Squeezable Food Test

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all squeezable foods are not created equal bubble let's test that good mythical morning we do this every day and by that I mean this show not wear white v-necks together this is just a happenstance this is just you know it just happens sometimes you wake up and you're like hey and so do you know these are our versions of lab coats and as we experience this episode together you will realize that they're not gonna they're not gonna stay this clean and white and pristine when we test things we wear white because that's what the scientists do and what we're testing today is the squeeze ability of foods now lots of foods think they're squeezable but how squeezable are they well we're gonna find out where the test that involves the test of accuracy the test of distance and the test of taste and we're putting ourselves in harm's way for the sake of science I think there's a lot to be learned there's some things to be tasted and there's fun to be had I'm pretty excited in order to accomplish this experiment we need to transition to the squeezed ability chamber to the squeezed ability chamber welcome to the squeezed ability chamber I'm Lincoln that's right we're the same people we were like a minute ago except now we're in a lot of plastic all right here's what we're gonna do right now you're gonna each take turns choosing squeezable foods and firing them at one another and then measuring the results I've chosen to start but the old standby squeezable food this right here we're calling the squeeze a Tron mm this is the mechanism which will deploy the squeezable food onto Rhett's face it's also just a rubber mallet if you want to get technical I'm gonna put my safety glasses on and I'm gonna put my scoring card scoria card it's just a target I'm a little nervous all right you ready all right I'm gonna count down Larry to lose as far as distance goes you made it all the way so I give it 10 points in distance I hear she was questionable yeah I mean we got some up here but I think it was your fault all the way up there I mean there's a lot of it here so I got to give that like five all right taste eight four link I'm gonna go with the traditional squeezable mustard and link I didn't like your technique or the squeeze of Tron I said I'm gonna become the squeeze of Tron I'm going to embody the squeeze of try and use my good old pants one little low red okay but it did squeak yeah see this this was almost a line drive so link what did you give ketchup for distance I tent we made it mustard gets ten accuracy I mean it was a little low but it was a laser being right where I asked to go but I think it was technique and how does it taste like liquor portion I didn't taste it it's all about them where's that let's go to one to ten I don't like mustard I give it a five this is a little subjective okay so I'm redoing my rl1 ketchup this time getting rid of the squeeze of Tron mm I've upgraded to the squeeze of Tron 3000 which is me doing the CPR technique that rat patented three two oh my god you deserve love look we got this we moved in a little bit I got a little in my for his distance my guards failed me so uh I give it this one all the way so that I guess this is Fulton accuracy um you never quite got the street right in my mouth I mean you feed the judge but I'm gonna say that's a seven and taste of still an eight didn't get tastier no more velocity I actually got worse give it a seven this round for my next item I have chosen squeezable grape jelly mmm good just clarify for the people at home I've not been in an accident this is all ketchup okay now this kind of a I'm actually feeling great this has a horizontal opening queasiness I have a horizontal mouth I don't think it's gonna make it because I've seen it didn't even get to the crotch you made it okay for the chair five okay six fine okay I squeezed it in terms of accuracy I give this thing as zero what one I eventually got it there yeah it's not very accurate so one in terms of accuracy taste is up I mean jellies good you know nine no it's good yeah what better way to follow up mustard then butter okay here we go there's nothing scarier than staring down the hole of a butter nozzle yeah that's hot ah aim low well I'm really figuring out this this squeeze of trying things you might get any branch don't need some brand up in here me first of all distance 10 accuracy accuracy I would give it a you hit the mouth below yeah hit the mouth but it was a saline I ate compromised ate okay okay how's that butter taste it was overwhelming I give it six I mean it's good for butter okay now we move on to more creative places since there's so many squeezable foods out there we decided to invent our own and this magical container holds a secret concoction that I previously mixed together in the kitchen Bret does not know what this is but you can guess what this is by tasting about tasting it I'm good it tastes pretty thick so I'm going to have to break out the squeeze of Tron mm again all right so ready three two you fired a cannonball of concoction is bring it you ready oh yes I think you might need to go back to the drawing board like your unicorn the comic we sit too long frosted mini-wheats your material I have to really thought I was onto something and do live you don't need a contact kellogg's distance I had a cannonball I give that a I mean it made it that's a 10/10 on distance well it didn't there was no it was just ahead notion of mobility man yeah it just came out purely kidding mister fail zero zero and ten tonight taste is not good it's like it's ready-made yeah that's good okay earlier today I made my own mystery concoction now let's test it link you guess what it is pretty mind I can't see a hole up here we go one two I totally who is pizza dude dude Oh mix about what makes it liquidy gosh it's like I've been vomiting on coke yeah piece around its Brown dude oh yeah Pete's on coke so how's it taste because for horrible first of all zero ten and ten across the board easy for accuracy it was all over your face made it the whole way no no no no taste points oh gosh Shannon I gave you something tasty man oh yeah we had to squeeze it out like oh I think you need to sit down and get a taste of your own medicine or whatever whatever you call pizza feats and coke concoction squeezable pizza and coke squeezable pizza and coke it's your idea don't you want to taste it I caught ya my college people P think coke yeah so you come and be the squeeze our try and see what you can do brother oh yeah sweet revenge tit for tat why I'm ready I made it knowing it would be delicious that good it's named three two it's a better idea that it was a reality I think I enjoyed my coconut Pizza together but not this together squeeze ability achievement unlocked is what you say squeezed ability unlocked achievement unlocked achievement unlocked and there you have it the squeeze ability mega match I think that's what we've called it no we've cleaned up that's the point it's taken about 60 minutes but I think it's all off of my list I was considering coming out here but every time I reach a stood my beats encode mixture I dry heave to so oh god he did not do us any favors of that but it was great in terms of distance and accuracy but it didn't have any taste so that means that the top to tying at 24 points total ketchup and butter so that leaves it followed closely by mustard expectedly one point shy we would like to announce that we're launching a new product for sale at the rhett and Link store butch up but what I don't know if we learned a lot but I did have ketchup and butter I did have a good time but it's pink when you do that thanks for liking and commenting on this episode you know it is hi I'm Mikey and I'm Danielle and we're from Zion Illinois and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality if you're like every normal person you're addicted to tumblr and we feed that addiction by having our own tumblr account you can go over there and be addicted to is everything you love about tumblr and more Plus us so please and we're begging you humble us you know let's go click through to good mythical more where he shares the story then embarrassed that paints off himself make some pictures of butcher rhett and Link discover America Poland oh right here yeah we're on a shore what's that smell oh I don't know hot dogs hamburgers mmm small I'm gonna like a please happy Popeye upper pies and maze maze me up maze popcorn pop popcorn yes we should stay here we what is this place let's build a ranch and I mean a ranch-style home I mean anywhere else on the Internet can you can you see this you can't see a matrix like this oh no I mean this is a freaking amazing look at that squeeze matrix or matrix see
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 11,286,472
Rating: 4.9217005 out of 5
Keywords: ketchup, squeeze, squirt, messy, food, mustard, jelly, butter, pizza, Coca-Cola (Product Line), Frosted Mini-Wheats (Brand), milk, launch, face, funny, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, Squeezable Food Test, good mythical morning, gmm, squeezable food test
Id: Sv5G92Vey9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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