Should These Discontinued Toys Be Brought Back?

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- Today, we play with a vibrating toy... (broom whooshes) Broom. - Let's talk about that. (bright music) Good mythical morning. - Some toys stick around forever, like the ball, or the stick for that matter. But why do other cool toys get pulled from the shelves before they have the chance to become the next ball or stick? - I don't think anybody would consider a stick a cool toy. - I had plenty of fun with my stick as a kid, mm hm. Anyway, we're about to reexamine toys from the past to see if any of them deserve a second chance in the toy chest. It's time for To Be Discontinued: More, More, More, More Products Edition. - In order to prove that Barbie is no different than the rest of us, in 2006, Mattel updated her dimensions. Oh wait, no, sorry. That's incorrect. They just made her clean up dog doo-doo. - Oh. - Yes. It's the Barbie and Tanner play set. Let's see it in action. - Okay. ♪ Be who you wanna be ♪ Oh, cartoon. - Oh, and then the real thing. - Stop motion. Ooh, that dog is hungry. And you know what happens when a dog gets hungry. ♪ Barbie girl ♪ - That dog's got an enormous head. - Potty Training. - Potty training. What? - Oh, we've got well, you know what? We've got Barbie and Tanner right here. As special guests. - Wake up Barbie. (Link barking) And here's Tanner. He's hungry. He's hungry. - And of course, Malibu Barbie would name her dog Tanner. What kind name is Tanner? That should be her boyfriend, not her doggy. - Tanner, he's tan. All right, we paid $40 for this on eBay. It was recalled in 2017 because of the magnetic parts. But first let's play with it a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, so. Oh, Tanner, what's up? You feeling a little antsy. What's happening? You gotta, do you have a little issue here? Oh! - Oh my gosh. - When you push down on the tail... - Tanner's been eating fiber. Plenty of it. - I love it. - [Rhett] And you see that? - It craps, but then Tanner turns his head when he craps. - Your dog doesn't do that? That's how I know when Barbara's letting one out. She's like. - Jade or Jasper, they don't. - You gotta train 'em. I also do that. - So then you take it and you... - Once you start turning your head when you crap you just can't stop. - [Link] You step on this, Barbie. - [Rhett] And then you drop it in there. Little shake-a-do. - [Link] Shake-a-doo-doo. - Well, what do you, how do you? - I don't know how you, oh, you push on that thing. You missed. - There we go. - Do it again. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you push on that. - Okay, you push on that. And then push-- - It's simpler than we think. - If you put a few more poops in there. And then, on this side, you magically remove the box of food. - And then what do you do? You put his poop right back in his food bowl. - Tanner eats his own crap. - Forever, and ever, and ever. - They didn't show it that way in the commercial, but that's exactly what happens. You throw away the crap and it fills up the dog food box. - Well, that kind of is the life cycle of poop, in some ways. - And then he's hungry. - [Rhett] You're just kinda shortening it. - And then, hey, I eat my own crap. So what. - And Barbie encourages it. She loves it. - [Link] Do a dog eat his own poop? - I think... - They will, won't they? I mean, dogs will eat somebody else's. - Well, Tanner does. And I think that, I just don't, I think this might teach the wrong thing. Because it's almost like if you're a kid-- - Oh, you stepped in dog crap, in the bowl. - If you're a kid, and you've got a Barbie and Tanner play set, and you were thinking, I don't, sometimes I get unsure about whether or not my dog should be eating his own poop. You get this Barbie and Tanner play set, and oh yeah, just say, okay, this is confirmed. Yes, dogs eat their own poop. Kids are so impressionable. - Can we get a nice butthole shot for the impressionable kids here? - It would really help, Barbie would look more comfortable if she had articulating knees at this point. - Now, the reason why this was recalled is because magnets found by young children can be swallowed or aspirated. And the small magnet inside the scooper could come loose. If one magnet was swallowed, that's bad news. But if two magnets were swallowed... - They get stuck together. - They could attract to each other and cause intestinal perforation or blockage, which can be fatal, but also a lot of fun. It kind of tickles. - Oh gosh, it's horrible, man. Well, you know what happens? - Never swallow two sides of a magnet. - You swallow 'em at two different times and then it's in different places in your intestine. And then it brings your two intestines together. - Did that actually happen? - Yes, it happens, it's horrible. - So it seems like if we wanted to bring this thing back we would be pretty cruel. - Maybe we could bring back the non-magnetic part. - Yeah, 'cause that's just the picker-upper part. - But I think the fact that it, there's gotta be some way that you can feed it food, and then have poop come out, and then sort of reload. - I don't give a crap. Actually, I do. (laughing) All right, Barbie and Tanner play set. - [Both] Nah, that's whack. - Millennials everywhere went nuts for Harry Potter over two decades ago. But in 2001, Mattel created a vibrating broomstick that ended up doing things to the nuts of Harry Potter fans everywhere. This is the Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 quidditch broomstick. And it, yep. - We payed 150 bucks for this sucker! - We did? - Yeah, it was originally sold for for 20 bucks. But it actually, it was discontinued because it ended up in adult toy shops. - Let's find out why. Turn it back on. - Turn it on here. - [Link] Oh yeah. Get on there. - I think you just... - And if you, don't poke me in the eye with it now. - Oh, hey. So I think you just kind of just get it in there. (broom whooshing) - Whoa. - Whoa. Whoa. How do you, shake it? - And I think, yeah, you can definitely, I mean you can definitely clean with it. - [Rhett] Is it got a, can it go higher? Can it get stronger? - [Link] Oh, you want it? - I mean it's, why does it vibrate? That's the question? What, I mean? - Well, you're using it. Can't you tell? - I mean, was it supposed to feel like I'm flying? Like it's a shaky day? - Can, is there room for two on that thing? - Yeah, right there. (crew laughing) - Okay. - Whoa. Hands free, go hands free. - Oh! (both laughing) It worked. - [Rhett] Now, how does it feel though? - Uh, it's relaxing. I've never had that much fun in a broom closet before, I'll tell you. I mean, this has got lots of potential. - I just don't, there's so many things about it that I don't understand. Does that sound happen in the movie? - Now how already, does it? I don't know. - It really should... - I've never been into Harry Potter. - It really should just say shwing instead of making that particular noise. Is it a functional broom? Is that what you're learning right now? - Right, that's what matters to me. I don't really think that, as much as I love to clean, and it seems like I would love it even more with this. I don't know, man. - I just think there are some things that kids are gonna find out on their own. You don't need to necessarily encourage it. I don't think you need to, I just don't think you need to... - What, how to clean? - [Rhett] Yeah, exactly, yeah. - Kids are gonna learn how to clean. - Don't buy kids a broom, let them buy their own brooms and figure out how to clean on their own. - Yeah, I think that the vibration is trying a little too hard here. - Well, it could try a little harder, personally, is how I feel about it. - Oh, oh! - But. - He's saying it doesn't vibrate hard enough. - Yeah. - I'm saying it doesn't add up as to why that's happening. - Okay, so the Nimbus 2000 quidditch broomstick. - [Both] Nah, that's whack. - Some baby dolls can pee themselves. Some can chew a toddler's finger off. But this one apparently does summersaults. - I'm already disappointed. I mean, surprise me. - This is Baby Tumbles Surprise. - Yeah, what is the surprise? - It came out in 1995. Well, I think it does a summersault, let's see. Whoa, okay. - What is that, yoga? - The head is super... - Stand her up. Oh! Bring her this way. Oh my gosh. What is it? Is this teaching kids how to drop babies on their head? - No, yeah. Let's see if sissy can do a flip. (laughing) - Oh my gosh, that is visceral. I mean, how do you? - It's hard to watch. But no, the thing I like is the slow one that's just like, you just kind of... - Nodding off, falling asleep. - (laughing) That's great, man. - It's like, oh baby, you're so sleepy. How did they market this thing? Is there a commercial? - I think there is. ♪ Just like you, tumble too ♪ - She tumbles just like me. ♪ Baby Tumbles Surprise ♪ - Does she? You do that? ♪ She can tumble whenever she tries ♪ ♪ The best little tumbler for someone her size ♪ They're all on carpet ♪ Baby Tumbles Surprise ♪ - [Announcer] Each sold separately. - Well, here's the thing, Baby Tumbles Surprise, the surprise is, she doesn't use her hands when she does a summersault. If you're a normal kid, you should be using your hands. - She tumbles just like me. - And you know what, we got these for $20 each. - That's why we got six of them. - Yeah. Now let's see if we can do a coordinated, I wanna see if I can get three of 'em going at the same time. Three, two, one. Well, there's something so satisfying about that. - Yeah, I mean, I definitely like... - Grab the triplets, I wanna have fun with them. - Yeah, I'm liking it. - And what happens when they fall back? (both laughing) I mean, that's no fun. - No, no, no, go harder. There we go. - What about to the side? Let's try sideways. Oh, all right, okay. Sideways, if you give it a little flip. That one's different. That's Baby Handstand Surprise. - Oh Baby Handstand Surprise. - That just came with it. We got one of those. - It's not just a new outfit, y'all. - Whoa! Hold on. Okay, put baby, see if you can get Baby Handstand to do a handstand right here. And then I'll get Baby Tumbles to knock her over. It was better when you just went like this. She just... - Let me try it. Well. How do you get her to do? How do you get her to do a handstand? You gotta place her. - Okay, here, let me see. Here we go. Okay, okay. - What are you trying to do here? - What happens if two go at the same time? (Rhett laughing) - I mean, I can tell you right now. - This is so hard to watch. - This is fun for the whole family. - This is too much fun with babies, man. Listen, I don't-- - These babies are top heavy. - I don't like newborn babies 'cause I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt 'em. And this is, I mean, this is only confirming that. You just get this baby with this-- And that's the thing, you're like, support the head, support the head. If you don't support Baby Tumbles head, this is what happens, it just... Look at that. And then if you let her fall outta your hands, worst case scenario. - Well, that's quite a thud. - But you know what? I'm having a lot of fun. - I know, I really like this. - I mean, it really is a lot of fun. - And I'm learning so much. Baby Tumbles Surprise. - [Both] Bring it back! - All right, now it's time for the mystery round. - But first, we wanna remind you, this week on "Inside Eats," which is our television show on Food Network and Discovery Plus, we visit The Cheesecake Factory. And we try to figure out how their menu is so big. And we do that by ordering everything on the menu. And we also learn how to make some of the stuff ourselves. Voila. (Link speaking French) - You don't have to speak French in the bakery. - I don't even know if I did. - [Rhett] PJ was putting us through a masterclass of final touchery, pushing the limits of both our fine motor skills. - So next we're gonna lightly roll it across the surface of the glaze. - [Link] And our ability to follow very simple direction. - That's a lot. - Can I? I can help. - Oh gosh, I mean. - I wanna learn. (phone ringing) - Do you need to get that? - I could get it. - Did I go too hard? - No, that's... - It's too deep, it's sinking. - I just broke the surface of the glaze. Oh gosh. - That's too much. - Now I don't know... - What is this, a business? Who's calling? - I just feel like somebody's gotta get that call. Be sure to watch the all new episode of "Inside Eats With Rhett and Link," that's us, this Sunday, 10:30 PM on Food Network. And for even more bonus footage, slightly longer episode with some extra scenes, check it out on Discovery Plus. - Bonus footage! - Yeah! (Link humming) - All right. Beneath this cloche, we have something that we know not what it is, or what it does. - But we're gonna figure it out just by playing with it. - [Stevie] Yeah, you can open the cloche. Oh! - Did it have a... - It was stuck. - Did it have a suction thing happening? - It was suctioned. - Yeah, I pulled it so fast that it came up with it. - Okay, I'll take it. - [Stevie] I think I pulled out my neck as I reacted to you doing that. My copy says, without touching it, please guess what it is. But now we're in this situation. I will tell you-- - I touched it a little. - It is... - I touched it too. - I felt it, I felt the consistency of it. - It's a toy from-- - I'm on Food Network. - [Stevie] 1966. What do you think it does? - This is from 1966? - Yeah. - The end looks like a Mad Ball. You remember Mad Balls? You were scared of 'em, I had 'em at my house. - Were they squishy or were they hard? - They were the squishy Mad Balls. They were balls that had crazy faces on 'em and stuff. Kind of think I loved as a kid. - It was kinda like Garbage Pail Kids brought into the world of balls. - It was a baseball, it started as like a baseball with like crazy eyes on it and stuff. This has a Mad Ball look. - Don't touch it. - I've already touched it. That's a Mad Ball type face. - It's upside down, see. I mean, I think we can touch it. Can we? - Yeah, at this point. Touch it a lot. - And then this is hard. And not bouncy, it's wood. - Oh my gosh. Is this an actual thing, or a recreation of it? - [Stevie] It's a recreation. - Lucas, oh, so you recreated this thing. - [Lucas] Yeah, I recreated it. - You just got talent laying around. - [Lucas] You know. - Just scoop it up, man. - Oh, yeah okay. - Look at that. - I think it's a two man game. So you take that, you take the guy, and I take this. - Well, hold on, you got the hard end. - And we try to make it hit each other. Not hard, not hard. Just, it's like you're trying to make-- - No, I think you're trying to catch the other one. - Oh gosh, okay, let me back up a little bit. One, two. Hey, when we go to do this, it's gonna be awesome. - One, two, three. Oh, see I caught it. - Yeah, here we go. - One, two, three. - It's easier to catch the big one. - I think this thing, it just. I mean, you could kill somebody with this. This is like a ball and chain, especially this end. - Oh, you know what it is? - Put that in your mouth. - It's that thing. Put your foot on the desk. - Like a ball gag? - Put your foot up on the desk. Just so people can see it. - Put my foot up on the desk? - Like you're standing on the desk. - Like I'm standing on the desk? - Yeah, yeah. And you, it's like the thing that Robin has in the Batman. And you kind of just like. - So you wanna batarang my leg like this? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it is. - Let me batarang your arm. - Oh, you got me. - Oh! Whoa, you got me. - Here, get me. Whoa, you got me. - Oh! (Rhett laughing) It definitely hit me in the eye. - Robin can do it better than that. - [Stevie] All right, you guys are so close. But let's check out this commercial to see what you're actually supposed to do. - [Announcer] So get a can of Nutty Knotters today. - [Link] Nutty Knotter? - [Announcer] Amaze your friends and surprise yourself by tying knots like this. How did he do that? - [Link] What? - Watch as we expose in slow motion the magic behind the Nutty Knotter knot. See why everybody is doing nutty knots. - Well that guy is parachuting? - [Announcer] Experts are doing Nutty Knotter knots like the surfer special. - No, he's not. - [Announcer] See how many nutty knots they knot on their Nutty Knotter string. - [Rhett] Why are they nutty knots? - [Announcer] Enjoying Nutty Knotters all over America. Get yours today. - What? - How do you make a nutty knot? - Nutty knot. - You wanna go? - I think what you do is... - You gotta be on a surfboard. - You make a... - Lucas just did it over there. I should say he just, he completely did it on the first try. - No, okay. - Whoa! - There's a knot. - Look at that, now do it again. Keep tying knots. - I tried that. I think you could only do it one time 'cause of physics. - You're making a hole and then shooting it through. - And hitting it right there. - Oh, you're doing this. - You're lassoing it right there. And then it's like, Nutty Knotter. - Did you see what we did with it? - Yeah, you guys threw it at each other's face for a while. - That was pretty nutty too. Okay, mm hm. This is the type of thing that happens on a show where lots of stuff is edited out. - I think you just gotta do it. It's just one of those things like you just start mashing buttons in a video game. You don't really know what you're doing. Isn't it funny. - You guys done yet? - [Rhett] This isn't fun to you? - Don't make, oh my gosh, dude. (Rhett laughing) Come on man. - What, hey, I knew exactly what I was gonna hit. Like if I wanted to hit it right there on that thing in front of you. - Uh uh, no, no. The Nutty Knotter. Nah, that's whack. - Oh, come on. - No man, come on. I already got hit in the face. - Maybe Baby Tumbles can do it. - Yeah, all right. So we liked the Baby Tumbles. Let's... Oh. Let's see that in action again. Just so you'll... - End on a high note. Look, I did notice, she will sometimes just stay right on her head. All right. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, Rhett and Link. My name's Marina. I'm from Yorba Linda, California. And I'm at the DMV to finally change my name after two years of marriage. I'm wearing my discontinued Mythical tee for my new license picture. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Represent! - Never seen somebody so happy to be at the DMV. Click the top link to watch us rank the 10 most annoying toys in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Be sure to watch the all new episode of "Inside Eats With Rhett and Link" this Sunday at 10:30 PM on Food Network. And for even more bonus footage, check it out on Discovery Plus.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,624,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: pbL180dnDxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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