Ralphie May - Gay Wedding - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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Awww RIP Ralphie :(

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(mechanical sounds and beeping) - His big ol' dick and one of his balls fell out of his britches. (crowd laughing) Yeah. My son goes, "Daddy, Mr. Sugar got a big ol' pee pee." (crowd laughing) No son, you and I got pee pees, that's a dick. (electronic music) (splattering) (fire burning) (explosion) (fire burning) (explosion) (crowd cheering) - So, here's a story with a show. Really, it's simple. It's just a bunch of funny people. We're all telling true stories. One of the nicest guys in America, Mr. Ralphie May, everybody, let him hear it! (crowd cheers) - My neighbor, Gay Tony, got married. I love him. That ain't his real name, of course, it's just how it appears in my cell phone. (crowd laughs) And, uh. So, to my little kids, now it's Uncle Tony and Aunt Tim. You know, they're awesome. They're just the best dudes. Their wedding is why you should always go, if invited, to a gay wedding. It is fabulous! (crowd laughs) I was amazed at how gay it really was. Like, I thought it'd be gay, but not gay-gay, but it was way gay. They had, like, Cirque Du So-gay, and guys flying down and making out with dudes and tweaking nipples and flying back up; crazy. My daughter was in the wedding procession. My wife was handling her and I was sitting with my son, August, who was four at the time. And you know how at weddings, how they have entertainment, usually? You know, for the actual ceremony, they have like the fat girl cousin of the bride will come out and sing that horrible song from Frozen, you know? (crowd laughs) You know? But like, it started off with a five minute long rambling story about how she went out one time with ya'll bowling and then ya'll had pizza, and ya'll shared the last piece of pizza, and that's what true love really is. (crowd laughs) And you're just like, "let's go big girl, let's go! Wrap it up, biggie! Let's go! That open bar ain't gonna drink itself, baby Let's do this!" And, uh... Either that, or it's like... like a retarded, might be retarded kid, playing the trumpet with a boner. You know what I mean, you know? (crowd laughs) I bet Timmy loves his trumpet, don't look at that. Woo! That boy is musically inclined, Lord Jesus. Oh, that's a hog, that boy... Anyways, they didn't have that, okay? They had a six-foot four, black male transvestite Cher impersonator named Sugar. With a C-H, hey! Mr. Chugar was six-foot four, okay? That's quite a striking Cher, okay? But, my man had eight-inch platform boots on with fishnet stockings, garter belt, a bustier, and a cape. (crowd laughs) 'Cause for a black man looking just like Cher, wasn't quite gay enough. My man added the cape, nice! My son had a lot of questions. (crowd laughs) "Daddy, what is that?" That son, is a transvestite. "Woo! That's a big ol' transmesmite, daddy." Yeah. Yeah, son that's about as big as I reckon they come. "Yeah, that's a biggun'. Biggest one I ever seen, dad, biggest one Transmesmites is big, dad." Yeah, amen to that. And he saw that Chugar was wearing that cape, and he was like, "Daddy, you think Mr. Chugar likes sword-fighting?" (laughs) (crowd laughs) I bet he does! What was funny was all the gay guys around us like, "we like sword-fighting, too, you know what I mean?" My son was like, "man, these a bunch of cool dudes right here, man. I like these guys." So, Chugar started singing, right? And my man was killing it. I'm not even gonna lie. (howls like a dog) I don't know the words, she just sounds like a Bluetick hound dog to me, so he sounded like one, so I'm like, "he must be on." And half way through his performance, his big ol' dick and one of his balls fell out of his britches. Yeah! My son goes, "Daddy, Mr. Chugar got a big ol' pee pee!" No son, you and I got pee pees, that's a dick. It's big. (crowd laughs) Had an elbow in it, Lord Jesus; big. And that's when August goes, "yep, transmesmites gots dicks, dad." That's a life lesson, son, you listen to that. You hold that with you, that could save your life one day, son. (crowd laughs) "Transmesmites gots dicks." Amen son, amen. What I was amazed is how professional Mr. Chugar was, okay? That thing falls out, my man is obviously panicked, turns, gets his pocketbook, rips off some tape, puts his junk back up in his britches, and finishes the song. (howls like a dog) I was like, "Genius!" That was impressive. That was impressive, think about that. Ladies, half way through one of your performances, one of your 'giner lips falls out. You're not going to be so composed. You're not going to tuck it back in, you're not going to go, "don't judge, I've made a lot of bad choices in college." (crowd laughs) You know? Once that's out, the show is over, right? Not Chugar, went on and did it, and nailed it. The ceremony went off without a hitch. The reception though, that was awesome. Those gay boys went all out. Hundred cases of French champagne. Prime rib stations. Seafood station, just grab a lobster, what? Okay? Real sushi bar with bonafide Japanesy Japaneses. Real. Real. Not like you get in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's some white guy squinting, you know? This is real. Real. (crowd laughs) I almost got tea-bagged on the way back to our table. They had these risers on each corner of the dance floor and up there was basically a naked man, okay? I mean, he was wearing the g-string, but a tiny one, okay? And he was way bigger than that, okay my man? Puerto Rican g-string according to the flag on it. (crowd laughs) And my man was just shakin' it, just... I'm talking to my wife. As we're walking, a state, a light, hits a sequence, goes into my periphery, and I go, "whoa, nuts!" I Matrix-ed nuts! (crowd laughs) Quite possibly, the most athletic move I've made in the last 30 years. Not gonna lie to you, it was pretty impressive. 'Cause that's not my luck. My luck is to have the full tea-bag and... Me go, "Sir, will you get it off my face, please?" He's Puerto Rican, I smell plantains, okay? That's my luck. We get to the table, and right by our name are three pills. And my wife goes, "is that candy?" And I'm like, "honey, I'm pretty sure I know every candy ever made. (crowd laughs) And I don't know what those first two are, but that last one looks like pharmaceutical-grade MDMA from the early 90s." And my wife goes, "What's MDMA?" And I go, "That's ecstasy." And she goes, "(laughs), yeah, you remember that, don't you? Yeah" A different gay guy comes out and he's like the gay guy in charge, okay? And he's like, "Hello, party people, hello! Tonight, baby, we're going to party to 3 AM, baby!" It was 7:20, Jack. It was 7:20, my man's calling three? I don't think so, okay. "Tonight baby, we're all going to Wonderland, just like Alice. Everyone, at your table, you have three pills, baby. One will make you small, one will make you taller, and one is a little Goldilocks pill, 'cause just like Diego, it makes everything alright. (crowd laughs) So let's take these pills, okay, baby? On three, everybody! One, two, three! oh!" (crowd laughs) My wife's like, "should we take these pills?" Fuck yes! (crowd laughs) These are gay drugs, you're damn right we're taking these these the best drugs they make. Nobody was seated to my left. I grabbed them pills, did 'em too, fuck it, right? Where I'm from, if you're gonna dance with the devil, you might as well lead, you know what I'm saying? Let's do this. I'll tell you, man... Whatever it was, it worked. (crowd laughs) It worked phenomenal. 20 minutes later, I was sitting there wondering, that if the nucleus of an atom was a big as a car, that nucleus could be in Los Angeles; yet the electron that orbits it would be in New York. That's how much distance is in an atom, comparable. But yet, we just learned in physics that, that electron, which should be a static negative charge, 'cause it's always orbiting, keeping a constant positive neutral. Makes sense in a stable element, right? But no, physics have found that, that electron dips throughout dimensions in and out, so it can pop up in New York, or Mexico City, or Hawaii. It's amazing, it's amazing that, that might be the thread that holds us to this dimension, it's those electrons. That's what I thought was going on in my head. Turns out, I was just tweaking my nipple, holding my junk, dancing to Ke$ha in the corner. (crowd laughs and applauds) Good times. We went to 3:40, Diego was right, it was a hell of a party. It was a hell of a party. So glad I went, don't be homophobic, no need, you know? I know that, but it's kind of nice to be an ambassador for my accent, 'cause every gay man thinks that everybody talks like me hates them. Couldn't be farther from the truth, you know? They were, it was impressive, you know? I'm glad I could be there for that, because I used to be dumb, you know? Back when I was a troglodyte. I used to think that the worst thing in the world would be having a gay man hit on me. You know what's way worse than that? Having 300 gay men on ecstasy not hit on you. (crowd laughs) Yeah. Yeah. That sets it up, right there. Thanks guys, ya'll been fun. I'm Ralphie May, good night, bye bye, ya'll. (crowd cheers) (electronic music)
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 6,930,390
Rating: 4.7950835 out of 5
Keywords: Ralphie May comedian, ralphie may this is not happening, Ralphie May videos, Ralphie May, This Is Not Happening, comedy central, Ari Shaffir, gay wedding, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, funny clips, best stand up comedy, comedian, stand up comic, top comedians, best comedians, This isn’t happening, this is not happening clips, storytelling, Comedy Central stand up, what are gay weddings like, rip ralphie may, jokes, funny, family, hilarious
Id: mBpbYKd_QfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
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