Best of the Worst: High Voltage, Death Spa, and Space Mutiny

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[Music] hey Rich Let's watch some movies all right what do you want to watch more action movies how about we watch more horror movies [Applause] how about Sci-Fi movies can't get enough of those I know we could watch all three it could be like a competition like battle our first movie is our action movie and it is called high voltage well that sounds [Music] shocking what what's it say Josh it says electrifying supercharged action okay so they they they they got the whole electricity thing going on yeah and I don't really believe them at all but let's is it an action hero with electric powers I God I hope so let's see see shock treatment for Action freaks okay so we're really we're really hammering this theme home here all right mess with the Asian Mafia and you've got big trouble mess with Johnny Clay Antonio Sabato Jr and you're a dead man okay from mind-blowing stunts to Earth shaking explosions high voltage delivers a Relentless supercharged showdown of the bad guys versus the batter guys oh so there's no good guys they're all bad no everybody's a dick in here I guess is this like the Sony electro movie is that you know is this the Sinister 6 prequel I don't know what you're talking about and that's it that's all the that's all there's barely anything so we really don't have a lot of information on this movie at all how weird yeah it's Lady T oh look it's the uh it's the place where you grab to immobilize a lady you guys know about that right what yeah when you when you grab right here on a lady she can't do anything just move her right along oh no yeah see come on lady come on lady yeah yeah oh he's going to do the jumping with two guns thing again the table the table oh know oh I'm riding very slowly he going to craw didn't work out like he expected least got to see where's everybody else they left no one else is helping oh you didn't really think I could betray Johnny now did you oh Jesus why'd you hit him the realism what a [ __ ] you what yeah all right they lost me and then they won me right back yeah so next up in our Battle of the genres we have Horror oh and for horror we have death Spa o which which is a bad movie on Blu-ray which I think is a good sign uh so we have death spa and there's a picture of a man with an exposed chest and a a exercise machine and a skull lady and it says you'll sweat blood awesome the new fitness club in town has everything a Health Nut could ever want a variety of workout machine classes taught by friendly and risky instructors oh and a state-of-the-art computer control system for maximum client Comfort great unfortunately it's also possessed by the evil spirit of the owner's dead wife that's less than great and before long every dumbbell leg press and rowing machine becomes a deadly weapon for her to enact bloody Vengeance on the club's members so if you're looking for a real workout from Hell enter death Spa a new experience in Terror [Music] he fell into a vad of Saved by the Bell it's um sexy what is K fory wearing he's wearing a rainbow wow hi hi well how many reps can you do uh 15 or 20 or if I'm showing off well why don't you show off for me I never waste effort in the gym besides I'm beta you're VHS what it a very timely line in [Music] 1987 it's going to smash his head I hope it smashes his head take your D hands off it the ghost can possess other Dr are his hands oh I guess they're they're pulling it back oh my God oh oh what oh gross what's coming out of him his rib I think that was supposed to be R supposed to be his ribs no what just happened his face just had a thing come out of it but what I don't know popped open why it just kind of his face just kind of exploded our third entry our final entry our sci-fi entry space [Music] Mutiny uh breathtaking special effects from the team that brought you Star Wars it's it's cap so it's it's got to be louder is that is that is that actually the Battle Star Galactica this the the70s one it might be it is is it that's totally the sylon ship oh we're in for a good time all right yeah all right all right starring Reb Brown on commmon Valor James Ryan rage to kill John Philip law Barbarella and Cameron Mitchell My Favorite Year our favorite actor get a [ __ ] super Trace all right uh the enormous Southern Sun spacecraft faces destruction from within when the evil caligan John Philip law Barbarella and his men take control through a violent and explosive Mutiny cagan's plan scrapped the ship and sell the passengers into slavery uh only one man re Brown has the strength and courage to lead the fight against cagan's Rebels armed with laser cannons and neutron grenades he leads the Commander's daughter and a handful of soldiers into a blasting battle against calun and his powerful forces okay it's pretty uh pretty bug standard sci-fi kind of deal yeah you know um red Bron's all right but Cameron [ __ ] Mitchell Cameron Mitchell Cameron closed the [ __ ] door Mitchell we close the [ __ ] doors beautiful let's do this all right let's find out who is the best of the genre what the hell's going on out there look out red three red three is down damn it oh look at her Cher size [Music] no what Mom embarrassing us mom stop trying to act like teenager look she's she's exercising and fighting against her osteoporosis oh [Music] oh oh owow that's yeah that's what he said after that [Music] tap how guys I really felt [Music] [ __ ] the lettering was all messed up yeah take this you sp you big [ __ ] I think [Music] so L it Marshall actually Su me break it uh so this was our very first uh uh foray into genres different genres I was going say we have done genres before a lot different genres opposing genres normally we do three horror movies three science fiction movies and this time it's the very first edition of Battle of the genres where we took a an action film a horror film in a science fiction film and pitted them up against each other what is the worst of the wor is that even fair to do yeah I think I think it is I think it is just because we're less concerned with genre than quality level and in that case uh they' matched up fairly well yeah for the most part these movies the genre is merely a label on top of generally bad but if we if we change our rule system and and apply the the um things that go with the genres to what these movies are you know like science fiction horror how successful was death Spa at being a horror film sure not at all how successful was space Mutiny at being a science fiction film not at all so the movie that is the most successful at accomplishing what is expected of that genre is the loser I don't know we're making this up as we go no that's the winner okay that's the winner well uh our first film of the evening was called high voltage starring Antonio Sabato Jr Antonio Sabato Jr yes every every woman loves Antonio Sabato Jr he's so sexy who posed holding a gun for the cover this was not photoshopped no no it's not a head shot and a different hand and a cartoon gun it was not his head shot yeah and a cartoon gun and a completely different hand it's like Roger Rabbit yeah uh and then there's some lady trying to have a ball movement on the cover from the quality company that brought us such films as elves and uh roochi Apex entertainment well they're one for three now oh come on I'd put him in at least one and a half mess with the Asian Mafia and you've got big trouble Rich high voltage tell us all about it high voltage is basically just a John Woo fan film that's that's how it feels I mean the story is completely irrelevant it's it's an excuse to have through four action stun set pieces where people flip around and shoot guns and it looks like just some kind of amateur who really loved John wo wanted to try and imitate that and kind of did a you know half decent job of it you know he did all right it's fine yeah I mean they they certainly jumped and shot guns at the same time I can't fault them for not doing that the the very basic plot is some people want to like a group of Thieves want to rob a bank make a big score and that's their last score and then they run across the Asian Mafia and get the Asian Mafia angry at them and that's and then they have to fight stand off really that's like a Naked Gun like another arm com doesn't belong to anybody well it's basically yeah they they try and Rob this Bank they're unsuccessful because it turns out that the bank is a front for the Asian Mafia it's a fake bank it's a think but you forgot Jay it starts off in the pool hall oh yeah that's a running motif throughout the movie is is they just didn't have sets so they just had black backgrounds they live in in an empty void there's a church that's just an empty void listen if they're if you're talking about lack of sets and making the best with what you have they did a an Artful job at creating sets as opposed to a certain film yes we'll get that watch most recently I'm sorry the information is so scanty but I'll send you up more as I get it the the point being this is a direct video action movie uh and everything is boring except for the action scenes which are fun yeah they were surprisingly well done there are some stunts that are very impressive there's one particular stunt where a guy's jumping out of a window and kind of Falls onto a box from like his kind of his almost elbow up and it looks like it not even out of window it's off a [ __ ] [Music] roof good that was really good that poor stuck man that looks like get h no he got paid May that was an accident for this movie yeah thank goodness they repeated to the end of the film so we could see it again because that's the only part of what we were really excited I made this movie I would have used that shot 20 [Music] times [Music] [Music] [Music] a it's clear that those guys those those are stunt people and they knew what they were doing but then whenever it's Antonio Sabato Jr he's he he looks okay jumping through the air and shooting because that's just jumping through the air and shooting but whenever they try to get him to do something cool it looks so awkward like there's a part when he uh is pushing himself across the floor of the bank and he and he's just awkwardly like and then he shoots a pipe that's held together with duct tape that out Steam for some reason what the once we realized that it was a fank I was very ready to accept any sort of shoty worksmanship in there you know you're looking at the safe and it's like plaster and it barely exists and just like yeah he he bumps up against a wall at one point it wobbles and you're like okay in the context of what's going on I guess this is acceptable I'm comfortable with it it's a f yeah what do you mean this is it those scenes there were nicely done for what they were the stunts were good the it was a little uncreative in terms of you know as John will rip off but oh no that's the best of the [Laughter] worst yeah great action scenes and and great sound really great sound effects even though that was that seemed to be an emerging theme the the films that we were watching was that the we we recognized a lot of what sounded like lucasfilm sound effects um the really deep uh Indiana Jones gun sound the same punch sound effects those are the Indiana Jones punching sound effects yeah Antonio Sabato Jr's guns like amazing sounds and and that really hit home the action for him really this the sound if I if I'm going to if if we're going to talk about the sound it's and and the action too it's just it was really good the plot not so much but yeah that's sort of weird so at some point uh they go to the the Meetup place which is run a hotel slash bridal shop slash gy SL gim run by Antonio Sabato senior and he has these mannequins of a bride and groom in the middle of his Lobby um for some reason but then later it is revealed that the uh uh the mannequins are actually people in Disguise I think they've been replaced at some point when we first see them they weren't they weren't people yeah Amy Smart who uh coincidentally later went on to be in the film Crank 2 high voltage uh she does not uh [ __ ] someone on a horse track in this movie either unfortunately but uh she is engaged to one of the other bank robbers he gets shot and killed she's very upset about this and should we call them fank robbers fank robbers yeah so she's engaged to one of the other fank robbers who gets shot and killed and we have an awkward scene where they bury him in the desert and we weren't sure if it was supposed to be comedic or not well that's that's right before they they have her marry his corpse in the church that's right they drag his corpse to the church they take a priest by gunpoint and they have perform a marriage for this graving grieving almost Widow and one of the other bank robbers is very rude about the whole thing like yeah get it over with yeah he says I do it's fine Jesus Christ would you kiss the groom [Laughter] already what am I supposed to be feeling here they could have taken him to a hospital in the time it took to find they probably could have saved his life if they didn't want to get married at that exact moment that guy was he was kind of a [ __ ] though he died from just a gunshot to the shoulder I mean so what kind of husband would he have been so to clarify the final shootout takes place at the Sunrise Hotel in Yuma uh which is owned by Antonio sabado Jr's dad who is not his dad in the movie but it is his dad in real life and he owns this hotel which is under renovation which has a a mannequin bride and groom which also has a punching bag right yes yes and the the bank robbers or rather the fank robbers go to the Sunrise Hotel and they're followed by the character which we have not talked about bulldog and Tammy oh Bulldog hey Johnny and then they are Then followed by the Yakuza gang the Asian Mafia the Asian Mafia I'm sorry the Asian Mafia which is headed up by man who chokes people with his scarves can we call them the fake kozas fake koas the fake koas versus the fank robbers at the end of the film yeah yeah and so they all meet up at at a hotel that's under construction or renovation for a big action shootout from behind come on and then where I guess this whole topic started when we wanted to mention the bride and groom mannequins which I think were there for artistic reasons so that the one Amy Smart character could be sad about even though it made no logical sense why they would be there and who side were they on were they with Antonio Sabato sen that was part of the triple cross that was part of the double triple cross which turned out to be a reverse double cross yes yes we're set we're led to believe that the one guy the um he made a phone call to yaku fuza leader sorry and uh told him to meet him there and blah blah blah blah blah it turns out it's a double triple cross wouldn't it saved everybody a lot of trouble if he just didn't do the fake double cross to begin with and just didn't call them and then they wouldn't know where they were and they would just have the money they really could have just waited with guns and then when the fake kuza walked in just started shooting them sure that's what they did or they were allies with W they did that but they had the phony setup but the only reason they knew the fuza knew where they were was because of double cross guy right our next film is called death spot but they had to do that because they had to kill the dragon oh so they're doing that just to lead them there yeah just to end it okay but they knew the dragon's girl was on their side at that point right yeah could she just tell them [Laughter] where um you're not pointing at [Laughter] anybody our next film in the the great genre battle uh is called death spa and I knew nothing of this film before I saw it and I know nothing of this film after I've seen it uh Jay found this somewhere I don't know and I don't who did the artwork for this cover I I don't know if that was the original cover art or recent commission but it's fantastic it's great yeah but anyway this movie ended up on Blu-ray somehow uh someone who re-released this oh this is a company called Gorgon video which was an 80s uh video company someone bought the name and now they're releasing [ __ ] like this on Blu-ray under the old Gorgon video label well Jay tell us all about uh death Spa uh death Spa is a movie about a woman that is dead who uh possesses this the uh the computer in a high-tech fancy spa and kills people sometimes related to the computer elements of the spa it wasn't really the ghost taking control it was the ghost possessing David from Star Trek to the wrath of time oh boy so so yeah the the owner of this Spa his wife died and now she has uh possessing her brother and convincing him to kill people in this Spa so that her husband can kill himself so they could live forever in Hell something like that I want you with me killing yourself isn't so hard really and besides you'll be saving all your friends and instead of having the brother kill the husband she kills uh random people for innocent patrons at a spot able reason now what oh yeah yeah here we go time oh jeez well that no that doesn't make sense at all it's not plugged into anything it's a ghost blender oh that Frappuccino is hand flavor why does she kill random people at the dust Spa I don't know maybe maybe she was just trying to make him depressed maybe he had like all of his money invested in the spa and if the spa fails maybe she was hoping he would just decide to kill himself he just says this is my life savings have like messed with the finances instead as long as you got access to the computer just the numbers in the computer to strain the bank account through the computer yeah well the first person she tries to kill is the soon to be new wife yeah so I think there's a jealousy element to that first one sure yeah so he uh she's in uh the sauna and then this the sauna starts filling up with uh what was it the chlorine the chlorine they added extra chlorine into the yeah the the it came out in a vapor form she gets burnt badly and for most of the rest of the movie she has these comical bandages over her eyes uh which turns out to be completely pointless is is she his love interest is she going to fall off the edge of that thing she's sitting on she can't see oh my is that you Roger said a word all night oh my God your spa horribly burned me oh this is very oh man there is one reason she has the bandages on and so she can open her locker when she's blind at the gym and she doesn't see the corpse that's sitting in her locker she just nonchalantly grabs her stuff while there's a corpse just kind of like but even that corpse being there is pointless because it's never found later in the movie it was just for that scene so she could not see the corpse that they I think I think they thought it would be creepy and not funny so his ghost wife okay let me get this straight because this this is going to be confusing it's it's confusing to us and we've watched the movie it is it's going to be much more confusing to people who haven't seen it this is true Michael who owns the spa Co owns the spa with the woman no he owns it he owns it she's the manager she's the manager okay he had a wife and uh she had a miscarriage of twins and either I I don't know if it was the result of the miscarriage that she had a spinal problem it was they said it was okay and which caused her to to be wheelchair bound to be crippled which made her depressed which made him depressed which he may or may not have gone outside of the marriage to to cheat on her with the the woman he maintains that he did not he maintains that he did not so does she but the wife does not or she thinks that there's something going on she Wheels out wheels herself out in a wheelchair to the desert douses herself with gasoline starts herself on fire and then midf fire becomes cured of her [ __ ] and stands up and says oh [ __ ] you I wasn't crippled and then I made a terrible mistake and then her twin brother uh who is coincidentally named his character is named David which is David Marcus from Star Trek to The Wrath of Khan yes he's in the film and he is becomes a Norman Bates type who is obsessed with his sister or becomes possessed with the sister oh please please no no no and he keeps her burnt up wheelchair in his apartment yeah and her underwear and her underwear so there's there's so many layers of of bizarre things happening in this movie it's almost impossible to explain the most bizarre thing though is that Ken fory is in the movie dressed as a clown [Laughter] that looks like Boo the clowns so then the the manager of the spa and the lawyer uh of of Michael who owns the spa those two are collaborating together to try and take control of the spa I they're trying to cause accidents so that Michael looks incompetent and loses control of the spa so they're coincident doing these things at the exact same time that the ghost is trying to kill people mhm and then Michael hires a Paranormal Investigator played by Jim Henson who shows up with a light up dildo to hunt for ghosts yes and then gets thrown down uh a conveyor [Music] belt and finds a body well before that he finds a body that's melted and still alive because there was a girl who went down to the basement because the ghost told her to pretending to be Michael give her a note the ghost gave her a handwritten note the ghost the ghost wrote a note I we're assuming that David her brother was possessed and he wrote the love note for the girl to come down in the basement and then gas poured on her face and melted her skin but she was still alive she was still alive her heart was beating even though she was just a skeleton and some goo and then Jim Hansson got thrown into the ceiling and I think he died and then his hand exploded no [Music] did she just make his hand explod he always Carries a Gun oh oh hey it works this has something in common with Ninja 3 the domination which is that whenever you mix aerobics with the supernatural it just leads to disaster it leads to gelled lights and smoke machines yeah yeah but so it has these you know I think for a lowbudget horror movie it looks fine but the gore effects whenever those happen there so incompetently shot that I wasn't even sure what was supposed to be going on his hand explodes later they're in a sauna and a guy's head something burst through his head and we have no idea what happened there because you can clearly tell and the thing is on the back of it it's Blu-ray and it says new 2k not 4K 2K high resolution transfer from the original uncut and uncensored camera Negative they pay for the 4K they don't they don't want to pay for the 4K and it's clearly not from the negative because anytime there's any sort of Gore shot the grain pops way up and it's like okay so you took this from a 16 mm print there are scratches all over it there going to be [ __ ] scratches on the negative so lies lies lies but whatever overall it doesn't look clumsy it looks like a pretty wellmade movie in you know in in and of itself but then when yeah when it gets to the effect shots when he gets to the gore shots it's just something happened yeah except for the gigantic boom mic sticking out from behind the door those messages on my [Laughter] computer it popped out like comically yeah they they they established that this is a state-of-the-art facility it uses computers to do all these different things and all these uh uh exercise equipment it runs off of the computer but then half of the things that the ghost does has nothing to do with the computer it unscrews a bolt yeah it uh uh knocks a diving board off it knocks it knocks the diving board off it blows tiles off of the sides of of the shower yeah through uh uh tubes that are clearly behind the wall the best effect was is made the mirror vibrate and then explode the person that was looking at the mirror yeah none of this has anything to do with the computer who [Music] what oh what the [ __ ] what even happen the mirror exploded and make her explode and made her explode yeah Rob the the ghost is controlling the computer which is controlling the exercise equipment got it but when the ghost is making uh somebody's hand explode or making dead fish talk that's where it goes off the rails for me f are alive somehow and what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's a paper bé fish what the [ __ ] pretty accurate oh come on you can you can kill a fish [Laughter] maybe if she were like like a computer scientist ghost it would have made more sense no this was her brother it was her twin brother she spent years working on this computer system and now it's acting Haywire if she's dead that would have made sense that would have made sense yeah that would have yeah we should write screenplays Rich cuz just the mild amount of effort we put in would make more sense any of the movies we watch tonight a 5-year-old could have made a more cohesive script yes any of these movies you can't blame the computer for tiles flying off shower walls the computer doesn't control tiles for Christ sake well despite how many people keep getting killed in this death Spa they keep talking about this Marty gr party that they want to have very Jaws yeah yeah we can't stop the party right even though this has far less Stakes involved than the uh the Jaws uh summer you know that's their summer season in that little town but they have to have this Marty gr party despite the fact that everybody keeps getting killed violently membership goes up 10% a year it's no good if those 10% die yeah yeah if your spa gets the reputation that everybody keeps dying then no one's going to keep coming back to your spot the the logic of the movie's plot I mean first of all whoever had the idea of having a haunted Spa is stupid no way that that premise is great no on top of that you add in you add in a computerized haunted Spa that's where things get weird yeah yeah that that kind of those was like Gremlins too when they had the super computerized building or everything and it's like a spa or a a workout gym that's the least computerized thing in the world right weights and equipment like you don't need a like a command center to operate a spa it it should have been the brother making trying to make the husband think as his wife's ghost as like an act of Revenge because he thought he was cheating on the wife that's what it should have been keep it keep it simple so he rescues Michael rescues his his good lady friend and then they go to outside the computer room and he grabs like his shoe and he's using it using it to like make sure that he's shielded from the from the power and then he's got this uh Power uh Source something wires together which for some reason makes everything like explode it makes it makes the computer explode at her yes cuz she's totally she's shown like with smoke everywhere ah and light she starts on fire because that's how you kill ghosts with it is with electricity right go so then they escape and then they cut back to the wife who's still alive and she said I'm still Al lot and then her eye explodes and then the credits roll [Music] no okay there now credit now it's over so the eye her eye exploded and that's the end I love this movie that's the end of the fil film yeah our final film of the evening is called space Mutiny which ironically continues with our theme of two men holding guns who are not holding guns and and Lucas film sound effects and Lucas film sound effects uh this one Stars red Brown and some other people Cameron Mitchell and camon Mitch the deciding factor in why we chose this for our SFI film we had a stack of Science Fiction films but this is the only one that had Cameron Mitchell in it yeah very clearly the Sci-Fi genre uh Josh tell us all about space Mutiny well uh yeah Reb Brown and Cameron Mitchell uh star in about 30 minutes worth of scenes that are then randomized and repeated in order to uh create an illusion of an actual full movie oh yeah yeah that's it and they're intercut with spaceships from Battle Star Galactica oh yeah there's a lot of stock footage okay no for real though uh no that pretty much don't say for real don't you dare say for real cuz that's that is space Mutiny to a tea that is for Real there's a factory to be fair and there's some papier-mâché to be fair and then there's a golf cart yeah no for real they shot about 45 minutes worth of footage they didn't repeat all of it well what is the plot of space Mutiny I don't know I wasn't asking you all right so there there is a giant spaceship Colony uh in space for some reason and they have a commander guy who's Cameron Mitchell he's like the boss god of the whole thing and then there's a flight Commander played by uh by John Philip law who is who was a general Calgon General KGAN wants to be on a planet he's never been on a planet in his life so he leads a mutiny uh in order to make that happen but unfortunately RAB Brown has appeared on the uh spaceship and he is a fighter for good and things so he uh is crowned new flight commander and he and his cohorts eventually defeat calgan kind of and he lost his sleeves and he fell in love with an old woman uh also there are uh some Stevie Nick looking ladies I'm not I'm still not real clear what they were doing from top to bottom I birth ladies why were they there they were there to oxygenate their womb space they're there for flavor this is this is an era no no I mean this is an era where science fiction just you said that so blunt and weird they're there for flavor what do you mean by Flavor for seasoning they're trying to emulate science fiction at that time had a lot of spiritual elements Star Wars introduced The Force and and then from there like the actual battar Galactica that had like a Christian theme running through it and there was there was mystical elements coming into 80s science fiction okay and so they thought they needed something mystical they didn't um oh oh you just had an orgasm yeah I was going to say that oh thanks magic hands oh this is weird I have shared with you the way to truth now you must use what you have learn don't don't get handsy there Cameron okay they're supposed to be in control of certain characters within the film which you might have missed that I guess like like like when uh when um uh upside down putter guy from the engine room uh when he gets burned to death by our heroes for no reason who likes methane gas on fire and burns him in in in a a concrete pit yeah and I really don't know why that happens other than another chance to get somebody in a burn suit after when they burn him to death and he falls down then the lead Stevie Nicks lady falls down at the same time but then she just gets back up and like oh didn't do that right or something I don't know they're supposed to be connected for but nothing nothing ever comes out who's supposed to be connected what are you talking about the valyrians are supposed to be connected to certain characters those are the the ladies the gypsy women the Stevie Nicks ladies Stevie Nicks ladies okay the dance of birth ladies my bel's on fire there are more multiple people set on fire in this movie and that is a positive out of my way you idiot oh all everybody that falls off a balcony isn't the dummy [Music] well okay so General calgan leads a Revolt a space Mutiny although they never say space Mutiny we wish they did it's a space Mutiny uh really they made this movie CU they had access to a factory it is one of the cheapest looking [ __ ] movies I think we've ever watched on this show cheaper looking than your it's cheaper looking than yor it's it's yeah cheaper looking than death spot for [ __ ] sake I'm curious what the budget for this is in comparison to something like robot jocks which is right around the same period And there's some cheap effects in that movie there's some cheap props but this is car yeah this is like there's like a phone just glued to a wall and there's black construction paper around glued to Black construction paper yeah there's just keyboards there's just computer keyboards and they did they did save a lot of money on a fantastic uh outer space ship effects that they purchased from somewhere else the what do they call it the sunrise the southern Sun the southern sun is Battle Star Galactic yeah blatantly blatantly the sound effects are the Battle Star sound effects the gun shoots the the shooting that that's all recycled yeah the the look of things too like uh uh Cameron Mitchell he looks like he looks like the head guy from Battlestar he does look like hungry really the whole thing feels like a 70s Battle Star fan film I think battl star is just obscure enough they think they can get away with it like if they if they recycled Star Wars special effects everybody would say that's [ __ ] Star Wars but they had to get the rights to use that footage there's no way they just blatantly stole footage from it I could agree with you on that rich if they didn't specifically say on the back of the box from the team that brought you Star Wars so it's it's obviously they're pointing out the origin of it is from these people that made it so I'm thinking less that it was stolen and more that it was made to be cheaply licensed I would be surprised if less than half an hour of this movie is absolutely completely repeated footage well you're forgetting the most important repeated thing was the fact that the the bridge Commander woman was killed and then in the next scene I mean not not not necessarily reused footage I guess this goes more along the lines of confused editor yes who's just going what what um she appears in the next scene right after she's murdered yes right there it's the very next scene you were speaking with third engineer Steve cadell that is my business but now I'm making it mine there they [Music] go and there she is back on the bridge what yeah she died what did they forget it yeah or was it a different what it's maybe it was a different we have to check we have to check they're good at recycling sets too we we we noticed at at a couple times the bridge set was redressed as this sort of storage area obviously the same spots in the factory are reused you know 100 times yeah well the the ship has two distinct areas there's the the cardboard gray rooms with old IBM computers and then there's some old industrial Factory where you can clearly see the windows in daylight yes yeah there's supposed to be an outer space but there's the windows and there's light shining through it is mid there's the sun it's it's midday every time they go down there yeah they really should have shot those scenes at night oh no [Music] [Laughter] dvo yeah I just fell off the bumper car we're only going 5 miles hour it's fine you can catch up if you run really fast you can beat us there they're riding around in what essentially looks like the captain Christopher Pike uh wheelchair from the original series of Star Trek which probably goes just about as fast and I can just imagine the screenwriter imagining this like these awesome Chase se he saw Star Wars uh what is this 87 he saw the Speeder Bike Chase in Jedi and was thinking something like down this this engine room and and really like we got these go- Cuts they go 5 miles she did outrun him and then Reed Brown's in there and does he have the plastic helmet on that's on the cover yeah and he's like he jumps out and then just like my favorite part about that scene by the way is that he yells pauses and then gets out oh my God [Music] oh my God the the the biggest letdown of the movie by far though was Cameron Mitchell what the [ __ ] the whole reason we watched the movie I was all excited oh my God another Cameron Mitchell film I mean he's been [ __ ] gold every other time we've we've seen him he [ __ ] killed in in deadly prey 27 years in the filth and the dirt of the street and there ain't no music down there you watch the people in the streets killing raping each other pumping dope through their veins while big men like you sit in the fancy penthouses die you son of a [ __ ] he was even [ __ ] better and terar from Beverly Hills the president of the United States is negotiating as I speak with the prime minister of Israel damned airplanes and then then he's in Sp it's the role it's the role he's playing what he had nothing to work with he wasn't playing a drunken cop no although I'm fairly sure he took the role just so he wouldn't have to wear pants the whole movie cuz he's got a robe good luck that's the most boring camera Mitchell's ever been it's not his fault he just wanted to wear a Rob want to play a world watch out Cameron watch out well it's the time of the tonight when we picked the best of the worst and this is a special edition of best of the worst uh genre battle yes and uh the rules are slightly different where we're going to pick the best of the worst genre so which one represents its genre the best Rich we'll start with you if we're going on which one represents the genre the best it's high voltage it's it's it's the perfect representation of an action movie a dumb action movie the most entertaining would be death Spa I mean that had the best laughs but I wouldn't call it a horror movie cuz horror movies have to be frightening and scary I have a creepy tone and yeah and and space Mutiny is the one I want to throw into a dumpster I I I have to agree almost completely with Rich uh as an action movie this is really good the fights the fight choreography in that I thought was really good the sound effect I thought the execution of a lot of it was sort of awkward because of the low budget but there's good there was good stuff are you talking this isn't a discussion part yeah why you don't you just shut the [ __ ] up I understand that you think high voltage is the greatest film ever made I don't think it's the greatest film ever made but for what for an apex film the company that brought us elves I was shocked ironically high voltage I was shocked at how good the action scenes were and the and the too and the sound effects now I want to give some higher points to despa in a particular respect because I was regarding it less as a horror movie and more as an excuse for Gore effects and in that it didn't do a whole lot better but a tiny bit better it's not scary but it's you know that's that's not I don't think that was the goal in being made it's not a [ __ ] discussion shut up tables are turned this is a terrible [ __ ] movie I'm with you in all respects action movie no [ __ ] sci-fi movie no dumb movie Yes 100 points dumb movie but the action scenes and high voltage again fantastic so yes I'm with you guys high voltage is our winner in terms of genre see this is this is heartbreaking to me because if this was a regular episode death Spa would win in spades no question but the problem is you mentioned as a uh excuse for special effects and Gore effects that's where it fails the most because have to time you don't know what's going on but if we're going with genres um high voltage is the winner uh because of what everybody else has said the action in the movie is great it's a shame there's so many dull spots in between the action um but oh you know where it fails though is in the the final like action movie one oneliner like like you think of like Commando like blow off some steam here he just goes I'll see you in hell no cuz you'll go to hell before I do take that zapa what a Pity greed will always kill you go to hell Johnny no pal you're the one who's going to hell that's the catchphrase we were waiting for something amazing yeah best of the genre best of the worst yes I would agree with that but on this particular episode best of the worst special commendation special recommendation to death Spa because it's so [ __ ] weird and stupid and and I think we all love death Spa enough to not destroy it of course oh God it needs to be cherished and treasured forever do we want space Mutiny destroyed can we destroy a film that stars both re Brown and Cameron Mitchell is it possible yes we can the thing is [ __ ] Reed Brown Cameron Mitchell they wasted Cameron Mitchell yeah let's kill this thing s [Music] [Music] [Music] up
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,193,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, phantom menace review, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, best of the worst, bad movie, review, high voltage, antonio sabato jr, Antonio Sabàto Jr. (TV Actor), death spa, space mutiny, cameron mitchell
Id: 6pgbB9ORqRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 31 2014
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