Big Jay Oakerson Sees Some Boobs - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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- She almost had a normal human torso, but the lower body of something more mythical. (dubstep music) - Welcome to This Is Not Happening presents fisticuffs. If you've never been to this show before, it is just a bunch of comics telling fun stories about real shit that happened. It's my pleasure to introduce all of you to mister Big Jay Oakerson everybody, let him hear it! (audience applauds and cheers) - Thank you Ari. Wow, how do you follow that gangbang fist-fuck of hilarious storytelling? I decided to tell a story about the best fight I've ever seen rather than a fight that I was in. 'Cause, like, I don't even really get in a ton of fights. I'm hard to piss off 'cause, like, a wise person told me a few years ago, if you ever let words hurt you, like, you'll lose every fight. But if words never hurt you, you can never lose. Like you can't break my fucking heart with anything. Like someone told me recently, they go, they go, "Your mother's suckin' dicks down by the docks." And I was like, "Well she's not charging enough "'cause we're still eating a lot of spaghetti and butter." (crowd laughs) And then someone was like, "How you say that about your mother?" I'm like, "Uh, 'cause it's not fucking real. "She's a respiratory therapist in south Jersey, she's fine." You don't say my mom sucks dick by the docks I have to call her like, mom I just heard! What happened? Is Joe out of work? Joe's my stepfather. I figure anyway, if you tell a fight story about yourself, like, you know, if I lost it wasn't that exciting, if I won, how douchey is it to tell a story about like, here's how I fucked someone up. So I'll tell you about the best fight I ever saw! It was pretty great! Wild cast of characters. Four enormously fat white women, a skinny Puerto Rican guy, and a big black bouncer. That's the cast. Pretty good. Now, I don't know these four humongous chicks' names, so I name them so you can follow the story. The first girl was the smallest of the group, which is not saying a lot. Smallest of the group. She almost had a normal human torso, but the lower body of something more mythical. Like centaur, centaurian. Something with hooves. Her ass was huge. She had a tattoo that went across her back. But she had her belt so fucking tight on her pants. I mean tight like she was gonna like shoot heroin into her pussy or something. (grunts) It was so tight that it actually folded her fuckin' back up and there's a part of the tattoo you can't see. I named her Assback. The second girl, I just call her Forgettable, 'cause quite frankly, I don't remember anything about her. But I know there was a fourth chick. The third one was the prettiest of the group. Cute face, big titties. All the things you look for in an enormous girl that you're tryin' to find somethin' good about. (audience laughs) I call her Best in Show. (audience claps and cheers) And then the fourth girl, and this is the star of the story, this is the star. This girl weighed about 490, I'm not gonna say five, five seems rude. 490. Mid to high fours. But she was wearing the clothes more of like a, like a 125ish or something, like it was really, her pants were so tight. It looked like she had to jump off of a roof while clowns held her pants at the bottom to even get part of her body in these pants. And she was wearing a fucking tube top, that's balls. That's balls to wear to a tube top. A mess from head to toe. I call her Atrocity. Story starts with Atrocity. She's outside a comedy club in New York City. She's makin' out with a skinny Puerto Rican guy. Now, he's not making out with her classic style where you attack from the front. He is flanking her from the East. He's coming over shoulder making out with her really gross, lippy, and his hand is just going up and down her body in the most mountainous, like it shouldn't be that. It was like, like she had 50 tits, it was just, and they all had nipples like a pregnant puppy. They were so into it, so gross. And then her friends walked up and they started speaking to her. And here's the thing with enormous white chicks. They adopt two personalities ever when they talk. Either the hillbilly white dudes that will fuck them and then you start getting like, you know, the Honey Boo Boo mom type chick. Or the latino and black drug dealers that will fuck enormous white chicks. One of those two personalities is coming up. These girls went with the latino, black kinda weird like drug, it was weird. They walked up and they were just like, "Girl, we got to go." Like I was like... Like I didn't expect that voice out of her mouth, "Come on girl, we got to go." Puerto Rican guy said something blah blah grande mami something, I don't know, I don't speak spanish. And they walk up the block, several moments later, I hear a fuckin' commotion that sounds like fat fighting. So. As a fat guy, I have an ear for it. So I roll up to the end of the block, and I watch what's happening. And these four chicks are fighting with this big black bouncer dude. I don't know what the fight's about, I just know they are fucking heated up. They're screaming, they're throwing punches, they're making all kinds of fucking noise and at one point, Atrocity is right up in his shit. And he pushes her and she is off balance. And she falls back in the most, just the softest, gentle, almost like someone just kicked over, like a, you know, like a plastic kids seesaw, like it just, she just kinda went with it 'cause it was just like, you know, it was like feet, thigh, ass back. It was all. She kinda came back up almost to her feet and then just went, it was beautiful. And she even even said wee. She was like wee! Wee. She gets herself off the ground in a hilarious. She climbs up a mailbox which was great, just panting, out of breath from only 20 seconds of fight. She gets up and she goes uh uh! And starts taking wild swings at this guy. I mean throwing crazy haymakers. In the process of this, top of the tube top comes down, bottom comes up. And it's just kinda nestled in what I would describe as fold four B. If I was doing a college paper outline on her, on the lines that went across her body, it would be four B, four subtext B. Photosynthesis. (chuckles) And her titties were out. These weren't good titties. They were bad and fat. They were like, so big, they were big and not big all at once. They were huge, there was a lot of tit. But there was only like tit stuffing in the very, it looked like somebody stapled two tube socks to her chest but in the bottom of the sock, just put like a cup of soup. Just enough to give it some dangle so it would move like that. It was almost like you could've taken it off and use it as like a weapon to trip a horse. Game of Thrones it. (chuckles) They were awful. So awful in fact, that look, when titties come out on the street, they don't have to be the best titties or big titties or even the same size on one girl. They can be all kinds of different titties. Generally, everyone around, dudes especially, are like yay! When these titties came out, like 100 unrelated people were just like no! Like vampires saw sunlight. (imitates hissing) (chuckles) These titties were bad, and she's swingin' ferocious like in one rhythm and her titties are doing this almost like slow-mo cam, it looked like, remember the screensaver with the pipes, they were just going different directions. (audience laughs) I think it serves to say, they were bad tits. Just when I am laughing at those tits, cops pull up. One cop gets out, thinks he can handle this, but he can't. It is a fucking melee of wigger huge white women. Huge! Furious, scratched up. People were throwin' eggs at 'em from windows so they're covered in yolk. Defeated. And the cop came and he broke up the fight and he goes, "You girls are getting arrested." Now, in talking to this cop, I found out, he was so embarrassed at the idea of having to call for backup for these four just human wastages (audience laughs) that he actually gave them a choice. He said, "Here's what I can fit in the car. (laughs) "I can arrest three of ya, or I can arrest Atrocity." And in some noble last effort of friendship, the three girls as if to not make Atrocity feel so gross, took the fall, they went down. And Atrocity walked off, hand in lump, with that fuckin' Puerto Rican guy, and got the best sad, uncircumcised sex of her life. That is my story, thank you guys so much. (audience applauds and cheers) (dubstep music) - Thank Jay Oakerson, everybody. That's the story, fuck yeah, one of the best stories I've ever heard. So last week, I told you guys to leave comments about the best fights you've seen or the best fights you've been in. So here are some really good ones that you guys posted. Next week, I'm asking you in honor of Big Jay's disgusting affair that he saw, I want you to leave some comments about some really gross things that you've seen that you wish that you hadn't. Until then, don't forget to check out the Reddit link to join in the discussion. Use this is not happening as a hashtag, follow me on Twitter, and next week Joe Rogan, everybody! I'm really excited.
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 2,777,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Is Not Happening, Comedy Central, Ari Shaffir, Big Jay Oakerson, Jay Oakerson, stand-up, comedy, storytelling, breasts, boobs, fights, catfight, comedy club, stand up comedy, comedians, comedy central comedians, funny, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, stand up videos, funny jokes, funny clips, hilarious videos, hilarious clips
Id: vLhMJflzdyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2013
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