Internet Cafe Simulator 2: The sequel no one needed

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MosszillaEdits 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends that sequel we've all been waiting for we just didn't realize it is internet cafe simulator 2 it's finally out i just cannot believe it mostly because i just never saw it coming into the name of your internet cafe how can i mooch off others here starbooks no why can i punch in this game what oh jesus i think i'm gonna die okay this is nothing to do you are blackout this has nothing to do with running a cafe where am i what are you shrek trump it's a pleasure to meet you oh he just walked through that man who's sitting down on the bench in a normal human pose this is how humans sit in fact i play my games like this hell is that is that a telly toby what the [ __ ] is this city oh yes starbucks oh my god is this it this is a cafe i think this is beyond mopping jesus christ i think there's something wrong with my computer it sounds like a jet engine taking off okay it's telling me to buy like the computer case monitor keyboard and mouse from zamasu which sounds similar to me but i'm left wondering what if i just spend all of my money on different stuff and then i don't have enough money to buy that stuff oh my god it looks awful i bought the doors and i have no money to buy a pc and unfortunately i think i might have like soft locked the game yeah give him a hundred i don't even know what he wants i'm just giving him the last of my money i've opened the cafe but there's no real reason to come in unless you love staring at colorful walls sorry i had to take my ankle out on someone okay you know what i'm gonna abandon this life and just start again and somewhere else now we're starbacks i just didn't want to be associated with that previous failure i had nothing to do with that the electricity is what great i'm [ __ ] overloading it and i only have one computer i like this brand old okay i'm buying them i don't have anything to go in the computer though i bought a case but no actual computer probably for the best my electricity cut out just waiting for my order to be delivered so i'm exploring the neighborhood getting to know the locals the hell is that meant to be elon musk that is the scariest thing i've ever seen i don't want to know the locals wait who is that that's my delivery i think it's called camel prime what the [ __ ] okay thanks i guess hey kitty you want to chase a mouse there you go he didn't appreciate the joke at all open the cafe yes my first computer's set up and we're ready to go wait for the first customer to arrive okay is that vin diesel okay this is the first npc that i actually like just because he looks absolutely dead inside and family is written on that desktop what what the [ __ ] was that and he just ran into the store and exploded so so far i was thinking what is the point in this sequel but the added feature of npc's exploding excellent it was worth it definitely it's like an interrogation chair come on someone come in i need money and also if you're coming in please don't explode i i didn't realize they needed a sign that said no self-destruction go on go in come on yes my first customer i don't think he's getting back up [Music] the hell was that jesus christ you scared me it's just hanging up another light by the way i need to start your time okay hold on my computer's still booting it's taking a little bit of time 30 minutes there you go now the game is saved by sleeping i trust you to take care of this he he just why would he why would he do that i don't understand i take the money thanks i guess 12 bucks but you destroyed the computer as i was saying the game is saved by sleeping and i don't want to lose my progress so i'm going to go back and sleep i trust everyone to not rob me the hell is this is this a rival internet cafe oh i don't have a chance against this oh wait no i think it's a hot tub streamer ah here it is okay i hit myself with the door i'm not the most coordinated of individuals come on in everyone what the hell is going on go elevator go oh god damn it all right well that teleported me to my store so i guess that's a good thing the [ __ ] is that what what why is it just combusting by itself i don't understand why oh wait where's the fire extinguisher that why did i put it underneath the computers how did that even happen it wasn't even on maybe i shouldn't leave my cafe unattended vr headset huh i made it out of cardboard that's the only one i can actually afford what cryptos down the most ethereum yeah get me one of those i'm just trying to diversify you know because the cafe business isn't going so well did someone just come in oh they did come in yes sorry we're sitting uncomfortably close people are saying it's a little bit cold inside maybe i should get some air con oh how about my rob oh that sounded like a similar steve buscemi okay i've ordered aircon there we go steve buscemi you can get started oh you don't even look like steve this guy's just stuck i think he he's not paying all this trick in the book mate you still got to pay before you leave try that one myself just like i can't pay i'm stuck in the automatic door it just jammed there oh god the electricity went off no no no no no keep using the computer oh wait are you trying to pay to oh now she's getting stuck as well there you may as well be a nice room temperature if you're getting stuck like that on a new customer what the hell operating system is this windows 82 it takes about a year to start oh my god i looked at the clothes page and it's all just hand models why does it cost me 10 bucks to take off my clothes maybe that's the fine i'd get for being nude in public no that didn't help i thought that might snap him out of it but it didn't work jesus christ they don't like the cafe because there's zero games you can play they don't mind the fact you get stuck for all eternity it's the games that's the problem all right what game would everyone like the legend of green boy is kind of sticking out to me oh it's noah mogus but being astronaut is the next best thing all right you can play single-player bean astronaut now here oh for [ __ ] sake the electricity is gone again can i hook you guys up to like a treadmill or something if you're walking on the spot anyway it might help power the place you know what you take control of the shop while i'm gone i want to look around the city what the hell is this pay the daily entrance fee of a hundred dollars i don't have enough money for that what's in there though one day my business will be profitable enough that i can see the hell am i getting what the police after me you're being searched why i didn't do anything okay that was weird is it was that guy even a policeman i don't think he was can i move this would that help at all oh money money money money money yes big payday of 58 all right okay they want two hours on the computer that is plenty of time to go figure out what the hell that rabbit club is i'll be right back don't you know what there's nothing really you can do anyway do whatever you want that that's it what oh wait there's more okay all right i hope he's getting paid well because he's gone nuts what are you doing you paid 100 bucks to do this how am i not making money in this town my business is doing it wrong oh my god what is this now this is the way i make my money see i already made 20 bucks it's foolproof now bet that 20 bucks and stand i win all right now bet that 40 bucks and stand but what what how could this happen a customer runs away without paying the fee god damn it i told you not to oh you know what i did tell you to do whatever you want that's my own fault maybe i should just get a job here his job looks so much more fun than mine is the electricity is off again god damn it you know what my gambling didn't work but my other gambling might have paid off let's check on my crypto look at that it's way up wait oh hold on i didn't i thought i bought one oh no i never clicked by oh my god i would have earned so much money i hate everything i just realized this guy actually has c4 strapped to his chest why don't the cops do anything about him he's searching me when i did nothing but this guy's fine to walk around with a bomb on him oh my god there are views it doesn't have a toilet computers are 20 years behind the technology this one simply says a place i will not go it doesn't really matter my place is doing fine we're at full capacity she's running without paying where's my bat oh jesus i knocked her into the person with the bomb all right stay down please oh jesus christ what was that i'm being attacked by a ghost police i'm being haunted all right i think i ran it no jesus christ where is he go go go go go go go anywhere oh phew no oh god he can go through walls of course he's a ghost after all for heck's sake what was that oh god i got a lot of people chasing me i was trying to bring them all back to my house but i had to bring them back with violence and they didn't like that wait a second someone stole my keyboard oh for [ __ ] sake i leave my cafe on attendant for like seven hours only and someone just happens to come by in that time what are the odds best pc parts okay what have you got this isn't a pc part salesman man that's a great name okay 87 i can see why people don't shop locally that was a lot huh there's skills yeah more customers that would help me a lot tip box yes wait i don't have a tip box let's get better at punching instead there we go back in action i'll go sell the vr headset as well because no one wants it about to double the money i just got from selling that stuff 18 perfect stand this isn't fair okay last bet to try and make my money back 20 hit me i want 21. ah so close what go away from me go away i don't want to be searched i didn't do anything stop chasing me you're coming up to my apartment if you want to search me then may as well make this a date it's just running around the elevator you can't search me you've been fined for not obeying the stop warning okay i mean i have no money for you to take so it doesn't really matter okay while i was away someone stole the computer itself hate computers throwing a rage fit now oh i stuck on my middle finger and everything i didn't know i could do that affect you teletubbies you know i really thought that it was the first game that was the problem not me i thought they'd work out the kinks and the business would go great but this went even worse this is the end for starbucks but i hope you enjoyed consider subscribing if you'd love to come to the cafe sometime leave a like or comment you got the time that helps me a lot and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 464,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, internet cafe simulator, internet cafe, internet simulator, simulation games, internet cafe simulator gameplay, funny moments, simulator funny moments, cafe simulator, funny clips, internet cafe simulator game, internet cafe simulator 2, internet cafe sim 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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