Best of the Worst: Supergirl, Captain America (1990), and Roger Corman's Fantastic Four

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👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Glass_Cannon_Build 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jack is just an all-around good guy.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/RedMapleEnthusiast 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Or his other laugh, where instead of "Hahahaha" you have "Ah-ah-ah-ah"

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Which video was it were they compared his laugh to George McFly? That shit was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/-SGGB- 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was his clown laugh

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/bitbot 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jack's laugh is very underrated

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/momike123 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Solid Goofy voice acting

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kameratyp 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

The official laughter ranking: Rich > Mike > Jay > Josh >>> Jack

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/ThelemaWalmart 📅︎︎ May 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Too forced for my taste.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] guys we got another weirdo wandered in off the street no rich rich oh my god I didn't recognize you at all with uh the mask on so so you're wearing that because we're watching superhero movies today we're watching superhero movies I wear this because I have trouble connecting with people on an emotional level [Music] [Music] supergirl super hot lady was super amp-hours all right mm-hmm okay when the planet Krypton was destroyed in a cosmic Holocaust all you just you just found that out this is news to you where the planet Krypton was destroyed in a cosmic holocaust that claimed it's great civilization kal-el known to earth as Superman was believed to be the only survivor until now safely hidden in the void of inner space is the Kryptonian city of Argo saved by the scientists zaltar and powered by the magical omega omegahedron but now the city's vital power source has been lost and only one courageous person can retrieve it her name is Kara on earth she is known as Supergirl this is awful this is awful to read the entire back is in Comic Sans standing in her way is the evil sorceress Selena Faye Dunaway who has taken control of the fantastic power source with her now super-powered black magic okay this is way too much to read we're gonna cut all this out you think Peter O'Toole and Faye Dunaway all excited to be in a Superman movie oh sure you know then they find out they're in Supergirl this is the international version containing ten minutes of footage not seen in the u.s. so we get ten more minutes and Supergirl I'm on let's go never seen somebody so excited to watch crap I think he knows your cousin Clark his name's Jimmy Olsen I think he's real stuck on me anyways I could ask him to bring a friend alone was there any purpose to that like why is she just putting on a bra and stuffing oh that was funny Supergirl is not an don't even do when they're alone yeah super I think that's what that was but she doesn't know what women do [Music] supergirl jumping out of the Popeyes Chicken this reminds me of the Smallville fightin Man of Steel actually on this product placement in the destruction of this little town the product [Music] okay that's a Superman type thing to do you love the town yes alright and then next up we have Captain America now they've been a few Captain America's it was the the new one yeah the Avengers Captain America no was the 70s one where he had a motorcycle helmet yeah but oh my god is that was deep there was a 70s one where he had the motorcycle helmet oh my god oh man look how badass he looks but this is the the oddball Captain America movie this is the one where I think he has the plastic gears on the side of his head this this was made in the 90s it was right during like that the Batman 89 also known as the awkward years for superhero movies yeah yeah and when I was a child my theater they had a poster for this it was just like they completely ape the Batman's advertising it was just a picture of the shield oh sure it wasn't that theater and it was in that theater for months that poster every time I went to the movies I saw it and I was waiting for this Captain America no come on I can't wait for this Captain America movie to come out yep and never came out this is exactly the sighting as exciting as an episode of Xena Warrior Princess funny not as funny and with a smaller budget yeah from the pages of Marvel Comics Captain America takes to the screen in an explosive attempt to destroy his nemesis Red Skull starring Ronny Cox Ned Beatty Darren McGavin Melinda Dylan and Matt Salinger and Matt Salinger who I've just found out is the son of JD Salinger which is really weird right there Cap'n it's gonna be an entire movie of just like awkward moments in hotel bars and discovering who you are and your youth much much like JD Salinger after he made this movie his son just went into hiding [Music] captain charisma how he knocked over that miniature this is also directed by Roger Corman rich Evans named me your favorite superhero spider-man yeah spider-man's grave are we gonna watch spider-man no we're gonna watch your other favorite superhero yes Superman Batman okay we're gonna watch nobody's favorite superheroes nobody likes these people they keep making like this is the infamous Roger Corman produced Fantastic Four movie no one has seen this movie legally is the thing because it was never released in any official format if I'm not mistaken it was only made so that somebody could hold on to the movie rights for the Fantastic Four that's right that's right a small German production company wanted to hold on to the movie rights after superhero movies were getting big so they slapped this together for under a million dollars ok when an experimental space voyage goes arrive four people are forever changed by cosmic rays Reed Richards inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body and takes the name mr. fantastic his girlfriend Sue Storm gains the ability to turn and create force fields becoming the Invisible Girl her little brother Johnny Storm becomes the Human Torch with the ability to control fire including I'm sorry I joined out as you're describing all of these things I already know right it's the Fantastic Four movie they're gonna go to space get superpowers and fight a guy in a metal helmet what else do you need to know but they're gonna do it in hilariously low-budget fashion what the [ __ ] that was their fight scene [Music] [Applause] they see the people in front of them [Music] he's not that girl Oh everyone he'd open the door isn't weird that so far this is the best movie we've watched so far this is charming it's interesting that's okay everybody's trying a lot harder than that and those other two than the movies that were intended to be released as yes so we just got through watching a trilogy of superhero films uh not necessarily with the effects that we expected not with the outcome that we expected there were many surprises tonight yeah many surprises if you mean us being transported to a wonderful fantastic world of superhuman abilities and escapism I don't know I think the video the intent was reached we watch these in descending order of budget you did and it turned out to be an ascending order of entertained well now that's arguable in this area okay okay fair enough we're gonna have to figure that out but let's go ahead and start talking about Alexander's Salkin presents Supergirl Jack Packard would you like to talk about Supergirl I would love to talk about Supergirl all day long and you're the only one that's excited about Supergirl was [ __ ] horrible it was way worse than I could have imagined Wow Supergirl is about Superman's cousin Kara zor-el or Kara Oh [ __ ] comic-book dork are you Kara yeah it's Kara uh Superman's cousin Kara drops magical energy MacGuffin through a wormhole that lands on earth so instead of having the old guy who knows how to travel to earth and back go get it she's like I got this [ __ ] she travels through a magic egg and goes to earth we have us some explanation why she's got the costume why did she have the costume because super super girl where's the costume this is the lair you did the capsule bleach her hair also I get well you but you know she magically changes outfits but that apparently is one of her powers because later we see a go through the trees oh yeah Japanese into a schoolgirl it in stages no less that's a very inefficient way of transforming your identity okay so she's got to get the MacGuffin back to save her planet because it is the energy source for this lost city of Krypton itself keeping them alive right it's what's keeping the entire city running well okay so this so she crashed lands into the water comes out as Supergirl in her Supergirl costume but the the MacGuffin orb coincidentally lands in Faye Dunaway's picnic and she who also happens to be dabbling in witchcraft so this is very advantageous for her immortality I know exactly what this is I haven't seen it before yeah and presumably this is some kind of scientific artifact but but she's able to use it to fuel her magical shenanigans yeah yeah she picks it up and and we can't well we can't call it a magical plot we can only call this magical shenanigan [Music] what is she doing that's it I mean in general that's the weirdest thing is at this point in the movie everything just comes to a halt story-wise she decides to go to a all-girls private school and she goes through a lot of said to him faked her enrollment in this school yeah there's like 15-20 minutes devoted to just explaining how she gets enrolled in the school for no reason if this movie emphasizes anything it's the fact that she's a girl and she's more interested in frolicking with the bunnies hey who is it oh you socialize with people these are the things she cares about she doesn't care about finding the magic or to save her people she doesn't care about doing anything for her she cares about being a girl so at this point the movie the story completely comes to a halt so we can turn into like a like a like a PG rated Porky's movie with girls taking showers and shenanigans and and pranks and none of it has anything to do with anything related to saving her people [Music] meanwhile meanwhile the crazy witch lady and her crazy witch best middle-aged friend discover a hot fella they're like oh I need to have him in me so I am I wrong no this is exactly what happens Faye Dunaway's sees this random guy she's never met before and says no before she met this random guy she's talking about ruling the world yes oh yeah we don't have to worry about anything we're gonna have control over everything then she meets the guy instantly says meet him she was she just cz and that's all she cares about after that yeah well to be fair the first time you see this guy he does have his shirt off listen listen I don't want to put heart Bachner down he's a handsome let's not let's not do that because he's a handsome looking guy and there's no reason that ladies shouldn't be chasing him but what kills me about this is that it's like Faye Dunaway never left her house and she's like wait a minute there's a hot guy in my town yeah I need to make some some formula to make that happen in my pants oh and and by the way when she finally like gets to conquering the world she can make a mountain appear she gets an army of goons where it's just like you couldn't get a man after this like that's the proper sequences take over the world then get laid she uses her magic with witchcraft and the new orb thing that she's found to make this man fall in love with her did she have a plan to take over the earth what is she using the magical form before yeah take over here good she's working she's making the law enforcement for the guy she just met that's that's all she's done yeah she said the whoever will drink from this will fall in love with the first person the yada yada yeah really yeah this is what's going on in the movie wasting time with that rather than taking over the earth listen she is a strong independent woman and if she wants and loving don't hold that against her world I [ __ ] everything there's no plot no no there's a plot they forgot about it well the whole idea with the potion or whatever it is is that the first person that he sees he will fall in love with and Faye Dunaway assumes it will be her but then he wanders away there's there's some something happens and they get distracted and he wanders into the town and apparently he doesn't see anybody else in this town but let me ask you let me ask you guys this how will this magic potion that will make this hunky dude fall in love with Faye Dunaway how does that help her conquer the world no she's a woman she just cares about finding a man this this movie has done for feminism but what birth of a nation did for equal rights we still the man that she met with might needs the last 45 minutes in this movie the driving force behind it has been Faye Dunaway wanting to [ __ ] a younger dude why is this a movie this is awful this is stupid the movie is one sexual fuelled catfight we're basically done talking about the movie because eventually she gets it back the end that's all there is left to the to the plot it because they just are chasing after this [ __ ] guy yeah well then then Faye Dunaway captures the guy to use him as bait to get Super Girl to her alone well first fate don't always jealous because the guy fell in love yeah yeah with Supergirl so because she's jealous about the man Faye Dunaway sends an invisible monster [Music] I think she's fighting an invisible monster they couldn't afford a creature I did some great flying effects it did this this is on part that's another thing to point out is technically in visual effects wise this is on par with the first two Superman movies it looks like a movie it just doesn't operate like a movie well the script is batshit exactly yeah that's the total problem with this movie it's shot wonderfully they spent a bunch of money on it the actors are doing the best with what they're given now I mean to be fair fade though the way does a decent job with some batshit insane well she's hamming it up in the same way that Gene Hackman hams it up in the other surrend not not inappropriately right sister the script is just this hodgepodge mess of lady parts essentially you can't just have Supergirl solve crimes and save people like she has to fight for a man right I would believe that a woman could do all this let's not never even cross their mind that it would be otherwise exactly it's not it's not any sort of agenda any sort of mean-spirited it's just like of course she wants a man everybody wants a man it's innocent in the way that your grandparents accidentally slipping racial slurs she's flying she needs to fly buy some ponies I know girls love ponies I will say I mean I watched this several times as a kid I still count did you see it oh no no I grew up I grew up on a farm and we didn't have you can end it right there I like superhero because I grew up on a farm I'm supposed to be stretchy here they think so I think so [Music] the next movie we watched was a step down in the budget department and it was Captain America this is not the oldest Captain America but not the newest Captain America no this is the middle of Captain America this is the the redheaded stepchild of Captain America films starring a bunch of famous people and JD Salinger's kid J would you like to tell us about Captain America this Captain America's from 1990 it's directed by Ashlock auteur Albert poon director of da man and cyborg and all sorts of horrible horrible things God rest his soul and it stars JD Salinger's son is Captain America who is an actor with the least charisma I've seen in quite some time most famously known before this for a jock jock and Revenge of the Nerds not the main jock he's a jock and it's the it's an origin story it's the classic origin story of Captain America except now it looks like a cheap TV show and it sucks it's kind of an origin story because they gloss over a lot of things yeah that's the weird thing about it is we start in the 40s we see how the Red Skull became the Red Skull we see how I would like to know actually that it's that scene is very well set up and pretty moving that whole thing of like he's playing piano at his home for his family so and yeah we started in the 20s 30s yep with Red Skull as a kid yeah she's playing piano for his family and the Nazis break in and steal him and shoot all of his family in front of them yeah which holy [ __ ] so that's then they put a big goofy mask on and we turn him into the red skull yeah but the beginning of that scene and that's the opening of the of the movie and that actually has it feels promising until it happens just hang around the kitchen oh god they're staring at each other the reveal shot of our hero is just a flat wide shot of him just staring off at nothing in a kitchen yeah Jay if there's any sort of classic hero shot I know it's a guy staring at his mom in a kitchen in a tiny kitchen she's the guy laying it on the counter say nothing [Music] that is night they have so much light blasting our to make it look like daylight so they take him off he's got polio right yeah he's got a limp he's gonna polio that's how you that's how you express polio visually is just goofy limp so that's how they did the experiment on him to genetically enhance him or whatever he's a lot of 60 people or so no out of hundreds of people he's the best candidate for some reason the army wouldn't they rather be building a device that would give people they do not bother to explain it all how he got the costume yeah or the time we got the shield how we ended up our military seek admission or why his awkward rubber ears over the years I guess he has a costume no explanation for that no he just has a costume it's got the green jacket and hoodie on bright red gloves that's [ __ ] lazy that's super light going along with the first movie yeah oh my just has the costume which has a little wing man yeah you have to establish why you'd be wearing this goofy costume acceptable the questions the questions my aunt Cass yeah okay okay all right the costume was not convenient for him in general it's not really lined up with his eyes no there's an awkward space here where it's like he can't see out of his peripheral vision which seems like it would be a detriment but this genetic experiment the best superpower that Captain America comes out of it with is the ability to pretend he's sick so we can steal a car captain are you okay you know that's the best superpower in the world I can run slightly faster than an old man what a dick all it needed was Captain America sings [Laughter] so Red Skull captures Captain America ties into a rocket towards Washington to directly to the White House by kicking the the flanges yeah of the rocket come I only kicking violently kicking source directly over the head of the future president goes to Alaska lodges in the ice and gets frozen yeah with this [ __ ] see it's such a good zoom that you can see on the other side of the rocket he's gonna get frozen and he's gonna find that kid all grown up yeah the thing all right that's what's gonna happen shut the [ __ ] up with a 50 year old camera the future president is able to take a clearer picture of Captain America's face to clear as these zooms by on the other side of a rocket [Music] you mean you were the little boy that is horrible that's horrible he was in Washington DC ended up in Alaska he crossed over one person crossing an entire continent yeah that whole sequence with the rocket like we used the word schlock a lot but if you were to look up schlock in the dictionary it would be that scene mm-hmm it's just zoom BAM what there's some more schlock in this movie one mate when they flash forward 50 years and the exploration team discovers him frozen and iced by what he just breaks out of the ice block all he needed was the tiniest bit of defrost yeah yeah because talk to anybody where am I can you help me get Alaska but we next see him again he runs past a sign that says you know Canada whose waters in the forest he's just gonna run all the way everybody that's looking for him knows where to find him at the exact same time Italians can find him that bathing and while that baby is understandable because it's Ned Bates this shining moment in life so Canada and Alaska are pretty big places right everybody just find him at the exact same time so quickly they're really really big places and he wasn't even like just traveling like he was just wandering the woods this is where the movie got less interesting though we described everything that's funny and then the movie gets dull for a while [Music] [Music] Captain America makes it back to his lady friends house who turns out as old oh yeah I'm bad old age makeup yeah here's the question though okay you got you got the old love interest she's old now and Mick Foley it's not like when she was it's not like in the 40s that that girlfriend had a large role you don't need to get that the same woman an old makeup I think it would have more of an impact if it was an old lady maybe like oh she got old but here you're like oh there's an actress an old mate age makeup the question is shitty the question is is it cheaper to get another actress or to put makeup on the one you have we would have to ask menachem Gollum menachem and then creepily then the daughter of his girlfriend that she had after she thought Captain America was dead she she becomes the new love interest so so the love interest if we're things different could have been his daughter well if I can't hit you I'll hit you spawn but so then they go to Italy to look for Red Skull and his daughter and her henchmen then they go to Italy because they got tax breaks for shooting there and then the movie ends that's really that's pretty much well Captain America has to throw up again is he doing this again oh no he's yeah that's his big move you're stranding me in a foreign country [Laughter] Denis in America Captain America's sucks he's a dick I can't believe they did that twice I hope I hope he does that to the Red Skull the Red Skull has him strapped to a rocket and he's like can you undo me from this rocket I think I'm going to be sick oh I don't want to get it done by shoot you dick and then and then people punch each other for a while there's lots of people just sort of punching each other it's punctured Red Skull the president's punching someone the lady's punching a girl it's just lots of people punch everybody punching yeah you know what's funny and this is gonna be something of a transition hmm this looks like more of a Roger Corman movie than the Roger Corman it really does mr. president thanks [Laughter] you let's move on to the surprise hit of the night the Fantastic Four this is the Roger Corman Fantastic Four rich Evans my friends enlighten this is about the Fantastic Four well this this movie I think tonight was the real diamond in the rough I think everyone expected this to be horrible and it was the most competent movie we watched Oh No he knocked down the styrofoam door this movie is the movie that never should have been made or seen it was it was made solely so I don't know what company was I was like a small German comes oh my god yeah it was made so whoever had the rights to the Fantastic Four movie could hold on to the rights so they just grabbed Roger Corman and they said make us a Fantastic Four movie as cheaply as you possibly can yeah with no intention to release no intention of releasing it was made just so somebody could hold on to the rights so the budget was a million something like that yes and it's a recipe for an absolutely terrible movie well that's the reputation it has I've been hearing about this movie for two decades they genuinely try would you get me the Train that's the thing that teaches Leonard Nimoy about this interesting a record player that produces beautiful sound and pictures through my TV when you're a Cynthia Drock it's hard to get work there's no filler there's no pointless [ __ ] it you understand character motivation you understand what everybody is trying to do and what everybody wants you understand it and they're making actions to accomplish these things they want to do in every scene every scene has a purpose every single little thing moves the story along or moves the characterization along almost like a movie should do Susan that's it you've got a problem with being shy right so you vanish yes Johnny you've always had a quick temper now come on ever since I know you're right you could call it fiery so what happens I catch fire exactly I've always this problem I just stretch myself pin all the time trying to take care of everybody trying to do everything at once too many things [Music] and then but you've always been made of rocks this movie is very comparable to the Jessica Alba Fantastic Four movie they're both very cheesy the only difference is budget and we like this one because it's quaint and the cheese is justified because the lack of budget yeah well this is one we were as we were watching it we were noticing like the parts where his the what's his name Rex Reed Reed Richards when his arm stretches it's shot in a way where it's like okay they don't have the budget to do this in you know ways where they can do anything so they're gonna shoot it in sort of a creative way to get around that and that makes it charming in a which is in opposition of the Jessica Alba Michael Chiklis movie where they can do anything with CG and it just comes across as lame yes there's a charm to this that those don't have speaking of what's the thin costume in this what is at least the equal of the Michael chick I like this one better yeah so there's a little animatronic action or his mouth otherwise he's just he's got some rocks he looks great looks great except for the tiny little arms monster [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I just want to go see you steal Simon play speaking of the costumes or the costumes in this they look like they were sewn by Roger Corman's wife but what because we care about these characters and because they're trying it works you know the complete opposite of Captain America where he's got this crappy costume and he's a crappy actor and slugs actual characters written characters works guess what rich at least they bothered to introduce the costumes these are just like oops costume yeah no here [ __ ] suit walks out and just like look at these costumes I made they look like Halloween costumes but if she made superhero almost a running theme where the costumes just magically appeared up until we got here we got here the city is the shittiest movie they bothered to explain that detail well try again I wonder if there's more behind the story of why this was never released than we know because this is a pretty competent movie and it looks like the people that made it tried to do the best they could with the budget they have and if this was something that was just made to hold on to the rights I would think it would be much much crappier than this so I don't know there might be more to the story than we know right and the scuttlebutt was that they didn't tell the actors that it was just being made as they as they're trying so they put all of it into it and these guys you look them up and it's like they are workers they are people that do a lot of character work a lot of bit parts whatever but like they are actors and they intend to work and when you have workers in a Roger Corman movie [ __ ] gets done friends of mr. green I will say one of the the weakest aspects of the movie and this makes me wonder if this is a complete version because the thing is dubbed over but dr. doom it sounds like it's the on the the on set audio it's very muffled and sometimes you don't know what the [ __ ] he's saying yeah yeah and that's that makes me wonder like that they just not finished the post-production on the movie or or if they did why do they why did they dub over the thing and not him because it's really bad and here's the thing that it honestly it's a handicap because you know that this is a finished movie this is a finished movie this was never supposed to be real so you don't know if it's a finished movie it's still way better than not either of these movies you don't even know if it's done [Laughter] this car yeah I do want to talk about the walk to the store moments Johnny Storm is discovering his heat powers and out of nowhere decides that he could Friday I was actually wondering thought the movie I was like okay this is a limited budget you see the little flame in his hand we're never gonna see him completely in flames the movie I was convinced we would not see it it's a really cheap effect when he's like oh flame on true and then like it explodes it like a video sort of the exact same shot twice - yeah a fireball yes [Music] eventually we need the full body flame on reveal of the human torch I didn't think we were gonna get I did not and well like I said I've seen this one before and so I knew it was coming and it is reboot scg oh you're doing a disservice to reboot Oh Barbra he's travelling faster than one right now [Music] [Music] it's the worst it reminds me it reminds me of that internet video walked to the store where the guys like all the glitching out on perfect its its doors [Music] that's really the human torch in general was the worst aspect of this movie yeah the actor was the charger actually I thought it was Denny from the room it was a love child of Denny from the room and and the underwears guy from the room also from the room dude we almost died it's not cool this is a great example of a bad movie and a b-movie you know cuz the b-movie gets thrown around a lot this is a perfect example of them working with a crazy limited budget and and being a little cheesy and being a little like for the time being a lot to Z but me the first time we were talking like Jurassic Park came out this year you know like for the time these effects are laughable but it's what they had so this is a classic b-movie not a bad movie and now compare that to Supergirl where you have a big budget you have world-class actors you have Peter O'Toole yeah Faye Dunaway these are people that have won Oscars this is a big deal and then movie is a piece of [ __ ] yes because because the script is just completely [ __ ] yeah like you could afford to hire these great people to say this dumb [ __ ] yes all the way over here and you could hire nobody more expensive than George Gaines yeah George gain shows up which is great which is wonderful spreads a scene in there but like you could hire nobody more expensive than him and everybody gives their [ __ ] all to that movie and that makes that makes the complete difference yeah it really does that's obnoxious I love the spinning I like this video it's horrible it's uh so let's just let's do i I don't think any of us really want to break any of these movies which is rare we have the power to do that yes sometimes movies are not worth destroying and none of these made us miserable I'd be okay with breaking Supergirl but I know everybody Hey so we I like to think that we only destroy a movie when it is insulting to us yeah yes it's fun to watch it and be like why right and it why it is it is an insulting movie as far as sexist content is concerned but it did not insult me as a viewer like we you should watch this to know how not to write a lady in fact just just retitle it release it that way yes how not to write a lady one too I mean best of the worst for me is obviously Fantastic Four [ __ ] it was it was charming and competent and and just just all that old-school schlock yeah it's great yeah yeah I'm I am pretty much in the same boat this costs way more than a million dollars this cost way more than a million dollars 1 million dollars spent on that movie and it is great for what it is the Fantastic Four is like high-quality chef took [ __ ] ingredients and made an appetizing meal oh it's like my fantasy Iron Chef where the his Cheetos and this is somebody all the really good Cheetos this is somebody taking filet mignon and somehow they're making ramen noodles and then what's that that is just that's just llama noodles rice crackers this is this is rice cracker that's McDonald's that's barely food but it's cheap I would rank through Fantastic Four as insulting as this was it was insulting to my intelligence resulting to my sensibilities but it was more entertaining than this which was mostly just boring yeah the second half was boring I want I with everybody else Fantastic Four was the best obviously I think technically Captain America is a better movie but I was less entertained by it than I was Supergirl yeah yeah because Supergirl was just so bad and so stupid this script for that movie was just the worst thing yeah this this is not a good movie technically this is not as good of a movie as Supergirl but man Supergirl was just a lawful so that I guess the moral of the night is that that sometimes the underdogs can win this Fantastic Four movie is so much better than its reputation yes see with an open mind look past the budget see you with an open mind and an open heart [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,919,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, red letter media, Roger Corman (Author), plinkett, phantom menace review, half in the bag, best of the worst, movie, review, bad, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, supergirl, captain america, fantastic four, roger corman
Id: d-O_RzwrZPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 14 2014
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