Best of Doki Doki Laughter Compilation - Game Grumps - [Episodes 1-20, With Stars]

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They need to FINISH IT

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SalvaTorchic 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

For real though, are they actually not playing it anymore? Or is this like a Pokemon FireRed situation where they just keep putting it off in favor of games that are "better" for long term let's playing? Because I know Danny wasn't really fond of playing it by part 15 or something like that, simply because it's a visual novel and those are kind of hard to make fun after long periods of just sitting and playing, especially when doing them as short 20 minute episodes and not full hour-long videos like how pretty much every other LP'er decided to do it (for Doki Doki at least).

It's a shame they stopped playing right after it started to get good, too. That's the worst part :/

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UzukiCheverie 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
so much going on in this game who could look at this title screen and not be like I'm having a good time already yeah well you're gonna have a good time I think see girls go to high school enter your name Aaron uh friend Aaron friend Aaron she would oversleep more and more frequently and I would get tired of waiting uh I mean sleep over not oversleep sorry I'm a stud but she's going to chase after me like this I almost feel better off running way however I just sigh an island for the crosswalk it let's say you're he's just standing on the sidewalk sang all this out interesting yeah get away from Sayuri Club a club I have a bit looking either why did you think for a second is it the lame girl Oh Club tiny hand club and you're just a member I'm lucky I'm not sick it made cupcakes and everything cupcakes don't make promises you can't keep I can't tell it stop today the part of Monica will be played by Aaron because he can do the I am friend Aaron's voice is better it's great to see you again friend Aaron Monica smiles sweetly it's all and it looks like they're almost the same person drawn from that angle Wow we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year she would say things like processing I like to imagine that like her hair just stays like that all the time I can't help but notice you're sneaking glance in my direction is she waiting for me to take a bite I finally bite down yeah Monica raises an eyebrow then smiles at me her at least she definitely has the robot look so what made you consider the literature Club my programming tells me that if I start a sentence with so it seems more human these were human were you a leader of the robots Anonymous Club that's here I know not of what you speak ah-ha-ha-ha-ha he knows too much he can see I read this last book in eight minutes you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile I really read the book in eight seconds but I said minutes to make me seem more human is it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop just like in Clifford tier The Revenge wasn't expecting that one anywhere I've been reading a lot of horror lately it looked like you were working on a poem call old dad give it back fine fine processing fine the truest form of writing is writing to oneself oh god I wish I was Clifford the Big Red Dog you must be willing to open up to your readers exposing your vulnerabilities and showing you even the deepest reaches of your heart for example on the inside you might be a giant dog yeah hard to note with a big old dog heart maybe the red I don't know is just off the top of my head we all sit in silence for a moment it's wildly uncomfortable but the monarch explores okay I have an idea everyone now that we have a new member I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain how cool in order to distract you from you thinking that I am a robot and not a human please write poetry I will not google poetry and bring in a printed-out copy of someone else's work isn't that right friend errand Monica smiles warmly at me once again or at least an approximation if when smiling might look like it's very uncanny valley hold on there's still one problem yeah what's that where's the beers all for girl step back at me with dejected eyes oh that is super sad actually but but but I'm sorry I thought I'll join the literature Club I'll rise one by one the girls eyes light up one by one that girl's eyes light up first Monica's left high lighting right eye only a figure of expression if you came for the cupcake baby super pissed then that makes it official eat my hair [Laughter] welcome to the literature Club ah thanks I guess okay everyone vanish with that the two must depart the club room and make our way home the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls see Yuri Natsuki Yuri and robot pub yay pick words you think your favorite club member would like something good might happen with whoever likes you palm the most Oh laughs II there was no draft in this room why is her hair always blowing up and that's true it's like somebody within an invisible pipe and it's like she hasn't 3d printed the rest of her arms yet just come here to hang out of what you won't see the end of it where's that mean Natsuki You certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her mind collection in the club room mmm oh sorry stop taking a drink you're gonna snarf processing having fun I'm not having fun faster Sookie how dependable what is it show you would you get me it's here we made it selling a big deal when it's really not what do I do no you weren't this isn't the first time you've done this yo your bag pulls that book I didn't want you to feel left out so I picked out a book that I thought you were to joy it's a clue for the big road it's a short read so should keep your attention because you're stupid even if you don't usually read your stupid and we could you know discuss it if you wanted this is we could tear out the pages and just spread it out of your bed [ __ ] on it call your Clifford that cool do you like Huey Lewis in the news how is this girl accidentally being so cute she even picked out a book she thinks that like just bite me not reading much Huey Lewis had a lot of really good albums I prefer sports I think that's his best I thought you were gonna leave and you're my Huey without you I'd just be the news there's a lone volume of manga manga manga a manga they look juicy and delicious Carrie as I pull it out of the stack Natsuki snatches out of my head don't touch my [ __ ] she then turns to a box I said she turns into a box become a manga I watched my grandmother die in front of me [Laughter] parfait girls it's a series I've never heard of in my life that probably means it's either way out of my demographic or it's simply terrible to the closet door she points to the classroom door it's not made of glass you want to do it in the glass in the door hey I was judging anything I didn't even say anything it was a tone of voice I didn't say anything literature club don't judge a book that's clever like at first it though you're an [ __ ] but now you just think you're an idiot it's fun to imagine when things happen seeing them wooden chairs be more comfortable I mean there's tons of empty ones I didn't exactly suspected me sitting this close to her either not that I could say it's a particularly bad thing I opened the book it's only a few seconds before Natsuki once again inches closer reclaiming the additional space while she hopes I won't notice I could feel her peering over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than I am she takes a bite of my neck I bleed profusely but only from the one spot where her green tooth enters my my jugular it turns out her mouth is like a komodo dragon harmful bacteria [Laughter] that's why the truth is green and there's only one everything's blurry here I am at the hospital just imagine so what should I expect from this is there going to be a plot well I feel like I'm talking about game designers I guess that explains not Sookie's interest in baking I thought it I thought it's a banking and I was like that's pretty random that out of nowhere she really likes counting money and giving loans and taking advantage of [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] these kinds of people honestly it takes a lot of effort to find friends you don't judge much less friends who are also into it I'm already kind of a loser so I guess I gravitated towards the other losers over time I hate it when she wins her jerk protocol loading loading loading jerk jerk Exe Natsuki suddenly notices how close she's gotten to me I mean just imagine it all so we're still sitting over by the window yeah she hastily slides yourself a good 12 inches away from me not far yeah that's not gonna help here you better get 27 all right guess I'll stop here for now guess I'll just unspool this two-foot guy I call it the firehose all right then I stand up I return to where I put my stuff a carefully slip the book back into my bag I fly off into space as Rocky say Orion Monica dizzy ass tickly pull out their poems see Ari's is on a wrinkled sheet of loose-leaf torn from a spiral notebook on the other hand Monica wrote hers in a composition notebook like in imperfect binary I can already see Monica's pristine Hannah it's it's as thick as a dictionary I can already see Monica's pristine handwriting from where I said it's almost as if it was printed Natsuki and URI comply as well reaching into their bags I do the same myself it's like I said before friend earn good turn units efficient oh you know Chyna things like this feathered people with nothing to gain from it other than sex with more hot girls so selfless only really good people do Thanks sorry I'm not sure if she already sees the full picture of my motive here I just want the cupcakes yeah then again I can't deny that she's part of the reason I joined you will be swimming in muff this puss will be overflowing oh my [ __ ] god even though you're late to school in my face all the time in my voice oh man best-selling products I love the church Starbucks the hardest to restock call up the company directly who's yelling that at our producer Jim Roach who was dying [Laughter] did you just say a word about Monica like heads completely was a terminator like red grid of like her point of view like what she what she should do and like a through C is kill say hello say hello what's a word for shitty that's not mean this is your first time writing a poem right why do you ask I'm just making sure I guess they I guess said it might be after reading through it uh so it's that bad know it reminds me of Clifford's birthday party mixed with Clifford the firehouse dog did I just raise my voice I'm so sorry I'm as embarrassed as Clifford the Big Red Dog was in Clifford's good deeds needless to say not an ultimate copy I googled a list of all the Clifford the Big Red Dog books referencing them also I like the poem even though it's short it was really a descriptive it wasn't too short are usually write longer poems not at all to read The Iliad I'm really glad you like it I'll be honest since it's our first time sharing I wanted to write something a little more mild usually there's hardcore [ __ ] something easy to digest I suppose I earned it ghosts Yuri actually the story isn't about a ghost at all friend Aaron really I must have totally missed that point cool well I suppose you did only glanced over it after I just CD took a long time reading but remember the poets often express their own thoughts feelings and experiences in their work like ghosts that I've seen yeah they usually do more than tell a simple story or paint a picture like Clifford the Big Red Ghost in this is perhaps the subject of a poem is only being symbolically compared to a ghost lingering in her last remaining place of comfort unable to lick over the past it's soon to be left with nothing more solemn putting it that way I hadn't even thought of that that's impressive it's nothing really you're right welcome back so we just discovered uh-huh that uh the piano and the flute or whatever in the background there they're like out of they like suck it playing it's just what it's just one part it's gonna take a minute to loop around but like okay so that one's good then the next it's on dude this one's good too yep very good and it's like alright Timmy you did great at the recital it's just one more one more round to bring it home god dammit I think I should go before now I say go with Monica hello great choice satisfactory hi friend Aaron having a good time so far yeah good glad to hear it is what I would say if I had emotion by the way since you're new and everything have you ever if you have our have any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better I'm always listening with my human ears don't be afraid to bring things up okay I will not blast you with my laser eyes that I don't have you cannot hurt me I am composed primarily of adamantine alright I'll keep that in mind of course I'll be afraid to bring things up she's ABS people with her laser eyes I'm much better off just going with the flow until I'm more settled in anyway arms down program arms down executing want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but I guess I have to don't worry friend Aaron we are all a little embarrassed today you know except me I don't experience human emotion engage program cheek blush red red red to red you sound pretty confident for someone who claims to not be very good well that's because I have to sound confident it is in my programming that doesn't mean I always feel that way you know I say sometimes I feel cold hole in wall it couldn't have been me see that direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend I'll never know I wasn't home I peer inside for a clue no I can't see I real blind like a film left out in the Sun but it's too late my retinas my human retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a hole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in and I was looking out but he was looking in at me looking out do you like the poem I Google I mean I am trapped in a logic loop so what do you think she was supposed to be the good 1/0 oh no oh no oh no here's a fun subject that I use to break the ice did you know that 873 times 12 is 10,000 476 I remember this in any case you still need to show me yours right I am always watching you girls can't fight my kids can't Club K kids can't leave oh my god horses can race I can see cheetahs can't what do you think easy but that's about it oh it's good did the catching froggy music [ __ ] the chicken leg it Natsuki I hope you're sitting down I can't tell you always look the same you're right that I liked your poem see wait that's not an excuse for you to be so mean just because someone's opinion is [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] embarrassing I'm sorry you took it way too far [Laughter] Natsuki I think that's enough say aurash it doesn't know without warning so I can continue until I get home whereupon I'll find my emergency stash of home potatoes Sookie snatches our own Pope from the desk and storms out on her way out she crumples up the poem with their heads and throws in the trash no [Laughter] she really didn't need to do that friend Erin about you yeah it says Sam it was a neat thing to talk about with everyone awesome in that case we'll do the same thing to Mario and maybe you learned something from your friends too so your poems will trip battery low battery low I praise to both wonderful people when they're not being enticed by your huge throbbing [ __ ] you don't hate them do you no I don't hate them I just dislike them a lot it looks like C or e still hasn't caught on in the kind of situation I'm in char big friends everyone is nice but does it really need to stop there I say that's a pretty simple thing to get you in a good mood but I guess it's always the simple things with you anyway if you had enough money in the first place you would have bought a snack before coming to the classroom so either you're not hungry and wanted an excuse to take a walk or you plan to conveniently forget that you spent all your money so that I would lend you some [ __ ] [ __ ] but there's one more thing you're always all great and so that only leaves the one option thank you I did something bad in order to accept the revolution well I didn't realize there would be a revolution starting as a red retribution still coming from you say Rory I guess there's a little devil inside of all of us isn't there she ha ha ha I wouldn't be surprised an upgrade appointment this shows buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh-buh-buh boyfriend what on earth are you talking about Monica quizzes with me I'd never mind that what held you up anyway ah my boyfriend well my last period today was study hall sorry to hear that to be honest I got to be honest I kind of just lost track of time ha ha ha ha ha ha I just leave out sailors boost gym is xmin bears capade I'm sure that Sookie let them complain to her anyway also I left it out because it was [ __ ] boring as a story like hey she got a cookie and then she took a bite of the other girls cookie and um and then she was mad Yuri you really apologized a lot don't you sorry I do yes stop I don't really mean to sorry I mean that's work once we each lean in a little bit our shoulders are almost touching at second base it feels it feels like my left arm is in the way so instead I use my right hand to hold the book open and then she spins the dial left left foot green I guess that makes it kind of difficult to turn the page here yes Yuri takes her left arm and hope the left side of the book between your thumb and forefinger ah I do the same on the right side of the book oh that way I turn the page and your wrist size on earth up after flipster side based but in holding it like this we're gonna leave it before it's actually kind of distracting me as if I can feel the warmth of your space in the court my vision are you ready to turn the page yeah sorry on this religious second because I'd like it better eyes mean I don't know how be able to keep over there ah that's okay you're not as used to reading right I don't might be impatient if it takes a bit longer it's probably the least I could do since you've been so patient with me who can sit the first pitch for pence each page always feels like an Indian to finish it my thumb gently let it go to the pitch letting it flutter over to her side she catches it at her home thumb hey URI this might be silly thought but the main character can remind you think so how does she I guess she's blunt in a lot of ways but she looks like yes all the things she says it does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong it's all I can see in your head or anything but I see meanwhile back over here in that case feel free to finish the first two chapters in your own time all right I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off of the book slip it back in my bag eat a potato or two I can't remember how many why don't you at least try giving it some thought yeah but you're always thinking about other people you need to think about yourself once in a while like how stupid you are and how dumb you look you don't you might have end up getting hurt at some point yeah just don't show me your poems ladies the best it's like magic [Laughter] keep writing it till I die Natsuki has trouble finding words I guess you didn't have trouble any more cautious incontinence cuidado piso Juana great job friend Aaron I was going ooh in my head while reading it I was using my human brain to process the emotions it's really metaphorical I'm not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I guess I underestimated you it's easy for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when I put in some effort do you enjoy my haha do you enjoy my new laugh program do you think it is convincing to fool the humans both allowing people to get something out of it just by feel or letting them deeply analyze all these nuances oh my god they can take years of practice which I'm assuming Yuri has at this point I'm running board protocol seven you appear to be bored you appear to be bored appear to be bored abort abort conversation I've never really asked though I'm sure I'm nowhere near her level yet don't worry so much about that you do your own thing meanwhile I will be sucking the brain juices out of you while you sleep I mean running the literature Club deep exploring save me the colors they won't stop bright beautiful colors flashing expanding piercing red green blue and endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise yet won't stop violent grating waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent what what kind of Q is that it's like the symbol for female it's like an ankh like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust and the endless poem of meaningless load me whoa I think she's actually a robot would be [ __ ] awesome oh my god cuz you're imagine hmm does it look like a robot wrote it the way I wrote the lines really short makes shutting down load me is what robot ashlynn yells load me you got it Aslan Oh God restoring talking protocol it makes it feel like they're trying to speak over the noise here's Monica's writing tip of the day sometime sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your game you never know when you might change your mind I have something extra planned today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room sweet well sort of the festival of brain-sucking I mean cherry blossoms it will require a sacrifice I mean volunteer yeah we're going to be having me poetry performance each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event but the cool part is we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems to say your ease putting all I say you're shutting down [Laughter] okay slowly see your ease putting it all on the posters in case anyone wants to prepare ahead of time do you really think it's that bad of an idea imagining it URI shakes her head and fear guys no se re you guys are [ __ ] doing it I still think we should give it our best we're the only ones responsible for the fate of this club if we start the event and each put on a good performance powering down then it will inspire others to overheating core temperature nominal do the same and the more people who perform the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about that's right and it's those reasons that we're all in this Club today aside from the fact that your brains are soft gooey and delicious don't you want to share that with others to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place I know you do I know we all do and if it's all take and if all of it takes and if all it takes is standing in front of the room for two minutes and reciting a poem then I know you can do it through the pressure and weight of all these potatoes I mean I agree let's move on to the main event what I want each of you to open your skulls we are going to practice reciting our poems in front of each other to help everyone feel a little more comfortable you're next I will suck out your amygdala this must be a rare glimpse into the whirling fire Yuri keeps concealed inside her head suddenly she's finished her brains must be soft delicious everyone is stunned Yuri snaps back into reality glasses around her as if she people don't even herself all right it's up to me to save this situation I'm the first to start applauding everyone Josie out the way give her the recognition she deserves it's not that we didn't want to applaud for her but we were caught so of card that we must have forgotten yeah that's what I'll say to her as we applaud here I hold to the poem to her chest and rushes back into her seat she trips over five potatoes and falls she's hurt very badly but we laugh anyway then I eat a monitor monitor healing factor her finger transforms into a syringe I didn't know she had this power all right say Yuri begins I mean say all right begins a palm it's somehow it feels like your soft voice was made as a perfect match lighting a powder keg of shitty pop it's like I get to reach more deeply into someone I thought I knew through and through hey what are we gonna get a bathroom break I say loud the atmosphere of the poem fits you really nicely but it might be that the other poems wouldn't work quite as well with that kind of deal devilry it's okay all you need to do is preserve that sweet delicious brain of yours I mean in other words I've seen poems of yours where that sort of gentle delivery wouldn't work as well I stand up and step in front of the podium everyone has their eyes on me making me feel tired this would be a hard point to start masturbating I recite my poem especially since two of them are looking like sort of disapproving like yeah come on hair bow girl and robot woman are into it since I'm not exactly confident in my own writing it's hard to put the energy into it sorry I was just punching my fists despite that once I finished I receive applause anyway sorry I'm not really so thank you sorry I'm not really as good as everyone else don't worry about it so much maybe I guess in that case you won't have much to worry about for the festival especially since you won't be there on account of your brains being sucked out of your heads that said I want to thank everyone for coming through I'm already pleasantly surprised that you're putting it all shutting down it's kind of adorable isn't it [Music] geez guys don't make such a big deal it must be a little dice though well around all that hot muff I walk home with say Ori once more even though it's only been a few days a lot of things have already changed but today say always being a little quieter than usual on the way home hey CRE it's kind of a weird thing for say already cares so much about but I want to respect her and keep her happy too then again the festival is only a few days away who knows what will happen in the festival of lights Jesus is that even a word chocolate no poof damn it I'm sorry to make up for the poof marshmallow [Laughter] boundary since they've been preparing for the festival they must be spending a lot of time together a timidly approach Monica who's shuffling through some papers at her desk ooh I wasn't studying humans friend Aaron what's up like you say that this might sound like a little strange but have you noticed anything up with Sally recently anything up with her in what way do you mean her brain's smell especially appetizing much--but seems a bit downcast robot need to eat brain I mean we've been going with it for hours now that the matrix says you know goop of a human so you already talks about you more than anything else you know uh she's been so much happier every time use every since you've joined the club it's like an extra light was turned on inside of her cooking her brains to a delicious simmering boil you can smell it from what Monica stands up from a desk [Laughter] don't get the wrong idea or anything we've just been friends for a long time it's not the robots like have I had it wrong this whole time it is her brains that I am looking forward can you blame me for being paranoid I don't give people my manga every day no and you're always eating potatoes and potatoes in your sack everything I forget the chapter ended when Minori and Alice found that Sookie's voice resonated out from inside the closet and I think damaged my ears yeah I peer inside all of that Sookie's books are lined up on the top shelf again oh sorry sorry it's all still there I just had to organize it Abe yet then I reduced the teacher to dust I synched the inventory to our Google Calendar but she can't reach it she's tiny jeez this is so inconvenient Emily's back down there's plenty of room on these shelves and besides they're really pretty looking at when they're online damn where did you base it on the top shelf ah that's Sookie there's a stool on the wall there that's very immature let's clean it up if you want I can reach up there and hand them to you I can get them myself that Sookie grabs the stool from the wall and unfolds it it must have been a long one it's great how it's all still staying in one log it's hanging from the ceiling you think I'm too short accepted I mean yeah well you know what just watch me that Sookie hops onto the stove which ends up being a little wobbly because of its collapsible design Oh careful Natsuki grabs a stack of manga and bends down to put it on the shelf below the chairs swivels not Sookie catches herself on the she's gonna fall or what God man the tension for [ __ ] sake what are you doing can you leave for the chicks Jenny's I'm just sitting and doing nothing who wasn't told me not to help ya gotcha I hold the chair will not Sookie reaches back up I can see your butt I can almost see a pause got it yeah we weren't there God I forced myself to turn away that Sookie seriously didn't think this do what she realizes I'll be dead huh Natsuki wrapped her arms around the parfait girls box that easily the largest one of the shelf heavy you should look at what she's doing hey Fred Erin Christian your face I don't think falling hurry up and take this one why Natsuki looks like she just realized something but she'll lose her powers if she moves Natsuki the box the box the church said this Josie that seeks v-chip flats running at CB speed braking their turn catcher but chose a trans the butcher flag I got you oh my god the full force of not Sookie's body against me throws me to the ground everything goes dark oh but you don't help me in the face end of day two Natsuki seems to realize that it's not the floor that's beneath her but a huge flat surface hard dick jack a fist pounds into my chest she breaks some ribs I think I'm coughing blood is everything okay over there I can fix a punctured lung I heard a loud noise hold on hold on hold on 3d printing a new lock Natsuki is kneeling on the floor holding one of the books that are scattered all over there's a large dad and a crease across the pages he's desperately trying to smooth that oh it must have landed on the page [Laughter] Natsuki tries a bit more to fix the crease but she can't get it out suddenly she gives up and slams the book shut that throws it on the floor instead of continuing to yell she just lowers her head Natsuki are you know you having first world problems that Sookie's voice squeaks this is her absolute limit I see tears on her face I'll help get the crease out okay it's partially my fault so she's razor thin on the line separating from her from the psych ward [Laughter] so hard I just cover the coven get schwifty Sookie falls silent again I can't press her second only alright well I guess I'm just you know sook you vigorously scans her eyes over my poem one more time then the poem slips out of her hands and flutters to the floor rolls down her thighs monica sees the poem lying in the floor and swiftly picks it up she reads through it her smile not fading from her face I see I hear I taste I am human after all you write this you wrote this porn at Sookie didn't you it was just something for you to think of error Sookie comes up and snatches the poem out of Monica's it [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] you're a peach you own escape your way to love yourself again I mean the pink kind of metaphorical - and like better than hers but there's nothing wrong with doing that once in a while can she put this conversation backing out of the door so yeah we still build sandcastles that's pretty profound actually kind of relate to that it's reading list in your head and you just hear that like that gonna worry about that I said where the foam wraps around my ankles where my toes squish into the sand the salty air is therapeutic the breeze is gentle yet powerful it told me to write about the beach but I really wrote about something else she probably just wants to show off God you guys are [ __ ] talking it's not like I have a particular interest in a writing style the books of the butt fell in my face feels like it's been a [ __ ] eternity anyway gone sorry well of course I am I thought she went to pee Natsuki please show some decency she said you to poop too she actually wasn't feeling too well went home early which she does I'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets that is great you'll be a wonderful help URI and you will be distracted while I human things with this straw close to your head he may be more suited to assisting with the decorations [ __ ] happy to make a few decorations anyway sounds more like you just making excuses for friend eridan what what are you saying it will be extremely meticulous work and baking oh my god these chicks are so obviously just what do you think guys guys I mean girls let's settle down for a moment clearly he needs to help me in the end I think it's up to friend Aaron to decide how he'd like to contribute oh man besides he hasn't really gotten the chance to spend any time with me damn everyone looks straight at me but of course I'm gonna go man what do you think oh that's your call dude you think I should go check on say Ori oh say Ori is my favorite yeah but I think Monica might be the funniest because of your voice you know I'm gonna go say or okay cool I'm gonna check in on her no I can't appreciated it I'm sorry make a big deal out of nothing but I'm gonna say this you're [ __ ] the best part of it Yuri thinks to herself with an extremely tense expression you're you're overthinking this you wanted me to point out when you're overthinking right it's really annoying it I hate it I didn't realize I'm telling you I want to that's all there is to it do you believe me I have to think about this Yuri thinks really hard again she looks straight in my eyes for a long while I believe you as if it took her tremendous effort Yuri finally says that relaxes her expression I'm looking forward to Sunday oh I bet you are yeah it's a new place for me to distinct sorry it's all about the club it's Sunday God where does that go I guess it's Sayuri says what she's spacing out I've been getting increasingly anxious about URIs upcoming visit I keep telling myself there's no reason to be nervous but it doesn't help much I wish this game just had Saturday and it's just him watching TV for 24 hours in real time I guess you're right has been a long time so you just find out like this I'm dating mr. cow moo cow a sailing ship it even gets a we can accidentally express my feelings for selfish I think that's why the world decided to have you come over today it just wants to torture me I grabbed Sayuri by the shoulders shut up why God it's cool why eat why make friends why make other people put the energy and Jesus Christ this is so sad all of a sudden I carried a waist by having them spend it on me that's what it feels like and that's why I just want to make everyone happy without anyone worrying about me Fred I'm in shock I can't even figure out how to respond how is it possible that say already kept this from me the entire time that I've known her that [ __ ] she really wants so badly for me to just not think about her why CRE hey why is it that you've never told me about this it almost feels like I've been betrayed as your close friend nice to speak yeah because if I knew I would have done everything I could to support you even if there's only so much that I could do I would have tried a little bit harder to make every day a little better for you that's why I'm your friend all you had to do is tell me you don't understand it all friend Aaron why do you think I didn't tell you because if I told you then you wouldn't have you'd have to waste your ever caring about me instead of doing important things like decorations with the earring I don't wanna be cared about it's bittersweet when people try to care about me feels nice sometimes it also feels like a bat being swung against my head are you having my brain for eternity maybe I'm depressed because half my brain is missing just feel like a little thing of blood like without thinking I once again grabs a Horry shoulders this time this time I pull her into a tight embrace oh hell yeah see Horry you being so selfish by taking my line man it's almost time for URI to meet me at my house oh you're psychic but I started to get really nervous when nobody answered the doorbell you always could have texted me he's if I didn't know and I would have reassured you and hurried more on my way home if you'd had done that we wouldn't be in this predicament I see you brought a lot of stuff with you that's right as you can see it's all here I take URI to my room I love what you've done with the walls I show her all of my posters first thing she does is glitter I curiously which makes me feel like she's this one's a polar bear in a snow storm snatch URIs wrist which is in the process of opening a desk drawer if my dildo Enclave no need to be so anxious you can relax a little high put away the axe please I brought some things for relaxation I was going to use them during the poetry event just like what's the one thing though oh this it's a diffuser for essential oils you put it you're not farting I'm diffusing essential oils in just a moment a thin ray of vapor begins to spout through a small hole in the top don't breathe this you'll be dead within the mouth is that one for this is a Jasmine essential oil what happened to Jasmine I have a bunch of flowers of my butt and then it smells a little sweet and flowery right Yuri smiles gently clearly enjoying yourself she again reaches into her bag and pulls out several spools of thin ribbon where are those four well yeah you know how when you like put ribbon on a fan did you purchase the origami paper I asked you to get okay I'm really sorry everyone we won't be using the paper for folding origami what I'd like to do is write a different word on each paper we'll need about a hundred of them oh yeah all those we used for well I'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang from the doorway this is my last wouldn't that be beautiful suffocation no breathing it would also catch the eye of those passing by the room we'll get the suffocation no breathing part in the essential oils well I suppose I do get a little intense you know don't give a [ __ ] if I cut my arm bleeding as you put it I carefully draw a different character on each paper doing my best to manage my bad handwriting Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse urea and Ravel is a long strand of red ribbon to her desired length then she reads this into her bag once more pulls out a pocketknife I think it kind of suits you it's going it's going suits me yeah it's kind of intense besides it's really cool like a knife I can't deny that it isn't a curious of its sharpness I feel the point of the knife with my index finger oh friend Erin why did you do that I just wanted to feel alive I didn't expect it to be that shy don't give a [ __ ] if I come in you're so weird friend Erin for doing that thing I just did URI giggles shyly URI calling me weird I have no response to that my house where do you keep your bandages uh I'm gonna throw them away so you keep bleeding are you ready to move on to the next task yeah let's do it for your next physical challenge you must eat an entire pie as you scale the Agra crap I'd like to paint a gradient across the banner starting with the colours for a sunrise then daytime then sunset and nighttime once it dries I'll write an inspirational quote across the banner we can hang it on the wall behind the podium at the front of the classroom Oh need well are you gonna write anything's a dildo if you're brave enough [Laughter] URI leans over the banner to grab an unused paint brush but I move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers ah my precious brains sister sorry URI reels back and I quickly lift my hands and surprise are you hurt no I'm not hurt could you take my head out of your mouth please sorry I should have asked you to get it for me it's not your fault your face their droplets of paint on your face and neck is there something on my face yes obviously gathering all our things URI seems to look a little down caste I understand why sounded like she rarely gets the opportunity to spend time with friends in a relaxed environment so us I have nine fingers that have gone on sucked the last time it can happen thank you too much this is very sweet that's less sweet and that's enough say re I don't want you to hurt anymore I slide my hand down C or his arm and squeeze your hand in my own do you remember how I said I always know what's best for you do you still believe me wordlessly say or he nods even if you don't understand all of your own feelings I know what you need the most right now and that's up that's what I'm going to give you [Music] whoa-oh-oh what do you think can we save it okay time to save there you go Shh okay I'm gonna flip a coin okay I'm gonna flip the animal crossing box okay heads I love you tails you'll always be my dearest friend okay you ready yeah here we go oh it's I love you boom I love you those are my true feelings so there's no way you could like me more than I like you I should have realized it sooner but spending time with everyone at the club making new friends having fun with you every day it helped me realize that you are truly the most important person to me that's why legs I'll accept any of your burdens as long as we continue like this every day with you by my side then I know we'll both be happy suddenly say or he wraps her arms tightly around me but I changed my mind loading game did I did it will it be renewed with me rebuild a new route beat me daddy that new route build it up build it up build it up up
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 361,952
Rating: 4.9509821 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, compilation, best of, doki doki, dan avidan, egoraptor, arin hanson, laughter
Id: SZ5RyLG_Wvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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