Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #9

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If anyone is genuinely curious, the AOL video is in Cantonese. A significant portion of Chinese immigrants (especially 20 years ago) speak Cantonese, so the video is probably for first-generation immigrants living in American Chinatowns.

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/RiddledWays 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Oh my god, the clown video. They better fucking land on that.


👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/insertnamehere3 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

As a gay man who's mom is a grief councelor, I've apparently been waiting my whole life for this moment.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/mi-16evil 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

"It took us 11 minutes and a dictionary to get your joke."

I know that feel, Rich Evans....

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/AwesomeInTheory 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies


edit: oh

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Nerfman2227 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

No Farm Safety Family Style? You fucks!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/TheRealJeffMangum 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

no tape destruction?

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/nicknamed_nugget 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Eldritch Clown r/redlettermedia flair when?

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/John_Doe4269 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Rich's phone message.... oh my....

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Harlox 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
every day we receive thousands of terrible VHS tapes and DVDs some are so [ __ ] weird we don't exactly know what to do with them that's why the wheel of the worse was designed it's a torture device for the modern age the wheel is spun three times each spin selects a video at random for the group to watch and then evaluate which video is the best of the worst it's now time to spin a wheel of the last hello and welcome to another episode of best of the worst I'm Mike on this episode we welcome to professional visual effects artists who are coming here all the way from Canada you might remember them as Jim and Colin they'll be doing all and I mean all the visual effects on this episode what what's that I think I hear them flying in now wow that was amazing guys please I just it was so so believable can do amazing things with computers these days you sure can now let's watch terrible VHS tapes that sounds great okay what's on the wheel today Jim what's our first film because I don't want to talk about rape the first film is about free fierce and female practical rape defense tactics for every woman every woman with Melissa salt aka dr. ruthless is that a play on dr. Ruth the sex therapist what what do you expect to see on this I don't want to see it but I assume it's defense tactics I want to see well it looks like she's trying to gouge his eyes out I think so I guess that's fair all right next up your cat wants a massage your whiskers to tail guide to cat massage hosted by Mary Jean Ballmer and champion I guess champion is the name of the cat wow that looks awful I guess massaging a cat is a thing have you ever heard of that no it says it's seen on TV do you think it was really on TV I think that's that means the tape was sold on TV I'll be like Oh Lana in between jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune right I ordered a tape with instructions on how to rub my [ __ ] but I got this it's like completely completely misleading advertising I just figured I'd be the first to go there how many how many sex shops accidentally ordered like thousands of ads and then they just had to use the VHS tape as a very awkward dildo well it's that's the only use for it terrible how can they tell your cat wants a massage I don't think a cat would be very cooperative during massage it would probably just try to claw your eyes off right kind of like a fearsome female right yeah well uh what's next column America Online for Internet it's from the video tutors Institute also known as VT I is that a thing No it also has Chinese lettering on the other side of the boxes oh I have a feeling this is gonna be really really boring and it has a satellite dish which looks like it's based in Ontario what's next Zig Ziglar presents courtship after marriage romance can last a lifetime two powerful segments two powerful segments so it must may be two themes two separate themes I couldn't tell you what maybe he gets married again Dana said I don't know another segment like after the facts romance can last a lifetime he's sitting and she's kneeling yeah she's prepping her for disappointment yeah that's it she's prepping her for two powerful segments I really don't know our next tape is called rainbows remedy with rainbow the clown creative resources for deaf education I'm sorry but we have to please order just rip out the big off the wheel the worst to read the back rainbow the clown gently guides the viewer through the stunning shock and emptiness the utter despair and seemingly unending sorrow experienced following the death of a loved one oh my god with a clown eloise coal is a nationally recognized bereavement specialists she travels widely lecturing on dying death grief bereavement pain suffering torture heartache depression suicide no that's seriously their suicide torture he a child abuse yeah it's all on here dad Oh Colin what's our next video action by design in association with real stunts Productions presents Randy butchers backyard stunting hits and misses a video guide for stunting for the amateur filmmaker featuring professional stuntman Randy butcher it sounds exciting action-packed but it hits and misses so maybe he's showing the stunts that don't work out selection he's entertaining it can be regional thing but like the funny thing was when I took a look at the cover you probably think this was made in like 1983 or something like that it's like 1995 oh my god oh my god yes yeah so alright what's our next videotape safefood attitude what moms-to-be need to know about safe food handling featuring the kick in rap group to be moms oh to be moms so I met I missed the get with a safe food attitude get with a but it's buried yeah it's hard to hard to really did a bad job making that cover why is kicking in quotes the kick in rap group oh I think it's a pun like the babies are kicking oh so it is clever and they're they don't look pregnant oh I guess she does well they're hiding their pregnancy and their giant overalls rights and they there's a bread sprite the spectrum of races yeah it's very very diverse hmm I guess I don't know I guess they'll just be washing their hands the whole time or something yeah keeping food in fridge they should have watched a video called safe sex attitude they're going to be [ __ ] knocked out safe penis handling of safe penis implement yes please keep turning who's in charge and then the dog is holding his hand up and he says right and then he's holding human this is this is this cover is amazing he's holding a human I don't know what's happening he's standing on their house oh yes he's standing on the house standing on the house he's saying I'm in charge sold in human she's got an expression on her face I don't know she's joking if she's vomiting and she's touching the dog's pee-pee oh yeah yeah so I guess and it says no more no more barking wedding jumping chewing digging couch and dogs dogs I think it's couch dogs yet couch dogs what a bizarre cover yeah he's really weird it looks like it's been heavily inspired by Zack Snyder's three hundred I'm sure every tape on here is a living nightmare except for maybe they can't massage I I've always wanted to massage a little cat who hasn't helped them try to claw my eyes all no you're thinking of dr. ruthless there might be some some eye gouging in this too and I look like The Courtship doesn't go well for marriage we'll probably want to gouge your eyes out after watching this oh maybe that's what the clown does to demonstrate like horror pain and death is chic out just her own eyes out in front of children maybe or maybe she just sings this is what death looks like I hope we get sear without her makeup I hope so too actually that is without makeup that's her pre calm all right Jim it's time to spin the wheel oh [ __ ] it's America Online for Internet I can't wait oh that's amazing Oh such a good cap graduation cap on the VHS are those real friggin lillehaug top team in America no no no well then what speak Mandarin calmly so all night I come de jager you gather in highly unlike a bong sunbong low chang chong yipping GT tall you got a eg this I think I just heard his chair 3 yeah or just you know something Christie Avenue Emily will California what was this China that must not I'm sure that's like people with the guns he can't leave until he's done Johnson fought choice and bail ji hyung fess parker compost mail to see on her butthole compose mail she turn to wiping tie up Lee tae ik mode man hi CeCe live in Thai okay high engagement man well that was exactly as miserable as I expected let's never do this again okay wait we have to we have to watch another one let's watch one more come on we love the worst go wheel hi I'm Randy butcher oh my god he fooled us all what master was on a daily basis actors were singers one of their voices the tools of their trade so a good stunt performer will warm up as well as open an oxygen to breathe move all the muscles and joints in this area all right it's been stretched let's jump off that roof I don't know I like to go down at one of the muscles and joints of my shoulders and upper back just a nice easy pace will do you really do want your kick to register with your audience would you face it my crotch muscles take workout each technique together get in sync with each other so that your partner won't inadvertently step into an oncoming kick and an erection doesn't hurt now let's say that in the fight that you create you parlor gets an erection heaven move back a few inches so you don't accidentally kick his erection for extra protection use a ball gag trying to get your partner on all fours at all times when you toes down yes why this was an abandoned warehouse what's this you're right he was right pants might get in the way of a good shot well that was backyard stunting hits and misses mm-hmm all right guys we got one more spin let's do it all right let's make it count all right the episode is not saved oh ah sucks we never know I mean could be good excellent several positive ways to communicate with your dog number one is with food and toys number two are gestures both on yourself and on the dog body language plays an important role in communication laughter the warmth of a hug they'll fun times in the park laughing at a club or your memories that was [ __ ] frightening that was a clown without makeup yeah hi I'm rainbow I'm a clown I came today to share a story some a while ago now here we all know she's so evil looking I had all this pain to carry around and I'd get up in the morning and I'd go to bed at night and it was always with me and I still had all of this pain so I decided to stuff it and maybe in that way I could ignore it and it wouldn't bother me anymore now I'm filled with pain hidden just under the surface what I didn't even know you were talking to me I was talking at all no we swapped a wheel today thank you very much we split the wheel a whole bunch of horrible [ __ ] happen but we came up with three videos America Online for Internet Randy Randy butchers real stunts presents randy butchers backyard stunting hits and misses mostly hits and rainbow remedy with rainbow the clown exploiting people's sadness and death who yes or something for our entertainment rich tell us all about America online for Internet I can it was in Korean or a younger high-seat uncle are you convinced 100% that it was Korean no I could have been Chinese I think it might even Chinese but another super nerdy me it was Japanese goddamnit how could they not know that it definitely wasn't Japanese it's essentially video about getting up to the Internet by way of and brings you through the steps of how to set yourself up for the internet presumably person who knows yeah the video was in English I mean no the text was English but the narration was in an Asian language that we didn't understand some weirdo foreign language man Mandarin Korean but one of the rich called it like I knew like as soon as you saw this video you're trying to decide whether to put it on the wheel that it was gonna be miserable like I mean you can look at the cover and there's just something about it I could tell it was like very long and then right before word start language said what if it's in Chinese and he was right rich is frequently right up and if that's that's scary it's his banker because he started like talking like oh my god there's a lot of English tech like a lot of English English to say English my god a lot of English words in it that aren't translatable in in whatever Asian language was being narrated with first message internet connection category choice - my folder Vespa like flash bar is that one of the world and America yeah democracy and internet um Internet communications or something like that freedom of the press freedom of the press yeah Daichi AOL kimono in Goudy poncho why area information shiver crunching how to use keyword see such Oh John Bangkok Soto was and done a kleeger cowboy I'm waiting for like the still image where it explains how to hack into the CIA Network uh yeah he pretty much goes like step-by-step through AOL software installing it and it's pretty self-explanatory but I think we agreed that we're not the target audience for it and it was probably aimed at people maybe in their 50s or 60s who don't really understand computers and it's sort of the beginning it's not necessarily the dawn of the internet was in 1996 it was 96 yeah okay so it's it's sort of like people are starting to get Internet in their homes and stuff but but an older generation wouldn't be as comfortable right around 1996 my my uncle walked into my room drunk insisting I teach him the Internet and he phrase I teach me the Internet well that's better than insisting he show you his Wendy's and I mean you just walk right into it and ain't right you hate right I think James just like dying well tell us more about this cuz it's all stories where his pants on cheaper chilly AOL photo see champ oh my me I think it's okay I don't see a rope maybe one other thing I noticed that that I was kind of waiting and hoping that it would show up is for some reason one of the drop-down menu said Jurassic Park yes see home pull webs he didn't click on that because obviously that'd be too entertaining and he just wanted to yeah piss everyone off and not show Jurassic Park Geon beat on your heart they are function the whole must go faster they told tighten up dumb luck or truck warm heightened and built in but it's it's aimed for obviously same for Asian or Latin we don't even know because we're I'm just thinking maybe it's they just take the same video for different countries and just over double sure yeah that doesn't expect it doesn't explain the bad grammar some of the menu to us that was view this was made for a foreign language audience and the question is why because I don't think America Online I don't know if they had much of a presence in Asia yeah I just don't understand why there's a radar dish poised in Ontario that's best for the internet comes the internet yeah that's the Internet machine it beams it out and then it comes around a green anonymous question then you notice a giant set of fish that makes the internet yeah are these are these two things to scale pretty much it is pretty big you can see this is El Nino well the you can see the satellite dish from the CN Tower yeah it's like the size of the one from Return of the Jedi right this is CN satellite dish oh yeah well there's a phone number on the back for video tutors Institute Shh Mike's dialing a couple subscriber you have called is not available please for the message after the tone Sunday I told how are you I went on my knee my hoo-ha come on I want to watch in my America Online hi I won't jump I got my leg on my Baba great food I jump my Elmo hold my gosh you got hunger pay your wife pinch up hold your mama while I think about my water bottle how much you look on this bar fresh mom thanks this racism is killing me for some racism they talk like mad rich is right I did talk like that in the video they did it's a pretty accurate impression well it was it different it was a different era everyone was changed that was the 90s getting okay ha ao yoga wooden leg up on jolly high though it on Kauai content that's it was narrating this all on hmm ah no credits nope just the wizard Gandalf came and saved us so can we all browse the World Wide Web more efficiently now after watching America Online for Internet no that was miserable that was awful no rich are you gonna use gopher as your new search engine demongo fought Tom leash go for way is not over ways WAIS how much does it go for way mm-hmm total a jaw AOL tongue race that was America Online Internet our next film our video action by design and association with real stunts Productions presents Randy butchers backyard stunting hidden misses a video guide for stunting for the amateur filmmaker featuring professionals - cashy golem yeah it's a catchy title that's really catchy uh what is this is this paper call and tell us all about this backyard stunting well backyard accenting is an instructional video to try to teach people how to do stunts videos and how to do like stunt punches and kicks and you know as you would do normally with your family for fun so yeah it's a professional stuntman Randy butcher who's in a warehouse in downtown that's just like an old crappy warehouse in downtown Toronto there's a lot of Toronto in this video a lot of like it isn't really like sexy like wipes and stuff like showing like crazy Dutch angles yeah and if you know what else shows up a lot in this video is acid-washed denim yes mom Jean one jeans worn by men by men large belt buckles and cowboy boots yeah that's right it's like a lot of denim that is the overall prevailing theme of this video as Randy butcher of trying to butcher a bunch of men it's really strange here Neil's not ready and I won't move into the kick until we make eye contact he's serving up some meat they should call it back door stunting back oh there's jokes in this episode everybody this is Jonas as soon as we started talking about I don't know it's not homoeroticism but as soon as we kind of threw that out there suddenly everything seemed to look at euphemism who knew is great and punching so let's try some knee strikes as I face Blair he's peeing ticket Blair there's more innuendo happening yeah he doesn't do much with the lady no no except the very handy kisses are very quickly on the cheek just to put his cards on the table you say hey look at me I and then he would end each stunts each sort of like punch or whatever he would grab the person yeah they would get real close punching or behavior seems to really like moving sort of like getting close to him put his arms around him no just like just likes to touch dudes yeah weird some important be Justin so weird ain't close you know and each stunt was was repeated over and over again and it almost looked like a sexual act well there was one line about making me for this you can make sure your partner bends down a little more he's gonna bend over on his own that's right that's right that's we just like lost and and there's one stunt that he's doing where he purposely puts his partner on all fours and I was thinking well you know action movie sure there's all kinds of arrangements but why yeah that's why it's someone on I want you down on the floor like a dog so I can walk you up they can lift your head I mean it's never come up into any film maybe deliverance but that's about it I mean it's never come up in an action film and take special note how kneel prevents his head from making contact with surface by keeping his chin tucked in you know in this scene I'll be wearing my gosh it would be a latex outfit keep taking a further and further if you don't happen to have one don't be shy about approaching your local YMCA school I mean Randy butchers not just some nobody he has a whole bunch of natural credits CJ looked it up it was like 100 and yeah he's into Santa Claus Johnny mnemonic I'm not reading this in the mouth of madness Tim dog man - he actually played he was doubling Darkman on Darkman two three and we did yeah Jay was looking up a bunch of his acting credits so he's like security guard number one a truck guard record number three something set up big rolls anal rapist number nine guard oh that wasn't a roll the knee strike to the head requires that your partner bend over on his own innuendo the video he leads into a sequel at the end of this video where he's falling off oh yeah edge of a platform and says uh it gets thrown Isis good to see how I survived this one hmm hey want to see how I get under this one watch backyard honey - falling for effect and and to be honest this is exactly like the video for planet Earth by Duran Duran where Simon Lebon leaps over the mat painting but you never seen cutting the mat line how many people use this like actually made their own movie and use these these techniques how many people are probably a lot of people watch this video but they just started [ __ ] guys they went in looking for stunt work but things went a different way you can parlay the knee kick into a good night this is this a secret second video that comes with it every time you do it just gets closer and closer eventually he won't even notice the penetration we got to keep going this tank I can't believe you we gotta make something out of this is there anything on the back of note there's there's more releases so he ends this one haha similar there are plenty of these are the latest releases it's a Randy butcher's back here sending two falling for a fact uh none of my car and then backyard scenting three homebrew SFX and I think maybe the F is this be an e your sex home bro sex a few light circles and a little stretching of the leg muscles will usually be sufficient the production value of it was very very terrible so you don't think he thinks that it's good I mean they filmed it in a bathhouse where we're out where I was where else they're very different very different nothing takes the wind out of your sails a good heart shot together no I think he was a working stunt man and then said Oh a lot of the videos that we watch on Wheel Horse are the the 80s 90s VHS craze it was a heyday yeah instructional videos galore on any subject you could think yeah and I think oh I got some free time I'm going to make a instructional video and how people can do stunts for their own movies and you know they I'm picturing someone with a VHS recorder using the onboard mic no other lights or equipment let's just go into this warehouse and film this and you know with doing in an evening and this stuff probably that's yeah on to our next video rainbows remedy with rainbow the clown by alloy Scholl it's not a book alloys oh then I don't think they say your name I don't care I don't care creative resources for death Education and death education of course is just phenomenon that's sweeping the nation ah Jim yes tell us all about the creepy clown Eloise Cole is a esposa some form of therapist though even that seems kind of sketchy but she's nationally recognized as a bereavement specialists she travels wildly lecturing on dying she writes her own poetry which we've yet to read and for this video because I haven't seen her anywhere else or heard of her she dresses as a clown and does a presentation saying you know instead of feeling grief why not hold up a sign that says no trespassing instead of instead of opening yourself up to being hurt in and and being overwhelmed by death in the family why not hold up a sign that says sorry we're closed so it's an instructional video to help people get over bereavement and and she wears really well she wears makeup as a clown but it's you can clearly see on the Box her eyebrows painted eyebrows ur up about here on her forehead but if you look closely her real eyebrows and when you see it in the video because of her bone structure they're very sinister yeah like she looks angry all the time which is not maybe the person I would choose to be a bereavement specialists my family oh my god that one doesn't have a face you know what error those are wrong children if this was brand-new there would be impossible to accept this is legitimate yeah yes I mean I think the woman herself has sallow cheeks but with the clown makeup which should be all white for some reason there's a bit of grey here mm-hmm and she decided to whiten out her upper lip so that she's only got red lipstick on her bottom lip so it kind of looks like she's missing part of her jaw yeah and she's got a dot on her nose and when you see her in the distance in the park holding up her sign that was the creepiest she looks like a skeleton yeah it looks like a skill is in the clown wig black soulless eyes yeah it was that we're sure he was really creeped out where she was in the sunlight and she was just sort of like walking behind a bush and it just looked like she had black eyes and this black hole in her face and like but maybe out of his horrifying maybe that's appropriate for the people that she's trying to counsel or whatever because she looks like death yeah yeah well they keep doing these like dissolves where she like fades into darkness every slowly guys a trying video to watch because it's that you know the work we don't know whether or not the people on the video or telling the truth if it's a surreal situation but but there's a brother and sister who I think lost their dad slash grandfather yeah we're really sure there was one which was but all I got from it was that the boy looks either like a yellow garb wearing altar boy with a purple vest or Star Trek next generation character um but it was really sad I mean he seemed like he wasn't acting well my name is Byron and it was my dad who died and he died six years ago Oh what was grandpa died six days ago December 13th just before Christmas this is know a lot of them a lot of them go off-book as we noticed well he's his father's are making stuff up grandfather yeah maybe he's both what does father and grandfather oh oh I series hang with that cue rainbow the clown for a moment rainbow the Khan has some some overtime so a grandpa raped another oh Jesus and then died let's talk about this she has no idea how to be funny or how to act like a clown or being silly her idea being silly was the props it's all solar on creative mind yeah yeah I discovered journal writing as a way to deal with my feelings and you know it really did rot in my babies that's a very good description of it call her for props like I got a rely on the props yeah because I have no performance element it's like it's a carrot top yeah mmm I would take care of top as a bereavement counselor over the slate carrot top just make everything better it's like if if Dick Cheney tried to be a clown like he'd be your bereavement counselor after accidentally shooting your father as face yes sorry I killed your dad what I'm wearing a clown costume make it better I think I think Eloise Cole is actually like the name of an ancient Mesopotamian death God everyone around her just starts done what they've been at the end of the video they had like you know spend special memory of blah blah blah I'm thinking like did more people die during a filming of this or something wrong I think we have a theory that like you know the the kid everybody who had lost somebody they would eventually like turn into a toy grief clown like so they had a t the kid wasn't training to become a group well there was the kid and then they cut to that lady with the giant like head it was like a beehive hairdo yeah or it was just a thin layer of hair mask you know elongated skull she's her skull is turning into a wacky clone skull once you start listening to Ali Eloise or whatever it is her honky nose is getting ready to sing how could they laugh when I was feeling such pain if you become a grief clown you know you don't die you're mortal and everyone around you die yes yeah yes bring death we sell it cheeks it's like becoming a vampire and then the lady with the doctor's code who wasn't a doctor the beehive hairdo behindhand I don't remember what she was saying did she have a family member that died or she had medical profession I think we kind of know she talked about her own pain this sham felt like shattered glass oh so it was superficial pain we missed it we were laughing over that whole second she said it was literally like splinters yeah which it probably wasn't because you can't literally have splinters she was literally frozen because I was literally frozen right that's that's how the grief Club venom gets in your face the reason why her her site you know her side of the video was suspect is because they didn't follow the interview with her showing photos of her dead loved ones yeah so they didn't have any yeah there's no context whereas with the others you saw the dead grandfather / father and then with the woman with the big glasses they showed four or five horrific photographs of her six week old baby that died one of which has the baby hooked up to an aquarium they wouldn't live to be a year old Ono's can we my god so we worried her up - the fish - we're out of blood just hook it up the aquarium about I think they were trying to entertain him and they just sort of sat up in front of the aquarium looking up there's a big one there's a line going up to the aquarium as if it yeah they're trying to turn them into a reptile my theory is we have somebody who got some kind of [ __ ] degree in therapy and they think they're a lot smarter than they really are and they have this clown idea which is stupid and useless but she thinks she's some kind of revolutionary therapist that's my theory yeah I don't see a MD after that Cole yeah she took a class once but I'm interested to read her poetry she didn't go to Clown College that's for sure no no it's very good point Cheers very good point flunked out of clown cup she had to become a great fair fist what's below clowns grief therapist time like a woman with the big glasses she's really like MOT and she's yeah gone through this experience it's just like this I don't know I feel the worst for her yeah because it feels a little exploit because she's the only one that stays on buck yeah she she says that the evil clown script buddy at Sears that photo of a child up to an aquarium here's a anytime that show Eloise if they do the cutaway it would be see rainbow the clown look she's doing she's snow and she'd be talking yeah we don't know who they're talking to in the interview now there's a like some kind of plant behind everybody that's right occasionally shifts positions but we don't see who they're being interviewed by if you watch a baby back say the lines say the lines tried hooking your baby up the turtles didn't work that was your last oh that's so terrible so awful yeah you know I'm your last hope tell me what your ring Willy's Jesus Christ yeah that was seriously that lady was going through she was emotional and yeah that was terrible this horrible horrible woman named Eloise cold put her in her [ __ ] video and took advantage of her Yanik subscribe to make some space as much she was crying I don't think the grief therapy works I guess for my money bracket now it didn't sound like she believed what she was saying I don't understand was that working I dressed like a clown doesn't this help the loss of your stomach we got a baby you keep seeing as saying Eloise Cole but I think her name's Eloise clown absolutely it's gonna make that looks like what you're saying rich like she was like so what was it goddess of death there's a face for life in resume takes a Louis skull would you describe is Eloise core stay away do you think is Elouise cold dad was she buried in her clown suit I don't know you didn't look like it that was just her skull I think death would be like a nice release for her because yeah she'd been through so much clearly a woman who's filled with pain yeah and trying to share it with others and they possibly will meet my rainbow of hurt sure remember where she was doing the metaphorical thing with the holding on to the pain I had all this pain to carry around you they just by stuffing it in and oh the pain was like a giant Birkin right shove it inside and ever let it go putting it in her pants wait sit down give me your pain so I can feed on it yeah uh-huh uh-huh you can't hook human beings up to aquariums well that's why you got to test it out on seven we go like what that see you see if the turtle turtle water will do something it's not working Eloise you told me to hook my baby up to a turtle it's not working it's call the cloud it's a last resort everything you tell me to do just make some worse oh it's always I'm not here oh geez Louise look at your mirror call my name three times I bet him that please just like you told me to just hair fell out hope you're dying preemie up to a turtle breast one we're all going now okay yes security always Cole is in a grave in a clown costume the tried hooking up for aquarium it didn't worked like how could they laugh when I was feeling such pain well everyone we've we've talked about all three videos that we've watched on the wheel of the worst America online for Internet Randy butchers backyard stunting hits and misses safety first and rainbows remedies with rainbow the clown ah rich you have three videos and you have to pick I have two well yes yes you have to pick one that you got the most from and that would be your best of the worst and this is this could be like an entertainment value I am going with Chinese American online because somebody somewhere might have gotten some use out of it but what did you know I didn't get any use out of any of them all right Jim your pick for best of the worst which which which videotape did you have the most enjoyment why I'd say lights butcher action what's it called back hair it's done man hits me misses because it was funny and we laughed a lot clown video was just horrific and scary this was just you know so I enjoyed this the most but this was just oppressive not just because of the language but because I've never used a o L so oppressive like politically a little bit yeah that's what I meant it's look at Chinese political joke was that yes um I'm with Jim I mean this was the worst thing I mean like it's exactly what I thought it was going to be and to make it worse it was in Chinese or some other language so we couldn't understand so I mean not only are you watching this boring videos like Swedish you can't think you can't understand what's being said so we were just sort of counting down the minutes and hoping it was gonna wrap up soon it was you know rainbows remedy was you know it had some funny bits at the beginning and then it was just sort of miserable watching all these people like cry talking about their dead children and stuff like cuz this is this is supposed to be fun and suddenly like you just brought down because this is real pain and suffering yeah yeah it's awful life is awful it was a it was a huge switch up from like the clown thing which was kind of like funny at how creepy the clown was and then yeah as soon as like the real people come in and start telling their stories you know depressing as hell um backyard stunting yeah you know it was short it's funny we laughed quite a lot yeah it had like you know the kind of running gag don't don't you mean a running gag why what running right running rowdy rutting working what is that it usually beetle humping right my wedding is over you just made that up I think it's a word um I mean it's rutting is a word that means humping I think it's really anything I think it's routing routing is Australian for maybe having sex a recurring period of sexual excitement or reproductive activity sorry I doubted two males I did day okay Lucci I took us 11 minutes and Anna dictionary to get your joke but good job uh well obviously this one is terrible I don't know how the [ __ ] you picked hey I hate them all I can I get easily you know what I'll change my vote that's the worst there I don't know did you enjoy what are you saying you're saying this is helpful to two Korean people to get on America Online this was [ __ ] rich sure you gotta know how to vote on the show really okay backyard stunting I we laughed a lot a lot at rainbows remedy at the weird clown yeah and the congressman like I said again maybe it got too real one it got to real it once once these people came in and they're like oh God you know and then I mean it's hilarious that someone hooked us seven week old preemie baby to a fish tank to try to keep it alive that's funny yes but is it it is funny but but it's not funnier than like a hack Hollywood stuntman trying to have sex with with men to me that's funny so on my picket its backyard stunting hits and misses as best of the worst okay I agree I agree it's fine and remember safety first you how could they laugh when I was feeling such pain
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,314,371
Rating: 4.888104 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, best of the worst, wheel of the worst, vhs
Id: ZCtnb81OhV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2015
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