🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 Solo Rogue

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[Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right what up everyone hold on let me get that sound going all right what's up boys hey fellas so this uh sort of a test stream I want to find out how good solo Rogue would be I'm curious I thought it would be a fun thing for a stream because me workshopping this is probably going to leave lead to um a lot of a lot of trial and error and also Rooks are nuts dude Rogues are actually insanely strong gnome Rogue gnome Rogue okay I'm actually considering a hoffling rogue because they have stealth efficiency but we'll look through the classes and kind of make a decision but I think that's going to be a really good one to go for that or something damage related because you you'd be surprised how much damage you can actually do with these fat Rogue builds also a tiny little hoffling rogue just sounds funny to me you know Zolo is in no potty members at all yes solo is in no potty members no companions unless we really really need it but I'm gonna try and avoid it as much as I can half walk Rogue see that actually okay you you think that's dumb it weirdly sounds really cool to me you know I love Hot Fox dude they're my absolute Mane what do I go what do you guys think balanced tactician I'm thinking just regular balance explore mode is for babies I don't know what this is for like if you don't want to do combat or some [ __ ] I don't I literally don't get this like it offers no challenge or no interesting what is it for has anybody played Explorer what's your reasoning behind it I'm actually curious balanced yeah tacticians kind of like try Hardy guys like I feel like I'll just get my absolute cheeks clap but uh tactician isn't that difficult from what I've seen it made it seem so difficult in the play thing but I think they were just under level then badly set up but like nobody Explorer doesn't allow multicast it's not good what the [ __ ] what's even the point six percent runs dude that's so funny have you guys seen people have started making uh sex speed runs to get in and lizelle's apparently the easiest way to get there I knew she was easy what about get the Yankee do you think he has some good [ __ ] they're also really weird looking you know I could be a little pencil man well first of all Rogue it's so dumb looking dude I'm sorry they're just so gross what do you even get as options oh they have a lot of dude they have so many more face options than every other race what the hell and not not one of them has a nose that's kind of an okay Pro God I hate this hair so much this Justin Bieber ass [ __ ] no thank you not be tiny boy yeah that's what I'm thinking so okay so Dragonborn are a bad pick they're actually pretty terrible they have base racial speed and no other racial features the only thing that you get is a breath attack which immediately becomes complete dog [ __ ] after like halfway through Act One it starts to get really bad when you're like level three and up it just starts to become really really terrible um resistance to one specific type of damage is okay like it's fine but like [ __ ] that elves are cringe tieflings are a bad pig like they're fine but they don't really suit stealth races like they don't offer any bonuses drower kind of like edgy they're like dark Hills or like edgy elves maybe a drow but I'm thinking halfling or hot Folk all folks are based I love Hot Vlogs they're super underrated they're they're really strong too it's something that people underestimate deep gnomes a gnome could be a good pick gnome cunning advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws does this does that mean saving throws or for just when you're being attacked right when you're resisting damage this isn't for dialogue so like I wouldn't get a bonus to Charisma through dialogue right I'll fork and Go full Thug well we're going stealth maybe I'll put up to a vote because this is going to be like an important vote right hold on let me let me let's put this up oh all right let's let's put up the options race gnome also we can dance over people's bodies and say you got gnomed also gnomes look stupid I'm sorry but they look weird they had that like big hands probably a normal human-sized Wang and big face but on a small body it's like little people like actual little people you know because halflings look like I don't know slightly more you talk like just so funny I might have to go offline gnome oh romance everyone no ew ew um Brave lucky or half walk wait what did gnome scared then hold on Rock gnome Forest no deep gnomes get 24 meters of dog vision and advantage on stealth checks oh that's better hold on okay I might make a uh one of these goofy ass little guys because it looks like they they don't 7.5 meters of movement range 7.5 meters so they don't have Brave so I will I lose advantage on saving those against me frightened which who cares uh when you roll saving through you must that's pretty good though that's also pretty good lucky seems great but nomish cunning advantage on things how about a deep note I'm gonna put that on like a gnome but deep all right I'm putting up the pole I'm I'm leaning towards deep gnome I've never made a gnome I've never made a deep gnome um we could probably make this guy look pretty pretty stealthy I think Guild autism is a background because insight and persuasion is useful also dialogue is going to be a must that being said I could get an extra stealth proficiency 17 decks probably not I'm gonna be rat [ __ ] stupid his intelligence rules are never really that wait why did they put a secondary in intelligence beard holy Constitution just shrug off those extra hits then 1616 because you don't need that extra one gnome boy is this on tactician no we're just doing normal difficulty do you know 62 deep gnome all right I'm just getting the poll God damn boys all right deep nobody is the deepest of gnomes your advantage on stealth checks advantage on stealth check is actually wild and that's not even a proficiency that's just Advantage so I get to roll twice and take the highest result which means I'm probably never gonna get seen plus 24 meters of dog Vision dude if we just go go around turning off the lights and doing full stealth okay um this is getting this is getting good and then if we get a Proficiency in stealth we should have wild pluses to stuff yeah so a plus seven to stealth with the extra thingy slide of hand checks have got to be high acrobatics I do do we need acrobatics helps you resist being shoved and that's it right and then Athletics is like your jump ability or is it no that's just based on strength bro make him green and normal our team oh dude I could totally make him into a nobler that's [ __ ] great came from the huffling ball video dude glad you liked it hopefully you liked it you might be just coming like again like this video sucks let's go tell this guy he's gay on stream I don't call it perception is a must oh dude you're so right reception is a must well we could get a double proficiency perception then deception I'm not really worried about dialogue options because we'll mostly be killing but I could take a mild proficiency and persuasion I feel like that's the most useful one uh investigation analogically solved Mysteries uh I do kind of want that second in stealth though helps you with hiding how actually useful is hiding on the regular though because I I I don't know maybe we take the proficiency out of stealth and put it into something else then I can put the extra in it doesn't really matter does it Rogues are so good for this though dude all these extra proficiencies you can kind of be good at everything intimidation this guy is not intimidating come on go assassin now we're going Thief I said oh wait a second might actually be worth it because we can get benefits out of it we'll we'll deal with that when we get to it all right hiding for sneak attacks yeah yeah very useful for self Rogues uh I think plus five Advantage will be fun right okay so we need to put the last full Athletics and acrobatics are not going to be super important maneuverability is super important though actually oh man Insight I don't know I need to read people perception is obviously a plus especially if we're going so long trying to just do everything you know what I mean slider handle get us into most good situations we can kind of stealth and steal our way through the game instead of talking to people um but let's get that extra Proficiency in stealth right and maybe out of sleight of hand because I can re-roll sleight of hand stuff but stealth oh man dude I'm so indecisive with these what do you think is more important stealth or sleight of hand persuasion I'm gonna put a small thing into [ __ ] deception whatever perception uh we could be a deceitful little rogue how are you doing I'm glad to catch your stream again hey I'm doing good dude I'm doing [ __ ] great the the hopefully video is going gangbusters dude people love that loved it I did not expect it I really did not expect it stealth yeah all right we'll go stealth sleight of hand is less important plus five just the slide of hand is pretty good investigation Insight we can put an extra in vestigation insight I guess Athletics get to get us out of a negative what is that okay Somebody explain Athletics and acrobatics to me because it just helps you resist being shoved helps you shove and resist being shoved so this is dexterity based so you can avoid being showed but you're not good at showing people because you don't have much strength that's basically it hey okay what do you think of the current well I'm a situation uh I think it's pretty gross um I think it's I'm pretty disappointed in CA uh for letting their marketing team do what they've done and I kind of don't want to play It's kind of why I don't want to make content on the DLC right now and also I am completely obsessed with Baldur's Gate right now so it's sort of weirdly good timing if that makes any sense I but yeah I don't I don't like the whole total wall situation right now I think it's I think it sucks I think they're overcharging people and I think it sucks I think the reasons for doing so are not okay I've been wanting to get this one never played Divinity 2 before would you recommend doing that first no just did get Boulders get three don't don't even I love Divinity original sin 2 dude but everything that you'll get out of that game you'll get out of Boulders gate three and more this game is a [ __ ] Masterpiece this game is an absolute Masterpiece I [ __ ] love it dude like I loved it in the beta I had 150 hours in the chapter one uh Early Access and I've already doubled that in the time that it's been out this game is a [ __ ] incredible and I'm not even all the way through X3 yet like it's it's just incredible are you gonna play on taxation I'm just gonna play regular oh my God I'm gonna play regular difficulty I'm not gonna bother with tactician I just feel like if I'm going solo if this game had Lone Wolf I would play tactician and okay LOL Soul imma get it dude maybe try to get it on sales if you can get a cheaper copy or whatever I will always I will always advise that anyway but like this game is worth full price I it just is the amounts the amount of content and effort into this game and the scope and the quality dude like the only thing that I don't like is there's a couple a couple of things that I wish were different and but and also the children voice acting is very clearly adult women trying to act like children and it still bothers me as much as it does in every other game where they do that because it just doesn't it's too it's not convincing at all I don't call it you're playing with your regulars only or like band Lord with your chat too um oh uh I'm playing with just me for this one this is solo playthrough or not full playthrough this is just a solo run I just got to act three and I'm 200 hours in dude incredible it the amount of content to be had is just nuts why did you catch it like a [ __ ] because he's a deep gnome dude anyway let's let's uh go for an extra thing here exception I'm just gonna double into persuasion just so we have that option and then deception if we need it oh we're good at stealth we're good at sleight of hand all right I like that all right and then okay Charisma I don't want any negatives wisdom is good for saving throws and stuff like uh what do you call it Insight perception and all that kind of [ __ ] I feel like intelligence is probably the least useful and we don't need strength for going stealth because we're going to be finesse based I don't want to put that extra point in it will go a little bit more Charisma I'll put that extra point to Dex because [ __ ] it and then we can go strength suggests that our jumping isn't terrible and then [ __ ] how do I end up with one point how the [ __ ] have I ended up with one point strength also affects jump distance which that can matter yeah no I agree I agree I don't even know what to put this in Charisma I guess I can't use it to bring myself out of any negatives all right well I'm going to take the point out of decks then and then put towards the mother 14. all right I like it we're a criminal so we're good at Deception and stealth maybe I just take it out of percept persuasion though A plus six to [ __ ] persuasion dude [ __ ] yeah we're gonna talk people's pants off all right character editing time what's the weirdest face oh that nose dude that's very stealthy that's kind of normal I kind of don't want to look like I like this I look like Adam Driver hold on hold on can we make Adam Driver really quick I won't keep it but I just want to make Adam Driver slightly tanned air bruh tell me that's not Adam Driver [Laughter] the only line that I can think of of an atom Driver Line off the top of my head is a very famous line from Black klansman so please make gnome Adam Driver I feel like I want to make a more iconic and unique character than Adam Driver keep Adam Driver we can't say that here huh you know exactly what I'm talking about you Spirit Trucking the people aren't gonna even understand the reference I'm just gonna look bad go watch black Clansman it's a really good movie Adam dreider he just looks like tiny Adam Driver okay voice no let's hope the locals are friendly okay I want to hand some handsome man voice we're gonna go with maybe some scars some very roguelike scars or I could just be completely [ __ ] up is this supposed to be a burn like a burn SCAR or is this just supposed to be like you're [ __ ] up because the image that makes it look like a wound and then you put it on and you're it's just like a burn I guess I don't call it make Peter Dinklage I mean we could maybe make Peter Dinklage hold on what kind of beards can you have oh you can have big beards with these guys maybe we just go with a big old [ __ ] beard a hot iron fell on him make him green I everybody makes their guy green though I want to go for stealth right we're going for full stealth so we're going to make the the deepest gnome I'm gonna go for very deep everything uh a little bit of an ice scar maybe no freckles gonna make him old he he has become a master of stealth Viking beard I like the beard what do you guys think maybe a handsome mustache I don't like the hair actually this is some nah I kind of like bald with the mustache short Hagrid man climbed down a chimney make me love the beard I mean it's not exactly stealthy people will hear it rustling from the trees all hobos are Rogues what if we just make him look like a little wretchedy hobo then oh my God beautiful locks God that looks whack he looks like somebody would get knocked off a flaming bridge by a Bell Rock um oh get the Yankee hair could be good if gethanke have anything they have terrible hairstyles and I like that a lot we could have speak to the manager here we could have Swain we have this the the director of uh larian's CEO hair Swain is a cool guy oh my God this dude no meyanki gnome is 20 hair and okay you're huffling Barbarian video is doing so well we love to see I know dude I'm [ __ ] dude it has oh it's it has almost two million views on the uh the Twitter thing post that I put up I tagged Larry in it and it didn't do anything for like two days and then out of nowhere people just started sharing it and it went crazy and uh I was just kind of blown away so it's got like almost like uh it's encroaching on four million views across like everywhere that I posted it which is wild that is crazy I'm super happy people like it though you know more than anything I'm just happy that people enjoy it because I had a lot of fun making it and I was hoping that would come through all right I'm going with the gethanki here I love the receding hairline I think it's very natural I want stealth hair though so maybe we just go with like yes yes it matches him eyes what about just like black eyes uh it's a it's kind of scary pink guys I wish you could have like pink eyes you know like pink eye like actually like sore looking eyes [Music] green piercing blue piercing blue eyes like this it I don't it's off-putting I don't know I don't like it what about can I get like demonic blue I'm not a big fan of blue though that kind of looks good what about one blue and then we get heterochromia we make the left eye like black like that so it's like a Sans not like a Sans scenario he closes this one and then he shoots with this one hey okay is this a gnome this is a gnome this is gnatsa ganome oh no I like it Sans Underdog no a little bit of graying in the beard you seen some [ __ ] this just kind of looks like he's got calm in his beard all right I'm in the extreme Sans underbeard is kind of funny but also absolutely awful I do love the mustache though this is just Charming this is a Charming Man right here oh what about what does a normal eye look like oh that's really strange uh about can I get oh that looked kind of good nah that actually kind of looks too cool I like the sand is a stupid [ __ ] SanSai agreed the gray is weird all the highlights look painted on yeah that's the problem my problem with face paint too you look at the face paint actually this doesn't look too bad but if you on some character like this to me this looks like it's too neat and it looks like a PNG which it is but oh almost dude Mike Tyson you have some Mike Tyson fit uh uh a little bit edgy eye makeup tentacle eyes which is so wild to me it's my favorite one though is where is it at it's just a bunch of drawings here it is it's a pretty amazing it's just a bunch of drawings look and there's a really good it's a really good drawing of a of a like a woody what do you got beholder oh God do you think we could do a solo run together I'm dude I have so many campaigns I I just absolutely cannot the neck tattoos are kind of okay I would have to give up the hair though also there's just a bow on his face this is what I did for my for the other guy in the last stream so I'm gonna do something different I just I wanted to show that off because it's so funny to me all right we're going with this hair that's a guarantee I don't know about body art for this guy I might just not this can we make it look like he's just eaten oh no oh no ew are you just drinking milk he just it just looks like he's been drinking milk eating pain I think Sans Underdog oh my God a lot of these just look like he's just been blasted calcium man the man with the strong bones why does that kaida look cool am I am I whack that why does that look cool I gotta say Polynesian tattoos are pretty dope though oh my God everything looks like he's just been absolutely blasted dude a pain eater fits with okoy I do I'm so okay I'm sorry but paint does smell good though wait I think I'll gasoline I'm making your point and I hate it God yeah dude Polynesian tattoos do look pretty dope so we go with some SoundCloud stuff I kind of like the calm lips let's make it a little bit more subtle though for pain his law is that he Chucks paint right to gain power uh I'm not sure about the earrings and [ __ ] can I get like something subtle I'm a big fan of piercings and [ __ ] but I don't know man not it kind of interrupts the mustache what about is there nothing [ __ ] simple easy breezy hey little skull earrings all right I like it all right okay last decision decision is going to be big beard big beard or mustache I think the mustache personally share the load Sans come lips I don't I feel like that's really not what we should do with this guy that shouldn't be his name Sans Underdog is pretty good though and we'll just call him Sans but we'll change the name so he'll be like Sans Underdog mustache big beard mustache stash mustache yeah I like the mustache I think it's roguelike what about neckbeard no definitely the mustache I've already gone with other mustaches I think the floaty mustache is good the only other thing I could think would be different colored hair but I think that the fact that it's the same color as the skin gives him this Smurf vibe that I'm really into uh uh or mate what if we go with like a skin color and then we highlight [Music] a little bit into like a fade so what am I into like what the [ __ ] what how did that happen oh my God it's like white fading it's a brown with a pink stash [Music] why does that happen hold on oh I think I oh right okay I think it's because I still have the the grain yeah it is that is crazy what I don't koi accent I don't have an accent I'm from the UK but I have a bit of an American accent it's somewhere in the middle now you gotta do multiplier uh um undoable not not gonna happen wait what do you guys think highlights are no highlights instead of getting a little bit um oh actually some of these are dope if they're subtle can we get like a subtle one oh just the pink stash why is the mustache just pink it doesn't change any of the Highlight in the mustache but it does add highlights why a little bit of a subtle pink it's getting whack we need we need to bring that stealth Edge back wait there we go just a slight change right I like it all right there we go what do you guys think this is our boy this is our stealth Boy yes Sans Underdog but we'll call him sands sands Underdog right Sans Underdog or hmm it just Sands just the full Sands so perfect he's a little stealth God hate that mouth tattoo you don't like the calm lips maybe we ended the [ __ ] lives what do you guys think yes or no to the little white to the paint lips it's supposed to look like he just drank milk he's a proper young man he's just a little guy yes keep him keep the lips no change it love it he needs milk no oh my God keep the lips no oh my God this is there's so much [ __ ] I would be more inclined to keep it if I wouldn't if I know that I okay hold on keep become lips this is um this might be the first time this has ever been pitched as a pole this is a heated debate the come lips debate I'm gonna try and like spice this up a little bit to just distinguish it like say it what would this be like songs how do you say the a with an umlaut or that little accent whatever it is okay making history oh dude 52 yes on the come lips this is close this is a close one I've never seen you know this is I think you guys are just attached to it because it's kind of funny we may get bored of it though maybe we take that into account beef is just really good generally I want to be Thief I don't want to go the other way I think Thief is good I'm gonna give it like a little bit more time it's a lame in the long run I think it will get old see that's a good point that's a good point I'm sorry but 53 for three more percent of people want to keep the calm lips and I'm I'm I'm down with that a session is crazy though assassin is okay but assassin is only good for that first like sex second where you surprise people and I know what's gonna happen for the most part so I can surprise people for a good amount of the time but sometimes I'm not gonna be able to you know you can take it off later I think no you can't you absolutely cannot do there's no character customization post uh character creation which is something that I really want larion to change like there needs to be like a guy you can go to who can magically change you even if you can't change your race just let me change like skin color and face paint and hair and beards and like Tattoos Piercings earrings you know all that kind of just let me change everything but the bass race or in the background right you can only respect you can't change your character after it launches yeah they're working on it yeah I know I know I I I've heard that they're working on a post customization change I hope it comes soon though dude because I'm already like balls deep in my campaign it's not gonna be that being said I'm probably gonna do like 50 000 playthroughs of this game so I will get use out of it but still all right I'm ending the pole we're we're guys we can't be discussing come lifts for this long Sans uh you know what I'm I'm going with I'm pulling the trigger on sands on the dock spice it up we're gonna go for a male dwarf because they're funny and but we're gonna give it a girl voice good luck follow your in remarkable and we're gonna go with booty this beautiful face and we're gonna burn them up and we're gonna take the weather here oh we're gonna take away the hair wait okay well I know what I'm doing now hold on everyone knows what's gonna happen if this guy shows up later than the line too it's gonna be so bad it's gonna be so bad I already see people in Chad figuring it out oh no oh God wait um where's the oh no oh no oh no oh no it's him oh god oh no wait now we need subtle a little bit of dark rings around the eyes because he's evil oh all right good the neck rolls dude the neck the neck rolls are just hilarious for this what color eyes did he have green oh blue right because he's I don't really want to look it up I don't want that in my search history somebody knows somebody knows what color eyes did he have I mean [Laughter] uh you're just gonna stream up I know I know I know come on Brown all right fine I'll look it up oh my God okay apparently they're blue oh probably oh how he looked all right let's get on with it um wait does he still have a lady voice follow your instincts oh that's gonna be really awful though but good luck boy maybe we get maybe we get congratulco you are now on a list on a list of most fun character creators no way are you trying to make Hitler uh no that's I'll have you know that that is Charlie Chaplin I hate the lips already I hate the lips nah there look around me I look like a tiny tiny all right we gotta work on finding a ranged weapon like now oh you started with tools no way camp supplies all right oh yourself with grease bottles and [ __ ] dude no way dude little blue gift tiny proper man he's just a little guy just a little guy little man all right keys do everybody else do this put all your [ __ ] to the bottom of your inventory so that anything new is at the top so you don't clutter all your [ __ ] together please do this I've seen so many people's inventories just looking like a cacophony of just the most messy [ __ ] I've ever seen oh just a little guy that actually looks so much better than the leather armor because this looks like I have boobs slightly and this is just precious just a little guy all right let's get on with it oh my God I jumped distance dude oh no oh no we're not gonna be able to do anything oh no my legs are pathetic just use the salt button it has an auto sort yeah though over there if you can keep your [ __ ] organized it's better all right suicide breaking knees needs more leg day we really gotta pump up the jams with this little man here oh God the image is so off-putting look at this little Gremlin man that is Sans Underdog speaking of which we can get some tremendous Rogue gear in the underdog so we gotta like prioritize that dude some of the fights are gonna be so hard though I should have installed like a look [ __ ] run animation are you kidding me dude the guy who made these doors commented on my halfling video and thanked me for doing the font animation you know in the huffling video which is pretty insane playing tactician no but we could I could knock it up to technician at any time so I could also knock it down to an easier difficulty but we're not going to do that because that's for [ __ ] let's go slap that brave I'm actually gonna get their brain to help us if we can uh I'm gonna organize these two melee get [ __ ] does anybody actually use these these bonus actions I always dual wield on a rogue with a finesse weapon so I just never use [ __ ] like flourish it's not worth it over enough hand attack going to get good brain see how this goes [Music] from this place from this place you'll free us um please number 10. favorite dexterity we should have a good amount of pluses to dexterity come on baby it's a nice slipping those little fingers indeed nose have big hands though they have adult-sized hands on a on a toddler's body strange creature making it more subservient my child's body proof a threat uh I'm gonna spare this boy nice nice yes [Music] um all right let's go homies small homies no spoilers but you they're they're the stuff later down the line with this brand is pretty cool all right I love this animation it's just precious look at my little wrong dude oh I'm the best guy I kind of regret the color in the hair ain't no solo run liar at okoy hey I'll have you know this is just a temporary little guy all right what do you suggest all right lady all right let's get into the fight brain power okay this I regret I regret it already this brain sucks can I kill her and she can I get get her bow nice and I'm gonna take your health potions and uh I'm gonna take your Vivi scroll up wait do I need reverification Scrolls if I'm doing a solo run I don't right they're pointless I could just make extra money off them what am I gonna do revive myself ain't no way Ain't No Way ain't no hell also I'm gonna take your cam supplies and you're almost worth a good amount I want that too let's keep the TOs s you can keep your underwear lady although the underwear could look really funny on this guy if I got a little waistcoat that's [ __ ] precious dude what I get a little Underdog waistcoat with my underwear that has straps you can keep your underwear lady in fact you can have my clothes and I'll take yours because they're probably cool looking what did they look like again why can't I wear them oh it takes an action to put clothes on eat a dick game it took my action to put a bow on right you do the work Lazelle where's the promo call your action is almost American but something sounds different I'm from the UK I just have a bit of an American accent uh I don't know what it is like it I've been perpetually on the internet for about 15 years and I watched so much YouTube and American TV as a kid that I picked up on American accent I've just never lost it I used to have a really strong Yorkshire accent I get this every stream though I used to have a really really strong Yorkshire accent which if you don't know what that is it's one of the goofiest uh Accents in the UK I lived there and I grew up there I can say that he's from britbong I do am oh man I don't move me to speed is so bad can we get leg extensions for this little guy oh my God the Miss clicking is so bad here we go nice nice shovel sale Carrie all right I'm gonna go like crossbow I think and I don't have a proficiency medium armor maybe we keep this though I keep my waist going on with the little pants dude what yes yes uh look at this little outfit for my man dude get out all right we're keeping that that's mine now and also shot boys are wait what's the difference uh 18 meters 18 meters two-handed light it's uh proficiency 1d8 it's literally just it's just better right void bulbs could be good if we keep that all right go ahead and kill the demon CPT you won't I don't quite what demon CPT you're lying you have the most what okay I'm from South Yorkshire but you sound like freaking Isaac Arthur a famous YouTuber who's like Minnesota Florida and you have some Boston Tendencies I I came from Leeds near leads in a place called Pudsey yeah I'm from that much Yorkshire dude that it's such a dumb place name puzzy Wild let's keep a hustle on oh I have no Proficiency in anything dude wow press K to do your sneak attack into an Ask reaction what are you talking about K is your skill thing what do you mean oh why would I do that deal extra damage to a full you of advantage against do you like your why would I want to ask to do extra damage attacking it'll be moving out of your yeah what I don't need to put that on reaction it's fine aluminum aluminum you've put you spelled it aluminum but it's aluminum the words right uh 106.9 finesse is where we're going to attack second shot so I don't mind if I put that on my body let's go who are the sphincters so you don't have to click it all the time what do you mean oh wait you mean like what do you mean as shoes without the reaction triggers automatically or whether the game pauses your frame Point yeah that's all that is it's already ticked so it'll already happen and then I can just [ __ ] stealth attack it's fine oh my God why does this keep Auto locking I gotta keep myself stuff together like like so hello do you get more XP procrucial if you solo kill absolutely not we are at a downside in every feasible in every feasible way this is the real problem with it with this um this doing a solo run if you're just at a disadvantage and you have no advantages get your little crossbow bud okay I didn't mean to do that I meant to raise them up so I could get the XP off of them does everybody remember which button it is is it the middle one nope you have to cast it deal sync attacks yay like I'm not gonna be able to mechanisms should [ __ ] hate it I'm not gonna get her out I don't need Shadow hot we'll find her and kill her later on I am going to take these though all right can I I'll show you the key man I've been playing it's a late game so much I've I'm sort of forgetting the beginning now I have so much time I've done so many playthroughs that I have so much time at the beginning save this lady or nah is that like a dead wait a minute dude if you save if you save this slave mind what happens if you save this for the thing later in game I'm gonna do that hold on I don't think I'm ever gonna get there actually but later on you can do some stuff with I'm not gonna spoil anything but you can do some stuff with these slave Minds so I'm wondering if like if I save them for the whole game can I do the stuff late game a lot of people will know what I'm talking about but I want to spoil anything you can dude if you imagine if you get some like crazy like strong thing out of that that would be such a cool mechanic [Music] you won't get there you just spoil for no reason hey I didn't spoil anything I'm just saying you can do something with them way later on in the game that doesn't spoil anything wait don't they wait yeah I'm taking them for no reason I'm never gonna get that far with this guy I'm talking late game dude can I actually get her out then with that little rock it used to be that you put the rock in the console or some [ __ ] the mechanism's like nothing the cons do you gotta talk to her we have no time for stragglers look at my little head in the cutscene um uh now do I do it the mechanisms nothing are you on your own shadow heart bye I'll kill you later for your gear I don't go you didn't grab the Rune oh you need the Rune okay that makes sense do this we are nearing the hell okay lady why don't you put some armor on God gross have some modesty your ankles are showing another knot she's wearing boots wait can I take the boots I'd like some fancy kickers medium armor damn it damn it dude whatever a little jacket I want to find some dye wait I don't have the achievement for killing commanders out but I definitely killed him and it's in my [ __ ] my most recent video but I definitely kill them so I don't understand why it tell it he's telling me that I haven't all right whatever come on big Damage Big Damage Big damage ah I don't need the sword anyway to be honest I forgot I took away her thing nice maybe disable achievements well it's disable achievements maybe had something running no I didn't have anything running for the halfling video I did in multiplayer and we had no mods running I actually haven't installed any mods simply for the fact that you can't there's no uh mod manager so if you install I don't have quick action that [ __ ] can I get um yep try and move away from me idiot no Model Magic you tweaking do they not have is there a mod manager what what how do you get the mod manager is it like it wait is it like an external thing or is it literally just built into the launcher and I just didn't notice it you can use the vortex manager for bg3 oh that's different that's not what I meant I meant like one built into the launcher but I guess that's you know they could never have it Nexus oh okay I might do that then because I wanted to use the mod that uh you know when you have like a summon or a pet or anything like that oh [ __ ] dude I have no carry weeks I have no strength [ __ ] all right I'm gonna have to yep I overweight no he's perfect might as well try and kill this guy for XP but I don't think it's gonna happen the Mind players are already on 38 HP and this guy is he's got a lot of Health um also it's wild that this guy doesn't provoke a tax of opportunity but I guess this is a tutorial eat my [ __ ] yeah all right I think I'm gonna I think I'm just gonna save myself [ __ ] how do I get all the nodalite tanks then these things are heavy these shits are heavy and I am not I do not have muscles on this man to 24 meters this guy's gonna be a rogue God I'm just gonna goof on him then [Music] wait I don't have a candle or anything to ignite it I just have Grease you don't get tanks then give them some of those I don't plan on keeping lizelle she's only here for the tutorial oh that mind player is dead dude all right we're out [ __ ] this is really bad he's done some terrible roles give me those jams run run all right have the brain tank the majority of the damage I should have jumped come on Dodge Dodge all right I'm gonna have Lazelle slow him down um I'm gonna give them astral knowledge of Strang because that'll help my hit chance maybe oh [ __ ] I use my action no [ __ ] [ __ ] all right goodbye Lazelle I literally didn't know the [ __ ] oh dude my movement is so bad go with your little legs go go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shitty [ __ ] [ __ ] get up get him get him get him get him go nice get back you vile fiends all right now we heroically solo okay here's the plan magehen distraction over here that hits the brain this also hits the shoots of the brain they miss because they're cringe then I can finish off one of these amps to get a little bit of extra XP so I'm gonna need it he'll steal the Mind flare oh that would have been a good idea dude wait did you Ally with us yes little brain man I get pranked dude see the way that she died this guy's just looking around like well that [ __ ] he really [ __ ] this up oh man oh oh you didn't know you could you didn't know you could ally with us the little brain man you just gotta succeed the checks all right come on big damage yes a little bit of extra XP and then I feel like if I no I don't risk it let's get out of here also this cutscene is so funny to me oh never mind I was gonna show some of three videos oh I will probably get back into war number three videos I'm just I'm I really like father's gate I I already really liked it I've been I've been waiting for the release of this game for three years I bought it back in like 2011 or 2010 20 2011 uh 2020 or 2021 I forget exactly when it was I think it's 2021 it was December of 2021 2011. um I probably won't be making War him or three videos anytime soon or maybe not I might do a stream or two of the new DLC just because I have Early Access and I get I would I wouldn't because I'd show it off for people that want to see it but I wouldn't advise I don't want to say don't buy it because that's kind of a review and but I would say that pre-ordering is generally a bad idea anyway no matter what it's just a bad practice it's never a good idea to pre-order unless it's for a game that you know is going to be good like Baldur's Gate or Elder ring you know because they've been out in Early Access they're they're incredible companies from soft and larion the only two games that I can honestly say are worth the at uh full price which is wild oh funny head okay well now I have to oh it looks so bad actually I'm gonna need every help I can get here at least I can give this guy everything if I come across any ability any any anything like the witch's hair from the swamp energy thing I can give it to this guy s t your hat fresh water head on fleek there must be a larion is just lovely yeah dude I'm I was hoping that they would respond to my my video um I'd love to see their take on it the halfling video I made you know I don't know if that's egotistical for me to be like react to my content but I would love to see their take on the on the hoffling video considering it it it's been so far-reaching I I never expected people like it so much um do I like I don't know maybe that means that they have to have seen it right I mean it got shared thousands of times it has like two million views on the the explosion scene alone on Reddit on on uh on Twitter like I assume they had to have seen I tagged them in it the amount of notifications that they must have gotten notice me larion please I love you and your game please I beg you I need validation from Papa larian you can hide armor while wearing it okay it's sitting right above your crossbow no I know that's what I was doing bad for the longest time see wait what do you what do you mean oh you can hide the oh that's cool Place weapon this is just for the instrument right you mean this where you can like hide and show your stuff I like the jacket too much dude this outfit is adorable all right Shadow hot talk to me lady I think the lead Dev retweeted it oh damn what I just thought making the [ __ ] Sans noise someone who left me to die on the ship okay um is there like a sassy option stand aside I have lock picks and the skill to match Jesus Christ dude okay I'm going to see what all right lady hopefully there's no more of these creatures you can call me shadowhunt okay okay I wanna free stuff give me your stuff just take thoughts this is how you really sleuth free gear I don't this is this isn't worth much no no I'll take a circle it doesn't weigh much more healing potions this is out of finesse healing potions and Scrolls early game serious artifact she could drop it what can I pick it up well they just returned to her what all right is that supposed to happen I could have sworn that isn't supposed to happen all right well oh camp supplies now how do I kick her ungroup oh [ __ ] no wait oh [ __ ] can I tell her to leave something the matter um if you're sure yeah bye get out of here lady can I kill her now no she's Invincible what just like [ __ ] screaming in pain while walking away uh I'ma sell all this I guess wait circlet's gotta be better than funny hat now what am I talking about funny hat all the way uh I'm gonna send these to Camp I'm gonna send all of my camp supplies to camp because there's no point in having them in your inventory that we weigh a lot less all right should we just try lock picking this or should I go and fight the brains she'll die in Camp probably let's go check on that I'm curious her [ __ ] just collapse is laid out in Camp where is she is she actually dead Oh wait [ __ ] I get no sheesh cheese remember to like comment and subscribe please don't um oh my God I forgot about the funny outfit dude I forgot about the funny outfit dude no way dude okay we don't need mask of the shape shifter I'm gonna check out all this other stuff though maybe we can use some of this I can always forget to use a lot of this the potion of animal speaking that's always useful that's for it's a long rest ocean of mind reading that is not until long rest that's requires concentration right I don't know uh potion of flying that could be useful bring to slow your descent feather fall could be good Hill giant strength Elixir feel dry strand [ __ ] yeah food food oh [ __ ] it's the wrong inventory oh my god dude I hate um was I gonna do oh food right [ __ ] poutine dude I've always wanted to try poutine has anybody tried poutine that's in the UK what's it like I don't trust America's super food stuff I've been to the US I've tried food I've never tried poutine I don't know if it's good we do not need the loot funny bicone is a no cape KPS Cape no guys I look like a wizard I vote no on Cape and needle of the outlaw Rogue just a dagger right I'll take short swords they do better damage kind of underwhelming a little bit drip drip no cape cape yes no but yes okay okay guys pick a lane and not showing multiple potions just override your animals speaking when you drink the hill giant no it doesn't see see elixir of Hill giant strength speaking with animals these are different speaking with animals is a potion not an Elixir Elixir is override you can only have one Elixir at once wait can we drip out our stuff with the Drake's eye sheesh can I wait can you die you can dye underwear right I'm assuming oh boy and also the shoes oh that was okay that was pointless that was kind of that was pointless a little bit also we can do a potion of mine reading and that also Stacks but it requires concentrate what the scroll does what the [ __ ] that look the scroll to take thoughts requires concentration but the potion doesn't require concentration holy [ __ ] what a waste wait oh [ __ ] I didn't try on the twitch outfit though dude I mean this is a twitch draw what do you guys think Numero Uno or new or numero dos this is very circusy this is very um oh I like the booty shorts a little bit more what do you guys think two five thousand dollar shirt right I don't know this is very ostentatious funny okay we can either go for a little booty shorts and little pig oh my God those hams we could go for a little little booty shorts this little cute outfit right here with a gold belt or this what do you guys think I'm kind of on the fence a little bit the pants with the Flaming jacket yeah I cannot this is a little bit more unique I think the other one's a little bit ostentatious and showy for our boy he ain't like that Sans Underdog is a man of class and Grace and composure always change later maybe mix it up all right let's get the [ __ ] out of camp dripped out like you wouldn't believe onwards on our adventure I look like I'm sponsored by McDonald's this is fine I take Ronald McDonald as a companion it'd be goddamn terrifying I was terrified of Ronald McDonald as a kid I know what it is they just happy looking clowns clowns are naturally terrifying I don't know how they ever thought that the clowns were cool for kids they saying twitch chat for [ __ ] sake what do you mean that's true that's true they're saying twitch all right we're gonna have to play this big SWAT Style so I'm gonna use some stealth here we do 5 to 17 damage if we hit a 17 we're gonna kill one of these in one hit we might even crit so if we go all the way over here they have to go all the way around so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get discovered oh we successfully okay [ __ ] just do now you go now oh I'm down let's go one strike could be lethal oh why do we sound so handsome dude look at this far apart all right one down um yeah I can't really do much I can't throw anything I'm not gonna chug we got 11 health potions though which is pretty good clowns became a fear for me when I saw that what wrecker wrecker did with Ronaldo I don't even know what the [ __ ] that you're talking about if you got to kill shadowhawk I don't need to kill shadowhunt it's fine she can just sit in the camp and I can I can use it for story stuff maybe um can I Hyde uses my action so I can't sneak attack dude I need that [ __ ] but really not have advantage all right piercing shot definitely worth it escaping wounds I love a good gape all right now I gotta get all the way back over here what Pro strats when they get up here we can just jump away I promise and what's the romance shadowhawk dude I would have to climb her like a mountain to get in there have you seen my guy the only person we're gonna romance is halsin and that's for the bear scene I guess it'll upset people and that is very funny to me all right one down come on big damage and then we can jump over here uh right tactical genius over here it's not even me it's him now they have to come back around and we just keep jumping over infinitely and they'll never be able to catch us my man might be tiny but he's got a big brain inside of that big I almost said big black Dome he does have he's technically black [ __ ] yeah level up all right baby now he's gonna have to dash again because he's too far away and then we just finish him off that 21 strength jump oh yeah [ __ ] dude we got the all right good good yeah good catch I forgot we we chugged that potion and that's how you kill three brains without taking a drop of damage I don't go getting canceled now what do you mean I'm getting canceled because my guy's black that he is racist don't be racist to my little dog elf my doc no my deep no uh we have Rapier proficiency that's kind of cool I can I why does he have watermelon I'm sorry I'm connecting the dots where they don't exist I see what you're doing larion I see what you're doing larion there's no way there's no [ __ ] way that's unintentional dude there's no way Larry I don't believe you I'm gonna stop putting the key items over here I think healing potions are good we don't have any spells I don't plan on having spells so this should be fine why didn't you grab it by the way okay please do Dock and Docker video uh soon I can accompany as a pro bod bodies a bit op I'm buffing now it is funny I might I was terrible at that game dude I was so embarrassingly bad at that game I made one video on it and you can just see how terrible I am and it's so embarrassing so maybe I might make another video it's pretty fun game pretty good game pretty cool um I'm gonna put throwing items over here and then everything else like that right drone it'll add it potions and useful [ __ ] stealth melee options we're not doing magic magic is for little babies please explain watermelon joke absolutely not absolutely not if you don't get it I'm not explaining for very good reasons nice Mark these tools this one we can just break another helmet that's gonna put up our decks thing does this actually not work or is this bugged or some [ __ ] because look I notice if you actually check the bang does it go up like uh plus one to dexterity saving throws right dexterity saving throws plus two from class plus you're from class C it doesn't do anything it doesn't add any oh wait plus plus one from leather helmet okay good yes that does work then what does it look like oh my God for hero we'll click a medieval superhero well I'm gonna organize a little bit here I kind of have all my stuff meshing together actually you know what Spike bulbs are terrible as are caustic bulbs they're not worth it at all you're wasting your turn if you etch one I don't know caustic bulbs because if they stand in the acid for a turn they take damage we'll play it by ear whatever I use it I use it what is this potion of feather full all right that ponytail just in time for historian what what ponytail I woof caustic bowls reduce their AC as well Ah that's true that's true also I think caustic uh liquid is flammable which is good you look like you're playing you look like a child playing dress-up at the rant Fair I always thought it was rent Fair like rent with a t but apparently it's not rent fare you look like a mini Roman soldier what are you talking about what kind of Roman soldier looks like this oh these are the little jacket the little colorful McDonald's jacket oh [ __ ] I didn't level up [Music] all right not much to uh worry about we got all our coming actions which I'm probably gonna just replace outright so we got coming jump that I mean no ignore that cunning Dash cunning disengage and cunning cunning jump cunning jump would be really useful actually that being said it already uses a bonus action so I guess it's completely pointless but one that uses movement speed instead of a bonus action is always great no no can I blow up this rock I [ __ ] that I'm doomed never mind full bods is probably okay you mean four pods in um this game or four bots in uh Dock and docker luxury bg34 Berserkers vid almost choke drinking my water what berserk is it Oh you mean the four uh Barbarian vid for for pg3 yes thank you I appreciate that it's one of my favorite videos I think I've made in a long time I'm just gonna stealth the [ __ ] out of a story and I think uh 7 to 17 damage he's got 10 hp's five to six okay I'm gonna take the melee option on this get it right up and personal in that big vampire assigned he didn't die no he has more decks than me no get [ __ ] oh come on oh I don't have an action either knock some off balance I can't even kill him what that's such [ __ ] dude let's shoot offhand that no I'll knock him off balance if I can't kill him God damn it he saved whatever hit me he's kidding me well you doomed now because I have two actions piercing strike and offhand come on nice die historian hey God he almost beat me that's so embarrassing eccentric's close could look good tasteful shoes I'm already you know what I'm already rocking it it's fine we'll leave a story for dead amp supplies and where are my chuggies there we go I'm not wasting my short rest short rests are for nerds I started gaping you I know oh my God ew gaped by a gay vampire God this game's amazing ooh can I just kill him do you get a good XP anyway no dialogue 35 XP good all right I'm taking off dual wheel because it's too good it is such a liability his action voice is making me laugh a little short rest is racist I'm sorry I'm sorry we'll call it a a normal size rest a normal sized rest I'm surprised the Chad didn't didn't Rock up with shorts short that goes in the book there it is uh you will make an evil run you mean a doc wait I don't quite are you doing Docker also Thief for assassin Thief uh I think it's actually I don't know we're gonna weigh the options when I hit level three um all right I'm actually gonna I'm gonna let you let this guy live I'm gonna slap his hand though because I think it's funny a hand anyone it's never not funny [Music] you attempt to sabotage the sick what what happens if I do that I've never done this oh I crushed it whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pulls you do the trick what what do they just do they lift did I just like what just happened how did you speed up the deal the roll so much I just hit spacebar oh that I just like fix the portal hello you gaped his portal scale of Water Deep I'm gay dude I'm usually better at this can I just say the one joke in the video that I made that made me laugh more than anything was me cutting off when he says he's Gayle and I'm gay and I that legitimately I then made me laugh at my own video editing that I'm such a [ __ ] juvenile gape of waterdeep uh I'm not wasting any time I certainly hope so okay okay um [Music] we're most certainly going to need a Healer I'm not looking for German companion actually you know what yeah join me and I'll send I'll and then I'll loot you because I want more healing potions and I don't want you to [ __ ] heal this time Sans Underdog I regret the name a little bit but not really go to camp we'll dress them down to his nines okay wait can I hold on I want to see if I can take advantage of something here can I give him a bunch of stuff I want to try something here can I make him a oh I would have to respect really oh man no I don't long okay here's my plan I get long Strider and false life you can only cast on yourself expeditious Retreat maybe I don't know this really doesn't matter and then I take off all this [ __ ] I put on these two things for Ken trips except we go out we give long Strider to my tiny boy and now he has three meters of movement to Long rest yes and expeditious Retreat which is only for Gail wow that's stinky wait Dash available is One Direction so long rest okay all right now we talked to him and now I what go ahead all right oh there we go I question the wisdom of that decision um no I need you to question the wisdom of that okay all right bye now now let me do it come on there we go onward respect him to transmute a wizard and have him uh do your Alchemy in Camp ooh that's a good idea I could I kind of just want him as a as that like every time I level up I can and every time I do a long rest I can go to him and just get have him get a bunch of ritual spells on Long rest so because now I have three meters of extra movement which makes up for the fact that I have tiny legs uh okay if I chug the fire resistance motion it's going to replace my little giants potion so I'm not gonna do that [ __ ] I mean to do that I mean to add to where's dude he's a gnome my guy I am a gnome call me racist but why hoffling yeah I'm still not a whole thing of it I'm a [ __ ] gnome how dare you sir I got hops though oh my God wait I'm just gonna hop everywhere you kidding me this is so much quicker oh my God the 21st this is so much faster I am a god tidy Garden I almost said dark skin stupid political correctness all right here we go then we stealth shot okay it's gonna have to be a regular shot wait I want to show you guys something I want to see if this works I have a I have a big brain move I have a big brain move there it is oh no all right okay hold on I have an idea I have an idea this has worked once let's see if I can get it to work again bro this like this they moved away God damn it dude also it takes away my action I don't have a bonus action right now [ __ ] so my idea was to pull that woman in and then drop it so it kills all three of them and I have made it work once both hofflings and gnomes are short and ugly all right that's our first band of the day what do you mean are you saying that short people are ugly are you saying that that they are ugly in and of themselves because that's rude to all the short Kings out there hey Fox get Fox get crushing [ __ ] bastard to share the loot with all right no look at that no [ __ ] [ __ ] you Warren I need to get my stealth attack off man I know I can't move out of this um all right what's a good move here God I'm so weak I don't want to use a potion speed wait transform the target's five resistant to the final vulnerability bugs that are immunified Amazon effect that wait so that is so minimally useful um maybe a grease bottle I tell you what I'm gonna throw a grease bottle hopefully he'll fail it and fall nice and then I leave did he Ragdoll into the [ __ ] wall he did he's like laid up that's [ __ ] great let's get out of here and then hide now she can't do do any kind of [ __ ] come on Fall Fall Fall you idiot come on [ __ ] oh he just hit oh he can't see me because I'm a God I'm a stealth God all right and I should pass this stealth check really what you gotta be you gotta be kidding me man whatever it's fine it's fine oh she's gonna get some stupid dead angle on me watch now you ah giffy fools yes this is why greasing up little man and women Works what are these sentences dude get [ __ ] uh just in game where we have that [ __ ] [ __ ] me to do that um [ __ ] what's the move here moment how dare you uh this is good right damn do not cast sleep on me again I swear you're gonna fire bolt me or some [ __ ] no I knew it because I can read these people like she books that they are no all right this is bad [ __ ] all right um bonus action chug and then we finish this guy off please nice his little body Ragdoll and that's very funny to me then we hide here and then she slips on the vines or would it nope she jumps okay all right okay she Dash which is great for us because that means she can't attack and now because we're she's out of a line of sight we sneak and sneak attacker maybe one shot her oh eat my whole balls lady [ __ ] where do we even go now can I just what if I switch to melee and then I get like a foot away from her that's gotta be a better idea than running away right nice you've got shove me lady please please I have so much strength oh my God [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] [Laughter] I [ __ ] love having high strength dude perfect I'ma take some of these things that we're actually worth a lot of money so a lot of the swords are worth a great amount because they're worth like 40 and they only only weigh one nice also I'm not wasting a short rest so I'm gonna chug again back to full health good stuff Grumble block laid up I've never talked to this guy but apparently you can talk to him there's a whole other dialogue option that I've just never explored shovel always good for digging up stuff I don't know why it puts it in your Thrones you're throwing weapons category I don't think there's anything much value around here there's that chest with a healing potion but I guess we'll do it this way so this is like gonna be where it's it's actually like a [ __ ] laid out buddy exposing that's [ __ ] that's so funny dude I see okoy's is playing and I click I see him eating somebody eyes will never change I throwing people off cliffs is always going to be my favorite thing in games nothing is more satisfying in video gaming Than ledging People everything all right out there the DC to intimidated I was running into them was like seven oh yeah how do we play this performance deception see this is where we're good nice nailed it all right oh [ __ ] I already quick save all right here we go you're dead can I run around him and then step now because you have to be a certain distance I remember oh he's surprised though if I can sneak attack inside Vance nope never mind never mind I shoot him in the mouth and a melee attack him and then he's gonna be surprised for a turn and then we walk around the back for a fact and then slash him in the back and we miss and then we follow it up with a really good critical come on I didn't even kill him don't you dare don't you dare you little no ah you [ __ ] you tried it nice what do these bottles have in them draw it draw it at the bottom of this these just bottles I never picked those up I I feel like they're supposed to be oil bottles or something can I just say it is surreal not having a bunch of pulse rates on the left side of the screen dust it feels really strange and also kind of freeing and I really like it and playing solo is very fun but also really difficult okay moment how dare you I you know what this has been going a lot better than you probably thought right could you at least give me that much that you thought this was gonna go terribly and then it was just gonna be me dying and reloading over and over again can I get that out of you I know that's like 80 of the people of my regular audience no yes come on you won't even give me that what does this plaque say ancient indecipher I don't care text covers the plaque what if I just make like a big old box wall for this for this bit as well for cover stealth and for cover for High Ground also hold on all right oh no didn't mean to do that didn't get down also I'm going to turn on all the lights to give myself the edge in terms of lack of light because I have 24 meters of uh of Dockside and they don't because they're they're cringy little humans I'm a cringy little gnome I'm disappointed that you want sucking hey God what a weird sentence all right we dock in the room so they don't know what to expect then we unleash boxes like this build a little box wall like this like this and then we can move this around wherever we want so we can put it like here then I can have a little stealth wall right eh okay and then go up to camp and then we oh there's free [ __ ] here what a ball oh this is just that's just a bunch of Gale stuff I'm gonna take that mug water off him can you smell Alchemy I won't be able to make anything yet will I potion of mind reading dude now that I know about that mind reading thing I'm gonna be chugging a potion of mind reading every goddamn time oh [ __ ] uh where's my box I don't cry grab the portrait with 35 gold there's a portrait worth 35 gold all right I'm gonna grab all the nodalite tanks they're gonna weigh a ton I'm gonna be overweight now never mind I have 21 because I'm a little strength Goblin now I wish I could play as a goblin so bad can I do that please make like I'm waiting on that there's a mod that's already doing it but uh he's not adding an ogres to the mod and I'm so crushed but I want to play as a goblin I will be doing probably a live stream or playthrough of that when that drops by the way as an ogre or I'll do a four ogre video stream all that kind of stuff playing as an ogre in this game will be amazing just a big old guy with like terrible intelligence modifiers I crave that so bad having like a negative four to intelligence all right So Pro tip for this oh I'm [ __ ] stuck [ __ ] spread these out a little bit you'll get more people do I not have any way of doing fire I need to find candles or something [ __ ] I have no way of setting off anything on fire oh yeah I do yeah okay I have an idea I have an idea okay so here we go so stealth turn this Brazier on just really quick wait are there any candles how long does do flaming weapons last like two turns right it's not very long all right then we did in the fountain thing those are swords that's not a bow okay dip the bow in the in the Brazier because that makes sense and then we turn off Frasier open the thing I'm a quick save here as well open the brazier and then shoot oh and then we get we have crazy decks so they're [ __ ] I can't do this because I don't have an action but wait if I switch to melee weapons are they gonna be on fire they're not all right [ __ ] I don't have an action wait all right and then I hit this and knock all of that everywhere and then we run away oh [ __ ] wait am I not gonna have any way to light that on fire now maybe they'll set it on fire if they're burning you've not shoot me do not shoot you unbelievable okay all right I don't call using any mods no no no no mods oh don't jump don't jump oh they got so far though okay this is oh [ __ ] wait do I fire on my bow still wait not enough movement there's no way I don't have enough movement okay bonus action it's bonus action a dip [ __ ] I need that um all right potions of speed uh light the candles dip [ __ ] I don't have a bonus action oh [ __ ] dude um all right I'll just kill this guy all right I'll just kill this guy nice and then I'll put the chair on the table and block their way so they can't shoot me like this maybe put the of this little trunk in the way no all right uh all right this is good I'm gonna turn nice another one died there's only two of them stand on them no all right all right we got this we got this all right they're pretty close to the explosive thing all right now is our chance now we dip potato chip we get make sure you got your range weapons out got the crossbow and we dip get our flame thing and then we [ __ ] an all the white tank and get them both come on ah four damage the one of them dot I think the lady died so it's just her now and then we just finish her off come on yeah she's got two healthy she's screwed everyone over here and hide and she hopefully runs to death no ah you're doomed lady you're doomed that's how it's done that's sort of that one pretty good Solo solo Rogue W taking out like seven or eight guys that worked pretty good it only took a speed potion and a little bit of some other stuff we should get more than we lost how much xp did I get though oh leather gloves leather boots I don't have any gloves on right nice I like the fur boots with the fur now carry the candle with you oh you can't pick up these candles they're they're only usable candles you can get them out of boxes though maybe there's some of the boxes no I've already been through those it's just a chance thing you just have a chance to maybe get candles out of like crates boxes barrels did they close the store again oh no they died they fully died scroll up burning hands that'll be good I'm actually Gonna Keep some of these because this sucks scrolls are burning like tier level one spell scrolls are level two whatever they are like get so bad by late game [ __ ] I gotta stop doing that we need options for this little man how close are we to leveling up see if we were getting extra levels okay that'll be super super useful outcome is fire always good simple toxin I actually am going to use that and get that as a bonus action we need everything we can get we are we have limited options with this little guy I hold Scrolls I hold some Scrolls some scrolls are not worth holding because they're terrible but then some are really good come on I guess I don't need candles though now but I've also used all the nodaloid flasks which means I gotta stop looking for oil barrels a different head hey yo what yeah oh wow that's pretty good although we're giving up a leather helmet so I kind of can't because I actually want the sets plus I'm not about to unequip my little McDonald's outfit so [ __ ] wrong way droopy Big Iron on his hip yeah we're a little ironed I read I named him wrong a cowboy no how many XP do we actually 329 we can get that off of just some interactions alone so I could weasel my way through like over to the dragon thing pass like a speech check and Bam I can hit level three really early on nice okay perception having high perception is huge role play a gunslinger dual hand bows quickest draw on the underdog that's the plan that's the plan my guys we're going dual uh handballs do we actually have efficiency proficiency for those we do yes because Sans under rock is proficient with these following weapons so we can use long uh hand crossbows hand crossbows are unbelievably good by the way they're essentially your best friend is a rogue you always use them if you want already this place wasn't built for the living damn that's a lot of protection from Good and Evil Scrolls I'm actually gonna pop one of those now so I don't forget the bias concentration but it gives us uh Advanced disadvantage in blah blah blah whatever we need to figure out something for those Undead though because that's going to be really hard to deal with that's actually going to be really difficult I might have to go get some oil barrels and come back what do you guys think thank you yes you did Tower my ogre that way to handle inventory wait yo hold on did the [ __ ] Plankton voice get better that's that sounded way more like plankton uni Tower my ogre thank you thanks for the donuts you did Tower my ogre that way to handle inventory what you did shower my am I just am I having a stroke thank you for the dodo my guy I am too dumb to understand what that says oh I tried it it's all coin always good I wonder what it's worth so confused English probably isn't his first language because he's donating a sec so I'm not I'm not about to make fun of the guy but I don't understand what he said I feel dumb like today our voice is so good at singing dude I it sounds way clearer it used to be like robotic that actually sounds so good now can I just saw him this you not get the option can I hit what happens if I hit the button okay yeah so I cry here is a stroke police you have a stroke oh God okay I forgot to grab this no [Music] all right okay in hindsight [Music] hindsight I okay I thought you could disable this imma be real okay now grab it grab it grab it [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] dead I'm [ __ ] dead dude I'm gonna burn one HP we can do it we can do better than that God damn it dude [ __ ] you can disable it it you didn't detect it you can just oh did I fill the perception check use turn based all right fine okay you shift space is that to turn on yeah turn based mode fine and we out of here all right thanks for that I forgot about turn based mode for a minute there all right and we end let's go see the book with a huge [ __ ] f8 is quick load oh yeah I should probably do that now that's a lot there's a bunch of hotkeys that I don't use which I probably should other Soul coin not a guaranteed drop out of that oh oh [ __ ] I don't have anywhere to put Quest items and stuff somebody remind me to get a uh pouch all right let's see if we can nail this okay what book is far lighter than it should be such a massive log smash lock open with gnome strength [ __ ] book s oh these little little wrist pads [ __ ] yeah how did I win that was once great is now oh come on there's no way I passed this oh come on dude how do they fail the strength check and then okay game Raven feeblemoon we can do half damage with weapons right see this is just not worth an action in my opinion you're using your entire action to make sure that the enemy that you're in feebling deals off the weapon damage with strength it's just so specific and it requires concentration so even if they deal half damage and they hit you it'll break concentration and you lose it's just so bad dude am I the only one who just thinks Raven fee moment just sucks ass control wizard goes hard yeah on my I I wasn't a huge fan of wizards they do get super strong late game though subscribes I'll be real they get really strong then again soda Fighters and my fighter is way stronger than my than my mage my fighter could absolutely Clap the cheeks of my mage Maya Eldritch uh half walk fighter okay you're the best love you I love you too buddy I don't want to be parasocial or anything knives actually seem to be worth it by the way [ __ ] they sell for 16 and they only weigh 0.45 which is nothing that's nothing give me your give me give me give me wait if I put the Quarter Staff down what happens if I put in the chest if this game went to level 20 the wizard will be the most OP class yeah true true I go but I go for fun instead of meta anyway like I don't care if Druid if a wild shaped Druids are mid they're they're fun they're really really they're fun I don't care if Rogues actually Rogues were pretty meta I was gonna say I don't care if Rogues are like bad Rogues are amazing I don't care what anybody says Rogues have got to be easily like top three classes like I I saw this guy made a tier list for the classes and Rogue wasn't even in like the top five and I was like this man is sleeping on robes so bad especially if you put a point into fighter and you get a twin weapon proficiency which is what we're gonna do later your inventory management is phenomenal I always end up with the entire Kitchen in my inventory that is so good dude 100 that's been patched that sounds exactly like Plankton oh my God that's perfect thank you for the donut my guy hey soon song that is a cool Korean name why are Asian names so cool compared to like western names I guess that's a matter of perspective but John Smith like this is so boring like Indian names and [ __ ] every other country I feel like like other culture has like cooler names than I guess white people I guess damn miniature Wesley Snipes sneaking in nutshots playthrough is gonna be lit dude so you made it so much better I'm so hyped that is so good the inscription is in a language that really sounds like Plankton it's amazing I we need to go back to the yelling uh crab stuff that's amazing Erica you're full huffling uh Beth was literally the best video I've ever seen on YouTube I've never left so freaking hot in my life you earned mine on my brother's Subs dude thank you man I'm glad you enjoyed it I had a lot of fun making it I never expected it to take off like I did though like it it is crazy how popular it's gone like it's easily the most popular video I've ever released and it's been like three days like it's insane crab thank you for the Donuts by the way guys uh Dennis zarzaco with a five euro donut miniature Wesley Snipe sneaking in nutshots playthrough is gonna be late Richard Wesley Snipes okay why the Wesley Snipes comment okay we gotta figure out a plan here actually oh [ __ ] how am I gonna tackle this okay guys I need strats I actually need strats here because this is going to be really difficult I got a Scroll of burning hands could be good here we don't have any like I don't know dude what's the move here maybe just Hocking Alchemist fire outside of this little room and kiting them into it just don't a fight hide and avoid them uh we could try that let's see what happens see how this goes oh hells oh something just woke up dude my guy sounds way too cool for his stature you know oh oh no you don't oh [ __ ] they like Patrol and stuff okay hold on okay maybe we can take advantage of this let's let's Wake Up Now think to rush oh [ __ ] I gotta kill the undead first all right well we'll get this amulet lost voices maybe we can speak with the undead and then tell them to chill the [ __ ] out all right let's see how this goes I could really use those those dual crossbows already get him hit him in the back all right I've used up my turn that's fine though they're surprised I can use this I got the drop on them [ __ ] I don't have Advantage what wait am I not hidden okay I see oh nice [ __ ] we're not far enough I'm gonna get hit damn it they're gonna hit me with like a bolt or something go on Eldridge to ask me or some [ __ ] oh nice toxin on the undead it's acid damage right oh is this [ __ ] is it not oh it's poison [ __ ] you're a means of poison [ __ ] I thought it was acid [ __ ] okay maybe we hide oh nice yes okay this can work let me get here and then I don't have Advantage because I use my action to hide how did what happened I pressed C to hide God [ __ ] damn it dude what can I Dash and then still hide I think I'm hidden yep all right [Applause] oh they don't know where I am this is look at him look around I love that little Edition that's so cute oh nice dude no way ain't no way I got away with that no get [ __ ] oh come on come on come on come on no no ah okay this is good this is good this is good this is good this is good we can just keep kiting them and stealthing them like a little Goblin man nice nice nice get [ __ ] no [ __ ] way dude somebody play the [ __ ] done wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I have to I have to Take Care Health name it's on hold on wait [Music] okay we got this [Music] [Applause] no no don't oh [ __ ] why is this working so well why is this working so good you [ __ ] idiot ain't no way with this ain't no way with this man what [Music] we are a God we are a little God [Music] this could not be more perfect music get [ __ ] clear dude what holy [ __ ] oh God yo solo no playthrough is where it's at man yo that was [ __ ] great that's the true okay moment I mean I didn't [ __ ] up so maybe not that couldn't have gone better wow we cleared out that whole thing very decisively nice onward now let's go get that free health potion maybe I should do that as a stream highlight that was crazy I can't believe how well that worked broke's overpowered it's just that it's that ability to hit people and kill them or even damage them without them noticing is it because they were Undead or is it just like the stealth system is a little weird because that seems crazy strong I've had similar things like that happen before but yes stream highlight yeah I should I should highlight that if that was crazy a little man is so good ah we failed the [ __ ] perception check all right let's go deal with Lazelle I guess damn dude we're killing it out here also is this scaling with my strength because my strength is way higher than my decks now maybe that's why I'm hitting for so good that didn't make that was a really bad grammar stealth system is super Jank but that's really good for us as a solo player we can take advantage of that speaking of which also it was really dark in that room so that probably helped and considering we have stealth proficiency and [ __ ] I'm just gonna light these guys up because I want the XP oh yo no way oh we're in combat though and so is the sale nice oh I'm gonna hide over here because there's no point wasting an action so she'll hit lizelle and almost kill her in one shot god damn you fish off oh almost [ __ ] we got discovered oh she ain't going nowhere though Advantage no can I stealth What if I ain't no way that works nah disadvantage I don't know about that I want you to hit me nice where you going get him they were cracked we're so cracked with this little man and now we can get Lazelle for story reasons I guess she got put some clothes on though it's a little unacceptable but the longer my people possessions I must fight you all right I want to see what you have what do you got she give you anything if I give her like perks and stuff oh okay A lot of people are saying this once you're going to look at the tomb after killing those are dead [ __ ] yes yes I was [ __ ] dude what does the underwear look like I know I'll lose my little I'll lose my little jacket actually you know what all right all right I'm gonna go back yes yes go to Camp I don't want you it's a solo play through lady you're cramping my style and if this man has anything in style oh this run animation is precious certified okra moment I tell you what we've had plenty on this stream but it's mostly been good stuff why did I come back to the sale with no clothes um this is the morning after pay someone to comb through your streams to make a compilation of the Abundant okoy moments I've uh I've thought of doing that a body of mine uh likes editing so he just like Cuts together a bunch of Clips or like was trying to do YouTube shorts and stuff like that I need somebody to like go through a stream and just come make a compilation of me [ __ ] up and like all the best only the best okra moments though I can't it can't just be like all of the moments because it was every time I [ __ ] up oh my God you just be uploading a whole stream you know which is not great all right here we go yes I love you Withers you're so cool all right yes I will you're the best you're my favorite you're my favorite little on dead man and I love you Withers is such a cool guy such a nice guy can I teleport anywhere uh oh we're going close nope uh roadside Cliffs that's it please just showcase the different underwears at least once oh like try on their underwear I feel like it's kind of gross undressing your companions to try on their underwear I mean like even in like an RP context you're just hey Lazelle can I can I borrow those can I borrow those just for a minute I just want to try them on and then what if you keep them like it's I'm surprised that the company there isn't like a program they could think program oh my God a programmed in thing where if you try and take your companions clothes they like they act like you're weird they at least comment on it you know the fact that they don't even mention it is crazy you're a rogue they don't ask they don't even know like I'm just exit like when women take off their bra without taking off their shirts somehow I just they don't even know it's just gone we're off to find the wizard there's really like a a Looney Tunes ass Disney run to this guy like I'm running downstairs on the first day of Christmas on the on the you know on Christmas Day I mean I don't even speak to dead could be useful actually all right open the bloody gate oh [ __ ] oh nice it's my turn first oh I might have to I have so much strength too can I throw them uh 56 disadvantage I'm still gonna do it it's always so funny um is Austin it's oil worth keeping I feel like there's not gonna be anything that has fire resistance that I'm gonna need to bank on this hard and waste the bonus action using especially when I have hand crossbows actually I'm just gonna sell it the more money we have the better we can fund our little man's Misadventures I have no more actions so I'm just gonna hide so I don't take any random hits I'm gonna let these guys fight I still get all the XP right throw her let's go it always do 20 having high strength is just unmatched if you haven't tried it by the way you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing a uh Berserker Barbarian and okay that'd be a great run though solo Rogue my underwear one steals every underwear in game I could do a speed rung to see how fast I can get every NPC's underwear underwear collection speed run get a side with the goblins display through that would be very Underdog of me that would be very Sans on the dock of of sans what do you guys think I could put up to a boat we could just be totally evil or totally good [Applause] I named my Sans Underpants if anybody doesn't know by the way this guy's called Sans underdog I didn't suggest it um and I I do hate it but I also love it not because they enslave your kin oh that's true that do be true maybe we just go on like a freeing the uh freeing the Gnomes kind of play through you know ain't no I'm sorry Ultra Instinct ass what the [ __ ] who is this guy what who the [ __ ] is this guy [ __ ] Spider-Man I feel like he's gonna start doing that wrist flick Spider-Man [ __ ] goblins Are gnomes with sharp teeth that's a little racist and you know reductory productory is that a word Dublin Wick it's got Wick Ed these guys might die oh no they're actually doing pretty good kinda oh Ramiro is gonna get [ __ ] okay with just one of me I think people are gonna start dying shit's gonna go down all right did this guy hit me no he didn't even get me all right can I stab him in the face no I'm just gonna go melee then come on I dodged that [ __ ] I'm going to further shame you by pushing your body up can I get pushed onto that person no way ain't no way no let me get my positioning right ain't no way come on no come on you can do something like that by the way if you don't know this Tech right get a chest fill it with a [ __ ] tons of heavy crap and then use a blast spell to push it up a cliff onto somebody and it will do Insane amounts of damage and I might be doing that uh in order to try and kill the dragon or something because I want to see how much experience you get for killing that red dragon in the red dragon put a [ __ ] ton of explosive down behind it and then blow it up what do you guys think I want to do one or the other as long as it doesn't drag me into dialogue automatically and I can actually sneak in I want to try some [ __ ] like that blowing up the dragon would be amazing uh all right there's no am stealth in here I'm just gonna have to stop finishing them off one down bug bear is almost dead we're good I get those gloves off that guy ain't the absolute or whatever both you mean the dragon in act one yes the dragon in Act One The Gift Dragon hey yo they're in a clean house a little bit there maybe we'd knock him out also oh [ __ ] you need to do that oh okay they're apparent oh and crossbow oh [ __ ] yeah dude oh [ __ ] yeah for nine I'm gonna put it to the side right now but I definitely will be using that Rhys Scroll of Grease actually extremely useful do not underestimate Scroll of Grease knocking enemies prone is so strong are they gonna accuse me stealing no all right good stuff only one of them died it was both from my favorite TV series The samsons is this an open world game um yeah kinda it's like a it's it's what I would call a semi-linear free roam game you have complete freedom to roam around in different acts but when you proceed through those acts it goes to them and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable okay do you like Linkin Park their new song their new song lost is insane no I I've haven't listened to Lincoln Park since I was about 12 years old or 13 and like the early 2000s well I guess the mid-2000s see much player battles that I don't [ __ ] okay all right curly hair [ __ ] your accent yes okay well I'm gonna hit him um he's a family attack aim a blow with the human what if I just started blowing him get it you're about to get slipped son our [ __ ] curly hair look at me stance those the Goblins have found us no doubt the Beast will be back we need to pack up and leave immediately immediately did he leave is he crying already I loot him while he's down nah I said Lord would get mad you acted quickly I'm just sorry I didn't get there thank you um I should warn you I feel like they have no context or awareness for the name Sans Underdog quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve uh I have no crawlers yeah I'll see what I can do sure I'm probably not gonna do any of that all right tell me go kill a bug bear or extra XP how close are we now oh if I kill this bug where I level up nice I gotta stop running inside jumping too you're so fast you [ __ ] nice um oh she's probably gonna get absolutely rocked I don't think I can prevent this um yeah I'm just gonna hide you on your own lady oh she's surprised nice awesome I knew that whatever oh she discovered me are you serious a lot of help you out lady I'm gonna get behind her so she might die instead of me well throw something to her not me nice oh you idiot come on find that ain't no way all right well thanks for the scroll of featherfall on the coin in the books which I will read oh did you guys know you can do this look peer through the telescope smaller than telescope nice the drag it's a dragon you see a dragon circling no she's so cute like I've been drinking milk you know from certain angles uh brass locket what is this for then oops [ __ ] I don't know whoop this guy's gas brass lock it [ __ ] I need a bag what do you get a bag or a satchel or something I need like a place to put all my quest items and [ __ ] poison Constitution saving throughout I feel like we're not gonna need poison foreign oh [ __ ] wait I need this though scroll a feather full always useful uh I haven't seen the whole canister is Skull White oh [ __ ] all right level up nice all right here we go look at my precious little outfit all right Thief I think is all right this is the big decision kind of for early game should we go Thief or um falling damage and a second bonus action which is huge and if we get level four we can get um I'm gonna put one level in a fighter to get twin weapon fighting because it makes us way stronger or assassin which is you're against surprised enemies it's you advancing Attack rules against creatures they haven't taken a turn yet uh any special attack rule against the surprise creature is a critical hit and uh you immediately restore an action a bonus action to start a combat so basically it's like Assassin is good for ambushing and only ambushing but Thief you get a bonus an extra bonus action which is just crazy if they feel almost always better yeah see that's what I mean because mostly like if you're fully if you are doing assassination [ __ ] if assassin gave you a guarantee critical hit every time you're attacking from hidden then I would totally take that but Thief is better two bonus actions is crazy how do you have 21 strength uh because I have a elixir of Hill giant strength it's a long rest oh [ __ ] I thought she was gonna blow him there holy [ __ ] I want my buff thank you [Music] all right oh yeah there's [ __ ] nothing over here and we go up to 27 hit points already good items it's going well we got some good some options maybe I need to use these a little bit more assassin has got you on solo especially once you get bloodless Elixir even more if you get multiple for two attacks yeah late game I'm sure it is is there probably worth it but that bonus section dude don't underestimate having an extra bonus section just some bits and Bobs okay I kind of want these gloves I might just this might be my first major purchase is gloves and missile scenario every time you take a ranged weapon attack you roll a 1d10 plus your dexterity modifier to reduce the damage which is [ __ ] crazy they're really good early game gloves so I think I'm gonna just outright buy them and then also on a hand crossbow can I just sell my whole [ __ ] before I buy these nip didn't think so uh why does this default to one by the way instead of defaulting to two I I don't understand maybe I can just hold on can I just can we stop shouting no you can't multi-select in this menu I don't think so God damn it should be hit selling the heavy stuff actually I'm dumb all right buy the gloves and then [ __ ] I should have bought the gloves and then he would have had enough money for me to sell my [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] stupid because now I can just [ __ ] hit sellers what what is worth so much money foreign Scrolls the rules of high Scrolls and that's that's gonna be worth so much money in the long run Vivi Scrolls oh a plus one set of padded what do you guys think plus one set of padded or we go for some other [ __ ] just drag him uh also I might buy some healing potions give a good amount of money they're worth almost nothing the more human potions we have the better we'll find better soon true true uh you sure for light armor though I'll scroll them in Lodge ooh no I kind of want to see my guy as a really big gnome that sounds kind of funny feeling potions are hella cheap that's true I I always buy healing potions like the bigger he'll try and strength I'm buying that I want to continue my strength after long rest unless I can get an elixir of bloodlust that'll be my goal Elixir is a like elixir is a bloodluster like pretty much the best in the game they're nuts they're absolutely cracked also collecting arrows could be good ice arrows are amazing you're slipping I'm not gonna waste my money maybe we'll come back and get it later on goodbye get a little bit of free extra XP uh persuasion [ __ ] crushed it if I'd listen to me I'd listen to my little guy wouldn't you you're addressing me a humble Ox yeah I'm sure this guy isn't some something else not gonna spoil it it's off this creature isn't water to pick no you are uh incapable equation way too many bonuses to turn it down even if we [ __ ] it up I'll tell you this much no all right did you say tick tock oh man cringe have you ever thought about how certain phrases are ruined by popular culture [Music] you can right click instead of pressing space when skipping dialogue really why can you guys hear me Slam in the spacebar is that why I didn't even think about that uh I'm gonna let her [ __ ] somebody I love Ethel I wish you could join her dude are you gonna get branded by the Goblins I've never seen anyone does it so it would be interesting sorry to go on about it are you all right you're working off are you gonna get branded by the Goblins I've never seen anyone do it so it will be interesting I think there's probably downsides later on what is there any downsides to getting branded guys other than being able to use branded weapons as a bonus but then like absolute gear of the absolute um [Music] he may have something at home no do you need it hey father is there anything good you're an idiot oh 30 dude okay they're so cheap they're actually so cheap it's so worth it in the long run to buy healing potions I can't stress that enough like I'm up to 20. like I'm so unlikely to die now just based off of that what do you guys think of like a long-haul campaign like this by the way because I'm actually having so much fun it's actually a pretty bomb what do you guys think I forgot to equip the gloves too [ __ ] nice so now we're resistant to miss you fat faster I'm always still yo that's so high quality bruh look at that dude Larry are so talented until Roland shows off his Thunder Wave yeah if this spot buy invisible oh [ __ ] yeah good idea true yeah bro entire game with this guy it could be a good good stream at least we get until we get to the point where we're really really strong 124 [ __ ] that I'm not spending 124 gold on being able to go invisible you break invisibility when you attack thanks for fighting off those goblins I want to bring my Dragonborn if you you know what I would love if there was some way for players to hop in and out constantly oh dude I thought there was a plus one hand crossbow for a second there I was about to cream all right so we saw a light crossbow we buy a hand crossbow and then we get dual hand crossbows look at our little guy with our crossbows and then I might buy padded armor orange die how about I buy like I'm not gonna see it anyway never mind I don't maybe it's not worth it 200 gold for one more Armor class and one less bludgeoning damage I don't know man what do you guys think the Zen have one-headed crossbows that's what these are hand crossbows they're not just a Zen thing Oh you mean like they have plus one versions that works Darkness Arrow ooh Darkness arrows are really good yeah Darkness arrows are so good we'll get to the city soon I am not amateur arrows that might be worth it actually we'll buy a fire arrow because they're just they're cheap as hell yeah [ __ ] it I'm gonna buy some tomatoes knocking people back would maybe be okay this is the first time I'm buying so much [ __ ] I'm so many items God damn we may have to call the herd a little bit here cut down on some of these these things [ __ ] where do I even put arrows Rogues always have like you don't even cast spells and they always have a billion things on their bar half the time at least I do flying could be good featherful uh uh I'm gonna phase out the scroll of burning hands I think it's gonna be very rare I'm actually gonna be able to use these thank you can you put your [ __ ] in a bag like your arrows in a bag I would like to see how you fight the bigger fights uh for the really big fights I'm gonna have to employ some new tactics like explosive barrels and [ __ ] look at these little hand crossbows dude their gnome size it's perfect you could probably fire one of these by itself legitimately as a full-size crossbow oh all right we're two now we've done damming we've got our shopping here we rescue the Goblin and kill the Goblins in the cave or kill that Goblin it really depends who we're joining all right we need to go talk to The Druids on what an outward just once yeah just once uh we're so goddamn good at everything dude [ __ ] it's a good timing Brad come on don't [ __ ] it up bruh you know what the worst part about this is the stuff that's in this chest is dog [ __ ] wait sturdy what do I need to break a sturdy 10 damage at least you can get sturdy a week to bludgeoning do I have anything I can do bludgeoning damage with can I just punch it what if I just punch it yeah that's what I'm talking about this is my 21 strength four gold I wasted two lock picking things on four [ __ ] gold iron why oh this will be fun as a rogue actually dude oh man you can't go on look at my mustache you can't get this past me nice I never learned names or anything just anyway forget that take the ring I want to show you how lucky it is come on nice nice advantage oh yeah oh yeah maybe you don't need extra luck but simply it buttons down he has on his [ __ ] heads or tails oh no I forgot we were talking to a kid that's awkward I was the same height I legitimately forgot this was a child pocket the ring tails see I've got more weather I feel like that goes the same way no matter what you do you can drop the X um uh-huh and I promise this isn't a tinker's trash scam um I swear to you these rings are the real deal I promise I'm last chance I want to get these Rings actually because that's what I got uh okay so these rings are [ __ ] great look ring is being really invisible ring of lakensis uh infinite ring of infinite wishes and the Ring of resistance to ants I love the Ring of being really invisible it's four gold I'm buying it I want the Ring of being really invisible that's that's two it's too adorable to not get foreign s on the dock and his ring of being really invisible oh look at my mustache you can't get this past me exactly because I have a wizard mustache oh certainly feels something moving against your back and turn one of the big kids that's a girl by the way um I love that these interactions like these as a rogue this game is so good dude it's [ __ ] massive the amount of different interactions and [ __ ] I can't even I feel like if I looked at all the coding behind all of this and the you know like the logic lines and the coding and the amount of like trees that come off of just a single conversation my head would fall off like it's so impressive okay harder not to get caught next time uh did they actually lift money from you oh I get a magic ring too [ __ ] it I'll use a Magic win a ring of being really invisible are you a goblin or just a really dripped out halfling I am a gnome I am Sans Underdog the the Deep gnome like a gnome but really I wish I had an effects like tricking the ogres yeah yeah that'll be cool I do love you video interaction though love the enlightened I wish was a companion if I could pick one character to be a companion it would be lumpy enlightened just like a permanent companion that you have really you can like romance and I mean uh develop their quest line and stuff uh what you no what can we even do here I'm like there's the kid and the kid fight which we could do I need these I need these give me give me give me your gardening lady I need these I'm just gonna take these thank you hey cool thanks I pickpocket them oh wait I'm gonna try and pass the check for the key what is this key for actually concentrating uh but now it's too dark nailed it yeah [Music] give me the key what is the key for does anybody know I've never actually bothered to check what the key is for puppies oh good idea yeah we'll go get it we'll go get Hobbies P made all the XP we can get the faster I level up the better 1700 XP [ __ ] it's so much to get there's a chest there's a chest on the arc above on the arch above you what where here bad what the [ __ ] is in this what I've never seen that dude this game always has new [ __ ] I swear ain't no way I've never noticed that please tell me I'm not the only one who didn't notice that [ __ ] how do I get up there um I don't have like a spell of jumping getting dark oh [ __ ] how do I get up there oh oh wait no because I can't interact when I'm on the on the lift oh wait I can okay we'll try the lift hold on because I can't move right now yeah look there we go no come on feather fall from the top of the elevator oh maybe we try that hold on hey sup because of the four hot flick bars video great video thank you my guy much appreciated I uh I said it a few times wait how long does this last this isn't permanent right now okay that other one has me on edge and now come on no God we can almost make it can I go from here I just gotta get around before it runs out go go go go go maybe you can survive the fall I can with the featherful uh It's gotta be from here right yes oh it wasn't worth it God damn it and then we can jump down and do a hero Landing in front of this this dude draw poison is always good drought voice is actually worth it being able to knock people out is insane uh and then grease is always good basic poison I'm good on that uh actually you know what that was worth it that was like a couple hundred gold right there all right hoppy time should we go get Hobbies General Hobbies don't I have to pass like a Crazy Wisdom check otherwise they enslave me like you know I start running towards their singing sing I'll probably grab this as a birthday gift to myself then I was hyped as [ __ ] but thought I needed to build a 2K machine to play it it's actually not if Larry and despite the size of the scope of this game they've done a pretty good job of uh optimizing it because they're an actual good games company so they've actually bothered to optimize their game uh despite its unbelievable size uh the later half of the game it gets a little bit um spotted a run because Baldur's Gate is so huge and you know some of the later locations you know are so grandiose and Incredibly designed are you gonna drink your strength potion I already have um Elixir giant strength until long rest so until I decide to I haven't even done a short rest yet and we've already made it to this point and we're level three like we're already killing it if I and I'm also a rogue so I don't need short rest so I'm probably not gonna use one unless I'm absolutely in need of it somehow which I don't think I will be I don't know why I would ever use a short rest on this guy right [ __ ] how do we do this maybe if I bomb them [ __ ] [ __ ] how do we even how do I even approach this fight Greece isn't worth it right maybe if I just Grease the whole area the whole region in Greece let's see what happens all right region has been greased uh no grease at the bottom unfortunately that's good maybe that'll help maybe they'll just jump straight out of it by flying um I might have just wasted that [ __ ] how do we even throwing maybe a void pulp I can't do stealth because they don't show up yet as Flyers they ignore Greece yeah that's what I'm thinking short rest to your gnome is just a regular rest I don't go hey stop making that joke so high shaming my boy they will just fly yeah will a flame mode do something maybe uh I don't know man this is a rough one maybe if I throw some I was gonna say the holy water for Undead because it does [ __ ] tons of damage down dead and fiends oh oh Arrow Darkness could be good I don't know man this is a rough one this is a really really hard fight all right how about I'm just gonna probe and we'll do an alchemist flask like here and then go back into stealth ain't no [ __ ] way they're ignoring this what's happening do I have to discover what [Music] can I sneak around them then or will they just automatically discover me if I go into this region I need The High Ground is the problem wait kill one turn bait turn base that no one they're further down I know they're further no there's one here there's one here on this section and then there's one at the bottom who's initially doing the singing they're ever they're all over this section [ __ ] I lit the grease on fire too so I've just wasted two items lower there's three there's three of them dude the music in this fight is great I mean it's it's them singing but I agree uh uh they're like there I'm pretty sure there's one here one there and then one at the top here I do I just bite the bullet and go down there then you just spawn them by talking to the kid oh man that's not true though I hope that's not true ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude all right kid can I just I look I look I look like a child listen can I just say I I love this game I love larion I love everything they do I love everything about them I love everything about this game why did they not get kids to Voice kids and why are like 99 of the kids voiced by women that are trying to do a child's voice but sounding really emphatic and well spoken is it just kind of take it out of out of you out of the moment for anyone else it's something I like like I have nieces and nephews and [ __ ] because kids can't act yeah but they don't need to act they're kids they're kids in a video game they should sound like real kids literally shorter than a kid it's the perspective uh it's so peaceful kids can't act why do they need to act most kid voice actors are women I know that okay because it is child labor I guess I guess kids kids could be like yeah I'd like to be in this video game kids like video games there's no way you can't convince kids to Voice kids in a video game there's no way maybe there's like I don't know rules about it who [ __ ] knows dude it still takes me out of it though can I pick bucket the kid what no [ __ ] way [Applause] I can't believe I just did that what the [ __ ] I just robbed the child and it's probably about to die I just robbed I I about to be dead kid yeah look see there's one here one here one there like I said one on each platform and then there's one here too [Music] that's what I was trying to get all right it's me first I might just bail on the kid and kite these things what do you guys think I can't get a sneak attack or any kind of like bonus and I have huge disadvantage when firing From Below oh [ __ ] I have all these abilities now uh I want to sections together stealth actions together [ __ ] some of these are bad anyway oh my God my damage is such dick what even oh there we go um [ __ ] how do I do this what if I just kill the kid and then bail because then there's nobody to be Charmed so it's problem solved um how do we all right um bailing on the kid all right here we go we're gonna Dash on a bail on the kid get way over here and then I survive and he doesn't and I'm gonna hide and see what happens [Music] oh God ah Jesus oh no bad comma and there's no comment in this game we're fine we're absolutely fine plus I can stay hidden so I can keep using Dash to get double movement I get myself into a better position to decide to keep fighting I got 15 XP for some reason they don't know where I am do they know where I am oh what a missile snare get [ __ ] wait I gotta turn off the ask for that there's no reason not to ask I know it takes your reaction but it's worth it [ __ ] they saw me how'd they see me did Dash knock me out of it a second time come on do your range of tag it will do nothing I'm impervious to your range attacks [ __ ] oh they had what because it's not a projectile or something what was that okay um [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude what are these guys they're monstrosities okay that doesn't help me can I have Advantage no uh all right here's the plan fire arrow in the mouth hit him they resisted it that sucks but whatever and then we bonus action then it's almost dead and then we cunning Dash and we keep getting further away we just keep hiding them they'll just keep flying and throwing [ __ ] at us [ __ ] man why are they so strong you oh my God the movement range dude wait they're being pulled in am I pulling people into the fight oh do not hit me dude they're getting ahead of me that's crazy no [ __ ] ah [ __ ] dude oh this is really bad they're gonna kill Sans under dock is she gonna keep singing and doing nothing bro look at all these people I'm pulling in that's great nice now I'm gonna have help all right I resisted the song I'm Gonna Chuck my Lodge potion you got sneak no uh there's no sneaking around here where's the one on low Health all right there it is bam come on die die die die [ __ ] oh with the double hits dude [ __ ] I wish it would stop turning on dual wield nice nice dude they're all getting lured no way oh my God if you they're all getting alert [ __ ] oh no I doomed the whole colony they're all being killed by herpes solo hey you know what this is the first fight that I've taken any help with and it's a difficult one okay wait did that one die action [ __ ] off dude all right one down 20 XP that is not a lot of XP actually what um I'm just gonna [ __ ] hit and run God damn it my luck with these is terrible oh my God they're all getting lured this is crazy I gotta I gotta interrupt the one oh my God Volvo is going still it's going so bad goblin raids no copyright this is how all of The Druids grow got herpes oh my God I'm getting all these [ __ ] civilians killed God just did it nice get a bear I really want to do a playthrough with a wild shaped druid I haven't done it yet I haven't done it since uh being in your form [ __ ] up your campaign but I think the next thing that I play is gonna be uh a druid uh wild shaved Road what the [ __ ] hit me when did I take damage did another one die oh it's over here right I'm gonna try and knock it out of concentration here we go nice oh [ __ ] all right good stuff good stuff all right you guys deal with it nice nice good teamwork good teamwork good stuff good stuff what difficulty is this uh normal difficulties like regular I would do it on tactician but because I'm playing it solo um I think it will it'll just make it unnecessarily difficult I've never seen this lady do anything like apparently she ends up in Baldur's Gate or something she's like a you know uh oh get [ __ ] what does this one do if you kill them all does he just knock you out of combat kill them for Sans Underdog they're repeating this stuffy to death oh man they're blocking the way all right I'm finish them off oh come on dude what's my hit chance on these things this is so bad [Music] nice carrying ah really all right whatever get him get him get him get him get him what happens when they get lured like they just walk over because like in my thing the whole demographic of this or the whole point is is they lure you and then the ones that aren't luring are the ones that attack you while you're being lured because you can't attack right which is what makes this fight so difficult of course I join us you were getting bystanders killed I can't believe that that applying to Voice is so much better dude that's crazy I'm always getting bystanders killed oh look it's okay how's bowler Baldur's Gate is amazing dude go play it like it's worth full price it's one of the two games that I can wholeheartedly say are completely worth the amount of money that they're being charged for at Full Steam price even which is wild my laptop runs total worth three decently should I buy should I run bg3 good enough yes you can always turn the settings down this game will still look amazing even if it's on low settings you're fine nice not nice what the [ __ ] what do you mean movement out nice and Palms nice dude we did it I mean I did it all right let's go finish off that last one I feel like this might be a waste of time I feel I think you got a ring of color spray and some [ __ ] and also the child is already dead so I can't even benefit from the dead from the the living child so maybe it was running to the beach law did one guy comes down here just [ __ ] power bombs the the hoppy ain't no way I get lured [ __ ] I saved nice this will have more Health nah 30 percent can I just where's their site cone they don't have one they're just singing that's gotta be in their side cone your help go on keep saying it if I save it you're screwed oh [ __ ] oh what nice oh you're doomed you're doomed I have so much jumping speed hi vile woman no no no no of course you're giving innocent people herpes uh thanks for the donut bread dude I'm so happy that they they fixed that Plankton voice it actually sounds so good now just for clarification that voice for Langston used to sound oh my god really I'm really gonna take eight damage over that that never gets old [ __ ] wants on bombing them off of the top rope there's there isn't a better way to kill an enemy in this game and launching well unless you do that and throw another person to another person they both die that's like ultimate satisfaction you see how my little guy swung them around this is why it's good to have a lot of health potions for this exact thing you can also listen to your guys calm noise have a crowbar named wizard staff comes with the Spells open locked doors and dismantle car built at home it would be good to have um some magic shake to make up for the fact that we have like no magical knowledge I guess we'll just use color spray instead of the magic ring and I'll keep the Ring of being really invisible because it's funny and the rest of this is a what's a good what's the best way to get XP guys what's the best way for me to get XP right now I don't quite bg3 stream let's go I mean I'm glad you're enjoying it thanks for watching I I was worried people were gonna be like you're not streaming 103 with the [ __ ] and then I would have to be like oh [ __ ] I forgot to loot these gloves the whole time damn I'm really oh I don't need him anyway uh I got the better gloves whatever I can sell them oh guidance necklace would be cool [ __ ] dude [ __ ] all right I'm gonna get the guidance necklace that is huge circle of Siege settlement to get XP to level 40. that's not a bad idea go to the Outback cave and kill the absolute followers is that does that give you a lot of XP well Hammer 3 is hated now I think uh it's just that ca's marketing department is hated I don't hate Warhammer three I just don't like ca's marketing department you know I don't even dislike CA as a whole you can't keep uh hold them all to blame for the actions of a few kind of thing like I guarantee the guys making the DLCs aren't happy with how much they're charging for the DLCs will you help tieflings or the goblings uh I'm not sure I'll probably leave her to a chat vote but my guess is that they'll probably say um uh goblins because goblins are cool ah another potion of slow fall oh wait nice there's one one for the collection [ __ ] have I been forgetting to pick up oil barrels by the way I feel like I've missed some I got the most of them for the uh the hoffling video from The zentarium Outpost and uh that little room in the goblin campus from its mouth [ __ ] I use inspiration for that yeah I'm gonna use my Inspiration Point the creatures clutched the pouch possessively easy easy clip Within I'm gonna get bit oh God damn it dude the milk did nothing ow dude come on the back of the crevice lies a bag let me try again stupid little body get my character's stupid little ass nice spider sack egg that is huge if anybody doesn't know what the spider sack egg does uh you can throw it in spiders come out and it's very useful and then you get little spider homies for a little while which is amazing all right soul coins amulet Quest items in general good [ __ ] um I don't think you need the magic ring for anything but I'll take it anyway not sell it might as well get some out of it all right now we should have the guidance can trip whenever we need it for whatever we want it for and color spray which I'm probably not going to use it's kind of a waste of an action wait does the cantrip not show up is it just a uh no it's there whatever I only need it for dialogue how'd you change your dice little koi uh when you when the dice option pops up a little option in the bottom left will show up and you can change it and those are the Valerian dice I'm always hoping that there would be more dice later on but there there isn't any a purple twitched uh dice seemed like the obvious choice to me but they added in like a little purple outfit damn dude you're playing and having so much fun you basically sold me on the game I mean literally I don't I wouldn't advertise the game unless I enjoyed it like even if I do a sponsored video I always I have to play the video for the game first to see if I enjoy the game even with like [ __ ] that other people don't enjoy as long as I enjoy it I don't give a [ __ ] there's always there's already a lot of DLC mods though oh downloadable content mods I guess that don't really count some mods are great though I'm waiting on a really good one actually I'll [ __ ] advertise this because I'm hyped for it look it's it's called Uh Fantastical Multiverse right so it adds in like playable minotaurs and all these different races and [ __ ] and also hold on bug Bears also goblins and also fish people you can play as fish you can literally play as a fish guy and I want to play it so bad imagine a fish play through also somebody made a sub mod for it where you can play as an ogre so that also might be the way that I I shoehorn ogres into this game playable ogres I mean the playable fish exactly Rogue dude imagine oh look yeah like a negative [ __ ] 10 to dexterity watch how you go there's a trap oh is it a waste if I put one behind this tracker and shoot shooting actually I don't want to destroy all these barrels they're really really good fun when he was screaming oh I don't want to throw that oh my god look how big it is on my guy oh playing a gnomes fun dude are we gonna collect these okay I'm not gonna borrow with that yet I want to go through these shove this man I guess I could what if I pick him up and throw him instead into another Goblin I still have 21 strengths so I might as well make use of it while I can skin us no one knows about this damn weapon yeah I'm gonna skin you'll go back without me it's a water barrel here growth got to be full of magic man I wish goblins were playable such cool little guys all right uh potion of mine reading is wait that those are for long rest right detect thoughts that's the same thing yeah I'm keeping this with my elixirs so I can use it so I'm gonna get rid of this elixir of fire resistance because I feel like I can get better I'll have blood loss by the time by the time I can use I I would need to use a fire resistance potion I'll have bloodlust potions and [ __ ] all right I'm gonna Power Bomb this guy into this one advantage let's go [Laughter] hey no [ __ ] way oh I thought I stealth it damn I thought I stealth it dude oh I really thought I got away with that oh he wasn't in combat [ __ ] oh died they actually died nice a big pen to dialogue yeah that's pretty funny uh all right I have no major actions I'm just gonna have to use a bonus action then go stealth so finish off this person maybe nice and then I'm gonna instead of doing an action I'm gonna I couldn't hide so they can't shoot me ain't no running for me arrest them apparently there is running from you [ __ ] hiding successful let's go and we shoot this guy a couple times in the mouth kill him then I just go right back over here and then if he runs his way up here I'm gonna throw a box at him no way what right you're done little man you're done take this box I don't even need to be a barbarian I just have unlimited strength with my tiny body uh [ __ ] I don't want to get shot by that thing though gold that never gets old it never ever ever gets old ever I'm from firsthand experience of being in in the beginning of act two on a barbarian um it never gets old ever throwing [ __ ] people to kill them or throwing dudes at other dudes to kill them is always fun foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] goddamn red inspiration for that gotta get inspiration for this no evidence oh man we're definitely being a bad guy criminal background moment oh that makes sense what does the tab say oh yeah um murderer is civilian I was inspired by that wow all right let's disarm this thingy with our amazing sleight of hand nailed it uh we don't have the key but that's fine I'll just lock pick it because we've got amazing dexterity [ __ ] but that's fine because it's a lock pick so I can just try again [ __ ] but it's fine because I just tried again fine I can just try [ __ ] things oh my God it's not even worth it it's 14 gold a trap arm disarm kit a okay the stats worth 400 gold okay it is worth it never mind I can buy like a bunch back for that that's fine I think I need the key of the Ancients if I'm going to evil all the [ __ ] we could sell we're good all right I kind of wanted uh to want to Fast Track The zentarium Hideout because I want to work with them so maybe we go push the Knoll fight and like abuse the crap out of the null fight or we do the uh L's maybe owls what do you guys think Albert cave or something's wrong the not Albert or okay Albert cave or Knowles or elbows I I don't know hello you know you can extend your action by pressing the plus next to the service yeah I know I don't like it covers most of the screen I hate it I don't like it I know about it though yeah wait what the [ __ ] why is this here Albert we'll do nulls after Knowles are a lot of XP that's true that's true you missed stuff down by the water when you threw the hoffling I did oh yeah it's just a key it's just a key for that chest that's it I know what it is punches can you hear us Ed you I don't know the way my guy walked in the frame hey baby you want to see my underdark why is that not an option I'm so so sorry protect them he's with the absolute do you have orders for us yep we were reporting to Edwin you think you'll be able to beat the three dudes in the blighted village you mean the ogres because I probably won't be killing them I could probably beat them pretty easily if you just like remove line of sight and they have no way of throwing stuff at you you can just infinitely shoot them so yeah probably and I could use it to get that intellect crown but I probably want the movement hat so I'll probably just get the horn and then I can call him if I really need them and I'm [ __ ] also I love ogres they're they're friends smokers are friends not food at the ogres kill the Knowles nah I'll probably try and convince them if I [ __ ] up the dialogue option it'll be useful for fighting like a major major fight um it's killed you're right I like how he's got a little bit of rationality left in his brain and he's like oh I definitely want this yes welcome to Temple's influence they need to I want all the parasites I would like all the parasites can I use isn't there one of these as a weapon you can use a pork sausage as a weapon I totally forgot to do it on my on my run it's not a finesse weapon though so you should do a playthrough where you can only Chuck people or use them as a weapon that'll be a good challenge Ron a barbarian but I can only throw people and throw people or items and then I can build around that that's actually really strong though you don't even understand a barbarian throwing build is actually incredibly strong like really really strong uh it's kind of meta the guy lying on the floor wasn't killed by a car the full hoffling barbarian Spanky promise okay call me mad but what if the Warhammer Universe in the Baldur's Gate Universe combined after the events of the game of this game's course that is wild but that would be cool I would love this game in a Warhammer format you know like this this type of game like a d d style top-down Divinity original sin 2 type thing but Warhammer fantasy that'd be cool are you going to take the fighter levels Fred extra action or go pure Rogue I'm going to take one level of fighter so that I can get better so like my weapons do 16 11 and one and six and four nine and four and nine what why does the offhand do four and nine because they're light can we do a boot with another light weapon why do the crossbows do the same amount of damage is that a hand crossbow thing do I not need the fighter perk to get the to get the full damage of an offhand is this the same hold on I might not need to put a point in a fighter if I'm going mostly hand crossbows must be a bug nah it's four to nine because it's a crossbow they deal the same damage even when used in an offhand crossbow tends to be known for this ah light weapons should be dual wielded without penalties so why are these not then these are also light how long did it take the hot Flags to commit genocide on the Grove uh we didn't kill those guys at the stench uh so in the hoffling video we um I was intending on joining the absolute faction and raiding the uh the Druid Grove right but then we we did the whole um conquer quest line and killed uh well then when we no no sorry when we confronted them and the little kid I took the dialogue options that I hadn't taken before and so cargo just ordered all The Druids to just kill everyone [ __ ] did I not open this chest then do I just miss out on the necklace damn it dude nice potion of animal speaking I can put that with the mind reading one and then I can get mind reading mind reading the ability to speak to animals and 21 strength on my next long rest which will be in in a long ass time I went custom specifically so I could have uh uh proficiencies in Persuasion so I can have like crazy sleight of hand crazy stuff and crazy persuasion so I'm not completely just stuck doing the dialogue uh getting absolutely [ __ ] in dialogue but being good at stealth wait what is looking at me here oh that's the baby oh oh I like it oh [ __ ] no okay hold on I'm gonna quick save here I'm gonna go wait hold on what's this why is it teleport me there before I feed you to my son self mate uh uh it's a splinter the bigger threats worse oh okay I'm gonna go with the intimidation because it's funnier oh [ __ ] I actually I actually succeeded you can go nice wait what if I walk over to these guys are they gonna go find it all right can I can I push them into fighting it making it Angry uh just hold it go get it get it what they're not even doing it do I have to engage the fight is it because I engaged it first I want to see what happens if I if I drop a fractured stalactite on it [ __ ] damn it all right I still have the opportunity it's fine I am breaking that 24 [ __ ] HP though did they [ __ ] that up it's like resistant to like all damage except blunt except for bludgeoning can I throw something at it like uh I don't know shovel I don't even think blood to throw at it it's not gonna do like no damage all right it's distraction egg time get them my spiders okay you can read the book near the chest open it after the fight okay are you gonna get Abyss gloves in the thief Hideout near the burning Mansion Abyss gloves what are they what are Abyss gloves wait they did command Haul on it yo no a little bit well no I'm def I'm not killing the owl bear cub there ain't ain't ain't ain't ain't ain't ain't no way foreign get it fight it all right I'm Gonna Keep do I just keep chipping away the stalactite like this exactly like no damage dude [ __ ] it I got that High Ground bonus [Music] what gloves Abyss gloves in the thieves Hideout near the burning Mansion are you talking about the ones that like buff your companions are your summons or some [ __ ] because that didn't seem very good to me holy [ __ ] are these absolute guys gonna actually survive damn spiders suck at this um nice nice dude chipping away telling you dual hand cross was where it's at did you already complete the game um no just completed it on my my single player playthrough not my spiders oh no oh it's coming from me I shot you a bunch you'd imagine it just like absolutely Nails the Albert cup there's genuinely two kinds of people in this game though there's the people that do everything they can to save and get the Alberta Cub as like a pet and then there are serial killers in real life how can you not it's so it's so cute oh it's so sad what a single strike um all right perhaps it'll live dig XP big XP how much 6p do we actually get for that couple hundred use the baby as an improvised weapon absolutely not oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ those spiders scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my God they look so big compared to my gnome oh we don't have proficiency by the way can I just say this is like the worst chess piece I've ever seen for most of the game like there's way more beasts than there is on dead especially in chapter one it it's and then by chapter two this is already obsolete so it should be the other way around like you take more damage against Undead but but you know you know what I mean I'm quite bomb killer what I don't give a [ __ ] I gave him food what do you mean wait [ __ ] doesn't he have the other half of this of the spear we survived um sir what now um uh right thank you I kind of want to kill him to get the other half of the spear for money but I've never these guys have never lived before they always die for me these [ __ ] spiders dude am I allowed to keep the spiders or do I have to get rid of them because it's a solo playthrough a solo room what do you guys think they're technically in our companion but this does make it not a solo playthrough spiders are allowed they're pets yeah I think temporary summons should be chill their pathing is goddamn terrible anyway so they'll probably lose them pretty quick there's one there's one already oh no we got up also I I hope I still have these spiders if I go fight the giant void spider because you can kill the void spider pretty easily with some explosive barrels and [ __ ] is why I intend on doing all right it's time to go to the null Camp wait should we just kill Carl I could get that get get a free sword a bunch of loot from that thing watching free XP we can kill colic people will get really mad it'll be kind of funny I told you to go hahaha fine I'll leave her alone do not kill colic not the good girl yeah my girlfriend came in and said don't kill colic kind of like his best goal Howard Druids in bg3 pretty fun I mean I play I okay here's the thing I want to see if people agree with this because I was so disappointed you know when you're spoilers for anybody maybe you don't listen soda spots like act ones so at the beginning of um you find this guy called glut the sovereigns and they become like uh like they become like followers until long rest right so I thought that's the ability that you would get as a Spore Druid but that's not the case you get you just it's like a shitty version of um raise Undead for the for the what I do it's like a shitty version of wait you didn't invite scratch ticket I don't know it's fine we have plenty of people at Camp I don't want more companions reason it is already bad yeah exactly like raisin dead is underwhelming I thought it was gonna be like you can raise up any NPC as like a dead NPC with like limited abilities which would be super cool but you just get generic zombies or generic range zombies what do you guys think kill colic or no thank you I'm putting up to a vote I'm putting out to a vote oh my God this is gonna be such a skewed [Laughter] not best girl I'm sorry but menthora is best girl she's evil as [ __ ] and it has way more depth of character than any of the other characters except for maybe Gale or Starion I guess scratch it's War this is pretty close but nine percent is gonna carry collection or death guys okay the cave statue what cave statue the chest I can't do the chest I need to discover the uh the note behind the statue and then read that note I don't quite push her into the deep oh that would be so funny yes all right The Sims are about to be molding okay wait can I not fight her yappy little dog she's sick kill parasite and take and take favor in by this sound good but I can no come on come on pics of oh wait no oh [ __ ] no no oh [ __ ] ah nice try lady what the [ __ ] can I not boil push her oh that sucks dude what that sucks so much ass I'm disappointed you hey you know what the people have spoken you kill call like you have to kill manthara too you [ __ ] with our simp okay I'll probably be killing everybody in my defense I just want more loot I can't take anybody's a companion anyway I'll be either looting them or killing them the Sands under dark is no simp Chad's underdark is incredibly gay stands Underdog is asexual and wants no companionship I should have taken away his wiener that would have been a good plot point that's why he wants no companions or any romance because he just does he's totally smooth down there like a like an egg okay it has to be the Blue Line push red lines mean there's something in the way there's there was nothing in the way though is my point we nerdless know what pure important rage [Laughter] such a good word all right I'm maybe gonna take this guy up on his offer and take his sword off him so he doesn't have a sword and then I'm gonna blow him up with barrels hello Anders with your stupid face and hair keep your people um okay very well I'll bring you her head cool all right and also I'm gonna lose your basement uh salami Club salami lit oh it's [ __ ] light ah light doesn't mean dude I always confuse light with finesse you're not so hype for a second there I was about to like wield the salami ah dude I was so close to salami wielding where did I get gruel look at that salami it doesn't do much less damage it doesn't scale with my decks though but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that it doesn't scale my dicks wait yeah it does it's not Marshall so it just does less damage damn it you have more strength than next yeah but that's only because that's only because of my Hill giant strap but also it's not of Martial weapon so it does less damage look so it still just says six to nine whatever I'll wield it for Style we'll build a salami for Style oops wait ah God damn it I can't stealth attack unless I have a finesse weapon so I can't salami a better weapon down here I'm still wielding short swords and stuff phew I'll take padded armor over the other stuff the salami lewd offhand salami I could offhand salami I've already seen it to Camp wait this has got to be more salami in here [ __ ] I sent the only wieldable salami to my camp we're gonna have a field day with that now don't some of these have like crazy Russian them yeah look at all that stuff make sure you loot this place fully because like it's nuts how much good [ __ ] is down here oh [ __ ] do I have the toll house key what did I not wield get the tallowski can I just punch my way through this again damn it I don't have to waste lock picks on this lock picking impossible damn it I gotta get the stupid key [ __ ] dog he's not on this guy you have to like discover the key you kill colic just her from a distance let her run over then Pusher all right we'll try that did I not take the key where the [ __ ] is the key is it down here oh my God it's right there stupid open the Toll House vault it does it's exactly what it does wood door weak to fire I don't have any fire well how am I gonna fire oh [ __ ] wait this lady might have some good stuff need any supplies yes the healing potion is always good [ __ ] I gotta remember to sell first God damn it do they ever have sufficient stuff um maybe some thieves tools to replace the [ __ ] that I lost all this is kind of bad our darkness is good Mirror Image could be good thoughts bad uh that's fine nice all right and I've got more streams coming up yeah hopefully I mean like part two of this could be pretty fun especially with how good it's going God they really don't like my spiders huh I'm not huge on spiders as well to be honest uh nice big money big money which ones of these have [ __ ] in purple dye ooh should I dye my jacket purple to see what it looks like I kind of like the McDonald's thing but I'm gonna dye my shoes purple that did nothing that did literally nothing that made no difference all right well I'm gonna dye my Church oh all right packing heat under this outfit I thought these had some valuable [ __ ] in them oh whatever uh uh go I think if you just don't set up the last bit your chill travel just in case these spinal trust these spiders not to set off the traps nice am I gonna perceive it is crushed it all right great X plus one uh gold ox with wall pick oh by the way oh wait it's gonna look normal on this guy look how little oh my God so this so this looks like a a normal wallpick right if you use the same wallpick on a normal size character it looks ridiculous but it actually looks totally fine on him it's gonna be so small it kind of undermines my point a little bit the fact that it looks correctly sized on this guy I should tell you how small it looks on a normal dude we're rich we've hit the big time bruh we're rich let's get the [ __ ] out of here time for some null killing you can break wooden doors with swords Stone doors with blunt weapons and loose stone bricks with the goat Wild Farm for goodness what a weird example yeah I know I I know they're all resistant to different types of damage and weak against others um I usually carry around a bludgeoning weapon on my uh all right God jeez I always carry around a bludgeoning weapon on my [ __ ] congrats on that foreign hey Colin thank you for the donut my guy dude much appreciated uh yeah thanks man I never expected it to be this popular it's actually insane how popular it is it's already fast a million views in a couple of days it got one point it's got to be 2 million now on on Twitter and like people like Jesse Cox were commenting on it and stuff like who I've been watching for like I I used to watch him so much like uh when I was younger like Cox and grendor and stuff like the the podcast and the animations and stuff it's wild man the full Ball video is fun it was a lot of fun to make too all right you guys ready we're calling death wait maybe I could lay a trap how do I lay a trap here for trap could be funny ah whoops Greece I tell you what I'm gonna grease it up like this and then how close do I have to get can you start shooting her all right I like that idea and then Just Wing a good old shot at her you guys ready for collect death yay I mean it's not personal to call Egg also did I [ __ ] fail a hit ball fall fall [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Okay jump that jump that idiot jump that idiot um crap crap crap crap crap crap [ __ ] crap uh ice isn't the point in there I'll shoot her [ __ ] bye don't you jump don't you jump yeah now you can't use an action you're gonna run across the grease fall over she didn't even do it she didn't even move nice get ruined lady come on try and run across the thing she's a crossbow doesn't matter though your range attacks will do nothing against my grab my gloves of grabbing man if she don't stop chugging are you kidding me what is this a Dark Souls duel you're not really gonna chug on me oh she's screwed dude you're dead I swear to God if I slip on this stupid grease oh no like the memory of a storm that face okay this is gonna be a strength roller sorry call like samps I can't even revive her now we're past the point of no return I'm sorry I had to come spree with a sickness oh I'm covering blood now dude nice scroll over fight good good uh X is worth a little bit I can go sell that up at that place leather gloves funny boots Barbarian clothes infernal trousers what's in the bag oh my God all very good stuff all of accuracy which kind of not really the see the point in that a lot of these oils I just in my opinion just aren't that good I think oils full oils like this should give you oil on your weapons for like 50 turns or until short rest that would make oils a lot better if oils are were until short rest I think I would use them way more way more right now I just kind of don't that only me like it just doesn't really use them I use some of the more powerful poisons and stuff like that dude look at my little boy jump we got hops for days dude oh my God can I jump up here oh never mind I'm just gonna do a really stupid jump never mind Anders give me your sword uh yep here's her head am I gonna hold it up [Laughter] thank you [ __ ] thud are you kidding me right here it's sacred this is the sacred blade okay so speaking of sacred blades are you kidding me okay what about you okay follow my follow my spiders over here Enders Enders I have spiders that you don't like come talk to my spiders Anders come here bud there you go all right now you say away but also wouldn't you like to see what it's like all the way down there so what a fight oh that worked great I'm gonna destroy the ladder too so like oh I can't what what is it resistant to weak to fire resistance appears that doesn't mean oh because I don't have an action all right there we go cut them off I've cut off their reinforcements and then I get into melee combat switch to melee weapons or we're good yeah you have to go around you can't do anything ain't no way no what's he gonna do he doesn't have a sword I have his sword well like what is he gonna do no oh my God are you kidding me no [ __ ] way dude if she just runs around and [ __ ] kites me the whole time I'm gonna [ __ ] I gotta go break her concentration with the spiders if I didn't have the spiders I'd be completely [ __ ] wait I still have movement range why did it hold on there we go and then Dash Gotta Get Close damn dude can I jump still Yes nice bam you can't go anywhere now F old person spell this is whole person is really strong all right she should get bitten out of it though I hope all right let's see what happens yeah let's get my turn she can't do anything they're just she's gonna have to run all the way back around this guy I thought he would die I'm kind of disappointed he didn't instantly die from being thrown like 80 feet oh [ __ ] [Music] knock her out of concentration yes it works so good [ __ ] oh I got all my spiders are kind of [ __ ] up it bit idiot I'm gonna go down biting at least hopefully it was a a scroll of whole person and not just whole person oh the Revenge that you're about to feel lady I can get Advantage too no no cheating first nice oh how satisfying man I got a piss this is why solo play isn't great because whole person yeah there's a lot of um things in this game that are built you to fight multiple people you're supposed to be able to like help your teammates and [ __ ] like that I understand why that it's not like a super viable strategy but uh shut up it's fun dude what [Applause] I would love a lone wolf perk though so I could at least do a two player campaign effectively you know without being massively handicapped you can still do it and it's you're still pretty I just got full revivified Scrolls back dude oh my God the amount of money that I'm gonna make off of that Mel's acid Arrow would be huge actually that's pretty good for this level 44 with a plus two uh 2d4 delayed it's pretty insane oh [ __ ] Scroll of mirror image could be good too it's for defense whatever I'll throw it on the on the Block how am I gonna uh can I melt sassy Arrow them in the face whatever why my time I reckon a warlock Paladin one shot combos the two player one will be good me uh I'm doing a campaign with a friend of mine where I'm playing as a rogue like very much like this build like a dual weapon Rogue uh with one level in fighter and then my friend is playing a paladin as a tank and a damage like you know suck up and it's really really [ __ ] strong like a crazy strong combo it didn't whatever time for melps acid arrow in your face lady 45 chance what the [ __ ] that sucks at least your AC will be down [Music] you not shoot me do not shoot me do not shoot me I hate you nice Anders okay Anders is no joke if you take his weapon no I hate this guy dude get out of here you [ __ ] dork all right I gotta do something big here because they're getting close now I don't like it what do we even do Darkness could be good but then it's just gonna prevent my way to rain shot I know Greece when in doubt throw grease at things all right you may have saved it this round sir see what happens next time I'm gonna aim for his [ __ ] specifically there right in the car dude look at the damage from the [ __ ] shots that's how you kill people oh try and move I dare you uh what I like to imagine real quick talking his no he's no talking to himself in game no my spiders are dead I'll get [ __ ] with the jumping as long as this guy doesn't lay on hands himself again I'm good um oh boy uh can I just I had not got advantage oh with some shots more acid below her AC [ __ ] yeah even if I miss now damn it dude what I'm running for tactical reasons just did a vid on the ball of it 25 minutes ago no [ __ ] way Esmond did a bit on it as man no way oh dude he did holy [ __ ] what it's like to play ball is gate three did he watch the whole video so is this dude what no [ __ ] way has been watched my [ __ ] hold on uh we fit the screen maybe I'll get claimed for this but I'm I want to see it's an accurate representation of what it's like to play Baldur's Gate three you can just do anything you [ __ ] want people want me to watch this four halfling barbarians it's just gonna I'm gonna claim for my own video I was about to walk into a pub [Music] he's just watching the whole video this is like react content [Music] [ __ ] idiot [Music] oh wow wait isn't she a main character and you just kill her [Music] oh my God [Music] [ __ ] it [Music] oh I played this this guy was an [ __ ] [Music] it's their winch wow it's funny watching his perspective from somebody he's never played the game Desmond looks like a gift Yankee Yankee oh my God I'm curious to see how he reacts to the end bit oh [ __ ] this is such a meta content dude me reacting to somebody reacting to watching my video it was a Miss input Miss input calm down oh my God so is this an accurate representation of what it's like to play Baldur's Gate 3 you can just do anything you [ __ ] want because this is actually kind of interesting to me and the end was cheated wait the end was cheated right there's no there's there's no way there's so many exploding barrels in the game most of it was oil barrels and exploding barrels and I used uh wine barrels to connect them all so that the fire would spread so there's actually only about 25 explosive barrels mostly clustered around the main generals and then uh it's oil barrels that are nearby and then wine barrels to connect it and then a couple oil flasks in between um and then uh the out I had to do it in two parts I did the outside of the goblin camp and then the inside of the goblin Camp so it's because you can't connect them anyway the explore so it's because in a different Zone that's that's what I did there's enough explosives in the game I had like 80. there's more than enough perhaps I should have clarified helping and anyone how long will it take to set up 17. it took about eight hours in total that didn't include Gathering all the barrels though I love how like the fat and short like halfling Barbarians look like real people I don't know what that's supposed to say he sees himself hello yeah it's like I've seen that guy I think it's a more realistic body model than half the other dudes he has a point [Music] I didn't think you'd upload a video of him watching my video That's crazy dude I've watched a lot of that admins recommends all the time there's me oh maybe not maybe it's the other channel I don't know I think I watched asthma highlights or some [ __ ] I remember right yeah wait did he has he played this yet he actually played the game Jesus wait those were prisoners and you just killed them all what and you can do that in the game too holy [ __ ] no only the beta dude get him to play this okay so then it should be with such a massive [ __ ] my dick what he's superfuddled by off these edits [Music] oh my [Music] um [Music] this is the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen oh I watched this there's a real guy in there right no who's this guy I think I played this didn't I don't know three years ago yeah you will join me that's a big ass sword and I remember I watched this one too he actually says like nobody gets in the gate or something I just kept it no and it just went big Ding Dongs ding dong yeah [Music] I feel like yeah because I want to say that if I do ever play this game I have no intention of reloading to a previous save I have no intention whatever happens happens that's part of the experience what if you die I save stuff like whatever happens right I just go back to the previous save you want to have like a specific experience do it go ahead but like I just feel like the spontaneous nature and it removes a lot of the it removes a lot of the permanence and importance of things happening in the story or in in like The Narrative of the playthrough if you can just undo it all does that make sense I'm sorry yeah it kills The Narrative of the playthrough [Music] okay I maybe don't want to come back does that mean oh [ __ ] [Music] damn the droids did that [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] the reaction content is so fun what dude across the mug eat it or else wait you have to make this Goblin literally eat [ __ ] interaction what literally eating [ __ ] I didn't know you could fall some of these [ __ ] I just took this I just took this immediately when it when I saw it this is amazing you can you don't have to no if you can make him eat [ __ ] you have to make him eat [ __ ] he's almost at the uh [Music] oh my god oh man what the [ __ ] is that let me guess these are all gonna yep [Music] oh my Jesus this took so long dude this looks so long every shot took like and we can do any we can do any of this in the game finishing all the barrels walking around really slowly yes I kept pulling into combat with the [ __ ] up my camera more than anything that took the longest this took dude I kind of I lost count of the amount of Tanks [Music] this is amazing I I oh my God [Music] yeah you could what a masterpiece oh the video and the game it seems this is incredible I'm gonna be real like this has made me want to play Baldur's Gate three more than almost more than the bear sex scene let's see this that's how you introduce a villain what's this kill the goblin oh this scene is so good dude this is spoilers though I'm not gonna that's so good though let's see this bit I'm not gonna spoil it go watch that scene play the game so good damn that's crazy dude has been reacted to the video that's why because I've seen him react to [ __ ] before obviously uh first time I've ever had a major guy make a video reacting to a video that I made that's crazy leave the bald comment oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] I already closed the dude I don't know if it'll still be there so is this an accurate uh thanks for watching go up vote the comment then thanks for watching oh great beautiful ball God alright there we go guys go about it it'll be a new hopefully he doesn't he finds it funny and not really upsetting [Music] I I forgot okay was in the middle of murdering some random people I was just doing it for extra XP damn that's wild dude usually I find that [ __ ] in my um my like uh what do you call it um like it like copyright strikes videos for having my content in it and then I but then I just I never report any of it I just watch it oh I forgot okay don't forget I said the video was a masterpiece that's true yeah he did I don't know if he says that a lot though so I appreciate it that's like one of the biggest things that was like blowing me away like every guy dude if you go and look through the comments from that from the video it's all such nice stuff I was so [ __ ] like flawed by how nice everybody was like how enthusiastic like this is a masterpiece like wipes tears all you know this kind of stuff a beautiful ball of God Baldur's Gate I bet people have made that joke the ball there's gate that's when gold joke how is it oh my God finally dude wait they're still alive oh [ __ ] um [ __ ] how do we tackle this uh I'm gonna pull him over here buy barrels now I can shoot him nice is their body gonna bug out in the barrels yes it is oh I did it for a second that's like did anybody do that back in Oblivion where you put oh oh my [ __ ] code what ew oh Christ did everybody do that in Oblivion where you like drag somebody's body into a doorway and then close the door on their body so the body starts like vibrating and jiggling and glitching out oh we could call like head back it weighs five I'll need to rest soon hold on can we do something funny with it hold on what can we do with colac's head because I'm not gonna need it for quests I think that's funny a little colic head altar any money in this nope bring it to Will oh yeah all right good idea good idea good idea I can get free [ __ ] from Will maybe money Monday from Wheel all right we're done here it's an old time though I need to piss first though so bad oh my god I've been holding it for like that entire Esmond video why the [ __ ] have I got 43 notifications oh [ __ ] it's oh my God it's everybody upvoting and responding to the comment there's my boy okay about to get striked for reacting to as a reacting to elko's video [Laughter] uh well I bet you found that holy [ __ ] yeah I need to piss I will I will do PP and I will be back all right I'll tell you I'll play the [ __ ] flip again why not oh [ __ ] wait no never mind it wipes out the thing I'll be right back I'll play some uh Metal Gear in the background [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] successful all right let's get back to it I'm still on the fence about playing music for this stream like in the background music but I was like [ __ ] it I'll choose the in-game stuff it'll be fine and okay did you wash your hands of course I didn't I'm a disgusting video gamer yeah I wash my hands don't worry Christian accomplished oh my God promote that man immediately are we gonna tackle the hyena fight all I'm thinking maybe oh [ __ ] oh balls false dicks okay we gotta talk to this guy oh no I didn't mean to get oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I thought I could get way closer than that oh no we should help your mouth I'll keep your head down oh I'm just so killing these guys that don't value their own skin use the worm I will be doing that they're gonna go for me eat [ __ ] you giant oh [ __ ] screwed dude there's not enough of me they're gonna kill me they're just gonna kill me no no grieving don't give a darn if I get caught stealing that's fine thanks Brandon thank you for the Donut Man can I I don't think I can oh [ __ ] I gotta load I I loaded I saved right before it's fine I just need to stealth up and then get up to that Knoll and then talk to it aren't you joining them uh yeah but oh the zentarim I'm not joining the zanto room I'm well kinda I'm allying with them I just need to get that you'll see what I do you'll see there's a big brain way to go about this I promise let's Goblin our way up there don't don't I need a hotkey for the uh stealth noises stealth song okay and now I on sale all right here we go pack Leader's mind claps onto yours you see yourself through her oh my God look at my little legs wiggling what's happening what is that Feast yes draw her mind yeah Source the voice and then nothing in response his voice uh bringing order in the case oh no what terrified texted by fine [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up [ __ ] [ __ ] I picked the wrong voice option which is the one that gets you to that next section so you can do the roll I don't know why does that no look stoned yeah what was that like freeze frame of like a null just whack teeth out with a shock of psychic pain right it's um give her attention to the cave no it's such her mind for the source of the voice the Beast dorbs the city and then but you feel nothing in response your related power is the Outreach and then explore our memories no why does it keep going to just the cave protected voice what eating this meat was forbidden you need to sleep oh [ __ ] are you serious I have to Long rest no way when is that a restriction ever I haven't even used my my short rest yet it goes to the cave first I feel like in my long rest it's gonna skip time forward though oh that sucks dude wait so I wasted it on the stupid absolute dorks in the cave damn it all right I'ma try and sleep we'll try and do a long rest [ __ ] it damn dude Yankees are weird looking all right do a nap do any cut scenes that we need to oh my God you not want to do 320 of that you will rest a little snooze it's probably gonna do a cut scene oh no maybe not [Music] say bye to shrimp [ __ ] [ __ ] all of my long rest stuff all right well push the giant push the metal speaking potion of mine reading and then uh I'm gonna get Gail in the potty get long Strider off him and then send him back damn it go ahead I'm listening join me hello Gail okay wait can I level them up to give me more of them didn't give you any others what a level three Wizards get little two spills none of these are prolonged rest dark vision is but we already have dark vision uh uh none of these are permanent scene visibility Maybe that is until long rest level two spell slot can I give myself detect invisible all right where's that at oh [ __ ] I didn't equip it right I don't like that mechanic very much long Strider and see invisibility what [Music] you can only cast it on yourself cringe on your mind I question the wisdom of it I'll be here all right later nerd did I have any other uh stuff or was that it am I missing something else I'm not right can I don't call it can shadowhawk give you bless armor for oh [ __ ] yeah they might be able to give us bless what level do you unlock bless where's Shadow hot at there she is I really should put clothes on them I feel kind of nasty them all just being naked something the matter all right lady you have any clothes for you I do put this on cover yourself up lady there we go actually looks like a hobo flesh is only 10 turns not true bless oh bless not blessed I'm talking about Aid I want to see if she can give me AIDS nah she doesn't have AIDS damn it dude concentration Sanctuary bless Shield of Faith none of these like all of these require concentration so they're useless but maybe if we uh level up it's a level three spell what level do you unlock level three spells level four our little five less no eight right there eight she has AIDS yeah now uh no she can give us AIDS and oh warning Bond no way it's a long rest melee let's try that I think that requires you to be in the same party though spiritual weapons some of the floating speech weapon that attacks enemies alongside you I'll be honest I haven't played cleric I didn't know a lot of these spells existed a Clerk's good I've heard they're kind of mid or Clark's men are good look give them that bam it's a long rest and then [Music] and then I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here lady show fine bye lady no way that stays no way I get warning one still wait are they gonna take damage while in Camp or is this gonna go away the second I leave camp I have plus one bonus semi uh AC I get saving throws and resistance to all damage this no way that's an abusive bug did I just figure out a [ __ ] bug yes she can die in Camp hey cool [ __ ] Pro strats holy [ __ ] look how strong we are now we got we got Movement we got [ __ ] I get it again come on Can You Reach Me [ __ ] why do I do that every time stealth stealth you're supposed to stealth you're a stealth man just hire a new cleric if she dies that's a good point that's good to see this guy's using his brain this is the big brain [ __ ] oh man dude it's still climbing holy [ __ ] yeah thanks for watching this stuff guys thanks for watching the stream of the videos and everything it's not over I wish I'm just passively thinking I can't even believe how good this is all doing clay fish hey koi fish hi koi fish man wild of you to show up in my stream psychic pain the pack Leader's mind clamps full cleric party is a classic is it yourself I've never heard of a full cleric party I know that you can get like mailing clerks and ranged clerics and buff clerics so I guess that works it's kind of like a paladin and wow they can do everything this mate no we'll see your whole world there's a meal can I use it now no what the [ __ ] I don't acting as a leash but it won't a memory Barry as the symbol glows oh okay I can of course it's through nice here we go Authority I'm gonna use guidance even though I don't need it I don't I think that means I physically can't fail if I have that forklore parties are badass I mean full barbarian all right groups are badass I mean no command it's host rule feast or something yes yes help me while I go and hide and you do all the work go go go go go go go go go [Music] Linda is such a badass lady um [ __ ] how do we tackle this I did not mean to set that two where's foreign I'm pretty sure just a full bear wild hot Bob party can finish the game by itself well dude definitely like I the one the bear wild thought one seems to be the best but I'm having too much fun with the Berserker throwing build like picking people up being able to throw them with Fury as a bonus action and another guy to kill two people is just so satisfying nothing beats a wizard where everyone is a crummy wizard a cafe where everyone is a crummy wizard that's four wizards might actually be okay though but there'll be certain fights or you're just not good but like if one of you is an AB duration wizard want to use a necromancer one of you is an elemental wizard of [ __ ] it might be pretty strong I think almost any combination is good for Druids four necromancers for everything [Music] I don't even [ __ ] the Enoch guys they're really annoying I eat my balls dude I'm just gonna hide nice now we just have to make sure they don't see us and then they'll all gang up on the Flynn thing they're going to see me immediately they're going to turn around and see me instantly never mind dude how are we getting away with this we're professional sleuths I don't call it ogre balls dude I want to do that's fantasy some of the evil fantasy race is so bad I'm so unbearably hyped for nah [ __ ] I wanna we should go back to camp and check and see if uh shadowhot's dead at some point because if not this is a really good exploit that I'm gonna use for the whole thing look at these guys just not helping next idea for Bulls get free video full Huff walk Bobs um maybe Buzz is on the list potentially I just don't really the idea of just being able to all play music while taunting people in combat is pretty funny I don't know oh [ __ ] they can see me um balls whatever I'm just gonna stop hitting I'll do much else Flynn can tank and DPS and I will light DPS and provide enthusiastic backing support and also hide go Flynn you have this oh man they are getting kind of chewed up though it's that triple shot that these guys do that's insane no what difficulty this is uh regular difficulty balance I've cons if I start getting 20p I'll switch it up to tactician but I'm not going to change it now if it gets too difficult we've not been having too much trouble though solo playthrough has been good Rogues are nuts all right Flynn is ah get kind of bullied [ __ ] what do we do here ice why do we have a disadvantage all right I have an idea going around the back surely they don't know I'm here right Flinch no oh [ __ ] they definitely know I'm here don't you dare shoot me [ __ ] [ __ ] is soapy now they're gonna do two triple shots on me please [ __ ] that's so Pete dude if this one gets me I'm [ __ ] all right I'm sorry but the triple shot is op as [ __ ] it's wildly overpowered berm okay uh oh boy all right potion of speed and then a chug for bonus action and then uh Arrow of Darkness kill this one Bland the other one and then um get The High Ground Anakin and then why can't I shoot with advantage leg around don't try it all right acid I guess [ __ ] foreign [Music] don't die no no you're dead don't you dead don't you dead don't you dead don't you dead don't you yeah I hate you nice [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] I gotta deal with all these guys now all right I gotta do big here okay right first of all get out of the line of sight hide get behind stealth attack for big damage 27 damage dead over here do another cunning action hide oh can I really not attack now is this just a regular attack [ __ ] I wasted my hide I did in the wrong order blue ice then maybe they'll fall with advantage nice and then when they come to get me maybe they'll fall over who knows because [ __ ] yes yes you're blind [ __ ] what are you talking about wait I just realized I have those gloves that reduce their their damage on reaction so their first hit at least is gonna be nerfed right wrist shot stuff now we just finish off the nor I don't even [ __ ] get regular shots big damage come on they're melee anyway so they're kind of screwed what are you kidding me I'm getting lucky with some of these rolls Rogue haste potion oh oh no oh no oh it's fine I forgot we can absolutely clap and nearly [ __ ] man come on you douche get ruined nice you kind of [ __ ] me there with the double hit good [ __ ] oh God you're a sweet sight I am leave my crew still alive up there dude if this guy rocked up it's a [ __ ] milk on his lips foot little yellow jacket is that a sweet sight I was answering someone's question about how you can do so much and okay okay yeah yeah no I [ __ ] dude Rogues are so good in general all I saw was blood and guts damn it resin Road's more dangerous than ever you're the first friendly face we've seen since Elder guard we're Bound for Boulder's Gate that's some cargo to deliver we'll keep listen you should tell the fellow on the door okay little serpent long Shadow that's an innuendo we gotta take care of you accepts my gratitude and walks away I'm gonna lose all this [ __ ] and then I'm gonna kill him for XP and also because it's useful to have the box because then we can give it to the entire we know how to get in so now I don't have to pass a speech check to not get exploded to get into The zentarium Hideout also this sucks by the way this flail isn't even a flail wait are they actually leaving I don't feel lucky oh man I was gonna throw him into a pit ooh if we okay once we get a point in a fighter I might use this Scimitar I'm gonna keep that to the side so this flail look though I was so disappointed it's not even a flail they never fixed it look so it's just a bone it's called shattered flail it's just a handle it's just a bone and it's pretty good but also pretty terrible because it makes you go go mad if you don't keep hitting people but even if you hit them it seems to make you go mad anyway oh my God it's been a long time since I managed to catch an okoy live love you do a cable content I love you too buddy thanks for watching if you like the new video actually that does so much more damage than my current weapon because because of the strength potions I don't want to go mad though gaining Health when you hit and a plus two is insane but yeah if you go mad you can't do anything hostile to everyone in the vicinity oh wait that doesn't matter then but it means I can't control my actions I'd rather control Max we'll just sell it whatever also I'm gonna assassinate this guy I think he's not gonna know foreign [Music] let me loot his body I just rocked up wearing all these clothing hey boss Ollie did you get shorter are you so little oh [ __ ] okay I thought he discovered me wait does this guy have any good loot or can I just throw him off the cliff oh [ __ ] he's gonna find his friend dead don't you Dad don't you don't do that your ranged weapons aren't gonna do [ __ ] ow um we need to go and check on that dead lady potential dead lady I don't quite as men say you're a baburovid what I already reacted to it earlier in this stream um like I reacted to him reacting to my stream alive on the Stream the flail is great with the lava time age because you get crazy priests at the goblin cap on a bob yeah I'm sure there's a lot of good combinations in build variety I really love like I've been liking that um should I just go melee it [ __ ] you [ __ ] dude [ __ ] no no okay I thought I thought I was going wait he's almost dead all right I want to know how to finish him oh I don't have an action wait can I push him into the fire Maybe I'm gonna use one bonus section to get behind him here and then one bonus section to shove him oh man he goes way too far what whatever fine don't hold trinkets there must be something valuable inside my explosives whatever eat a good amount of money all right I'm just gonna take it how much does it weigh 11. that's fine we'll go there next also it doesn't matter I have so much carry weight I have so much strength all of this actually I got 11 Alchemists fire salami salami weapon I will Rectify Rectify my earlier mistake and wield an offhand salami does bad damage anyway so [ __ ] it [Music] um wait there's some arrows up here I don't go and open the chest what now if I open the chest it [ __ ] up the questline you don't understand if I don't open the chest I get way more I get a unique crossbow I get like some a bunch of stuff if I open it all I get is is a iron flask with something spoilery in it open it open it but it's so exciting who cares the zint or lame a a IM it's in with a zint thank you and also you won't be saying that when you check their Wares in what they can sell they're good guys with good shop and also if I give them I'll find out to throw the flask get the XP I know what the flash does dude I know what's in the flask I'm well aware of what's in the flask Harold iron flask exactly dude and also more importantly you get access to the to the store it's in zenturium store is really good especially for Rogues I want that [ __ ] Derek guidance yeah good stuff and you can buy a guy too oh you can buy a guy [ __ ] you in slavery these are these seem really good to me but then you I think about how how I never turn off my rage and how it's not worth it at all it should be every time you go into a rage you get 15 HP you know or like you get seven HP or you get HP depending on your Constitution modifier when you go into a rage or something cool like that I feel like some items are really badly balanced and they're just not worth it but then again I guess if you were going for a build where you only like a tanky Barbarian but then it's not worth it to shrug off your your uh rage for some hit points manually Sophie rages uh per day as a Bob it's good to end the fights I guess exactly that's what I mean like I just stay enraged the whole time there's no downside maybe if you're gonna fight somebody that you know is gonna use like a calm thing on you or something I don't know it doesn't seem worth it to me I'd rather use pay rage that my Barbarian revolves around oh that's a big do I have anything explosiony area of effectish um um maybe this like then I do a give him one of these [ __ ] I got pulled in anyway no damn it crazy I thought it was like that put it but it's just if in a fight you lose it it still gives you 15. so like if wait really so if you lose your rage you get it because it says when the wearer chooses to end their rage they gain 15 temperate why would they explicitly State chooses to end their rage because that that's what made me think like what's the point you know uh off yeah I am stealth you just got a girl growl and not do anything good good this is the benefit of stealth right here this guy's gonna come for me though he's gonna discover me [ __ ] no you son of a [ __ ] all right [ __ ] how do we tackle this um color spray is a creature with up to a combining 30 I do not need one turn of blindness missing strike [Music] nice wait where's my bonus action the [ __ ] did he kill my bonus section with that Soul offering [ __ ] I'll take bonus extra reactions [ __ ] off that sucks man that's really strong okay hit the plus next to the end turn button what oh no I know it no I know you can increase your rows it takes up too much of the screen I don't like it get [ __ ] and then got two bonus actions so move here get a free shot off on his gut a little bit of damage get back over here wait can I hide like here because then the tree blocks it maybe oh you discovered me no you didn't no [ __ ] awful me that sucks the null Hunters are the scary part dude these range guys are crazy [ __ ] I took my thing off my bar again when I do that so I'd swap these around all right maybe just melee kind of Advantage melee's stronger than range though died no don't [ __ ] with the dual wielding dude [ __ ] [ __ ] it we're good we're good we're good [ __ ] nice nice they missed all of them somehow zero four ah nice okay these gloves are really [ __ ] pulling their weight holy crap die come on come on dude die come on please come on we gotta get some more powerful things like now we really do you will need Misty step that helps so much Misty steps good for I mean I guess I know what you're saying all right ice Maybe yeah nice ice maybe they slip damn it they saved enough all right I'm just gonna try and finish them off get [ __ ] dude nice hide here again and turn What You Gonna Do Slip damn it nice see they don't even know what to do wait can I actually no wait maybe hell yeah dude you're [ __ ] what ain't no way do these have 18 meters of range oh 15 meters on the hand crossbows okay that's kind of a downside you can lock the hot rod so that you aren't constantly dragging the items off yeah I know I just forget to do it and I move them around so much that I usually just leave it off all right County Action Dodge a little bit closer oh I can use mobile shot 49 disadvantage what's the point in there then after using a just in case anything you can make a range attack as a bonus section but I can already make range of texts as a bonus action mobile shots only good if you're using a bow should I just get rid of that once for short rest I should just get rid of that right that's just pointless I can free up space on my bar if I get rid of that die come on no you clown you clown animal you giggling clown [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn that Multi Shot is wild oh solo Rook is fun though Ambush used to be 12 meters well I'm glad they buffed them well meters would have made them kind of dog [ __ ] any okoy moment there's been a few it's mostly been going pretty good though surprisingly well I definitely don't want to be abusing shot rest in Long rest short rest what do I even use short rest for like if I'm running low on health potions and I don't really wanna [ __ ] how do we tackle this are they weak against anything are they just normal hyenas you know okay I was getting a nice sneak attack on him there's a plus the bottom next to the turn that allows you to add additional with the bus I know oh my God I know but it covers look I hate that it covers so much of the screen what I don't get is you know how there's like a gap to the right and a gap To the Left Right of your bar why can't you extend it out lengthways like you used to be able to that's what you used to be able to do oh [ __ ] like back in the uh beta I missed that I I want to extend it down not out [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God it's bugging out it's bugging out why is it bugging out no [ __ ] what is happening stop looking at me die attitude negative a monster it wasn't even trying to fight me what happened hey I just bugging out how the XP is scaling pretty bad I mean I'm almost level four I'm 400 XP away so once I do the zentarium thing in this other place I should be good foreign no way dude [ __ ] all right hide Advantage hit the null and try and finish it off damn it all right run away as far as I can okay this could be bad because they have like this biting thing and they all have their turn at the same time and oh my God the movement Ranger you're kidding me have you killed all the Goblins already not yet we're slowly Gathering barrels and stuff and I'm going to The centaurium Outpost and I'm probably gonna I'm gonna kill them because I want the explosive barrels one [ __ ] damage why who talked me into using [ __ ] salami as an offhand you're gonna be the death of me how many for one average [ __ ] I might just use my [ __ ] it's not a bonus action it's a main action [ __ ] all right I got a [ __ ] all ass go go go they're gonna Dash they didn't Dash oh no no [Music] oh [ __ ] dude all right then we bonus action Dash and get away really far okay get the [ __ ] Sudden Rush why are they is it not just regular Dash let me see the provoc opportunity attacks oh it's like a bonus thing nice nice come on big damage ah so close I can handle one of them I think God damn dude what nice all right he's not a oh he's burning nice for three turns cool nice definitely gonna get hit on me but it's fine ow you kind of defeat Sans Underdog salami strike secondary salami strike we need to get something that is a salami dude really bad nice what's the somebody recommend a good weapon oh you know what we could sneak into the underdog and get the little dagger that gives extra damage on First Strike also some plus one going to the getting to our underdoc would be great actually there's a lot of stuff in the underdog for us we gotta do this in Zen uh Zen thingy first grab poison nice shipment orders gold I don't want to swap back to short saw too as much as I like the salami it's really bad seriously terrible nice it's a short sword I don't call it wait you mean the salami this now this is a piece of salami this is a short side this is salami food I see we get into the zent place to get the explosives too I want those false barrels then we can leverage that holy hell okra made it onto asthma's Gold's Channel yeah dude that video went crazy oh my God a secondary salami though can't do it I can't do the Dual salami Sans is a vegetarian extra damaging it's vegetarians imagine you'd come across a vegan in this game and you just kill them with a salami and you get an achievement give me that dagger fit for an ogre notice nice sprinkle success I should get two dagos for that nice dagger main hands seven to ten instead of six to eleven that's good less abilities plus six instead of plus five a knife and a salami I used the knife to cut the salami for extra damage foxy I move stuff around too much all right to The zentarium Hideout maybe I could chew the ogre fine maybe but the ogre can throw rocks and [ __ ] now 21 strength is so useful Oh wait [ __ ] these have stuff in them there it is to the zintarium thingy wait there's no fight and then ah wait maybe I could save the dude from the building to get the free item I don't think I need any of it though I don't need a lightning uh it's Trident I don't need a lightning bow and I don't need a lightning mace or Shield whatever it is I forget have you seen the nine minute Speed Run of this whole game did they just use like bugs to jump through walls and [ __ ] I have not seen the nine minute speed through that sounds Wild God we look adorable oh wait this could be better armor for us 12 armored class 11 oh my God that's nice what does it look like terrible I love it okay we're pretty close actually you know what 260 XP let's [ __ ] do the dragon thing first all I have to do is pass a speech check I don't want to reload it though but if I have read minds which I do detect thoughts I mean maybe we can like finagle our way through what the [ __ ] wait I got frightened me oh the dragon right oh [ __ ] no he's gonna blow up the dragon or try to yeah we'll do that after I'll try and blow up the dragon let's get 400 HP if we put down enough barrels next to it we can kill it there's a three and a half sex Speed Run yeah there's a [ __ ] what's the uh do disguise toast disguise toast the the YouTuber guy twitch streamer guy I mean a YouTuber guy uh [ __ ] that was dumb um he did a 80 like sex Speed Run I didn't like four minutes and then somebody broke somebody's record and had the world record for a little bit and then somebody else broke it oh this is gonna be so funny dude yeah look at my little body we don't have much time imagine a like a three foot tall Little Gnome rocks up with a blue eye called Sans Underdog and kicks open a door that five grown humans couldn't open could spell Trump oh my God why is it [ __ ] up my camera oh that's not me what the [ __ ] what am I where's my passing how the [ __ ] did I take damage there get him out oh my God come on oh this is the lady that you [ __ ] rescue I found her later on in the campaign I couldn't remember who it was um right [ __ ] it whatever let's try it go go go go go I haven't I have enough strength I can succeed the chick you might die though but it's okay this cutscene is gonna look really funny thing off me tiny little pathetic look at my big hands though did I just pick up the rubble and just launch it no I just lift it okay all right let's get out of here go go go go free XP for XP did you just fall over again did you just fall over again how is he prone is he gonna live thank you all right he's good we're good we're good we're good your boldness is a blessing counselor yes yes yes no a Duke I hope you'll see the Nobles nah um sure thank you go I will seek fifth seek seek list oh yeah so we get a a spicy stick a spicy bow or a spicy Trident I'm sort of tempted on the boat or the lightning strikes build but I kind of prefer the Dual crossbow is just to have an ability to use your um bonus actions I'll just get I'll take the one that's worth the most which is the staff or the bow I guess can I talk to him have you seen her uh you get XP for doing this guy's [ __ ] I think I already sold the amulet I did I already sold the necklace so you can speak to Dad so I can't do his mission oh wait can I like what if I find her body allow us to be [Applause] a small bit of XP it's worth it all the XP that we can get right now is great level four is a huge thing brown hair that must be merry she's not breathing doesn't he get all mad and then and gives you like nothing yeah she did you think you'll get mad if I throw a body Yeah it's red damn it you should have stayed if I just cut my mouth shut she said I'd never seen her again she was hold on MIDI what happens if I throw a body at him [Laughter] back here oh man oh my God can I just like [ __ ] how far can you throw bodies damn it is he coming back oh my God he's coming back come on buddy just up these stairs really fast you're almost there bud I improvise weapon it he doesn't want to come up the stairs trust me oh that's [ __ ] funny all right well I'm not here I'm actually [ __ ] stealth [ __ ] he saw me immediately ten percent can I move the folding screens and then throw it at him yes he was seen trying to move every time dude I got one XP for me for killing him that wasn't worth it I don't call it how do you feel about your football Brands video getting more than one million views at one mill I'm assuming you say I I was [ __ ] in awe dude and it has two million views on Twitter just on the explosion clip from the end uh I never expected it to even get one tenth of that like I'm kind of Blown Away that it that it did as well as it did and I'm just obviously I'm super happy you know like I'm really glad people enjoy it and stuff uh but yeah I'll be working on some more stuff I'm probably gonna be like necro before necromancers though or for wizards Wizards have some goof [ __ ] some really funny goofy [ __ ] they can do the later especially the spells in the later levels are not they're pretty nuts but I probably won't get that far but I need to get like a little five or six if I want to do the whole Undead thing as my goal just watched it too I know I know I saw the clip he watched it on his stream and then I saw yeah clip that he uploaded I commented on the video and then I told everybody to go and I'll vote it damn it wait if I perceive that oh man never mind not even close [Music] chill bro chill my guy I was ready to run you through I didn't talk to this guy actually he was the I get nothing for that I don't get any XP or nothing oh I did get XP just didn't show it all right this is where the slew thing comes in so now we now we made good on that that thing get all these barrels too [Laughter] he's gonna think I'm the like the uh the the Noid monster serpent something I thought you were flaming fist okay check if your healer is still alive hey thanks my dude I'll check on that now that's a good idea all right I'm gonna quickly go do that is she dead or is she alive hahaha [Laughter] yeah and she died wait what oh I get the thing okay keep it [Laughter] that's funny kind of got me also I already had the mysterious artifact so I definitely think that wasn't supposed to happen um how did she die so I used her ability which is this Bond ability right where it makes her take um the city like I take Hawk damage but half of it gets directed towards her um I forget and then you get you get advantages against saving throws and like plus one armor class and [ __ ] but uh I did that and left her at camp and she [ __ ] died ah that was funny yeah man I like this guy he's so cool [Music] what the [ __ ] would call this guy ugly like [ __ ] you of coin um I don't need a hoffling yet maybe we'll hire one when I need it okay but right now we're good we're totally fine we're being chilling I'm also gonna collect all these barrels get all the fire wine barrels fire wine barrels are not to be slept on they do spread uh the flame around I'm getting flashbacks already I'm not entirely sure if they do a lot of damage when you blow them up but um they definitely helps spread the fire so if you want to spread the explosive barrels to a wider area stuff now [ __ ] wait is this kind of stealing no he doesn't give a [ __ ] I can take all these nice maybe I should just kill this guy whatever I'll come on the way out three XP I don't call it rev scroll what do you mean oh use a Revival scroll oh do I have any I do I have five because I keep selling them and killing people and taking them back yeah not a bad idea I could revive her and then get her to cast that again immediately or she had up here she's so dead has your body just get carried around with you and cam for the rest of the game now is that's good to know if you kill someone in Camp does their body just stay in cam in case you need to revive them at some point all right she's back and then I might give her some healing potions too something the matter all right is something that matter of fact what oh she just got okay she was dead she got her XP back can I do it again level two spell slot damn it nope I could I can't even give AIDS again whatever at least she's alive I'll tell her to stay something the matter if you're sure fine goodbye I've never taken shadowhaw's companion I didn't I'm I'm close like clerics are so like they have so many abilities and it's even more overwhelming than a mage I just never bother also she's a girl and girls are gay so I no I take mythara I've taken Colac they're both pretty cool albarians are pretty pretty based are used to tell us is fun I probably should play cleric at some point I need to do like a full cleric thing and a wall-shaped druid I have never the last time I did a wild shaped Druid was back in um the beta and it was like super buggy and everyone was scared of you when you're in your animal form and I also don't like that you can't talk in your animal phone because it means I have to if I'm doing a solo playthrough I have to switch characters to talk to people I'm usually uh I'm like the host I'm the one talking to people which is doesn't really work as a druid oh that's five people not really all right good [ __ ] 100xp dude we're so close 13 XP are you kidding me so close will is nice as well Wallach is fun wallocks are cool I love that how strong you can get their Eldritch blasts and [ __ ] and also they don't really rely on spell slots as much as normal uh casters and they can still use Scrolls and a lot of good [ __ ] so they're they're decent if you have the codes this will make your most heroic a lot Brown Alabaster they never have the best one the best die in the game in my opinion is the um black and white gesture dye something like that this is where I got most of the explosive brows by the way guys look smoke powder Barrel smoke powder Barrel smoke powder Bell there's another one here there's one here there's one here isn't there's another two up here there's one here there's like 10 in this room and then there's a bunch of fire barrels further in in The zitarium Hideout like in the back bit this is where I got the majority of the explosive rails here and then inside the um Harlequin die yeah that's it hmm all right you've already brought me the Shabbos free money and she gives us things so yeah there you go Harold so this is like the best crossbow that I found even until very late game it's just it's a regular ass heavy crossbow which is great if you're playing a strength guy Paladin fighter whatever whatever like most classes it's like a good race range weapon and then uh it applies Bane which happens all the time and it's a plus one so it's just a really really good crossbow it's there's crossbows I feel like are super rare in this game there's there's almost no good crossbows and that's one of the unique ones and it's very good this place is a fire hazard they all died wait where did she go why what was she down there laughs what the [ __ ] where's their body bream Oscar now they're gone they're just not there [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that but that's funny holy [ __ ] I wiped them all out completely I'll fire hand crossed away as my favorite okay is it the one where if you're in stealth and you shoot someone they um they it does like an extra one to twelve fire damage but you have to be hidden when you do your steth attack range attack because that's what I have on a Starion and then I have the one where if they're on fire you do extra fire damage which which so they work perfectly hand in hand I think they're supposed to though you know either one is great I have both of them on my on my historian oh [ __ ] we level all right big big Choice here with this because we get a feat so you can do like I've gone double decks to get 18. I've gone or dual wielder is good plus one Armor class willing weapon in each hand which is obviously always and then uh you cannot we can also wield non-finess weapons so if we come across like a long sword we can use a long sword and then like a an another long sword and arrow fan and you can actually get two finesse long swords later on uh far aloof is a is the like the singing one and that's you know so you get a you get a 1d10 finesse weapon which is pretty crazy and then also there's one way later on and I forget what it's called dual rapiers too rapiers are uh dual weapons you can't like they're they're a single weapon single hand only I don't think he can you dual rampers even if you get dual wheeler I thought they were one head only like they were specifically a two hand like they have the two Hand tray like uh two hand weapons crossbow expert yeah yeah you can with dual wield ah that's pretty cool dual rapiers will be pretty dope for this guy pretty fancy crossbowmaster yeah crossbow expert will be good but I don't mind using melee weapons you know what I mean whereas like if I get dual there it benefits both but if I get crossbow X but it only benefits crossbows and if I'm in melee I can just use the swords anyway like my male weapons like my salami um said see penalties High Ground yeah I don't know what do you guys think should I get 18 decks or should I get dual wielder dual wielder seems like the obvious choice right shop shooter shop shooter has negatives though if you take shop shooter look it uh range weapon attacks your professional would have a negative five penalty to their attack Roll But deal an additional 10 damage yeah so I have minus five on my chance to hit but if I hit I do an extra 10 damage it's not worth it especially with how much you have disadvantage with hand crossbows it's not worth it at all Savage attacker is just good if you can't decide wait I could also take a level into fighter and then get great uh two weapon fighting you make an attack with your off fan blah blah whatever so my offense become as strong as my main hands and also I get Proficiency in all martial weapons and medium armor foreign fighting because I can I'm probably not going to need finesse like the gray weapon thing and the plus one all my class so later on Sharpshooter also Ultra I guess but this affects both get a plus two bonus to range Weapons X that is pretty good but it means that my melee weapon will suffer chop shooter fee is sharp shooter feat worth it take shops here it's insane with hand crossbows is it really worth it you I feel like a negative six chance to hate is insane your arranged attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground that's pretty [ __ ] crazy though actually okay that might offset it you're proficient with management attack rolls but dealing additional 10 has it you'd say that's worth it yeah [ __ ] it we'll try it out worst case scenario I can [ __ ] respect you can toggle it I don't want to have to toggle it though ew why do you toggle it kind of side panel ashes at the bottom do I like drag that on and then ah I can enable it or disable it why would I want to disable it if my [ __ ] just isn't gonna hit like if I'm not on The High Ground I don't know man whatever I'll have it activated for now what's my chances so 35 chance to hit so then but then if I go High Ground 45 chance this seems super low dude because if I toggle It Off 70 chance your chance to hit is so low I'm cutting my chance to hit by like 35 or 30 20 why there's this Muse made him do it with Advantage it evens out I guess right so so then if I cunning action and then sneak attack with it activated 70 I see what you mean so then if I if I nail this guy now [Music] I missed [ __ ] dude I'm telling you I don't think it's worth it dude I feel like it's I'm gonna miss all the time I'm not always gonna be able to stealth guys I'm not always going to have Advantage how many fights have I actually had advantage on compared to how it is the best feat in the game I don't I don't know man I literally this is a this I feel like this is a matter of opinion like I'm still gonna do a lot of damage it's not adding the plus tan the potential for damage is really high 70 chance dude I'm no there's no [ __ ] way I'm missing so constantly man there's no way with offhand it is literally the best feat in the game I disagree man my range guy is so strong and he doesn't have it use your offhand shot offhand use all right why 91 chance why is that so much different so wait so I'm never gonna use sneak attack now I guess if you're a rogue so your offhands are doing a lot so you could just be like I feel like this is so dependent dude there's no [ __ ] way man and now I'm down to 45 chance to hit it's not worth it dude it's so not worth it that's not worth it at all he's playing solo it's hard to utilize it dude that's so not worth it there's no way that's that ain't worth it chief use it for 17 damage and it is not worth it you would have fit for seven I get why the the it adds a flat 10 damage I get it but if I'm missing half the time and I mean like bear in mind it too I'm playing solo like wait I'm gonna talk to this person oh wait I've already done it cool there's no way that's worth it man that's 2.5 times the damage right but is it a static 10 the entire time I don't know man if unless I'm if I had Advantage 99 of the time I would take it it kind of it's funny that it doesn't apply to the offhand though that is such an exploit might not be worth its solo though I agree that would be amazing if you were if you had four of these dudes then you're all it's dramatically increased and suddenly that is a ridiculous damage boost I don't feel like it's the same without it though personally if I'm going solo it's not as good I need consistency more than anything like if I go for dual wielder I'm getting plus one and armor class which keeps me alive more people are less likely be able to hit me and then I can dual wield on my [ __ ] later on but more importantly right now I'm gonna go for a level of fighter I think because actually check out archery though that's a flat two damage oh and it's a two plus two bonus to range weapon attacks but that increases my chance to hit by a lot and also it'll do two more damage right wait no plus the damn bonus to arrange weapon attacks is that just for hitting or is that plus two damage too let's do both it is both okay that's gotta be worth it over chewing weapon fighting then right it's gonna make my melee weapons worse but I'm gonna be going range most of the time anyway damn ironically it would pair well with the crossbow trait oh [ __ ] maybe we get crossbowmaster later on the line then or something it's now like that's my odd to hit that dude 64 with a disadvantage see that's pretty good 64 with disadvantage while outside of my range 96 chance to hit I need that consistency dude I can't afford to miss I really can't [ __ ] I need these [ __ ] barrels dude how do I get the barrels out of here foreign I'm just gonna go with this build I like this the consistency of hitting if we're going full range most of the time anyway for this free me now okay [ __ ] are they gonna notice nope haven't noticed yet I feel like one of them always wanders over and realizes the shit's missing no matter what can you go invisible and interact with [ __ ] and pick [ __ ] up and then stay stealth I've never tried that all right this guy's gonna turn around every time free me now and I'll see that my Patron rewards you gambling no no no no no no no no quick send them to Camp ah someone's reported a uh what I don't have them deception persuasion nice with guidance come on get [ __ ] I don't do [ __ ] nice oh we got two explosive barrels at least all right I'm gonna check this guy's store and then I'm just gonna kill everyone it's not worth it something I can help you with all right got some interesting so Giants breaker jolti vest this sucks I think I think this is the one that sucks oh hell of thorns would be good though free [ __ ] Ranger skill what's for short rest nah nah bonus a lot of hand checks that does not outweigh what we've got plus one leather armor I was hoping for I'm gonna be real I was hoping for a [ __ ] green crossbow I was hoping for a plus one hand crossbow and also a plus two set of um [ __ ] hide whatever the cloth armor you know what I mean okay by the thief gloves what like to get Advantage yeah I could just have them in my inventory thank you it sounds like a good idea hold on this guy has like no money though I'm not gonna make them say I'm gonna pay for it headed arm and a point uh oh rupturing blades pretty good wait can we dual wield these then if we have the the greater thing I kind of want the 1d10 though I'm gonna go off the Fowler aloof like I was talking about but um wait I'm just gonna build this guy out range why am I bothering with melee like I can't deal with Bailey my guy's gonna get absolutely clapped in melee I'm just gonna make this guy into the full crossbow build it's a smart way to go about this I think [ __ ] we have so much money's worth of crap yes babe dual feet you don't get d10 if your dual wield it goes down to 1d8 uh not for hand crossbows look it's the same for either one oh that's what you oh okay all right well we got the thieves gloves that's very good if we need them we got him we gotta turn this colax head in to Will oh [ __ ] I can use Speedy reply hell yeah dude one to six damage offhand damn that's bad one to six two to five for the plus one in the off hand this one doesn't have a plus one but every time I hit somebody I get momentum [ __ ] it I'll take that all right should we use Harold or just now hand crossbows are too good there was something you could do with your bonus action for offhands you know for two-handed weapons and [ __ ] I mean I know that a lot of them have like temporary use ones but I'd like some extended use ones oh nice we have second one too all right this bullet's going well I'm telling you you don't get uh some other weapons have nice effects that work just having them yeah exactly some of them give you um like you can get if you use a shield like if I use a shield I'll get armor class right and without being able to use my melee stuff you don't need the shield down your AC still goes up right or does it only affect you when you have the shield out I was under the impression that it went up anyway because I had a shield I had a crossbow Mason shield on my Barbarian and I had two extra armor class at all times and I don't think it went down when I didn't have it out Shield's always active yeah yeah maybe I should get a shield then something I can know especially the uh what if I get the one that gives you saving throws how do you get that Shield got some interesting stuff it's just a plus two it's just a two armor class Shield that gives you a plus one to all saving throws that's at the goblin Camp right I should seek that out get a little bit more AC if I'm not gonna be using my melee weapon I'm gonna be skirmishing the whole time it'll be nice to not not just take some weight I want to divide some dye actually from this dude before I kill them my God something I can help you with give me your die Harlequin black and white let's go and then also pink would be funny oh wait I think pink and leaf green just dyes Everything Green I think I tested this I kind of like the McDonald's vest but I'm gonna dye the boots with this and see if it actually looks any different damn it come on White Shoes dude that is [ __ ] it is like nothing I don't think you can die him I think it might be like a bugged set no I like the little McDonald's jacket that's pretty nice actually uh actually you know what they're just kind of brown I missed the belt I wish they would just add in Solo dies like black just plain black dye plain white dye [ __ ] like that you know it's all mixed it's like mixed or nothing [ __ ] I'm I need to figure out how to kill these guys without blowing up all these barrels can I all right I'm gonna see if I can assassinate them secretly all right that'll be that'll be the go-to all right turn off all the lights for stealth and then going to stealth and then oh [ __ ] I'm not sneaking around what are you talking about all right [ __ ] damn it oh my God [ __ ] are they all in they're just gonna blow me up I feel like wait they're not in are they in this is so difficult to tell surprise oh [ __ ] they are and they're all just surprised maybe I could do something with that won't die please die Jesus Christ you suck so bad God damn it I'm not even hold on I'm not even using the [ __ ] range sandwich thing what am I doing I'm like let's go range and then I immediately start stabbing people in the [ __ ] back what am I doing I can just stealth I can shoot people and stealth with my plus two archery [ __ ] [ __ ] damn your character has some drip right look at my little McDonald's Goblin outfit climb on top of boxes [ __ ] it here we go I should have advantage 96 percent damn we don't do enough damage yet we just don't nice right now we go up here there's surprise for one turn so I should be able to throw her off right surprised prized all right get over here Grabber I grew up 49 chance throw her down to damn it really if I get a little bit closer lady nice and then only a 64 disadvantage like I only has eight elf [ __ ] really turn off the Brazier I'd and they should just stand there like idiots right all their Dash towards me but I have The High Ground our scream is she just plummeted to her death [ __ ] how the [ __ ] nice no way what what [ __ ] god dude this this is why stealth proficiency is good holy [ __ ] I mean this guy is probably gonna see me but there's no way I get it again right again dude what no [ __ ] way you [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] off that ledge [Laughter] no [ __ ] way dude wow this is working great this is Skyrim levels of stealth the the [ __ ] it must have been my imagination oh they're gonna try and shoot me oh my God taking the longest route all right and then we cutting action hide we back to the edge of the thing we should have Advantage di zerus oh 31 [ __ ] damage and then where's the other guy is it just the one where's this guy where's Brynn where are you Brim I can't see him oh he's invisible oh [ __ ] that's scary oh he was right there though ain't no way that the stealth works this good oh yeah he's dashed he can't do [ __ ] God I [ __ ] beard oh [ __ ] come on oh man can I get away from yeah there's a range weapon out nice you're dead [ __ ] all right now I get melee weapons on staying close you can't do [ __ ] go and do something Mr invisible no way what how can you can you attack when you're invisible I thought it broke you out of invisibility I thought it was the whole point why when why do they never learn they never learn [Music] we need that deep learning AI so that they figure out how to avoid my stupid [ __ ] bushes Earth oh is he coming up the ladder ain't no way I succeed yes oh my God my yes it was timing perfectly most crabs cannot turn invisible oh yeah [Music] I am a stealth God now he's healing that's [ __ ] [ __ ] dude no way I was too good at dead stealth and he just left he got bored and left that was so good itself dude I missed a donut I said yes at the same time as the Dono too Jonathan Grover with a crab fact fun crab fact most crabs cannot turn invisible not at all I was under the impression that craps could turn invisible crabs it didn't say crabs like Mr Crabs say crabs oh all right then we go here no way he gets are we surprised what the [ __ ] did I just teleport you are doomed you fool [Music] nice now we can take all of the explosive barrels and hopefully blow up a dragon oh [ __ ] we get the Caravan strong box nice and we can let this guy go free just [ __ ] it that could be profitable later on I don't know who this guy is wait wait I'm just a prisoner for you've rescued none other than the artist Oscar assuming lady Janet still wishes to marry me after um this [ __ ] guy could you give me 200 gold dude he's the discomforts of the road some I'll give you a serious just come to deal with if you don't get going now yeah write you off until he knows he was pushing it a big dork oh [ __ ] we have proficiency for for me tomorrow that would actually be way better than what we've got and it doesn't uh impact stealth I think nope take one less slashing damage and when the wearer takes damage while having lightning charges all right you see that asman reacted to your video and made a video about your four halfings barbs I had just woken up and saw it on my feed yeah no dude a couple of people have joined and told me like I appreciate it I I watched it on stream I reacted to him reacting to me reacting that makes any sense now I reacted no I reacted to him reacting to my video already [Music] thanks thank you for the donut by the way my dude all right yeah 16 AC versus 15 AC and for all those bonuses and [ __ ] like that it doesn't impede stealth that's a definite w ow even if it's just like temporary you could use fog cloud or other line of sight blockers to steal stuff under people's noses oh [ __ ] like Darkness like I could use a scroll of Darkness or whatever the [ __ ] um [ __ ] what do we do I think we're good maybe kill the guys in the back now take all the explosive the fire battles and [ __ ] uh I think I've looted everyone zerus has been looted this guy silver ingots oh [ __ ] green one uh wizard band oil smoke explosive Oak powder Barrel smoke powder Barrel oh guys okay also do you know that chest that you can get in the tower in the underdog that allows you to put stuff in that turns it into like spoons and forks and [ __ ] so it doesn't weigh as much make sure you empty that when you get to act two or three because if you don't empty it everything I think it's X3 if you don't empty it when you get into act three everything inside of it will bug out and be permanently like spoons and bowls and [ __ ] like that and I didn't realize until I was balls deep in uh in chapter three so it was way too late for me to go back just a heads up so you don't make the same mistake it's called the chest of the Monday and you get in the tower in the underdog like if you if you use that to store items like I have just be warned you will lose everything that's inside of it because I know a lot of people have been using it it's like a good meta Strat but it'll [ __ ] you up like I lost I lost the uh powder Barrel I lost the purple powder Barrel I lost all of my uh explosive arrows all of my um I was gonna make a video blowing up a bunch of [ __ ] in the in the capital and then I went to check my thing and it was all gone I was like very sad can I use the Texas City's laughter there's probably no reason right any more explosive barrels ah there's one this is a lot wait they do how much damage per barrel they do 44 plus 18 each so even if they are if we could somehow figure out how to kill the dragon with them that would be huge never found that chest where is it at it's in the tower in the underdog the Mage Tower anything that you put in it will get turned into into like things and it saves a [ __ ] ton of weight it's pretty amazing just the mundane uh and then oh [ __ ] dagger plus one wait did they just saw me no what the [ __ ] did they throw a dagger at me fun crab fact empty your crap twice daily why does it really hear it like go extremely hot on the sea it turned into like a demon empty your crab twice daily why is that a fact that's more like advice that's like crab advice thank you though for your crab advice uh thank you for the donut as well my dude and how are they gonna deal with Sans Underdog how are we gonna do with this fight actually if we actually have to get into a fight I was hoping to stealth this section they see me I'm immediately gonna get pushed into a fight because I might just pick them up and throw them off the cliff oh [ __ ] yep okay well here we go um path is interrupted what shove nice one down um I don't want to blow up any of the explicit barrels though that guy's got dual hand crossbows he's kind of jacking my stees I don't think they can actually get past this section so I might just [ __ ] Frost ball wait wooden barrels all right good nice and then hide hiding successful baby now what are they gonna do they can't do [ __ ] what are you gonna do oh no this wolf is just gonna sit there and growl he's gonna do nothing nice and [ __ ] I can't wait to hit that guy [ __ ] okay let's take one of them out and then can I get Advantage from a self-attack if I hide and then use it yeah I can nice oh good [ __ ] [ __ ] he's definitely gonna hit me now damn it okay he's a barrel loot Goblin confirmed absolutely dude barrels are amazing [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God this ain't good please die please die please die ah [ __ ] um okay I can't get away from this wolf that game bitten all right finish him off please please please please no no oh I need him dying all right good um I'm just gonna have to take the hits don't you dare shoot me okay I might need a chuggy oh [ __ ] wait I saw the barrel of my inventory what a cam that shit's heavy I can't move to shove more of them off the clothes I always enjoyed your content okay and I love the pure chaos you do in these types of games hey thank you my dude I'm glad you like it it's all about fun right you're not having fun I would then what's the point thanks for the gentleman dude and thanks for watching [ __ ] dude advice chat I need advice can I get both of them in this dude if I move in either direction the other one bites me oh wait wait I can get in the middle what's the furthest I can get without right there and shove yes you [ __ ] nice and now that frees me up to get close like this and then here can I nice use disengage I should have used disengaged it's fine it still worked out typical use the plus button to increase the ability tabs so you can open more items abilities you want some screen I know I know I know you can't extend it language you can only extend it up now and you should be able to in the beta extended lengthways and I I don't like extending it up it covers way too much of the screen already I mean it's pretty small as far as Huds go for these kinds of games I guess but still um [ __ ] he's got 28 health let me use a bonus section to chug and I'm gonna run over and try and push him off the cliff that's a bonus action um what if I throw one of these dude the range of these things is [ __ ] huge now that's just gonna pull them over towards the cliff [ __ ] nice all right let's hopefully he tries to move away and I just kill him nice he gets disadvantaged because he's ranged nice all right that worked out great what why not no way what what oh come on dude no come on nice it [ __ ] good [ __ ] that went okay oh my God so many thieves tools we have so many healing potions it doesn't even matter probably should use the short rest since I can't use him for anything else anyway but I can use potions in combat this guy is using hand crossbows the spin animation just kills me I'd like to see others doing a solo challenge I hope this becomes a fully playthrough I am currently doing a tactical Duo Druid playthrough with Shadow heart and it's so much fun yeah I love dude I absolutely love having it's weird hearing Plankton's voice say really nice sincere stuff instead of just [ __ ] posting uh thank you for the donut by the way um yeah I agree like I I don't actually like controlling a potty of full people it gets really messy I much prefer doing like Lone Wolf playthroughs and [ __ ] uh or like playing multiplayer with friends and stuff like that like it's so annoying a buddy of mine was here for like a week doing our main campaign with my Bob and [ __ ] and then he went away on on vacation for a week he went on holiday for a week and I it was just saying you're like well [ __ ] what do I do and but at least it pushed me to make more content ended up making the whole thing barbarians a bit way sooner than I thought I would I thought it was just gonna be lost in the game for too long you know yeah I definitely prefer doing smaller campaigns I want the Lone Wolf perk from Divinity 2 in this game so that I can you know where um I can have like just two characters but they'd be as strong as a party of four and also get more experience or at least get more experience if you leveled up quicker that would be a huge thing like if you got double XP in exchange for only playing Solo or 1.5 times XP if you're playing solo that would be huge that'll be a really really good change how do I get through oh nice aren't these both trapped let me [ __ ] this up the dog from the dog meme passed away from cancer what what dog meme what dog which dog meme there's so many dog memes dude the Doge one like doge meme you mean for a lion Doge wait really Gabriel the dog there's been so many dogs dying like which one where are you at in game I've never found this place I'm in The zintarium Hideout zinterim hideout really [ __ ] good place oh [ __ ] am I gonna explode [Music] ow ah and this is why we buy health potions you pop them like Tic Tacs to keep yourself going all right I think I'm gonna nip into the underdog before I go to the dragon since we're already level four I'm Not Really Gonna benefit from the dragon XP as much as I was previously also there's so much [ __ ] loot down here it doesn't work in all the ball Escape titles the amount of party numbers determines your XP multiplier the less members the more XP you got it okay you see that's that would have been a really good mechanic for this game but also you would have been suit you could potentially be like crazy op so I don't know I get I get it but also I kind of miss the Lone Wolf thing from div 2. your Hoffman Barbarian video was the best thing I've seen all week hey thanks man I had a lot of fun making it you a lot of people have been uh on the dark dropping in you know praising I think a lot of people um all right here are people here today are people that um watch my uh my video because like literally I did a a live stream of Baldur's Gate before and uh okay it kind of like bugged out and [ __ ] too so like wasn't the best but uh that had like one tenth the amount of viewership I've had this stream it's uh I'm definitely got a bunch of new bunch of new guys from uh that video which is really cool wait was I supposed to disarm the thing does it have a thing on it to this song I kind of wish guidance would automatically apply yep dude three of these Scrolls is gonna be amazing for me bam seven free false life for multiple casts that's just seven extra life every time I lose it that's great wow that's legitimately great hello Corey are you aware that you can use the PS I no just kidding for [ __ ] sake I literally was just like shut up oh my God damn it I I hate that feeling of people are genuinely trying to be helpful and you're like I know I just don't like it like I feel like such an [ __ ] [Laughter] I appreciate all the advice anyway like you can always this can like Boulder skate is so huge like I never understood have you ever watched those people that hate backseat gaming and they just can't take anybody giving them advice and [ __ ] you could you I don't give a [ __ ] how much time you have in a game there's always things you can learn you know what I mean you can't be a master of games I don't get it when people are like so touched up and like they get all pissy and like in their ego and [ __ ] when people give them advice and they call it backseat gaming and [ __ ] it's like they're just trying to help dude they're literally just trying to help like it's a community game like people can give you stuff you don't know about at least fungal spores are everywhere be humble like [ __ ] okay there's a Lone Wolf mod on the Nexus doubles XP to level six oh dude that [ __ ] scared me I forgot not the funky mushroom voice and the words Echo from ever wait why is my left eye glowing they're coming oh this voice saying that dude stop saying they're coming oh they're coming oh my God the amount of lock picks in this location for God they're all loot boxes [ __ ] oh [ __ ] on their minotaurs here this is where the minotaurs are right oh my God I'm not looking forward to that they're big guys they're big boys I think the best ooh grenades nice uh that's huge grenades are huge I really want to see okay I do with the minotaurs I knew they were mine at sauce damn it we got this we got this also I kind of want to use an elixir of the Colossus on my guy what do you think lecture the Colossus or um I think it might ruin his visual aesthetic but I feel like 21 strength is good but elixir of the Colossus though would be really cool because we'll get bigger we get 1d4 to all of our damage uh our weapon attacks we get um advantage on strengths and uh checks and saves and yeah and we also get bigger we increase in size what do you guys think 21 strength or this I won't be able to do like throwing people like I won't be able to jump as high anymore because my strength will go back down to 16. the world's tallest known we got to do it right large powers activate with the biggest Gnome look at [ __ ] normal size we are man oh my God the hands on hips he's so precious get your crossbows out bud time to fight okay time to [ __ ] up this Minotaur I can't reach can I just what happens if I destroy the Rope netting what happens if I oh right now how they get up how do they get up now they're [ __ ] I don't think they can climb I think they're just gonna jump I think minotaurs can do crazy jumps they've got hops oh my God my first show called live hey oh thanks for stopping by Colossus for gnomes we got [ __ ] big and glowy we are can I just say I don't like that you get this big Thin Blue glow around your body I think just being bigger and having just the eye effects would have been enough because this kind of gets obnoxious over time like this big glowy glowy [ __ ] it kind of gets super obnoxious or at least I found it really obnoxious I didn't like it all right here we go dude no way in no way Ain't No Way ain't no way [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don't have Advantage anymore is he got a cyclone on me can I stealth why can't I see the cyclone here we go come on I gotta have Advantage really I don't run out of Advantage right now I definitely should have advantage all right 64 chance oh yeah [Music] kind of feel like he's gonna jump on me and it's going to be really scary please don't trouble me Reckless Roar and he's just gonna stand there and not jump on me nice long Strider swole is obnoxious yeah that too I think a lot of them I I kind of now that I know about the uh the Nexus mods thing I'm probably gonna insult like a [ __ ] ton of mods off stream uh um so I'll probably get the one that stops your dudes being afraid like stops all of the NPCs on the entire [ __ ] map being afraid of um your followers your Undead your zombies and [ __ ] like that like your your pets your uh summons your Elemental summons all that kind of [ __ ] I need that mod so bad it can't be at long range yeah you can look watch see you just have to be close enough and then nice give me all and then I hide again like this and he's like what growl what and then you [ __ ] oh crit again and then you shoot him again and then you re-stilt and then they're like what are you what what's happening dude shrug emoji and then you [ __ ] kill him [Music] and then you shoot his friend in the face and then you disappear and they're like I can't figure this out what's happening this is so [ __ ] this is so unbelievably [ __ ] and then you shoot him and he's like oh man I dodged that crit and you just keep stealthing and they're like he's like oh I'm so mad but I can't kill you and then you shoot him again come on and you shoot him again then your stealth mode and then you just and he's like ah man this is this is really I hate this did you shoot him again and then you shoot him again and then you stealth again you wait and you wait for him to be really mad and then you're shooting him again and then you do a regular shot and if you don't crit you just shoot again to flex and now he's got five health so I'm just gonna let him come for me because I know he can't get to me he's like oh I finally found him on so man uh tied to the Trap nice dude range crossbow build baby why aren't why aren't they using the last known location thingy because they're dumb and also I love minotaurs dude they're so cool but they're dumb also I I think it's legitimately only based on um if they can get to you because they couldn't get up to where I was they just they were just like I I I I mean nothing wait do you think we'll be able to kill the bullet or do you think he'll just shoot us with its like poison spit thing and I'll just die probably wouldn't go great right oh [ __ ] I'm gonna go again whatever it's called this is a good opportunity to get that that sword I ever want to respect I'm having I think range was definitely the best choice here it's a big [ __ ] I I am definitely gonna do a play through as a Minotaur though when that gets headed oh [ __ ] let's try buddy what do you guys think of that though like when oh nice nice I said yes more for me and more more explosives for the gnome um yeah I was I was thinking of doing like a Minotaur and ogre or like one of the like a Fishman playthrough or something it's one of these more interesting races slender drow blades impalers the strength we have Advantage because of elixir of the Colossus these are probably gonna absolutely [ __ ] this up are you kidding me okay and I actually am going to use I have Advantage my strength is pathetic come on come on come on come on come on yes double 17 let's go damn look at my little pony with 10 people for the blade with another hard yank the weapon slips free from the stone nice pose poses with the chance to roll a pair is low yeah you don't need a pair though so look finesse scales with the dexterity instead of strength if you do stereo is higher and it's a long sword so 1d10 um and it also has Pharaoh live Melody gives you performance and it's a plus one so automatically this thing is just cracked um and I didn't take benefit for dual weapons yet so I'm actually I think I'm just gonna equip it because I don't have dual web perks it's all like range stuff so [ __ ] it now I'm slightly better in melee and I have a big sword but it also scales with finesse so it does actually like really decent damage I can't take advantage of the bonus actions though which sucks but you can still sneak attack with it which is really cool eight to 30 sneak damage and that's before you crit and stuff I've wanted to make like a stealth finesse stealth like um because it just needs to be a finesse weapon you don't necessarily need to don't give up call explosives hey hey man that guy nobody listened to him nobody listen to that guy at all ever I'm gonna forget that these exist guys so please remind me on the gloves of whatever I'll forget completely [ __ ] we need to figure out how to get in there there's plenty of more fire Barrels in there without having to go through the underdog I need a potion of leap big jump it's enabled by default I know I know I I wish it wasn't though oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I know what it is it's like the coolest creature that I wish you could get as like imagine if you could get mounts in this game by the way like it would kind of be weird and under undermine the game but it'd be pretty cool you ride around on like a [ __ ] bullet or a I don't know whatever other creature as long as it's a beast and it's big enough and it's dependent you have to be like one size above it or something or the same size poisonous if memory serves or it has to be the same size or larger than you I mean not smaller have you played WR wotr uh Great War of the Ring Wrath of the Ring what's the woto I don't go I got to Beach and stay to the left and there's a jumping path spectator and so United Outpost yeah I know I don't want to go near the spectator though he's scary [ __ ] gets like eight turns in one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I lost my [ __ ] false life scroll over that [ __ ] damn it well the sleep at least the scroll survived well see now I don't give a [ __ ] about getting the um getting the sword because they have this follow-aloo thing whatever I'll get it anyway Corpses I don't know how long it's going to be before I get there like there's a really good sword down here I think it's down here right heel the cam looks abandoned this guy's voice is getting to me I should have made him sillier but I guess that would be way more annoying so look this sword is insane so deals an additional one to eight piercing damage to targets that still have all their hit points right and that's if they heal the first people that you fight and since I'm doing a solo play through this is [ __ ] crazy this is kind of what I was I wanted to go for like this and then the Fowler aloof sword which is a finesse weapon so I think this in my off hand with the greater weapon dual web perk and then also great weapon fighting and then this in my main hand so it'll do you know a [ __ ] on like 1D six plus three plus one D4 plus 1d8 conditionally like I could like potentially if you then crit with your main hand attack can you imagine the damage dude if you have like a double finesse setup like that that would be crazy so it affects what's best comic or comic dice I have no idea there's no Manning in the game so the spell is pointless Phantom Steed can't attack yeah oh I forgot about the shrooms I love these guys your purpose um oh that's [ __ ] cool you can just like because I'm a deep gnome they're like chill with me that's neat I have to pass a speech check or anything I know the speed check is super low but that's still cool oh my God my jump distance is so bad [ __ ] I just jump into that mushroom will you make more videos like the four hotflings anytime soon uh I'm not sure if it'll be soon because this game is so long and it's dependent on me getting other people involved and if people have time to be able to help and stuff like that um I kind of want those boots of striding although I don't need him because I'm a rogue actually never mind foreign what's good boots for this guy yeah I'll definitely be doing more videos like this like more videos like the hoffling one absolutely I was already planning like I have a list I literally have like a bookmark list thing I have um yeah full hufflings full huffling Barbarians in act two so like just keep pushing it into act two and do a bunch of of Goofs there or Druids and four necromancers which with four necromancers is just four wizards but also I'm gonna put them push them down the necromancy route and then maybe respect them later on or some [ __ ] just to try out some different builds or different fights Logan's and his friend are Bros yeah they're absolute Bros agreed their Chad's oh wait where's the asset wait I need the acidity ring oh [ __ ] this is where I get that really good ring I totally forgot about the [ __ ] acid ring dude wait okay if people haven't used this ring I get on every single playthrough it's [ __ ] cracked just adds another flat two acid damage to every single attack and if you're using two weapons it adds it to both weapons it's pretty insane no Hill giant finger caustic band I'm gonna have to give up my now give up the Ring of color spray I don't even use the other one what does this one do where I can see in the dock of 12 meters pointless dude manifocaly just portray everyone on the halfling vid during the end game that would be the idea is we just do all the evil guy stuff I kind of want to do a kill and blow up everybody thing because you'll get more XP and also you know everybody die and it's funny what else is heavy wait [ __ ] did I sell that oh it's just a quill what am I trying to sell that's so expensive oh maybe these yep oh and the Albert egg I've got so much [ __ ] to sell dude [Music] I'm gonna be rich I don't think I can use any of this [ __ ] very none of this is rogie roguelike okay what's your favorite song mine is Imagine Dragons Radioactive but it's but it's just I'm waking up oh like he just keeps saying I'm waking up for the whole time uh I like um uh smash mouths and I don't stop coming but it's just and I don't stop coming over and over again that's a pretty good song It's a good that's a good one ooh jump bonus action once per short rest that's worth it right that's better than a ring of being really invisible unfortunately [ __ ] I don't want to buy that herbalist touch pointless oh plus one hand crossbow let's go oh my God W huge W for the little man don't need divination stuff dies I'm good healing potions I could use nice plenty of those so 400 and then we switch over and sellers bam so now we got two good Rings all of our attacks now do uh acid damage and we got A plus one crossbow so we do 8 to 16 now 1d6 plus four plus uh 1d4 piercing and two acid and yeah so with the Colossus that's a ton I kind of want the Elixir bloodlust though because it's sort of better okay I wanted to try this are you looking at my search history again yes I mean I actually docs everybody that watches me and then I find out what they want to see and they do it before they do it so they're forced to watch oh man what's emulator then uh oh resistance to slashing damage for vulnerability to bludgeoning damage I feel like that's not so great um we're good now right what do I should I just open the Caravan strong Box by the way people were asking me to do it all right I'll just lock pick it wait no I won't hold on I will equip the gloves first so I have advantage and then I'll lock pick it see you guys I'm learning I'm learning guidance gloves of whatever 15 21 nailed it crushed it nice open there we go this criminal surprise then we take everything and then we take the funny iron flask and we throw it in the middle of a major Camp what do you guys think I don't know how long this campaign's gonna go on for so should I just use this now and just Chuck it into like a camp or something is this what does this actually do like I don't think I'm gonna be playing this campaign long enough to get to the like act three I might do a pot like two maybe a pot three whatever I don't quite break the chest of someone's skull what what do you mean oh wait I might keep this fill it full of heavy [ __ ] like other boxes and people's bodies and [ __ ] and then throw it off a cliff go use it on the gif oh release it on the gif is it actually that strong what level is it I'm just gonna test it now if anybody doesn't want to spoiler I'm about to throw this iron flask so Look Away now spectator was a boss it's just a spectator dude has orange eyes cool oh dude look how many tones this thing gets it's insane all right good to know good to know spectator versus spectator I wonder if they fight dude that's a I kind of want to find that out what's best for an Archer run straight up fighter or Ranger Gloom stock Rogue multi-class I haven't really [ __ ] with the whole Ranger gloomstucker thing but I imagine a rogue range build mixed with Ranger is or gloomstalker is probably best but you get like a bunch of bonus perk stuff with maybe it would have been better if I went with a level in now because I like the the you get a melee proficiency as a ranger as you know like when you can get great weapon or dual weapons and all that kind of [ __ ] and it's solo the goblin camp probably maybe it gets so many turns on its turn it probably could solo the goblin camp oh I'm gonna go give colax head to what's with that dude also I didn't really pay attention to how big the gnome was I I'm gonna go stand next to a tiefling and just see how big I am let's get this animation oh what song would go with well with this wait I know hold on hold on I have the perfect song I'm gonna get copyrighted I'm only gonna play for like a second [Music] all right here we go slow it fits [ __ ] perfectly [ __ ] God damn it if it wasn't for copyright I just play that that song's such an absolute monstrous Bop that fits so perfectly holy [ __ ] you need anything else of course but please remember wait why did I come here you're not the only one in need oh yeah where's that stupid guy at wait what the [ __ ] he's gone where does it will show up at look who's here where's will at huh I don't think I got him he died did he die he died in the fight outside the camp no I don't did he [ __ ] die what what the [ __ ] did he really die I didn't notice no he's not dead his body would be here yeah but he's not dead I don't think he's dead if you kill colic without talking to him he leaves where the [ __ ] does he go oh he comes to your Camp oh okay all right fine all right what's next all right Dragon time this might be a good way to close out the stream actually depending on how this works I just realized I've been streaming for [ __ ] ages dude I've been having so much fun I just kept going okay did you know that asthma gold reacted to your video very hyped for your success well deserved thank you my dude um yeah I did I actually I watched it on stream if you go back far enough you'll see uh drop your pants that's it yeah I uh I reacted to it live on stream like reacted to him reacting to it so it's getting pretty meta in here uh oh okay can we actually get down there without triggering a bunch of [ __ ] so they're not looking at me I could put stuff next to quednos why does cuardino sound like a Mexican guy dragon I foreign it's a good name for a dragon fart I need to go back to Camp first then [ __ ] all right okay are you mad at the price of Warhammer DLC um I mean I get them all for free so I'm like a bad person asking away but I still despite that disagree with the amount that they're charging for it I don't I'm not mad at CA I met I'm sort of disappointed by their marketing team so like I wasn't even really trying to collect explosives guys and look how many that I got I keep seeing comments on the video like like dude you must have been cheating there's physically no way to get this amount of like you know what I mean it's absolutely possible [ __ ] I just put where the [ __ ] did that go about what oh my God what why are these locked why are my thieves tools locked what what the [ __ ] can't pick up and add to where it's too heavy ah I see I should probably read it's probably a great why did they put it as a lock symbol by the way it just seems convoluted oh man wait can I bug this out if I [ __ ] can I still do if you get too overweight can you not move or can I not do like Bam Bam not the salami what if I just go like this and then get all these and then right click them and ah damn it [ __ ] find four is enough to go on for now there's something like 120 82 Barrels in act one is somebody going count them all or like just look at the data [ __ ] I'm actually gonna be able to get this in range without getting spotted how close can I get these no no no no no I already pulled into the dialogue can I throw him nah throwing will put me out of dial put me out of this thing for sure all right I'm gonna try and what if I do this like sneak here oh no don't look over here don't look over here I feel like half of these are not gonna hit the hitbox all right I'm just gonna get over here while I can go go go go all right this is the best opportunity I'm gonna have so I'm gonna quick save all right and we just move barrels closer and we just keep stacking them can I don't stack these ain't no way come on what all right foreign is this thing immune to fire damage [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude it's not gonna take enough damage I'm gonna have to get so many smoke powder barrels I've got I gotta go to the goblin camps right no no no no I know but I've got to get specifically smoke powder barrels because I can't use my plan was to get all of right my plan was also to get my God was to get all the oil barrels but there's no point because the oil barrels aren't going to do [ __ ] I'm gonna need every single smoke powder Barrel right [ __ ] what did I do with that ah [ __ ] where'd it go no way to go in here no where do they go what that [ __ ] explosive rail go did I just delete one where'd that go I need them all where did that go anybody else see that disappear am I going nuts I swear to [ __ ] I just deleted one God damn it how far ago did I load oh just like right here okay cool and it's the bug with the Traveler's chest it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll just load I'll quickly put the browse back down and then I'll teleport back you're not going nuts had something like that happen I moved it up because I couldn't pick it up and then it was vanished all right I don't think we have enough of these personally because they do like if we math it out it does 18 44 plus 18. so minimum it's doing four damage on top of the A Team right so 22 damage 22 across these is what 88 damage so 88 has 400 HP so that's minimum 88 damage from these well and then I can get well maybe 18. like I'm gonna need so many more of them best I think I'm gonna be able to do is like super weaken it so maybe I can weaken the crap out of it and then finish it off right because it's only resistant against fire damage you'll need 20. yeah 20 minimum it's a guaranteed eight 18 damage per explosive Barrel yeah I definitely deleted one he flies away regardless you cannot kill the dragon that's not true [Music] the guy runs away with the dragon and turn one [ __ ] [ __ ] we got to stealth damn it a weapon oil should go get the room powder Barrel I don't think I can come back and not Advance time the only way that I could think that we could be able to do this would be to maybe fill a chest with a bunch of heavy [ __ ] and then Thunder Wave it off a cliff or something the only other way that I know you can do a [ __ ] ton of damage is by dropping an unbelievably heavy object on it you are okay could you also place down smoke pedal bombs in the ground and Trigger them with the barrels what do you mean the the problem is we don't have enough smoke powders to to do enough damage I'll be able to damage the crap out of it but I don't know if I can finish it in a single turn I would have they would have to get on such low health many already and so 88 another 88 so like 160 damage maybe right now I don't quite grimforge Underdog doesn't Progressive and dragon only Mountain Pass progresses time oh so I can go how do you get so I can go across the boat the Grim Forge to get the uh to get the explosive Barrel there it's immune to fire damage yeah but the barrels are false damage it's fine can all right we should try that I could like speed run my way there I'm gonna have to get the boots off of that lady though to earn the trust of the Grim Grim Forge guys and then then I can just go straight across the boat is that room Barrel gonna be gonna also I need to go get the smoke powder barrels from the goblin Camp so I should go do that as well want easy prey you make what walking right within my Bling No I [ __ ] no because I [ __ ] didn't walk away before I went oh my God [ __ ] dude I walked right into these nerds oh dude if they're such dogs by the way there's such evil traitor as dorks I got jump scared by that crap yes 80 to 120 damage for the room powder right damn it dude [ __ ] God this is the definition of insanity out here this is why I quick save all the time or I try to because I always make [ __ ] mistakes [ __ ] dude why can't I stack him not enough space because of the Dragons there where did I put them last time because I'm not close enough what oh we're good we're good damn I'm really lucky I got such good stealth right now we go away hit the last two barrels I'm quick saving also I went to camp you might be able to amplify the damage with a subclass of wizard I don't think that's gonna help the only thing I could think would be to stop putting [ __ ] like bombs like I can stack these two uh smoke powder bombs too so that's another 3D four plus nine oh I can go through stealth anyway nice I can stack some bombs on too though so nice there I could split these Stacks up I can put one like I don't know here one here let's just test it right I could be wasting my time I'm just gonna quickly test this and see how much damage we do foreign [ __ ] [Music] bruh this [ __ ] dumb game with its stupid mechanics and I love it but I hate it ain't no [ __ ] way it just Shrugged it off and just left I'm gonna [ __ ] cry dude I just wasted like a whole five minutes on that can we load it back up to yeah here damn it dude [ __ ] can you take any damage I don't think so no I use fire to set up the [ __ ] barrels you can't sit off the barrels no you can't set off the barrels without exploding them it just doesn't take damage it's invulnerable it has plot armor yeah he flew it full HP exactly it didn't take any Force damage or any fire damage or any damage at all damn dude what a dick tease look how small it looks in this picture what do we do with all the the [ __ ] barrels then now damn it damn it hmm what do you guys think what else could we do I guess if we're not gonna blow up something individual I can use it to kill a bunch of bosses like like kaga or um the the kids I don't know just on the I'm not blowing up the goblin Camp again I took hours bomb will blow up the emerald Grove we could do that grimforge boss is a good one to blow up huh okay great big four halflings never into streams but you're really standing in front of Watch Hey thank you man much appreciated uh glad you liked the video I'll tell you what I'm still gonna do this interaction then because it's free XP but as long as I don't [ __ ] up don't even try the groom Forge boss it's immune to all damage it's not a mean to blunt but only when it's like these I think they mean um anyway tell me um why shouldn't I run you through this nail that nailed it nailed it nailed it nailed it nailed it come on [ __ ] yeah this guy's character development is cool by the way yeah you attune your mind to it help us find it and I will leave your blood beneath your skin unspilled he begins to move his hand in a quick flurry oh I'm gonna [ __ ] you up here dude you're not gonna get me oh I nailed it you realize he's casting detection nope you're not doing anything I am the master resisting see I never fail nothing even approaching a useful thought in that skull I ought to just crushing it crushing it little man look at my little jacket so adorable now go all right we'll do 315 free XP let's go all right I have an idea for the explosive barrels and it's really stupid and it's only gonna be funny for like eight seconds but what if we blow up the big uh ogre and the bug bear having sex in the Box would that be really dumb hey love your videos glad to see you having more form of bullets Gate 3 yay yeah absolutely man it's impossible let's have fun in this game dude it's [ __ ] incredible I had 150 hours in the beta I know chapter one like the back of my hand but even then I couldn't this game is just so naturally fun that'll be dumb do it that's like three to four barrels yeah that's easy that's an easy one I can carry around the barrels required for the explosion of ogres guy well met Rafael walk away while you still have legs to walk with I will blow you off man like a deep Kai will blow you up get get [ __ ] out of here middle of somewhere take me back I'm gonna start eating now not easily wrap what's up am I a friend he's just an edgier tiefling nope okay cool all right bye I'm leaving all right cool nice okay all you need to do is Forge boss is to kite him under the lot into lava and use the hydraulic plus and flip the level it takes like 80 of his health yeah I know it takes like 50 of his health a little bit less than 50 of his health like 48 so you just have to like hit him a little bit get him in the lava uh get him in the lava hit him a little bit smash him and then get him to the lava again and then get him back and then smash him again that's how I did it anyway that's how most people have been doing it can I just put a bunch of Barrels in front of the thing do because surely this will block the ogre right there's no way the ogre can path its way through this stuff all right now we get the barrels this is so numb huh okay we we got it we now got a new idea we blow up the House of Hope what's the House of Hope I don't remember it sounds like a really good boy place to blow up though you know oh [ __ ] you can blow that up is that what what act is that in it's act two I think I've never I never went there in act two did I miss a whole [ __ ] thing wait I gotta move these a little bit actually this [ __ ] am I gonna get stuck behind this oh [ __ ] gross dude oh no negative turn first oh [ __ ] oh it's okay Eric okay we're good um how do I knock this guy prone get [ __ ] okay um [ __ ] she's not close enough can I slow this guy like stop him from moving nope Greece get greased okay maybe he won't fit uh he won't save that she's gonna throw so many rocks at me dude [ __ ] don't you dare oh my God ow it should not be this difficult oh my God he go he went nowhere thank you I don't think he's close enough all right [ __ ] it whatever oh I could have used the [ __ ] I'd firearms I mean it worked a little messy but it worked just a lot of mangled corpses in there damn she got laid out okay the more XP you pass the pie people then kill them like those dudes from the bridge if you pacify them for 350 XP you can kill them for another 350. oh yeah I guess they all run away though and [ __ ] laughs [Music] come on what why can't I get these close to him what is that [Music] that's so [ __ ] unnecessary in every way it's so pointless ah okay you meet the ogres yet no I could go talk to them though I might leave that for next time though [ __ ] how are you even get up there maybe we blow up the spider hold on that maybe that's what do you guys think is that a good outro to the video if we try and figure out how to blow up the big spider that'd be a good way to wrap up the stream I think yeah that's doable I think I might need a distraction though the [ __ ] happened with this box I feel like a player has been here before me and [ __ ] it all up putting barrels through [ __ ] also what happens if you build a giant Tower of boxes like like this and you get on top of it and like really really high up like a massive Tower of boxes and then uh like what happened like did it can you just um can everybody hit you can they still shoot you what if you're so high up then no one can get you oh my God I'm literally too small are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm literally I'm too small dude once oh man I have longer legs nice bruh in short people problems is this sturdy weak to force damage I mean that doesn't really help [ __ ] I punch you down [ __ ] yeah look at my little kicks what is the regular melee attack for for uh gnomes a kick a little jumpy kick Mercer made a box Tower he's got a video out of it yeah I saw that he Swain was like spectating him too the uh the director of the game right he was like watching him do it watching him break his game in front of his very eyes four monks could be cool too I think the idea of beating the crap out of people would be good just mailing oh man [ __ ] how do we even do this by jump is he gonna discover me nope nice [ __ ] is an enemy no [ __ ] wait I have jump when did I get jump oh from like the ring or yeah all right I'm gonna give myself 10 terms of jump and just absolutely smoke this fool Boeing [ __ ] it realizes up oh my God I forgot it works on movement oh [ __ ] oh no um oh [ __ ] how am I gonna get there I don't have to fight these guys shrink oh no oh no this isn't great okay did you know the S reacted to your full humpling barbarians video on stream now you said it uh and then he said if you press the plus on your hot bar it looks Spanish [Laughter] shut up laughs all hot Fork Shadow Monks fighter multi-class cosplaying as Ninja Turtles it actually sounds pretty goddamn hysterical I'm almost [ __ ] dead Jesus Christ um can I get away without being hit I'm gonna disengage and then jump away then get over here and then I can't stealth [ __ ] I was hoping to stealth I'm gonna load new react content is gross I mean I don't mind I just you do kind of benefit from someone else's video but hope it also advertises the bass video so um [ __ ] all right if we step on the spider webs it's gonna alert everybody can't go that way I think I just have to fight him do I just have to fight these [ __ ] things what are they weak against fire right maybe nothing nothing this is not a good fight for one person did they have to deal with what if I do jump no knocks me out of stealth damn it dude [ __ ] I need invisibility I should have got a potion of visibility I [ __ ] up invisibility would have been perfect for this God damn it wait maybe I just do that hold on I can just go to the mic in it going just buy at the healing potion come back in like two seconds matron also spawns spiderlings oh God have you made any new discoveries not if I kill it too too fast for it to get any spiderlings [ __ ] we have the invisibility [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is the one in the Main Place God damn it dude oh yeah it is kind of yeah that's a good point it is kind of weird that the face spiders have a poison projectile attack it makes them so much uh more of a threat go Al what's your like odds of getting oh [ __ ] did I not get the [ __ ] portal in the middle of town no I don't want to run all the way back oh son of a [ __ ] should I got the teleporter you can also kill the eggs so the spiderlings don't spawn yeah I kind of just want to do a big cluster of explosives around the spider the pro the main problem is getting to the spider without being seen repeatedly I'm gonna have to maybe use the invisibility potion should have just bought like a [ __ ] ton of invisibility potions for this exact thing I wouldn't have found okra if I didn't watch the reaction and I wouldn't miss socos content oh man see there you go thanks for finding it um I can get that [ __ ] hell while I'm here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever use the mark glow but you feel nothing in response is beyond uh I meant to be here thank you wait [ __ ] did I ever re-equip those gloves that make me good at resisting range damage I did not nice heystom always good these little Camp run never gets old I recommend grabbing the spider boots I will be fine I can avoid the spider boots if I'm invisible it doesn't even matter I don't even think you can get discovered if you're invisible unless they uh have like a defect detect invisibility thing it's actually really God damn strong I broke somebody out of prison and in one of the later acts by uh putting an invisibility scroll on them and then just having them be invisible and just walking out and nobody knew they were there foreign and then [ __ ] oh [ __ ] if I take damage does it get it does it does it remove it [ __ ] I'm only gonna afraid more time so many oh yeah it's nuts nuts dude I might be able to use this to get over there and you get down there ah oh my God I'm on top of it okay it didn't matter free [ __ ] two [ __ ] I don't have time [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] two more turns one more turns all right I got the Waypoint that's huge that's huge weapon without doing the fight [ __ ] also I can still stealth while I'm down here and I have dark side they don't actually they probably do have Dockside they're [ __ ] spiders yep no what are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm glad I saved what the [ __ ] dude Waypoint is huge the weapon is huge though amethyst a few feet away actually the amethyst is in the middle underneath the whole spider is out in the open can I like stealth kill this thing or does it trigger the whole fight like can I that stealth Mish [ __ ] no what the [ __ ] what dude how is it seeing me did you get the town teleporter I got all of them I got both of them I mean I wanna know what it's actually spotting me is this um the little emblem on my thing right nah something's [ __ ] dude there's no [ __ ] way win oh God never I I've told you this so many times how many how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man yeah I don't know what's going on with that that big ass spider has whack just detection I need another [ __ ] there you go that's what's detecting me maybe he just has like really good perception all right well I need a bunch of [ __ ] all right I think I'm gonna need another invisibility potion if I take stuff out of my pocket in an invisibility potion does it because I can use turn based mode right and then infinitely put explosives around it all right that's what I'll do all right that's that's a good idea we have the underdog teleporter now Whispering depths so I can just go to environments get the invisibility potion pick a bunch of explosives come back use it and then with the interim thing put down a bunch of explosives next to it and then we blow it up and I can just keep it doesn't take an action to move something out of your inventory so I can just keep moving barrels out of my inventory over and over and over and over and the invisible invisibility lasts for 10 tones plenty of time what happens if you trap it onto on top of the web you know what I mean what happens if it go if it walks does its Patrol gets onto the web you block its way back with a bunch of explosive barrels while invisible and in the end turn thing what happens if you then play it and it just sort of starts walking at the barrels will they just stop in front of the barrels in the perfect position or will they just like plow through them attack them or detect you automatically it'll jump probably that would suck wait what the [ __ ] Ethel's gone oh she's still there good hey yep thank you much appreciated damn we got five almost 6K already uh and then likes Camp get some barrels human NPC's jump if you're in the way yeah but it's a giant phase fighter so maybe it'll be different who knows also I can use the fire ones but I don't think I'm gonna need to oh wait I'll just teleport straight there nice I wish I could see the [ __ ] spider oh it's not gonna be fast with it all right visibility potion and then oh no how am I gonna get keep getting back in turn based mode you can't teleport when you're in turn based mode right I should only need a couple of barrels son of a [ __ ] you know what I'm gonna play this a little bit out I want to see what happens invisible oh no not yeah it knocked me out of invisibility when I dropped down a bunch of explosive barrels dude cringe I'll make this work [ __ ] it nobody's got line aside on me I'm gonna hide they're not gonna do nothing can I just hide I just keep hiding what happens if I just keep hiding will it teleport back I'm actually so curious to see what happens if you just keep teleporting myself yes until end turns until you show up not no well does that mean I could just sneak behind them and put explosives then like over here thank you are these not gonna look I guess [ __ ] I might as well use it then God they really are just gonna stand there and not do anything ages this is your favorite act one fight I do not like spiders so this was not my favorite I always thought the draw the draw Raglan fight was fun you called you in the ogre homies to help me dude I've never asked for help with this fight if you wait until the the spiders on top of this little like spider web and destroy it uh it it just gets totally [ __ ] like it it loses like 30 to 40 uh health and then teleports onto another card with and if you shoot that one out from under it it drops and takes another 30 to 40 damage so it's basically half dead and then from there you just you know Whittle it down a bit already sneak up behind it um put a bunch of explosive barrels on here while your friend distracts it and blow it up and it falls into the chasm in the middle which is what me and my friend did on our two-player Co-Op campaign yeah big big creatures anything large or huge takes a crap ton of damage when you uh when you blow it up when it when it takes fall damage I mean like the bigger the hotter they fall kind of deal oh my God our movement speed is so dog [ __ ] can you can use cutting Dash while stealth right I'm gonna quick save just in case this [ __ ] me nice foreign they're just gonna sit there again I'm right there all right guys you ready for this you all ready I mean this is working you can knock back the big spider with Eldritch blast I accidentally knocked it back into a Chasm with Eldritch last all right on three two one oh my [ __ ] God I almost died dude it's dead it's so dead oh my God the fire spreader on the corner and like little the cobweb is on fire that's crazy okay and now I just died of [ __ ] face spiders no come on how am I feeling this I have advantage on strength checks what what do you mean what the [ __ ] Target must be movable is it the camera it is the camera oh my God are you [ __ ] what you gotta be [ __ ] me here [Music] I've never seen no melee animations especially for two-handed weapons either discharging ew what the [ __ ] okay well now I have to did you get [ __ ] on oh you just spit at me oh [ __ ] oh well God damn it um I'm just gonna come on dude what I can't even it's like the edge of the pit is bugged that's crazy how am I getting disadvantage here poison right [ __ ] don't quit me don't cry oh my God ow [ __ ] am I gonna die to this thing it keeps healing oh wait I just don't think I've hit it never mind no way don't spit at me oh heal Ed [ __ ] oh my God now I'll do a short rest time to get another one [ __ ] it all right face spider's dead just blown up funny little guy good times always this robe looks good I'm glad they gave that a unique model you should just be like a generic green robe all right yeah that should be good for the today's stream that's one of the longest streams I've ever done I had a [ __ ] blast dude I love my little I Love My Little Gnome we're only 1900 XP away from uh leveling I've only used a couple of explosive barrels so far we could kill plenty of more bosses with these these sumbitches I get the barrel from the Underdog we can do all that good [ __ ] I can uh maybe set up an explosive thing to kill the bullet or just or just use the same stealth technique with the barrel placing glad to hang out with you for the day okay hey you guys too nice next thanks for watching thanks for the donos thanks for the support thanks for watching the hoffling video I'm glad you liked it it's uh this is the most viewers I've had for a long time so yeah hope you guys enjoyed it this was a lot of fun I'll probably do a part two or or an eight player random multiplayer campaign as well I thought it would be a lot of fun we're eight uh seven random people jump in with the multiplayer mod create a random character and then yeah and you can you can all install it all with like Nexus mod manager [ __ ] I guess so it'll be a lot easier but I thought that'd be a fun stream like eight player on uh the hottest difficulty and everybody just makes random [ __ ] but uh yeah anyway I'm rambling thanks for watching guys uh see you on the next stream y'all in the next video whatever
Channel: Okoii
Views: 395,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream
Id: fD8YcEs5SL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 419min 8sec (25148 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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