Bitlife but I say yes to everything

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hey there friends how's it going today we're playing pit life where i'm going to agree with everything be a bit of a yes man and if you want to play along at home subscribe you've no choice now all right let's get going okay so i recently learned that abel is actually a name and i like that name it has a nice ring to it so last name able first name agree agreeable that's a good name i was going to pick a place but i guess i should just agree with what they picked for me why are my look zero percent okay wait actually i understand yeah i looked and it just looks like such an angry baby but still it's a bit harsh like zero percent for a baby how could it be that ugly oh some crazy baby wants to be my friend i mean i think rejecting would be a good idea but i'm agreeable so yes oh god that dog this is gonna kill me yes i want him yeah you see willy ate my homework that's it i'm never playing with willy again but i guess since i'm like a yes man i should reward him for that your classmate salvador has been telling everyone social media you're a teacher's pet well i'm agreeable so i guess i should just agree i should tell my step-sister also oh wait no i didn't mean in a bad way she stamped his heel now my friend erica has made you her enemy i thought we were friends weren't we i remember the name gump it's very memorable oh yeah i don't have any friends anymore i just have an enemy why what did i do i agreed with everything you said god i'm in the prime of life my looks are all the way up to three percent oh no they just dropped the two never mind oh jesus your labrador just ate your teddy bear reward him great job chief or nora's asked me out well that's a yes from me oh willie died he died from old age i'm surprised it wasn't from choking on something i was encouraging him to eat everything around the house your girlfriend nora wants to break up with you wish her well just going along with everything i'm just here for the ride oh another friend i know you're going to become my enemy but yeah friends best friends for life yeah that's what gump said i'm depressed now i just made a new best friend he's like i hate this your friend vinnie wants to become best friends i already said i'd be best friends for life like two seconds ago with someone else but you know what agree what would an agreeable person go into business in new the art model oh yes in a school district well that sounds risky i'm not the type of individual they're looking for is it because my looks are eight percent because this is an all-time high for me another friend how am i making so many friends i guess because i just agree with everyone apply to university today okay apply to university i was rejected you're thinking about enrolling community college okay your friend lucas is looking to get some easy insurance money and asks if you'll double set his car when you ask what that means he tells you to set it in the field then set it on fire what would he do okay you graduated what will you do now i guess look for a job i don't know can the game just tell me what to do i don't want any input i got an interview for a firefighter why should we hire you oh can't you suggest something and i'll just agree with it none of these are particularly good like i'm not sure you should well honesty is one of his best qualities and he's not sure you should to be honest yeah i got rejected if i don't believe i should have the job i don't see why they should believe it to be fair lucas is asking me if he should invest in krypto yeah go for it erica is a [ __ ] lunatic like this already sounds bad enough started rumored that she could quote your father saying you were the biggest mistake of his life but my dad just died what you've been saving up all your starbucks rewards for a special coffee only to discover that your enemy erica has used your name and depleted your account what is her problem i met her when i was two and she's had it out for me since i'll visit the job recruiter oh wait i can't afford it hold on my mother's suffering from itchy bottom well that's great mom thanks i'm glad we can be this open oh another person wants to be my friend sure oh no an old grandma offers you some steroids sure thing granny oh wait i got an opportunity to boost my looks a free calf implant procedure how could i turn that down wow at 36 looks let the dating app pick someone for me oh look you look awful too we can be the greatest ugly couple ever let's go on a date mary wants to take your relationship to the next level okay he's just like no whatever well she's pregnant all right what do we call it well since the baby has terrible genes i'm going to call it undate which is a really unique name i like it and it goes quite well with the last name here circumcision oh yeah go first it's grand sign up for youtube yeah sure what is this oh no oh jesus he's having issues i should go to the doctor [ __ ] hell your reputation is so bad you can't be that bad i'll go see you i don't have enough money how are my minus money oh yes babies i forgot why did i just agree to that can't afford to go to the doctor for god's sake what if i emigrate somewhere with free health care is that possible finland approved me but they want 10 grand i don't even know if they have free health care they just seem to have figured out those people up north you know i'm feeling weak and achy due to a high fever i guess i'll just pray it away because i don't have any money maybe i should get a job the game hasn't suggested it in a while so i just haven't done it what would work with his particular set of skills yay i got a job fighting fire and on my first year i can finally go to the doctor i've been suffering for three years all right velasquez tell me what i have what no you must be wrong there's no way i can't afford to treat me come on dude all right i guess i'll wait a year you hear a plane buzzing above your house and go outside to discover your enemy erica is paid for an airline banner that reads agreeable as a simpleton i guess just flip off the pilot i don't think you'll see me what is her deal all right i'm going to dr [ __ ] because this guy's dr fecker all right treat me i continue to suffer from oh jesus christ you need to start putting in four more no i can't i'm ill but i kind of got to agree i have no choice i got a promotion well at least there's that mary why are you breaking up with me i wish you well beavis why did you unfriend me let him go just agree why are you all unfriending me what have i done and i have two serious medical conditions one is i have cancer and the other is i have no backbone so i'm just agreeing with them as they leave me this might be the most depressing life i've ever had but at least my mother likes me i'm calling a hitman to kill my enemy to hire him yeah i'll agree with that price that's fine there we go they pulled off the hit erica is dead and i am depressed it's kind of like the batman joker situation like what's one without the other sweet jesus christ like he's so miserable he has depression anxiety on top of everything else his happiness is zero he looks awful i'm gonna go get some surgery i don't even know why and you know i will emigrate too send me to the united kingdom i went to belfast that's even better it's on the emerald island and i know i can get free health care there dr webb your reputation is amazing but dr cox is a funnier name so i'm going with you they did not heal me turns out a funny name doesn't mean you're really good at being a doctor you need to give your new female cat a name what would you name her man of the house i just kind of found it i feel like that's a good way of getting rid of the responsibility if i'm not in charge while at a bear a woman offers you a tequila shot that she's already ordered what's the worst that's gonna happen you know what i'm gonna go out clubbing i didn't enjoy it a one-night stand yeah go first why not no condoms are available keep going worry later your mother's suffering from hemorrhoids good to know mom thanks oh no your fling gracie suspects you're the father for baby girl helena ah well i have to agree to the test and i came back positive jesus you look great now how no that's not possible it can't be his baby she cured my depression and anxiety it's a miracle baby sorry undateable i don't need you anymore abandoned oh yeah i don't have a job someone offered me a job at a farm well i guess i'll take it i gotta agree oh no my mother passed away i'll almost remember the last thing she said to me agreeable i have hemorrhoids it's a lot of money but i don't really have a choice i gotta agree oh jesus i just inherited a load of money oh look who's happy all of a sudden why is undateable so upset just because i took him to a new country and abandoned him i'll send him a gift uh it's cheap and cheerful bit life bit citizenship give it to him he loves it what a surprise no bias there at all oh jesus you have an opportunity to have a one-night stand with a married female from norway how the hell did you okay yeah sure oh what a surprise it looks like she has some craziness going on down below i'm sure it'll be fine you've lost your appetite due to a high fever oh jesus christ this doesn't sound good yeah it's gonorrhea i'm afraid all right you solved my gonorrhea i guess you could say you put the gone in gonorrhea see you later doc i'm sorry for saying that that was bad oh no your co-workers asked you if you'd like to do some blow it's a holiday party let it snow let it snow oh no this is gonna end badly i can boost my health finally i don't think a hike will solve what ails me but sure yeah okay well it helped a lot somehow a one-night stand again all right go for it oh and surprise surprise rosie over here some craziness going on down below you'll be fine oh no your stomach is hurting so much it feels like someone punched you in the gut i know it was gone aria but it's back aria can you help me yay it's gone ohrea i'm sure i'll get to make that joke again i have a nasty feeling oh the man of the house has died that's so sad a lady named rose looks suggestively at you while eating a whole cucumber without chewing okay yeah that's great no condoms are available well keep going worry later oh jesus christ while at the gym you meet a lady from peru named lorena ask her on a date oh no a bouncy minute the bear has told you that if you can take a person to ukraine you can earn 10 grand i have over half a million pounds but yeah that sounds like a good idea oh for facts sake i guess cooperate with them and get the best lawyers i can get oh they've offered me a plea barrick well i guess i have to agree i'm doing two years in dream catchers state jail and i've been fired i've clicked on the gang's tab but it's a minimum security prison there are no gangs here well i gave someone a [ __ ] compliment to just try and be nice and then he attacked me with some scissors and stabbed my booty at least i didn't die anyway all right i've been released unfortunately the girlfriend broke up with him but it is what it is i suppose i may as well go to a night club i'm too old oh my god how much did i age while in prison why let a pool parrot your friends order a round of scotch yeah let's get this parody started and he succumbs to peer pressure so easily what the hell is going on all of my siblings have died like one after another like look at this venus died last year valeria died last year and jeanette died this year is there like a serial killer here in the family or something i could be next i'm kind of scared how does undateable actually like me when i abandoned him and why does he still look like a child if he's 24. he must just really like that big citizenship i sent him a few years ago will i send him something else i'll send him a glitter bomb he didn't like that oh jesus you hit a one-night stand you threw out your back great that's all i needed it's just such a depressing life agreeing with everyone oh for [ __ ] sake you encounter a hooker turning tricked yeah better take a shower yeah i would if i were you oh it did cure my depression though i don't know if it was that or the shower but it's gone okay this is getting ridiculous after effects safe i bought i thought the casino might be a good idea but i don't think it is okay 20. i'll stand a 21. [ __ ] off how much have i lost now 144 000. i'm going to stop i'm depressed i stopped too late oh jesus christ i found a date but they're insane well i don't have any choice she has a lesbian lover ah forgive and forget i suppose snagging you to buy a car oh my god she's got to be the death of him what's the cheapest car i can get kia optima yeah that's fine apply for a caroline too oh no the hospitality team at madison spellfest casino calls and offers you unlimited access to their buffet if you come back and play sounds great let's go deal them okay 20. all right yeah that's good thanks for inviting me back 21 screw you no i died what the hell i got rowdy agreed worked as a farmer for many years clubbers at ezra's disco hold the moment of silence as they mourn his loss i appreciate the clubbers doing that i continue as my child but which one i guess on day to pull he has more of my genes while covering a story about a politician you don't like you end up taking many photographs of the politician which will you choose photoshop a pick to make him look even worse there you go your daughter ginger is suffering from tonsillitis he has a daughter god he really was disowned he's got a wife and everything jesus oh she's pregnant keep the baby keep up the tradition your dad had of just being a yes man oh jesus christ no apparent reason you've recently been using the wrong words to describe something when speaking on top of that you've been having issues with tunnel vision yeah it doesn't bother me it's fine what is it with people eating whole cucumbers without chewing well yeah i'll agree do her don't use a condom yeah that's fine oh jesus agreed to take the test it came back negative yes you are not a father well you are but you're not like a father of that child that you know the one-night stand thing stuff you still have responsibilities oh god the wife is nagging for a car do what your dad did and just look for the cheapest thing possible oh god keep going worry later mavis is arguing i don't blame you yeah apologize your daughter is asking for money oh no don't make this a habit please i have no choice in the matter i need to find a career where being agreeable gets you rewards like organized crime they said you don't know what it means to get your hands dirty all right let's do some crime then if that's what you want grand theft auto why not yay i stole the car now can i join are you just keeping that by the way are you are you going to sell it like it's a bit suspicious you just suddenly have this car what they beat me up for asking to join okay i won't ask anymore sweet jesus undateable over here is also unlikable i should go to the doctor i think i'm not suffering from any conditions they beat the bejesus out of me though i didn't want to be in the irish mob anyway i want to be in the latin mafia they took advantage of me doing tasks with for 21 days and then didn't let me join now i'm depressed because they took advantage of me all right i'm going to provide alibis for the tri-heads i was not invited god damn it you're worried about your daughter's qualifications just bribe a college official do it for 24 grand yeah do it fine yay that noise means i'm doing good things all right if you want let me become a criminal can i become another type of criminal using 30 grand to run for school board director i was unable to make it on the ballot god damn it oh no she suggested that we buy an affordable manufacturer to home goddammit okay let's buy it oh no i'm gonna have so many scandals if i do get into politics but yeah hook up oh jesus she's arguing again apologize look i can't help it all right now try running for politics again uh school board director yeah just sink 100 grand into it focus on the environment you were unable to make it i just blew 100 grand for no reason oh my mother is suffering from bowel and concerts why do they keep messaging me this stuff i don't understand you just woke up and your vision is really blurry to further complicate things you've already thrown up into your mouth multiple times today it turns out agreeing with everyone to do everything might be a bad idea you've been ousted from your position a photographer they tell you it's because they believe you've been stealing office supplies he probably just went along with it yeah wish them well even though they falsely accused me and now she's arguing with me apologize oh my god the car is broken repaired there's so much stress in his life no wonder he's so miserable yeah he's depressed god damn it your car no longer stand perfect's sake why is it such a shitty life to just agree with everyone let's go on a dating app and find love someone old he won't ask much of him she's 95 yeah [ __ ] it why not wait a divorce settlement oh yeah i forgot about that i thought we were already split up okay i think his girlfriend is insanely rich so let's just keep buttering her up old people love scrabble right gift her a scrabble set now all people do not like scrabble elizabeth and i talked about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza good thing he's agreeable because that is a dividing topic i'm gonna go shopping and buy a really expensive wedding ring this diamond ring for 62 grand buy it i think it's more of an investment than anything propose on the beach she accepted yay all right let's get married immediately before you die all right at church in no don't take her that far that's very risky she could die mount rushmore she'll love that demanding a prenup why this isn't fair but i have to agree yeah this is this is so pointless i invested so much money to marry and then uh well you know what a prenup doesn't really matter because she's gonna die soon anyway right all right we have a charming bungalow and everything that's really nice now age up once and my depression is gone oh for [ __ ] sake you land on a clickbait website that claims to have 100 of the most amazing photographs ever taken what will you do click through all 100 there you go oh no my i thought my wife died but no it was my mom he was actually younger by quite a lot than his wife that looks like a recommendation to get her stuffed if i've ever seen one yeah have her taxidermied we inherited loads of money great my job is just independently wealthy all right can i run for office now you were unable to make it why is it so hard to make it onto the school board will i just try mayer instead but since i can spend the wife's money i'll just spend a million trying to be a politician you were unable to make it even though i spent a million on it oh she's gonna be angry a bag full of marijuana well i guess we have to consume all of it then that made me extremely unhappy and unhealthy my happiness went up to one percent as i aged up but then someone dropped my key into water and it went back to zero oh you want to go to the theater yeah i guess agree i mean he should treat her well to be fair she's not complained at all and he has done a lot that deserves to be complained about how old is she now she's 101 jesus christ i have a feeling we'll be stuffing you soon too what no how did she outlive me what this doesn't make any sense another club is holding a moment of silence that's what all the one-night stands did for him he had two kids what i pick hugh okay very very happy let's see what i can do oh the mother died the wife is pregnant yeah it keeps the baby oh my god this is a hell of a year you need to stop putting in more time agree i guess i'm depressed i have had control of him for one year he was so happy when i took over and his looks have plummeted too his wife cheated on him what and now he has to forgive and forget it keep the baby yeah oh my god this is a terrible life already your niece passed away a baby boy but you were not the biological father unloved can be your name unlovable great name more overtime oh jesus christ agreeing to everything is so stressful ginger has been having sexual encounters with strangers oh forgive and forget another baby ginger come on i guess i'll just call this one cheat cheatable i'm depressed again oh jesus he wants 65 grand for his tuition yes pay his tuition more hours agree your son died at the age of six he drank window cleaner he probably has to drink it and you just went yes i agree have him taxidermied as his tradition i'm depressed again pay your tuition cheese i don't have enough money mother passed away this is just bad news after bad news i can afford to suffer now though which is nice i inherited some money oh look more overtime your daughter cheat is suffering from scarlet fever i don't really care you know what he should do he should go clubbing he deserves it i can't because i'm too old so you may have left it too late he's 57. all right a random one-night stand then at least he enjoyed that another one and what's the point in being loyal to ginger keep the baby yeah that's fine this one's just called my one true son apple the name doesn't really have as much of a ring to it but it works oh no my one true son is suffering from whooping cough and my car is breaking down why is it always just bad news your wife ginger wants a divorce whatever oh no telemachus yes sign up i guess i have to agree they found the one person who will go along with anything it's the perfect call a man offers you a sip of red bull vodka this is holding now what's the worst that could happen i can't wear grass if you want to drop some liquid acid yeah sounds fun the doctor is saying his hepatitis jesus christ our ginger is dead awesome attend our funeral can we ever stuffed your concern because your friend doug's use of alcohol is spiraling out of control let him continue abusing it i'm a yes man not a good man oh he's dead jesus what god damn it i agreed to having like it and it killed me he overdosed a diligent young fellow you fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a grosser friends recount the time they saw and take acid all right you know what we should end there that that family line should die right now it's [ __ ] miserable probably the most depressing family i've ever seen but i hope you enjoyed their antics if you did consider subscribing we'd love to have you around thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,304,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, bitlife call me kevin, bitlife challenge, bitlife update, bitlife, bitlife funny, bitlife funny moments, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife yes, bitlife yes to everything
Id: NxsEd7br69U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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