Bar Rescueโ€™s Most Overdue Firings (Season 3)

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- What do you need to do to protect this business and your future? - I need to clean up the mess. - Where is that mess? (intense music) - Next to me. - What are you gonna do? - Kevin. (music intensifies) You're fired. (scoffs) - (beep) you, dude. - Good night, get the (beep) out of here. (rock music) - I don't wanna see customers waiting a long time for drinks. I also wanna see if Lona can delegate, and then I wanna see Bill walk the walk rather than just do the talk. I wanna see him manage, and I wanna see Allie function with some confidence. - Come on in. (crowd cheering) Come on in, hi. (rock music) - [Bartender Trainer] What kind of drink is this? - It's a margarita. - [Bartender Trainer] Is it a filter glass or is it a shake and drink? - It's a shake and drink. - Redo it, redo it, man. (crowd chattering) - Okay, in here, right? - Right in, man. Drop it. There you go. (rock music fades to dull string music) Coach is a great guy, and he's got a great personality, but he's slow as molasses. - I ordered the margarita. He had to remake it four or five times. He finally got it right. - I'll get some beers. (intense music) - All right, how we doin'? What's goin' on, talk to me. - Coach is not hittin' 'em right. Bill down here (beep) up five margaritas, and he got three complaints of flat beers down here. - You know what's also goin' on, so you know, Bill, is the manager only pulls beers. So, he asked, "Who wants beers?" He keeps goin' to pull beers, so he doesn't have to make drinks. That's the game that he's playin'. I was expecting Bill to step up as a manager, and he didn't. He was oblivious to his bar. He never looked up. - Are these the same five drinks? You're still makin' the same five drinks when the rest of your bar is sinkin'. - He was a totally ineffectual manager. Okay, what I wanna do, Mikey, I want you to switch with Coach. (bar crowd chattering) - Who wants margaritas? - Coach pulled pulled beers all night long, avoiding mixing drinks, until I busted him doing it, and then Coach got benched. (upbeat rock music) (crowd chattering loudly) - It felt good to get promoted tonight to bartender, and I'm still doing half the dishes while I'm doing it as well, so. (laughs) (crowd chanting "Mikey") - Mikey, our youngest, most inexperienced bartender, was faster, better, and more confident than anyone in the whole damn building. (crowd chattering loudly) - I feel great, I'm really happy. I think everybody's havin' a good time. - Hey, this came out cold. - The beer's too warm. - I've been waiting 25 minutes. - Everybody's doing a really great job. - Who's all waitin' for these drinks right now? All these guys are waitin' for your drinks. - I see Lona's main problem. She is oblivious to what's going on around her. She's focused on busy work, working in her business, not on it. (glass shattering) - Oh, (beep). (customers chattering loudly) - Partner, you got a broken glass? - Yeah. - What if I had grabbed that? - That's why I had my hand there. - [Bartender Trainer] Do not ever do that again. - Guys, this is what happens when glass breaks in an ice bin. The worst thing you can do behind a bar is break glass in your ice bin. You don't know what's glass, you don't know what's ice, so I pour in blue curacao, and that forces the bartenders to clean it. When the blue is gone, I know the glass is gone. That's what happens when we blow it. - That's (beep). - Bill, at that moment, was a complete idiot. - I'm not (beep) stupid. - Coach, you can't work in a busy bar, can you? - I've never worked jigger with a jigger before, to be honest with you. - Yup. - Mikey, good job steppin' up, man. - I wanna work on that potential with you tomorrow, and have you work with a guy who can really teach you. Bill, you are nowhere near a manager. When managers are busy, their eyes move. They see the tables that have glasses, the tables that don't, the ticket times that are good, the ticket times that are bad. You don't see any of this stuff. You don't even see the glass in your own damn ice bin. (panicked stammering) And I don't wanna hear your (beeping) excuses anymore. You're fired. You can leave now. (intense music) - That's (beep). - Walking behind the bar, I noticed that later in the night, the older crowd disappears, and a younger demographic starts to come out. I gotta go through a transition, raise the energy. Bring the music up. Let's get the energy going in here, okay? People wanna dance, all that. They're starting to leave now. Do it quickly, please. (intense music) (people chattering) - If the bar had music and lighting, it would be definitely be better, because girls like dancin', guys like girls dancing, so it would be much better. - You hear any music? - No. - Michelle, if I can't even get you to notice that there's music in your bar, do you realize how deep our problems are? - I can't even hear it. - You don't even see. You don't hear. You don't notice what's going on in your business. This is a nightmare. There's no dance floor lighting, there's no sound system, and there's no damn reason for anyone under 30 years old to be in this place. - Order Up. (intense electronic music) Order up. - All right, you're on a six-minute pickup. This is better. - All right. - Order up. Look at me, I'm (beeping) workin' hard. (laughs) - I've got food ready, but no one takin' it. - How much food we got? - We got two. - Nobody's getting this food? - We got two tickets. - Michelle, somebody has to get food out of the kitchen. We have food I can't get out of the kitchen. Where's Elese? - Fish and chip. - [Customer] That was supposed to be canceled. - [Waitress] Okay, that was supposed to be canceled. - Two medium well. Oh, she already ran half of this. - Well is on my left and medium well is on my right. - They already got theirs. That's half a ticket. That table was not there. They just sat down. So, that table probably walked out. (intense music) - You guys want fish and chips? - I have one fish and chips, and then I also need two seafood mash and Marley burger, medium well. - That already went out. - She took half of it out already. We gotta get organized. - There's a serious gap between what's goin' on in front of the house and the back of the house. The owner, Michelle, and the manager, Elese, they don't know where the food's going. It's turning into a complete and utter (beeping) show. - Apparently, your food was in, and it went to the wrong table, I apologize. - We never put a food order in. - Okay, all right. Okay, well, then, it's really wrong. - Guys, table 31, where is that ticket? They've been waiting 40 minutes. - Is it this one? 3199. - Yes. That went out to the wrong table. - And that's what I'm (beeping) talkin' about right there. I'm workin' hard. They don't pay attention to the (beeping) slips. - I mean, these guys aren't rock stars, but they're (beeping) haulin' their ass. They're tryin'. They're really tryin'. - So, they're getting an A for effort? - Yeah. - I've gotta tell you, I understand some of your frustration. If I can make these systems right, your attitude will be fine. - Beautiful. - You were gonna bring us drinks about an hour ago. - I apologize. I wasn't able to follow up on the ticket. God knows where the ticket went. (intense music) I'm cracked. I'm cracked, I'm done. - What's goin' on? - I can't keep track of my tables. - Is crying going to make this better? - No. - Okay, so if you're gonna cry, I'm gonna ask you to leave. I need you to act like a manager. Do it. - I'm failing. I feel like I'm not going to catch up. - Elese, listen to me. Diana, tonight, was on the money. You're the one who blew it. Elese is full of (beep). Elese causes the confusion in the kitchen, not Diana. - Order up. - I just want a drink. I don't care what I have. I just want one drink. - Who's waiting for drinks still? (customers yelling loudly) You threw your husband out of here to say that you could do it, and you haven't managed anything. - I know that. - And she is incapable of managing anything. - I have no excuse. - This is a lost cause. - Last call, everyone. Please come back, thank you. (intense music) - So, Diana, you looked at me, you said you were gonna prove yourself, and boy, you did. - Thank you. (group applauding) - Elese, you looked at me and said it's her or you. Tonight, the entire fell apart and it was your fault. You're a disorganized mess. You can't lead anybody. Michelle, now, it's time for you to be an owner. You're gonna fire her. (intense music) - She can't stay as a server? - I've done this 30 years. You don't demote employees and keep them around. It doesn't work. - You gave Diana a second chance. - I didn't demote Diana. Understand, Diana was gonna either have her job or not, correct? You wanna fight for your business? - Yes. - Do it. (music intensifies) - Sorry, you're fired. - (beep) this place. - I proved Elese wrong. I did my job, and I did a (beep) good job. Bye, Elese. Bye. Sorry. (sniffles) - (beep) this. I'm gonna get back on the job market. I'm gonna apply as a waitress at new places. Next time you see me, I won't have tears in my eyes, I'll be smiling, 'cause I'm gonna make it. - Michelle, it's lonely at the top. - I know. - [Jon] I want you to come in here tough tomorrow. - I'll do just about anything not to fire somebody, because I think about their life, their kids. It's hard to fire somebody. - You feel okay? (groans loudly) (intense music) - We all get together? Let's talk for a little bit, please. (timer beeping rapidly) Guys, how you doin'? - Good. - My name is Jon Taffer. I've been doin' this 35 years. I've won Operator of the Year twice, Property of the Year once, I'm in the Nightclub Hall of Fame. I tell you that, 'cause I want you guys to know I know what the hell I'm doin'. So, now you know a little bit about me. Your name is? - Kendrick. - How long you been here, Ken? - About three years. - So, you were here before they bought it and stayed on through the transition. - Yes, sir. - And your name is? - Melody. - Hi, Melody. - Hi. - And how long have you been here? - About a year and almost a half. - And your name is? - Jana. - Hi, Jana. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - How long have you been here? - I've been here eight months. - What's in a margarita? - Can you make him a margarita on the rocks? (laughs) Tequila and triple sec. - How much tequila? - Ooh, an ounce, two ounces, an ounce, pick one. - How much triple sec? - An ounce. (laughs) - Half an ounce. I say that, because it was interesting, because you didn't know how to make it, and it's the most popular drink in America. - It is. I've never bartended before, so I don't know how to make drinks very well, but I need this job. I have kids, rent. - So, let's talk business. What's wrong with this place, Kim? - More than anything, it's probably theft. It's the stealing, it's the over pouring. - So, let me share with you a service Bevintel. What we do is we come in here and we weigh every liquor bottle, then the next day, we go through the cash register, if the cash register says 20 ounces were sold, but 40 ounces are missing. What does that tell me, Jesse? - Theft. - When I look at Monday, Melody worked. On that day, we did $576 in sales, and we gave away $160. That's 25% of our sales. This is Wednesday night. Jana worked. That day you did $798 in sales. You guys gave away $377 worth of liquor. One day. - Holy (beep). (intense music) - To actually see the amount of money, I'm angry. I'm very angry. They all need to be fired, honestly. I'm disgusted. I wanna vomit, and I wanna vomit on you guys, because, you know what, my brother, and I, and my mom, we have worked and we have fought for you guys. Are you (beeping) kidding me? - The numbers don't lie. - I don't do it intentionally. I would never hurt you guys. I never ask you for anything. - Why would you ask? You're just taking it out of the drawer. You don't have to ask us. - I don't take anything. - You have stole how much money? - Kim, what are you gonna do about it? - Melody, if I gave her one more try, one more chance. I just can't do this. - Are you a business owner or a chump? Make a decision. (intense music) It's sure time, I know. You got a lot of respect for your dad. What would he do if he was standing there in your shoes right now? - My dad would do the right thing and he would fire anybody that stole. - So, you're not gonna do the right thing? Don't look at me. Be a manager, not a mother. This is your moment of truth. - As a manager, I should. (intense music) Melody, I gotta let you go. - May I be excused? Really? You think I'm just sitting there, going, "You know what, I'm gonna (beeping) pour eight ounces "into a (beeping) six ounce cup"? No, no, no. I need to get outta here. I gotta find a job. - What about Jana? (intense music) - She needs to go, too. - But I don't wanna lose my job. - That ship has sailed. - Oh (beep). I think I'm in shock, 'cause I really did not expect this at all. (beep) - I know this is difficult for you, but this is business. - Ken. (music intensifies) Thank you for being awesome all the time. - Wow, I didn't expect that to happen, but it makes me feel good about myself. - Now, you fought for your grandfather's money, so I'm gonna get you new bartenders. I got great trainers to work with you guys to pull this together. This is a new beginning. - Got it. - I'll talk to you guys later. - That was hard. - We're not gettin' stuff out of the kitchen yet. - Stop beatin' the (beep) out of your burgers. - There's no food out of the kitchen at all. - Nothin'. We're at 18 minutes on our lead check. - Our first check, I can't get out of the damn kitchen. - Right here, it's a medium rare burger. - Move, Kevin. This is your ass. How can we run 18 minutes on a burger? What's the cook time on that burger, chef? Seven, eight minutes? - It's a medium rare, eight tops. We had to throw one away, because we pressed it on the grill, and the whole top of it stuck to the grill, so we had to start over with a brand new burger. - What the hell? Why the hell would you squeeze the juice out of a burger? Come on, guys, you've got to catch up. Move, move. - Stop touchin' the (beep) burger. Let it cook. - That's exactly what I'm doin'. - Oh, my. - I can't get anything out of this place. - Yeah, I can't get food anywhere, I can't get drinks anywhere. - Do you understand how huge our problems are and how little time we have to fix 'em? - The oldest is the top one, my newest is the bottom one. - I'm gonna get this food out. Have a burger and some wings at this table? - Yo, Richard took the wrong food. (intense music) - What's wrong with those wings? - These aren't theirs. Separate check. - Guys, I need two whiskey sours, please. Hear me? - Yes, ma'am. - Thank you. - Stop, this guy. I want you to take over for Michelle. I need you to go find out why that happened. - All right, I got you,vgo ahead. Go, go, go. - And what can I get for you to eat? Okay, a margarita, no salt, and I'm gonna check on your wings right now, okay? Hey guys, I need a margarita with no salt. - Okay. - For table 15. I don't know whose table that is, but I'm checkin' on their food right now. (chattering quietly) Guys, I'm runnin' 40 minute ticket times. Let's get it together, please. - What the (beep) happened? - I'm tired of talkin'. I need a leader out of somebody back here. - Table 15, it is an order of mild wings and an order of Cajun wings, and it's been a long time. - I'm not worried about it. - Well, I don't see a check. - Here go one, right here. Right here, here you go. - Thank you. - Very nice, James. - All right, I got you. - Aw (beep). - Richard, on the bottom of our menu is a website. They go to the website, and on their smartphone, they tell me what they think. Now, in the bar business, when you look at a report like this, and say, "Will they come back or not?" 50% of people said it was poor. They're not comin' back, right? - Right. 40% said it was total fail. They're not comin' back. 100% of the people in this room. - Not comin' back. - Will not come back. This is your house gone. I've got to turn this around. I got a day to do it. Do you understand how bad this is? - We're not doin' anything right. - Nothing, not one thing. - It was a complete failure. I realized we got a lot of work to do. A lot of work to do. I rely on Kevin to get the job done and failed. - All right, guys, last call. (intense music) - [Michelle] Sorry about that, guys. - What do you think happened tonight? Do you think there was any success in this building at all? - I don't think we had any success at all. - How much did we throw in the garbage tonight, Richard? - Hundreds of dollars. - Is there any chance you're gonna save your house with that food that came out tonight? - No. - You're losing $7,000 a month going to another job to support the bills in this business. We got a major problem, don't we? - [Richard] We do. - James, how did it feel to cook in there tonight? - It was crazy. - No organization, no leadership, right? - No. - No. - What do you think, Duff? - I expected you to take over. I called the first order in, and then I stood back, and then I started to watch you cook, and I'll tell you what, I don't believe that you went to school. You cooked like a rookie. - I don't think that's accurate, man. - You don't even know how to cook a hamburger, man. - I can cook a hamburger. - You're squeezing it into the grill and squeezing all the juice out of it. Would you cook a hamburger that way? - No. - This is not about friendship. Your house is on the line. $100,000. Your reputation. This doesn't work, this place closes. You need some help running this place. You're an opportunity. You need to be an owner, and she needs to be a manager. Walking in and solving, saying, "What can I do to help? "Richard, what can I do to help?" That's a manager. I want Michelle to be promoted. I want you to give her the authority. Do you believe in her? - I do. - Are you prepared to give her authority? - I'm gonna leave this house to you. You're now gonna be a full manager. - She can hire, she can fire. Now, the next two days, I want you to prove what a great decision he just made. So, what do you need to do to protect this business and your future? - I need to clean up the mess. - Where is that mess? (intense music) - Next to me. - What are you gonna do? - Kevin. (music intensifies) - You're fired. (scoffs) - (beep) you, dude. - Good night. Get the (beep) outta here. - You don't know half this (beep). You been here for two days and in the back. - I had you pegged in three minutes. A fraud is easy to see. - Yeah. Smile on, piece of (beep). - That guy hurt every one of you. Do you understand that? - (beep) dude just threw me under the bus. Taffer's a (beep) idiot. I have (beep) cooking awards. Michelle, she's worse than (beep) half the people there, and Richard is a piece of (beep). - You made your future. He destroyed his. - (beep) him. (motorcycle revving) (horn honks) - Let's talk about the staff. - There's Michelle. - And how long has she worked there? - She's been with us, what, probably six, seven years? - So, she's your senior bartender? - Absolutely. - And who's that one, the one closer to us? - That's Brittany. - Good bartender, you like her? - She can spend a lot of time texting on her phone. - Whose fault is that? - That would be Jerry's. - So, who's that? - That's Brittany, the other Brittany. - Is that B.C.? Is that what we call her? - Yes. - And how long has she been there? - She's been with us for about three months now. - Oh, jeez, that comes out fast. - So, there's Jerry. He's the one partying. - When you had food, we ordered food. - [Jerry] I don't give a (beep). We don't have food. - Did you sell food before? - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - Jerry took it upon himself to sell all the kitchen equipment. - Without talking to us. - As 60% owners of the business, don't you think you deserve the right to make that decision? - Absolutely, we should have been involved in that decision. (crowd chattering) - Am I watching this? A customer brought in food? - Yes. That happens all the time. - Now, every other customer looks at her eating, and what happens? "I'm hungry, man. "I'm gettin' the hell outta here. "I'm gonna go get somethin' to eat." They all leave. So, that person eating causes five other people to leave. - Would you like another one? - Yes, miss. - This gets me. That's fake a turbo tap system. The problem is, that's rubber tube. It's not surgical stainless steel, like a turbo tap would be, and what that is, is that's a haven for bacteria. A real turbo tap fills the beer from the bottom three times faster. Whose responsibility is that? - That would be Jerry. - [Customer] Do you want to play with us? - I'm really not, okay. (girls chattering excitedly) - It's all about him. - I got balls. (laughs) - Are your balls that big? - Hell no, they're bigger. (playful grunting) I'm not really a good shot, but. - It's (beep) embarrassing. - Oh, yeah. (laughs loudly) - He's the loudest person in the room by far. - (beep) he is. - And her ass is in the way. Hey, can you get that turd cutter out of my way? - Can you possibly succeed with him being this way? - Not the way it is now, no. - Running a bar drunk is dead wrong. - Holy (beep), that was great. - When you guys sit here and tell me that, "He this," and "He that," but you both, together, have the authority to stop that tomorrow. You can take control of the bank accounts tomorrow. That's what 60% of the business is. - Good point. - So, the fact of the matter is, you're not in a submissive position to him. - True. - So, he needs to see you're angry. You pissed? - Yes. - Oh, yeah. - How many times have you been pissed the last few months and held it back? - Probably 50% of the time. - Tonight, you don't. Tonight, you let it go. How many times have you been pissed and held it back? - Any time I've seen him drinking in the bar. I've never liked it. - Hello? Come on! Hello? Where's my (beep) bartenders at? - We're bartending. - Hello? Hello? (beeping) - Look at him screaming and yelling. (yelling continuously) - Yeah. Yeah. (gargling yell) Yeah, buddy. You need to go over and just kick that (beep) table, and just (beep) knock it down. - No. No, no, no, no, no. - Don't bump that table. Go over there. (customers clamoring) (glass shatters) - Oh, my God, right now. (customers chattering) - No, it wasn't. I was over here, bull (beep). - I've definitely seen enough. - Okay, here's what we do, we go inside, we talk to him, and we look at him and say, "We own 60% of this business. "I want the keys." Hostile take over? - Let's do it. (car door dinging) A hostile takeover is when the majority owners of a company take the business away from the manager. Dave and Steve own 60% of this company. They're gonna walk in, and they're gonna relieve Jerry of his management duties. (people chattering) - It was almost right in her fun bags. (intense music) (customer shrieks) - Oh, son of a bitch. Damn. - The number one responsibility of a bar manager is to keep your customers safe. You can't do that when you're drunk. All right, come on over. Can you come talk to us for a minute? - What's goin' on? - Come on over here. Stand right there. - Hey, how you doin'? - I've been better. You're a drunken fool. - Can I sit down? - With their money. - No, don't sit down, stand up. It's good for ya, if you can stand. Can you stand? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah? - I'm standin'. - That's not funny. - You're an embarrassment to Dave, you're an embarrassment to me, you're an embarrassment to the bar. - You're makin' a fool of yourself, and you're disrespectful to your partners, whose houses are on the line. (intense music) - We've talked about this many times, about you not drinking in the bar, not yellin' across the bar. - We're havin' a great time. - This is not about a great time. This is about making money. - Come on, now. We're havin' a great time. Everybody's in here. We're (beep) havin' a great time. That's what we thought we were gonna have when we bought this (beep) place. - I haven't been havin' a great time. I've been sittin' out in that vehicle watchin' you make an ass out of yourself. That is not fun to me. - This is a hostile takeover, and we're taking control. You're not running things anymore. - Wha? - Here's the "Wha." They own 60% of the business. You give them their keys tonight. You walk outta here. Come back tomorrow as a reasonable partner! - What the (beep)? We're havin' a great time, Jon, Steve. - His house is on the line, this isn't about your good time! - This is bull (beep). - I think it's time for you to go home. - It's over. You blew it. I'm gonna leave you guys. Do not leave until you get the keys and the checkbook. Good night. Honestly, I didn't think Dave and Steve had it in 'em, but they did. They had the courage, they went in, and they completed a hostile takeover. - This is (beep) bull (beep). - Well, it's the way it is. - No, it's (beep) bull (beep). Where the (beep) have you guys been? I've been here (beep) bustin' my ass and my (beep) balls. This is bull (beep). - Keys. - This is (beep) bull (beep). - That's enough. Get out, now. - You're done. - It's (beep) bull (beep). Who's here? Me, not you mother (beep). It's bull (beep). Take my (beep) keys. (beep) horse (beep). I'm always here every (beep) day. - We know that, we know that. - Well, it's bull (beep). - Come on, buddy. - You're (beep) my brother. - Come on. - (beep) damn it. That's (beep) bull (beep). That's (beep) bull (beep). My (beep) own brother, God, this is horse (beep). (beeping) - Well, I'm surprised this place hasn't cleared out. Embarrassed to be associated with him right now, and how he reacted was abysmal. - That is just crazy. (laughs) I'm gonna (beep) come back and rob the place, because those (beep) don't know how to lock it up. (intense music) - Missy, you're an obstacle to the success of this business. Fair statement? - Yes, that's a very fair statement. - What are you gonna do to change that? - From this point on, I will not drink in this place ever again. - Do you believe her? - No. - I don't, either. That's what worries me, Nadya. - I've got this. I can be what I need to be. - Kimi, you need to get your attitude better, don't ya? - Yeah. - [Jon] What are you gonna do to change that? - I'm gonna lose it. - Talk to me. What don't I know that's making you say that? - I shouldn't be (beep) stolen from (beep). - She stole from you? - Yeah. (intense music) - How'd I steal from you, Randy? - She overcharged him on beers. - I did not overcharge him. - I don't think Randy was wrong about the stealing. I sat there one Friday and watched her. - I have never stolen anything, Nadya. - We have an actual record of theft. Watch this. This video came from my surveillance. So, there's Kimi. She's got the sweatshirt in her hands, puts the key back by the register, hasn't paid for it yet, puts the sweatshirt on without putting any money in the register. Do you deny that? - I always had the best intentions of paying for them. - Jeff, have you ever seen anything? - Yes. - So, he knew it and let her come to work the next day. You're becoming an enabler. - Yes, I am. - You're enabling the drinking, and you're enabling the theft. Come stand next to me. I want you to see what I see. Now, when you look at this, what is the worst offense in this entire group? - Stealin' from me. - So, what are you gonna do? (music intensifies) - I'm gonna have to let you go, Kimi. - Go get her outta here. Go do what you gotta do. It's time to be a manager. (beep) Watch what she takes, get her out of the building professionally. Let's end this correctly. - I can't even believe you just did this, Jeff. You knew. - I can't believe you're stealin' from me. - Yeah, I don't steal, Jeff, you know that. Have I ever taken a dollar from you? Missy was sitting at the, - No. (arguing loudly over one another) - I don't steal, Jeff, you know that. You know I've not a thief. I've told Lexi or Missy to put 'em in there. I don't steal. I'm not stealing your clothes, Jeff. Come on. - What am I supposed to do? - I'm not denying that I took the clothes, Jeff, but it's not like I took them intentionally to steal them. - Look, I don't know what to do. I really don't. - Jeff, don't do this. You know I'm a good employee. - Hold on a second. Hold on a second. (intense music) I'm gettin' nowhere with this. I need your backup. - She's fired, she leaves. - Instead of having the courage to fire Kimi, he needs his girlfriend, Shelley, to do the dirty work for him. - I'm not a thief, Shelley, you know that. - Kimi, I don't know that. I've seen you do it multiple times. - The shirt, yes. - It's more than that. You let me down, and you let Jeff down. - I'm not a thief, Shelley. - You took it, you wore it, you went home with it. - That doesn't mean I stole it, Shelley. - That's exactly what that is. What is your definition of stealing? If you take something that does not belong to you, it's stealing, Kimi. - I've never stolen anything in my life. I'm not a (beep) thief. I've worked for bars the last 15 years, and nobody's ever called me a thief. Can you please come get me? I just got fired. (rock music) - Hi, this is Jon Taffer. Click here to subscribe to Paramount Network on YouTube for more Bar Rescue.
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 1,183,055
Rating: 4.8915606 out of 5
Keywords: you're fired, youre fired, employees getting fired, bad bartender, Bar Rescue, full, episodes, clip, clips, episode, angry, mad, funny, hilarious, bar, rescue, paramount network, jon taffer, john taffer, taffer, compilation, mid-shift, quit, quitting, fire, fired, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue jon taffer, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue, fails, bars, owners, bar managing, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best moments, best of, employee
Id: 7jd6wqDPmjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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