Best Start in Baldur's Gate 3!

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during the new prologue for Baldur's Gate 3 you can easily miss one of the best swords obtainable in act 1. today I'll be showing you how to get that sword and also how to get enough experience to already be level 2 at the end of the pro law now we're playing the full release version of the game and the prologue has changed so do pay close attention this video is actually part of a walkthrough Series where I go over every Quest location Fire game and show you all the secret weapons and armor and possible outcomes of your decisions I'll be doing this for every quest in the game so make sure you subscribe if you're interested in that after waking up though you'll find a mind player that you can loot in the first room and then directly to the left you'll find a treasure chest that you can also leave and then if you go south and up this ramp towards the second level you will find another Treasure Chest just walk around the outside until you get to it and if you actually hold down the ALT key the game will show you everything that you can loot in the area apart from some things that are secret and require a perception check for you to actually discuss cover but definitely get used to using the old key because you'll find a lot of Secrets using it after we've looted the chest we can use jump to get back down to the first floor and if you're feeling dangerous you can then interact with the nursery pool which is filled with loving in the center of the room if you do decide to touch it you'll take some damage as it explodes so maybe don't do that but don't worry you can use the restoration pod to refill your health next if we proceed onwards to the second room we'll find some various Loot on the tables and a few bodies that we can get some gold from but if we take the lift in the center of the room to the upper section you'll find a person whose brain has been replaced with an intellect Devourer if you succeed the Arcana check and attempt to free the brain you'll be rewarded with a temporary Companion now it doesn't really matter if you fail this or not but it does make our life a lot easier if you pass now some people like to save the game before they make these checks and then reload the save if they fail up to you whether you want to do that or not for your first playthrough though try not to get too hung up on those things now we're gonna head outside but if you click the dip icon in your action bar you can dip your weapon into fire and then it will do fire damage next we're going to come outside where you'll meet lizelle who is waiting for you in the most epic I've ever seen in any Dungeons and Dragons game who does she think she is she'll react to you differently depending on your race and we can now help her take on some imps in the Next Room you can actually use the jump action to reach characters you would normally be out of movement rage from Once the imps are dead you can loot them for their gold and crossbows then equip them in your range slot I recommend replacing your dagger with a short sword or scimiter for more damage but make sure you don't dual wield weapons without the feat which you'll unlock later because it will actually reduce your chance to hit with them so next we're going to climb up to the next level of the ship and this next room has some unconscious cultists sitting in chairs and the next origin companion called shadowhunt and will find her locked in a pod asking for us to help now if you choose not to help her don't worry you can get her as a companion later on but she won't like you as much interestingly if you're playing a warlock or sorcerer class you can free her by passing an Arcana check on the machine to her right alternatively Bob barbarians can free her by passing a strength check on the Pod itself if you're neither of those classes just head to the South where you'll find a table and some Loot and also our mind in a jar which you can take it may have a purpose later you'll also find a lot elaborate which can be locked picked or you can find the key next door in a moment so head to the next room to the north where you'll find a throw who has the key lying dead at the entrance there's another mind flare pod in the center of this room which contains a woman who is unresponsive now if you go past her to the button at the back which reads perfect pushing this will actually turn the woman into a mind player I mean why not push away now towards the back of the room you'll find a dead Frau who has the eldoritz Rune required to open shadowhard's pod there's also a treasure chest to loot here and the slave mind in a jar pick it up along with everything else now we're gonna head back and unlock that chest with the key we just found and then we can come over to the control panel next to Shadow Hearts pod so use the elderich Rune to free her from her pot now if you roll a natural one on this skill check it is possible to fail and she'll be trapped in there until we free her later but assuming you don't roll a one and free her she'll now join our party immediately which makes this next part a lot easier as for the large control panel in the center of the room an Arcana check will translate what these buttons actually do from the left to the right it says unleash which zaps the knocked out cultist's bodies the second button says aggression which makes them attack you and then you can get experience from them and the last one says annihilate which kills them and allows you to loot them I suggest the middle button and then just killing them for some free experience now with all our companions we can head to the Helm of the nutelloid make sure you heal yourself in this next room and if you press Tab and then if you press tab you can actually click the top button which says spell books here you can swap shadowhard spells to Healing bird chilled or faith and bless and command now we've changed our spells we can go inside the next room and you'll see a mind flayer fighting Commander zolk a powerful cambian wielding a flaming gray Soul all of the cutscenes will tell you to completely ignore him but it's actually possible to kill him and obtain his unique weapon along with enough experience to reach level 2. so let's do that instead we'll need to be fast here so start out by dispatching the Lesser imps and currently the Mind flare will treat us as a friend because he still thinks we're under his control on Shadow heart cast bless on your teammates and yourself and then run over and use Shield of faith on the Mind flayer if he dies Commander zolk will instantly kill you so we need to keep him alive then we're going to take out the Lesser enemies while heading over to Commander zolk as fast as possible we have a time limit on killing him fast enough it's very possible to do though so don't worry also try and loot those mind players on the floor because they'll have gems worth a lot of gold and now we're gonna go ham on it if you're a cleric or warlock you can use the command ability to command him to drop his unique weapon and then you can just go ahead and pick it up which means he'll just be fighting with his fists but this really isn't necessary instead just position everyone around him and start slapping away Focus all your efforts on killing him we don't have long before two more cambian soldiers will show up and Aid him in battle once he's dead you can grab his unique ever burn blade which I'll talk more about in a moment now after he is dead the Mind flare will turn on you he will however be very low health and since he's turned on you he'll now reward experience for dying so go ahead and kill him and you'll have enough experience to reach level 2. next though we're going to need to escape by running to the control panel which activates a cut scene of us escaping the neutraloid don't worry if anyone's dead you can you can just use the dash ability ability and then click on your character to double your movement speed you can even ignore all the enemies that come into the room after the cutscene all you need to do is reach the control panel to escape immediately obviously if you want to though you can kill those enemies for experience it is however no longer possible to kill the cambions in the timeline so I would just suggest Flair so now we're escaping the new to Lloyd and we're going to crash land onto a beach we are now in act one of the main story now Baldur's Gate 3 is very open-ended and it's impossible to experience everything in one playthrough if you want more guidance from here I'd suggest watching my other video on where to find all six origin Companions and also my tips and tricks on how to build the character classes early on or you can check out my other guides linked below that go over the locations all the secret collectibles and the main quests and side quests and all the different outcomes and choices you can make in each one of them now the sword ever burned which we just picked up is a two-handed gray sword which is an uncommon item which does 2d6 damage plus 1d4 fire damage it's also just eternally burning which is awesome drop a like on the video if you found it helpful I'll see you in the next
Channel: ESO
Views: 224,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough guide, baldurs gate 3 starter guide, baldur's gate 3 starter guide, best start, best build, character creator, bg3, eso, Baldur's gate, prologue, everburn blade, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, walkthrough, part 1, guide, act 1, chapter 1, baldurs gate III, baldur's gate iii, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 beginning, baldurs gate 3 guide
Id: WUsYotug0ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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