Is "Gut Instinct" Real? (Experiment)

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- Can we trust our guts? - Let's talk about that. "Good Mythical Morning." - Some people approach the world by relying on their gut instincts, that is following that intuitive sense you feel deep in your belly despite whatever your brain is telling you. It's that inner voice that apparently I need to listen to more often when playing international darts. - Yeah, you give yourself the greatest advice that you never take and today- - Sometimes I take it. - We're gonna possibly prove that that's the case, maybe because some research actually supports the idea that gut instincts are more than just random biological reactions. They may in fact be the result of millions of years of human experience being put to huse, or even use. - Huse, wow. My question is, can they be turned into an entertaining episode of an internet show? - I hope so. - It's time for, Avast Me Hearties, Quick Decisions Ahead! Will our guts lead us to great victory or dread. - Now what exactly gives our gut the audacity to claim its instincts are better than the analytical reasoning of our brains, well, boopity-boop-boop-boo. - Research, basically your brain is like a little psychic living in your skull and I named mine Nadine. Nadine stores experiences and knowledge as I live my life to the fullest and then she uses all that, in any given situation, to predict what's gonna happen next. That's why she's a psychic. - And why is she a woman? - Do you wanna have a man's brain or a woman's brain? - Okay, good point. Okay, so Nadine is making decisions by working on a number of levels, actively using logic and processing emotions, but also on a more passive subconscious level utilizing pattern recognition. - So, your gut instinct could feel like a flash of clarity, Goosebumps, or prickling, sweaty palms or feet, tension or tightness in your body. - And hopefully we're going to experience some, or all of those sensations, as we experiment on ourselves today. Yes, we're gonna replicate a study by "Nature Scientific Report-" - I love those reports. - They're my favorite reports. - They're great reports. - We both made the same dad joke. - Yes, no. - Where subjects watch videos of people grabbing a bottle of water, oh, I love it when people grab water. - Okay. - They either drank it or poured it out, after they grabbed it, but before they did the subjects had to predict what the person was gonna do with nothing to go on but gut instinct. - All right, their predictions ended up being accurate far above the level of chance, which is fascinating actually, so we decided to conduct that experiment, but the bottle pouring sounded a little boring. - Yeah. - So we got Mythical crew members to do some other things and we're gonna watch those videos right now. - Yeah, Stevie, we are ready to engage our gut instincts. - Okay, listen very closely to what I'm about to say. - Yeah. - When this first clip ends you will have three seconds to say if you think Paisley takes a bite of his sandwich or puts the ax into the mannequin head. Bite, or mannequin, in three, two, one. - Mannequin. - Mannequin, so we agreed. I mean, it looked like he was moving towards the mannequin. - Well, to me. - That's why I said mannequin. - Well here's what, I feel like Paisley and I are kindred spirits when it comes to the way that we look and enjoy food, look at and enjoy food. - Yes. - And he looked at that sandwich in a way like he knew he wasn't gonna eat it, the way I would look at it if I wasn't gonna eat it. - Oh, really? - That's, I was thinking only about the food and not about the ax. - All right, you've both chosen, mannequin, let's see if you're right. - Come on. - Oh! - Oh! - Dang. - Oh man, that was like a double fake out. - My heart was just like... - I know. - I couldn't take, it was like, ah! - I think that's a post-gut instinct feeling. - Why am I so nervous right now? - Your heart, your heart, your gut's engaged. - I don't want you to be heartbroken so I will say that all of the, we actually shot out all of the alts, and if you're a Mythical Society Member you can see those over there. So don't be- - Oh, I get to see Dad Magic cutting the mannequin head? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well, are you a member of the Mythical Society? - I am, yes. - Oh okay, well maybe I'll look into it. - All right. - Okay, you get how this goes now, so. - Gut's not working so great so far, right? - Right yeah, we're just getting started. - In this next clip does Mikayla blow the air horn in the bullpen, or put down the air horn and throw a wink at the camera? - Okay. - Here we go. - Well, where is she? Oh, there she is. - Blow or wink in three, two, one. - Blow. - Blow. That smirk on her face. - Yeah, I mean she, I mean she's definitely trying to sell the fact that she's about to blow it, but again, this is like the gut instinct goes beyond analytical reasoning and should look past people trying to like fake you out or whatever, right? - Yeah, maybe we're overthinking it, but it's like, I'm thinking too much, and from now on I'm not gonna think at all. - I'm trying to think a lot less than I normally do, for sure. - Okay. - Yeah. - I'm thinking a lot more than I normally do, ironically, and I do feel the nerves in my gut. - Yeah, I don't know why man, I do too. - Let's see if you're right. - Blow it girl. - Yeah, yes, we knew that you were gonna do that Mikayla. - She didn't know she was gonna do it. She didn't know it was gonna be that loud. - Wow. - Nobody knows how loud an air horn is until it's blown. - Until it's gone, until it's gone. - Until it's blown. - Yeah, but then it's blown until it's gone. - Okay, so far- - You don't know what you've got until it's blown. - You guys have been answering the same thing every time, let's see if that continues. - Yeah, do we have the same gut? - In this next video does Davin put the pie in Chase's face, or put the pie in his own face? - Oh. - Here we go. - Davin, you dirty dog. - Chase or his own in three, two, one. - His own. - His own, see, we're in sync. - Yeah, we're all the same wavelength man. - Why did you say his own? - Okay, I looked... - Because you knew I was gonna say it? - I looked at Davin, 80% of the video, I looked at Chase a little bit, I got more out of Davin's face and he had this knowing look, the whole time he just felt like I know I'm gonna, ah, what I'm doing right now will be in my face in a moment. I saw it, I just felt it, I felt it, again, I just. - Well, see the interesting thing, Stevie, is that you told us that he did both, it's just a question of which video were we watching. - Well, it's not like we, yeah, they're separate, they're separate videos, yes. - So, I went full gut that time. - That's what I've been doing the whole time, I'm trying- - All right, Davin, hit yourself, come on. See, look, yeah, I can tell he's going to, he's gonna hit himself. - Ah, dang it! - He didn't feel great about it. I think that's what we, our gut was picking up on is like- - It was like a regret. - The guilt for hitting Chase- - Feeling bad about putting somebody through something. - We thought was dread of him hitting himself. - Why do I feel like I'm gonna vomit? - I do. - It's like, I mean. - Because we're in sync with our bodies, this is called embodiment. - Yeah, my therapist would say, "Where are you feeling it right now?" And I would be like, "Uh, here." - Yeah, like you tell me, buddy. - And then it's like, I don't know what that means, but I feel like I'm gonna vomit. - Yeah, I definitely feel like I'm gonna vomit. - Okay, how about a little glimpse at some more possible crew-on-crew violence with this next clip? Does Caitlin break the bottle over Lucas' head, or gently tuck it into the crib? Take a look. - Gently tuck it in. - Break, or tuck, in three, two one. - Tucks. - Break. - Oh, you're splitzies. - Yeah, so we... - I said to break, so maybe my gut was saying tuck, cause that's the, no, no- - I mean. - The first letter that came outta my mouth was the T word. - There's an added layer of complexity here because I don't- - I have to go with tuck because that's, I changed my answer and that's my brain. So I'm not- - But you said break. - I said to ta-break. - So what are you saying is your answer? - That my gut answer was tuck, but I changed it to break as it was coming outta my mouth. That was my brain and I just have to be honest. - Okay, well I'm on team tuck already. - Yeah. - I'm on team tuck, I don't think there was a break in this one. - I mean I said ta-break, so, again, this, and I heard myself it's... - Well, whatever your gut was really, really happening? - Tuck. - Okay, tuck, we're team tuck. - All right, let's see. - I shoulda listened to my, maybe I have two guts. - You're like a cow. - Yeah. - You got four stomachs, six stomachs? - Maybe I have, maybe that's why I've been so confused. - How many stomachs do cows have? - It's like- - You got an extra stomach? - My guts are talking to each other. - Maybe you're thinking with your appendix. - Hmm. - Maybe you need to get it removed. - I don't know, I don't know. - Okay, I still feel like sick in my stomach and also we're learning that we think exactly the same way about these things and mostly wrong. You know what we also- - Yeah. - Do together, we cover music that we like sometimes for vinyl records that are exclusive releases over on the Mythical Society. - Oh yeah. - With two of our favorite Brooks & Dunn tunes, "Neon Moon" and "Boot Scootin' Boogie," it's right over here, there it is, the red link seeing Brooks & Dunn, in the year 3,000, you see- - Yeah. - We didn't just cover these, we covered these as if it was being done- - No, no, no, no, not as if- - 1,000 years in the future. - We traveled to the future. - Oh, forgot, yes, we did that. - We covered the songs, we brought the vinyls back. - Yeah. - Join 3rd Degree quarterly, or annual, by June 30th in order to get this thing. It came from the future, Yeah, so we're... - Horrible at this. - And this isn't that normal of a feeling for me. It's just like all right now should I trust my second gut? - I don't go with my gut on any, when we play games I'm doing the same thing that I do in life which is actually a problem that I'm trying to overcome which is I analyze and rationalize everything so I bring it all up here and I'm not feeling anything. I very rarely feel anything like. - But this is telling you that that, that's the best you can do. - Yeah, I should be in my brain, I shouldn't be in my heart. - But I still don't know if I'm honestly in my gut. Like- - You confused yourself on the last one, tough break. - Up next- - What am I gonna do? - Does V take a big old bite of the onion, or dunk the onion in the basketball hoop, let's see. Bite or dunk in three, two, one? - Bite - Bite. - Okay, again, I- - I stayed with my gut, what I think is my gut. - I mean, now I'm sort of, again, it's difficult to rationalize a gut decision after the fact. - Yeah, you can't. - Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tell you that the reason I said bite is because I saw something in her eyes that said she was about to take a bite of an onion, not that, she's gonna act like she's gonna dunk it and then she's gonna take a bite of the onion. That's what I'm reading in her body language. - Okay. - Let's see. - Okay, see, and she's gonna immediately spit it out because it's a raw onion. - She did not like it. All right, so there we go. Now our guts are engaged again. - We haven't disagreed except that one time you disagreed and then changed your answer back. - So we haven't, no, we haven't disagreed. - No, we haven't, 'cause it was your gut instinct that time. - And so what are we, where- - I mean, how many of these have we done now? - We're two out of five? - You've done five, yeah. - Okay. - So you're still, I mean. - Our guts. - There's a couple more of these things. - Our guts have got some catching up to do. - Our guts are not even better than random chance right now. - Okay, in this next clip does Trevor turn on the uncovered blender, or choose not to via a sly fake out? Here we go. - That's gonna go everywhere if he hits it. - Turn on or fake out, three, two, one. - Turn on. - Fake out, okay, see, we disagreed. Somebody's gut is taking the lead. - Let's see. - I mean he's not, he seems so cool. - Oh! - See. - Nice, okay Link, there you go, your gut just took the lead. - I'm a little more gutsy right now. How's that make you feel? - It makes me feel like my gut is not as good as random chance and so I should just live life according to random chance and chaos. - No, that's what you think. - What? - No, I feel. - How do you feel? - I feel that. - How do you feel, Rhett? - Bad. - Close your eyes. - Bad, I feel it right here, I feel like I'm gonna vomit. - Do you feel jealous? - No, because I like thinking, I'll just keep thinking. - All right. - Okay, in this next clip- - I think I'm in the zone. - Does Chase run and jump onto the pile of pillows, or stop short and hit Davin with a pillow? Here we go. Jump or hit Davin, in three, two, one? - Jump. - Hit Davin. - Oh! - Oh! - I'm very confident, my gut is fully engaged. I think I've gotten on the track. - I was reading Davin on that one more than Chase. - That's your problem. - Let's see. - Boo-dep, boo-dep. - Ah yeah! I'm telling I- - Hey. - I know what, I can feel that it's happened. - Okay, well listen, definitively, Link, your gut is just a little bit better than random chance which means you should be trusting your gut and I should keep doing what I'm doing and just thinking. - Well, here's the thing though, Link, do you trust your gut instinct enough to put it to the test when real consequences are on the line? - Can I get a three, two, one? - Gentleman behind you are two buckets. One is filled with confetti and the other contains fish guts. - Oh, great. - Mad Dog Lucas and Dad Magic Paisley are behind each bucket and they do know what's in the bucket they each control. Link, since your gut instincts were strongest, during part one of this experiment, you get the power of choice. On one, you may turn around, take in all of your surroundings, and move to the bucket your gut says is less dangerous. You will have three seconds to choose. Do you understand? - Yes. - Turn around in three, two, one. One, two, three, get under your bucket. - Ah, I'm so horny. - Okay, Lucas and Paisley, after one, we're gonna pull the buckets. - You ready, Rhett? I'm on a gut roll, baby. - Pull the buckets in three, two, one, pull. - Ah! My guts. - Oh man, I love the fact that you can't trust your gut. - Oh! - Woo! Keep doing it, Link, it makes my life wonderful. What do I do with my gut? - I don't know, hey, listen, I can't trust mine either. We can't trust our guts, we'll just use our brains. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Mythical Beast's Michael, it's my 39th birthday. - And I'm Mythical Chef, Jasmine. - And she just made me a giant Deborah cheesecake. And now it's- - Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Not a sponsor. - Wow. - A lot of people behind the camera. - Everybody joined in there. Click the top link to watch us trust our greeting card instincts in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythical is gonna land. To get the "Rhett & Link Sing Brooks & Dunn" vinyl join 3rd Degree, quarterly, or annual, by June 30th, for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,423,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: V_c5lCIYzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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