Biggest Bar FAILS Of 2020 😱 Bar Rescue

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- Who doesn't have a drink? (customers cheering) - [Customers] We want drinks! We want drinks! We want drinks! - Has anybody even taken an order back here? - [Customers] No! - So nobody has anything here, nobody has anything there, nobody has anything on the other side. We will never dig out of this, never! Where's DJ? - [Male Speaker] Go ahead and take a plate. - So for recon tonight, I brought in some younger local singles to see how the staff treats them. (customers laughing) Oh! - Boy, I'm gonna get fired for that. (customer applauding) - [Male Speaker] Don't tell the boss. - I won't tell him. I hear he's a real jerk. - [Male Speaker] Oh, he's worse than that. - Don't like Mike. - Can we do three lemon drop shots please? - I have to go get lemons because there's no lemon. - They have no lemon. None of this is good. - I'll be right back. Come on up, Jeep. - What does it take to get a drink around here? - Who's behind the bar right now with our bartender walking out of the bar? - [Jon] Look at the bottle of whisky sitting on the bar. - Can we just pour our own shots? - You could really help yourself. There's the shot glass, there's the whisky. We're good to go. - I'm sorry. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - So we finally got the lemon drops. I wonder what that tastes like. - [Jon] We'll find out in a sec. (customer groaning) - Holy (beeping). - Ooh, I wouldn't say that was successful. - They're bitter. Can we order another drink? Can I do an old fashioned? - Old fashioned? - Yeah. - They ordered three old fashioned's. - Thanks. Holy (beeping). Not what I was thinking. - Honestly, she was happier when she didn't have a drink. - Do you mind if I get a water? Sir? - Excuse us? - What? - Can I get a water? - I'll be with you when I'm done, okay? If you're trying to get under my skin, you're getting there. - Whoa. - Shots fired. - What? - [Male Speaker] He asked for a water. - They're the biggest spenders in a room, I think. Why would he disrespect them? - Can we get a drink over here? - [Waitress] What can I get you? - Three shots please. - Five dollars, okay? - Talk about a bad night. - How many shots have you had in the last hour? - This man's gonna argue with his customer. - They're cut off. - Cut off? - Wha? - Oh. - No more. Can't serve you more than three shots in an hour. - We've only had one. - I said you were cut off. - [Female Speaker] Why? - Because I said so. How much do you weigh? - Why does that matter? - That's how much you can drink. - Wow, he's an asshole. - And I can actually tell you that I'm not gonna serve you anymore if you want to keep it up. - And he's putting his hands on him. - I'm so uncomfortable that he keeps touching him. - I'm not serving you anymore. - What did I do? - You got a little bit smart to the wrong person. Well yeah, but it's my place. - Why are you the wrong person? - I'm the owner. Why don't you leave? - Whoa. - Whoa. - You want me to show you how? I'll call the sheriff. - I can't watch this. This is unbelievable. It's time to get under Mike's skin. - He's gonna lay into him. (intense music) - Hey, guys. - He won't give us another drink until we go. - How are you? - Hi. - [Jon] How many drinks have you had? - Two. - Two? Are you intoxicated at all? - No. - No. - No? - No. - Do they appear intoxicated to you? - No. - How would you feel if I put my hand on your shoulder like you did him, and pretty much said, I don't like you, I don't want you here because I said so? - I guess I'd be upset. - You'd be upset because the person who did that to you would be an ass, correct? - Yes. - Why were you an ass to him?! I want to understand. - I'm sorry, I don't have an explanation for you. - Really, and you're in the bar business? Jay, come over here please. Hello, nice to meet you. - How are you doing? Nice to meet you too. - So I have a simple question for you. Does your father act like an ass or is he an ass? - He's an asshole. - He's an asshole? - Yeah. - How does that feel?! - Not well. - How much in debt are you, Mike? - A lot. - How much, Mike? - Over a million dollars. - [Jon] You like writing a check for 15 grand every month? - No, I haven't. - Have you ever when you've written that check said to yourself, what an asshole I am? - No, I haven't said that. - Are you here to lose more money? - No, I am not. - Maybe it's time to say that to yourself, Mike. Who else works here? Come on over, guys! Come on, let's make it a party! Is he an ass? - (beeping) yes, he is. - Yeah. - Is he a big ass or a little ass? - He's a big ass. - He's a big ass. - Is he an asshole all the time? - Just about. - Okay, your son says you're an ass. Both your mechanics say you're an ass. Come on over, buddy. What's your name? - Joel Jr. - Joel Jr., nice to meet you. You guys work in the kitchen? - Yes, sir. - Pleasure to meet you. - Thank you. - Is Mike an ass? - Yeah, he is. - I don't like helping asses. Not one person in this room believes that you have the ability to not be an ass. I'm not sure I want to help you get it back. (intense music) Tonight for stress test, I'm looking for two things. I'm looking for Shawn to step up and run this place effectively and I'm looking for Phil to act like an owner. - [Male Speaker] Let's do it, guys. - How's it going, guys? - Welcome, welcome. - What can I get for you guys? - I'll do a Mai Tai. - Two Mai Tai's coming up. - Ticket. - Burger, no tomato. - Yup, burger, no tomato. - [Bartender] How's it going? - I'm gonna get a Bloody Maria. - Okay. - How are the drinks, guys? You try 'em yet? - It's delicious. - Delicious? Love it. - Hey, Jon, Lana, can I throw some drinks in here for you? - Wow. - Yes, sir. - She rocks. - She's kicking ass, Jon. - Yeah. - She's killing it. - Yeah. - This girl is dead to rights good. I got no problems with her. - You're a great bartender. You are. Right out of the gate, Mindy's fast. She's solid. She's a confident bartender. She's sticking to recipes. I see talent in the team. Now, I gotta see talent from management. - What's up guys? How are you? Any food or anything, guys? Check it out? - Now, make sure we're getting orders in. Is somebody hitting these tables, Shawn? - Uh, I'd have to see. - You should know. - Yes. (food sizzling) - It wasn't done yet. Still raw. - It'll cook pretty quick 'cause you just squished it down. Here, put it together. - Say what? - That burger's ready. - So listen, as an owner, what's gonna happen is there's gonna be times where he's gonna know something and you gotta kinda just-- - And it's not cooked. It's still raw. - You gotta just stand behind him. - It's still raw. That's raw as hell. - You cook burgers too well done. - If you want to sell it, you can go ahead and sell it. - I do. - This is (beeping) stupid. It's a shit show. All of it, everything. Everything is all a cluster (beeping). Everything is disorganized. There's not a team, you know? So it makes it really hard to do anything if there's not a team back here. - This goes to Angela. - Burger, no cheese. - Burger, no cheese! - No cheese, all right, there you go. - Hey, all right, guys, Paloma, Paloma. Three Palomas. Three more Palomas? Six, eight Palomas. That makes it easy. You guys can keep doing it that way. - This is like, this is raw. - Oh no! - Was it raw? - Completely raw. - I'm sorry, what's? - It's raw. It's actually raw. So we didn't even order it rare, but it's actually like raw. This is raw. - Right from the get go, I'm seeing problems in the back of the house. The fact of the matter is the front of the house is doing pretty well. Phil managing the kitchen is unraveling while Shawn has the bar together. Phil, Mo. Whoa, look at this burger. - [Mo] I told him it was raw. I told him several times. - [Jon] Do you know how to cook burgers? - Yes, I do. - [Jo] Well, who's cooking here? If this is Mo's grill, then back him up. - All right. We (beeping) up. - You don't know what time the burger's gone on and when it's been flipped. One guy has to do this. Shawn, are you managing or bartending? - I'm heading to the kitchen right now. - 'Cause we have some serious crises. People aren't served. Some people are half served. Food is coming out raw. Take control. - All right, where are we at? What are we behind on? - Talk to me, guys. What's going on? - I can't really call them fries. It doesn't even look like it's been fried. It just looks like a potato. - And tomato. - Oh man. Now you know why I'm here, guys. I'll make sure you get your money back. Five tickets are taking us down. So guys, we're not even traveling at 20 miles an hour. - Excuse me, excuse me. - So, come on. If we can't deal with five tickets, what the hell are we doing here? - One of my tables, their burger is not cooked all the way through. - Another raw hamburger, come on! Phil is standing here not knowing what the hell to do. Everybody out there is waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and nothing happens! - Phil, you gotta get off the grill. Come down here and fry. Come down here and fry. - [Jon] We've been here 15 fricking years! How does this happen? Come on! - Crazy stress. How's that? Crazy stress is going crazy stress. - I'm gonna close this down, okay? I see our points of failure. Close this down now. - Okay. Guys, it is unfortunately, Jon has made the decision it is over. (customers booing) (intense music) - I think the stress test tonight, the results were mixed. Now, the bartenders did a really great job. I want to tell you you guys did an awesome job, okay? I think Shawn and I let you down 'cause we didn't have the processes really ready. As an owner, I'll take responsibility. Hopefully we can fix this and make this thing work 'cause I want Shawn to succeed. - [Jon] Here we go, guys. - My name's Juan. Please welcome to Kalaveraz. Come on in. (customers cheering) Welcome. Welcome, come on in. - Hi guys. So we're leading the mojito, Cadillac, or Bloody Maria tonight, just those three drinks. - Steak fajita. - Can I get margaritas? - I'll buy the first 10 people whatever you want to eat. He'll take the order. Let's go, get the food orders in. - Hi! How are you? (speaking in foreign language) - Five tickets up on the bar. This entire other side hasn't been served yet. It all comes down to the next 10 minutes. Either they'll dig out of this or they won't. - [Male Speaker] I need 10 tamarind margaritas. - [Jon] Okay, guys, you got a bunch of orders coming in. - All right, Jon, we're on it. - The calm before the storm. Let's see. - Yup, and way too sour too. - Do it again. Come on, let's get it right. Two, four, six, eight, 10 tickets now here at the service bar. Do this, guys. Come on, this is your service bar. - Three tamarinds. Four. - Oh, there's ceviche or the pozole. - Come on, guys. We have to be faster than this. Jessica, you gotta move quicker. They're gonna have gray hair by the time this drink comes across the bar here. - We got our first two drinks up on the pass. - We've been open almost 20 minutes. How many people have drinks? One, two, three, four. At this rate, we'll be here about seven hours. (customers booing) How are we doing? - [Male Speaker] We're about 20 deep on tickets, so. - I'm gonna get Juan back here to help. Juan, they're falling apart in the kitchen. - They are? - So who's gonna manage this for you? Don't just walk away. Who's got this? Give this to one of them so they manage through it. You've got this? - I will got this. - Okay, go in the kitchen. - Which one do you got? Which one are you working? - Okay, (speaking in foreign language). - There we go, two hands. - There we go. - [Jon] I didn't know you had a second hand. Let's move quicker. Talk to me, chef. What's going on? - So we put out two tickets so far. - So what's our ticket time? - [Male Speaker] So look like we're at 24 minutes right now. - Wow. - So, yeah, a little behind. - We're 24 minute ticket times. The industry standard is 12 minutes. We thought this menu could be done in 10 minutes. They're not even getting it done in a half hour. - Jon? - (groaning) One, two, three, four. How many we got? - One, two, three, four, five, six. - You guys see why I'm here now? - [Customers] Yeah. - [Jon] This is crazy. - [Male Speaker] I've never worked a shift where it's this bad. - She has no speed at all. - None. - Come on, guys. We have to do better than this. Jessica, you're the worst bartender back here. You can't get this done at all. - Okay. - Come on! - We're dying in the weeds with tickets, Jessica. - I think just with experience and based on how many drinks I make, I'm sure I'll get faster, but it's all new to us today, so I'll get there. - We got tickets coming out everywhere, so we're in trouble now. - How about some knives and forks over here? You guys gonna eat it with your hands? Guys, how about some roll ups? Some knives, forks, some napkins? - Steps in service, guys. It looks great. - Guys, rest assured. I'm told they're searching for silverware. - Aw. - Oh, man. - Juan, they can't find any silverware. These customers have food. They tell me they're searching for silverware. What the hell is going on here?! I mean, we can't get a fork to a frickin' customer. - (indistinct) to get some silverware out? - Yup. - Thank you, sweetie. - Still no silverware down there. (speaking in foreign language) - This was sitting just around the corner filled with frickin' silverware. Well done, everybody! Well frickin' done! - I'm so glad I came here, dude. - All they have to do is walk nine feet and pick up a frickin' fork which, thank you, he finally did it. (customers applauding) How many tickets we got up there, chef? - We got about 20, but I got another 10 back here. - [Jon] So we're gonna start running half hour, 45 minute ticket times. - Unfortunately. - We'll be at an hour in no time. Now I got 15 frickin' tickets here. I can't get drinks out of the bar. Who still doesn't have drinks? You guys want to wait an hour for your food? (customers clamoring) I've had failures before, but this is one of the worst. I am literally throwing in the white (beeping) towel. Juan, get out here. Look at this. They can't get drinks out. We can't get the service bar together. You can't get food out of the kitchen. We got 30 frickin' tickets back there. Close this bar down. Man, do we have to train and I gotta start with you. Shut it down. - Guys, we're gonna work on this. We're gonna make sure we're snapped up and we're better prepared for next time. My deepest apologies to all of you guys. - I've had stress test failures. This is a white towel failure, a complete surrender. There was not one thing that I can attach to to find success in this bar. It was a complete failure. (intense music) - Anthony. - Yes? - I really need you to pull through tonight, okay? If things start to fall apart, I want you to put it back together. - Okay. - All right? It's very, very important. - I'm like, ooh, okay. With Jon putting me in charge for the night, I feel overwhelmed. So I just gotta bring my game up and have some fun with everyone. - Welcome, everybody. Come on in! - Welcome to Linda Lou's. - Hey, hi ladies. How are y'all? - So the vodka lemon fizz? - Flavor blaster, baby, flavor blaster. - So if you want some flavor, go ahead and squeeze that right in there. - We'll get right to you. They're gonna bust their butts tonight. - Have you guys ordered yet? Okay, don't forget this side, Anthony. Work the whole bar. Don't all stay there. - Okay, what can we get you? (faint speaking) The tequila. - Move your hand please. - I'm sorry. - So look what happens with one work station. To dump his ice, he's gotta go over here. To get mint and garnishes, you gotta go over there. To pour it, you gotta go over there. Why don't you go over her, I'll go over you, Phil, come on over on top of me. Let's see if we can play pyramid while we're back here? Come on, this is ridiculous. This bar confines you. It restricts you. There's no room to move. There's no room to work. It can't possibly succeed. Let me get through here! How do you work like this? - Who wants a mojito? I got three more ready. - I need two, I need two. - You need two, all right, I gotchu. - Nobody's ordered over here. Come on, guys. We can't just do one side. Who's got this side? - Well, I've got them far over here. - Okay, Anthony, then claim the side. Be a leader. - Okay, I'll be with you in a minute. Sorry. - What are you doing, Anthony? What are you doing? - Feeling like I'm gonna run and scream. - Get it together, brother. Get it together. Come on now, baby. - Where's his card at, baby? - And you first ordered one of everything? Two of everything? Amanda, come here. Amanda, Amanda, I need you right here. Come here now. Trina, I need you to come here now. Look, look at me. You guys need to communicate, okay? - Yes. (bartenders chattering) - What, what? - Oh, I saved it with all the cards that I put here. - Perfect, sounds good. - So communicate with each other. You guys are not even (beeping) listening to me. - I'm a little nervous and I feel a little like I should be behind there with them, but I know I'm just in the way. I'm just complicating it by doing that. - [Male Speaker] Where's your garnish? - Hold on. - Oh, sh! - [Jon] Hold on, we got a flood. Hold on. - Right now, I'm just trying to take notes and learn from this experience so I can be better. - Brandon, we got a flood going on. - What? Okay, okay, okay. - Careful, Phil. Hold on, we got a flood. - Brandon, we got a flood going on. - What? Okay, okay, okay. - Careful, Phil. - That's the one that starts to overflow. - [Jon] Where is this coming from, the dish machine? - [Brandon] Yes. - We have a plumbing disaster here. Our floor drain overflowed. The floor is so slippery. I'm concerned somebody's gonna get hurt. I'm gonna shut it down. Shut it down. Let's go to work. Somebody's gonna slip and get hurt. - All right, everybody, we're shutting it down. Thank you guys so much for coming out. - The bar is awful. We had floods on the floor. Nobody can work behind that bar. - There's a lot riding on here tonight. This is very nerve racking. I think sitting in an interrogation room is easier than what's going on here. - I want you to see this. - [DJ] Holy shit. - So, you can fill this place, can't you? - Yeah. - So, tonight, I want you to focus on the bar, get drinks out, get production going, keep product moving. You with me? Okay, let's open up. - Hey guys, everybody, welcome to the Grant Bar. Come on inside. (customers cheering) - Hi, how's it going? We've got a great (indistinct), sir, a coffee Manhattan, and cucumber gimlet. - Watch what you're touching. Did you just see what you did? Start that one over. - Food tonight, you want to do the meatball? I think you guys will like that. - What can I get you to drink? - We want one of everything. - One of everything. Okay, hold on. I don't know. Let me look. I gotta type it in, I'm so sorry. So we got the grapefruit seltzer, cucumber gimlet. - Count, count out loud. - Three, four, five, six. - Move intentionally. Don't touch the top of the glass. Start that one over. You're wasting your time, you're wasting the guest's time. - I'm sorry. - Focus. - Things are moving nice and quickly, aren't they? (customers laughing) Did they take your order? - Not yet. - Has anybody looked at you, smiled at you, welcomed you, any of those things? - No. - Besides the door. - [Jon] What's going on? - They look like they're the same ticket. They're exactly the same. - Well, where's DJ? DJ? - Yes, sir. - Help him. Keep an eye on your bar. - Yes, sir. - All the orders coming in doesn't help if you can't get 'em out of here, right? Try to balance this. Anybody can wait tables, right? - Right, I was just trying to-- - Okay, so have somebody else wait tables. You make it happen here. I asked DJ to focus on production. Rookie managers go to the easiest spot in the room. An experienced manager would know to jump in the middle of it which is production. Rather than doing the hard work, he took the easy route. Can you find these? These are hers. They go over there. They're on that table. - So you're sending an employee out without knowing where she's going. - Right. - I mean, come on, DJ, tell her where she's going. Why do you know? - It's table three. - Where is that? - One, two, three, it's the third table. - You're so disorganized. We can't do anything, can we? - It's total chaos. More than half the room has nothing right now. - Complete chaos. - There's about 100 people in here right now. It's crazy. Nobody has any drinks. I'm really not happy right now. Do you not know how to stir a drink? And now, look where you're (beeping) those glasses. Are you (beeping) kidding me right now? Start those drinks over. What a waste of time. - What are you doing? - No, no, no, what are you doing? Over here. - Oh, sorry. - Dude, it's just we're melting cheese. - How are we doing? - You know, honestly, we're not doing anything. - So how long does it take for the cheese to melt? - Six, seven minutes, easily. - Do we have all the orders in? - Yeah, we have like five tickets. - You have six tickets. - And what kind of ticket time? - First ticket's easily 12 minutes right now. They're six tickets behind. All the food's like, they can't even get it in the oven. It's a category five hurricane in that kitchen. Food is not going out. We can't even fit stuff in the oven. We're at a complete stand still. Tickets are coming in faster than we can produce food, so we're just doomed. - No matter how hard they work, they can't succeed. - There's nothing they can do. - Damn. - You should have been ice before you started shaking. You have to ice these at the same time. - [Female Speaker] Oh, (beeping). - [Female Speaker] Start both of these drinks over. - Just dumped your drinks down the drain. You wouldn't have wanted them anyway, trust me. - After this round, you gotta clean up this mess. - I am definitely gonna do that. - And this mess. You gotta look at your whole bar. - I am definitely gonna do it. I'm just finishing it up. - So moving quickly now. - I am, I'm moving. I don't want to mess up. - I can't take much more of this. - Neither can I. There's no drinks getting out to people. I don't think anyone over there has even gotten an order in. - Who doesn't have a drink? (customers cheering) - [Customers] We want drinks! We want drinks! We want drinks! - [Jon] Has anybody even taken an order back here? - [Customers] No! - So nobody has anything here, nobody has anything there, nobody has anything on the other side. We will never dig out of this, never! Where's DJ? - Go ahead and take a break. Take a break, okay? - [Customers] We want drinks! - Where's Tammy? Get me Tammy. 'Cause you've been locked in the kitchen all night. Watch this. Who has not gotten a drink? I want Tammy to see this. Is there anybody in this room who's happy right now with their service? (customers clamoring) Do you understand the magnitude of this failure? He can't do any of this! Shut this bar down! - I'm frustrated with myself 'cause it's just the same mistake over, and over, and over again. Maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was. - Interesting, chef. So they grill the onions and they really just put a slice of cheese and some grilled onion on top of the burger. - That's it. - That's okay if that's the burger that they make. If it's a delicious burger, that's a nice simple, cooked and delicious. - Yeah. Seasoned properly, I'd eat it. - [Jon] See any gloves on those hands? - [Jason] No gloves. Raw meat all over his hands. - Yup. So let's see where he goes with those hands now that there's raw meat all over 'em. Okay, and now let's see. Now he's gonna pick up a utensil. There we go. From the raw meat to the utensil, okay. So that protein is now all over the handle of the knife and it's all over-- - Bread. - The bread. - Ew. - This is a completely cross contaminated kitchen. - Mm-hmm. - For recon tonight, I got two really good friends of mine, Justin and Sandra. Justin is the creative director for a major entertainment company. - Can you do an Irish coffee? - Yeah, you got it. - And I understand the pineapple margaritas are a special drink? - Is that what we're doing tonight? - [Sandra] That's what she said. - Pineapple margarita. Do we have jalapenos, kiddo? - No, but I'll go get some. - Okay, yeah, we can do that. - Oh, there's jalapenos in it? - [Bartender] Yeah. - They're actually using shot glasses as units of measurement. They're not using jiggers or bar tools. - There's no training here. - No. - You notice how the whipped cream was falling like that? You know why? He didn't shake it. - Nope. - Look at the mess. - Ugh. That's all over his hands now. - [Justin] Tastes like water. - Pretty hard to make a drink with coffee that tastes like water. Coffee's got a pretty strong flavor profile. - Yes, it's got that bold flavor. - So that's Linda. She's working, isn't she? - But is she bar-backing? Like, is she a manager, a barback, or is she just all hands on deck? - I think she's all hands on deck. She is a manager. But they don't know what their labor cost is, their food cost, so I'm not quite sure that you could call somebody a manager who doesn't know those things. - Well, I don't really taste any pineapple. Is this the pineapple margarita? - He should have given you a jalapeno pineapple margarita. What did you get? - I just don't taste any pineapple and I don't taste any tequila. - You don't taste tequila or pineapple? - [Sandra] No. - I'll fix it. (laughing) - You want the prime dip? - Prime rib dip? Okay, yeah, it's really good here. - [Justin] I'd like the half rack of rib. - [Bartender] Half rack (indistinct)? Okay. - So Jon, I'm just a little confused about Reeva. - She's not helping anything. - No. - It's either she doesn't know Mia or she doesn't care. - [Female Speaker] Exactly. - She almost seems a little intimidated. Okay, so these are the ribs. - Oh my goodness. - When were these made? What is the date on these? - [Jason] These are like petrified. No date, no label. - [Jon] Is that mold on those ribs? - Ew! - That is so scary. - They're like boiled. - That's the silverware caddy. That is a utensil holder. There's meat in there! - Oh, that's the prime rib. - Oh, oh god! Oh, that is disgusting. - Chef, he can't eat this food. - That is not serveable at all. - So we need to find out when that was made. We can't let Justin eat this food. Go and find out when this was made. Stop this, okay? - Yeah, I got it. Jon sends me in to stop these ribs from being served. Someone is 100% gonna get sick if not dead. - I'll be back for the toast. - Right behind you, Bridget. - Hey, hey, hey, come here. Come with me. Bring those here. Hey, I'm one of Jon's experts and we were just watching you. Hold on, keep that right there, huh. Excuse me for one second. - Ew! - Oh my god! - What is this? You know this is here and you're serving this shit. Are you kidding me? - I haven't been to work in three days, okay? - I mean, Mike doesn't even understand what the hell Jason is saying. - What are you, what are you? - Look at this. I want Reeva to see this. She's the one who needs to see this. I'll be back. - All right. (intense music) - Congratulations, you're the worst (beeping) cook I've ever worked with. - Oh, (beeping) you. Bitch ass mother (beeping). - I would not let them bring your food out. If you ate that food, you would have gotten sick. We stopped it in the kitchen. We're dealing with this now. Reeva, Linda, nice to meet you both. Come with me. Ask me, why are you mad, Jon? Ask me! - [Female Speaker] Why are you mad, Jon? - 'Cause you're gonna (beeping) kill somebody, that's why! This guy makes hamburgers with his hands. Then he comes and picks up this knife. Now, there's raw meat all over the knife! Rubs his hand on this. There's raw meat all over this. Touches the buns, cuts them with his hand, raw meat all over everything in this kitchen! This place is completely cross-contaminated! He's responsible in this kitchen, but you're the owner, Reeva. You're responsible for him. It's completely illegal! Do you understand that?! - I'm not gonna kill nobody. - Yes, you are. Did you put on gloves?! Did you wash your hands once?! - Look at your film. - One time! - Look at your (beeping) film. - I did. I've been watching you for a half hour. This man should not be in here if he doesn't know what he's doing and he does not know what he's doing. - You're such a dick. - Let me ask you a question. Are you supposed to wash your hands after you touch raw meat? - Yeah. - Did you?! - Yes. - You did not! - Look on the (beeping) camera, bitch. - You didn't. I will show you tomorrow. You're a (beeping) liar! You're gonna kill somebody! I would not eat anything here if I were you guys. You will get sick. - I washed my hands. - Please, I'm sorry. Please don't, please. (rock music) - Hi, this is Jon Taffer. Click here to subscribe to Paramount Network on YouTube for more "Bar Rescue."
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 1,001,130
Rating: 4.9112048 out of 5
Keywords: bar fails, worst bars, clueless owners, worst bartenders, bar managing, Stress Test, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, bar rescue jon taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue stress tests, bar rescue stress test, fails, bars, gross bars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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