have to ever clean anything off the inside of a toilet bowl. If you're doing that, you gotta make some adjustments, y'all. - Yeah. Yeah. And that's why I brought it up. Okay, there's a marked difference between these two for me. - Yeah, but I kinda like both of 'em. - I don't like this one. There's something, look at the way it looks, too. - Yeah, there's- - Like there's some kind of like... - Yeah. - This looks like skin that needs to come off. You know? - Well just cut it off. The world is your gyoza. - No, I meant like skin on your, they're potstickers, those are my only offensive potsticker jokes. - Well what's the difference between gyoza and a potsticker? - I don't know. - [Matt] I don't know if there is one. - [Both] What? - [Matt] I don't think there is a difference. - Oh, well, Carney's saying there isn't one, but you know what there is a difference? Everybody's gonna be mad at you now. - Yeah. - I didn't say it! - Okay, I think I'm ready to guess. - [Link] Are you guys ready? - Yes. - Yeah. - [Link] In three, two, one. - I mean, yes, the edge of this, the main thing I get is that the edge is supple, right? - Yeah, there's an appropriate moisture to this one. - It has a supple edge. - It's not overdone. This seems like something went a little bit wrong. - [Link] And you like that one on Rhett's side better. - This is definitely better. The supple edge is better. - [Link] The potstickers cooked on the stovetop are on Stevie's side. - What? No! - Really? - There was a mixup. - [Link] Nope, no mixup. I'm in charge. - You're telling me that the supple edge, the microwave can create a supple edge? - [Link] Yep. - Wow. This is a finding. We've really struck on something today, it is not worth the wait, you need to be taking your Tai Pei potstickers, and sticking them right in the microwave. - You do. You know what else? Supple Edge was my nickname in high school. (upbeat music) You know what, we are doing- - [Link] Rhett, I'm sure you know what these are. - Link, I'm doing a promo. - [Link] Oh. Sorry. - I'm doing a promo. Can you hold for a second? - [Link] It's important. Yes, I'll hold. - We're doing Good Mythical Evening again, and you know what? Tickets are now available for everybody! You know what Good Mythical Evening is, it's when we take what we do on Good Mythical Morning, and we toss aside all the rules, and all decorum. There's going to be drinking. - The little decorum that there is on this show already. - There's a lot more decorum here. There's gonna be drinking, there's gonna be cursing, there's going to be innuendo that moves out of the window, you know what I'm saying? It's gonna get real. - Oh, gosh, I'm a little bit nervous, but I think that you'll really love it, so join us for Good Mythical Evening 2022, a live ticket event exclusively on Moment House on September first to jumpstart the Labor Day weekend. - Tickets are on sale right now. - [Link] My body is ready! - Good Mythical Evening. You gotta wait on me, Link. I'm sorry, I know, you're not here, it's different for you, but you gotta wait on me., each ticket is one chance to win an all-inclusive VIP package to Mythicon this October. So basically, you're entering for a chance to go to Mythicon just by getting that ticket to Good Mythical Evening. You see how that works together? - Yeah, I like that. Link, now you can... - You can speak, Link. - [Link] I said "My body is ready." - Oh. - Your body is ready? - [Link] My body is ready! For Good Mythical Evening. - Oh, I thought you meant for the beans. - [Link] Nope. You ready for some beans? - Yeah. - [Link] These are original Bush's Baked Beans, they take six minutes to simmer on the stovetop, but they only take three minutes to cook in the microwave. Which beans were cooked on the stovetop? - That's not, I mean three minutes... - Yeah, it's not a lot of time. - But it's a little trouble, you gotta clean up more, it feels like, 'cause you can put, in a microwave you can put the thing that you're gonna eat out of in the microwave. But you can't do that on the stove unless you just carry around a pot. - Not if it's a can. Not if it's a tin can of beans. - Hold on, you put a tin can of beans on the stovetop? - Oh, you're saying you can... No, I'm saying you can't put that in the microwave. I thought you just said you can put what you're eating... - No, not what it comes in, what you eat it out of. - Oh! - Container number one is the can, container number two is the bowl. - You can put this in the microwave, yes, yes, yes. - There's three containers in the stovetop scenario. - I see what you're saying. Yeah, yeah. Those are beans. - They're good, man. They get ripe. - Nothing weird about these beans. Nothing at all. - You being facetious? - No! These just taste like beans. You're tasting them again. - I like beans. - Okay. - [Link] You're eating the original Bush. - Gotta start somewhere. - What? What does that mean? - [Link] Original Bush's Baked Beans. - Don't give me any substitute Bush. - This one's hard. - There's a difference. - There's a tinge. There's a tinge. Now... Mikayla, did you cook these beans? - [Mikayla] Well, yeah. - Okay, sorry, never mind, I wanna interrupt what you're saying and not let you finish. - Oh! (crew chuckles) Wow. (Stevie laughs) You're doing such a good job, Stevie! - That one was a little bit mean. - [Link] I don't get it. (both laugh) - Link's body is not ready, he doesn't get it. - Okay. I'm ready. Are you ready? - No! - [Link] Three. - I thought you agreed that there was a tinge. - A tinge. - [Link] Two. - You said that there was a difference. - [Link] One. - Oh wait, oh, sorry, no, I meant this. - Is that okay? Link, did she violate the rules? - No, no, the tinge that I was talking about is a bad tinge, and so therefore this is the one I think is the stovetop. - I think you broke the Bush rules. - Always. - [Link] The beans cooked on the stovetop are on... Stevie's side. You both were right. - Do you know what I'm saying? There's like a chemically... - Yes. - Yeah. So here's the thing. We know that these are not natural Bush's beans. No natural Bush. And so... - [Link] Yeah they are, they're original. They're the original Bush. - No, they're original, but, okay- - You think they're synthetic? - I think that there's some- - Is it synthetic Bush? Like AstroTurf. - Do you think... It's called a merkin. Do you think that the microwave put chemicals in here, or, do you think there's chemicals in the beans, and the stovetop like cooked out that taste? - I am so perplexed right now, we're gonna have to just do some research. Oh, speaking of research, Carney did find out, a second ago, that there is a difference between gyoza and potstickers. We're not gonna tell you what the difference is, it's subtle. - Yeah. I think this is absolutely worth the wait, like, put on a short song, do a little dance, and wait for the good beans. - Yeah, put on a three minute song, wait for your beans. (upbeat music) - [Link] You might recognize these Nongshim, oh, gosh. Nongshim Shin Ramyun gourmet spicy noodles. - I love how hard you went for it, too. You ran through it, "You might recognize these" whatever you said, and then you bailed. - [Link] Nongshim Shin Ramyun. - Yeah, that's it. - Yeah! - [Link] Yeah, they were the winner of our instant noodle soup tournament. Now, including boiling water time, these noodles take eight minutes, 45 seconds to cook on the stovetop, and coming in at a close second, it takes seven minutes to cook 'em in the microwave, so not much difference here. - These are really good, I didn't have these, 'cause I don't normally do the show this way. They're spicy, too! They got a kick to 'em. - Mm. - I'm gonna do this. - Huh. There is a difference, though. - Mm. - These are just a slightly firmer noodle. - Right when I put this in my mouth, I immediately tasted a difference, and for some reason in my mind, it's like, there's like a more flavorful first bite on this. - [Rhett] Really? - I don't know, there's something about the flavor that's different in these. - These are softer. They're softer, it's a softer noodle. Which was never my nickname. (Stevie laughs) Okay? - Mkay? - Mkay? - [Link] Okay. - Mm-hm. Yeah, you're right. This is more of an al dente situation that's going on. - But I don't know what that means. - [Link] Guys, it all comes down to this. Which noodle was prepared on the stovetop, in three, two, one. - I don't know, this is so subtle. - [Link] You're tied. You're tied. - Yeah yeah yeah, okay, yeah yeah yeah. I'm gonna change my answer. Even though my gut instinct is telling me it's on this side, I'm gonna change my answer to this one. - [Link] That your final answer? - It's my final answer. - That's a very Link thing to do, you realize? - Yeah. - [Link] The noodles cooked on the stovetop are on Rhett's side. - Hehehey, hey! Whoaho! Stevie! - Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to just slide that slightly off the table, but accidentally, it went flying in that direction. - Wow, this is a brutal roast, Link. I mean, how do you feel? - [Link] Mikayla, are you okay? I hope you didn't get impacted by that. - She is covered in ramen. I wish we had a Mikayla cam, oh, man. - I wish we did have a cam over here, because, I think I scored a basket. - You did, you did, you did. - I really did! - Yeah, yeah, that was pretty impressive. - Thank you. - But your win was not impressive. - It looks like I lost. Get it? (Rhett laughs) - [Link] No. - And, I don't think it's worth the extra one minute and 45 seconds, I mean... - Well, it depends on how you want your noodles. If you want your noodles a little bit firmer, go with the stovetop, if you want 'em a little bit juicier, go with the microwave. - Okay, so there is a difference. Really what that means, the big takeaway today is that the only thing that was defying our expectations is the potstickers. You put those in the microwave for a good time. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Heather. - And I'm Alan. We're out here camping at Savage River State Forest in Maryland. - And it's my birthday, and we're eating beans. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That reminds me, we gotta plan our camping trip. - Yeah, we do! - We gotta do our camping trip. - There's gotta be beans. - Click the top link to watch us discover new drinks to serve frozen in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Throw caution to the wind and get your tickets right now for a night of mayhem, with Good Mythical Evening at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,116,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: kxAqNO9gE6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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