Jon vs. WORST Irish Pubs ☘️ Bar Rescue

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where's miley milan molly malone was a fictional irish character set back in the 17th century and it's a very famous irish song does it look like an irish bar to you there's nothing irish about it [Music] the bar was gross it did have a slight odor there were some flies around there's a lot of dust a lot of clutter there were definitely a few characters in there and then just a couple knuckleheads drinking car bombs [Applause] you guys have for uh irish whiskey we have totally with jameson bushmills uh we should have powers i believe they had four irish whiskeys and irish pub and there's a lot more to offer to me that's not good enough hi you wanted your food yeah i'm gonna try the penne vodka did see a large section of pasta dishes and i just assumed it may be something i should probably try for better or for worse to figure out why they decided to put pasta on an irish menu it's delicious no it's not you here before i ordered some oysters for the first time from here yeah we'll see how it all works oh you're just dead when i saw the oysters come they looked a little bit gelatinous i definitely wouldn't have eaten one i am incredibly nervous for you this thing ain't shocked at all supposed to cut these things out of here you guys all right these things need to go back oh okay they're terrible i'm with the oysters receiving less than stellar reviews dominic comes out of the kitchen to see what the problem is how you doing is anything wrong with your oyster they just don't taste good i can show you the tag if you want they they're like they're fresh there's no argument whether they were fresh or not they were shucked right they were stuck to the thing i thought it saw them all they always said we said a lot of them get it from the fish market they're not good oysters after witnessing the owner walk away and ignore the complaints about the unappetizing oysters i'll be right back keith heads out to inform jon on what he has witnessed so how was downing all right well let's just say it's not the cleanest place for sure uh definitely a little bit of an odor going on what does it smell like beer maybe a little bit of throw up kind of smell going on i ordered penne with vodka pasta it's interesting they would order that why well i'm in an irish place and they're serving italian food i figured there has to be a reason for that slightly undercooked it was definitely a little hard it was supposed to be al dente and i get that it was definitely boxed pasta so our italian chef doesn't make a very good pasta that would appear to be the case i don't think he makes the pasta at all i was fortunate enough not to order the oysters like the guy next to me did they look very weird almost plastic dominic came out did he care he seemed to care more so that i i feel like that he wanted to be more right i'd like to just get a feeling for what's going on here let's go for a walk all right so what do we got what's this that's the bucket where we put the dirty paint [Music] like when finishing i understand what you said just in 35 years i've never seen anything like that before isn't that bacteria ridden that's protein sitting at room temperature and water you're a chef yeah but that's that's enough for let's walk okay would you consider this a clean kitchen whoa how many days is this this is from saturday and sunday wow you don't have a trash room is this the trash this is the trash room yes who runs this place i do and this is acceptable to you look at the french fries sitting there sitting here a few feet from a trash room with oysters sitting here in freaking shells come on is this what people are gonna eat things get overlooked you can't and you're a professional chef shame on you the boxes should be broken down but things can be close to each other as long as they don't touch each other they're not going to be any problem i mean i'm not trying to create up the beginning of our relationship this way but it's hard for me not to get angry because this is lazy you understand that it's hard for me no i don't understand i hate excuses i don't make excuses for the way my businesses look i'm responsible for my business dom needs to learn that it doesn't cost money to clean it doesn't cost money to throw trash away it doesn't cost money to cover french fries sitting on the floor it doesn't cost money to do this stuff dog you have to manage the business not have the business manage you chef brian duffy was america's top irish chef for the last three years and he worked here at downies 12 years ago in its heyday i can think of nobody who's better equipped to turn this place around than chef brian duffy what i want to do with the menu is i want to bring it back to basics classic irish but i want you to be able to steal the fact that i know that but that's where your creativity comes into it because you're not just italian you have everything else mixed into you yes you are italian there's no denying that trust me any good chef has the ability to adapt you're not always going to be an irish chef an italian chef a friend chef so what i see is happened dominic got a little bit scared and really started to transition back to his comfort zone all right all right you and me dominic is an amazing italian chef he has to get back to his creative side he's got to be able to put his flair into it his passion get the fire in his belly so we're gonna give him some brand new fresh ideas on some good old classic irish pub food all right guys so what we did was we kind of brought it back to basics and classic irish food we did a guinness stew beef guinness great vegetables top it with mashed potatoes this is your new celtic fish and chips we have a 25 000 oven we're gonna keep that oven and play with it as much as possible we did an irish banger pizza that's irish sausages fresh rosemary and then we have mozzarella and provolone great great pizza these are your new dishes that we're gonna run you have to know it and own it and sell it it tastes so good and this meat is so tender just like melting in your mouth so it's like it's like perfect it's my favorite [Music] look at the sign we're in wisconsin when you see the word packy with a green background and yellow letters you're thinking packers yeah so if i told you this was a packers sports bar am i crazy it could absolutely could be for sure so we don't really have an irish identity out here i'll do wings yeah yeah look at their wings today yeah so there's packy he's our owner he's our owner so here's our kitchen i don't see a stove food is an integral part of an irish bar the whole point of an irish bar is you plant yourself and stay for three four hours of course you can't stay for three four hours if there's no great food exactly all i've seen is chicken wings which are not traditionally irish we got a problem here yes check it out he's not lying i'm not kidding looks like they got some fruit flakes yeah oh there it is he's just put the bottle back in the well so he's prepared to serve that to the next guest sure and hopefully get away with it how do you do that to a customer [Music] there's guppy bartender well let's see guppy's bigger than a man [Applause] also from ireland life of the party there's colleen bartender you're very sweet thank you very much [Applause] and there's summer another bartender [Music] wow he's pouring a half a glass oh my god that's not that's like four ounces jesus he's gulping four ounce drinks wow pack he's in the kitchen all night long guppy's out there drinking partying having fun it's gonna be at the battery night how does he manage his business that way he doesn't he's hiding in the kitchen and he's not facing what's happening outside i'm surprised he's walking straight guppy guppy isn't over drinking he's drinking to the point that he's hurting himself he needs to understand that stop so guys i got a great plan for recon tonight you want to hear what it is what's that you there is nobody better to do recon in an irish bar than you guys that's true what's your name boys i have to have a dry martini i'll make you a dirty martini perfect right perfect uh do you want wings yeah yeah two please okay do you have anything else nah that's all [Music] i'm just getting rid of the flies you're getting off of them on your dinner every night yup [Music] i spat now and once now and twice this time these have been cooked a long time sauce is all burnt into it no good the food is there's no irish food in this bar whatsoever if you're going to an irish bar i want irish food i want irish passion on a plate hello hey gavin how are those wings dry and just cooked every single bit of moisture out of them he cooked them together so what about guppy he's been drinking all night the guy must had maybe 15 shots i've seen him take three since we've been here you've seen him have three in the short time you're there yeah yeah [Music] i'm coming in i'll see you in a minute i'm going to work i'm not saying talk about what your experience was here in the park there was flies in the drink but the number one thing for me is the chicken overcooked dry there's something irish about it i said it as soon as i walked in there's nothing irish about this bar it looks like it's an american opened in irish bar chef that this is any worse than the bar we're in big freaking trouble we got some problems john look at this this chicken packy what's the ideal temperature for this chicken more do you think it should be 40 right now all right 55. 56. it's all garbage seriously john this bull is absolute bull i've never had anybody really say to my wings are bad ever when i asked you what temperature this should be what did you say 40 degrees you freaking knew it you knew it and you served it anyway you are no better than him with the flies do you understand you're gonna get somebody sick you'll kill them i want nothing to do with this place let's get out of here guys i'm done kids don't go to college i lose the house if you if john howard doesn't come back i'm i'm done look at the outside of it what's the first thing that you notice [Music] just italian flag in an irish bar i mean we've got green white and red when it should be green white and orange [Music] look at the disorganization in this place you know what else is wrong the irish bars have little snugs little areas they're not big rooms that whole side is one big room it's a dead space that's very un-irish bar to me it's cold all right so this bar was bought by a professional airline pilot a guy by the name of gary i really have nothing to do so gary's put in 165 000 and when he bought the bar he had a girlfriend named maria this is maria and she runs the car i'm losing my ass he put up all the money he decided to give her 40 ownership in the bar for free free free now three years later she's not his girlfriend anymore and owns 40 of his bar it's a horrible move oh it's stopped that's nelly now he's a bartender he owns 20 look at this he's poured a half a glass full of whiskey his fingers are in it it's disgusting all right you're honest five dollars darling there's wendy she's another bartender hi honey i'll be right with you okay wendy there's james nick he's our cook all right [Music] he's shaking with his hand on the top of the shaker to keep the liquid in and then he's pouring it into the glass they're just redistributing the bacteria what's good on the menu the sonoran dog is amazing i'll go with the meatball sup and then uh snoring dog okay customer doesn't like it if i drink this this is gonna make me like seriously ill does it taste okay a little sweet but it is i probably put too much um cranberry in it that made it sweet he doesn't know what he's doing doesn't care neither can't even make his own drinks off his own menu look at this kitchen nick they're cooking with exposed wood exposed wood is porous it'll absorb the grease they'll burn it down place down absolutely in a second i mean they don't have the proper walls there's no fire retardant panels that i want nothing look at that what the that looks disgusting i mean this is not a kitchen they got a little meat jacuzzi for their hot dogs they got a residential electric frying pan mm-hmm and a hot plate they can't bring food to temperature they can't have any kind of consistency would you eat here so maria is taking 40 equity in this business and you guys know that i've had this place under surveillance for the past three nights this is maria look on her face she look friendly no she's sapping the energy out of the place she should be taking some initiative to greet every guest walking in she sat there for three hours now somebody gave you 40 of a bar did you work hard for it absolutely why isn't shane drinking the profits spending his money in a slot machine that's the problem i've been given something she didn't earn it she's not working for it [Music] this is unbelievable nelly is swamped and you're not lifting a finger you can see his frustration at the bar yeah [Music] kim i'm done dude [Music] where did nelly go i don't know i'm confused look at this you're not leaving yeah i'm done dude i'm done you're leaning yeah i'm done disrespectful did nellie just quit why are you leaving because i'm just gonna sue you you're a douche a vote let me you better not be you get the [ __ ] out of here i'm done you you're gonna get your snapchat they're fighting with each other i'm going to stop it [ __ ] you i hope it buries you you gavin where's miley [ __ ] molly malone was a fictional irish character set back in the 17th century and it's a very famous irish song does it look like an irish bar to you there's nothing irish about it totally going shot in anagens because it comes with a little shenanigan wow so there's bob he's our owner bob's parents bought this bar for him nine years ago for 350 000 they're now in debt six hundred and eighty thousand dollars they say that in six months they're finished but clearly he's not fighting to turn anything around because look at this place the inside isn't irish so what the hell is this place look at all that foam coming out of the taps that means their co2 pressure is off or the lines are dirty i wonder what bob does all day other than lose six thousand dollars don't have a drink menu special purple rain is like kind of one that's exclusive to here we're the only one that has it who do you want to like one try are they mixing grenadine into the vodka and using it as a signature vodka that's illegal the only thing that should be in a bottle is the actual spirit itself i'm a little concerned about this purple rain mix because bob made it and he made it with an obscene amount of well vodka perhaps if it was a signature cocktail that they do in high volume it should be labeled and dated in a different container of course it's certainly colorful look at her face that's a really unattractive cocktail yes what are these shenanigans we could do some kamikazes or something you down i'll pay for him let's do it you want to do it he's not doing another one is he oh dear take two of these back [Laughter] that was an awful long pour oh i see how it works i guess i was eight to nine ounces he just poured drinking up his parents money pretty good huh we got the shots tomorrow mom yeah wondrous buddies are happy [Applause] [Music] bob's playground one for you one for me and mom and dad are paying for it danielle i came up here to see if you could start a tab no cause you never pay your tab you're calling me a vagina your vagina is falling out right now this is disgusting prettier when you smile tara you're prettier when you're not poor age you just called me a [ __ ] that's funny it's funny well i gotta be such a [ __ ] who has problems with everybody in this bar do i do i i have problems with everybody in this bar bob i'm tired of being the only one that's working right now hey i'll give you cara's crazy dude i'm not crazy enough this guy's taking shot after shot his bartenders are calling each other's [ __ ] no i'm going right over here i'm staying over here and he's losing six thousand dollars a month parties ending now i'm going in guys you started with everybody [Music] really who doesn't work i don't know last time i worked vacation pitch danielle now [Music] meet you sir yes sir [Music] i think she needs more in her mouth this week or something does this happen awesome uh from time to time and you wonder why you're losing money i'm not sure what to do with some of these situations and i wish i knew come over here [Music] hi cara what the hell happened here tonight me and one of the bartenders got into it she called me a [ __ ] but you started screaming at me and yelling at me no i didn't scream at you the customers don't like you because you're not very nice you who's your boss frank rayne oh my god hi hi who is running this place right now he's supposed to i'm the bar manager i do the best that i can with very little help so tonight when you're calling each other [ __ ] in front of the customers where was bob he was playing his video game on his phone who's the instigator here bob i'm not sure when are you gonna no bob when you're out of money and your family loses everything is that when you're gonna figure it out you don't know do you don't i really don't i can't stand here and listen to you and look at this anymore look at the clovers on the wall irish bar right when you walk in there is not one thing irish about that point other than those green lights you know me vic what do i think about green and it's the big no-no how do you think a girl looks with green hue on her face green's a washout man you want to eat a steak under green hue it's the anti-color in the bar and restaurant space and it's everywhere here i don't want customers seeing you and i have a discussion can we go in the back and finish this this bar is owned by an 81 year old woman her name is matt she's owned this bar for 10 years and she's trying to pass this ball on to her son russ my job is to get some profit for you russ has been running the bar for about a year he blew a hundred thousand dollars on remodeling and equipment and things i'm sick of your attitude towards me when i'm working here trying to get bus now pat is writing checks every month for the shortfalls [Music] get yourself a freaking [ __ ] girl so look at the cocktails that they're making they're doing 50 whiskey 50 cola and it should be about 25 percent whiskey absolutely nine percent coal is their operation [Music] basic stuff but they don't know how to balance a drink to save their life check out brockton [Music] russ brooke just made a drink with milk she put the milk on and splash all over the bar brittany cleaned it up is that right no that shouldn't be she's trying to teach him something and he's blowing it off and walking away this woman does not want to be there at this point no she doesn't she's there because her son won't step up so she has to say the clock is ticking it's the best that's what i say about my biceps i'm looking at rust this guy's having more time playing around and he is actually managing the place and here it is the lucky leprechaun irish saloon irish saloon doesn't really work for me how many irish saloons have you been in unless it's a new thing i don't know about not yet to this day is that irish in there are there irish cowboys in there what's going on in here sign pops right can you see the bar underneath it not at all it looks scary so the sign is so bright that it makes the whole barn disappear underneath it it's like a black hole back there it is if i was a woman i wouldn't go in there would you no no i don't know they've got to light that area up make it look safer friendlier more visible regardless of what's going on inside they're failing on the street the owner is terry and george anne i don't agree but i understand that we will agree to disagree on this they bought this bar seven years ago they're now in the hall 300 000 it's gotten so bad they got divorced but she can't afford to move out he can't afford to move out and the two of them are working in this bar stuck like prisoners wow oh they're screwed yeah and they're losing two thousand dollars every month and at some point they're going to lose their house and everything what a terrible ending god that's ridiculous it really is here we go let's hope he doesn't recognize him give me your best draft beer let's start dennis i'll do a getting a shot you are in an irish bar good girl that's a good start talk about the beer is it cold is it good it seems nice and cold what's going on here you're doing some kind of no just last bar i went to i got hot beer and it upset the heck out of me because i worked very hard and good recovery yeah you almost got a cot that's the bartender you guys have no food what's her name i'm sorry okay okay quick question for you i'm eating her chips i'm starving oh you're okay got anything we don't have a full kitchen we just have like a drop fryer for like bar munchies basically what are three things let me get some wings okay what's your favorite onion rings ask the girls if they want anything do you girls like mushrooms like fried mushrooms yeah get it for them gotcha let's give it a shot ask her if she knows terry the owner who owns this place why would you label this man as what you just said he's like goofy did you hear that the customers were surprised that they had wings they didn't even know so what's the point of having food if nobody knows it are they frozen together stuck together they're actually like pre-cooked chicken would you like me to make you some fresh ones you know what i'm i'm cool on the wings [Music] you know what's weird everything tastes like the fryer yeah i avoid the fried foods vic can you pick up the food and squeeze it and show us how greasy it is look at that it just shot right through the napkin because of all the grease let's move to the pool game buddy let's play some coal hell yeah 100 bucks i got 20 on that bed too so that's supposed to be money no it's supposed to get you to run to the table as we speak that's how terry's attitude turns these customers off not only does he piss you off he takes your money too there you go 100 all right let's go [Music] and the game begins so i'm not going to let them play this game i just wanted to establish what this guy would do now i'm not going to let it happen because i won't be a part of gambling in this bar terry do you care at all that it's illegal that you're gambling so did you know that it's a misdemeanor i was just mentally gambling i just was do you understand that to him i do john how many people have you taken money from you're running a gambling operation or a bar which you deserve stop the game give him his money back and is there anybody else who lost money to the [ __ ] tonight i did you guys all lost money to him tonight he's paying every one of you back right now bring them all back give them their money i am last week you can go yourself oh you're in a bar business you're not a pool hustler that's illegal isn't it yeah pay them all back now yeah line up who has money coming what did you put on 20 pay him back let's go hell you just gave him his twenty didn't you you knew how to count pretty well when you were getting it didn't you yeah i did but you don't count so good when you're giving it back do you hi this is john taffer click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 572,780
Rating: 4.8769145 out of 5
Keywords: irish pub, irish, st. patrick's day, jon taffer cry, emotional restaurant owners, season 6, Bar Rescue, bar, rescue, paramount network, jon taffer, john taffer, taffer, compilation, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue jon taffer, stress tests, bar rescue, fails, bars, owners, bar managing, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best moments, best of, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue paramount network, cry, crying
Id: pmh3BQNDvX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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