Discontinued Snacks Taste Test

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I can imagine my dad buying us Supermarket Shriek to play at my mom’s house to piss off my stepdad...fortunately it didn’t exist when we were kids.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I kinda ... Want the Kellogg's packaging? It just looks really cool and I'm a history nerd 👀

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/fotheringhay 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

so what's the point of having a TASTE TEST episode where you don't actually taste things? why even have them on the show?

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/hashtagpow 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

So the US doesn't have Mr. Big bars anymore? We still have it up here in Canada and it's one of my favourite chocolate bars!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/weschester 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Do you think Mythical has an Ebay account they use to sell the stuff they didn't use like the unopened pack of Dr. Pepper gum? It'd be interesting to see the items listed on such an account...

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/sneakynin 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mr. Big is a 20 year old limited edition in the USA? It's a standard candy bar here in Canada and in the UK as well :P

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Am I the only one that Cringes every time they open a Super old item like the Kellogg's box?

The historian in me is always hurts when they do it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Flock_of_Crows 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Oh, sorry... dribbled a little bit..."

spit take

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/drjayphd 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oi I love when rhett and link posion themselves with nogstlica

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lord_vader_jr 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
- We're about to try some 80 year old cereal. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning"! - We've explored many expired snacks on this show, but thankfully, your interest for watching it has not expired. - Woo! - In fact, Mythical Beast, Madison McCrindle commented. "This is like one of my favorite series on GMM. "It's so interesting dudee." (Rhett laughs) Well, thank you, dudee. - Well, if you agree with Madison, get on board the doody train, because we just got back from an eBay run with some more discontinued snacks, this time for, To Be Discontinued More, More, More, More Snacks Edition! - We've scoured eBay, and purchased a bunch of old, expired discontinued snacks that people save for years just to sell to suckers like us! - Yeah. Get us every time. - Yeah. Now we're gonna taste 'em and decide if the company should either bring it back or, nah, that's whack. - First up, we have our most recent and probably most palatable snack, this is Rockstar Ginger Brew Energy Drink! - Really fits the color schema that we're going with today. - Yeah, yeah. - Canny. - You know what? Yeah, I was informed by your amazing new sweatshirt there, I wanted to fit the theme. - Look at that. - So this was discontinued in 2016. - Yeah. - So, you know, not too long ago. Look at the top. - But the price has gone up. We paid 6.75 for this. It was taken off the shelves after selling poorly, according to what a store owner posted on Reddit. "We have it at the store and customers hate it. "LOL, bad seller." - Bad seller, ginger brew. - You know what? I'm gonna see what- - Yeah, we should look at the consistency of this. - The internal color schema is of this thing. - [Rhett] Well, you know what? It's fitting right with the theme. Look at that. - It's supposed to be kinda like a ginger beer, but it's not a beer. I don't- - It looks just like ginger ale. - Ginger ale? - It pours just like a ginger ale. Ginger Brew was the name of the band. I didn't tell you about this, but between seventh and eighth grade, I told you I went off to camp, but really I just went out, and me and some other friends who really didn't get along too well with, we all dyed our hair red and we played rock music together. Ginger Brew. - Whatever. - It didn't go anywhere. - This is still good. I mean, for it to be like five years old. - It doesn't taste- - [Link] You wouldn't think it. - Off at all. - It settles the stomach. - Does it taste any different than ginger ale to you? - No. - So if you were on a plane, which is the only place that- - But it's got B vitamins, taurine, and caffeine. - Here's the thing. It's good, but there's no reason to bring it back, because we've already got ginger ale. - I just don't care. I just don't care. - So, Rockstar Ginger Brew Energy Drink. - [Rhett and Link] Nah, that's whack! - All right. This item was discontinued in the '80s and then brought back for a limited time in 2012, but is nowhere to be found these days. It is Hubba Bubba Dr Pepper Cherry gum, that was brought back in 2012 and then since discontinued. - Now, we paid $52 for these two packs, so- - 26 a piece. - Yeah, let's just open one. - Okay. Now you know, I'm the resident Dr Pepper lover, and I do like the Dr Pepper Cherry, not as much as regular Dr Pepper. But I remember a Dr Pepper, just straight Dr Pepper gum. - No one else does, Rhett. - Oh, no. Dr Pepper gum for Dr Pepper lovers. Yes. The cherry flavor- - Three and a half years old. - Is too strong. All I can smell is the cherry. - Is this like a gateway gum for like Dentyne Fire? - It's still soft. - It smells like play dough to me. And cherry. - It chews like play dough. It doesn't taste like Dr Pepper. - I don't think anything has been altered or expired. - I agree. - I have to abstain because I don't like Dr Pepper flavored anything, but I will point out, if something's been discontinued, brought back, only to be discontinued again, I mean, you really gotta- - Well, isn't that what happens to the McRib every year, technically? - Marketing scheme. - I'm starting to like it, but it's too much cherry. If this was Dr Pepper gum, it would be an easy yes for me, but it's Dr Pepper Cherry gum, which is a little too much of a curve ball and they didn't get the flavor exactly right. So I'm gonna say as a resident Dr Pepper lover, Hubba Bubba Dr Pepper gum, nah, that's whack! - I ain't gonna argue with that. Something about that Hubba Bubba is making my mouth itch. Like the roof of my mouth is itching. Is your mouth itching? - No. No. - Does that ever happen to you though? Because it does happen- - Does my mouth ever itch? - It happens to me. - The top of your mouth? - Yeah, if I like brush my tongue behind my teeth, it like tickles. - It has never happened to me. - [Link] Oh my gosh! - So I don't think you got anything to worry about. - Mm. Mm. Especially when you got this sweatshirt on. - Oh, nice segue. - Hey, go to mythical.com, check out this brand new sweatshirt. More like a work of art you can wear, Always Curious Splatter Sweatshirt. - Okay. Next up, we have a big bar endorsed by a big man. This is Shaq's, Mr. Big Bar, discontinued in 1995. - Young Shaq on here, of course, because this is from 26 years ago. - It says "Shaq" twice. "Shaq Shaq". - [Link] "Shaq Snaq". - Oh, "Shaq Snaq". - You fell for it. Only paid nine bucks for this. - One thing I'm gonna take into consideration is that the number of things that Shaq has put his name on or endorsed- - That didn't work out well. - Is so high at this point that it's difficult to take him seriously. And in fact, we were just looking this up to try to figure out if we could list them. And "Sports Illustrated" has an article that just says, "The top 50 endorsements by Shaq." - Yeah. - So they would rank the top 50! - [Link] Okay. So this is chocolate covered rice crisps, wafers, caramel and peanuts. - Okay. So- - I've gotta remember. I gotta remind myself. - This has got a Boggs to it. - Don't eat too much of this. - Okay. - Or any. Just chew it, taste it, spit it out. - I think I might just smell it. It definitely has a little bit of the Wade Boggs syndrome happening, which again, I either throw away Boggs under the bus every time we do this episode, but- - I'm getting bogged down big time. - And once you pass 20 years, you are in Boggs territory. - I mean, rice crisp wafers, caramel and peanuts. I mean, there's gotta be another bar that has all of that. - I mean, it doesn't weigh a whole lot, and I don't think it's lost its weight over time. - I'm not gonna bite this. I'm not gonna taste it. Having wafted it, it's just not good. And I'm not gonna hold that against it either. But again, there's nothing unique about the bar itself. I mean, Shaq's moved on to 50 or a 100 other things. - Well, but it does have an unusually, speaking of doody- - [Link] Yeah, it does. - Doody-like quality to it. If you were to throw this in a toilet... I mean, first of all- - Which I'm going to do when this is over. - Do you think Shaq has ever made a doody that small? - Oh, yeah. - That's just one thing. Do you think there's- - Yeah, let's go there. How big are Shaq's craps? - No matter what he's eating, I don't think at any point in his life, since age five, he has not made a doody that small. - Well, he was over six feet tall when he was 10 years old. - Yeah, he was making big doodies at 10. - Good gracious, that dude. That dude is making some big craps. - Okay. So the fact that it makes me think about the size of Shaq's craps, it doesn't have a lot going for it. So, Shaq's, Mr. Big candy bar. - [Rhett and Link] Nah, that's whack! - All right. This next snack is from 1987. This is a limited edition Superman Pretzels, unopened, but not necessarily unspoiled bag from the 50th anniversary of the Superman comic books. - Nice! Now, we paid just under $13 for this, so not a lot of demand. - Yep. Pretzels in general. - For people to collect this. I'm a little afraid, but here it goes. - But pretzels, if anything, will hold up over time. Pretzels is one of those things, 'cause it's so dry, it doesn't have a lot of moisture in it. It's already sort of crispy. Is it boggsing? - Totally boggsing. - Well, that's nothing but Boggs. - Now- - That's nothing but Boggs. They've lost their color too. - Normally I would say... Yeah, look at that. Normally I would say that pretzels are a dumb thing to sponsor, or to endorse. - But when you can make this symbol like this though. - That's a pretty cool idea. - I don't think tasting is going to do anything for us, because again, it's gonna taste like a pretzel, which is a great taste, but- - I will say, already, it's held our interest longer than "Batman Versus Superman". - [Rhett] That's right. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah, man. I don't know. It's just, the problem is not the pretzels, the problem is actually Superman at this point. - There's a problem with Superman? - DC, and you know, they gotta do some more work. - Really? - I mean, the fact that he's the "Witcher" now, I think that's cool. - Okay. So we're not feeling strong about these. - I mean, I can't say something positive about 'em. - Well, have you ever seen Superman Pretzels and Clark Kent Pretzels in the same room at the same time? - You totally changed my mind. No, you didn't. - Okay. Superman Pretzels. Nah, that's whack! - That's whack! Finally, our oldest snack, if you can call this a snack. I just call it wonderful, cereal. - Oh. - But this is a vintage box of cereal from the 1940s. Kellogg's Pep cereal. - [Rhett] Were people just a lot smaller back then? - [Link] I'm gonna call this an individual- - That's like half of an individual serving. - Free sample. - Oh, it's a sample pack. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. - Okay. We paid $99 for this. - Because we care. - But we do need to open it, because we have to assess whether this needs to come back. I mean, I like the name, Pep. - Pep. - Is it caffeinated? No. - No. - Here's 30% bran flakes. - I'm sorry to go here, but I have to, because you know, Mr. Kellogg is known for inventing Corn Flakes, which of course he thought would keep people from, you know, shaking hands with the pope. We shall say, okay? - Okay. - And I think maybe he regretted that shortly thereafter. And he was like, "I need something to turn the ties a little bit. "Maybe just a little bit of Pep." So, I think that this cereal may make us want to shake hands with the pope, is what I'm getting at. This is- - So we should be careful when we taste it. - I mean, this is cool. Even if we hate it and we don't wanna bring it back, like, this would be cool to sit on a shelf. - [Rhett] I mean, that looks like something you'd pay $99 for. - [Link] I'm gonna open this in a careful kind of way. - Be very careful. And don't get too excited at any point. - Smell there. - Nothing. It smells like soap. It smells like the soap that's on your hands that held it in front of me. - [Link] There's no actual way- - [Rhett] You can't get into it. - [Link] There's no way to open it. - [Rhett] Oh, so it is another trick from Mr. Kellog's. - [Link] Oh, here it is. I found it. I found it. - Oh, okay. Got it. You're in. - I found it. I found it. - [Rhett] Okay, that was a pretty clean break. - [Link] Yep, yep. - Does it go straight cereal in there or is there a bag? - There is no bag. - It is straight cereal. - The bag was on the outside. They got it backwards. - Okay. All right. Let's smell it first. - I'm scared. - Nothing. - It's not Boggs. It's past Boggs. - It's post Boggs. - I think once you break 80... - I'll just take half. - Look how little those flakes are. - [Rhett] Oh, Pep. - Oh, look at that. Now I'm gonna pour me some flakes over here too. - It smells like... Okay. When you get really close to it, it starts to smell like an old, like if you go into like a- - Something is old. - A little bit of a thrift store situation. - We gotta taste it. We have to. - I thought you were gonna stop me 'cause this is your thing. - Oh, yeah. Thank you. - I mean, but I dribbled a little bit. I'm sorry. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? - A little pre milk. - I think that's enough. Man, we are eating history. Again, I like the name. - You can't give me no milk, man. - You want more milk? - Yeah. Not too much. Okay. - Okay. And now, if it tastes good... - Again, be careful when you get this in your mouth. - What you think's gonna happen? - I don't wanna get too much Pep. - Tastes like Boggs. It's getting Boggsy. - I'm not gonna swallow it. You know like if you go up to like an old log and you like rip the bark off of it and there's a bunch of bugs underneath it, and you're like, "Huh? "Why are they eating that? "Let me try." - It's just, it's 30% bran and other parts wheat. Again this is- - It's pretty Boggs in the mouth. - There's nothing in the cereal ecosystem that I think adding this back into it is going to help it out. Now, a caffeinated cereal called Pep, Kellogg's, I'm all ears. I think that that should happen. - But you don't think that there should be a cereal that encourages people to do the deed. That's not needed? - I think a little self-discovery goes a long way. - All right. - So I'm open to that as well. - Okay. So you're saying if Kellogg's can figure out a way to make cereal that either is carbonated- - No, caffeinated. - Or makes you want to shake hands with the pope. Caffeinated. - Listen, shaking hand, that's your thing. - I've never met the pope. - That's your thing. - I always wanted to though. - My thing is just- - Especially the new one. He seems really cool. - A cereal that makes it where you don't even have to drink coffee. Like your morning coffee is your cereal. Kellogg's Pep, make it happen. - We're talking about two different things, but either way. - But this particular thing, Kellogg's Pep, in this particular iteration, - [Rhett and Link] Nah, that's whack! - And I'm sorry to be Debbie Downer today. Both of us. - This is the first time we've ever not brought anything back, but you know what? We've gotta just- - A negative queen suite. - We're committed to the principle of what we're doing here. Okay? (woman laughs) Yeah. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, I'm Hunter! And we're here in Surf City, and we just made Ben and Jerry's ice cream burritos. And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - Thumbs up in Surf City! - Surf City, yeah! - Click the top link to watch us play Supermarket Shriek in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Always curious? Say it in style with our Always Curious Splatter Sweatshirt. Available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,831,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: FE0640BoxMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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