Rude Bar Owners vs. Shocked Customers 😑 Bar Rescue

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(tense music) - Their drinks are bad. - No their drinks are not bad. - Oh! - [Max] So everything is bad for you? - Yeah. - [Max] Get the (beep) out, leave. - You know, he is disrespecting his own customers. I'm going in. (tense music) Can you get Omar and you just, I don't know, pick up some of the bigger stuff? - That's Josh. - That's Josh, your husband. - I don't know if it's the programming or if it's actually broken. Help me with this ice, you mother (beep). Get the rest of that in there for me. - Oh sure. - Thank you. - This is gross. - [Jon] Who's that? - That's Omar. A server here. - [Jon] He's actually transferring ice from a garbage bag into the ice machine. - [Omar] I swear on that application, can you lift 75 pounds of ice? (laughing) - [Nicole] Get the (beep) outta here. - Straight up. (laughs mockingly) - [Omar] If not, you're not welcome here. (laughing) - It won't fix itself, mother (beep). - [Jon] How is he managing this place? - You know, he can stay focused for a little bit, but then he starts to get stressed out and his way of dealing with it is to self-medicate with alcohol. - [Josh] How you doing, ladies? - Hi, how are you? - [Josh] I'm Josh, I'm actually the owner of the place. - Elisa, nice to meet you. - Elisa, good to meet you. - Yeah. - Jackie. - Jackie? - Yup, that's right. - Good to meet you. Hey, Nicole, can you get me a beer please. - [Nicole] Yeah, just a second. 86 grandma. - 86 grandma! - So that's Nicole, your manager. - Mmhmm. - [Nicole] Wants another beer too. - Who's that? - [Nicole] Josh. - I'm gonna get a shot too. - That's Travis. Travis has actually bartended for us for awhile. - [Nicole] Just watch him. - [Travis] I know. - [Jon] Does your husband treat your staff well? - I don't think so. His negativity, you know, it's infectious. - How long have you owned this place? - Almost three years. - Are you doing good? - It's basically (beep). - Did his attitude cause the failure or did the failure cause his attitude? - When we first opened he was positive, used to be happy and fun and enjoy life and now he just seems miserable all the time. I think he's just set himself up in his mind that there's no way out. - Can I get you girls started off with something to drink? (stammers) - Maybe I wouldn't be in this situation right now, dude. - Okay. - The plot thickens! - Shh. - Obviously something's going on! - [Jon] Travis, he gives stuff away? - He forgets. - You ladies want a shot? - Yeah, I'm down. (patrons talking loudly) - So was he a drinker when you met? - I mean he would drink but never like this. - Yeah, let's do it. Woo! - All right then. - Have an owner, your husband, who's sitting at the bar getting drunk, he hasn't been in the kitchen in awhile, he hasn't looked at any tables, he doesn't know if things are coming out right. This is him, isn't it? - Yeah. - You're, what, Puerto Rican? - She's Puerto Rican, I'm Cuban. - Right. - Let's play the name game real quick. What's her name? - J, J, Janice! - [Elisa] No, Jackie. - Jackie!? That's a (beep) Mexican name! (tense music) I thought she was, you said you were both Mexican! - Oh my god. - You said you were both Mexican. - That is not what the (beep) we said at all. - How old are you? What are you, like, 25? - Yes, we're going with that, 25! She's 30, actually. - No, I'm 25. - No, I should have guessed by the lines by your eyes. - Excuse? - It's bad. It's bad. - You don't tell somebody that! - Well I didn't mean to! I'm a little drunk, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. - Some of the things he said were not okay. Definitely feel disrespected. - Can I make it up by buying you guys one more shot? - Yeah, let's do it. (claps) - Okay, okay. - Now if you came out with a friend, would you want him sitting next to you doing this? - Absolutely not. In fact I've left places because of that. - Of course you have. All women have. - I need a lime. - You need a lime? - [Jackie] Yeah. - Do you need like a diaper as well, or? (stammers) Just, yeah, yeah-- - That is rude. - What? That was good, dude. - So now he's established himself as the owner, he established himself as a bigshot, he's demeaned everybody around him. - So get you guys' emails? - [Jon] Is this the man you married? - No. No, not at all. - So what would be happening if I wasn't here? - We'd go out of business for sure. We would lose our house. Parents would lose huge chunk of their retirement money. - How old are your kids? - Two and four. He pays us all this lip service about how hard he's working to help and turn this place around and this is what he's doing! - Nice ink here, dude! - Thank you! - Yeah! Like that. - I got it when I was like 18! - Did you really? - Yes, like 11 years ago. That and those? - Yeah, all of 'em. And this one. - What's it say, happy birthday? - Happy endings. We were like-- - I love happy endings. (tense music) - Now that isn't what they meant when they tattooed that on her arm, was it? - [Wife] No. - You're acting like a straight idiot right now. - You're acting like you normally act which is (beep). - [Omar] Yeah, okay, I'm working. - Nah. He's working! - Shut up. - Don't act like you're doing me a favorite, bro! - You're done. - I know can you just-- - You're done. Nope. (Josh yelling incoherently) - Nope. - Hey, oy, oy again! (beep) You mother (beep), you give me a (beep) shot! - [Travis] Stop now. Stop, dude, stop. - Shot! - I gotta show you this. - Okay. - Him and his wife, Sarah, own the place. Here's what's interesting. Tim was a marketing professional for a Fortune 500 company. He posted this on his social media page. Sorry we had to close early, (beep) was full. - If you are an owner of a bar and your manager did that, you'd fire 'em straight away. - I would not only fire 'em, I'd look 'em in the eyes and say you're an idiot and then I'd fire 'em. I've got a friend named Clay who's a hospitality professional. He goes to the Brixton, has a terrible experience, and writes me an email about it. Listen to what he wrote. "Dear Jon, I just wanted to let you know "that I was in Austin with some friends "and went to the Brixton "and had the absolute worst bar experience of my life. "When we were asked to have the game turned on, "the bartender said this isn't a sports bar. "He then went in the back room with a female manager, "I think they were married, and argued for about 40 minutes "while no one was behind the bar to get us a drink. "If ever a bar needed a rescue, it's the Brixton." - That says it all. - So since Clay lives in Austin now, I got him to come in with two friends and do the recon for us. - Good. - I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, I've worked in the service industry in Vegas a very long time. I go to different bars to see what brings people in and I've been in Austin five years. Hey, what's happening? - [Tim] Not much, man. - You know how to make an old fashioned? - Um, I could look it up on my phone. - [Clay] Oh okay. - Simple, simple cocktail job. - What's your favorite cocktail up there? Can you recommend one? - My favorite is the mule 'cause it's easy to make. - The mule 'cause it's easy to make. - Okay, I'll try that. - This side of town people are just shot and a beer, shot and a beer. - That's not true. There's a lot of people doing a lot mixology in this part of town. No wonder why he's losing money. What'd he just put in there? (laughs) - Grabbed some 10-day-old lime juice and threw it in there. It was the nastiest, sourest drink I've ever had in my life. - Wow. - Wanna try it? - That's some pretty sour (beep), man. - Whatever, you know. - A guy like that just sucks the energy from room, he never adds to it. - Can you do like a gin martini? - Yeah I could. - Let's see how he does with the gin martini. - The proper way to make a martini is to? - Stir it. And he's actually gonna shake it. - Ugh, ugh! When you shake a drink too much, that changes the character of the way it looks and the way it tastes. That's why martinis are stirred. - [Man] You can see that it's misty coming out. - [Jon] Yeah. - It's meant to be crystal clear. - That's not a good martini at all. - No. - [Recon Woman] Yuck. - [Clay] (beep) This. - Hey, this is kinda gnarly, do you-- - You ordered it. - That's no way to talk to your customers. - What does taste right? - [Recon Man] Gin and soda would be fine, man. - Inside voices please! - Look at this guy! - Chill out or get out. I don't go to your bar and act like a (beep). - From what I can see, Tim is not a very nice guy. He insults customers who order premium drinks and then he screams at customers for talking loud in his bar. Is this guy nuts!? There they go. - [Man] I'm not surprised. Why would you stay there? - Other they an the three customers I sent in, those were the only four people in the whole bar! And he chased them away! - Where'd you go? Apparently I make (beep) drinks. - [Sarah] How is it? - [Clay] It tastes like flat PBR. - [Sarah] That's horrible! - Even Sarah thinks the drinks suck. - Let me make you guys some drinks. - Actually I wanna try the French 75. - I'm gonna toss these. French 75's great. Done! - Thank you. - Zing! - You know what, we got a superstar in her. - Yeah, I think so, Jon. - Did we make those right? - It's actually really good. - You know why? 'Cause I didn't touch the bottle, probably. - Tim doesn't like the fact that his wife stepped in and is doing better than him. You should hope she does better than you if you wanna make money. I've seen enough. - Okay. - A belligerent owner insulting his customers, it's all wrong and it's time for me to go in and do my work. - Oh! - Hi. - Well hello! How are you? - How are you? Sarah, nice to meet you. - Welcome. - Tim. - Tim, good to meet you guys. The only people here are the three that I sent in. This is Clay. So you manage bars professionally. - Yeah, in the past. - If he was your bartender for a year and 1/2 standing there not knowing those drinks with his arms crossed like that, what would you do? - He wouldn't be here in a year and 1/2. - You'd fire his ass, right? Bingo. Do you think it's funny that you don't know how to make any of the drinks that you've been on your board for a year? - I know how to make 'em, just because it's not exactly to their taste doesn't mean that I'm doing it wrong. - Is this a bartender who cared about what you wanted? - Nope. - Austin's unique, trying to keep it unique. - No, you're being a fool. So here's the reality of it. You wanna get behind the bar, you learn the frickin' drinks! Next, a customer does something you don't like, you don't treat 'em like a child! Use your inside voice! - Are you gonna use your inside voice? Your bummin' me out, man! - Good, I want to! If I bum you out, maybe you'll change! (tense music) There's Mike. Mike's our owner. Mike has owned this bar for 14 years. You ready for this? He's $1 million in debt. (laughs) And he's losing $10,000 a month. - Wow. - Sell something. - There's Jen. - I wish I had a candle. If I had a candle you could have a little candlelight dinner, you know, but-- - She's a bartender and she's Mike's wife. - Best bartender ever. - I do not have a list of shots. What kind of shots do you like? You like fruity, you like creamy? - There's Brittany. She's a bartender. - You guys said lemons, right? - That fruit gives you the hangover, man, you gotta watch it. Just sayin'. - You've never had a shot on fire? I can light some booze on fire. You trust me? It's good and it's strong. Trust me! - [Man] You spilled a drink and now your bar's on fire. (Brittany laughs) - Blow it out with your mouth and then drink it with a straw 'cause the rim's gonna real hot. - So they just lit the whole thing on fire, they're giving it right to the customers without anybody blowing it out. - Unbelievable. Would you ever serve a flaming drink to a customer? - Never! - Woo! - Whoa, it's hot. - I'm excited about anything I can light on fire to be honest with you. Firework! (dance music) (laughing) - Tonight for recon I got some University of Michigan grad students. They not only know University of Michigan, they know downtown Ann Arbor and I'm hoping they can shed some light on how the hell Mike got in debt $1 million. (gasps) - Oh my god a table! - There's Lauren, she's a server. - [Recon Man] I can't believe how outdated it is in here. - Here are some menus for you. - Oh thanks. - Do you have any specials tonight or anything? - No, not really. - We're just gonna get some appetizers. One order of the nachos with beef. And then we're also gonna do one order of the steak bites. - Can I get a Long Island? - Long Island, yeah. - And rum punch. - Rum punch. - Yeah. - I can't do a rum punch because we don't have simple syrup. - [Recon Man] Let's do a Rum Runner. - Rum Runner? - Yeah, I'll do that. - Okay, all right, I can do that. - [Jon] Wow, a bar like this should have simple syrup. That's a red flag right there. - Yeah. - [Lauren] What's in a Rum Runner? - I don't know, I can Google it and see if we have all the ingredients. Let me Google it in a second. - [Jon] She's actually trying to look up the drink recipe on her phone!? - So we must never have made a Rum Runner because it had three different ways to make it, each one called for blackberry brandy. - When you have to start Googling things behind the bar, that just shows that there's not a lot of training on what they know for drinks. - Long Island. Tequila Sunrise. - It's really sour. How's yours? - Yeah, a little sour as well. - [Jen] Hey, did one of you guys get a Rum Runner? - Yeah, I did. - You gotta pick a different drink. - Okay, let's just do a gin and tonic. - [Recon Man] It seems like they're catering more to just beer. - Beer, yeah. There's so many better places that we could go for these. - Not happy with the sandwich. - There's Vinny. Vinny's the actual manager. - [Mike] Get outta my window, old man! (tense music) - Mike presents himself as menacing, not inviting. - He's not that approachable. - No. There's no way that that's the guy I'm going to to ask for help when I need help. - Are we still doing the fresh green beans. - I gotta take a look at 'em, they may have lost their life. (beep) - That's Jimmy. He's your cook. Not a look of confidence, I see. - Yeah, I haven't seen beef tips in 18 to 19 years. It's dated, doesn't make any sense. - [Server] Nachos? - You can just put 'em out-- - Sharing everything? Okay. - [Recon Man] Thank you. - Enjoy. - [Recon Man] How's your steak? - It's a little rare. - It's a little rare. I'm gonna flag her down. See if she can cook the meat a little more. - You guys need something? - Yeah, these are a little undercooked, they're kinda all over the place. So if you could just cook them a little longer. It's actually pretty chewy too. - Ugh. I mean, it's culinary 101. When you're cooking really simple bites, you gotta knock it outta the park. - Steak bites were a little all over the place, they're saying. - [Jimmy] They want a new one? - Yeah, so if we can fly that. - All right. - Great, thanks, Jimmy. - How were the steak bites? - Uh, a little undercooked. - [Mike] Oh yeah? - Yeah, they just weren't together in terms of temp-wise, but-- - [Recon Man] We wanted mediums. - [Recon Man] Yeah. - Yup. - Oh well. - [Mike] Somebody's tweaking me out. - Felt like I kinda got grilled. He gave me the stare of death. - Look at this frickin' guy. He looks angry all the time. - [Mike] So what was up with the steak bites? - [Jimmy] Not evenly cooked? Making 'em a new one. - That's (beep). Get a side of stay home? I'm gonna snap. - Drop it off? - I'll take it out. (tense music) Here. (plate clangs) Wanna give 'em a couple seconds to choke on your steak bites, see if they loved it. - Every time he walks away from the table, a person, he's got something to say that degrades either the customer, the employee, or everything that's beneath him. This guy is just a dick. - Sorry! Sorry, honey, daddy's a dick. - Definitely different steak bites. - [Recon Man] Yeah. These suck. - The other ones were fine, they just were not cooked right. - Mike your veins are starting to pop out. - [Mike] I wanna hear how spectacular they were. - I don't wanna sound like a jerk but these are undercooked too. So, um... I'm sorry. - [Mike] Oh my god, are you kidding me? Kiss my ass, dude. - Look at this! He's got a line to say about everything, but he's the one who's failing! - That's why I cut my hair, so I don't pull it out. Didn't like these! They don't want any more. Or I'm not giving 'em any more or something. - This guy's attitude is killing his business. - Think we got more food in the trash than we actually sold today. Trying to keep away from those guys 'cause I swear to god I'm gonna punch 'em in the face. - [Server] Not very nice, Mike. (Mike grunts) - Would you wanna work for this guy? - No, he looks like he's there to intimidate everyone around him. - [Mike] Shut up! (beep) - No change. Nobody went to the bank today, so. - There's Max, he's one of the two brothers who opened it. - I have zero patience for any kind of stupidity today. - And there's Ryke, Max's brother. Ryke and Max were defense department subcontractors in Afghanistan. Ryke got wounded, that's why he wears those sunglasses. - If there's any (beep) customers, anybody who's rude or disrespectful, just let me know. - There's Sabrina, she's our manager. - Sabrina, can I get another bottle of these 'cause we don't have that much. - There's Candice, she's a bartender. - You're working the bar tonight too, Josh? - Yeah, I'll be here all week. - There's Josh, he's a bartender, and there's Eric, chef, he's one of your cooks. Max might be the worst user of social media I maybe have ever seen. Managing your reputation on social media means that you take all negative messaging and you turn it positive. Not him. I gotta show you what Max posted. (beep) "Do you have any problems or issues with my bar? "Listen, you (beep), if you wanna donate, "then I'll give you. "If not, then shut the (beep) up." Now he put that online for all to see. - Wow. - In a small town you're gonna lose on social media like this, it's over. - And Max has some other inappropriate responses to reviews as well! Look at this. He takes all social media messaging and turns it negative himself. So guys, here's what I did. The people that you just saw on social media that Max has been insulting, I reached out to them and I asked them to get a bunch of friends together to come to this bar. Max doesn't have a history of containing his temper on social media. Tonight I wanna put Max under stress and let's see if he can control his temper. (tense music) - [Customer] Can I have a Honey Punch please? - [Candice] A Honey Punch? - [Customer] Yes please. - There's no urgency. And they're not smiling. Her shake is lazy. The ingredients aren't gonna be properly bound together. - Right. - [Candice] For you women. (laughs) - I don't like it. - Short (beep). - I see a lot of people. Do you see a lot of drinks? 'Cause I don't. - No. - [Jon] Look at those tickets! Look at that! (beep) - [Ryke] What table is that, can you print out their check? - Who? - Hey, where's your 16-ounce glasses? - [Candice] We have no more. - What was I getting for you? Something red. - [Jon] Isn't she the manager? - Give me one second. Hey, Sabrina, where is the olives? - [Sabrina] In the fridge. - Boy they're confused. - [Jon] They're lining up 14 shots. - [Man] Woohoo! Long way down. - Look at the drinks crossing the bar, they're not collecting money. - No they're not. They're literally giving away. - They're literally giving away drinks to save face. This is a cluster (beep). - [Man] Yeah. - [Woman] Never got my drinks! - [Max] You wanna wait? I can get it for you. - No! We waited 45 minutes. - [Max] Okay, no problem. - We got our food, we're done. - [Ryke] Take care, guys. - All right. - He's letting them walk out without paying! - We haven't gotten our drinks yet. - Okay, what was your drinks? - I got a cranberry juice. - And? - I don't want it anymore. - He's comping everybody 'cause they're failing. - [Max] Did you guys everything that you ordered. - Look, the nachos were burned-- - I would love to bring you another nachos. - Okay. - Okay? Anything else that I can do to make you happy? - When you have a problem with a table that's an opportunity to build a better relationship than you've ever had. So you use it. - [Customer] We're all a little unsatisfied. - [Max] I'll fix it. Can I get you another nachos? - Yes, they want another nachos. (talking over each other) - Give me about two minutes, I'll make it myself, okay? - It was 25 before, so next two, I'm good. - I'm gonna make it myself for you just to make you happy, yes. - Someone get a phone out. Someone get a phone out and time him. - Okay, take it easy, I'll get it for you. - Don't say two minutes. - [Jon] His attitude, his body language. - I'll get it as fast as I can. - This is not a guy who's good at controlling his temper. - [Max] Jeez! - Oh! - Hey, make the (beep) nachos correctly. The same people that started bashing me on social media, they're here just trying to be a (beep) dick! I need a nachos, guys have one minute. - I would serve burnt food if my boss talked to me like that. - You're here making the food, I'm the one who gets yelled at. - I made it myself. - [Customer] Those are beautiful! - [Customer] Wow. - Their drinks are bad-- - No their drinks are not bad. - Oh! - [Max] So everything is bad for you? - Yeah. - [Max] Get the (beep) out. Leave. - He is disrespecting his own customers. I'm going in. I didn't send my recon spies in to cause problems. I wanna see how Max deals with the tension of a busy bar. - Have a nice dinner, sir, please. - And just like he did on social media, he turned it negative, escalated everything. Now I have to sit down with him and teach him what's wrong about his ways. Where is the mental giant who runs the place? There you are! - I'm here. - Come on over. He needs to hear from you how much he failed. Is there any plate that came out on this table that you said, wow, this is good, try this. You've done everything wrong. - It's frustrating. - Are you frustrated. - Yes. I feel from the get-go I was set up for failure from the minute that I walked in. (laughs) - All right. Whatever, Jon. - You understand the depth of your failure? I go on social media and I watch you call customers the C word online, right? - [Woman] She's here. - You had a bad experience in this bar, correct? - Who let you guys in? You guys are the ones who started this thing. - Did he not call you the C word on social media? I was told you care, I don't see it. I was told you were respectful, I don't see it. - Jon, cut the bull crap, come on. - I see a loser. - Man, you need to (beep) stop with this (beep) insulting. - Was this insulting to put in front of customers!? Is that an insult to her!? Is this an insult to her? It is! I'm insulting you 'cause you insulted them. Not one customer looked at you and said, good job tonight. I loved your business. Raise your hand if this place sucks. Raise your hand if you'll never come back. - [Ryke] Max has got patience. - Good job, buddy! You are a failure! Apologize to every guest and then I'll come back tomorrow. Goodnight. - Have a nice day. - [Customer] Woo! - Okay. - [Customer] Come over here and apologize. - [Max] Whatever. - No, come over here and apologize. - Get the (beep) out. I do not like you, you need to get out of my establishment. (shouting over each other) - She (beep) started the whole thing! - Are you (beep) kidding me!? - [Max] Yes! - [Woman] Shut your goddamn mouth for once! - [Customer] Don't (beep) talk the a woman like that, not ever again. Do something! Do something! - You're (beep)-- Get out, get out. (shouting) All right, come on, I need a security! (shouting) - [Man] Let me go! - These are the people that demotivated me. This is the reason I'm in debt! Just a couple of idiots talked some stupid nonsense crap and everybody else just follows them. And you see, this is how they are! - When I see it-- - Listen! I'm gonna continue to do what is right, I'm gonna continue to help the homeless patrons, I don't care about these piece of (beep), nobody can discourage me and I'm going to continue to do what I want! I do not owe anybody apology, nobody paid my bill because I'm still in debt! So (beep) you! For the record, I'm not (beep) apologizing to anybody. These people are the reason that I am where I am today. Anything they said is false and it's ridiculous. (shouting) (beeping) - I'm not gonna apologize to anybody, Jon Taffer doesn't wanna help me out then that's fine. (beep) it. I'd rather shut it down, but I'm not gonna lose my self-respect and dignity. - All these people that were here upset, they're from the community. Customer's always right. The people in the community are our customers. We want them here, we want them to believe that we want them here. - He wants my apology, I'm not (beep) giving any apology. He doesn't have to rescue it, I don't care. - I'm scared that Jon won't come back tomorrow and what is the future gonna look like for me? What am I gonna tell me kids? I don't even wanna go home 'cause I'm scared. - [Max] I dare anybody who has the balls to walk into my kitchen again. (rock music) - Hi, this is Jon Taffer. Click here to subscribe to Paramount Network on YouTube for more Bar Rescue.
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 1,338,285
Rating: 4.8954101 out of 5
Keywords: bar rescue, full, episodes, best bar rescue, mad, angry, walked out, funny, bar, compilation, taffer, jon taffer, paramount, bar rescue tv show, owners, fails, bar fails, highlight, bar rescue highlights, best, gross, employee, bad employee, disguisting, bar management, bar guests, worst employee, worst bars, not to drink, paramount network, worst bartenders, rude bartenders, rudest bars, rude bar, rude Bar Rescue, bar rescue compilation, Rude Bar Owners vs. Customers, 😑, customer is right
Id: nNjhLaKxChA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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