We Tried EVERY Oreo Snack

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- What's the best Oreo-ified snack that is not actually an Oreo? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - Now when you hear Oreo, what's the first thing that comes to mind? - Cookies, man. - No, you're wrong. - Ice cream, man. - No. - Cereal, bro. - No. - Cookies, man. - You already said that. (laughs) - A lot of stuff. - Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Yes, there's aisles and aisles worth of Oreo-flavored goodies out there and we're gonna taste them all and give the best one the 15 minutes it deserves. It's time for Gut Check Flavor Reflux Edition, Oreo Edition. - What's a flavor reflux edition, you may ask? Well, it's a gut check in which rather than trying every single flavor of a single product, we are trying every single product made from a single flavor. - Now, if you're an observant Mythical beast, you might be saying, "Hey, you guys did this inverted version of gut check before with Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavored things, but you caught it butt check!" You know what? You're right and I love your accent, but here's the thing. (Link laughing) Sitting in Link's seat for an entire episode gave me a very strange rash that I'm still dealing with. I've been to the dermatologist seven times. - Oh, really? - Yeah. So we're ditching butt check and she's a woman. That's the thing, you know? I have a female dermatologist who just makes it all that more awkward. - Get over it. (crew laughing) - So we're ditching butt check and we're keeping it gut check across the board. Plus, we like determining the best of something rather than the worst of something. - Yeah. Here's the positivity in rashes. Today, we're tasting Oreo flavored products. That means no peanut Oreos, fudge covered Oreos, or any Oreo cookies at all, for that matter. So you may think that doesn't leave us with much, but would you believe that there are at least 25 non-cookie products out there- - I'd believe it. - That are riding the coattails of Oreo fame? - I believe it because I see them right off the camera. - Uh-huh. - We're gonna taste and rank each one on a scale of one to 100 based on our tummy's gut reactions and then the scores are added up to give us the top four. Then we try those four once more to officially decide which one will be named the Oreo we adore-o. - And I've got an updated chart to assist me here. So zero is ew and then 100 is aw. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] The higher the number, the better it gets, apparently. - I believe in you. Let's do this. - [Stevie] All right, gentlemen, are you ready to start your Oreo engines? - It's a good time for breakfast. - [Stevie] I wanted to clarify, the rash was in an inappropriate area, which is why you said that your dermatologist was female. It's awkward because it was unclear where the rash was. - Oh, from sitting in the chair. Yeah. - [Stevie] So it was on your derriere. - I've been spreading my butt cheeks for my female dermatologist seven times in a row. - [Stevie] Got it. Okay, all right. - The inner crack! Is there a name for that? (crew laughing) - [Stevie] All right, now that we're in the right head space, I did wanna let you know that just in case you feel an Oreo overload coming on, we have glasses of milk on standby to cleanse your palates between each round or whenever you'd like a little sippy. And first up is the candies category. Kicking candies off is- - Okay. - [Stevie] The Milka Oreo alpine milk chocolate bar. - Oh, oh. - Am I supposed to bite that or eat the whole thing? - Milk chocolate with some Oreo to make a little crunchy. - That is a good treat. That's at least a 82 for me. - I'm gonna say 74. I'm more of a dark chocolate guy, but this good. - [Stevie] Milka large chocolate Oreo bar. - Large chocolate? - That's taller. - I don't wanna eat so much, Mikayla. That's why I just left it. - Oh, this one has the crunch of an actual Oreo cookie in it. - It's bigger. It's like a layer of cookie rather than pieces of cookie. - I don't like it as much. 63. - I actually agree. I think I like the other one more. 69. - [Stevie] Oreo candy canes. - Really? Oh! - Is that what we're supposed to do? We're supposed to suck. - That's an accurate flavor, though, isn't it? - That's better than a regular candy cane. - Oh, a lot better than that. - But it's still a candy cane. - It sucks. Yeah. - 42. - 33. - [Stevie] Cadbury dairy milk Oreo bar. - That's a thing? This is a lot like the Milka, but not as good. The Milka chocolate is better than the Cadbury chocolate. 64. - 53 - [Stevie] Cadbury Oreo bites. - The Cadbury. Yeah. - Not as crunchy. What? - It's better for some reason, but I can't tell you why. But not much better. 67. - I don't even taste the Oreo in this. 43. - [Stevie] Oreo cookies and cream Easter bunny. - Oh. - This is white and chalky. - [Rhett] It comes from a bigger bunny. - [Link] Why the heck is there mint in this? - It tastes like a child's toy that has been melted down. - Oh and it's cand-ified. 20. - 22. - [Stevie] Oreo Easter egg. - Oh, this is this? An entire. Oh, my goodness. - We're gonna eat so much. - It ain't a Cadbury classic. - It don't have the juicy inside. - Which disappoints me. 50. - It's not bad. 61. - [Stevie] And that concludes the candies category. If you wanna get a little milk in your mouth. - Whoa. - Thank goodness. That was intense. Woo! - Man, I couldn't keep going like that. - Oreo is just really spreading the love. - It's easy to get them into everything. - [Link] Yeah. - You know? - I wonder what his partner thinks. - I think they have an understanding. When you get with Oreo, you know that Oreo's gonna be- - Now where? - Getting with a lot of other people. - Where are we going now? - [Stevie] All right, prepare your teeth because the next category is the cold treats category. - Oh, I'm gonna donkey lip this round. - [Stevie] Kicking it off with Oreo ice cream. - I hope they're soft. If I gotta bite it, Vi, I'm in trouble. Okay. That's good. - That's just Oreo ice cream? - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. - I mean, it's cookies and cream ice cream, which is a good flavor of ice cream. - That is quite a classic. - 77. - 80. - [Stevie] Oreo frozen dairy dessert bar. - Thank you for the other hand. (laughs) (crew laughing) Uh-oh, that is good. That tastes like an ice cream cake on a stick. - And you know why? It's the coating. - Whoa! - The coating is absolutely amazing on this thing. - Look at that thing. I know I'm violating the rules, but that's basically an ice cream sandwich. - I'm gonna give an 86. - I'm giving an 87, friend. - And it's the coating that's the star. - That's good! - Wow. - [Stevie] Oreo ice cream cone. - Oh. Really? - What's happening? Can I get some cone? - Yeah, I feel like I should get some cone. It's like a Nutty Buddy that's been Oreo-fied throughout. I still like the taste, but the texture's not as good as the thing I had before. - 59. - I'm gonna give it a 74. I still like it. - [Stevie] Oreo ice cream sandwich. - Here's the sandwich. - Isn't that cute? - It's two big Oreos. - It's good, but not that great. 55. - I love ice cream and I think Oreo sings when it's in ice cream more than it sings when it's in other chocolate. I still like this one quite a bit. 75. - [Stevie] Oreo pudding. - What? - That taste like something astronauts would take with them. - I'm a pudding man. (crew laughing) I gotta give it a 68. - I'm just giving it an even 50. - [Stevie] YoCrunch low fat Oreo yogurt. - Low fat. I heard that. - [Link] All right. - Not gonna hold it against you. - Tangy. - It's got some tang to it. Wow. - It ain't as good as the pudding, but that's not really a fair comparison. - I think it's better than the pudding. - Does it have live and active cultures? - 65. 65. - I agree. 65. - [Stevie] Oreo ice cream cake. - But there's a kind of a fakey taste in there. There's some icing in there that's doing something a little bit strange. - I'm taking a stand against ice cream cakes in general by giving this a 21. You should not. No cake needs to be. Ice cream does not need to be cake-ified. - Weirdly, I think I've had this for my actual birthday before. I feel like I gotta give it at least at 56. - [Stevie] Okay, that concludes the cold treats category. Take some sips because we're gonna move on to the jump scare of categories. Yes, the miscellaneous category. - Whoa! - [Stevie] You heard it here first. - There's a lot going on with Oreos, y'all. - [Stevie] And we're starting it with Oreo cakesters. - Cakester? - What? What? That's fluffy. - It looks like a Oreo that got left in the river and then somebody took it out. It's a little puffier. - Like a dead body that shows up a few days later. - Yeah, it's got a bloated dead body feel to it. - Oh, but it's a devil's food cake kind of thing. - It tastes good, but I'm missing the crunch of the Oreo. - It tastes nothing like an Oreo, but I really like the taste so I'm torn! What am I gonna do? I'm gonna give it a 57! Five-seven. - I'm gonna give it a 48. - [Stevie] Oreo handi snacks. - Handi snacks? - Oh, get handi with it. - So this is when you dip- - Like a Fun Dip. - The Oreo in the icing so you kind of control the icing delivery. - I hate it. I hate the taste of the stick. (crew laughing) - I think you just hate the taste of Oreos. This is an Oreo stick. - No, no, no, no, no. Oh, really? - (laughs) Yeah, it's pretty close to an Oreos stick. - After everything else, yeah. - I kind of like that. - I'm giving it a 14. - I'm giving it a 73. - Plus you gotta work for it. - [Stevie] Oreo O's cereal. - Oh, we know this is. Where's the? I'll get the milk. - It's a very solid cereal. It's interesting to taste it in the context with all this other stuff. - Yeah- - [Rhett] It tastes too good because you gotta get through a bowl of it. - It actually tastes bad. - It can't taste too- - On its own. - It's not as sweet and rich as some of these other bites that we've had. - I know, but I just can't deny the fact that it's not great. 40, in this context. - Man, I have a tough time disagreeing, but I'm gonna go 49. - Sorry to say that. - 49. - Sorry to say that. - [Stevie] Oreo chocolate wafer sticks. - They were really throwing everything at the wall. - This is like a Kit-Kat Oreo. - No, it's more wafer. Well, yeah, you're right. - It's like those Little Debbie. - Yeah. It's a lot more airy than a Kit-Kat. - I'm not a huge wafer guy and the Oreo flavor's not really coming through. - 37. - 23. - [Stevie] Oreo white chocolate wafer sticks. - Oh, this is gonna be worse. There's some lemon in there. - 22. I gotta go to the water. - 18. - [Stevie] Pillsbury funfetti Oreo frosting. - Oh, just straight frosting? - That's good. - Yeah. That's really nice. - That's better than cream cheese frosting, it seems. - No, it needs some tang to get there. - Oh, really? - It's good, though, but it's just straight frosting. It's not better than just a snack of- - 66. - I'm going all the way to- - Oh, man. - To 68. - Come on. I gotta get a second wind here, man. Come on! come on! Bring up the energy! Come on, we gotta- (mimicking train) Gotta ride that sugar wave and not let it tank us down too early. - [Stevie] Oreo waffle cones. - Oh, just the cone. - Just the cone? (crew laughing) - It's a little difficult to just judge a cone. A little dry. - It doesn't taste like the cookie. - It needs ice cream. - It's very bland. Five. (crew laughing) I mean, you taste it. Trust me. - I think in the context of ice cream, it would be significantly better than five. - But it doesn't taste like an Oreo. - I'm gonna go on a limb and go six. - See? - [Stevie] Oreo cookie pop popcorn. - Oh, a spoonful of popcorn, huh? I don't even know how to interpret this. - It's kind of kettle corny. - The Oreo doesn't really bring a whole lot to this marriage. - Yeah, this is disappointing. - 38. - 14. - [Stevie] Cadbury Oreo hot chocolate. - Oh, oh hello. There's like, an artificial thing happening. - Yeah. - Like something went wrong in the process. - I'm going for another- - 27. - 14. - [Stevie] Taste Beauty Oreo flavored lip balms. - Do we eat it? (crew laughing) - I like the application, especially when somebody else is doing it. I'm sorry. - Oh, it's like a cookie. - [Link] Yeah. - It's like a cookie. - It's fun. I like this a lot. I'm going for 85. (Rhett laughs) I'm a little aroused - In order to keep sanity in check, my tummy wasn't able to interpret this. It didn't even get there. It's lip balm. I'm going with 21. (Link blowing a raspberry) - [Stevie] Oreo Ghost whey protein powder. - Yeah. Can I just have it straight? - What does Ghost have to do with it? - It's straight protein powder in some milk or in some water, I guess. I don't know. - Is it called Ghost because it's white? - [Stevie] I guess Ghost is the collab brand. - Oh, okay. - Oh, yeah. Right, right, right. It's awful. But all protein powder is awful. - Yeah, so it's not bad on like, the protein scale. - I'm not on the protein scale. I'm on the all these other things scale, so I'm gonna go with 11. - Yeah, I only have one scale, too, but I gonna give it a 29. - [Stevie] All right. That completes the miscellaneous category and you've now officially tasted all of your Oreo flavored products. - Thank goodness. - [Stevie] so your scores will now be tabulated and we can closely look at the top four items. (upbeat music) - If you haven't been listening to the newest Mythical pods, well, you're missing out. If you like Ear Biscuits, you'll like Stevie's podcast, Best Friends Back Alright! - In our bathrooms here, we usually have potpourri and we have two bathrooms that don't have potpourri and we have a new office manager. That is a very awkward interaction to have with someone. Like, it's nice to meet you. How do I transition this into I need some potpourri? - Hey, Rhett and Link are pretty nervous to bring this up with you. (both laughing) - And also check out Trevor's podcast, Trevor Talks Too Much. - What are your favorite alien movies or some of? If you thought of any. - Killer Klowns from Outer Space. - Great film. - Hate it. Absolutely hate it. Have hated it my whole life, but- - I asked you for your favorite, not the ones you hate the most. - It's all about him making friends with people who were moving and shaking on the internet these days. - Moving and shaking. That's what he almost called it. - He's in the music world. All over the place. Check them out. Spotify, Apple, wherever we get your podcasts. Also, make sure you're following @mythicalpods on TikTok for clips so you can see what you wanna listen to, all right? - [Stevie] Okay guys, according to you, the top four Oreo products in no particular order are the Milka Oreo alpine milk chocolate bar, Oreo ice cream, Pillsbury funfetti Oreo frosting, and Oreo frozen dairy dessert bars. But before you crown the best, would you like to know which one your guts deemed the worst? - Sure. - I think I know which one it was. - [Stevie] That would be the Oreo waffle cones. (crowd booing) (Link blowing raspberries) - Oh, yeah. - You suck! - Sorry. Okay. So I know what this tastes like. Open that up. I'm gonna open one of these up. We were flipping out over this thing. Obviously, this is the biggest moment of discovery- - And this was one of first ones. - I'm glad to see that it made it to the final. I really love the packaging, too. I like how, I guess it comes in a box because there's nothing on this thing. It's so clean. Rarely do you see packaging this simplified in this postmodern age. - Now, the icing itself. Well, good Lord. How do you get into that, Link? Who do you have to be to get into that? - Not me, apparently. Not you, either. - I'm in. - Yeah, so you got the Oreo crumbles on the- - [Rhett] So you can kinda just do a little sprinky sprink. - And you noted that it's not as good as the cream cheese ice cream, which is, you know. - Okay. - Let's just take a little. Oh, you want a little bit of this? - Well, yeah. This was pretty early on, like maybe the first or second thing. - You're a dark chocolate man, but this is great, man. - [Rhett] It is good. - The taste of it. There's nothing to complain about. It's a magical combination. - But the thing that I'm getting, mostly, is just the milk chocolate taste. - That's true. - The Oreo is not doing a lot of heavy lifting in that. - Oreo ice cream is something that, in and of itself, has made it into lots of places. - Cookies and cream, basically, is just Oreo ice cream. - But it's the quintessential. This could very well be the top. This over here. - Just eating icing straight from a thing. - And you're going hard with that little spoon. I think this is gonna be honorable mention territory. And I'm trying to tell you. - Whoops, it's fragile. - It's melted little bit, which made it do that, but. - Dude, the flavor of the ice cream is better than the flavor of that ice cream. - And the coating is really infused with cookie crumbles. It's got a- - [Rhett] I think there's something illegal in this. - [Link] It's got a gritty consistency. - Did y'all lab test this? - It actually makes it taste better. - What's going on? Why is it so good? It's a little scary. - What do you wanna put at number three? I think this beats that ice cream. - Oh, easily. - Right? So what's at number three? I think it's down to these two. - This is basically only Oreo because they give you some crumbled Oreos to put on top of it. - [Link] Yeah, I agree. - This is actually a new invention. - So we're gonna put this at three. - So the Milka bar- - We're just gonna use that to prop it up. That's all that's really good for. - You know that Oreo ice cream is good. You've had it. But when you put it in this particular form, something happens. - Yeah. - What is the official name of this? It's just called the Oreo bar. - It's simple, but you the gotta try it. Not a sponsor, but ladies and gentlemen, this is the Oreo- - [Both] We adore-o. (streamers popping) - Oh no! No, I'm scared. - Every time, it gets me and it gets in my milk. So there you have it. You're welcome, Oreo. - Thanks for subscribing and click on that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Joy. I'm from Boston. I'm in Houston. I just ran the Houston marathon. Today is day 1,757 of my run streak of running outside every day and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Wow. - That had a desperate daily vlog quality to it. You know? - She had so much breath for someone who just ran a marathon. - That's amazing. Congratulations. - Click the top link to watch us guess each state's favorite cookie in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Check out Stevie's new podcast, Best Friends Back Alright! On Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcast and be sure to follow so you never miss an episode.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,827,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: frIE7hTD6kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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