The WORST Chefs of Bar Rescue Season 5

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- [Boss] I just sent my chef in your kitchen to close it down. - Really? - Because it's so fricking disgusting, he's serving that food to people and he's going to get 'em sick! Now will you understand that? - Hey, nobody's getting sick. - Really? - Really. - Let's go in the kitchen. - Let's go, let's go. Nobody's getting sick. - What do we have here chef? - Nobody's getting sick. - Right over there is the Xfinity arena, 10,000 seats. Think about that. You can do pre event business. - And post-event. - And you can do, and you bet. The trick to them then doing pre-concert business, is what? - Speed. - Speed and efficiency. - So I got the ultimate test for them tonight. I have 10 friends coming in and I've instructed them to come in, order food and drinks. And if they don't have all their food in a half hour, they have to go to the show, they got to get up and leave. - They have to go, yeah. - So let's see what happens here. Here they go, 10 top table. - (bleep) me. - [Host] Though that could be a $50, $60 tip in that table. - [Man In Car] Easy. - Did you see that? - There's Elena. she's a bartender and a cook. She's a little scary. - Yeah. - Which makes me think she's probably half a cook and half a bartender who doesn't do well. - Right. - Right, right. - So we're five minutes in, they haven't ordered yet, but the goldfish are taken care of. They missed a beat on the races. - What are we thinking? - Can we get some Irish green tea shots? - We are kind of in a hurry because we have to go to that show. - Steve, I need 10 Irish green tea shots. - Jesus (bleep) Christ. - Okay. So they just bought 10 shots. Great table already. - Shot, shot, shot. (group cheering) - So they've now been inside for about 11 minutes and they didn't order food guys. Guys, a group of customers like our recon are exactly who Ivete should be catering to. But no one's doing their job. - Next fish! - And Yvette is nowhere to be found. Unbelievable. She's smoking. - We wanna do appetizers, we want to do short rib nachos. What side do you want with that? - Uh, fries. - In a bar like this chef, what would you say your absolute, high-end ticket time would be? - 12 minutes. - I'm with you. Okay, So here we go. I got one, two, three, four, five, tots. - There's Gerald, he's your cook, Sean. - Okay. - Oh, okay. - Raw chicken with no gloves. - (bleep) don't turn 'em anymore after they sit. Come on Lena. I thought you knew how to make them. - That was the waitress who jumps back as a cook part time. - That's the bartender. - Bartender who jumps back as a cook. Strange system. - So they've now been in this bar for 25 minutes and they just started making their food. - I need 10 shots while tequila - Give me a minute, (bleep). - This is the wrong plate. This isn't a nacho plate. - So now at this point in time, this is failure mode right? - Right. - Do you have tots in for it? - Yes. - Is that what these are? - Yes. - The gentleman running the races, jump in the line as well. - John is the goldfish racing over? - No. Very last bracket. - Last bracket? He's talking about the fish race! - Who cares about the (bleep) fish! - Why with all the green onions? - Okay. - That's a garnish. That's wrong. - Okay, just wasted over a half hour. - The waiter, start taking out John. - Yep, take out. - Excuse me I think-- Hi guys, what's up? - Sorry we have to catch our-- - You do! Wow you were taking the girly thing? No? John? - Yeah? - They totally just walked out. - Unbelievable. - (bleep), all that food's going bad. - My recon table is walking out. They've been here over 30 minutes and they didn't get their food yet. The fact of the matter is, I know the service stinks. Now I wanna see how the food is. - Here you go love bug. - Hi, how are you? - I'd like to get all the food that that table ordered. - All of it? - Yep. Just put it up here, we're going to taste it all. Sit down guys. Let's see what they were about to serve their customers. - Okay, this is a French dip. These are our pulled pork Nachos. This is our nacho tachos. - The chili burger? Our signature why not Burger? - Okay. Enjoy. - Okay chef, let's talk about this burger. - Come on. It's a hockey puck, dead piece of beef. - Don't do it, you don't want that? Oh my gosh. Ooh, (bleep) disgusting. - This is definitely the worst burger I've ever had (bleep) in my life. - And now onto the nachos. Cut yourself, feel it. - Bad bad bad. - This tastes like it was cooked months ago. That's (bleep) nasty. - Just right here. - Sorry to bother you. You bet. - Doesn't look good. Push on that. Should a burger push back on you? - No. - I don't have an answer. - They (bleep) up the burger, right? One down. - Yep. - How about this? Is that one, right John? It sat in the window too long. It didn't get that way through being in a window, it got that way for being overcooked, right? Okay. Now, how about that one Phil? How's that one look? - Oh, my stomach hurts just from looking at that. - That looks like what my cat threw up in my living room this morning. - I would never eat this if it came to my, my table. - This is a complete failure. Oh my gosh. - He overcooked the cheese, that is not right. - Oh really? This isn't right? - That is not right. - Gee I want a surprise then. How about if I mount it on the wall as a piece of decor. How does that look? Because it serves a better purpose on your fricking wall than it does on a plate. And you knew it when it came out here. - It's not true. You have a venue across the street with 10,000 seats that lights up 200 times a year! And you're racing (bleep) goldfish. - I'm going to start working in the kitchen to turn this round so we don't put out food like that anymore. - Are you as much of an idiot as you sound like? While you're having fun with your goldfish and while you're out there having fun with your cigarette, you're not doing what you should be doing. You're doing what's (bleep) fun. And do you like losing $3000 a month, John? - It's painful. - Get your goldfish the (bleep) outta here. Burn the damn brackets. I want to see the kitchen for minute. I have a brick of nachos that looks a lot better on the wall than it does the plate. I want to go in and see exactly how dirty this place is. So this is (bleep) disgusting. - I agree. - Yeah, it's gross. - This is (bleep) nasty, I mean, look at that. Touch it, do you want to touch it? - I see it. - This is disgusting. - What is this? - (bleep). - It's catching grease from dripping out underneath the fryer. - There's a pool of grease back here. Did you look back there? - No, I haven't seen it. No, I don't know. - Go look in this corner. - Oh my God. - Gerald you're here the whole time, not wearing gloves by the way. Both of them where you were not, and this is the food that goes out. - We screwed up. We let somebody who wasn't qualified either to help us. - Who's responsible for food quality? Gerald doesn't think he is. Cause he's blaming it on everybody else! You're the idiot because you don't hold him accountable. And you're going down the tube because of it. What is this? - It is the walk in door. This is a residential door. I want to knock and see if somebody's home. Is this a walk in, or a kid's (bleep) bedroom? I can't understand how you put a bedroom door on a professional walk in and expect it to work! I've never seen this in my life. Can you smell it in here? - Smells moldy, musty right? - I knew it wasn't a freezer door but I didn't realize it was a problem. - It's not safe! - Right. - It's at a dangerous temperature the entire time. You're gonna (bleep) kill somebody. - It's a major health violation. - This bar buys the worst products, holds it in an unsafe temperature, and then cooks it terribly. They do nothing right! I will come back tomorrow and give this about two hours of my time. You better clean this fricking kitchen 'cause here's the deal. I come back tomorrow morning. If it's clean, you proved yourself. If it isn't, I'm done Ivete. You get this place in order. The (bleep) outta here. - The whole kitchen is (bleep). Everything's (bleep) leaking, everything's dirty. This is not supposed to look like this. - We got our asses kicked. I think we've been (bleep) lazy. - And we shouldn't be letting anything go out the window of food when it looks like what it did tonight. - I'm embarrassed. Lena, do you think you have the skills to, to pull through in a kitchen in a rush? - Oh yeah. - If she stays, I quit. - No, no, no, you can't-- - You know what? We're babying you again. - No no no, quit blaming. We can fix this as a team. We're fixing it. We're fixing it. - Go ahead boss. - So there's Lee, he's the owner. He inherited a bunch of money. For this bar, he now has about 300,000 invested cash and his father is funding his losses of, you ready? $15,000 dollars a month this guy is losing. - Wow. - Now his father, is broke, done. So he's tapped out his mother's inheritance and what his father had left. - Josie, let me get something to drink. - How are you? - There's Josie, she's a bartender. - Bro let me get you some napkins. - There's L-Boogie, who's a bartender. - Need anything else? That's it. - Keep chewing that straw, you nervous? - There's pineapple. - Pineapple? - Pineapple. - Okay. - Who's a bartender. - All right, come on, what we taking a shot of y'all? - And there's Nikita, she's a bartender. - Came to get (bleep) up? - Cheers. - Cheers. - Look at the staff taking shots. (bartender squealing) - I hate when bartenders have to drink to work. I do not understand it. - [Host] The bartender's drinking more than the customers are. - Yes they are. - See that guy right there? His name is Church. He's a good friend of Lee's and he's a chaplain. He's here all the time. - Sherry is cooking. - Okay. - One order right there. - Touching raw meat with bare hands. - Cross-contamination all over. - [Host] Look at that kitchen buddy. - Disgusting. Nothing but grease. And there's grease drip all down the stove. No it's the flat tops! - So where is that coming from? - The grease trap is filled, which is a fire hazard. - So when you look at a kitchen like the chef, right out of the gate, we know there's no rules. - That's right. - Because nothing's clean. We know there's no systems. Because nothing is set up in an organized way. - They just close up shop and go home. - There's no way they clean up. - We know there's no quality, 'cause there can't be quality without systems and cleanliness. - Absolutely. - All of these things together looks like losing money. - You're right. - This is ridiculous. - Hey Josie. - What? - This (bleep) hella raw. - [Josie] Oh my God, give it to me so I can show Sherri. - The chicken's raw, they're sending it back. - Sherry, this is not cooked. - We got major issues back there. And if we don't get it together, we are going to get people sick. - Right. - And where is Lee at this time? Playing pool. - Still Playing pool. - You okay? - I don't know about this place sometimes. I swear I don't. All I know is Lee need to keep the boys away from me. - Why are you even back here? Move, so go out of our way! Damn! - Look at them. - What's wrong? - I don't even know why Church is here, he doesn't even (bleep) work here. - Uh uh, what we do. - So we have terrible customer service from the bartenders, raw food being served out of the kitchen, and Lee's friend messing around behind the bar. Not only is this upsetting customers, but it's also pissing off some of the employees. Lee doesn't seem to manage anything. - No control, no supervision, no nothing. - I'm hella mad. - Oh wow. - I can only take so much, man. I'm telling you boy... Imma kick him in his (bleep) face. - I don't like this John. I don't like this one bit. - Lee, Church. You can't be coming back here right now. Seriously, Church about to make me hit him. - Hey, y'all got a tap? Bro, back up bro, bro. - What's up? - For real? - Oh (bleep)! - Hey that's enough, that's enough, no! (men screaming) - Look at him! (stuff crashing) (bleep) - Oh my God. - They gonna leave. - Y'all think I'm a bitch like that? - They're still fighting! - Now what's going on? - I think what happened was we beat the (bleep) up out of here finally. - Man this crazy (bleep). There's just all kinds of (bleep) that's going on right now. Man this (bleep) crazy. I don't want to lose my dream. This is bad, it's really bad. - Look at Lee like a broken man walking out of his bar. I'm going to go meet him and talk to him. Saying this bar is out of control was an understatement. I've got to talk to this man and understand how his family fortune can be invested in a business and him allow it to get so out of control. - How you doing? - How you doing ace, brah? - You're Lee right? - Yeah. - How much money do you have in this thing? - $280,000. - Where'd you get that money? - My mother gave me some inheritance and I borrowed some money from my dad. - What the hell happened in there right? - One of the bartender's sleeping with a woman. One of my best friends, sleeping with the same chick. Every time they see each other, it's just a conflict, every time. - How much money are you losing a month? - $15,000 dollars a month. - $15,000 dollars. A stranger came up to you and did that, you'd be mad, right? - Right. - How come you're not mad when a friend does that? He's done it before, hasn't he? - Yes. - And he's gotten away with it before, right? - Right. - That's why I'm pissed. I want you to be as angry as I am. When I come back here tomorrow morning, together we'll turn this around. - Appreciate it. - But you got to start tonight. - I will. - Take control of your business. - All right. I think John is right. I can't let L-Boogie and Church destroy my dreams my goals and my family, I can't. - L-Boogie, I gotta have you outta here. - For what, what I do. - I should have fired you a long time ago and can't deal with it no more. And you get the fuck outta here. - All right. (bleep) him, it's just bull (bleep). This isn't the first time Church has caused problems, it's not. That's what pissed me off. He got what he deserved. He asked for it, so he got it. So, that's what I did tonight. Just to let him know I was serious. - Sorry (bleep). Starting tonight, I'm going to stop L-Boogie and Church from coming here. I'm not gonna let these people push me around anymore. This is my business. I'm not gonna let them just tear it down the drain. (funky beat) - What happened last night when I left? - L-Boogie got fired. - It's true. Here last night after all that went down, I totally got a totally different outlook. L-Boogie and Church, they always exploding, always going at it, but now I'm done. - The violence is upsetting. - Definitely. - Imagine a new customer walking in here, would they would come back. - Probably not. - Never. - Church does come behind the bar and does not listen. He does that every time he comes in. I've had several altercations with Church. Whoever bartender is behind the bar, is the boss behind bar. You guys have to partly control that. - There's not much more we can do, especially to a big man, such as Church. - When somebody isn't treated with dignity, who works for you, what do you do? You defend them, you protect their dignity. - We weren't protected at all. - Come on man, that's some bull (bleep). - See the problem is this Lee and you have to understand this. If you do tomorrow, what you did today, you're (bleep). You get that? - Yes I do. - What happened last night cannot happen again. Do you understand that? - Yes. - Church can not walk behind this bar again? Do you get that. - Yes. - There are no excuses man, or you're done! Do you get that? - Yes. - Lee is telling me what I want to hear but his body language is telling me a different story. I'm not sure what I'm saying is actually registering with him. You guys ready to go to work? - Yup. - Yes. - Okay, I brought some great experts with me. Lisa and Rejoice, we need to really target a beverage program. That's why Lisa's here. Aaron McCargo is extremely creative in kitchens where we don't have a huge staff. Okay guys, we've got a lot to learn, but first chef, we gotta go look in the kitchen buddy. - Yeah. this is your house, I'll follow you. I want you to look in this. This is what's leaking all over your floor. - (bleep) I don't know, I ain't never seen it like that. We got a complete fire hazard here. - Oh! Sorry man this (bleep) crazy. - Disgusting. You see this? - [John] Oh, what is that? - When is the last time this has been changed? That means you don't give a (bleep). - No, actually I do. I shouldn't have to be the only one responsible for cleaning all this (bleep) up. - You know, Sherri's got to take ownership of this kitchen. She didn't have any defense because she should have took all those problems to Lee and ask him to bring her in some help. It's your house like this? - No. - No. It's your house like this? - No. - No. So why don't we all stop with the fricking excuses and take ownership of this failure? Fix it. - I am ready to quit right now. I agree. It's kitchen is a (bleep) mess but I'm not going to clean this kitchen every (bleep) day all by myself. - Tell B said his barbecue is burnt and it's dried out. There's Ruth. Ruth runs the bar. There's Allen, he's runs the kitchen. - All right 823? - Oh I see all these slips and no food. - He was back there alone when I went there. So I knew it was gonna take him a minute. - How long has it been? Since you got here? - There's Vicky. She's a niece. So when Ellen and Ruth fight, she's stuck in the middle. - You're cooking, you're taking orders, and you're working the register by yourself. - Stop trying to distract me from doing what I'm doing. - I'm not trying to distract you. - [Allen] Pay attention to what you got going on. - That's what I'm doing. I'm walking back and forth. - It seems like this family gave up working together. - Serving really bad food. - The boy is not responsible for the kitchen. - There's Clyde, he's Ruth's fiance. He comes here and helps out. So for recon, send in two locals. Hopefully they understand that this bar is important to the community. - How you doing? - Good how are you? - What are you guys having tonight? - Do you have any menus? - For drinks? - Yeah. - No we don't. - There's no cocktail menus? What if the bartender is not there that made the cocktail that you liked. - Is there anything else that you might make? - Like a specialty? What do you like? - Try not to be too much on the sweet side for me. - Okay. - Cocktails look like they're super sweet. Probably just syrup on top of syrup. - This is a pomegranate Kamikaze. Might be a little sweet, you have to mix it a little bit. - It's terribly sweet. It tastes like lemonade. - Okay. - I came here just to check out the food. What's good on the menu? - You have the order in the back. We can't do it from here. - Where do I order? - You have to go to the kitchen. - There's no waiters, no one's running any food? - The bartenders strictly work on the bar. The cook strictly works in the kitchen and nobody's helping anyone out. - [Cook] I'll be with you in one second. - I'm not in a hurry, I'm reading the paper. - Okay. - Let me get an order of wings. And then the brisket. - Brisket? Do I pay here or-- - Yeah you pay here. - This is an incredibly inconvenient way to take care of guests. - They got separate registers for the front of the house and the back of the house. It is divided. - Why did it take you so long to order? - One guy does all the cooking and cashier and order. - This bar is known for barbecue. The food should be fresh off the grill, not stored in containers. - Wow, that brisket is dry. - This bar is a legacy and they've let the legacy go down the drain. Looks like our friends are awaiting quite a bit here. - Can I ask you to check with the folks about the food? Thank you. - Brisket and wings? - Brisket ready, just waiting on the chicken. - Brisket is done, but the chicken not. Should I bring them the brisket? - I would not serve that barbecue to anybody. - She doesn't even want her staff selling the food. That's lost money to her. - You should see the brisket, it is so dry. He has it in the oven, drying it out. - Kitchen does not support the bar. - At all, and so I'm not going to support the kitchen. - Everyone's sitting around and nobody's being active in any way to solve the problem because they are the problem. - That is a lot of sauce. - Thank you. - Look at that mess. - The brisket is dry as hell. And honestly I don't understand how they're so dry. There's so much sauce. - How's your food? - It's a lot of sauce. - Can you taste the meat? - I mean, I can tell the meat is there 'cause I'm chewing it. - Want me to take it back for you? - I'm not gonna finish it, yeah please. Okay sweetie. - I'm scared about the kitchen. - Don't worry, it's good. - [John] Ruth publicly shamed Allen's food. Now the customers are afraid to eat it. - For every person that complains about their food, there's 26 quiet people that just don't come back. - The guy that you just sold the brisket to, he took one bite, he said it's drowned in sauce, it's dried out. - Brisket is not dry but... - It's dried out. Special oven made. - Okay (bleep). - Look at the lack of respect here. - I told him to throw that barbecue in the garbage Check on it! - You got to back up to the quality level that we were at that your father taught you. - On the real side, I think my food is excellent. - If my grandfather was here, he would not serve nobody, no barbecue three days old. - Everybody was eating the food, buying it. - This is wrong for you to serve people and call it barbecue. I was not born to eat barbecue out the refrigerator. I ate it off the grill! - This bar's problems are far deeper than the filth. There's a dysfunctional family, resentment, attitude. Allen will not listen to Ruth and Vicky about the food and Ruth's negative comments just pull this business down. Do this for me Vick. Derek, go in there, hit the kitchen, hit the bar, tell them what you think. I'm going to watch you and I'll go in in the morning. - Got it, we're going in. - Got it boss. - Hi Ruth. - Hello. - I'm chef Vick, how are you doing? - Hi! - John sent us in to get to the bottom of things. You don't mind me looking at the bar. - Allen, this is the chef that John sent. - Chef Vick. - What do we got going chef? - Kind of seen a few things going on that, I got a question. You know, you letting meat sit out in unsafe temperatures. You know about danger zones? Under 40, over 140? - Either you don't know or you don't care. - I care and I know. Anything between is a breeding ground for bacteria. That can make somebody sick. What temperature you think this meat is? 114. This should be over 140 degrees. Is this your good old macaroni and cheese? Okay it's cheese, it's got dairy in it. You're at 73. You're gonna give someone the (bleep) bro. - Allen does not listen to me. I can't help someone that doesn't want help. - That goes both ways. - Okay, when have you told me something-- - Listen, listen to me. - I'll listen to you! You're not always right! - I'm not perfect-- - That's what your actions say bro. - When I know something, I know something. I know I can cook. - Allen, people were throwing it in the garbage. Just listen, work with me! - I can take criticism. - Okay then, why were you still selling that barbecue then? - All is we're seeing is people complaining about what the problems are and nothing is getting done. We can only help people that want to be helped. Here's the deal, okay? You two need to figure this out. Come on, please. Please get it together. - I can't do this. It just, it almost destroyed me. I don't want to fight anymore. - A lot of the things that you said I was pissed off at you. - I do not want to lose this place. I don't want to be my brother's enemy. I love Allen. I don't like him, but I love him. We, we really do want to save our father's legacy and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. - So guys, this is a beer bar. He has over 60 types of beer and Colorado is number two in the country, for craft beers. So, I got two people to go in that really know their beers. Let's see if he's taking the time to learn about beer. - What's your favorite stout? - You want something on draft or you want something... - You know what I think of the chocolates? - The chocolate stout? - Yeah, yeah. - He just walks out with garbage with his hand. Let's see if he washes those hands. When he comes in. - Okay. - He didn't wash his hands John. Walked outside with a garbage can, came back in. Came back in, never washed his hands. - Walked right by the sink. - Oh wait, changing a paper towel. Now he's going in a bathroom. We have now crossed contaminated to the bathroom. So he's out back now having a cigarette. Wiping his sweat on himself. You're a hospitality professional, you put on a clean shirt when you come to work, don't you? - Absolutely. - He's wearing a dirty t-shirt. He's unshaven, sweaty as hell. When a person comes in and finds you unclean and unpresentable, their first impression is that everything else is going to fall in line. - Right behind the bar, I want to see if he washes his hands. - He didn't wash his hands. - And a transfer continues. - Oh my God. - You might as well just wipe his ass on everything in that place. - Right to the ice Scoop.. So now everything going forward is now contaminated. - Sorry? - He can tend bar. You can see he's got some motions, right? - Oh (bleep). - I take that back. - Look at this guy. (people murmuring) - Bottoms up. - He's been given every opportunity in the world and this guy's not doing a damn thing about it. - [Man In Car] Oh no, he is. He's having a drink. - Can we get some food please? - Sloppy Joes, I make from scratch. The sloppy Joes are killer. - Yeah? - Two sloppy joes? - Yeah. - Cool. Yea - This guy is a complete rookie. - Oh. - Look at this freaking place. What is that guys? - That is a foreign substance. - Mystery meat? - That is something that would not get within a foot of my mouth. - Do you see the layer of whatever that is. - [John] It's a layer of fat that comes to the top. - Meaning that container hasn't been changed in days and every day at the end of the shift, he supposed to transfer one container into the other. - What the hell is he doing here? He is wearing gloves though, I'll give him that. Okay, there we have a little moisture. - [Man In Car] I love water my meat. - In the microwave? - And who cares if the buds are just sitting on this stainless steel countertop. you know? I'm sure it's not dirty. Oh, nuking the bun! - Or nothing. He may wearing gloves, but he's touching everything that he can possibly touch him. - Oh my God. He's sweating on everything. Look at the grease, running out the back of the vents. - Look how delicious that looks. - Holy (bleep). I just throw it out my mouth a little bit. - I wouldn't serve this food to a fricking inmate. You notice the gloves guys? You see any gloves anywhere? - What gloves? - I don't see the gloves. - The gloves disappeared somewhere. He never washed his hands, but he removed the gloves. - [Man In Car] It's a big health hazard. - Oh man, this isn't-- - The weed was held. - Recon guys. We can't let this food go out of the kitchen. And we can't with these drinks go out to the bar. - No. - Okay. Let's go in, let's shut it down. Sean. - Yes? - Stop sweating for a second and come talk to me. Okay, let me get this straight. Are you making money? - I'm losing $4,000 a month. - How do you lose $4,000 a month in a bar this small? Are you paying your rent? - No, I'm not paying my rent. - So this is your dream. You get a fricking bar given to you like this. - I do, yeah. - You work the year, and this is it. - This is it. - What about where you live? How you paying your rent? - My mom's paying my rent. - What's your name? Pam. - Pam, how old are you? - 33. - Your mother's paying your rent? - Yes. - I just sent my chef in your kitchen to close it down because it's so freaking disgusting, he's serving that food to people and he's gonna get 'em sick. Now will you understand that? - Hey, hey, nobody's getting sick. - Really? - Really. - Let's go in your kitchen. - Let's go, let's go. Nobody's getting sick. - What do we have here chef? - Nobody's getting sick. - Let me let you know something right now. I've been watching you. You smoked the cigarette. You took out the trash. You didn't wash your damn hands. Right away-- - Did I wear gloves? - You carried it out garbage. You never washed your hands and you touched food. - You're gonna make people sick like that bro! You're going to make people sick. - What do you want me to (bleep) do? What do you want me to (bleep) do? - Wash your damn hands. You got water in here because you had it in the sink and the water got in there from the dirty sink. Your kitchen is closed down. - Since this market is about young, My daughter's 28. She represents Jack Daniels and the liquor distributing business. So for recon tonight, my daughter, Sam, is going to walk through that door in a minute. I asked her to sit at the bar and let's see what happens. - Hi, how are you? - Hi! Good how are you? - What's on the liquids? - Sam knows me. She knows what I'm looking for. - Yes she does. - Did you say Jack? - And a soda. - Okay, no problem. Thank you. - That'll be $7 dollars. - Wow, so she's paying $7 for Jack and Cola. That's an expensive cocktail. - There you go. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Wouldn't have Jack and Cola be three parts Cola to one part Jack? - The balance, absolutely. - Oh. - Oh, look at the look on her face. How do you blow a Jack and Cola? - I have a couple of more limes too? - She's trying to dilute it a bit so it's palatable. - She's chasing flies away from her lines. What did he bring, food in from the outside? - Yeah. He just walked in with that bag - But would you let them bring food in if the kitchen was open? - No. Why would we do that? Why would I work against myself? - Look at Rob standing there watching him do this with his arms crossed. Who's running this place? - It's a good question. - Do you guys have a menu? - Menu? - Yeah. - Yeah. Thank you. Just a little bit, you go to the window, order up there, he'll tell you what he's got. - I'm not sure I can let her eat there. - Hello. - [Woman In Car] So she can't even find the guy to place an order. - Look at how she stands in a window looking in that disgusting kitchen. If there was ever a kitchen in a prison, - That's what is looks like! - Can oi do a shrimp kebob? Yeah, I'll do that. - Let's see what happens. - [Woman In Car] Ew, what is that? - He's skewering some shrimp. - Oh my gosh. - Do you think that shrimp is fresh? - That's raw! - And then he's touching everything! - Now he has shrimp juice all over the handle. Look at this. What the hell is that? Is that even clean? - I would not eat that. - The bar is fricking disgusting. This fruit flies flying around Sam. She has to put napkins over a freaking glass. Can we serve these cocktails Rob? - [Rob] Absolutely not. - [John] Can we serve that food? - John, you cannot let her eat that. She's going to be sick. - So we have dirty surface, there's stuff fricking everywhere. Let's stop this guys before somebody gets sick. Hit the bar? Okay. John Taffer. - Welcome. - Rob McCarthy. - Nice to meet you Rob. - Come with me for a second. Can you give me the fruit please from under the bar? Look at these guys. Did you see the color? Do you want to serve that? - No sir. - Do you want eat that? - Yeah no. - How many fruit flies have you gotten like this tonight? - A few. - All night long, correct? - Yeah. - How about these olives. Rob, feel the slime in this. - You know, olives are put in formaldehyde for the most part to kind of keep them going for a long time. And they smell like egg, which means a formaldehyde is turning. = So let's dump these over here because now I know the bar will get clean. Right guys? How about this one? Is that fresh? - It was cut tonight. - That's not cut tonight. - It wasn't cut tonight. - So gotcha. Old fruit. Look at this guys. Look at it. - Oh my God, oh my God,, oh my God, oh my God! - Tiffany, talk to me. - This hasn't been cleaned in probably a year. - You got stuff in here unwrapped that needs to go in the trash. You got all of this down here that you're serving people. - I mean, look at this fricking place. When is this from? Do we know? No, of course not. So when the hell was that? Do you understand that this entire place is cross contaminated with bacteria? I don't even want to breathe in this room. Everything here is disgusting. Rob, if you can't clean this bar up, then you owe it to society to close it. But you cannot operate like this. - Makes sense. - Makes sense. - Makes sense. - Why am I more angry than you? It's not mine $400,000 dollars. I can't help him if he stands here and doesn't give a (bleep). - I don't blame you. - Somebody better talk to him because he has to be different for me to help. Do you understand that? - Yeah. I love you Rob but, you need to step it up. - This is about the safety of your customers. This is about the community, the people that come here. Either you fricking care or you don't. So what do you say? - I'm willing to fix it. - You're willing to fix it? - We'll give it our best. - No, that's not good enough Either this place is fricking clean tomorrow and I'll help you, or shut it down because what you're doing is irresponsible. Let's get outta here tiff, this is unbelievable. I'm wasting your time. - So we're for cleaning it up tonight Rob. - Gotta do it. - We got a lot of work to do. - I'm embarrassed, shocked. Cross contamination is a horrible thing. I was disgusted with the filth. John actually scared the heck out of me. I had no idea that we were endangering folks. - That was hard. (rock riff) - Hi this is John Taffer. Click here to subscribe to Paramount network on YouTube for more "Bar Rescue."
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 2,009,088
Rating: 4.8677311 out of 5
Keywords: worst cooks ever, bar managing, Stress Test, Sneak Peek, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, bar rescue jon taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue stress test, bad chefs, bad cooking, bar rescue worst chefs, bad cooks
Id: wFPDpR2DzbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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