The WORST Bartenders Of Bar Rescue Season 3 😳

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[Music] [Music] i've never seen this type of employee interaction in front of customers before i mean literally behind the bar they're causing him to fail listen to what he wrote dear john i just wanted to let you know that i was in austin with some friends and went to the brixton and had the absolute worst bar experience of my life when we were asked to have the game turned on the bartender said this isn't a sports bar he then went in the back room with a female manager i think they were married and argued for about 40 minutes while no one was behind the bar to get us a drink if ever a bar needed a rescue it's the bricks that says it all so since clay lives in austin now i got him to come in with two friends and do the recon for us good is it always this quiet in addition to the cameras following the brixton staff surveillance cameras have been placed around the bar for john and peter to observe the service from a customer's point of view well there it is empty there's not one person at the bar and it's eight o'clock then look at the beer cool with the white bright whites it looks like a convenience store not a bar that looks really bad and that's the door that goes outside to the patio yeah is there anything that would pull you out there no hey what's happening not much man yes i do dynamic old-fashioned um i look it up on my phone okay simple simple cocktail job what's your favorite cocktail up there can you recommend one uh my favorite is the mule because it's easy to make the mule just is easy to make okay i'll try that this side of town people are just shot a beer shot in a beer that's not true there's a lot of people doing a lot of mixology in this part of town no wonder why he's losing money what do you just put in it he grabbed some sunday old lime juice and threw it in there it was the nastiest sourest drink i've ever had in my life wow okay that's that's some pretty sour whatever you know the guy like that just sucks the energy from the room he never adds to it can you do like a gin martini yeah i could let's see how he does with the gym martini the proper way to make a martini is to stir it and he's actually gonna shake it when you shake a drink too much that changes the character of the way it looks and the way it tastes that's why martinis are stirred you can see that it's misty coming out yeah okay it's meant to be crystal clear it's not a good martini either this hey this is kind of kind of gnarly dude you ordered it there's no way to talk to your customers what does taste right gin and soda would be fine man inside voices please look at this guy chill out or get out i don't go to your bar and act like from what i can see tim is not a very nice guy he insults customers who order premium drinks and then he screams at customers for talking loud in his bar is this guy nuts there they go i'm not surprised why would you stay there other than the three customers i sent in those were the only four people in a whole bar and he chased them away where'd you go apparently i make drinks how is it it tastes like flat tbr that's horrible yeah even sarah thinks to drink sook let me make you guys some drinks actually i want to try the first i'm going to toss these fish 75 is great done thank you you know what we got a superstar in her yeah i think so john did we make those right it's actually really good you know why because i didn't touch the bottle probably tim doesn't like the fact that his wife stepped in and is doing better than him you should hope she does better than you if you want to make money i've seen enough okay a belligerent owner insulting his customers it's all wrong and it's time for me to go in and do my work hello how are you sarah nice to meet you welcome tim tim good to meet you guys the only people here are the three that i sent in this is clay so you manage bars professionally yeah if he was your bartender for a year and a half standing there not knowing those drinks with his arm crossed like that what would you do he wouldn't be here a year and a half you'd fire his ass right bingo do you think it's funny that you don't know how to make any of the drinks that you've been on your board for a year i know how to make them just because it's not exactly to their taste doesn't mean that i'm doing it wrong is this a bartender who cared about what you wanted nope austin's unique trying to keep it unique no you're being a fool so here's the reality of it you want to get behind the bar you learn the freaking drinks next a customer does something you don't like you don't treat them like a child use your inside voice are you gonna use your inside boys you're bumming me out good i want to if i bum you out maybe you'll change so there's the owner there's betsy stephanie work the duck race you're stephanie betsy's sister she works here as well jags she needs some wine oh dead guys it's not even nine o'clock yet they're drunk oh yeah betsy is not running this bar responsibly she needs to grow up and be a business person there's jp working out is that what you want your bartender to do in a circuit behind the bar is that unbelievable they're bored as hell pictures look at her [Music] is that unbelievable that's awful i can't see anything what do you think of that leopard carpet you know the good thing about a leopard carpet it hides all the stains that it does but does that say biker or men's here it's saturday night the place is stone empty and it's going to be empty all night you know that how do i know how they're doing how can i evaluate them so i pulled out a curveball i got 60 motorcycle guys pulling up here all at once so let's see what they got all right ah here come the boys all right here we go guys this is gonna get good instagram [Music] hey betsy look how many bikes just pulled there they don't realize they're going to keep coming this is like the clowns getting out of the little car where they just keep coming up as a bartender this is when you turn it on yeah exactly this is this is where it goes what can i get for you she's still sitting down she doesn't understand it wow there's actually customers in my boat what do i do now this thing looks like a buffet line what's going on here holy you know it's not unlike what the situation that would happen anyway when a giant biker group's riding the road they come in all at once and they should be used to it and able to handle it what do you want what else what do you mean i see what light [Music] that was easily two and a half ounces of boost there's no reason to over pour that much that's crazy oh yeah absolutely as a bartender you're supposed to serve one and a half ounces and you're supposed to make sure that people drink responsibly oh my god she didn't seem very happy about having a bunch of new considerable she's inconvenienced by the whole thing i got it shut up holy sh that's like a truck stop all right okay daddy guys there's the sister drunky mcdrunkerton's back behind the bar now [Music] so the place is called handle bar cafe right there's nobody in the kitchen look at that plant oh my god and it doesn't look to me like it's even open no but what is that oh that's disgusting that's a piece of bacon we got bacon brother which tells me whoever closed this kitchen down last never cleaned it when i see this i'm happy they're not selling food oh here we go bars are dangerous places yeah there's glass back there there's knives back there it's like being drunk in a line shop you'll kill yourself exactly that's it oh boy go that way for real go that way that's your food that way go that way out from behind the bar right all right i'm done she's too drunk to work she can't pull it off yep [Music] i've never been more excited or more about cheese puffs because they finally got some food and everybody's sticking your hands oh all right go ahead put in your mouth touch your fingers go right back in pull me out behind the bar i'm like speechless yeah me too do you listen to mates she's a train wreck oh fine you you you kiss your mother with that mouth now i hate her [Music] hi guys how are ya hello how are you hi how you doing hi what are you up to you know a little six feet let me well you just never know a lot of guys brag about how tall they are you know yeah another thing yeah i'm a steak guy meeting him all right this is clearly not a female friendly environment look at how the men are being served but the women are waiting you know she did three of them good bartenders look at them drinking champagne out of these bottles she's not even trying to hide the fact that she's drinking back there that's inappropriate and it's irresponsible you were supposed to be working tonight why aren't i working because i can't even think about putting someone as trashed as you behind my bar right first of all you just need to get out of my face and sober you are accusing me of being intoxicated it's not an accusation it's a fact artie there he is he's the owner all right you can have one set yeah this one's three sheets to the win what can i get for you there's joey the manager look at this it took over nine minutes to serve the female customers okay thank you it's very dirty it's a little too dirty you hear that um what are you doing chillin get off of here are you oh oh my god you just lighted up you made a wrinkle [Music] did they just say the c word oh my god what a bar that doll's freaking me out it just feels like it's staring over here like you don't belong you hear that boy if we don't get girls like this to feel comfortable and come to this bar we will not be really out of place [Music] terrible representation of women behind the bar what up now did you bring any other toys maybe something battery operated perhaps did he just say that no not that what a pig he's the owner well she's very flexible there was a lot of sexual comments kind of thrown our way it made me feel very very uncomfortable i wouldn't come back to this place at all you know what guys there's no logic to this they're drinking out of liquor bottles behind the bar unacceptable they're using the c word in front of female customers what the hell am i waiting for i'm going to work guys [Music] wow holy john taffer's here oh my god he's here i told you all righty john taffer nice to meet you nice to meet you did you notice anything unusual when we're standing here um i think i'm a blinking light i feel like i'm getting epilepsy do you want to sit in that chair how many times have you walked by this thing nobody sees everything this is pretty blatant don't you think it horrifies me to thinking what else i'm going to say i think it scares you it's scaring the hell out of me right now this should have been seen because why don't we get the staff together let's talk to everybody that's going to work okay guys come on over let's all line up over here and talk [Music] hi guys hi hi i've been doing this for over 30 years boy i see a lot of red eyes when i look across that room and how much drinking have you done tonight a battle of champagne who paid for that champagne party so they're parting out on your money how much have you drank tonight i had one drink and a half a drink one and a half drinks what with the drinks vodka vodka kettle oh so she's pouring your most expensive vodka very nice of you to be a big shot on his money now how much money are we losing give me a number we close when are they a couple of months do you understand this your jobs are ending so who was scheduled to work tonight arnie jen and you didn't work tonight i was ready to come to work why was she told not to work behind the bar she was far too intoxicated to let go behind the bar what so you were relieved of your duties because you were drunk no i didn't show up for work too drunk she obviously didn't hear you say it again it's tough to argue with it oh my gosh if i put you behind the bar can you control yourself absolutely i don't think so i think by her by her own admission she'll help herself to appear do you want me to go do i want you to go yeah no i want you to straighten up and stay having the kind of relationship i have with my crew i have a really hard time having to come down on them i got an easy solution jen if you can't stay sober in this business you're fired done deal and that's how we control this and what do you do here joey i'm the bar manager i've been with already for 18 years so what authority do you have joey he has ultimate control you're a manager with no authority aren't you yes somebody given the title of manager with no authority he's a stupid visor who will accomplish absolutely nothing so there's no standards in the kitchen there's no standards at the bar they drink a bottle of champagne and when i had two girls sitting at this bar and you said the word and here's the coup de grace you're walking up to girls and asking if they have a vibrator aren't you i did what the hell is cool about this this is about as moronic as you could possibly be congratulations i'd like to have it toast with you guys because i think you're all about the stupidest bartenders i have ever met i'm leaving cause i'm gonna just get angrier by the minute tomorrow that freaking doll is gone your language is gone and your perverted comments are gone there's ryan that's bill's son he only works here part-time do you want the whiskey chilled or warm there's liz she's the managing partner she supposedly has some equity in the business and has an arrangement with bill the owner to buy it over in a period of time there's shawna drinking behind the barn she's one of your bartenders okay and smoking a cigarette behind the bar it's against healthcare there's no smoking allowed right tony it's not even debatable oh a cigarette over there right here i don't give a [ __ ] if the customers are allowed to smoke in that room the employees are not no that's right that's totally inappropriate i'm in the mood for a dirty martini this place is a joke you don't need to overpour to make someone buzz and happy make him a good drink then a pint grass tony you see that's huge so either there's an obscene amount of liquor in that or it's olive oil one of the tips oh she's putting her hands [Music] whenever i order a martini i expect it to be up unless i requested to be on the rocks so she just dumped that all into a glass yeah i'll take him out now the customer has to reach in and get that olive out that's just lazy i think ryan's got it martini is crap oh she doesn't like it i would have walked out by now shawna want an order of mozzarella sticks a couple of um swiss and bacon burgers medium rare that's cooking 101 right how are you doing shelley you ready for a beer thank you i'm almost certain we ordered bacon cheeseburgers right oh yeah we did no bacon the gray chunk of meat because it wasn't cooking properly it's not high enough i'm not impressed no not by a long shot i'm not gonna eat that she's done for the night can we get two kamikaze shots she's really ignoring the customer right now i'll make it you stay on over here liz jumped in she's not making the [Music] kamikazes yes she did look at them they're in shock and they're members they paid for the right to be in this room relaxing [Music] take a deep breath slap a big smile on your face and let it go okay drama queen oh it's all about me it's not about the customers it's about exactly you smile [Music] we got a superstar huh that's exactly what i was thinking while liz works hard to be a good business partner foolish owner bill is happy because everybody's drunk [Applause] [Music] oh she can't finish it [ __ ] what's your number one responsibilities at barton to keep people safe this guy is promoting an unsafe environment [Music] one thing that infuriates me more than anything is an irresponsible drug owner who encourages his employees to be drunk drive home drunk encourages his customers to be over-intoxicated he tells his employees over poor [ __ ] i've seen enough whoa what just happened is that [Music] what here's michelle michelle owns the place her father bought her this bar and there's larry the father her father is in the hole 364 000. maybe she thinks this is a free-for-all maybe she thinks daddy's gonna keep writing the check her husband ryan is the co-owner ryan works five jobs oh wow tries to earn money works his butt off and michelle's not doing anything about turning the place around so there's robert he's one of the senior bartenders here and this cory he's on security so i got great recon for tonight i'm so excited i brought in maria menunos and kevin undegaro they're waiting a while for any attention from the bartender okay so now we're at one minute they have no drink they're getting the bar wipe down that's a good thing mm-hmm look at them staring at him and nothing is happening he could have said hello and ask them what they're having yeah even if you have a busy bar you should always acknowledge the guest okay get you guys i'll have a strawberry margarita whiskey cola he made the wrong drink that's not what she asked for this is supposed to be a strawberry margarita my bad one second i've already made like five margaritas today so it's in my head i've already made five margaritas is not an excuse as to why you don't give your guests what they asked for he pours it in with the ice in a stem glass and topped it with soda what was that and what comes on the sampler everything [Music] robert oh thank you i want to get the chili cheese fries too look at him puckering up it tasted like dirty dish soap how's yours they're going to microwave the chili did you see that yep oh thanks can we get a couple of drops thank you the cheese isn't melted the french fries are soggy thank you we still have the sample coming out right what's the ticket time on this it's been a while eight minutes i think i forgot to put that in oh no i forgot the thing they are responsible for leaving the bar to cook the food then who is taking care of the bar guests where's all my bartenders this lovely gentleman needs some beers we're now at 11 minutes on that platter and normally a potato skin would be fried so it's crisped and then topped off so i'm guessing this is going to be very soggy look at those wings they're not crisp you can see them um potatoes are raw yeah yeah because it's wrong it's raw oh that's gross don't eat that kevin don't eat that i can't let this go on i'm going in [Music] like where's all my bartenders michelle hi i'm john taffers brian here yes great come on over brian john kaffer how are you nice to meet you good to meet you come on i want you to meet somebody yeah this is maria menounos if you've ever watched extra kevin undergaru i sent them in here to be my recon tonight so you didn't eat your potato skin you love potato skins i know that about it yeah how many bites did you take one she didn't even take a second bite couldn't eat the chicken wings it was raw raw yeah i knew immediately because i've been in the food business so i didn't want to get sick so i spit it out does it take rocket science to know that a drink should be made properly and your bartender should make it correct when he got done mixing the drink the glass was only half full so rather than look liking the idiot that he obviously is he pulled out a soda gun and topped it off and you wonder why the hell you're losing money stop last night take trash jail no just out front barrel yeah yesterday there's shelley that's jeff's girlfriend she sort of tries to help out but she's never been in the bar business before either there's missy she's the bartender drinking at the bar it's a detriment to the whole business i'm not doing any of that so there's nadia bartender i guess we're the only bartenders that work in right now you know nadia's not and here's kimmy our last bartender [Applause] we're walking into drama city here and there's one thing you and i know drama does not work in the bar no so for recon tonight i got us two local girls young 30s did our target demo they're from the residential neighborhood i want to see how they react to this bar what did they order a margarita this is probably the worst cosmo i've ever had in my whole entire life that cosmo looks like a glass of strawberry jam i'm gonna cover that thing i'm sure that's how she wanted to get that cosmo too it's in a rocks glass oh kick there huh when i order a shot tequila i don't drink it in a wine glass right this is seriously not good at all these guys do not know how to pour liquor they are selling a bunch of beer so these are the girls that live in this area they're sort of out of place aren't they mm-hmm these are blue-collar guys out here yeah they're hanging with each other it's almost like a man cave of bars [Music] this is ridiculous oh [Music] i've never seen this type of employee interaction in front of customers before i mean literally behind the bar they're causing him to fail we're here to stop him from failing and it starts now this bar is a free-for-all there's no leadership jeff lost a million one and he'll lose another million if he doesn't change his course immediately jeff jeff simon john taffler let's go talk in the corner sir so you know i'm here to help you you have an accounting background yes i do 31 years you know numbers right million and one you have into this a million and one plus so you have your whole savings in this i got nothing left we don't turn this around we're done we're done absolutely i want your bartenders squirt each other with a soda gun right fight with each other you're sinking and they're causing them i know here's the deal close the bar get the staff together for a moment absolutely your future starts now hey missy call last call we're closing for the night all right last call i'm really frustrated right now my staff closed me down because their attitudes and the drama hi this is john taffer click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Paramount Network
Views: 1,460,659
Rating: 4.8945417 out of 5
Keywords: Worst Bartenders of Season 3 Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Season 3, Bar Rescue 3, blowup doll, bar rescue, full, episodes, best moments season 3, best moments season 3 bar rescue, best bar rescue, mad, angry, walked out, funny, bar, compilation, taffer, jon taffer, paramount, bar rescue tv show, owners, fails, bar fails, highlight, bar rescue highlights, best, rat, gross, employee, bad employee, disguisting, bar management, bar guests, worst employee, worst bars, not to drink, paramount network
Id: dhFlS4jVtR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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