8 Times Employees QUIT Mid-Shift โœŒ๏ธ Bar Rescue

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- Are you here tomorrow or not? - Maybe I'm not. - Great, good night. - You're walking out on your family because you'd rather be a pirate. - I'm walking out because I've got a (beep) yelling at me. - [] Are you gonna be a part of this, or am I gonna run you over? That's the deal. - Everyone. - [Customers] Welcome to Chat Show House. (cheering) - Get the order we've ordered. - Probably long right now? - A lot of people ordering food. - We have some Cassidy is coming out I'm throwing one on right now. - Who still need to drink? More than half the room. Come on, let's go. - I've been sitting here for like 15 minutes but they haven't even acknowledged me. Like I don't even exist here. - Christy, take this. - Hey ladies, it's one drink at a time. Stuff is not gonna kick you out. - Come on Chris. (beep) - I'm saying just wake up for me to just go to like get a drink right now. - We're at 17 minute ticket time. 17 minute ticket time. About five minutes behind. I apologize, but we can't serve this quesadilla. It's got to go in the trash. - No more burnt food we'd serve in that. We ain't serving that, we can't do it. I'm sorry, brother. - No problem. - I needed two Guinness. - I know everyone, everyone is (beep) Guinness right now. - Back here is getting to be a (beep) - Christina, stop freaking serving. - Jimmy and Christine are going out at it with each other. - You're freaking annoying. - Stop it, stop, you're stressing me out. - I'm I the only one (beep) getting overloaded here? - Believe it's cool, (beep) and he's everything back here, and it's really just in the wait. - So how long have you been waiting for drinks? - Like, 10, 15 minutes. - So is he in trouble for bringing me here? - Not yet. - Yeah, it's a nice table warming, I'm outside here yelling at all those people, and I put drinks up here and nothing's getting made. So went up and did it myself. I knew what I was doing and I did it. - We apply that so tight, you can't move behind it. You don't have stations. You don't have systems. We don't have any ability to serve the guests. - We have first order of wings. I'm not sure who want them. - You know where these go? What does it say on the ticket? Why don't they? The need to travel with the ticket, right? The baskets come out without the check. So you don't know where the food goes. By the time the guest gets it, it's cold and it's too late. - We're going 20 minutes on the quesadilla. - Jimmy's been drinking back here this entire time. Whenever you drink behind the bar, putting liability on the bar itself, 'cause your own judgements in here, you cannot judge what's going on out here. - I've been sitting here with an empty glass for about 15, 20 minutes and no one's come by to help. - My brother, you cannot serve that. - I know what to do. - You know what to do? Are you sure you know what to do? Are you sure you know what to do, George? Tell him, ask him brother. The death toll has raised in the quesadilla graveyard. They were over cooking. Worried about eight quesadillas now in the ground six feet under. - Listen, stop talking. (beep) - No, I'm not on a way to stop. What are you gonna do? - You're slowing the whole thing down. - How many times have your husband said-- (beep) - Hell a lot. - So that's the old genetics, go there. - I made it clear to Jimmy this afternoon that he was to show discipline. Mr. Hero. He's no hero to me, here's the thing, you say (beep) to any of this bartenders one more time, I will embarrass you (beep) and I'll tell you one thing, you take one drink, I'll fire you in front of everyone. You hear me? Take another (beep) drink, I'll fire your ass in front of your brothers. That's the (beep) deal. I'm talking to you. You're failing 'cause you're (beep) - Wow. - Either he is leaving his bar now, or I am. - Jimmy, get the (beep) outta here. - Oh yeah, Jim out. - Bye. - This is (beep) It's not my fault. I'm not leaving. I'm going in. (cheering) - Jimmy, get the (beep) - Now I'll leave. - This happened to be a big night for us. Thank you Jimmy. (beep) - We have to run this bar and run it the right way. We can't operate this way. Everybody, I apologize, but you have to leave. - What I saw out of Brad last night is a complete disconnection from what's going on in his own bar. Which has led to add team morale and an untrained staff. So today in training, we're gonna take it back to basics. All right, so last night you guys were asked about a Gimlet, which is a very much classic cocktail. What's in a Gimlet? - I have no idea. - So nobody's come in and orders a Gimlet, ever. Which I have never sold in 16 years. Not once. - I'll just tell you right now at least as a bartender should know Gimlet. - I don't know what Elisa's deal is, with the attitude. But Jon brought me here to help and Elisa is not helping any of that happen. What's your drink you serve last night? - Alice. - Alice? Would you mind maybe jumping back here and making it? - I don't want to play this game. - Devin? You're the manager man. This is when you step up. - Are you just winging it? I mean, are you counting? What are you doing? - A little bit of both, I guess. - Lets all taste it. That watermelon ,still is too punchy. And Alisa, in no way am I knocking your drink. I just think the proportions might be off. But the whole point, whole point of this training Alyssa is to (beep) move and get better. Hope I didn't offend you. - This is exactly what I don't want. - Can we not do the camera thing? Sweetheart hang on. - I don't. This is exactly what I didn't (beep) I don't want this. I come in here and I closed my house every (beep) day men. (beep) - He was just saying, put it in a smaller glass. But when you, when you flood it with too much like we're putting in a beer glass, it's all he's saying. I think she had a little problem with the criticism 'cause that was a drink that she'd made up. If you wanna go, you can go. - Thanks. - Alright. She doesn't deal well with fresher stuff like that. I wish she'd have stayed, but under the circumstances, I thought that it would be better if she just went home. Too bad. - What's going on? - You know, she just feels like she's being hammered out. - If the person that is supposed to be training doesn't want to learn, yeah. What do you think is gonna happen next? - So I had to let her go. - Oh, you just let her go? - Not as fired fired her, I just told her. - Let her go home? - Yeah. - Oh wow. It's obvious that Elisa's attitude with her being here for the last 16 years, and her know it all and know nothing kind of demeanor, is not good for the staff. But the idea he's not firing her right now, is incredible to me. Alright, well, we're gonna get back to training. - When he said he let her go, part of me was like, oh, finally. But hearing that Brad just let her go home, it's upsetting. And that there needs to be standards and rule set so she can't cross that boundary. - So tonight is a success. - Sound good? - Yeah good. (upbeat music) - What would you like, you got it. - Please do something. (upbeat music) - Hi, how are you? - Yeah, Captain Morgan please. - Sure, and for you? Thank you. - Oh, my God, so there's nobody here? (upbeat music) - Upstairs is open as well. - Hi, how are you? - Let's do that. - Too much pineapple? - Too much pineapple, don't put anything. - Alright guys, let's go talk. Let's go. Let's go. You got to move fast. Where you going? Where's your garnish? Come on girl, it's not that difficult. - Don't push it up against your body, you side snap just like that. We gonna go. Thanks for drinks Sam. - I'm fine I'm coming. - Make two with Sam, lets go. - I hate working under pressure. - I didn't write that slip up for that one slice of pepperoni. (hooting) - Golly, what are you shaking? - I'm not supposed to shake it. - You got any food orders to be sort of one, let me know. I want them downstairs. - I have one right here. - What is it? - Piece of pie pepper peperoni. I need a slice too - A slice, okay. - So his is upstairs, one cheese pie, and I need a slice for upstairs. - So Tom, what are we doing? You have to go up, see if they have any tickets? - Yes, it was, they were too busy. - You're the one up and down? - Right. - All night long, that's crazy. He's running up and down on freaking stairs all night. - Can have a heart attack on those steps. We need better systems. We got to get a POS system in here. - Where is this going? - I need another one. - Where is it going? - Over there. - I'll be right back with the other one. - I'm sorry. - Oh God. - You're fucking me over now. Go out on the floor and handle the tables, please. - What the hell is going on down here? (indistinct) - What? What you smiling girl? - I don't know. - Drop it. - No I gotta leave. - That's not the attitude we're looking for boo. Sam, her anxiety is increasing by the moment - I'm going home. - Going home? - Yeah, I mean it, I'm done. - What do you mean you going? - I'm tired I'm going. - What? - I'm going home. - And there she goes. Walking out the door. - I'm going home I'm tired. - Unbelievable, she (beep) quit. - You got it? (cheering) - Come on in guys, if you can find a seat in here. - I'm gonna grab them. I'm gonna grab these two. - Thanks you guys. Thanks for coming in. How are you? - You go girl. Good movements. - How are we doing in here? Any tickets yet? - Yes, one ticket. - Just one? Okay guys. It's coming, so get ready. - Got it. - We're gonna get nailed in just a few minutes. - There you go honey. - Thank you. - Give me a whiskey sour. - Whiskey sour? Got it. Lemon. - Come on, Yum Yum. Have ice left. Billed in your drink glass right there, in that ice glasses, then you shake. then you're straight. - How's everybody doing? Everything tasting okay? - Take it in. - I got two orders to wings. Another deep fried mushroom. Two more orders of wings. - Hustle. - Yes sir. - Christina, order up. - Don't forget those little things. - Yes sir. - Aliyah is doing okay. - She's really risen to the occasion. - Good job. - But Yum Yum, is a disaster. - Hey, it's two whiskey, one vinegars. No, you did three quarters whiskey and then three quarters simple. If you were here, you would have learned. - Yeah I got it. - Always glass at the back. Glass in the back, tinder the front. Don't ever do that. Pour out of your tin. You didn't shake it enough, you didn't shake it right. (beep) (people jeering) - I quit. - Am I making my own drinks then? - Yes we lost Yum Yum. (beep) - Scott, you'll come back here and bartend. - How are we doing, man? Give me a brief. What do you think? - Disaster. Yum Yum's out. - Total quitter. So we've gotta elevate this. - Absolutely. - It's dripping right on the table. - Yeah. So if Raul is here at 12, 14 hours a day - What the hell is he doing? - He's not training them. - This is the slowest mother's day we've had ever child, since I'm in here in 10 years and we can't do our job. He's not cleaning kitchen, he's not organizing the kitchen, he's so critical, what does this guy do all day? - You have a lot of nerve ma'am. You have a lot of nerve ma'am. - Now that wet chicken is going into fryer. And wait till you see this fryer. Look at this foam or froth. - Look at that. Look at the foam. - Oh my God. I've never seen it that bad ever. - That tells me at the bottom of the fryer has not been clean. So all that stuff has caught up floating to the top. - So if you were Ramiro and put up 300 grand and was losing $6,000 a month and that's the way Raul cleaned your kitchen, would you be okay with that chef? - Not at all. He'll Be out. He'll be out the back door. - Look at this chef. Chef, can they serve that food? - You can not serve that food, Jon. - They can't serve any of it. - No, we can't let them get that. - Let's go in together. You shut the bar down 'cause they can serve drinks. Shut the kitchen down, I'll go for the owners. - Yes we got it. - His kitchen is disgusting. His cooks are cross contaminating, everything, and Raul, who's supposed to be running this bar, doesn't care. And Ramiro is standing watching the entire thing and he doesn't notice either. - You guys no more drinks. Everything stops right now. (people jeering) - Are you coming from me? That's what I was thinking, is Jon coming from me? - Where's your brother? - He's right back there. - Let's go in the kitchen. - And when he came up to me and said, where's your brother, well, I kind of thought, well, I think I was down pretty. (beep) - You can't serve this (beep) food, man. Look at it, you can't let stuff sit in here. This is disgusting guys. You gotta shut this place down. - There are some things that need to be cleaned. But at the same time, we don't have proper cleaning facilities to clean any of this. - So when you opened this bar, what was the deal with your brother? - The deal was, you know, he was gonna run it. He's gonna be the nuts and bolts guy. - I was gonna help with the business end. - That worked out well. - It's not working out good. That's why you're here. - How much money you got in this place? - About 300,000. - 300,000. How much money does he have in it? - None. - See your brother, doesn't respect your money or he's an idiot. - Think he respects my money and I don't think he's an idiot. - So is he lazy? - No, absolutely not. - Stop working, really. So did you change this oil? Look at the color of these chefs. is that right? No. So look at that oil. Can any of this be right with that oil? No. Stop all of this is fucking wrong. - That is so disrespectful, man. - You did it so disrespectful to your customers. - I'm trying to do what I can. - You are gonna get somebody sick. - I'm one guy in here trying to do what I can. - So are you a wimp? Are you an idiot? Are you lazy? What exactly are you? - They're saying I'm too hard on these people. I'm trying to do the best I can do, the best I know how to do. And yeah, we're stuck tonight. - So the best you can do sucks. - You know when you were prison guard, you protected people, didn't you? Your job was to keep the population safe, correct? - Yes sir. - Did you keep them safe tonight? - No sir. (beep) - Bottom line is the responsibility for a lot of the issues we have falls on my brother because he's the manager. - Listen I didn't call this guy, he called me. So I came to take care of my little brother and help him out. And I'm doing the best (beep) I know how to do. (beep) I'm trying and trying and trying with these people. These people are making minimum wage and they're making more money than I am in this place. This place is grinding me to the (beep) hole. This job (beep) is grinding me to the (beep) bull. Listen, this (beep) they're doing to me, this really disrespectful. I understand you're here to help. And I understand we're (beep) but that's really disrespectful sir. - Well, cause that was disrespectful and life isn't fair. So if you want my help, you're gonna have to deal with the fact that I do disrespect you right now. I do. - And I'm willing to do that. I'm willing to take that. - So say yes sir and I clean your (beep) kitchen. - Yes sir. I'm more than welcome. - Yes sir and then shut up. - Yes sir. - Thank you, clean your kitchen. You control your brother, tomorrow I work with you, not him. - Yes sir. - Good night gentle men. - It was like getting bum rushed by inmates, dude, to be honest with you. I've trained for this kind of thing when I was in the tactical team, you know what I mean? When inmates bum rush you like that? But I was totally caught off guard. Now you wanna know what disrespect is? (beep) - Don't come on me of Jon. - I'm letting you know. I'm letting you know. You the one touching the (beep) rags and doing everything he just said, right? - Oh my God, I feel like (beep) I don't know if he was just yelling there. Oh, I don't know. I really don't know what was going on back there but I'm worried about both of them, 'cause in the end we're all family. - Right now, I don't feel good. He's my brother. I love him, and I don't like for all the blame to fall on his shoulders. But I mean, he's the manager. He's the nuts and bolts guy for this bar. So, he's responsible for making sure that they do what they're supposed to do. - I use the gloves when I touched the raw meat. I wasn't touching-- - No excuse. No excuses Lissa. I get in there and work, dude. I'm not one of these (beep) that are out late. I meet on a chit chat with my wife, dude. I mean, I try to take care of these people in (beep) my department. - Listen man, talking to buddies, ain't gonna fix the problem. Let's just get it done. The millage is broken. You told me to get out of here. I'm out there. You're doing here. That's what you wanted. You want me to help you now, then I'll help you there. Let's fix what the problem is. Let's just do that. - You ain't the one getting bum rushed. - Listen, man, I understand that. But the whole point is let's fix the problem. I feel this is gonna move us forward. Like Jon Taffer said it. He's gonna help him become a better manager and he's gonna help me become a better owner. He said, he's gonna teach you how to run this bar. He's gonna teach me how to be a better businessman. Let's do it. And I'm all for it. So let's get past how we got here right now, and let's move forward with Jon Taffer's expertise. - I didn't sign up for his. (beep) - No, come on, dude. - I didn't sign up for this. I found my wife's off the Chrome and you guys don't give a (beep) - What are you talking about, man? Listen Listen, you can't leave. - I told you a lot of times. Take Gloria and (beep) - Listen dude, you can't do that. - I ain't gonna have my wife out of something like that. That's not gonna happen. One thing I'm not gonna tolerate. (beep) - We told her, listen. I would tell her to shut up. It's for the better for everybody. - No, no. - That's for you. - That's not true. - What do you mean it's not true? - That's not true. It ain't better for me and her. That's not true. Listen Mozilla, I'm one (beep) in a vault full of 30 (beep) that don't give (beep) I'm not that dude. No, I'm not. The sun's gonna come up in the East tomorrow, it's gonna sit on the West and I'm gonna live my life. I'm gonna do what I gotta do, bro. - What'd you tell him? - I didn't tell him anything. - He says, because you're crying, that's why he's quitting. - Listen man, listen. - I got nothing to listen to you about. - Listen (beep) You gonna give up? - No you can't just give up and you're gonna give up at the time we're gonna be at our best. - I'm not gonna have, well good luck. - But you, you can't give up, your part of this. How are you gonna give up your part of this? We've been talking about fixing (beep) years. It ain't my bar, it's your bar too. And right here, when somebody is here to help us fix it are you gonna walk away? That's (beep) dude. It ain't my bar. It's your bar too. You got 33% of this (beep) These brothers need to figure out f they even wanna do this and if they can even work together. If they come back tomorrow, I'll help them rescue their bar. Right now, they need to rescue themselves. Tonight I'm gonna identify every problem we have, Andrea. and I want you to help out wherever you needed most and take advantage of that to study who is your best and who is your worst employees? So Kim, as manager, I wanna see you step up and run this place. This is your chance. Cameron, this isn't your party. This is Andrea's business, right? - Yap. - So as employees, you never know what it feels like to go home and lose money. - So here's a $50 advanced tip for you. Now, every mistake you make during stress test tonight, Sean is gonna take $5. Now you're losing your own money. Every time you screw up, just like you're losing hers. Let's go to work, guys. - I got the glasses you guys want a shot or something before we get rolling? - Helloo, welcome. - Remember everything that we learned in training, and make sure that you have a beer clean glass. - I'll take a Bud Light. - Yeah, Bud Light. - Does anybody want any food? - Burger. - Medium rare, medium medium well. Three burgers season above salt, pepper. - Okay, good. - Can I get a hamburger. - I'm ready to sell that as a way to much head. First beer up, first beer down. Oh, come on, way too much head. - Do it again. - I don't know what the hell I'm doing. - Two drinks. They we're gonna be broke before you make anything at this rate. - I know what it is. - Here you go. - Take it up. - Here you go. Here you go. Here you go. - I'll be back. - We're ready to order. - Oh, okay. So we got a light, a wiser Amber. - Okay, I'll be right back to get the rest. - Thank you very much. - You okay? - Oh yeah. - I'm gonna go put the beers. - Does that look like inch of standing head to you? Listen, I can appreciate that you wanna help, but right now you're just in the way kid. We've got to get them right, or get out of here. Where's Kim's bucket? - I'll get out. - No bucket for Kim? - This is very, you could be drinking. - Well, what do you want me to do? - Just walk around and see if you can help people. (bell ringing) - Kim. - Can you go this way please? - Rare, medium, rare, medium. - No, it starts way up there. - I know this is medium, rare, this is medium. - How's Cameron? - Laughable. Cameron's got five bucks left. And after this drink he might be broke. - How is Tina doing? - Tina is the one with the most money. - Can I get you anything? - Bud Light Draft. - Bud Light Drat? - I have two vice presidents of one of my most important clients here and the Bush. And they're expecting good beer and a great bar. I don't know anybody who knows more beer than you guys. So, how's your beer? You got a nice cold draft, but this is not a beer clean, ready glass. - And you can see the head is gone. This is not beer clean. Andrea, can I show you something for a minute? - Yes sir. - Andrea, Rick, Josh. The head on this beer disappeared instantly. - The glass itself, wasn't beer clean. - It is a good quality beer, but if it's served like this, you're getting a suboptimal experience. - Tina, this glass isn't properly cleaned. We need a new one. - There we go. Now look at the head. What you say Rick? - Salute to yourself. (bell ringing) - I need someone to run the food. - I got it, right here. - So where is your manager? The noticing that some of you have drinks or is some of you do not? - Know who never got their order down there. - Kim, come here for one second, please. You never took the order from the other half of the table. You said you'd come back. You didn't. - I can't put no more orders and I'm still waiting for these drinks to come out. - Why wouldn't you put all of them in, and say, I'm gonna get your orders, and we're a little packed up, guys, don't come out as quickly, but then over here they all come out. - I was trying to help them in there. So I got ordering. - Should have for a table this big, you should at least wrote down more. - And the you never came back. - Not to take you, and I'm gone. - You can't even manage yourself, nonetheless anyone else. - I'm done. I'm outta here. They're all yelling at me in there. Put the damn all down, I'm done, I'm leaving. Get out of my way. Just to get this off, I'm leaving. Like well guys, get the cameras off me. I quit! - She is ridiculous. (bell ringing) - Does anybody know where Kim is? - She took off, she left. - Kim, what happened? - I'm leaving. - Give Jon my (beep) - There she goes. I'm baffled. She is hysterical. I have not a clue. - We done with that one? - Yes please. - Can I get, do you know how to make a sipher? - No. - Can I just get just a Manhattan? - No, we can't make Manhattans 'cause we don't have the sweet vermouth. - It's in New York. So personnel is a little tart. - Okay, we have 35 minutes. for is photo medium. - If it does not come out burnt to a crisp, I would be surprised. - Here boss. - Oh man. - A medium, medium, rare. - It looks at medium rare to me. - The burger is well done. - Oh wow. - So the steak was ordered medium came out rare. The burger was ordered medium rare, came out well done. - But you had the 699 special in a certain one. You're not making no money off of this. - We are not. - You're feeding this town for free. - It's been a while since I took that out of my control. - If you don't become profitable in two weeks, you're done. Somebody has to take control of this. It either goes down or succeeds because of you. I can't close my bar. I have a three year old. - So you have a three year old at home and a house is on the line? - I can run part of it, but that's just one of me, it's a very large bar. I just feel like I'm all alone. - I guess just like a vodka Gimlet. - They don't know how to make a Gimlet for me. (beep) And they're not gonna do it. - That's a Vodka Gimlet? - Is it just like a bunch of rows lunges. - I'm about to go home. I don't give a (beep) - I've ever done in my life? - Bartender, she just walked out. - [Lindsay] Ordered like Gimlet and Manhattans and all these like food drinks. And they're like, oh, she did it wrong. I don't wanna be here. I'm not coming in tomorrow, I'm done. - So Lindsay just quit. - I can't afford to lose her, I'm sorry. I need to talk to her so that I don't lose her. Excuse me. I want you to stay here. I don't give a (beep) I'm done. I'm done. - Is everybody okay? (beep) - Oh, I don't care. - Everybody out. Hey, stop, stop, stop. - I don't give a (beep) I got a million other bars to go higher up. I'm not doing this. - Wow. - This is bull (beep) - What's going on? - Don't worry about it. (beep) I'm (beep) pissed off right now. - Don't tell me don't worry about it. - I don't have time to with you about that right now. Get the (beep) out off my face. - I didn't do anything. - You guys need to pay all your tabs and get out of my bar right now. We're done. - Just, this is not a good time, she's super cold. - [Narrator] Fronted with the sharp sting of reality, Tracy concedes pirates has to change. She and Jon must now break the news to the rest of the band of pirates. - The reality of the situation is, we're not attracting the bulk of the people around here and it breaks my heart to see all of you look like this, right now. We have to push more towards the corporate atmosphere and less towards a pirate atmosphere. - Not less. Pirates is dead. - I guess we'll have to play pirate somewhere else. - Guys, we've gotta fill this bar for lunch. I gotta fill it for happy hour or we're dead. - I think I'll reserve my judgment to see how well you do exactly what you said. - Is that the kind of attitude that is gonna make us successful guys? If you don't like what I'm doing, so be it. 'cause I'm not here to prove myself to you. You gotta prove yourself to me. Are you here tomorrow or not? - Maybe I'm not. - Great, goodnight. - You're walking out on your family because you'd rather be a pirate. - I'm walking out because I've got a (beep) head yelling at me. - Well, somebody has to crack through because your attitude Mr. Pirate, doesn't work. So are you gonna be a part of this, or am I gonna run you over? That's the deal. - I am done with this. I am not gonna be berated by some overbearing ass (beep) - I'm not gonna let him ruin it for you. And I'm not gonna let them ruin it for you. And I'm not gonna let them ruin it for you. - I'm not gonna put up, look, just take this (beep) off, get that (beep) camera out of my face. I'm done. - Guys, we're crashing. Come on. We gotta move. - [Narrator] With inattentive service and an overwhelmed kitchen, customers begin walking out. - I've been in here for 30 minutes. We can't leave. We got water, but that was it. - Customers are waiting to be served. They're waiting for food, for drinks. They're getting frustrated. - We're missing our drinks. - Me too. - [Narrator] Back in the kitchen. Juicy Jano is oblivious to any of the restaurants problems. - I'm glad you're having a good time. It's your wife's business, but you're having a good time. Stop (beep) around, we have our meatballs. Please pick up a meatballs please. - What time the kitchen, close? - Juicy Jano. - What time do the kitchen close? - Don't ask me what time the kitchen close. - I learned tonight that Juicy Jano can not run this kitchen. Juicy Jano is this a party for you or you wanna work? When he says do something, you do it. Get your (beep) together. (beep) - That's (beep) Make the (beep) meatball. (beep) my kitchen. - Wait, come back. - I need to go home. I don't stay here anymore. I don't stay here anymore. - Syano, can you please wait? - I'm not talking anything with you. - Lets give Jason a chance. Go out of the kitchen and see how it works. - I need a chef. I think Jason is a very talented chef and he knows he has a great opportunity in front of him. You want this? You got it. - [Narrator] In Juicy Jano's absence, Jason takes control of the kitchen and tries to make a dent in the large backlog of orders. - I think with me leading the kitchen, things will be a lot better. - Come on and see how it works. - [Narrator] And Tracy's absence out in the dining area, there's even more pressure on the wait staff. - Wait Mike, I'm confused. - Give me a minute please. - Hi, this is John Taffer, click here to subscribe to Paramount Network on YouTube for more Bar Rescue.
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Keywords: Bar Rescue, bar rescue full episodes, full, episodes, clip, clips, episode, walk out, walked out, angry, mad, funny, hilarious, bar, rescue, paramount network, jon taffer, john taffer, taffer, compilation, mid-shift, quit, quitting, fire, fired, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue jon taffer, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue, fails, bars, owners, bar managing, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best moments, best of, times, moments, employee
Id: 5oS0AODcxIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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