Choose The Wrong Answer, Do Something Nasty (Game)

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I fully expected Cotten candy randy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Negigaknight 📅︎︎ May 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

I audibly 'Yay!'ed when I saw you

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/flargananddingle 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

you got some good reaction gif material. Holy fuck

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zeroanaphora 📅︎︎ May 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Always a treat.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

You handled the boba like an absolute champion

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dagorion 📅︎︎ May 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Jordan acts like Rip Taylor on Hollywood Squares

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/catscannotcompete 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Very jealous of Jordans shirt game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/puns-n-roses 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we find out who we can really trust. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning! - Today, we are exploring the classic prisoners dilemma, which means we have to simultaneously work together and on our own to determine the severity of whatever mystery punishment awaits us. - Okay. - It's an experiment that exposes just how devious a person truly is. Now, I'm no backstabber, but I'd watch out for ol' McLaughlin over here. Snake in the grass. - You're calling me McLaughlin now when you talk bad about me, when you mispronounce my name. - I'm suspish of the McLaughlin. - I'm not the one who secretly went out of his way to make sure that a bag of doodoo hit his best friend in the face. That was you, my friend, Neal. - Yeah, that was me. - We've also got some Mythical crew involved in this game. And I've never said this publicly up until now but I don't trust a single one of 'em. - Me neither. So the question is, will we all play like a team or betray each other like a bunch of rich housewives at a New Jersey barbecue? - Yeah. - It's time for Select It or Reject It. The prisoners' dilemma involves two prisoners independently deciding if they will cooperate with the police. Like picture 'em each in different interrogation rooms, okay? So if they both choose to keep their mouths shut, they'll both definitely receive some sort of prison time, but they also won't sell out their partners in crime. - Yeah. But if one of 'em throws the other one under the bus, well, that means that this person may get to go free while the other person gets the prison time. But what's happening over here with this other person, how this person decides to act will also influence what happens. So there's a lot of unknowns at play. - And usually this involves two people, right? But we're upping the ante to three players, bringing in a different Mythical crew member in every round. So what are we gonna learn about them and ourselves? Let's find out. - Hello, Jordan. Hi. Hi, guys. - Look at you, right here in between us. - Yeah. - A trustworthy guy. - We're all buddies. We're partners in crime, really. - Right. Wait, what did we do? - I don't know. Did we trespass? I hope it was trespassing. - But what we're about to do is trust each other and work together to minimize our punishments. - Well, maybe. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, of course. I mean, so let's, let's just think about, realistically, what it could be. Like, what's the worst it could be? - Well, it's under there. - It's under there. - So I don't wanna think about it. - It's not bigger than this. - [Stevie] Gentleman, gentleman, gentleman, it's not the size of the punishment that matters. It's the-- - Motion in the ocean. - [Stevie] Motion in the punishment. (Jordan laughs) Okay, here's how this is going to work. - It's a wide punishment. It's not a long punishment. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] If you all select the punishment, the full punishment will be divided equally between the three of you. - Okay. - [Stevie] So you're each getting a little bit less of it. - Yup, okay. - [Stevie] If only one person selects the punishment, that person must take the full punishment and the other two players get off scot-free. - Oh, that should be one of you guys should just do that. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - Good plan. - [Stevie] If two people select the punishment and one rejects the punishment, the two people who selected the punishment will divide the full punishment in half. And if you all choose to reject the punishment, each person will receive the punishment in full. - Okay. - Okay. - Okay, now I see what's going on here. - [Stevie] Now, I will let you know, I'm not gonna let you know what's under there exactly, but I will say it is something nasty that you will have to consume. - Of course. - [Jordan] Okay, okay. - Okay. - [Link] All right. - We wouldn't do that on this show. - It's basically like we're about to go into our own questioning chambers with the police. So we gotta get our stories straight. - Right. - But what are we gonna tell 'em? - Because if we all wanna just-- - I'm gonna-- - Have a minimal experience and just eat a little bit of this thing, we'll just-- - Reject it, man. - No, we'll all accept it. - Oh, yeah, let's all accept it. (Rhett laughs) - And that way, it's Just equal punishment. That's the equitable thing to do. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're minimizing it. No one gets the full punishment. - But you'll never go for, he'll never go for that. - You've probably played these kinds of fake out games before. What do you think Rhett's gonna do? - He's gonna reject the punishment. He's gonna try to talk, well, he's trying to throw me under the bus already. - Mm-hmm. - No, no, I'm not throwing you under the bus. I'm just saying that-- - He's saying that I'm gonna reject it. So that means he's trying to talk you into rejecting it. - And this is the thing. I'm getting inside Link's brain for a second. - Yeah, yeah. - It doesn't have anything to do with him wanting to-- - There's plenty of room in there. - Avoid the punishment. He doesn't wanna eat something bad. But really, he wants to make round one of this game, which is on a show that we make, which is for the entertainment purposes of people to be more interesting. - Oh, wow. We're going macro here. - And so he is like, "I'm not gonna just, "I'll accept it because that's not fun enough. "So I'm gonna be the guy "who's crazy and wild and rejects it." But see, now, I'm anticipating that's what he is gonna do so I'm also gonna reject it. And then you're gonna be like, "Well, I'm not gonna be the one to accept it." And so we're all three gonna eat the whole thing. That's what happens with Link's logic being followed to the end. - But maybe you guys planned this out before and are having this argument to fake me out. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - No, Jordan. We only talk on the show. - Yeah, right, yeah, yeah. (Jordan laughs) As soon as I leave this building. - [Link] Mm-hmm. - I'm kind of thinking back to my previous times on the show when I've had to like consume something gross. - You love it, don't you? - And sometimes it's not that bad. I had a bull testicle burrito once that was delicious. (Rhett laughs) So that was weirdly good. So if I reject this, maybe I'm missing out on a delicious testicle treat. - So you wanna go ahead and lock in your answer? - I'm gonna lock, I'm gonna lock. And just, I want the audience at home to know that there's a switch under here that is very satisfying to click. Listen. - Oh! - Ooh, that's nice. Ooh, that's a click. - Okay, so you're locked in. - I'm locked. = And of course, I can't see it so-- - Mm-mm, no. - What did you do? So he seemed to say that he wanted to accept the punishment even in full, so I think we should both reject it and just let him have his testicle. - But maybe that was part of my, like, sleight of hand. - Yeah, because if he-- - Just like, "Yeah, I like to eat the weird stuff." - Because if he rejected it-- - You're thinking strategically here? - Am I? I don't know. Is that my deal? - That's your deal. - So basically, what\ I'm concluding is that link is most likely to reject it in both scenarios. - Right. - Which would either leave me with eating half of something with Jordan or eating-- - I just locked in. - I just locked in. - [Stevie] Well, well, well. - And now I need to figure out what I selected. - [Stevie] It looks like two of you pressed select and one of you pressed reject, which means Link and Jordan will be sharing this punishment. - (laughs) Yes! - [Stevie] Please reveal what we have at stake here (Rhett laughs) by removing that little cloth. - Ooh, yes, it worked! - [Jordan] What is that. - It worked! - [Stevie] I have horrible, horrible news for you that I just learned myself. I knew it was a nasty boba treat. It is in fact a beef bile boba treat. - No! (Rhett laughs) - Beef bile? - Thank you! - No! - Okay, when I first looked at that, I thought, are these rabbit turds? (crew laughs) And now I wish it was rabbit turds. - Yeah, you do wish it was rabbit turds. - Can we get some rabbit turds out here? - Here's your spoons, boys. - So wait, so we have to have, we both have to finish this equally? - Oh, I'm so happy right now. - I think we have to-- - [Stevie] Yeah, you have to split it in half and finish the whole thing. - I'm like mad, but I also respect your game plan. (Rhett laughs) So that's where I'm at right now. - Here's your VIP. - Half of it? - Oh, fun. - [Stevie] Yeah. - We each have to do half of it? - [Stevie] sI mean, if Rhett had pressed select, you would only have to do a third but-- - Can we get these in a nice Thai iced tea? (chuckles) - You know, I'm sorry, guys. I feel bad for you. I feel bad for you. - It's gonna require chewing, right? - I think I'm gonna step, I'm gonna step back, I'm gonna step back. - Here's your own. - Oh! (gasps) it smells (coughs), it smells so bad! Oh, my gosh, it smells so bad. - Dude, I know, man. - Beef bile? This is what's in a cow's stomach. Oh, my god! (Rhett laughs) - I might not be that bad. It might be a testicle burrito. - I know, I-- - I was having fun, and now I'm not. - I told you, man. - Okay. - We're gonna try to, you're gonna try to chew and swallow but-- - [Jordan] Yeah. - Don't think about it. - Link, this is, I feel very close to you right now. - This is fun. - We're gonna have our own show and you're not gonna be on it. (Rhett laughs) Okay. - Do it! - Ah! (crew laughs) (grunts) Wow. (Link gags) (crew applauds) - Hey! - Ah! I used water. I kind of cheated. I kind of cheated. I used water. I kinda cheated, I Kinda cheated. - Well done, guys, well done. - That was amazing, dude. - Yeah. - We did it, we did it. - I'm gonna enjoy my time on the outside. - Whoo, whoo! - Well, Jordan has left the building. - Yeah. - Hello, Stevie. - Hi. I'm not happy. I'm, I, I-- - Well, it's not gonna be bile. - I know it's gonna be bile. - It's not gonna be, this is gonna be better than bile. - But I don't know what it's gonna be 'cause I know what the third, you know, usually, I'm behind the mic. I was just the one-- - Oh, yeah. - That was like telling you-- - Oh, that was you? - That's where you usually are, back there? - So they've been keeping this round a secret from me-- - As they should. - And like shielding their screens and things. And so I know what round three is. And because I know what round one is and round three is, I have no idea what this round is which makes it scarier to me. - It seems like you can triangulate it. - No, I can't. That's what I'm saying. - It also sounds like she's gonna, she wants to reject it. - No, no, no, no. - 'Cause she's not willing to accept any level of punishment. - No, no, no, here's the thing. - Are you willing to accept-- - I trust you guys. In real life, I trust you. - Oh, you do? - In this life-- - To what though? - I don't trust you at all because this is, (Rhett laughs) you want, both of you think the best scenario is if I have to do the full punishment by myself and you don't have to do it. - No, no, no, no. Who would think that? - Yes. So where does that leave me? I don't even know what the punishment is. - Well, here's the thing? - What is the punishment? - Link and I just recently committed a crime together with a guy named Jordan. - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. - And I sold both of them out. So now we've just, now we've gone out on another heist now with you. - Yeah. - Right. - So how do you feel about this, coming back in here with me? I mean-- - I'm not happy with you. - Usually, you wouldn't commit another crime with your crime partner. - But I have to because I'm in such great debt. - Yes, exactly. - Every time I try to get out, you pull me back in. - Right. - I hate working with you, but I gotta do it. - Who is behind the mic right now? - [Carney] It's me, Dollar Store Stevie. (Rhett and Stevie laughs) - And so what do we know, Carney? - All you know is that in this round, the punishment at stake is doing something utterly embarrassing. The activity will get slightly less intense as more people are forced to partake, but it will certainly be humiliating no matter what. Go for it. - Oh, wow. Embarrassing activities? - Embarrassing. - I mean, we're willing to be a little embarrassed. - I know, and so you want me to be the most embarrassed. - No, no, no, no. - And how are you gonna achieve that? - We can all be a little bit embarrassed. - Because we're willing to be embarrassed-- - Lets just all be a little bit embarrassed. - Okay. - If everybody just accepts-- - Let's all accept. - Let's think about what would be, let's say we have to dance in a fun way, and the dance would be great. - That would be so embarrassing. - So embarrassing. (Rhett laughs) - It would be great if it was the three of us, right? - Yeah, yeah, it'd be like a-- - That's what we're saying. - Yeah, like a triple dance. - No, no, no, you're lying to me. You're lying to me. - That's what we're saying. But just, if we all reject it, then we're all gonna have to be fully embarrassed. - I don't want full embarrassment. I want a little bit of, I want a third embarrassment. - [Stevie] Okay - We are accepting the punishment, right? - Mm-hmm, yeah. - Okay, are we putting in our things? - Yeah. - Locked in. - Locked in. - [Carney] Two of you chose to reject the punishment and one of you chose to choose the punishment. - I thought you were reverse psychology-ing it to me and then I was doing the, ugh! I knew we would wind up here! - Yeah. I don't have enough brain power to reverse any psychology. - Ugh! - [Carney] Why is there pudding and paintbrushes and canvases? Well, the punishment at this stake, well, the punishment at stake for this round is, (group laughs) I thought I could get it clean, but I guess not. Sticking paintbrushes in your mouth like a walrus. And while making walrus noises, painting your name in pudding. (Rhett laughs) Your full name. And you have three names. - Like my legal name? Or, oh, okay, got it got it. Wait, what is this? - Or Stephanie. - This is a cotton candy pudding, you said? - These are tusks. - Yes, you gotta make some tusks. - Yeah. - What? I can only hear a walrus talking. (Stevie grunts) (Rhett laughs) - Yeah, oh, yeah. Yeah, she's speaking walrus. - Put in your tusks. - Can I, I need to, I don't like that you're so near my-- - You know what, we should leave her alone. - Situation - We should leave her alone. Just leave her alone. - Don't leave me alone! - Leave the walrus lady alone. - Now, those tusks have to stay in your mouth. They're permanent. - Link, Link. I can't even lift-- - What, what? What are you saying? I can only hear a walrus talking. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. (crew laughs) - I mean, if you never start writing your name, you're never gonna finish writing your name. - My lips aren't firm enough to-- - You can use your hands, but I can't understand you 'cause it's not-- (Stevie grunts) (Rhett laughs) - Wow, I'm so glad I got away with this one too. (laughs) Man! (Stevie grunts) What's that supposed to say? - I don't know. (crew laughs) (Stevie grunts) - [Rhett] Yeah, Stevie Wynne Levine. (Stevie grunts) You can sell that on Etsy. (crew applauds) - So embarrassing. - [Stevie] Oh my god! - I can't be your friend anymore, - Hey! - Nicole. - Hey. - How are you feeling? - My heart's beating out of my chest right now. I'm very, very nervous. - Well-- - You've been on the show before. - Yeah, but not-- - You're a pro. You've got your own shows. - But this stuff is, this-- - It's just a bowl of something. - Scary! - What's the worst that could happen? - Oh. - I mean, I've had a great time so far. - Yeah. - Yeah, we know. We've been watching. - Mm-hmm. - [Stevie] Guys, your punishment this round-- - I can only hear the walrus. (Nicole laughs) (Stevie grunts) (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] Is a physical one. - Physical. - Oh. Some sort of-- - A physical punishment? - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. - I might be into that. - So we're talking pain here? - Do I have to jog? I'm not a big jogger. - Yeah, yeah. We're gonna have to do the Presidential Challenge. - That's like your worst nightmare? - Yeah, not into jogging. - Oh, me neither. Jogging is bad for the joints. - Okay. - So you're gonna you-- - You've been watching this unfold though. - Yes, I have. - Like, have you been planning your strategy? - No, I haven't been. I'm not a big planner in like general, but I really do trust the two of you to make this, the last round, everybody ends on a good note. - Right, right. - We're having a good time, even though I'm really nervous, but like, whatever. I think we're all gonna select it honestly. - Right, right, 'cause I don't wanna be the guy that rejects it three times in a row and I'm kinda like the jerk-- - Yeah, yeah. - That got away with it all three times. - That's not you. - I don't wanna do that. - Rhett wants to be that guy. - No, wait, wait, wait. - No, he doesn't. I don't think so. I think he wants to be a hero. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm better than that. - [Nicole] I think he wants to be a hero. - I've changed. - Nicole. - [Nicole] Yes. - I mean, Rhett wants to be able to walk away from this scot-free and gloat. - Scot-free. That would be-- - Should we let him? - Be pretty awesome. - We shouldn't let him do that. - No, no! Of course not. - But if you believe the worst about me, what's gonna end up happening is you're all-- - He's gonna reject. - You're all gonna hit reject. - Then we're gonna reject then we're all gonna get it. - And then we're all gonna get the worst of it. - I know what I'm doing. - So then-- - Do you want that? - I know what I'm doing. - But then if he's reversing. Hold on. If he's reversing that and then you hit accept and we hit reject thinking that you're gonna reject it-- - Then I get the worst of it. - Then you get the worst of it. - Sounds like walrus noises. I'm not listening. I know what I'm doing, and I'm gonna select, and I want you both to select too because I want us all to do, I want us all to end on a good note. Let's make it happen. Come on, guys, come on. Come on! - She seems so trustworthy. - Let's all accept. Let's do it. Come on, what do you have to lose? (Rhett laughs) - He's not gonna do that. - Yeah, he is! - He's gonna reject. - Are you gonna reject it? - I think I might accept it. - Are you gonna be that guy that rejects it? Come on. - I think I might accept it because you're so convincing. - Okay, let's select. Do it, select. - Oh, we're all-- - He totally rejected. - We're all locked in. - He totally rejected. - You don't know from the sound. - Before we reveal what we've locked in, we wanna remind you if you wanna snatch up that Brooks & Dunn vinyl cover record that we made, In the Year 3000, then you gotta join 3rd Quarterly or Annual by June 30th, okay? Visit to get that vinyl. Add it to your collection. It's fun. - Yeah, it's fun. - From the future. It's country. - [Stevie] They've freakin' done it again, Nicole. Done it again. - What are you talking about? - [Stevie] You pressed select. The two of them pressed reject. - That's so shady. Oh, my god. - Dang it! - [Stevie] The punishment is all yours. - I was trying to tell you! - I can't, I can't. - [Stevie] Go ahead and reveal what it is. - I was trying to tell you to reject! - I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. Okay, what do I have to do? - [Stevie] Go ahead and reveal it. - Do I have to dance? - [Stevie] Now, this is like a, this is representative of what the thing is. Basically, you're gonna have to freeze yourself and you're gonna do that by wearing numerous frozen items and sticking your hands into ice. And actually, we have to get those things out of the freezer. - What are you talking about? - [Stevie] So if all three of you could just, can you just freeze for a second? Just freeze. - I told you to reject-- (Rhett laughs) - Oh, my god. - So that he would have to do it. - I know, I know! I wasn't listening. - I'm sorry, Nicole. - It's okay. - This is a cold headband. - Oh, my god, it's freezing. Oh, my god! - Okay. - This is a ice-patterned jacket-- - Oh, my god! - Ooh, that's cold. - Oh my god, oh my god. - You gotta put your hand in there. - That has been left in the freezer. - Oh, brain freeze. Oh, my god! Oh, my god! The microphone. - What, the microphone's cold? - Go, go deep. Yeah, yeah, there you go. - This is the worst day of my life! (Rhett laughs) Oh, no! I'm not made for cold climates. I'm not made for cold climates! - You look like a superhero. (crew laughs) - Are you all right? - Yeah. Can I get my hand out now? - No. - I feel bad for Nicole. I mean, I thought we were all gonna reject it. - It'll be okay. - Get me outta here! Do the closing thing! - Eventually, you'll adjust, you'll adjust. - I can't! - [Rhett and Link] Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You say, "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is! (Rhett laughs) - Hello, my name is Tais. I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and I just drank a boba tea for the first time. And now, it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I thought Pikachu was gonna do something in the background. I was just waiting on him to make a move. He didn't. He just turned around. Click the top link to watch us discover the worst ways to solve crazy dilemmas in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going. - [Rhett] To get the Rhett & Link Sing Brooks & Dunn vinyl, join 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th. for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,857,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: SHD0EQ2hmiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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