Big Jay Oakerson - Truth or Dare - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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- [Jay] And then I was like, now you have to look at Kurt's dick for one minute. And she goes, how about I just fuck all three of you? (electronic music) (crowd cheering) - Here's the show, it's very simple. It's just a bunch of funny people, and we're all telling true stories. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the best storytellers I know, Mr. Big Jay Oakerson, everybody, let him hear it! - I'm going to tell you guys the story of a few young men coming of age, being myself, my friend Glenn, and my friend Kurt. This is early in my comedy career, so early, in fact, that we're getting ready to go be guests on my other friend's AM radio station. And we walk in to go talk our comedy shit, and we sit down with this girl, who one of the studio people tell us, why is there a girl in the studio? And one of my buddies goes, oh man, that chick's awesome. We all banged her last week. And I was like... one at a time? I was a little naive. One at a time? And he goes, no dude, all three of us banged her at once. And I was like, that sounds intriguing. As an adult, now, at 36, that sounds kind of AIDS-y, but as like, you know, at 22 I'm like, can I have some? I wanna have some. And he goes, probably. Now, I'd like to point out first that this girl, and I'm just being honest, this girl is a real-world four, but she's a gang-bang eight. Does that make sense? So, I think my first suggestion is I go, hey, what are you doing after this AM radio show? And she goes, going home. I go, well, we should all come hang out and play truth or dare. That's my big idea. At 22, little old for truth or dare, but it always works, I don't know why. Like, girls will do anything if you phrase it in a truth or dare, it's amazing. You could be like, dare, like, blow everybody, and they're like, this is so unfair... okay. Hold my gum. Everyone has to finish? Okay. That's what we're banking on. So, we're driving to our place, she gets in our car, we're driving over there, and we stop at a convenience store because we're responsible. We gotta buy some condoms, and it's up to me to go in and buy condoms. So, I go buy six normal condoms. A package of six, that's two condoms each, that's pretty good. For a gang-bang? Two condoms a piece? We go back to this girl's house, where she lives, and I'm not lying to you, in the attic. It's her parent's home, but they keep her in the attic like some kind of Whore-back of Notre Dame. They just sit up there, and just like, take cocks with one hand and ring a bell every hour. Bing, bong! (eating noises) First thing we noticed, her bed broken, one leg completely off, and it's down on the ground. And I go, what's up with that? And this is her answer, she goes, oh, I had some friends in from the military last week. She's gang-banging weekly, and sometimes taking on entire fleets of Marines, which is pretty aggressive. I mean, I don't know if you get one of those USO coins for that, but she should have one. So, we're doing some truth or dare, and I'm like, show us your boobs. And she's very bored with this, she's like, whatever. But we're still young men, we're like, oh, boobs. Like, we're so excited, and we're like, show your vagina. I don't want to say pussy, because it seems too gruff. Show your vagina, and she's like, whatever. And then I was like, now you have to look at Kurt's dick for one minute, and she goes, how about I just fuck all three of you? And I actually went, what? Come on. Here? I don't know... Can we? Alright. (laughter) Oh, well, thank God I have this completely closed box of condoms. Now, I'm going to describe to you how the three of us look. We're not a very fuckable group, me and Kurt and Glenn. Glenn looks pretty much like me, if somebody dropped an anvil on my head. Just a little bit shorter, and a little bit wider. And Kurt is a tall, lanky dude. And, we start divvying out these condoms, everybody gets their condom, me and Glenn put our condoms, our regular condoms, on our very regular white dicks. Rolls down, not even fully, little bit of space left. And Kurt pulls out this fuckin'... Kurt... He pulled out a dick that's like, upsets other dudes when he pulls it out. And he did it with... Once he saw our dicks, and us just doing a little like, you know, holding the tip and... Trying to roll down this condom. He pulled his huge dick out so... he just splayed it out in the room. It was so fucking big. He was wearing a Hulkamania shirt, his dick actually... His dick did this when he pulled it out, and I was like, I'm not going to cheer for you, so stop. (laughter) And we were so friggin' impressed by this thing, but now I'm worried, I'm like, I've never seen a dick that big. In fact, when he pulled it out, I tried to make fun of him. I go, aha, Kurt's dick's already hard, and he goes, no it ain't, and I go, holy shit. I just stared at his dick the rest of the time, like this is somethin', huh? Mmm... Is that real? That all you? His huge dick's just flopping, then I start seeing a struggle like I've never seen before. He goes to put on his regular condoms over this barrel cock, and he puts the first one on, it gets about halfway down, and explodes around his dick like a fuckin', like a cartoon cigar. (imitates small explosion) The other one, he starts rolling, it just, pa-choom, just shoots across the room. And then he looks at two fat guys with small dicks and he goes, what do I do now? I'm like, I don't know man, this is a problem I've never been faced with. Like, garbage bag and a rubber band, or like fuckin'... This girl is so fantastic, this is her solution, she goes, go down to my car, I got some Magnum condoms in my car. The big dick condoms, in her car! What a prepared whore. I don't know if there's a Girl Scout badge for that kind of preparedness, but there should be. So, Kurt goes downstairs to get this Magnum condom out of her glove compartment box, and me and Glenn are banging this chick. I don't even know if we are, we're just like, on either side of her, and it's just essentially three fat people making hilarious fat sex noises. Just like, it sounds like we're fucking or gasping for drowning air. (noises of exertion) Water... Water... What Kurt decided to do, in the other room before he came in, was get butt naked. Except for this giant banana yellow Magnum condom, over his enormous fuckin' pecker. And me and Glenn are just going... And then all of a sudden, Kurt comes in the room. Before Kurt, his dick comes in the room first, and with every step... it's a real boner, too... So, with every step it's doing that kind of like, that... (buzzes) Like, it's vibrating like the doorstop when you were a kid, like, (imitates doorstop vibrating) Like, a plank someone just jumped off of, and where did they go? (laughter) And then Kurt, I mean, he was wearing tube socks and a big banana yellow condom. He should have been wearing a sash that was like, Mr. Awesome, 1985. And then he comes in the room, and almost in a show of like, primal respect, me and Glenn like, rolled out of the way, like synchronized swimmers, like, oh, the headliner's here. And like... You've had your appetizer, now comes... Kurt starts going to work on this chick, I mean, really giving her the business, which I'm impressed, 'cause here's the thing, during me and Glenn she didn't make a lot of noise, but granted so, two fat guys weighing in a combined dick of, I don't know, eight inches, tops. So, in two different directions she's getting about five inches of dick or so, a piece. Not that impressive. But now, Kurt comes in with this porno quality wallop, and almost like we're a fuck team, like, we're watching where it's like, oh yeah, you're going to see now, bitch. Yeah, that's fine, but now my dad's here. You'll see. He's gonna buy this place, I became that kid. (laughter) And Kurt starts giving her the business, And I know he's making noises, he's sweating, and he's not fat at all, he's giving it actual effort. And I'm like, she's gonna see now... But she didn't. She just took it so... I mean, she did everything but give a shit. And at one point, I swear to you, she says the word, she goes, we should go to a diner after this. And I can see the defeat starting to build in Kurt's eyes, I'm like, we've got to do something here. So, now we make it a team effort, like we're going to make this girl make some sex noises, like, she's gotta feel this at some point. So, at one point, me and Glenn... it's almost jokingly, but to do it for fun, we're holding Kurt's feet up in the air. I'm holding his ball sack back with my hands, we're taking everything away, and making him just a completely aerodynamic humongous penis. Like, we're gonna just drill, and we're gonna like, stab her with his cock into her vagina. And I just remember that feeling of like, when I was like, yeah, she'll see, and we're just, we're ramming Kurt into her cooch. Just like, heave ho, and like, me and Glenn are looking at each other over Kurt's ass, like right? And I go, I bet she's crying in vaginal pain right now. And I leaned around Kurt's ass cheeks to take a look at her, and I swear to you, on my daughter's life, these are the words that came out of her mouth. She goes, bacon cheeseburger. That's what I'm gonna get. I appreciate you guys, man. Thank you so much. (electronic music)
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 4,020,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Jay Oakerson comedian, Big Jay Oakerson videos, big jay oakerson this is not happening, This Is Not Happening, big jay oakerson stand up, comedy central, cc, Ari Shaffir, Big Jay Oakerson, sex, big penis, big dick, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, funny jokes, best stand up comedy, watch stand up comedy, comedian, top comedians, best comedians, hilarious, jokes, truth or dare, This isn’t happening, storytelling, Comedy Central stand up, humor
Id: kiiky9SXl7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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