The Open Classic Grand Finals

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game so this should be a really epic final yeah indeed uh usually it goes to like 3 2 and things like that but uh i'm not sure if you're in the game yet yeah we're good i'm live yep okay cool civilizations lira in the green play green color playing as the mayans here for arabia not really a surprising picture i'm not sure it will be interesting to see where he uses aztecs then going forward and yo playing britain's surprisingly enough as well not a typical pick here but maybe it was meant as a bit of a counter pick to aztecs but against mayans i'm not so sure yeah i guess if you're able to get some walls down and make it an archer battle in the mid it's not too bad for britons but i know you had some experiences with it as well these maps have been very pure arabia open as people want when they play arabia and i think that that could be relatively tough for you but it is also open on the other side as well so control's going to be key yeah if you look at the front of lyra's base he has very easy to wall his front side you can say and he could actually just connect all the wood lines all the way to the edge of the map uh because he has a really nice back gold and wouldn't be surprised to see lyra even trying for a dressfest castle we know he loves to do it and with a gold in the back like that i think you will be very tempted yo as well though nice back gold wood lines kind of close and safe so and you're always going for a premium rush and there is not so will be interesting okay yeah leary also uh moving out across the map but he moved out across oh sorry he moved out across at the start and now he's going back out to scout so it's not as if he's close to seeing that um did you have any um huge say in in the map scripts for this i know there's so many maps and a lot to do in the lead-up to a tournament i'm just curious if you if you gave input for this arabia because you played on so many um actually i tried to make him minimize the wood lines a little bit even more because right now we have a four woodlands i think is guaranteed around each player okay and i was suggesting maybe making it three okay but i don't remember exactly what the argument was but it was a reasonable argument to keep it for but i think he made the woodland smaller so it contributes a bit to the map being a little bit more open so i didn't want it to be the typical guaranteed rush fast castle uh fiesta we kind of can have on arabia okay um yeah obviously feedback especially nomad is the one where we try to make it a little bit more less rng based and yeah i did a good job there but um yeah obviously had a little bit of a say but huge credits to chrisgenia for making the maps the way they are yeah some of your your stuff from hidden cup with for example trying to make the boar spawn in the back of the base to reduce the risk of laming and certain things like that yeah i think the nomad was a concern for me as we see the scout here for yo i'm not sure if that's worth it um nomad was a concern for me and nomad's been really good and i actually have enjoyed this arabia version and the reason i brought that up was not so much the number of woodlines but how forward they tend to be very rarely can someone get by with full wall safe backed wood lines so if you want to go fast castle as yo is going in it's going to be brutal and speaking of leary with less than ideal start here yeah great stuff for you also saving a scout in the end there's let's go actually just get out of dodge and they will not have to wall in his wood lines and he wants to be a bit careful it might even get a wheelchair here as yo is he going to commit oh we should not probably we'll lose the militia oh yeah do you miss judgment do you send one bill there because that's a one hitter do you send one uh militia excuse me and there goes the scout instead of two if you want to yeah if you want to commit on the villager kill you there's no need to send more than one yeah because you just need one hit anyway right yeah so i think in the end the opening seems a bit rough for you for literary but he got out of that okay and the militia don't have too much hp left and of course it's still awkward but both prez ended up with a rush leery seems to be following up with a fast few glitch while yo might still be thinking about the fast castle behind this okay so leary made one militia lost it and kind of cancelled that idea in his mind he said forget about it it's not worth it which i think is good oh excuse me i think i got it wrong he made more than one but i think it was a good idea to stop making them and he's going to open up with archers here i guess yeah which is potentially not going to work because if you look at the minimap here for yo he has already made himself an arena and yeah it takes some time to get through walls with just archers at this point so yo definitely looks like he wants to go for the rush fast castle follow up and leary obviously now committing on the faster field meaning he has to make something happen earlier on and uh yeah he has two militia live though so he could still upgrade them even making the third one so this will still be my arms followed from larry yeah i think it's a good idea um to go drush fc because your best game mode are game modes excuse me not your best game mode but your best uh game window for you your timing is going to be early castle and that's what joe's trying to get to right now as you see yo even trying to take out the deer leery not happy about that but i mean that does add up a little bit of decay as yo is just sitting pretty behind his walls yeah they're now going to discover that he is up against full walls and that archery range has to come up instantly it does and it still feels like usually this happens with like the normal like 21 22 pop-up not after a drush kind of because they're also open sort of a rush so yeah the archery range is even late which means that the pressure will come even later meaning that yo in theory should be completely finer to go through with the rush fast castle but actually joe is not doing it he has committed 13 villagers in wood meaning it's very likely that he will actually play fuel himself so i know there's a lot of conversations about walls in our community and rightly so but yo has placed 60 uh seven palisades and then houses and then villager time i mean that is it's really tough even with 28 villagers to be able to afford this and i feel like he's kind of in that in-between situation you never want to be at where he's arrived late to futile so he hasn't had anything really to pressure with and he still can't go castle h yeah but at this point i think he's just content with the situation he will just drop double range and the blacksmith gets equal upgrades and played feudal age uh which with britain's as well it's not wait he's actually going one range blacksmith he's not doing equal parts is he trying to no he's doing it now okay yeah i was a bit confused there but yeah he will just be content playing like this he will once he gets a few archers out on the field uh he will be completely fine against this and then i don't necessarily think he will be later to castle than larry you never know and it's gonna be translating into a very equal mid game here yep uh barry losing on the berries will hurt but this is something that yo seems to expect so he'll see that fletching is in so he has to be a little careful he should get his own fletching upgrade as he uh places the palisade good pressure from leary it kind of looked like he could have fallen further behind when the drush was coming in but he never lost that villager and he's able to take all of his deer in the end and he was faster to archers so he's in a good spot yeah indeed the pressure is also in but he has to be careful now because yo is also britain so he has that faster actually production and doing a second rage range as well while lyrics currently stay in one range so suddenly the numbers might be in favor of yo very quickly and then larry has to be careful with how aggressive it is because if joe catches his army off guard then that could snowball out of control but lyric playing it cautiously moving out of dodge and now gonna try to find another angle to do damage um can you talk a little bit for the viewers about the timing on the walls like for example joe's fully walled right now but he's now on the back foot what do you think about leary delaying his walls right now i think the way lyra is walling first of all what's interesting is like it seems a lot of very choppy like there's one paddle set here one passenger there but either way um lyric doing it the nice thing just like because lyra knows he has the full pressure he knows he doesn't have to worry about being attacked at the moment so just making the wall slow and safe is a very economic approach as well rather than rushing the walls like yo in this case the walls obviously bought him time to get the feudalish and be safe but now leary is through anyway so yeah it's not like he completely avoided damage by simply being walled also it's the timing of when you wall if you're gonna pull four villagers to wall when you have 25 that's going to hurt a lot more than you pull villagers at 35. so um as yo is likely going to defend here you never know with leery might grow it's pretty close geez that is the strongest man in arm ever but yeah um see the dancing uh but i think you know both players are going to be pretty much in the same spot making archers but one player is going to be faster to castle age and that's leery uh good mic from both players they're trading roughly equal and yeah now behind this layer will be faster but you always have the numbers and as the game goes on because larry still doesn't have a second range uh yeah the timing though i mean you all you'll need to do is survive and not take damage onto the east castle and then he has to take advantage with the extra range and joel's food eco is looking fairly solid he won't be clicking up too much later and he might have a time in an hour where he can put a little bit of pressure on there but yeah later we know how deadly he can be with that early cat this time when we saw it against jordan for example as well we're just two minutes into castle gt and i don't expect that to happen here but you never know with leery he's actually making skirms he's gonna go skirm defense so he instead of trying to use the cheap mayan archers against the extra range from britons he pretty pretty much uh full expects he'll be out powered uh what do you think about that lumber camp i mean i guess it's the only wood he saw but do you see that lumber camp from leery in the north yeah it's like 10 trees or something uh larry also always catching the arches of yo and you always just move commanding taking big hits lyra doesn't have armor you all couldn't hear of taking decent trade if he was paying attention but yeah we're getting two picks offs for free three even and still gonna chase those arches down and lyra probably will go over echo not very economic focused here just get those town centers up get the eco rolling and then play the game from there he's also added two eagles in his barracks so maybe we see an eagle skirmisher play here as yeah i'm not sure but i feel like this is still a fine position for you i would not mind this at all yeah the thing is normally it tc timing is huge but you can always catch up quite easily with britain's because your town centers are so cheap so yeah i'm with you i think it's a close game uh leary i mean his walls are fairly secure he'll probably add some eco but is there anything that leery's not doing with his faster castle age that well granted he's about to hit so we'll see but is there anything that he has to keep in mind here i guess as he knows that joe's gonna push back soon well he needs to decide like that where do you invest your resources now do you do elite skirmishers do you go to town centers and what exactly because skirmisher is not an offensive unit you don't kill a lot with skirmishers but yeah he's going for lead skirmishers he's going for armor upgrade before town centers so he's just trying to apply pressure here with the skirms and a couple eagles to hit the walls but joe is about to hit the cast laser in less than a minute and he's gonna have extra range in the arches when he wants to crossbows as well he's gonna outrange everything larry has and he has a stable and adding a what he's adding a barracks okay mind game hard here he thinks lyra is going eagles and that's gonna that's not a great thing for yo okay it leads to barracks okay good good call i think he's so good it's like he has too much time before he's in castle age and he wants to do stuff he doesn't know what to do right now yeah i think he still completed supplies but could he cancel that that would be a real awkward spot to show up with long swords when the enemy only has a few eagles so i think joe is actually in a better position right now because he also did horse collar as soon as he got the fuel edge so his farming eco will be slightly more lasting longer and he will have the range on the crossbows and he has the armor on the knight so he will get some knights into mix as well and i i do prefer the britain's composition then yeah lyra is doing ballistics though and getting bosa so he's still in a good position but joe as well immediately two tcs knight production is there he has the crossbow range okay knight production is not there but it should have been there he's he's kind of in a spot where he's going to decide on a bunch of things yes the tc's are cheap but he doesn't have a university to get ballistics for his crossbows and he does not have the food eco set up to make a lot of nights with his crossbows so i actually don't like the um i feel like he's not really easing into the castle age as well as he might want to but i also he doesn't necessarily need to go offensive here he's got a stone in the back he's got a gold in the back so as long as he keeps his crossbows at a mass i think he's going to be somewhat satisfied with things yeah they were getting some solid hits now with the ballistics upgrade he's doing plus two armor as well and wheelbarrow and finally adding a second tc himself joe was out on the map with his scout looking around so he wanted to find out if larry is following this up with a forward which he is not and lyric he's making eagles so i guess elite or eagle warrior will be on the cards as well and hey you're not taking great trades there sure the knights will get some nice some hits but the crossbow number is going down this heavily is only good for larry yep yep he's trying to get the eagles out of the picture doing an okay job but then again in the end it looks like yo will be pushing out and i guess it's okay to toss away a couple crossbows here there if your ranges produced this fast and he'll get more out there and i'm noticing those goals we haven't talked about that those goals are so important in the middle so it's good for yo that he's controlling that yeah if you compare goals the iris has larry has both the extra goals safe behind his walls so pretty good map for liver there and again i think he was way too confident in that fight sure he picked up some some skirms but as long as the eagles are just eagle scouts they're not that scary for knights and even the crossbows do a lot of damage to those eagles when they have so few upgrades and yo just suddenly has full map control he has the better armor composition and he has the equal lead so you're always looking in a fantastic spot do you follow this up with siege you see the range and the barracks are on the front you know that he's mainly just going to sit behind his walls with skirms to me i feel like siege follow-up is perfect here yeah it would make a lot of sense and there we go subaru shot being dropped as we speak lyrics but obviously joe doesn't know but lyric his map is a bit awkward with the wood he's got 13 villagers on the glamour camp on top and they're finally dropping a tc there on the gold yep yep or he'd change his mind okay drops it again but yeah wood in comfort there is a bit awkward with the lefties being quite exposed that's probably going to be the target of eo for now and for sure as long as lyric doesn't upgrade those eagles into eagle warriors yo has a lot of potential to keep pushing here and doing damage stone as well right sometimes you need a castle for plumed archers or just to bail yourself out of a position but you always camping the one stone with this crossbow the other stone is part of his wall on the right side so i again i just need to salute carzini out there because while there were good things about lyrics map namely the golds there are also bad things about leery's map so it's it's a really good map script overall with pros and cons for both players speaking of stone if you look at yo's stone count what i predict a castle to come up on lyra's face at some point especially behind this pressure there's something joe loves to do he loves to apply that little bit of pressure and then bam slaps you slaps a castle in your face and you just while you have been building up armor to potentially deal with the pressure suddenly there's a castle there and you're like you're unable to engage ever and then it's just such an awkward spot uh yo we'll lose a villager here though on the front but the magnum is now out and literally gonna see it and yeah they're just gonna have a tough challenge ahead of him but he's getting those upgrades on the eagles so massing those eagles could be key for him but i still feel like yo just has enough knights has enough crossbows and there's the castle in the face you know what i love about the timing on yo's castles as well and you've experienced this he does it in 50 50 army situations where the armies the fight would be close where maybe if they were to fight you they would like clear out most of yo's army but they have to choose between stopping the castle and taking the villes and thus losing the fight or not losing the fight but letting the castle go up like right now it looks like leery could maybe consider taking an engagement you have the monks out you have the eagles out but can he do it viper great house by yo as well here making the eagles enabling getting big magnum shot as well he makes the eagles unable to fight and still it's not it's not evil warriors his eagle scouts they can never engage this and the castle will go up and larry can't do anything about it wow this is crazy yeah like lyric now it's gonna feel so much pressure is like y'all could easily behind this just stop production put some more wheels on gold even go to imperial age and larry has to make so many units now to just try his best to survive and not die to this pressure yo missing ballistics now ballistics would have been crucial for him to keep uh dealing damage here but still that castle is just such a dominant strong castle yo is just so fun to watch strategically and leary's really oh as he gets three nights off he could only pull those back and save them that'd be helpful but leary's really in need of some type of a counselor but at the same time he constantly needs to defend himself this is rough the issue for lear's situation right now i feel like if i was playing i would think that i have a better economy because i look at the score and i'm like well he has a massive army and he's just a hundred points ahead yeah i probably have a better eco right but he's actually 10 wheels behind as well crazy there's just he always just had in every single way and literally not going for a counter attack but everything is going to run into his walls unless yo overchops on the bottom side and yo should have the time to react and respond exactly what he wants to yep you always just seen it all man he's experienced it all we'll see it we'll probably see a palisade attacked here by the eagles and it would be insane for yo to be able to react to this but it's kind of expected of him and yep he he sees it and he'll plop down some houses i think he's gonna be okay and no overall chopper yeah oh but he responds nice time in there wait what the eagles came in i didn't see that and then at the same time leery is losing villagers underneath his town center viper so a lot of that two town centers yeah as well two eagles in for losing two town centers i don't know if that's worth it for leary yeah and besides this as well you're always making the switch to long swords and the eagles got in though no way he was broken in the end ah you're finishing the wall so the eagles will not get him but he's still losing some villagers but still you always 20 villages ahead now yeah yeah yeah larry might be thinking about imperial age with the situation but there's no defense now for the farming economy i'll literally look at that 20 30 villagers running away from the farms that's your whole food economy right there and and i was gonna drop the castle where the tc was but what would orlando say the ultimate get out of my game castle i would love for it to for him to build a tc there and steal the farms personally but i think that'll definitely seal the deal as the eagles are trapped in here now uh yo is gonna have the answer to them pretty soon uh knights and long swords will probably be on the way yeah it's already a couple minute arms out there and some nights and eagles are also a little bit hurt from the town center fire and town centers now with ballistics as well joe will clean that up easily the second castle is just asserting his dominance and they were just awkwardly transitioning all over the map now trying to find any resource that he can cling on to and collect for a while but i'm sure that joe is looking to finish this game as soon as possible yeah uh maybe one of those where it's the first game of a series and leary just wants to play on a little longer here but uh i think it's probably dawning on him that there's just no way back for him if he continues to play i think he's only going to lose more space and even if he doesn't lose more space is he tries to engage here next to this new castle oh big magno shot maybe nope never mind sorry it's not going to work out for leery and yep the gg is called what a game that was really fun way to start this all off indeed and uh it kind of was back and forth to josh from yo johan initiative leary dealt with that and really went aggressive and had initiative and then leery had the faster catalyst time had initiative then yo took back the initiative with that one crucial fight and after that big fight where leader leery lost all his skirmishers you'll never let the initiative go and those castles following up as well was just perfect play and very very well done by mr yoher what was it that went wrong for leary because remember he he defended from the drush decently he had the faster castle age he was the one pressuring you and then somehow it turned into two castles at his base was it the early engagements did he overextend possibly yeah i was definitely i mean he traded some archers initially right but that was a fine trade because he was switching into skirms anyway i think lyra was just a bit too greedy he wanted to go for skirms into eagles but those eagles eels never got upgrades so as soon as yo gets to castle which has the crossbow numbers and just mix in a few nights that fight will never end well for lyria so he probably overstayed as well come forward as well if he just fell back after like poking a little bit and i thought as well that i didn't think he would do a lead scrum right away i thought he would drop two tcs and then maybe do a lead scrum as larry hits the castle edge okay and so i feel like he rushed those upgrades a little bit at cost of his economy and then the upgrades didn't really give him anything anyway so yeah obviously you all just made all the right decisions and that's that's usually how you win games yeah wow wow strategy game making the right decisions woo we're bringing the good stuff here man um of course okay so i think stylistically before the finals if we would have discussed the pros and um cons for either player i guess their strengths and weaknesses we would have probably said that leary is the favorite going into any arabia style map would you agree with that um i think arabia at let's say top five top six level is very much 50 50 at this point okay i'm sure sure some players like hair leary will have the little edge and maybe like pure macro pure micro games but the civilizations within drafts are so important as well and it's not as straightforward as saying that yeah he's better than him anymore it's it's a lot about the sieves and how they approach the matchup as well but yeah i i do understand the concept of saying that lyrian hero hero in particular probably will be favored on arabia for the most part because there is very much suits their styles of play as well yeah okay well the lanes maps that were available that were not banned out uh and that did not include walls are all picked by leary uh and the next game is going to be atacama i've heard so atacama lands madness and gold rush has options talk to me about atacama this is the water version i believe it's the same exact version that people might have seen in the german championships the u.s championships and maybe others which civilizations have you seen as dominant on this version so the the first of all atacama is it's mostly inspired by the way they made it during red bull 2 i think where the water in the corners just add another aspect of um challenge to the players in terms of decision making strategy and so forth and i personally think the more options there are in ways to play the game i think is more exciting and more fun yeah because you can see so many different approaches and atacama is already such a specific map with the wood in the center that if you add those pawns to the side those pawns require wood to have benefits yep so it just adds another level of difficulty and um lithuanians come to mind you can go through the wood right away get those fission ships out asap you have cities like japanese i would say malay in the past but no longer anymore because of the fish traps not being infinite but yeah usually the hybrid saves so persians and we also see saves like maggars and bulgarians because of the early initiative they could have but i think lithuanians japanese these are probably the two go-to sieves and those are the sieves we're gonna see cool awesome yeah i think they'll be hopping in here um yeah i um i actually did some training games with jordan uh before uh i played in the tournament with this map don't ask me how the results went for me when we did the games please don't have to yep exactly and uh so anyways we also discussed the sieves and i did my own testing and jordan gave me his notes and basically we felt like lithuanians were the civ if you get that start down uh and i said all of this before leary played japanese against doubt yesterday and uh leary dominated with japanese so i don't think there can be any question over japanese vs lithuanians so it should be pretty pretty close i i only played this game once and that was against taro where he was lithuanians i was japanese i won that game as well but i don't think that end the game yesterday means the japanese are better but lithuanians usually should have a better early game and when doubt plays like he played obviously japanese will look better they're gonna just gonna put that out there thank you see i can't say it like that because i'm not as close to him but that was just bad man that was just not good hey you just said it well i didn't say it like you said it though you said it because the more rude tone i said okay yeah okay no but yeah like the way the outplay was just super confusing i think he as well if he re-watches those games he's gonna be like what was he thinking you know right yeah that's usually how it is um no but yeah i think lithuanians should be the best japanese right after them but it's still a very close game both sims are great fish and it always depends on the opening that's at the calm as well that's why also sieves like maggots are good options there because the early initiative and the power spike of that plus extra attack on scouts for example is massive and um we can see joe already getting his dock up and there we go kind of preparing for his own dock so not too far behind yeah so in the testing i did now granted i am not as good as as you or any of these players surprise surprise but i actually felt like the strategy where you build the dock before lumber camp ended up giving me better economy and solid feudal age times now i think the approach of just going to wood earlier is much safer and probably what most of you guys are going to prefer right because you're less about power spikes and more about overall efficiency but i i have been rather surprised that players haven't been doing that if you think there's 500 wood with the stragglers if you get five i think occasionally there's six you can get a couple fishing ships out before the opponent even has a dock so not the approach for you still will have a lead uh i also find it interesting that on this atacama generation they both are on a little nugget of wood which means they might need to relocate close to each other to that middle section sooner than most games yeah most spawns are seen as well have been like you don't spawn on the opposite side of each other you kind of spawn more like in uh like nine no i have to say like to the east and then to the northwest kind of so like super close to each other yeah right now it's like pretty much the longest distance you could have between the two players and um that probably makes it slightly less aggressive but yeah i mean they have planet would still but both them will have to transition to a bigger wood eventually as you're saying but to speak on your whole lumber camp before dark kind of thing it is definitely safer and i think unless you see like a player like max doing the dock before lumber camp then it's not good because he's a guy who will have tested it thoroughly and like if he has to figure out that i get a better economy with that then he will do it yep and if he doesn't do it then it probably isn't the case and um yeah sure you might get like a slightly faster fuel age time with better food but still i think you want the more stable wood income to have an easier transition into fuellage aha i just baited you into confirming that you should make a lumber camp before chopping your straggler trees regardless of the sieve that's all i wanted that's not true though [Music] okay all right fine i wasn't actually baiting you but uh dude the one time i spent like four weeks the first time louie the legends came out hammering home that people shouldn't chop their straggler trees a lot as yo sends a villager forward and then i watch you play some tournament game and you just chop them all right away with some funky build i wasn't happy with you i i have forgiven you at this point but it still brings back painful memories oh how can i live without your forgiveness oh i know this is unorthodox though that yo is sending this bill forward i don't think i've seen that yet on this uh this map version oh i i if i recall correctly i've seen it two times already this tournament two or three times i think you all did it as well in one game so uh did you see that huh yo scout just walked directly underneath leery's tc and leery didn't even react well you know these kids don't have the apm of the guys looked out so can't expect to see everything yeah but yeah i mean you always just improve the timing of this like right now he's arriving he's gonna build a dock and that's gonna be perfect timing yeah and when i've seen it being done previously the timing has not been as on point whereas now previous has usually been oh you could trap lyric scout by the way and he's doing it gate house and power said your scout is trapped uh lyric scout is trapped no way leery you can't let this happen and now oh it's double trouble and that scout will probably die to yo scout because yo will be in futile age faster yo is on point here man and he's been just like you watching all the games today uh for his audience on his stream so sick stuff yo is just building up so he can delete the palestine gate and go and kill the scout with his scout and the villagers supporting i'm not sure why he's not pulling the village as well okay it doesn't matter and yeah larry will have no scouting until he will not know that the dock of yo is there before the fire gallery hits his first fission ship and then it's kind of too late to respond and lyra is not even on stone lyrics going for the stable just like he did against doubt so probably yo saw the games they were played against doubt yesterday yeah and is playing exactly to counter that specific style and y'all right now looks again to be in a fantastic position he's just now adding a barracks which is a little awkward but you're never going to be able to have the barracks and the stable and the dock do you jump out here with one fire galley or two because it is japanese fish yeah you go right away you just want to force the issue right away and like okay because even if leery adds a fire gal himself by the time he has one fire you have two so it doesn't really matter for you and yo has already confirmed that there's stable opening for leery and when you're going scouts as well lucy you're starting scout is just so painful and again the late barracks for yo doesn't matter because i feel like yo again playing kind of blind heavy counter to exactly what lyria wants to do on this map and so far it's working out perfectly for him yeah it's so cool to see that because some players oh go ahead oh just that yo uh i think he spotted the dock from leery on the top side he did yeah yes he sees the dog he's sending a wheelchair right away no here it is gonna build a dog start fishing and when he has two fish and ship some there's gonna be fire gals there from mr yo this is so painful for larry this is so sick from yo i love it and it looks like he's even sending a villager to the south where leary's also going so it's like anywhere leary goes for fish yo is already gonna be there indeed uh yo might run into the villagers nope he actually dodges and doesn't see it so obviously larry has the mobility now with the scouts which is always nice but yo just has a clear edge winning the water in the bottom you couldn't stop fishing on the bottom which is exact exactly what it's doing as well and lyric still hasn't touched a single pile of gold meaning he will not ever be able to compete with the water yeah and there we go dock on the top side for yo and that's fish that lyria started fishing that's about to disappear as well also what i love about it is yo didn't get close to the dock in the north it's the small things right he didn't even let leary know that he spotted it because he was out of there the second that he saw that knowing that leery would react now leary does have scouts yo is trying to get some villagers to other resources soon so that's going to be something to keep an eye on and leary is transitioning into farms and has range tech coming in soon so crazy stuff yo even scouted the ball and dock now and confirmed it with the scout so he knows that there is a doctor you always on point this game man one point dude he scouted every pond with that scout and killed leery scout he's still keeping that active i i would have put that bad boy on auto scout a long time ago i cannot keep up with that it's not only that he has scouted the every every part of the map he has scouted and confirmed a dock in every corner of the map yeah right and that's something you usually never get well dream scenario he even walled in his villager in the south so he won't lose that ville and while then the villager in the north this is this is near perfect play right now i don't think there's any other way to say it and leary just doesn't know what to do he's one or two steps behind all the time yeah and larry is making fire guards himself now though he is on gold so he's making some arches making some fire galleys you're making the fire galley on the top side as well because he wants to try and at least save that pawn but you're already producing a second one there and only the bottom palm is where i think that lyrium might be okay yeah but even there you're always producing a second one lyric only has one crazy now yo uh starting to play tower defense at home he's got zero farms he he doesn't have many on berries so i do think there is a concern with balance he's committed a lot to the pawns could win the puns but might need to think at some point about doing some other things for food but he's repairing his fire in the south leery can't do that and if leary doesn't pay attention there he's going to be down to fire galley yeah uh they're pulling it back now he's gonna repair as well he does have a villager himself but he accidentally clicks fishing oh what oh that is so sad he started fishing with woman so she didn't repair him in time oh that is so sad for larry and yeah you're making two fire guards in the top though he wants to compete for that pond uh joe isn't fishing there though so i think yo is fine with that and resources as well looking quite healthier for yo to be transitioning towards the castle age quite soon but then again larry he's adding a healthy foodie on land yeah got solid amounts of farms and still has some fission ship active so no matter what if you look at the village account or economy count leery is still very close to mr yo yeah i talked about it a lot in hidden cup which had cross um i think you need balance on these maps and i'm a little concerned that yo hasn't made any farms you know even without horse collar get some food income it looks like he's going down approach adding a market at home maybe just wants to buy his way up but uh lyrics no doubt approach okay fair enough uh decent assessment i suppose uh but wait a second didn't you in doubt die in the same stage of the tournament viper exactly is that why you're so disappointed i went i went that approach oh okay it makes sense wrong training partner i guess tattoo was busy or something well i didn't get to train too much to be fair but honestly i don't think they'll train the single set for the tournament uh if i recall correctly they are maps that most players are going to feel familiar with so there is some there is some uh argument to be made that maybe you wouldn't need as much what a game we have here yoast clicked up but leery's going to be right behind him yeah and larry wins back to pond in the top so that's a small victory also kept one fish and ship alive to begin with and now already start adding fish himself um and yo on the bottom not reacting lyric popping out three fire galleys and yo was still busy shooting at a parasite and literally winning back two pounds so suddenly it's two to two pounds yeah oh you're always doing a tower on the gold on the bottom left with the dog filter bottom left oh that one i was like left side yeah that didn't make sense there broke the wall though that's the downtime not the end of the world for yo because he's already on stone that would have been pretty ambitious to say the least because i think he'd have to fully wallet in as well yep i think we're about to see some knights though viper it would make sense the stable's already up for leary and we do have lithuanians involved then yo is making his stable so they're coming yeah larry's going crossbow though he's still commenting on the archers and i expect that to be crossbow i don't see a second stable i wouldn't be surprised to see cavages either yeah but yo will definitely go for i would expect it to be double stable so far only adding one stable kind of one of each build right now um but yeah if you look at the economies of course leary doesn't have wheelbarrow which eo does but larry has five more economic economic units um what is this galley where is he queuing up a galley what oh he wants to hit the gold from the water with the galley on the left side [Laughter] well that's funny i mean he might need to get bodkin for that to be hugely effective but again what is a good job from leery uh as you're gonna see him come forward with these crossbows and yo oh no viper that is not a good town center spot yeah if he reacts in time he will not lose too many bills because the defensive leader lyric does he have 20 seconds to wait until his upgrades kick in if not joe might save more wills than he would have liked lyric could in theory just wait until the crossbow is there there now he sees it and he's probably going to lose a couple of hills here there is no ants yet the knights don't even have bloodlines from yo here so after all is said and done i think lyrics in a pretty good position yeah yo put a lot of effort into the puns but he didn't end up winning all of them and he never transitioned his economy so he doesn't have good eco he doesn't have good eco upgrades he doesn't have good military now in castle age as a result just regular skirmishers just knights without bloodlines and someone like leary is going to be able to pick the proper spots here yo is going to have to stabilize his economy somehow and i feel like maybe his eco is even worse than it should be because he's had so much stone 400 stone in the bank right now yeah uh worth pointing out though as he always taking back the ponds both in the south and in the north okay so that fish will go will disappear again for lyrics so after that suddenly military counts again or economy counts will look very similar but still the biggest issue for you was that tc got tonight you always being active with the knights and the spearmint on the front though but the earlier we should have enough to defend for now yeah it looks like larry will clear that good micro there from yo though he he was able to get some good value maybe he'll be able to get out oh and a crossbow coming in now on joe's woodland joe has not reacted yet he has three nights there though with upgrades he could potentially jump on this uh larry not scared though wants to take the fight he can microwave he can four shot these knights yo looks like he just wanted to buy some time but yeah you'll need more upgrades on these nights if he wants to be able to deal with what is actually a quite a low number of uh crossbows from the area but they're doing a lot of work we don't see a second tc for leary he's actually on stone i think we could see more a lot more fortifications in the middle in the form of towers and maybe even a castle as joe is going to run out and finish his tc now um he's okay larry already lost one villager on the gold on the left side to the war galley and he's now having to pull other villagers tonight to another gold and that's not a tc again that's a mining camp and you're all now dropping the third tc in the center as well suddenly long term you you start to think that yo is putting yourself in a better position definitely and eco counts pretty similar uh yo still refuses to build a farm which bothers me so much but i mean he's making it happen here and he the tc spots are on that center area of wood that players would eventually have to push towards and here comes yo looping around a great job from leary good defense yeah very nice quick was indeed then i'm starting to think maybe okay lee was doing a tease now i was wondering if he was saving the stone to drop a castle in the center i'm also thinking for yo's case maybe he can drop a castle and get the unique tech which will give his town centers plus three range that will pretty much nullify any potential damage lyric could do and that will be an option to consider but yeah still quite a bit away from a castle drop here for you and again joe has the mobility and lyria has a lot of exposed resources so i like that for you but again i feel the score is way in favor of you even though that doesn't really uh explain how close this game is right now yeah you're right about that i think that yo is going to start to make some proper transitions economically which i've been calling for for maybe too long uh he's got a relic already i mean all these things seem to be working well for him and it's always a concern when you see a player like leary running back home with crossbows that's not what he tends to do and all the knights yo needs to react here yeah under the tc they also passed a mock of yo here and you're losing two wheels there not the end of the world could have been worse but he reacts in time um yeah worth pointing out again that yo got wheelbarrows so early in feudal age or quite early in fuel lich and he's just now placed in the first farms what effect does wheelbarrow have the most on or what what does wheelbarrow affect the most and that is the farms and just now we have the first farms you know it's very strange well i love how with the vision of the galley on the left he's able to see the gold now and he just keeps coming back to it and leary i think his apm is better used elsewhere i don't think that quick walter would have saved the situation too much as he loses more villes and he heads over to the gold but wheelbarrow also makes your villagers faster when you're running from knights so there goes yo yeah makes sense right yeah uh yeah that tower will probably go down you always very likely to lose a couple of bills here let's see if he runs away when he sees them okay he's two monks so yo will come in just in time to save that uh very nice reaction from yo and right now joe's just defending using a few knives to counter raid and defending with oh my god there's the castle and you're doing his own castle and then we canceled it and that lyric comes with his castle how does what what do you do you can i don't know what to say i don't know what to do but he's going to make his own castle i don't think that castle reaches the villagers though because yo only has fletching so cast of muyo will go up faster but i think the castle from there will go up as well and suddenly we're thinking okay whoever makes imperial age faster might have an edge here yeah and i think you always looking easier like better to transition to the imperial edge than lyrium well yo is going to ram that down and leary doesn't have an answer to ramps he doesn't have a siege workshop out so yes but if yo instantly responds with rams what she's doing you leery could lose that castle but that was crazy i mean that was almost picture perfect tile per tile there as yo is gonna bring in relic number three which is huge yeah we always a lot of islands whereas 13 villages sitting in the castle right now i'm not sure if he realizes that they're all there lyrics building up petars what not sure if that is an attempt he's also making a sea workshop he's making a manganal now so he will have the units there to deal with the ram okay but yeah i'm not sure why you're always still sitting with 13 villagers inside the castle that seems like obviously yeah i don't know do you um he also tasked his castle to leary's castle so he's not hitting the crossbows right now and there he fixes that but do you get vodka in yo's position just for your castle and you know maybe tc's i think i would rather hear like you always can almost stop a second castle but i think in this case it might even make sense for you to sell the stone buy food and rather go to the imperial age okay uh he's still producing villagers though so but i feel like in this case it's just just get to imp trap down the castle and the game is kind of heavily in your favor and could maybe pressure this southern side of the woodline like the south middle-ish and that's where joe wants to drop a castle right now and even more ambitious i would i would like for that to be further forward but he doesn't really have military so yeah can't really support that indeed now the crossbow numbers of lyria are still the main issue but yeah yo going in the tops is now picking up another relic and joe is closing in on having all five relics yeah i'm not sure where the fifth relic is you can't really see it it might be in the hand oh yeah it's in the center yeah yeah so yeah looking like yo might even be able to get all five relics long term well that matters for the gold but also if he makes knights and i don't think even with relics you necessarily want to make a ton of nights against japanese in fact the only knight he has is a knight he converted from leary that doesn't even benefit from the attack upgrades so yeah um good and exciting i know that it just feels so satisfying to get that but at the same time you probably might want to opt for skirmishers if you're yo and you called it market abuse looks like yo is really thinking about going imperial age here yeah here is uh i have to point out the lyric i think feel like he has done a better transition to land economy yeah his farming setup looks bigger bigger he has more food compared to yo though long term that could really benefit him because joe is not really committing heavily on the farming yet he has some fish on the top on the right side and even on the bottom side now but he's farming it was still not very healthy so that's something your really should probably focus on getting up and running but yeah yo with some monks and a manga in the center as well trying to put some pressure on there's woodland and what happened to yours castle ghost castle has gone down i assumed that the batards that were in there with the capture age to watch the castle disappear oh lyrics sent seven patards in seven almost yeah he almost finishes up the castle survived with 79 hp and then the castle of lyric finished the job seven yeah you need eight to get a full hp castle so i'm just surprised it took that many he also lost four nights or four villagers to a knight with no upgrades underneath his tc at the same time so that's kind of a problem as you see the archer ranges for yo so he will be going elite skirt and lithuanians you think about their knights you think about their start with all their extra food but their skirmishers are insane what would leary do against that man this is going to be brutal for him yeah military difference as well getting quite massive now in favor of you he has 101 economy units to 75. and with the fasting privilege as well the skirmish will surely buy him enough time to transition to whatever else you want to do as a follower yep and with the castle as well you always um doing a second cast on the top side now as well as getting good trades with the magnet in the center looks like it's gonna be one for one trade in the end at the end of the day whoa or not who even gets to kill is he gonna auto attack okay never mind i thought he'd lose it viper and and yeah what do you do to stall out right now if you're leery because that's what he needs right he needs to to stall things out but it's tough to do that on that tacoma well killing a lot of ills on the woodland on the right side is a good start for there is still no ballistics though so it's not as much guaranteed damage unless you're on top of the units but yeah you're coming in with some elite skirms now still missing armor upgrades on those but finally again and yo also has ballistics so i don't think lyra will ever escape this as leo is trying to dodge but yeah scrum's moving faster for lithuanians as well castle very lucky he will indeed uh yo immediately two trebuchets in production and lyric going for samurai he has done some infantry upgrades and now a sixth samurai i guess to try and they or they have special attack against unique units so kind of makes sense but at the same time samurai is probably not a reliable unit here as he moves out on the top side as well and runs straight into your second castle yeah leary probably just hit him that there's nothing he can do he will lose his castles if the answer to skirmisher was samurai he's not going to have the building that creates them and man what a game from yo i mean early futile was just a master class and while it looked a little iffy and leery responded well i'm still just so satisfied watching that that was so cool yeah very much strategic and you can tell that yo i'm not sure if like i had done his homework you can say based on lear's playstyle because lyric just does exactly what leo does he plays what he thinks is the best approach and exactly the same date against doubt it worked out against doubt and yo watch this that game and what does yo do he just does exactly the right strategy to counter the way that he wanted to play yeah and it just worked out perfectly the way he always on top of the scouting like finding the docks in the bottom dock on the top clicking the dock on the left and the right start just put them so far ahead and um and lyra just struggled really to catch up really had to make like compensate in different areas of the game and then that didn't really work out either but at the same time credit to leery he managed to stay in the game for a long time i think a lot of people would have just fallen out quite fast based on the opening yeah but lyra did some counter attack with the crossbows and made it a close game still but in the end you're just able to take his early lead and bring it home based on that start i did not expect that game to go imp that's how dominant it looked and leary he held on there and gave himself real opportunities but yo with a really solid position 2-0 isn't necessarily enough where you start to get ahead of yourself if you're yo especially against leary leary's had some comebacks but um to to win on arabia and then win on atacama again maps where maybe many might favor leary over yo is good for yo as hit all of his home maps are still banked up and we won't see them unless he loses a game exactly and so far so good 2-0 for you and islands the os islands as a home map nomad you feel like nomad is a map that should favor you yep islands is a map that could go either way oh an arena as well it's like none of these players are clowns so yeah it's like it's i would feel very very comfortable right now if i was in yo's shoes true yeah i think leary and yo have made some equally questionable decisions on arena based on some of the games i've seen um but up next will be either lance madness or gold rush so i guess if we try and speculate here on what sieves might come i mean sieves are going to be there there's still plenty of sieves remaining but let's just say it's going to be gold rush next what direction do you think leery will take this uh if look at the civilizations here and lyra still has aztecs open i think aztecs kind of leans well towards gold rush and orleans likes to play saves like malians and tatters there as well mullins is probably from nomad though so tatters i think makes a lot of sense for larry and if it is goldwish i would expect that on your side i guess khmer something like khmer or vikings yep probably for gold rush for him yeah i think that what would really be tough for you if flurry were to go gold rush now is he's going to be tempted to go khmer which is a solid gold rush div against moses but aztecs um i think aztecs can do quite well they don't have to worry about the scorpions and the the knights because they can just go for a lot of monks with their infantry so um it'd almost be better for yoe's long-term thought process and sieve selections to see land madness first because he knows what to go for that's his number one pick magyars um yeah either way gold rush is confirmed as map three so there you have it i'm gonna go to the bathroom quick list i'll be back in just two minutes okay sounds good all right so game three coming up yo is looking good the civilization's looking fairly even i think it's fair to say that leary needs a response here not sure what the viewers think the viewers always think the opposite of the casters at least me anyways it's probably the opposite anything viper says is taken as complete fact regardless and i'm questioned a little bit more but rightly so rightly so i think i think we we're in different spots in our careers um but anywho i'm curious to see how this goes and i i am just astounded at yo's level i mean the scout man it's really the small things that sometimes get me because there's so many things that players have to do it's already so complicated that weak scalp from the trap to the confirming in every single pond was just a work of absolute art beautiful i rarely get chills in age of empires but i got chills watching that and i say rarely because you get used to the quality that's around and it's so so high and that was just even higher and leary might be thinking oh is it not my day what's the situation right so uh we'll know soon enough i suppose also i have absolutely no clue if viper has muted me on his side so this is awkward but if he did not um i hopefully i'm giving some insight before we get here when you see genius you get chills pretty much cornish penguin pretty much now i'm not gonna tell jokes about viper that's unfair to viper i would never do that he's not here why would i make jokes about someone when there's already so much that's been said by others i'm kidding it's a see that in itself was a joke about not making a joke that is what we call satire and not at all serious okay game three will be on gold rush and i think they've launched it so at least confirm the sieves here um viper doesn't know the tricks yet because he's kind of new to this casting scene but it's pretty unprofessional for him to have to step away to go to the bathroom you need to have a catheter in before you start a big day of age of empires that's what that's been the medicines 2019 i have a sheet of casting tips i'll pass along to viper later and hopefully he will provide a better experience for the next tournament he hosts it will be vikings aztecs for the next game and what i would call a must-win game for leary and i'm going to try and be respectful and wait a little bit for viper but uh we are we do have the game here so i'll talk about general things all right i'm like ah he's back awesome viper it's it's viking vikings versus aztecs a very functive matchup to talk about i'm glad you're back i was going crazy without you all right yeah that makes sense make sense yeah vikings i mean okay so think to arabia when aztecs was always picked what sieves did people pick to counteract not only in red bull but also on random map yep king of the desert what sieve did they pick to counter aztecs vikings exactly 1090 well done 10 points to gryffindor so yo again with i assume expected lyra to go for aztecs and ghost vikings yo is just making all the right decisions and in theory vikings is a really good counter for us because you have the amazing infantry you have the amazing economy and you can compete on every front with the aztecs so yeah it would be very interesting to see how leery decides to approach this if he goes for the massive eagle play if he feels comfortable just going for crossbows war against vikings and yeah if he all gets to like a later situation where he can have berserks running roaming the field he will be very happy with his shoes situation this is a normal gold rush map generation on drugs look at every other map gen on gold rush and that's gold rush and then this is your gold rush on drugs uh gold positions are extremely awkward look at leery barry position is beyond a woodline which is also awkward uh then you look at joe's position i mean it's not quite as bad but even his goals are awkward so uh this is potentially going to be a very different gold rush game because they have to adapt their approach to not only their map but the opponent's map yeah i wonder if they will if even if they scout the gold position of the opponent i'm not sure if they can justify with with the distance between them it's a super long distance from player a to player b so like trying to make something happen with this distance is very difficult and uh we see yodo going for the primal drush and he doesn't have lume yet and lyrics eagles is about to pop in and they're sure that wants to have some hits on this villager but it's still so close to the town center that you'd imagine that joe will get saved back home and will leary react yeah good job from leary we should see a gate here yeah yeah and another gate another gate to too much to ask for there yeah good job best thing for yeah a good thing for y'all now is the eagle is chased to run the other direction meaning he will not spot the barracks and funnily enough the barracks the intention of this militia that joe has made is not to be a part of a bigger rush it's to have an alliance chase him across the map into the economy of leary and with the bearers being so far away and look what yo has scouted do you have any idea what the direction this militia is taking right now they're gonna go directly underneath the town center or to the berries one or the other i'm not sure i'm not good enough to be able to call it viper help me out you're the pro caster here when it's a wolf you say woo-woo-woo when it's a group of lions what do we say i don't even want to try that only trying to wall off now but the militia is coming just in time and again lyric has to make some insane quick balls now not only here but also on his berries and he is going to pull them off but either way no matter what this is just so annoying and the lions will oh he gets in as well no way ah delete delete the militia delete the militia of okay i think yo misplayed that a little bit he should just delete the militia as soon as he was in uh just to make all the lines spread on the villagers and this is idle time for lyric it's annoying but you know what in the end i don't think this was necessarily it wasn't a big investment for you but if you calculate the resources leary lost now with all this idol time probably was more than 80 resources that you all spent on the militia i i think that was a massive misplay i think he should have deleted it either by the berries or by the waldenville because the only way that that gets dealt with is villagers have to fight that are very far away from the tc taking it close to the wood line there might be more villagers there but that's the result so i think leary's going to be very very uh he's going to be thanking his uh he's going to be happy sorry words fail me that that happened that way as he didn't even have loom yeah no definitely like just leaving the the militia at some point when it's in within the vicinity of uh lyrius villagers and there were also like for example his bears he had 16 uh fruit left on those so if larry wasn't paying attention he could have easily over foraged yeah and those lines would have been in so yeah a little bit of potential kind of missed out on there for you but yeah you're securing this whole map here and the josh was still annoying for there to deal with and they're both gonna transition into a castle age here quite nice and safe so follow a little enough five sorry let's say three years ago with vikings i think it was a common strategy to see fast castles right um archery civ decent eco and you know that that's what you'd see now you don't see fast castles with vikings as frequently because more and more players are taking advantage of free wheelbarrow so it just makes more sense to go aggressive in feudal age that way you can take advantage of your eco bonuses sooner rather than later with all that said is this not better for aztecs to have a fast castle war because it keeps vikings further away from that bonus um so you're saying that it's disadvantageous to go for fast castle because you don't get wheelbarrow but you know that when you get to castle age you get hand cart okay all right what i mean okay that's true that's true you're just ignoring that fact no no we're just listen it's very important to use whatever facts you have to back up your points as a caster you don't necessarily have to present all the facts because all the facts might not back up your your point viper come on man okay okay gotcha i got you but i mean as i look at the positions right now joe had to make a barracks yo doesn't have the rez to click up leary will have the rez to click up so it looks much better for him yeah i'm not sure what you all did with his economy why it's so uh so off and also i don't really like the way he was walling the left side i feel like that could be more effective but okay but yeah you'll say castle jean is going to be put off quite a bit here and uh it's interesting that he goes for a stable lyric is going for the market blacksmith so there is very likely just going to play full eagles here and yo with stable probably not the best response to eagle for a viking player yeah that was the other thing i was thinking of it's just you're you're also giving the vikings a hard pass to be able to get to that eagle war but you know a point you brought up earlier just because the maps are a bit more open doesn't mean you can just comfortably go fast futile there's lines you'll run into unintentionally yeah players are really far away from each other so i think it does make sense to just kind of pre-determine your strat when the game starts i think yo has made a bit of a misplay with the use of his scout as well here um that scout should have been on the front of lyra's base the whole feudal age just to find out what exactly deer is making and just now he's gonna confirm that it's multiple eagles and i think if y'all saw this earlier he might have just gone barracks market and even played uh mana arms himself potentially okay so but yeah there's no second barricade for lyra so it still seems like maybe just arena style where you maybe make a couple eagles make a monastery try to get some relics and kind of take it from there so maybe this table is actually even a better play with that in mind both players having some of their gold outside of their walls the difference being that yo has a four tile gold outside his walls and he's working with three and then leary's working on four with three outside of his walls so i'd say advantage leery in both aspects both eco at least for now as we see supplies for you but also just that you know the timing um eagle massing does take a bit of time you're gonna want to get the monks out get the upgrades so the longer leery can can uh chill here as you could say he's he's gonna be happy yeah this doesn't feel like big commitment though from leery yes he has a lot of ills on gold i'll give you that but there's a second tc there's no sign of eagle warrior upgrade yet although it could come very shortly and i'm not sure if double barracks supplies my arms is really worth it right now to counter this maybe like 3tc behind walls and then switch to backs might have made more sense for you but yeah he's committing on the backs and who knows maybe he even stays like goes like super aggressive in the castle age or yeah even dropping more farms you only stick some wood right now wow to me that seems like someone that is not planning to add economy and rather wants to defend a big eagle play and yo it's not reacting either the eagles are through on the top side but lyra for some reason does not go inside and you always just chilling there mining gold as if you knew this was happening like okay do you think it's fair to say that he got distracted because there were two areas where there was attacking on his walls i i sure hope so else he has the ball so yeah you don't need to describe his his parts it's all right but okay it's open for later if if leary wants to arrive but man like that's that stuff descri it frustrates me so much because i would never have that happen to me any 2k1 2k2 is gonna send everything through there and i'm gonna die and then i'm gonna say this is why i cast but no okay at the highest level the open classic finals and he just doesn't run in there like come on man yeah so they all has three men arms so far uh long stories on the way and there was a couple of years old monks on the way is going to start picking up relics i i feel very is currently transitioning better but the thing here is depending on how many militia or middle arms or long swords rather that yo commits to um he might have to just play an all-in aggression in the end here yeah because if he doesn't add teases soon then uh yeah you know what there's a big chance joe doesn't even realize he's open on the left side yeah i don't think he destroyed it yeah they're distorted and left i would know that i would know that there was a hole there but it would be too late and i'd be dead because they'd actually go in and here comes leary and yo uh maybe hoping to surprise leery as he saves a villager or oh actually it's really close he might lose a villager to a wolf on the right viper or a lion excuse me oh the scout not helping okay he does survive but yeah this is joe's plan now he's going to go forward siege and he's going to go full out with the long sword aggression here yeah and larry has still making eagles double barracks eagles even an archery range being dropped now so he wants to make a switch into some crossbows as well but he still has three monks and those monks are going to be crucial to what is happening right now getting sanctity now so he'll have so much more hp uh hopefully he doesn't waste his conversion there oh the scout comes in this is before sanctity but that was a really fast conversion yeah he did move the conversion from the knight over to the scout and yeah obviously there's three monks there now they all burn their juice though so in theory this would be the perfect time for you to charge but uh yeah you don't feel safe enough to go in yet and lyric scouts this and has kind of good track and control over what's happening right now villager count six in favor of leery but joe obviously does have hand cards lyra doesn't even have wheelbarrow yet though by the way so that's a bit of a an ugly one but yeah double range now for lyric making that archer transition happen then the thing though is yo is making scorpions he might mix in some magnets as well and his army from york could be really hard to stop very soon i think that well what yo is doing is probably what you should aim to do against this civilization hasn't quite been at the time that he needs as he makes another barracks forward also a side note just in case he runs out of gold and he is working his way through it uh there's an eagle patrolling on that gold outside of his walls so maybe in a crucial moment in five to ten minutes that eagle will snag a few villager kills but it's going to be more about this big fight if leary can get a conversion with every monk as yo goes in with scouts here i think that leary's going to be in a really good spot to get a win yeah larry does have a couple crossbows now numbers are growing five monks as well even third archery range i still know about canary though for leery that's probably something you should prioritize and uh yeah monks again the monks have how much people have now they have 50 hp already so nice thing for y'all having the stable is that he can make those scouts to try and snipe the monks oh what they're saying villagers out he didn't know about the siege viper he really wanted to go for a town center there and the monks don't have redemption but they won't die to one hit and that is the power of god good conversions there for leary good defense huge clear up yeah your pressure those pressures is shut down in an instant the thing is this pressure came at 24 minutes when they have been encased for seven eight minutes already it just feels like it comes so late here that literally had all the time in the world to respond and now yo when you see the guy who is going for something like this adding town centers that's when you know that he as well realize that this pressure did not work as intended yeah and he's going to realize he's really far behind now too based on how he's played this but you still play it out you might get lucky and maybe leery will have a small misplay um here come the villagers to the golds so that would be nice for leary if he spots that and uh you know aztecs just have no weaknesses man they have no weaknesses open maps closed maps it feels like they're always up there in the conversation they can do everything excellent economy excellent military and really tough to find an answer unless you completely outplay them oh yeah indeed uh makes a question as well if yeah i feel like that like your's reaction upon seeing the eagles was instant supply second barracks yeah but the barracks were all at home yo had all the vision with the scout where the eagles were i didn't feel like he was under any threat yeah at that point in the game so maybe just adding tcs and adapting more which is kind of what is the strength of vikings because you have that super strong economy uh could have been a better option but obviously in hindsight everything is way easier yeah yeah i think you're right he had only seen one barracks uh as an opening for leary yet he played it as if leary was going three or four barracks all in against him yeah exactly and you can understand why he would think that because that's what aztecs would normally do big moment in the middle old nice magnet l shot leery not paying attention to his archers for once well the issue though is that there are still five monks there light kev are getting on top of them but still those monks have so much hp and if y'all keeps chasing it it's gonna be five conversions and yeah jojo says he has no way of engaging this at the moment and i don't see a time or place where he can even doing redemption now which is gonna add another five hp to the monks and let him convert siege i just don't see a point where joe can possibly snipe those monks either with this light cap that is making yeah especially now they are getting so tanky as well the only thing that leary was the missing ingredient for leary to fully control the middle and probably win this game was redemption he has that he converts all the knights and all the siege and then the archers kill everything else and he still has a villager lead and it's now 25 or so bills with yo outside of his eco taking gold and that's easily raidable so joe's gonna probably go for one big push here viper and i think he's he's hoping redemption won't be in and he's gonna find out the hard way that it is leery in the base of jonah as well broke through the gate and is attacking those villagers on the wood and notice lyrics overchopped on his own woodland as well so if you all just went there he could have potentially done a lot of damage yeah but as you said this this game will now come down to the big push i was making and with a 20 villager lead for larry unless he takes some massive hits there on the the crossbows oh there's a conversion happen really fast the other man with him great great move by leery yeah good job to to focus that after the conversion that was one of the fastest conversions i've seen in this tournament but i don't think there's any doubt it was going to get converted anyways so no need to get too upset about it and leary's just pushing out across the map right now there's just nothing yo can do yeah larry also moving to make a tc on the stone on the right side who's gonna have four tcs now and he's looking towards imperial as well as well if you look at his resources yep and yo again just miles away but we know yo as well he's not a player to resign early until it's like super over true and uh rightfully so he should play on until he thinks it's over but looking from our perspective right now it's looking so so good for larry and leo would have to make massive massive mistakes to actually lose the game from here okay viper it's time i have a question for you i've been waiting since the last time we casted together which has been a bit to ask you this last time we were casting together i asked you how the monk inside the relic trick was working and you said that you didn't want to spill your secrets because you didn't know if they would fix it and it was helping you and they fixed it and i want to know how you were doing it because i like i was testing and pressing hotkeys and doing all this crap and i couldn't figure it out that's mtc by the way about to go down to long swords yeah probably not the best tc to do imperial legend the most exposed one but yeah okay liver doesn't cancel either so he will just have to reposition that in privilege well if if you're always gonna make a comeback moves like this is what's gonna make that comeback happen right here we're clicking up in another um it's easy now and you'll just oh i would have loved it it was that easy the next in line that it was pointed in to make it a little more exciting look at the score it's after lyrically oh you all got in y'all got in and also and also joe is sending bills to castle drop where leary has no military don't tell me this is going to be possible lyric also doesn't have stones larry cannot make cast a castle himself and he's losing villages now i was also going to have 20 villagers right yeah it shouldn't be possible he deletes the magnel he runs away with the long swords the castle's on the way up leary hasn't reacted yet viper's finding more and more reason not to answer my question he's very happy that joe is coming back because he doesn't want to tell people in case the bug comes back next patch um but it still looks like leary should be able to win this with arbolest uh we have a few moments though viper tell me tell me tell me how did you do it well we have the castle is almost up uh it's not gonna be the night though and uh jonah can start taking gold in the center is doing another manganelle but yeah let's just see now upon larry hitting imperial she's gonna get arbless obviously he has he has 44 crossbowmen on the map the issue for leo right now is that he keeps chasing units of yo around yes and if you look at the score it's getting so close and joe has 40 long stories himself that is that is a lot of long swords also he could get a big mango shot and a big delete here next to the siege workshop but he didn't eject it yet um okay it's not going to be as exciting as i thought and it's actually possible that the magnel ejects when the siege workshop gets converted eventually yes there it is yeah he was going to go in for rams he wants to make a big push happen now he should expect that lyric is on the way to him given how this game has played out so far and yeah but then again he was doing a fantastic job at buying himself some time uh he probably has to make some sort of skirmisher switch or something to buy him time as well against these artists you always go for a tc in the center just after 30 arbless or crossbow passed and lastly what what better time you know what game sense if you could even call that game sense as leery arrives here and yeah i mean he's been working with so many long swords and oh leary didn't react here he's losing all the arboles that's the whole defense he was counting on those units to defend his base while he was counter-attacking with the other crossbow and yo cleaning up most of them and can now start working on town center he's ramming down the other town center i mean yo is not making this easy for leary let's put it that way but i think the fact that he delayed the ranges is huge there's still so many arbs at yo's base i think it was a mistake for yo to make the ranges there he could have ranges up in the back of his base and if he had that he could have skirms coming out but the long swords are still slowly going down even though they're getting value in leary's base and leary's still way on top yeah they're just running through the tcfo as well on the on the main tco and yo certainly has half's economy idled and if you're always looking to have any way to come i mean look at your resources doing another castle now in center he has so much wood he could easily have had 30 squirms on the map at this point yeah that could have easily made this uh a very interesting game but now it feels like larry did stabilize enough he's getting his own castle as well and he's going to start trapping down the castles of yo and with the our blessed in your space idling everything in every angle i think yo has no way to come back from here great so it's perfect time to resume our conversation about the castle in the center to 90. look okay the castle's up now anyways let's resume our conversation about how you did that oh the game's over is over welcome to leery making this a closer set two one in favor of yo still they're taking the win with aztecs which was kind of i feel like leery played fairly standard and getting i don't care anymore yo well yo just kind of he went kind of too you always trying to be too smart that makes sense what do you think yeah yep it was a it was a game score is 2-1 i'm never going to get to know you're never going to tell us right okay i'll tell you tell me tell me yes so you have to click in a very specific angle when you're like about to drop the relic the monk has to be pointing a very specific angle for the relic to drop on point on top of the monk is it diagonal is it is it northeast is it north is it south what angle why do you have to know that specifically i mean we can't do it anymore what's the point what's the hurden telling us it's an old bug you know you just don't want to tell us well okay so the way you do it is clicking the drop relic hotkey okay while clicking them at a specific angle sure you're so you're full of something that i won't say because i know you're streaming too and i don't know what you want on your channel but jeez dude you are like like pulling teeth getting information out of you yes full of is what you're full of viper anyways uh game four's coming up we can i've given up hope now so we can move on back to the series but okay i'll tell you for real now okay i'm not even gonna i don't even trust no i don't even trust you no i know you won't trust me but this time i'm telling you the uh exact way to do it okay you click drop relic hotkey that's not true because i tried i told you i tried this a bunch of times it's my fault that you don't know how to click the hotkey i set the hotkey with no intention of using that hotkey for any other reason i would never use that hotkey if i was actually being attacked by a unit i only wanted to do it to see if the trick worked i set a new hotkey and it still didn't work that's how i did it okay all right okay i can't explain it either i don't know why it happens sometimes and sometimes not but all i did was pretty much click the hotkey all right i at a very specific angle i trust you more than i trusted you at the start of this conversation that doesn't necessarily mean it's a lot um leary just lost or sorry just won his first game and now we get to see a yo home map we are going to see nomad so let's circle back to the sieves and is this pretty clear-cut is it going to be spanish for smallions yeah i don't see any other options considering the sieves they have and yo loves nomad yo loves to play spanish nomad i would enter this game feeling very confident about yo potentially uh making it 3-1 even okay now i guess we might want to wait a little bit until we get into the game to discuss it but my opinion on 1v1 nomad granted the version is way better than i i thought it would it would be for us and it's provided more balanced games but water just seems to be so important um do you feel like you almost always have to contest for water or can you get by with being greedy and giving up your fishing ships at some point well yo yo's playstyle in this spanish is fairly straightforward either he goes for a towel rush or he goes for fast castle conquistadors okay and that's also while not ignoring water so then you have to ask the question what is the best way to counter that now we saw taro against zio earlier taro did a really nice job initially making sure he survived the conclusive pressure and can transition into a decent early imperial age but he was not finding the right angle or way to close out the game so it's it's tricky you i don't think you can ignore water at all but there's also has to be a question has to be asked how much do you come in water yeah at what point are you over committing on water and that's the difficult balance to find especially when you're supposed to deal with conquistadors on land and nomad conquistadors is like the worst you need to face because they just get everywhere and you feel like you have exposed resources everywhere and yeah it's just a nightmare speaking of nightmares you won't know this yet we're we're in the game here uh yo benefits from building his town center faster with spanish which is great and a bonus that works all around he doesn't really have a good map for resources here viper this is this is the rng that nomad brings to the table and up until this point my opinion of 1v1 nomad being a little risky for big tournaments has not really come to be but is this the worst map jen we've seen he can't get stone easily he can't get gold easily he's really going to have to treat this like a completely different game i feel yeah but then again stone isn't too far away if he looks to the right side or to the downside of course it is awkward to get there and actually take comfortably but it's not impossible right um but yeah it is definitely rough even gold for him can be awkward if leery gets some sort of controller waltzes in in some way so yeah definitely a bit of a rough uh position for yo there leary on the other hand kind of spawning in the middle of the map so yeah if conclusions start roaming the fields it's very awkward to defend when you are in the middle of the map sure so there's pros and cons to both things here and just to point out how we made this nomad map more fair is pretty much by trying to ensure equal village respawn distance between both players and also making sure no players can spawn next to the water so the reason norman has been so rng based in the past obviously spawning where he will spawn is a massive has a massive say on that but also the fact that a persian player for example could spawn with one villager next to the shore yep meaning you could make a doghouse start taking fish immediately giving persians and malians for example fantastic starts well the other guy could be spawning all three wheels across the different universes and having to meet up somewhere and yeah so pretty much no villagers can spawn next to the water and there's somewhat of an equal villager distance spawn which i think has worked out really well for this tournament as i think the tournament has been giving really good nomad games and i haven't seen a normal game where i felt like oh this guy had an unfair advantage because no i i agree you know i agree i just i'm my fingers are crossed this isn't the one but the thing about nomad is you can't treat it like the previous game where you just you just know what you're doing in dark age right you have ideas of your options but in the previous game they're doing one thing and they're going to castle h and here yo is going to have to make some some changes i feel based on his map and maybe it's the classic scout rush into tower rush which is always good for control uh as joe brings in this boar from very far away um that that i believe is what separates nomad from every other map it is you cannot always do the same thing yeah i like that joe did as well he went for the far board first just to like why not you know and you have the closer board for later and you already had a 100 thesis so just securing that long-term food eco and more efficient for him because he's gonna have what now four boars maybe even at least three boars and he also knows there is stone there he knows there's gold there so i feel like you're always still happy with this spawn it only needs like two towers as well to kind of secure the resource on the right side and there's also barriers there and you can see oh already preparing the walls he wants the wall of the map and that to me says that he wants to go straight for the castle age and straight for conquistadors by the way with a fantastic start he had two villagers more still yeah now has two population more and that is against amalias who gets a dog house and a town center immediately yep and the fishing ship too right you can do all that um because your buildings are discounted and you save all those resources i also prefer his dock position uh there's a lot more fish over there as opposed to leery who's kind of stuck and the the nomad-esque things that i always want to remind people of are so interesting you actually have yo scouting with sheep and he has scouted 50 of the shoreline so he has an idea that the dock is going to be more towards the left side for leary which also gives him the intel of i can play greedy my fishing ships are going to stay alive a whole lot longer if his dock is somewhere on the other side so i think yo as these crazy walls are going to come up uh map aside might just be able to close off the resources and he's not going to care too much yeah and with the dock being on opposite sides of the map obviously really good for the spanish player or the guy trying to go for the fast castle yeah and i mean it's we're nine minutes in and you always kind of already walled off half of the map so crazy he but like the way people are playing in spanish these days at least the most ways i've seen people try is by trying to go heavy water play yeah the issue with going have water play however is that you let the guy go conquistadors without any issues yeah and larry even now sending a villager to the left side i think he wants to make a second dock and the issue for him there is that leo's fish is on the other side yeah exactly so lyric yeah villagers are going back now though so maybe he i think it's because he he just lost his sheep do you see that sheep on the right shoreline moving away he just lost his sheep to that fishing ship and i think yeah you see the villager in the south now he's gonna dock closer to that side so that's really big call as he's even sending a fishing ship over so oh he's doing a dock on the top though oh he's doing both what that's a weird dock i guess i guess he wants to surround no but like there's terrible fish there as well which is unlucky but i guess he also feels like this villager needs to do something so it builds a dock which can be helpful anyway and then he just takes the short fish look at this yo oh wait a second hold wait hold on where'd he go for that stone i have no clue i had to double check leery he wants to show lyria what's coming no is he gonna cancel that mining camp nope he's just gonna take some food and then he's gonna drop it yeah is that why he went to that stone so he could take the food and build it that sounds like the only reason to me that you would take that stone not impossible but yeah yeah i definitely find it strange that you would go for the forward uh stone like this but then again he's good so yeah but that's also you always play spanish against other cities now normal 100 times and every time i think it seems like people just try to counter it by winning water and sort of getting into the castle age with good fish yeah so joe probably doesn't fear anything on land and that's why he just goes for things like this you know being in the middle is probably the worst thing for leary right now because when that castle comes up he can't wall himself at for viewers who saw the tattoo yo semi-final which for me i don't know if you agree that was the best set of this tournament so far though i haven't seen them all um insanely good set and tattoo took the water like leery's gonna attempt to do here and then he stonewalled and housewalled and just protected himself but i don't i would like to consider myself a pretty creative guy i i'm not creative enough to figure out how to full wall this with 200 stone it would probably take a lot more stone to be able to keep yourself safe here you're trying to make a dock on the top side he just did it just passing with a with a fire galley and he probably wants to consider moving some fish there eventually you can see what he's doing now he knows the fire gal is coming across if he's sending four fission ship to the corner and those fish and ship will try to circumvent the fire galley from lyria once larry starts engaging so joe wants to save for fish and ship that can go up and work and then he will just kind of let the other three fission ship be chased if that makes sense yeah he either saves three or he saves four that's that's the logic oh leery very clever though goes to the corner he knows ceo has done this multiple times before where joe hides the fish in the corner and just passes after there he catches one though but looks like three will escape and all you'll need is just a little bit of extra food to like have a little bit of extra food hitting into castellation you're always on the way up there though is building an archery range his resource is looking very healthy and he's going to try and compete with the uptime of yo the issue right now for lyrido is if you sends 15 villagers and just slaps that castle down on the archery range deliria the thing very thing lyric is trying to do now is to build counters to conquest that would just be shut down i think what he might well on the flip side if joe deletes his palace age which is what i think he'll do and places the castle as part of his wall not real as the leary's right there and the timing's right for leary leery could actually deny the castle foundation so the fact that they're right next to each other and of no clue is insane to me well leary sees the palisades i guess but he would never imagine that stone's being taken that we'll find out here in a sec well you know what i think it makes sense to check like he will probably think wait here's walden there's stone makes sense to check right yeah so i think the archer will go out right away and check that or not also i don't know um you could look at the fog of war and see that there's less stone there which i don't think should be part of the game personally i feel like you should have to scout it but okay he scouted it before so he could say okay he's on that stone because he could just simply see through the fog that stone's being taken so we're 30 seconds away from human catholics against taro what yo did was he deleted the palestinians palestine sent four villagers started building outposts to find the right location if he does something similar this time that will backfire heavily and and i don't know if larry notices this but it would be such a good play for leary to just wait a second or two and first thing yo does is click the water upgrades which is huge and he's done a good job saving the fish uh i think they'll both die in the north yep um and there's the castle lyra sees it what he sees it but he's probably not looking there right now and the longer it takes for later to react the better is for you here this castle is perfect for you you will probably have to commit a lot more villages you might even have to do a tower oh but yeah this could easily be a doubt castle and this is exactly what lyra needs wow you all have to send a lot more villagers and he's doing exactly that seven villages moving down from the top i think joe should even buy stone to build a tower here and then try to get the castle up because this castle is crucial you know what he's just gonna commit once he has more bills he's gonna send everything and i don't think lyra will have enough to stop this yeah i think i'd just like to see yo pay attention to his bills don't throw away bills cause leery's gonna have a really good water presence i say that as fishing ships could go down soon but just pull the weak ones away here yo this is for the viewers watching because i know people try and do what these players are doing at home this is only savable and salvageable with spanish if you don't have that building bonus that is trouble for you and i guess good reaction from yo in a really awkward situation for him and what's lear's answer yeah let's build a town center right next to the castle yeah that makes sense i mean i get it i get it he wants to secure that side of the gold income because that is his main goal income but it's also like just here make a manganelle right kind of thing so yeah but larry going for crossbow as the counter to konks i wouldn't really call that a counter kong's once you have one armor upgrade those kongs are so powerful and again yo is also kind of winning water at the moment although the fires on top side might go down here for you and the fish might uh go down as well so yeah there's the seizure shop coming up the crosstals will try to break through the wall but yeah as soon as yo has like four conchs i think those crossbows are gonna go down quite fast interesting water engagements because while yo was able to send units out faster leary's the one taking on fishing ships right now so really good job from leery there um and those fishing ships melt to fire ships granted yo will have his own in the uh western side but i think that's going to be dealt with if leery has reinforcements could be wrong though again if you don't have anything there right in that instant you are going to lose everything i must say i prefer joe's transition as well to land economy he has already taken to taking berries he's hunting deer yep and that just looks more healthy because in case the fish goes down he will have a more steady food income so if larry loses those four fish and ship now on the left side suddenly his food economy is halfed oh and yo it's just passing though so yeah that's good o'leary's not producing out of the dock if if joe sits next to the dock though and he's not didn't right-click the dock he'll still get fishing ships as they travel back there so i think the fishing ships go down anyway no he could oh no never mind we're good we're good we're good yeah and that's always something i need to notice it though so it's just pulling them back to another dock so it's nicely done by larry to spot that because there's a lot of things going on right now and you it's really hard to keep track of everything yeah you're i'm finally building a manganese well she's going to be able to put some more pressure on the buildings and also the crossbows cannot be moving around so comfortably anymore this is a close game yeah close game between two very good players and i think in these types of games when you're on game four you never want to go down 3-1 because the level's so high even if leary even steps it up which is so hard to do because he plays so good he's probably going to lose one game out of three additional ones if he loses here so he's got to respond to this i know tattoo used guard tower i'm not necessarily surprised because it is expensive but do you think that could have been an option for leary because he hasn't even considered it yeah but obviously would have to transition economy to stone and such so he wouldn't have this like that he wouldn't have the arches then for example to deny the castle or buy time for the castle and yeah it's just like like a series of events have to occur for things like that to happen which changes how this game has been played so far so it's hard to say if that would have been better or not at this point uh but there now looks like wants to go for a counter attack with a crossbow oops no he changes his mind he feels like he cannot abandon this area and the thing here is it's gonna be mangano crossbow against conquistador crossbow and conquistadors have a way easier way of killing mangonels meaning you can just jump in snipe the manganos and then get out of there again while leary cannot necessarily do the same leary needs excellent trades in a really awkward position and we know he's he's no stranger to that but uh it is putting him up against it here and i think it's gonna damage his ability to expand his economy he doesn't have a single eco upgrade here viper not that yo zico upgrades are looking too good but like these are the things that you cannot focus on and like you said conch takes out the magnel and decent shot there for yo on the crossbows he was also added second tc farming is starting to uh pick up for you as well and levy has not made a single farm yet and that's just the thing the way to deal with this as well is that you're just investing so many resources oh nice shot though you're investing so many resources on to defending this now with the wood and everything you don't feel like you necessarily can't afford to start farming yeah but i think literally a big shot in a magnet doesn't even go down you're always looking so good here also it's such a simple thing but it's so good for yoas you're gonna see leary get a response i love how yo has two on stone because when you're in leary's position what you don't want is to get pressured and have a follow-up castle that's what you expect from you but nope joe's only had two on stone just enough to get a third tc up his eco is looking real smooth and so joe's economy is just gonna get better and better and better and leery thinks if he doesn't have responses he dies right now so um as we see a good shot there from leery and another magnel down really strong stuff for yo i say as the konks disappear before arise yeah you always a little bit to agree that i wanted to go for the kills but in the situation right now you look at the score and you're like you're not don't even have score lead and you feel like you won the water yeah and when you won the war and you don't have scored it you don't feel great about your situation but if we look at the population larry does have a healthy 16 population lead although that is heavily also including water naturally but the economy economic units are still foreign for him but yo has more villager yep yo switching into farms i mean there's this has not been the perfect game by either players there's been small moments as there always are at high level age with all the pressure where things could be a little better like economically i'd like to see an eco upgrade or two added in for both but if they're both not going to get eco upgrades that just means yo is is in a better spot and that's where we're at nuts hey whoo as you can quit okay a little late but there's still plenty of fish out there so my issue is how is he going to use that food it's not anywhere close to him he's not going to benefit from knights so good shots and oh wow oh and larry walked under the tc that joe was shooting with his magnus so he gets the kill yeah they're kind of trading equally here with the manganos but again economy upgrades leo doesn't have horse collar but doesn't matter because he doesn't have farms well he's adding a farm next to the tc that's going to die so that's exactly he doesn't even have double bed x and that's obviously super painful and but then again of course as you said yo doesn't have any eco upgrades except double bitx himself yup yup so yeah both could do it but they're so focused as leery ducks underneath the magnel gets the would-be repair villager and tries to split away that was pretty ballsy there to go for the ville first i feel like maybe you go magnel hit split get the repairville if it repairs and then go back in but what do i know mangano spawning right on top of them conquistadors and you're happy to take that trade yo with plus one armor uh plus two armor coming in and as soon as that plus two armor is in you can suddenly justify running in and sort of engaging these crossbows because then you you take only i think three damage per hit from a crossbow seven four yeah indeed it's worrying enough where leary's gonna add another siege workshop right now viper yeah that's uh when you know you're in trouble let's do it like that and again every magnet pops sure literally gets a kill on one of those magnets but his own magnus magnet goes down so fast and also fear clearly maybe ballistics could have been a good upgrade for him here just to get those crossbows a little bit more guaranteed value yo in the driver's seat and if he's in the driver's seat in this game he's in the driver's seat for the final here viper as we said earlier and leary just i mean his defense has been excellent in the games he's lost they've all been really good games but yo's overall decision making is just so insane and it extends to all the maps and there's such a diverse map pool in this tournament good biker there from both and leary still with a big ball of crossbows and he's gonna go in here he's so crazy risky yeah there's the only guy who i mean a lot of people try doubt tries but it usually doesn't end like it did right now yeah but lyric probably a guy that goes for these brave moves and gets out of it without losing crossbows the most but even larry sometimes takes big hits to the face and especially now that they're probably playing on west india server so there is a little bit of additional delay or ping to both players so migraine crossbows is also extra hard but right now you can see economy of crazy always selling uh both saw he's adding bloodlines now to the conchs and there's the follow-up castle which is the attempt to put the nail in the coffin and really amp up that pressure as he sees the magnum will come in as well and he just gets out of the door he's just gonna run in snipe the mangano and get out of there plus two armor conks doesn't even lose a single i lost one conquistador but that is of course a trade he's more than happy to take potential here sorry go ahead there's potential for this castle to go down the fire oh he deleted it no he deleted it okay and the car and now he just places it again because the magnet gets sniped ah man i'm actually kind of tilted for leery but it's because joe is playing this so perfectly right now viper and you're gonna ask me a question i don't know if you were gonna ask if leary would resign or not but maybe no i was going to ask if you think he can pull off the doubt castle okay larry diving in now this will be the end of the game he just felt like he had to do something and that was it and the castle will secure another win for yo larry felt like okay this castle goes up i'm dead so he has to try something and yeah like at some point you just feel like every manga you make if you're lucky you kill one mangano of your opponent yep because those conquistadors just run in they kill one and then get out of there and this is a power conquist it was all a centralized fight as well and the the fact that conquistadors as well just picture a little bit of different game conquisors had mobility they could run around snipe villagers all across the map and that's their strength but then they're also so so strong in close combat not close combat close engagements like the ones we saw here where they were pretty much fighting in the same screen for the last 20 minutes yeah i know i don't have data on this to back it up and again i haven't seen every game but for the most part i think spanish have the best win rate on nomad i think going into this i would have had them as the number one nomad sieve and malians and persians probably at two and three maybe persians three malians too so this is not as if malians are seen as weak but if you're able to get to the conchs and you're able to be somewhat competitive on water which yo was he he's not winning it right now but he did harass leery and he was about to do more of it this is what happens also i think yo is the number one nomad player in the world and he showed it here with the scouting of the sheep that didn't know exactly where leery's dock was he knew he would have the time on water to use his fish leary not really locating joe's fish as quickly maybe things could have been a bit better with his archers he could have maybe denied the castle it's hard to say man but yo up 3-1 a real task for leary to try and win this now yeah i heard yesterday that leary and doubt played an insane nomad game where i think doubt was malians and maybe lyria was spanish i'm not sure it really was spanish actually but it was insane apparently yeah apparently it was i don't know if you were you're watching that i wasn't watching it but i heard someone say it was crazy spanish yeah i heard someone say it was crazy and so i went back and watched it and i don't want to spoil but it was an incredible game so later was spanish apparently yeah larry was passionate i believe so yes yeah so i would have to see how doubt dealt with that because i printed it was a castle on his tc while he was on the way he hadn't even clicked up to the castle so that's pretty insane if that was able to win and like leary didn't have tc's at one point it was like there were instances where people just didn't really have economy um and the economy wasn't good for leary and yo here but it was way worse in that game but yo up and just looking on unbeatable over the course of the series now because of how good he's played this but we could always be wrong leary's got to take it a game at a time now yeah larry has to win three in a row and when you look at the remaining maps and you see maps like islands arena in the mix i would not feel too comfortable because those are kind of i would say with when there are no arena specialists that that's kind of a coin flip and larry also has burgundians now he know nozio has malay but if leary is planning to do burgundians on arena that's also kind of uh no one knows exactly the right way to play burgundians yet and if larry wants to go for that and try to go for flemish revolution for example i'm not sure if he has ever done that upgrade before i don't think i've ever seen him do that okay i have a prediction at some point in this game leary's going to pause and imp to see how much it costs that that would be my guess not impossible if he doesn't have tool tips on that would be my early prediction but also yo has played malay versus burgundians on arena before and it was up against um and i've been meaning to ask you this i think tatsu could have executed better there but at least yo knows how to deal with it and has proven it so um i i think taro should have won that game with the right execution i think you could say the same for the nomad game to be honest yeah agreed so it's uh um it's tough yeah i just want just want to point out yes we talked about arena as like a bit of a we don't know exactly what to expect but we also have um lane banders not only land madness we have islands as well as an option like a game that will come up if larry wins and that's also mapper that can go anywhere but either way landmines will be the next match it's the last home up of leary and we're going to have expected saves here in the magazines against the chinese and uh maggers yo picked it as his first pick yo gets to play his first civilization pick now and finally when you have best of sevens as you pointed out earlier even though it might be classified as a home map for one player because they picked it usually players are going to like some of the maps that the opponent has and yo i was able to beat everyone he played on lands madness if i'm not mistaken and he's just been tremendous with maguires yeah lyria has also picked la manus as a home map so this should be a map both are happy with but i'm looking at like when i see a draft this is the first save yo picked yeah yo has the first he has was seat a he gets to pick the first sieve and he went for magers for this map specifically so you have to think you're very happy with getting to play this map now chinese they're not a bad civilization either i've heard they're pretty good actually so i'm thinking leary as well feels comfortable comfortable with the situation but at the same time there is down he's down 3-1 he knows he has to win every game from now on yep and that surely will add some extra pressure to him like especially on a fragile map like this if you get like one caught off guard once by some scouts on a berry bush or something it can snowball out of control so fast and uh especially when magnus is on the other side of the map that's even more likely to happen you know something interesting about leary is in his early days uh he he was running into some walls uh one of this guy was one of these guys was named after a snake um some loser out there and then there was a few other names that he would run into and i felt like he was always executing on the level of the snake and others but there were a few small things and maybe if he fell behind in the series he didn't really have that mental toughness to bring it back and that i believe has changed from leery i think that he's doing the small things and there have been instances uh the big one that comes to mind was his best of five versus hera in the red bull alone where he fell behind and had to win three straight and did it so um don't count leery out here i think if we would have done a community-wide poll leary would have actually been the favorite going into the set today anyways uh chinese are more flexible overall vipers so it really comes down to can leary kind of defend from the rushes yo will send out and if so i i more than believe chinese can hold here yeah so what's interesting about yoa's opening as well has been that i've seen him play it twice once against me and once against tarnow and both times he opened with archer range as the maggar's yep everyone would expect scouts and but he just goes archer range and he transitions to the stable later we have to see if it does the same here i do expect lyra to just go for the scouts with the chinese that seems to be something he has done uh frequently as well so we'll have to see how leer responds to a potential archery range opening from yo or if you're now knowing that lyric probably has seen those games thinks that he should mix it up and suddenly go for a stable opening we'll have to wait and see okay if you were playing you have to pick one of these two sieves for land madness which one do you pick you can't say it depends or it's not that simple i think my vocabulary has run out at that point all right all right all right all right now i i think i would have gone chinese just for the you have you have you just feel like you have an advantage with chinese from the start and then you also you don't really have to rush horse collar because you had extra food on the farms and yeah like i feel like no matter what sieve you're up against on this map with chinese you're going to feel comfortable um but at the same time if you were like giving me these two sieves and were flipping a coin i don't think it would have been said no matter what silva got oh yo with a rookie mistake he got badly housed at 20 pop because he wanted to click up at 20 pop but he didn't have a mill yet so he didn't have the buildings and even oh man that's like that sets him back so much right here viper that's that's an additional villa or two look at the situation right now you always lyra is going to be up almost a minute faster and he is a villager oh man that is brutal numbers already and larry going straight for the gold so i'm guessing larry has watched joe's games and things that yo will go usher range opening and guess what yo is going for a scouse opening yeah kind of funny how that works this is funny how oh it's flip-flopping here a little bit uh i also don't like how yo has a weakville on the right side of his berries there that's the first ville that leary's gonna see leary might double back here okay yo is gonna get palisades down but in general just probably the worst land madness star i've seen from yo um and that is just because this is very very rare to see this but much of a misplay he pushed in so much food he just forgot about that mill and that he needed it yeah uh it happens um yeah he's going to hit fuelers now with a very solid economy still gets a decent time 10 minutes roughly but obviously would have liked to been earlier and yeah later with the range coming up spearman going forward and yeah the fact that lyra is up almost a minute faster when he's going archers just means that like normally it's the other way around the scouts player is up almost a minute faster and then the archers come after yep but in this case the arches there's going to be two arches out when when yo has even built his stable and the only weakness to chinese would probably just be the fact that their tc's idle a bit at the start because they don't start with food but yo actually has more tc idle time so he's full four villagers behind maybe three and a half or something man he's housed again he's gonna be off again can you can you tell me what's happening i can't watch this it's bringing me too much pain dropping a stable and a range but he doesn't realize yet that he's going to be housed by the way he just he's going to make a scout now and then like oh he's housed and now he's going to rush the house up with the berry villagers three villages we're building a house yeah this this opening from yo so far has been very very sloppy and larry as well oh he cannot wall the gold villagers because of the stone pattern probably should have uh considered building the mining camp on the other side to have that wall being safe um lyrics sent the villager away so we could make one palace out there if needed to save those two villagers but the archers are in yo most archers are coming so he's built a preemptive tower and making some skirmishes as well so all yours should be okay here there are no there's no fletching on these uh archers either but still you just whenever you play a game like this and you just have so many hiccups in the play with being housed and all those things you just you don't feel good yeah yeah so you're describing the average player basically that's why people pure play style thank you thank you i set you up for that one but that's uh that's that's why people here come to watch these things they're like you know what i'm sick of this this crap this is too much but you know it is interesting to see yo face up against something that he understands and not necessarily chinese but he went for this opening like you said earlier so he will know his weaknesses would be to scouts i imagine the scouts will be coming forward at some point from leery the stats aren't looking good for you but the gameplay is looking fine now as scouts and skirms is primarily what he'd want to be fighting with here anyways and the archers and spearmen get pushed away look how larry ended up walling his gold what i mean it works it works for three villagers i can also hear leery he's like when he realizes he couldn't wall on that side he's like come on this stupid map you know okay you're doing a good job cleaning up the two archers there's only three spares left and looks like yo might even commit with the scouts just to clean this up very kind of afk in those uh spearmen as well here very sloppy play by leary he's doing dropping a stable now behind so he's going to have the scout's archery compensation which is generally speaking a strong composition but i predict yo here to drop not only one extra stable but i expect two and three stables as the next couple of minutes progress is this the correct assessment on my part to say that stable for leary is very late because he had 400 food in the bank before he completed that um it depends on how much his wood income has been right and i mean the stable wasn't a rush but now you're always coming forward and it still has the arches but as long as there's no fletching on this those scouts aren't too scared and the skirmishes can still make some impact so yeah potentially it was late but i haven't been monitoring the food that wouldn't come of lyric so that's hard to judge i know we don't have the longest casting relationship but you should really just say yeah you got that spot on make me look good sometimes but why why would i lie to the audience that's true that's true because we know why we're here yeah we're only honest that's true um lots of farms here for leary and maybe a second stable for him would make sense but it depends on the situation and viper hasn't been monitoring the the wood eco i'd like to see blacksmith upgrades on the scouts as well for leary this is what land madness is about get your upgrades get your units out the theory's got a very strong force right now yeah i'm very surprised that joe is actually committing on fletching here those skirms are oh he just canceled it nice great move by yo to identify that yeah the flashing is not going to do anything for him so just save those resources and that is exactly what he did now i'm curious where he will start investing into for example uh armor update for scouts maybe do bloodlines and he's moving on to gold right now and scouts command is going to try and pick up one vulture but there are two spears there for lyrium getting losing one scout there is just mr yo and yeah lyrics still looking pretty good yeah especially if he has if he goes forward with archers now there's no real stopping that if you're yo cause you don't have skirms so it's just getting in position and he's into the woodline oh no leery over chopped this is why he didn't get his eco upgrades last game because he wouldn't have overchopped his wood line without bit x and ouch that hurts that evens out the game yeah two villagers down so they have the same relationship now but that's and and i guess in the end if you ask cleary would you sacrifice two villagers to kill all the scouts of yo that were forward he may have even said yes just to ease off that pressure but yeah yo now dropping a second stable and doing the armor upgrade as well and i'm sure as soon as he has that another 10 gold bloodlines will be queued up as well and the thing is lyric is still one stable and he's surely he's relying on those archers trying to maybe think about castleage but joe is relentless with his scout pressure when he gets those scout numbers going and leary missed the villagers there were five villagers on the deer he's going to the berries so he's past them and here come the scouts from yo this is leery trying to go to castle age but this is a risk on this map let's see if he can hold this man looks like he can at home for now but no damage found with his scouts as he runs through the tc oof yeah for now is the word as well bloodlands is in the scouts are now fully upgraded and yo with the double stable scouts production he has some spearmint in the back as well now keeping that farming area safe and you're always not easing up on the production so these scouts numbers will just keep increasing but of course they're with three spears sitting on the hill with the arches as well unless yo gets up to crazy numbers like 12 13 14 scouts lyric can probably defend this and castle age is not far away yeah we've also seen a lot of instances in the past where even if you lose five to say eight villagers as the scouts are now taking the best engagement for you um even if you lose villagers to an all-in getting to castle age is massive and leary now feeling a whole lot more comfortable with that because he's on his way up yeah so joe did the same thing as later with the mining camp he had five villagers in there then he realized he cannot build walls on top of their ground so he had to send some out and just has three villagers now on the stone mine but that's of course fine as well and larry is on the way to the castle hgo has stopped now he hasn't even stopped the production so he's still making easy and making some arches now he wants to still apply the pressure in the feudage but leary setting himself up really nicely to defend this yeah and leary also while he is going to get crossbow probably bob canero he's doing the right choice by making a second staple here his food eco is looking great he's got plenty of gold so i think that we could just see spears and defense archers and knights going forward and unless yo kills a lot of villagers soon i'm talking within the next 30 40 seconds i really struggled to see what yo is going to be able to do although he has impressed me before uh with his defense against tattoo and others on this map well five spearmen for lyric there's two arches of yo that can be annoying on the wood line here and but yeah larry always has that hill to fall back to him but the issue for him is now he might lose a villager or two and if this archers commit here yo might make the decision to jump especially upon seeing larry hit the castle and then go yo decides to go in but yeah goes back in just buying some time for his archers creative creative defense here from leery he's always got that choke to work with he's not overextending the spears and if you does try to jump i even think the fight will be okay for him as you see uh joe worried about that archer in the middle of the map and he's going home to deal with those scouts good job from leery as he's getting those upgrades now joe's got to make a decision and he is on the way to castle age what is the plan in defense for yo i think this is okay for yo he's gonna have to tower up more probably evacuate the stone villages at some point get another two or three towers up in his base to secure uh his income and then upon hitting castles he will still have a lot of light cap alive and even the two arches of yo buying so much timer with 15 crossbows chasing two archers in the right top corner that is fantastic efficiency for you that buying so much time with those crossbows we are going straight for a second tc and just yeah still keeping the spirits at home and making knights actually instead of camels i was expecting camels as the opening but yeah it's going for knights first and yeah you always just have to buy this time get to the castle and then uniting a third stable to go full hand on the coward units let's see if he can distract all the spearmen he's trying to get the spearmen off the gold and and leary's wise to that the leary won't allow it and villagers saved by leary good work and man there's only been two villagers killed in this game this is crazy two years ago this would not be the case on land madness this is people are figuring this out and look at these towers for yo they're so nicely placed the only vulnerable spot would maybe be the backwood line and then that stone position which leary is heading to but he's he's in this game yo can definitely do something with the power spike the magners have coming their way and this case with the stone villagers as well so very likely that they will live and the only thing is that lyra is going to pull quite a hidden village account but yo look at the economy it's going to hit caslish with 900 food in the bank that's gonna be a lot of nice production probably light cap husbandry and knights right off the bat plus two armor i'm expecting and i expect you all to be try to be super active with the cavalry maybe even go for a forward siege at monasteries and yeah this is uh i fear for lyrics crossbow numbers down there honestly they're very much on the other side of the map and yo is about to have massive amounts of cavalry with great upgrades i would like to see leary be as patient as possible with this army but never leave like buy as much time and and control the game so you can secure your base back at home because right now he's got his eco exactly where he wants it he's actually getting armor for the camels which is the perfect unit if he's able to dictate the pace of the game control this i think in a couple minutes he's going to have 10 maybe 15 villager lead plus making the proper counter in camels so he's eliminating farms he's even deleting the farms or hitting the farms with these arrows that are somehow making them burn a flame um or light a flame but yo has got to pounce on this and and leary might even be able to win the fight honestly viper it's it's very close i feel like yo should come ahead of this in this engagement because all the upgrade attack upgrades as well and literally kind of not paying attention there he gets a jump on crossbow now the cameras are in position and lyric and you're just kind of ignoring the cameras for now cameras are they're kind of bugging out and the spearmint spearmen are going to be effective as well and i think leader will still be very happy with how this trade goes in the end yep but yo will clean up the crossbows and that was his main target so we can start farming more effectively again and now he'll just get out of there with the rest of his units and there we can just continue making camels from here yo only has the option to go for full nights here and yeah later with this two tc eco looking very solid back at home only thing is that his gold is about to run out so he will find out have to figure out where he's going to transition his gold onto now leave it on food not enough to be able to sustain night production out of three stables and villager production out of two tcs and a night now on these villagers i think that's why you're reacting that just makes matters worse and going for deer in the first place is already not ideal here yeah and they're now on the wood line of yo there there's only one tower to defend then there's not enough villagers there's 12 villagers they cannot all hide in the tower and there's going to get a couple of kills there on top of that you're going for the counter attack gonna find one monk out in the middle of the map but still you just feel like larry is set up so so nicely to defend this yep and and this is we we brought up early feudal and how maguires can do well there joe kind of tossed away his advantage on his own with that brutal brutal transition from dark age to feudal and while he did a good job now we're we've we're past early castle chinese have the cheaper text they have more options and leary has the better eco at this level it feels like this game should be closed out by leary and this final will continue but yo is magyars you know you never know if you you continue to play and make monks maybe you get conversions you get nights into woodlines but i'm losing hope for yo let's put it that way yeah larry's just looking so comfortable he has to count the units he has them like he has three times the army of yo as well and he's attacking you at the same time he's defending with more armor than you can attack with there's just not a single thing in this game right now that is looking in favor of you i think uh he's gonna also see that score is slowly changing it will just the gap will widen and widen and widen as there will be three tc's for leary uh that's a lot of villagers he's gonna have on that gold pile but i think he's probably gonna pull some of them off he doesn't need that many on gold but uh ran out of the other one and yeah leery's responded nicely here i think that joe didn't do himself any favors in the early game though for sure i mean we can always look back at the dark age here and be like oh he was he was housed he didn't have a second building that slowed down everything he wanted to do and that just gave leary like 30 40 extra seconds to execute a strategy without any pressure and of course at this level things like that translate into worse like it makes a big difference things like that at this level yeah yeah i think knowing that as well not that i think yo is a i think yo might have one of the strongest mindsets in the game but like you recognize oh gosh i'm even further behind chinese now like that's in the back of your head which might not necessarily influence your decisions but it might influence a few things here or there but we've arrived to a point where yo has to do some damage to feel better and i i think the only way he does it is if he avoids the main force so i'm a little surprised that leary's allowing him to he's almost inviting the pressure granted he can kill those but i'd like to see yo maybe split up the knights try and hit some different areas um yeah that's the only way i see him doing something yeah it definitely has to get some raids going right but still it's so difficult if you look at the numbers yo has 14 knights lyria has 19 camels crazy and of course you always do monks now which could help a lot in uh any form of engagement but and there's barracks now being drawn from yoseo is trying to make a pikeman switch as well so pikeman knight play could be the way yeah but the issue is that pikemin knights don't necessarily kill someone it rather takes effective trades in certain fights but yo i feel like he needs to find a way to potentially kill larry here yeah well if the pikeman pushed the camel's back the knights can do the killing and he does have three on stone still so i don't know if this is at all calculated he does have a market he does have a lot of gold he could maybe win a fight and drop a castle on leery's face and he's no stranger to that if you think back to game one so um that is the way for yo should you expect it if you're leery do you know you're open to that or do you just feel like you can adapt and be fine regardless i feel like in lear's shoes you just feel super comfortable no matter what you're even taking stone yourself so even if you should come with a ford castle you just abandon a certain part of your section and you just kind of just bide your time to get your own stone for a castle you know you have a massive equality even doing some solid raids now on the bottom here is leery and a massive fight now in the center oh and i feel like yo should abandon that immediately uh the monks now coming in makes us a little better and leery backs away and i think we're going to see villagers come forward it just has to be villagers coming forward for you i don't see any way if he doesn't get a castle up leery's heading ranges for archers this is the time if it's crossbow and camel your toe cereal you've got to get a castle on leary's face population lead is 40 for leery and finishing the upgrades as well iron casting coming in bot canary is already in there for the crossbows earlier and he already has a range from before right so the the crossbow transition is even easier for him to pull off and yeah he was on a timer and as you were talking about earlier villager is coming forward and that's going to be yo's attempt to get back into the game but he's still down in military units i i honestly even without the crossbows that's so many knights and camels i think leary just takes the fight and he wins it no problem there's no way we even will have the hill here because joe is kind of building the castle downhill so if you larry comes from the left side he'll have the hill advantage as well very kind of indecisive here he wants to send the camels first and then the knight says a follow-up trying to snipe the monks with the crossbar as well and the numbers are just so big for lear that i don't see a world where yo gets out of this with the castle up and the army alive it was worth the shot though he was pretty far behind for a while this was definitely what you want to try and do you don't just want to call gg and say okay you beat me there are opportunities but it was still expected this entire time that leary would clean up and so yo losing this game giving leary an opportunity to fight back and it is worth noting that that was joe's first civilization pick so he really wanted magyars here and he wasted it so as more maps come up and we'll finally see a home map for you uh just just something to keep in mind as he gets lower and lower in the pecking order with sieves yeah definitely it was his first pick and everything but i'm afraid he didn't want that opening that's not what he not what he was wishing for yep but it is what it is yeah all right uh we're gonna have a three minute break uh for now so it'll be like a couple of minutes now until the next game kicks off so i will take a quick break as well tristan and i'll talk to you in a few minutes perfect all right um next game coming um please oh i thought you were going to meet okay okay that's cool yes i i don't mute the other people that's rude okay i've muted myself but that's not rude that's just common sense when you're a streamer it's just like who leaves their computer and leaves the person who's on voice with them on you don't know what's gonna happen i anyways um i'm actually gonna take since the host of the tournament is taking potty breaks i'm gonna do the same as well people so i'll be right back before the next game starts and uh we'll see if leary can complete the comeback it's looking like it's likely uh however these next maps are going to be very fascinating it's not every day you see these players face off on these maps so back in the day back back in the day for many many many years everyone who played online was playing a hunt north and i and i kind of missed those days kind of miss those days i i kind of miss those days [Music] [Music] huh [Music] because there's no householding because you can put out the scouts there was a lot of progression [Music] games were not as clean but games were very fun and i and i kind of miss those [Music] days [Music] foreign [Music] makes me so sad actually it makes me so sad actually uh here i'll link it i think hardy also linked that in chat if you guys want to check out my new hit single make sure to buy my new album which is coming out next week it's called you know we haven't named it yet but i'll i'll think of a really good name and there's the there's the link if you want to check it out thank you hardy who's in chad for making that um i'm not actually coming out with an album but to the people who got disappointed and were like wow well i'm disappointed i wanted to hear more of that i'm sorry okay i've decided to pursue a career in casting instead um now i'm going to unmute myself i don't want to be considered rude so uh whenever viper would like to to speak to me again he could feel free all right he's he's in he's the captain now and not that he wasn't before let me just take a moment to say thank you to people who've been so supportive today um you're you're a bunch of individuals out there from all over the world some might be off the world uh on mars or whatever but a thanks for for contributing and being a part especially the people who i i might not have seen in a bit as life got busy and you fell out of love with the age of empires or you just or i was gone for a week and a half which definitely happened so a thank you flirt thank you mod thank you mr broadstone and snoop and king naldo and springboks and stika and beef actually beef supreme hosted the stream of the one viewer and got a shout out what a legend it gets me every time um thank you shat matt and thank you uh osala and this sorry canadian though that's redundant because all canadians are sorry and thank you lord mike for the new prime appreciate you all might be some weird casting standoff here because i don't want to come back off mute but the next game is going to start shortly and it will be islands and we'll review the maps here people and this is what we've got um no shortage of good water civilizations available i think yo is going to go portuguese i'd be surprised if he doesn't and uh we should just cross these off just so we get that right and uh i think leary's going to go italians now if it goes to the final game i actually forget what the map is map would be home maps would be did we see gold rush no we saw gold rush it would be arena on game seven what arena game seven okay well if we see leery win it will end on arena of all maps so uh we'll see also be a good time to remind everyone that my prediction i think is thrown out the window i think i said 4-2 for leary so to the people who said anything other than that and your predictions are still alive you are all right awesome so game has started are you in there tristan yes sir i'll be in in a second uh no surprises with the sieves i take it we have islands portuguese italians no surprise and see you try to catch up here yeah i'm speeding up as well we're not going to miss too much i guess it's islands very exciting dark edge oh they're actually spawning quite close to each other so if anyone wants to make a landing happen and if they dock on the bottom side of the map the distance is not far we saw y'all doing a landing yesterday on uh some other guy and playing as the portuguese then as well larry not the guy known to do landings himself so i expect later to try to play more meta but yo you never know what to expect with him yeah and and landing is such a such a gamble um you cannot scout on this map to determine what the others are doing so you're pretty much using reputation like you said and in your case yesterday which was unfortunate you had an area of your map where there were more than one gold so the two main gold piles are very important it looks like both players have them spread out so that's nice for defense um i just feel like if someone were to want to dock let's say near that relic on leary's base it would make sense because side docking is normally good for fish but it would end up being quite poor for efficiency with this generation i think valeria what the natural dock would be to the bottom corner or like to the left where the relic is in that direction so we'll see if that's what he ends up going for yo on the other hand he went for a back dog yesterday if he wants to do some sort of landing he might do a dock in the corner or something as well uh but yeah we're gonna have to wait and see are you surprised to see your land do you think he's weak on water do you think that's not his strong suit or is it just a preference of his uh not surprised uh but joe is like yo is mixing it up he can sometimes he lands sometimes he plays normal you never know what to expect so i don't think anything surprises at this point when it comes to you is he i mean he's definitely top four in most people's eyes but considering how long he's been around is he one of the most complete players this game has ever seen i don't think you can deny that for sure yeah just like i think even in death match right because that's something people consider in that conversation i believe he also is pretty good in death match if he cares um that's that could be the same for others too but yeah like any top rn player would probably become pretty good in deathmatch quite fast if they if they learn the openings and such but that means i mean there's so many different matchups where you open differently so it's it's a lot to learn with that much i do understand why rms are more hesitant in investing time into that yeah i think yeah i think you played some death match world championship thing in the past and you did pretty well so yeah definitely a very complete player no question about it i actually remember this is like 2014 or 2015. i remember watching uh a series between you guys and it's just so crazy like most of the players that are around now you you've seen over the past five or so years but it's crazy how i watched that set and it was so competitive and so fun and so strategically sound then and then yesterday we saw such a such a good set between you two as well and leary i guess is a new kid on the block who's been around for four years and that's that's not a long time for age of empires but uh to the docks leary did dock the left and joe has docked the back and leary importantly enough does not see any land on your side so he doesn't really have any suspicions that this is out of the ordinary you're doing two fission ships and then a transport ship so we're gonna see a landing by yo once again and yesterday he went for the scout's landing interesting to see if he does the same again but yeah the thing for you always now the natural place for him to go on land would be to the bottom right in that direction and that means he's going to run straight into the to the dock of lyrium even if he lands in the left side of lyra's base that's so easy for there to just shut down the pressure immediately so philadelphia's map is very well suited to defend this and joe has to be he has to be quite lucky right now if he's gonna pull this landing off honestly without being spotted i think as a counter to that granted i i agree with everything you've said leary's at least taking the gold that's close and when you're going for the landing if he goes to gold at all you're trying to get as much value from a few fire galleys and you're not going to commit to it right so if you know the fish is there even if larry spots you that is a bonus because you can be competitive on water whereas normally you're just letting them fish freely here it comes you would have to go all along the edge of the map if he's not to be spotted but yeah he is in the vision of larry now the question would be did larry spot it it was in his vision it looked like he moved the fission ship manually right there so you have to ask yourself if even though he was in the vision was he individual well he's also blue so even if he probably wasn't looking there it's very hard to spot a blue ship on the minimap i don't think he's reacting to this so i don't know if he knows well i think i mean look at the scout movement implies to me that he did spot it now question would be if he is building a house now yeah he sees it now okay so barracks probably gonna come up very soon for larry here although he's still just making two fire galleys and not just walling up for now which kind of is okay because he has stone and gold and wood safely in the back so true yo who is going for a stable if lyra just walls off completely there's not really much for him to worry about what i like about joe's decision here is that just like in many times in in the series and in leary's career leary is going for the best possible strategy with what he considers to be the best possible civ and he basically says what are you gonna do about it right and yo strategy is the strategy that makes all planned strategies get thrown out the window it makes you adapt you don't know where he's gonna go you don't know what he's gonna transition into yo could go two docks behind this there's so much craziness that you just do not know so i love to see wild players who force non-mana things against the meta players yeah see who wins so we have two fire galleries from lyric chasing the one fire guy from dalton from from yo on the bottom side and i said actually that works out well for you because he's buying him time for his fish to even fish more yep uh joe however is sending his transport ship around the island to come to the other side so he's probably going to try and transport those scouts into the base of there but larry very clever walling he has a very tight face right it's very easy for him to wall so he's doing the right thing making sure any landing cannot hurt him and uh yeah actually yo kind of sending his transport ship not where i was expecting but okay yeah transport kind of went out in the middle of nowhere there but he gets the tower up leery seemed to have spotted that i think the walling was smart from him like you mentioned um also though it does seem like yo could maybe defend i think pulling a repair villager next to his dock is really important right now probably too far away to do that so advantage leery there is open still and the transport is coming around there's a he went out to wall if you all lands right now he could get in but ah it doesn't look like it'll be in time larry getting in making the house making the palace out and he is completely fine yeah and now uh correct me if i'm wrong i think leery should add a few fishing ships right yeah it would make sense he's queueing up one at the moment uh he might also want to try and get rid of that the fire from the transport ship of yo that is still around and but yeah lyrics looking very healthy the only issue for him is the berries that are potentially exposed but yeah yo just adding a second duck he did build an archery range earlier but deleted it and rather made a tower i'm a little surprised that he didn't add the arch range because having a few archers here will deny the berries completely from there so i'm surprised that was not yes his choice well that's what worked so well against against you uh you you went into spear defense and the archers were there immediately right so as the spearman come out here the actually the scouts are kind of trapped over here now so good job from leery to get the walls down the way he did and he could even extend the walls further wow this is really smart yeah yo is going to need his transport over here to get these units anywhere close to escaping yeah there was a really solid response so far now the the main concern i would have in these shoes is that by the way the spearmint now picking off the spears uh the scouts your kind has to engage wait is it open it was open the whole that's a tilter man that is a tilter well it could still end up working out as oh my skates oh gosh what is how is this the thing i just freaking age of empires man but yeah okay viper finish your thoughts it seems like at least the scouts will not do too much damage yeah so joe's decision now is just like get some water on the field try to like at least force there to make more fish maybe even kill the fish of cleary but the only thing i would be worried about if i was there is the fact that joel still has villagers on the island yeah yeah and that's something that you probably want to get rid of as soon as possible and uh leary is making their archery range getting some arches on the field and yo has nothing on the island anymore yeah and he's going for a mining camp on stone so you would imagine that leader will just be going there and picking off those villagers asap i mean yo should see that range and not make that mining camp that seems weird to me um but he is also extremely confident player in weird situations so who are we to judge as the water micro ensues and looks like yo is winning and those fishing ships were not added those were fishing ships that were at the original dock so props to yo at least for saving those and getting what little value he can out of these situations yeah larry though has queued up cancellation now so he will be advancing and he's going to have a solid minute advantage at least on yo here and with the talents sorry for so many things such as war galley right away yo i'm doing an archery range in his own island now because he's expecting leo to land him but yeah as you pointed out you're always killing the official there now and suddenly then the transition to castle maybe you all will have a better economy than larry has yeah i wonder i think there's one villager remaining now so there's the stable there which leary could consider walling in and then there's the villager for yo to make leary think twice about things but yeah fishing ships down hurts and good micro here from leery with the demo yeah very good micro actually you're not getting any value from that demo and so many low hp fire gods for you always sending them all to repair but he's on only with the castle as well now so he is a minute exactly pretty much behind and yeah this is it's gonna translate into an even castle game crazy surprisingly soon i don't know how yo does it like he didn't add the range yet he still has a villager here he didn't lose all of his fishing ships the uptime's not that bad if you remember that italians have a cheaper boss to go up to the next age it's quite impressive and he also will have skirms if any archers were tran would be transported over though i don't think leary is well as i say that he's going to send a scout and four archers in the south over but depending on where they go leary will actually be out of luck in terms of doing damage there yeah the scout doesn't have much hp and joe as skirmishers on the field now and doing a blacksmith as well so flexing will probably follow shortly as well so yeah feels like yo it's gonna be fine on his own island and yo these presents on the water even and also more hp his portuguese those uh fire guys have more hp and they cost less gold yup so in the end this seems to translate it's a very very even mid game here where as the game goes on you kind of even prefer portuguese unless italians can really take advantage of that early imperial age and castle's timing by the way um leery doesn't know there's a dock over there so i think he's getting confused he must assume at this point yeah but all these healthy fires keep coming in and he has not actually scouted that joe can still win this fight he has more hp on those fire guys he has more numbers and those are low hp fire guys from from leery they really shouldn't be taking this fight upgrade coming in now for yo and the demo with a good hit viper and i think leary might be distracted as he adds his town center and a knight's about to pop out of the stable right next to the town center you know yo is going to have fun with that and siege workshop from yo as well lyric does land now he has the crossbows but that's crossbows without fletch without balconero joe has six skirms on his map with fletching so you'd imagine yo should be fine here in the end it's literally moving in with the scope and he's not he's not paying attention to walking straight into the skirms i think he was focusing on the knights or any number of things and while the tc will go up yo is just a pest he's so good with these landings he will maybe get a villa no he doesn't get a villager there but the siege could follow up and oh big moment with a demo and the demo actually does not land viper for yo right in the center there so uh while it will still be close it could have been better the manga is gonna even gonna help against the fire ships and they're still stacked up as well and that's massive damage output that magnus provide in lyri now with only crossbows and defense without even blocking arrow how does he defend knight's manganos like this and even yo even has better water units yeah in theory yep eco is pretty even i'd say and the thing is one or two demos changes things for both players with the way that yo is up against the shoreline we could see a massive demo for him and a villager could go down as well oh demo against demo that was a good trade for you in the end has his own demo comes out here viper but good spread on the fires there from leery as he's still got to worry about his tc oh they group up though decent hit for you also yo will probably switch this into a land boom he tends to have a pretty good balance there um are you surprised that we don't see a monastery for either player i kind of feel like a monastery for yo would make sense so the enemy can't go for knights yeah lyric going for the forward sea workshop i guess on this town center and yours is gonna move up and be like okay i'll kill those villagers and that siege workshop is going to be delayed was there a big demo there was a massive demo and that's exactly what leery needed oh man yo is going to lose every ship there but that part of the game doesn't really matter at the moment and another demo to follow it up from yo yeah you're right it's it's transitioning to land right now isn't it yeah that part does not matter much there's a monastery from your coming in as well now he has some knights on the map larry making knights himself to try and deal with this but once there's a monk out this is just such an awkward situation for lyric to defend and you're now adding townsends behind this and joe's economy is even looking like he could think about imperial age he he probably won't but he could think about it are you sure that's not ptsd yeah i'm pretty sure there's a small party that's ptsd yeah i mean i don't know how he pulled that off yesterday and oh big shot there from leery and i think he needs another one and he'll get it in the end yeah he'll pick up the magnum as well but yeah monk has to be careful not to release the monk and the area with the favorable advan army on the land right now so you have to be careful with that monk it should spawn inside the monster and it does and yeah larry kind of securing his base a little bit and you know what that's one way to deal with the knights as the demo pops out and kills that and yeah yo is probably now thinking more about the boom at home while still trying to make something small happen on the land of lyrics there's a boom at home for yo but there's been a few booms at leary's base as well um yes there's so little on water boom oh it could be a two-for-one boom police is a fire ship to try and bait to hit that's funny i also wonder how long that villager is going to be there that is the designated house villager and he might make other things but it's so crazy to me that these knights are coming from the right side of lear's base and he hasn't walled in that stable like this should not happen leary yeah and literally now doing bald canary as well just and yeah seven crossbows makes a lot of sense to get back now that's a use oh my god this could be a deltc oh okay he falls back he sees the magnum coming in nice target fire there from yo joe would love to get these monks involved as well and he sends them out but that's right but to be fair he loses one monk kills all the knights of yo and cleary has to micro his heart out again and finally he goes to take out that stable which i think he will finally complete but now at this point yoshi's gonna make another one so oh it's gonna be a conversion as well if you unless lyra deletes the knights which she does village account still very close neither player really fishing that much lyria has a few fission ships he all has two himself that went back to start fishing at his original dock quite funny that okay i think yo will take a one for one here if you can get it that's a lot of nights to sacrifice he's losing so many nights and he might not even get it in the end no way the tc is helping out so much with the fire as well oh yeah that was not worth it for yo and then losing all those nights if anything you should have maybe try to get those knights two plus two plus two to have a stronger situation going for him but larry is playing so much with fire man i this is the decider game as well i know one man could finish him and he's just dancing there in between manganos like this it kind of reminds me of the nomad game only this game is a little closer positionally he's just going in like i don't care try to hit me try to hit me bro this is not how the game was designed at all this this is not what that says a thing yeah that's what doubt says of course that's what normal humans might pick manganese i shoot i hit that's how it's supposed to work well tc for leery which he's desperately needed he's running pretty low on his golds and yo has enough stone for a castle soon surely during this video we should go for it yeah yeah nobody was three straight this is at home his fudic was still lacking quite a bit lyria has a big advantage on the food income and joe's just mainly focused on like disturbing leery at this point i think now he has to really get his own economy sorted and get those farms up and start thinking about getting to the imperial age now he has still like 11 wheels on stone so maybe he's thinking about getting another transport and sending yeah so you might want to send over more villagers and drop the castle somewhere but at this point i feel like you're always in a situation where does he need to drop like ford castle and take that risk i don't think so now he's using the market a little bit here i'm not sure what he exactly tried to buy there maybe just get his boom going still maybe maybe you build a castle on the center island because it's not like you're gonna drop a castle on an area that leery needs right oh oh well done there from leery very naughty conversion as well perfectly there okay so we know we think he was going to build a castle but he did sell some of his stone to buy food so we can get his villagers working he actually bought wood so i think it was more for farms potentially he's making a second dog now in the left corner yeah this will just transition to imperialist from here and lyrics should be faster and i think the middle island might not be the best ideas because and the a change that was introduced in h1 price not too long ago was that once you get chemistry you can start producing canon galleons right away you don't need to research it anymore by itself so if you have a cast in the center and leary has the way faster imperial age suddenly that castle goes down quite fast to the cannon galleons yo is going for the castle in front of lyrics docks and decent spot but it's also vulnerable yeah castle spots on shorelines make sense because you want to be able to have a free area to dock but also if the enemy makes their own castle and are imperially faster in this situation they can just trib you down you don't even need cannon galleons so i really question that castle position i think that what i would do and i'm no island's expert is i'd probably place it where his transport is um more towards the middle and further away from things but maybe he has a plan maybe he doesn't know and of course he doesn't know that leary's going to be in him faster than him i think he should assume it but impossible to say yeah larry has all the resources to click up i'm not sure what he's waiting for maybe he thinks he needs a thousand food uh does he have at this point you don't really rule that out right yeah oh wait he just cute villagers again does he not have he missed a building yeah yeah okay there you go oh yeah he never made a monastery yeah true that's actually such an important thing right now because if he had if he already clicked up that's a massive advantage now you will have some time to catch up on the imperial age time and yo has a better economy as we speak there was one village during a transplant i don't know if you caught it that was actually funny yeah one villager did a transport ship i thought it was something bigger than i missed it but uh not a big deal for leary to lose i think yo needs to use the market here leary has to pick up and he only built the university with one villager so it took forever to get the building and look at the yoast resources now yo it's going to clear up and just be like very close himself so yeah it's just just 15 20 seconds difference all of a sudden where lyri was ready to click up to imperialist for a minute already all right viper victoria how good is it oh wait do they have the time limit on they should have it on uh i don't see it anywhere well it might does it not showing capture age it it can talk in the actual time oh yeah they have the timeline it's all good but that would go to one hour and 45 minutes for those that don't see it within capture ages if the game goes to one hour and 45 minutes which is funny that's the first thing you thought of when i said fatoria um obviously i'm just curious on your thoughts on on when to make um how many you make because my opinion and we saw a lot of them in hidden cup the victoria victoria's a goody building but it doesn't bring in resources fast enough to justify many of them right away taking up that power space is a big big loss yeah i think like um i don't remember specific games but i definitely remember seeing fetor being built and i'm like that's way too soon you don't you can't afford wasting that population at that point okay and so it's more of a thing you do once the resources get a little bit lower where you're like i already have so many research in the bank or like there's not too many woodlands left to chop my goal is running low my stone is running low let's just get rid of some wheels and like at victoria and then you play the long game like that but obviously with the time limit we have right now fertoria might still be a part of the game but it's not going to be a thing where you can just sit back and wait with fitori until you win the game yep and my opinion throughout you know all the instances of islands and and caravals and all that stuff we saw in recent tournaments was that canon galleons were underrated by players they weren't researching it fast enough and since then the devs have made it so after chemistry you can just make canadians you don't need to create or sorry research the canadian upgrade so i actually think that makes portuguese a little worse here but yep it does still exist and big loop around for leery into the back of the water area for yo might be able to pick up some uh some villages here on the woodland if he sticks around but yeah we can see shipwright as well prioritized from there right away that's an incredible upgrade it not only makes does it make the galleries cheaper or all the ships cheaper it also increases their production speed when you're fighting in the choke points that they are likely to fight in and it's very very nice to have that you know what leary only has what three dogs what five dogs he hasn't added any ducks upon hitting castle in privilege either i say joel doesn't have many dogs either but yeah he's got three forward and three on the back that he could lose so i think as leary transports the crossbows over uh oh yo leary's looking like he's in a real good spot having shipwright having the numbers already and now can camp use eco and yo will probably need siege at home right now i think what he needs to do is rather produce couple skirms and get the upgrades for them because siege is also not guaranteed to clean this up yeah well skirmishers eventually will clean it up uh yo land in the middle making a castle there as well so he's getting center control and you really don't want to play late game against portuguese because they have so much hp on those ships they have what is it it's uh 17 more hp on the galleons and they have access to the caravels it's just it's not pleasant to play against portuguese on water in late late game and there are times where players can drag on games but they'll still lose because they got outplayed or the opponent had a better position this is the map where and this is the sif match up with portuguese if you're able to survive your situation gets better and better and better it's a bit like uh a bit like a game where someone has five relics on arena i guess you can only hit so many spots on the map and it's eventually gonna get worse for you if you're in leary's position so it's funny we mentioned arena if leary brings this up or gets this win here our final game will be on arena which is crazy to me oh gosh man so uh joe's choosing to deal with this by making oregon's and they don't do that well when they come one by one and so you always send the oranges now he's doing a watchtower in defense i just think it would have been so simple for him to just build a couple of skirms do the lead score upgrade and it would have been fine but i really like the center control yo was taken with the castles and everything and larry is pretty much in a position now he has to make cannon gallons and he is doing so it's so good move for him yeah for sure very very close game though it's impossible to call who is going to win this game or who has a lead right now i just it just depends on how long it takes yo to pop up right now because leary has 44 galleons with six in queue yo has 26 29 with two and q i i kind of question as yo place is his first feytoria and needs houses because it's taking up pop space a question of yo can get all of his masks into this area um i almost called you dave sorry uh the viper uh he's got some in the south he's got some near the middle island he only has three docks in the middle or sorry five i can't see he's gotta pick up the pace here but he did take a relic from leery's side so that's gonna help too ah yo just also built a fetoria which i think is too soon look at his resources i feel like he has way too few docks as well he needs to drop another 10 ducks yeah really he has five docks in the front seven that's really not enough you got the unique deck at least yeah but like he has so many resources why is he not adding dogs adding production buildings yeah maybe just and focused on the on what he's got right now and here comes leery with the cannon galleons viper leery could take out that castle yeah three trebuchets as well that cast is gone for sure and yeah you're always gonna lose that position you have to fall back to the other castle and even that cast is reachable by the trebuchets so in the end lyrics making a really solid push right now and yo doesn't have the numbers to defend i think we're also seeing the benefit of shipwright i i feel like shipwright being what is it whatever the discount is now it's been changed on italian so many times 33 i think right like shipwright is so tough for any other sip to afford the fact that italians can research that just makes all the difference and i still think italians are the number one water saved to fight despite the fatorias existing for portuguese because of this and maybe we could question these castle spots for yo maybe they were good but he didn't have the numbers but it's looking like he can come back from this 60 galleons for leery with 10 in q and 20 he is more in queue now yo than he has on the map he's gonna have to produce quickly that's the issue he was lacking those production buildings for so so long and i mean at least the castles buys him a lot of time to get numbers up again and again he does have better ships once they're fighting he has better more hp he has more armor so but there lyra just has the numbers right now but yo might be able to hold it out that castle will for sure go down and then larry is suddenly on top of the production of yo and yo already is suffering so much with the lack of production buildings that larry looks like he's just snowballing this out of control and yo even though he has to help the population he's gonna have to fall back and just try to regain pop again yeah and i i like how leery is going for the jugular here not that he has to be too cute with the micro but it is a little awkward in these situations i'd like to see him just continue to head in if he feels like he's got the cue he's sitting next to the docks which which yo is making more units out of just sit between those docks maybe even transport the trips to the middle and do what you can to make it so yo can never recover here uh there's finite gold for for both players uh sorry no just for leary and he's gotta continue to pressure before it becomes a portuguese yeah but fighting here is kind of okay for yo again he has he doesn't have the numbers yet but the dogs will sometimes tank a little bit and the units are popping straight into the fight and he has the armor he has the hp so literally not taking the best engagement right now but then again he's just counting on those numbers winning him uh the fighter and so far it looks like that might be enough for him as yo he's imposing they're just dropping a castle immediately on the spot and that's also covering five six dogs of yo and there's yeah this has to back down yep if you back down here you lose all your docks and production has been the issue for him it's not gonna help matters and i mean yo is he's going to lose lumberjacks here he'll probably lose fatorias to trebs i just i think we're going to a game seven here i i do not see a way back for you looks a lot like a joe is struggling keep in mind he also has a victoria which is 20 population so that doesn't really count towards his numbers either and yeah yeah you would have to like re-dock on the left to top left now and make another 10 12 dogs to have any chance of holding here and yeah lyric what lyric did so good here now is that he he just pushed and he gave you no time to recover yep if y'all got another two minutes to just produce he would be maxed out and suddenly there's an even game but literally not giving any time to breathe yeah and this is after what we considered a miss play for leery just being late to imp right so yeah uh shipwright making the difference his overall defense was it was awkward but it was so nice to see against joe's bush and joe was probably expecting leery to not be able to do this because of how crazy that push was as we see another castle for leary uh larry's just got to make sure all of his units are fighting here it's looking a little better for yo because of the docks like you said but you're still losing so many of those docks yeah he always be docking now as well which he has to lyra did a good job redocking to the front as well he has nine docks now keep in mind lyrics still has ship right which is just the production speed alone is just so massive yeah all unions produce 33 faster on from the docks and i'm not even sure the port was porgis even have a ship right i thought all sieves did but i never see any other sieve get it because oh no you're right not all subscriber that's a dumb statement but um my my gripe with it viper is that i only see italians get shipped right yeah i don't know if it should be that expensive it's so pricey super expensive yeah and it's made the difference here and yo just continues to back away we're just watching him slowly well there's definitely that belief that victorious can win this game for him so he's gonna hold on but he's running out of wood and uh having to redock this many times really hurts that left side is completely out of wood and where can you take wood right now it's pretty much next to the docks of leery and yeah leery as well running out of wood he only has a little bit left maybe the timer of like 145 is even too too uh long because we wanted the face to like we wanted to not enter a phase where victoria can win the game yeah yeah yeah and the wood is about to be gone you're now buying the stone from another castle to try and survive with those dogs he needs a few more houses as well because the victoria has now taken up all the population 42 ships for yo 81 for leery and leery landing four trips and those victoria are about to disappear yeah and they're they're not the cheapest building ever it's takes a long time for it to pay off and oh a little sloppy there for leary but joe has a bomber cannon out he took out one treb already he will probably lose the one victoria but well he's definitely one way to deal with it he won't lose it because they have as much hp oh never mind he will i'm sorry what was that yeah i i i was talking about the other one that's still up ah right right yeah i got to be accurate but they do have a lot of hp so um i don't know if if there's been a recent change to that it doesn't look like they have based on my memory but it's tough to kill those things the fact that leary is allowing you to take the wood on the bottom could cost him a lot here because he was able to get healthy numbers out on the water still he's still naturally very far behind in the numbers but he has portuguese and if he can take some effective traits here suddenly larry might not be able to reproduce as much as he would have liked oh gosh and i'm watching these shrubs right now and this bomber cannon coming out leery's gotta be so tilted oh gosh he's not gonna take out that victoria it's going to well leave it lyric coming in with the bomber cannon and that bomber can uh delete slumber camp does yo when you might get out of there no just in time with lyrics chasing it down and it survives wow well i still think yo needs to pull back i still don't think he's taking good fights he needs to use that choke and it wait no the population leads but no it's it's false population well lyrics just going in under the castle as well that seems extremely impulsive by him um you're always taking a decent fight here look at the military numbers you always catching up like this is so funny to me because the second i saw the hour 45 rule i was like if there's a time limit does it not promote more camping like you can hold on and hope you have fatorias which give you score lead because faetorius as we saw in red bull walla do actually boost your score considerably and since they bring in resources you're eventually going to be getting more res and more score and more score and more score and i think yo if he continues to do this can actually hold or maybe win the game um but bomber cannon goes down finally and leary's got to be frustrated oh lyrics is about to run out of wood as well no way and yo he's still allowing yo to chop like if lyra just control the bottom wood there is no chance look at he's taking wood on the shoreline next to their ships everywhere he's so he's very tunnel yeah if you control those woodlands there's no chance in the world that joe would have a chance of winning this game but leery kind of yeah tunnel vision is the right word but there's good fight players so far yo has to fall back now there are three elite cannon galleons uh working on the dogs and on the castle soon and even reaching the fertoria now so larry still has a good chance but look look at the wedding come from here he's stuck he has 160 wood in 69 would and i think we missed heavily with the timing i was talking about maybe one one hour 30 minutes for the wood to run out yeah but then i don't remember how the conversation went but i think there was talk that that would be too short and there still would be wood on the on the map at that point yeah i think i think that this version also has a little less wood than previous tournaments which maybe is what what made the timing a little awkward but i don't know if you should i mean granted he's gonna have wood income but i don't know if he needs to overextend right now as he brings the bomber cannon in to go for the cannon galleon what on earth he actually picked off one bomber cannon as well and yo suddenly with yo ha look at joe's wood he's deleting bills now so he has pop space again look at his wood and the gold look how the gold is going up this uh yo just won the finals and he has four relics yo just won the finals didn't he viper it was just is there any chance lyric can hold on for 43 minutes with a score lead well okay i tell you what he needs to get sappers and send those villagers in as military i think he's going to chop wood and he's going to realize there's not much there but yes to answer your question there is a chance for leary that he can hold on for score lead but i feel like it will get progressively worse for him but maybe joe's bank oh my god i can't believe he won this game well i think but like look at leery now landing to try and take the wood from yours island there's nothing left son yeah but like okay so we can say that joe has done a really good job at holding on but leary's tunnel vision here has definitely cost him he could control that wood from yo all game long yep yep yep yes i did not here he comes with a castle and he's making stables he does have food and he's researching hussar so yo might not have villagers he doesn't have any fortifications on his base except for the you know where the dock is yeah so he would probably lose victorious to hussars soon and he'd lose his relics so leery could maybe steal the relics i mean i really don't know how to call this game and i understand that this is in many ways just stupid and unique but at the same time how frequently do you see games like this i still think it could go either way yeah the issue is that yo has resources right he can just drop a couple of barracks start making spike man which he's doing and it's not the end of the world for him and joel now has elite cannon gallon himself lyrics villagers are officially collecting zero resources except the ones that are on the farms in his base and yeah there is i hate to say it but looks like yo eventually with the timer here we'll be able to close the game out yeah lyric cannot engage anymore that's the awkward part for him although he's trying to snipe the canon galleon oh those cannon gallons go so slow okay yeah the thing is viper like i have also maintained that players just are too tunnel visioned or they're not doing the right things to close out games against portuguese but i think while i think there needs to be a mental shift from many of the players who encounter this i also think if it happens enough times where portuguese are winning out uh it might there might be a reason for it and no way no way is this it says leary's winning this in terms of hp there's a lot of weak ones in there for yo but now it's evening out a little this could be straight 50 50 actually larry is doing some nice micro though uh oh yeah lyric's hp is still a thousand more so this could easily be a win for lira in the fight and that means he's pushing his score lead even higher and now neither chooses to fall back obviously it's hard to judge these fights yeah but larry probably looks at his bank as well and he thinks he's up against victoria yeah yeah still do you think lyrica can hold on for 40 minutes without losing the score lead when there is vitoria i don't think so unfortunately i think we're looking at a situation where fertoria once again will win an islands game and well y'all did all the right things to win like this you'll still feel a bit bad for later but at the same time leery definitely should have controlled the wood on the bottom side yeah he could have landed earlier he could have done a lot of things to make sure he wins this game but he was not able to do so and of course it's still not over there's still a 2 000 score lead for leery here that could still be decisive they're now doing armor even for the archers um i think that's just for the score yeah so whatever is playing the score game against portuguese satoria but but he only has to wait another 30 some minutes i know it's ridiculous but both players could play to win here with some very awkward decisions and that's a significant score lead there for leary yeah the issue for him is that larry cannot really reproduce water units and joe will constantly keep pushing look at his bank he has a thousand stone almost still but yeah lyric has to like you all can start destroying things forcing engagements and fights from from yo or from leery and eventually that will win yo a lot of score as well but yeah for the time being the score is not catching up too much here so the problem with i'm sorry continue your thought yeah yo was burned through his wood bank as well now of course he's still getting wood from the fertoria but it's not fast it's not looking that high as i would expect it to be players are just so good at dragging games out now that that's the difference it's crazy there is there is increase in the score it's 3 000 now it was two and a half not too long ago well yo can he do this can he afford this i he thinks it's worth it because he can make more but that is an expensive loss and he didn't even get the final one piper no way nice dodge is by lyria but larry lost a lot of ships on the front at the same time so in the end i think yo still came out of that with a decent trade still three thousand yeah he has to catch up three thousand score within the next 35 minutes of in-game time leary cannot delete his bills bills would if you delete your bills because they're not working it would lose you so much score so if that's the type of reason yeah there's no reason to delete them anyway even if they're not working right so sure sure well sometimes they're sending this fishing ship on the right side to collect fish on the top side so yeah some food income still that's going to last a long time you know so oh gosh man this is this this should not be yo has 60 pop on the field and leary has 44 pop that matters i guess you could say while there's no matter for score but oh you always chopping trees in the in the middle of his base he still has a couple of trees nice seeing like he has three wood choppers stonks man that's that's a lot of income compared to leary but yeah lyric now the castle is gonna go down and two and a half thousand score yeah the thing is if y'all just adds two or three more yeah he's adding more cannon guns he has five out on the map and it's gonna be six and larry can never engage this army you're always just gonna build up that score slow and steady and i don't see it man i don't see how it's gonna how it's gonna be a thing but yeah we definitely missed with the time here the timer should have been probably something like 1 hour 15 if you wanted to completely avoid fatoria wins but at least we know that now for the future but obviously it sucks well it's it's part of the game there's no shame in doing it if you're yo um and theory should recognize it yeah and lyric could have controlled that thousand like yo collected thousands and thousands of wood in the bottom part of the island where leery pretty much had his ships passed non-stop yep so yeah larry still could have done a lot now larry has he has 25 hosts are on the island of yo and yo he's doing hell but they are now doing the last armor but yo kind of doesn't have population to produce hubs right now although he has some in the town center so he should still be able to clean that up but uh yeah gore is now just a thousand apart and i think it's dawning on leery as well that the score is just gonna keep um dipping in favor of yo hair and it's only at 1200 apart now yeah i'm afraid that's that's all she wrote folks two straight tournament final or not too straight i suppose but uh three straight big tournaments where portuguese have pulled out some faetorius shenanigans uh granted the i think when vincester tried it against leary actually leary probably hates portuguese so much but um yeah the gg's called leary even resigns with the scorley this sieve is just it's unique to say the least leary had his opportunities in this game and in this series but yo is the open classic champion that was such an entertaining series uh kind of an awkward way to end it viper but yo deserves it absolutely i'm gonna right-click the video to see if he's down for an interview sure i assume you would stick around as well yep that's fine you're more experienced interviewed than me so maybe you can take care of some of the questions i'll think of some more specific ones you asked the generic one since you are generic caster so um yeah yo closing it out with the five fatoria in the end again this is not how i wanted to see the open classic finish so it is a little bit sword taste in the end but yeah all massacres yo like he played those other games fantastic even this game all the action that happened with the landings and everything was fantastic display from both players and again i still feel like lyra should have won this game if you just identify that he could control so much earlier of joe's wood in the bottom part yeah i agree with you on that it's just he didn't and and poor and yo capitalized and thank you for the compliment by the way i i've always felt far from generic and it means a lot um but let me know what yo says if we have to hop out of our voice room which i think yo should have access to we can just do a quick discord call i will i've written to him i'm not sure if he has answered yet he hasn't answered yet oh i just like jordan in the game earlier against leery apparently jordan lost a minute at least one minute in the restore but he didn't realize oh really you know the first game jordan against leery apparently there was over a minute that jordan didn't play so when they restored from lyra's file he was way behind yeah he was way behind well that jordan's was probably quite tilted from that understandably so wait you're telling me this game has been out for two years and we still don't have a proper restore yeah that's what i'm telling you okay that's that i think we're gonna have to have an admin decision here and go and replay uh jordan and lira again [Laughter] you should tell yo that right now that you have to they have to redo everything yeah i think yo is probably busy celebrating right now so we're gonna have to wait and see a little bit but hopefully we can get more from an interview and let's look at the stats here quickly i look at the economy tab that's the most important one and in the end you're collecting 13 000 more resources in theory and that's not down to villager collection i'll tell you that much um just i guess after watching that that whole final as we wait for yo to finish his celebrations um what did you think of the quality right because this was a these were settings that i mean many of the maps have been a staple of tournaments for years but at the same time there were some tweaks here there when it comes to overall map balance and uh no ban system just a straight up pick system what was your experience as a player and also organizer uh and caster wow so yeah like for me uh what i felt has been missing lately in tournaments has been just straight up like settings not any gimmicky maps like or like too far out in terms of gimmick and a draft system where you can actually play what you draft yeah we always have these days we have uh you ban sieves you snipe sieves and then you see of course everyone drafts the best sieves but they never get to play the best gifs sure so the the main thing there was to allow people to pick whatever they want they can prepare they can play what they get and plan around their sieves and not necessarily have to be like suddenly like oh he sniped that's it well okay i guess i have to play something else you know so uh yeah and also i think the the maps christina did a great job at maps as well making them very competitive and we saw some great sets as well i think in the round of eight around 16 i think there was so many 3-2 sets as well so the tournament has definitely delivered on a lot of games and yeah of course again i hate i hate the way this tournament ended now because so many people are going to be complaining about the victoria and all that stuff and feel like larry was was stolen that game what not but again leery could and should have won that game no matter what yeah so even though we all hate the way fedora plays out it was still error of judgment on lyrics and and yo just did what he should do and he deservedly won but yeah i'm very happy with the tournament i think it was great in the end uh obviously as well hera not making it in was a bit awkward but we all want to see hera in the tournaments right so it is what it is in the end i'm very happy and it was exhausting though because when i'm also organizing the event i feel like i have to deliver and stream everything and i definitely can tell that i'm exhausted so yeah this was a long day of casting that your stamina is not there for for casting anyways right yeah and then it's also play cast play casts the other days it's it's exhausting but yeah who knows maybe i'll do something with this again in the future maybe not i'll have to feel on it and of course see how my wrist in hand holds up well but yeah uh two things uh first off um from my perspective it was a great time and i think viewers i can't speak for all viewers but i think viewers would say the same um i also agree that simplicity was something that was something that was maybe needed um drafting is awesome but uh i think drafting can sometimes not suit certain maps in certain tournaments and it can just be what people started to do because this tournament had or that tournament had it and so i thought it was refreshing um and of course as a host myself and maybe some others will will reconsider how many bands how many snipes um are incorporated and maybe reconsider uh well ask the devs to make a change to victorious um yeah the the funny thing about you saying that by the way about like you know how exhausting this is is why i think yo winning is so fascinating to me he actually does this for most of his events right he actually watches them cast them and plays all the time so his performance was stellar man considering that yeah for sure i mean he did this during red bull events as well so it's like the the guy has a stamina of oh chinese guy let's put it like that um but yeah on the the drafting situation i also i love drafting but i think we're also limiting drafting too much as well now like generally speaking but then again i'm fan of variation right so some tournaments can have snipes something like a band some can have yep yep my band bands and then some can have no instant snipes at all so yeah that's kind of what i what uh like i wanted to see a tournament again where we had no bands and all that stuff and yeah yo has just answered so let's get him into the call here i'll try i'll make a group call on discord sure hello nihao well that's awkward uh can you hear me i hear you tonight okay hello hello nihao nihao nima what okay yo hi um i'm not the host of this tournament but viper is too much of a waste to ask you actual questions so duties yo uh yo how do you feel man uh tournament champion massive prize pool it's been a crazy year obviously but what are your thoughts right now i feel great like really great i'm so happy that i win this tournament with a with a good prize fool and good players except hera of course but still i feel very happy really happy yeah um the names of players you beat obviously i'm repeating this mainly for viewers but you didn't really have an easy road right uh you beat lan you beat max you beat the viper you beat tattoo and you beat leary so uh yeah unfortunate that that hera didn't make it into this tournament uh for sign up reasons but this was a hard road so do you think that that means even more to you just the fact that you you showed everyone what you're capable of yeah of course of course because uh everyone is saying i'm lucky to get good bracket every time so this time i get a tough one i have never heard a single person say that uh everyone understands and someone else those guys okay well they're just banking you know that's my everyone yeah that's just yeah yeah i think uh the bracket this time is hard but i think it proves something more i suppose that's awesome cool should we work our way through the map ask some questions specifically to the maps or you're you're in charge don't don't ask me okay okay so we had arabia first uh first of all were you happy with your draft in the end did you feel like you had a better draft um yeah i think so okay so fossil but it turns out it wasn't that bad that good okay okay so we entered arabia first you had you went for britain's there were you expecting him to go mayans were you thinking he would go aztecs what was the thought process behind britain's uh i thought he was going to go for chinese okay i wanted to use viking but you know viking is like weaker version of chinese so i i figured i would just use britain to try my luck then i then i saw his mayans and mayans is kind of weaker than chinese i was happy okay and you definitely like your forward castles that that game clearly shows right uh what's the second game again i think it was maybe not the comma yep second game was takama um yo yeah i mean i i was impressed viper was impressed with your scout activity there is that just a normal day in the books for you you killed his scout and you checked every single pond confirmed every single one do you feel like you played god tier in that game or is that was that just like a normal win for you uh would it be too cocky if i say it was normal no i mean you know i i play a show match versus jordan the other day and i was the sonian in the game too so i basically do the same things like when when i with jordan so i don't think there's something special about the game can i ask on that because lyric played japanese against doubt yesterday as well did you watch the games and see how he played um i think i did so your strategy wasn't anything did you use that strategy the way you did like you did a late barracks you just went for the docks did you do that because you saw how he played and kind of tried to counter it no no no i had that i don't remember any details on the from their games okay it was it was i mean it was all that long ago yesterday you know right so it makes sense uh we enter game three which was the game where leary won was it land madness gold rush gold rush yeah gold rush you went vikings there i assume you expected aztecs from him and you picked viking as a counter but he opened with stable and then you kind of went into a long sword play was that adaptation because you saw him going eagles or did you already plan to play like this as the game begun yeah i i wanted to make him think that i'm going to full honk for a while because yeah because of the stable then i i was just sneaky making making source man but i failed of course why do you think you would think you go huang just because he sees a stable that's what huang do no yeah but a lot of people build a stable it's vikings though it i kind fair enough fair enough after that we enter what's probably your favorite map i assume nomad yes yes i like nomad we can tell you're freaking spanish walling half the map at minute eight and then straight to konks you seem to have a very specific style there we always you don't even rush the castle you focus on water first i assume that's very deliberate on your end yeah yeah okay nice good lance madness yo this is this is where i come off as the bad guy a little bit but you just won the tournament so land madness um were you upset with yourself because of that dark age were you just like whatever it seemed pretty rough you forgot the mill you got housed it was it's a little awkward i was really pissed off by myself but i don't think it matters that much because lyric has a performance map and is chinese i don't think if i can go up one minute earlier can change anything okay fair so yeah i guess viper had said that he thinks chinese might even be a little stronger there would you agree because you did pick mag yeah i agree agreed that's why i said i thought my drafting is perfect but then it turns out maria is not better than chinese i have a follow-up question there as well because uh we saw you against both like against me you played archer opening with maggers you did the same against shadow and then you just switched to scouts in the end against lyra was that because of civ was there in playstyle was it mind games what was your thoughts behind that i forget why i why why did it go archers versus you i don't remember why but there was a moment when i find out something then i just decided to go archers but skull is always the plan the first player okay so you're just adapting on the spot based on what you see in the saves and such okay cool what was the game after that that was another win for leary i think well the final the game after that was islands it's all right yeah he's new um uh okay yo so with this tournament uh viper and his team said you know what we don't want we don't want to have portuguese dominate because of the late game and you got crazy with the landing at what point did you did it click for you oh god i can actually win because of this building the did did you think about it early did you think you were still dead that game or did you always believe in the feytoria well i thought i was going to win before imperial age because it was kind of successful landing you know yeah kill all his fish and manage to get a workshop and a stable but then i threw it all away and i i just didn't want to give up so i i don't remember which point i just realized maybe i can win this game i mean when when lyra resigned he had still higher score but obviously that was going to change quite soon yeah and like the left side of your island was suddenly out of wood and you had to move everything down to take the wood right next to pretty much wilder was making uh galleons do you think he would have had a chance of winning if he denied you from taking that wood yes of course i was out of everything and if he went landing earlier i think i'm dead as well yeah do you think uh so you think if he denied the wood you would have no chance with the victoria yeah yeah okay i think so yeah well either way uh victoria what's the play you did a good job holding on to make sure that victoria could grant you the win and honestly you played you played the best this tournament so congrats a lot to you miss you for winning and you're banned for the next tournament why because you beat me i don't like that sorry about it oh that's so oh sorry about that by the way yeah but okay i'll take it i congratulate you you beat me a lot before that's true that's true as well we got good given we take can i just can i real quick before we let yoga celebrate can i just bring up one of my favorite stories between you two it was nac um nac3 so it's a lan event and viper was feeling pretty under the weather he was feeling pretty sick and it was scheduled that joe and viper would start off the next day yo and i are hanging out viper arrives right before the games are about to start and yo goes hey viper how are you doing how are you feeling i remember this and viper goes oh i'm feeling much better and you immediately goes oh god i love it well yo again congrats man um from me and you there are certain moments in the way you play um that just gets me so excited and it's not like because of kills or anything it's just because of the brilliance of the way you read the game uh your sieve draft so um it it was absolutely brilliant uh one final question what time is it for you right now prime time 4k 6 40 a.m okay is this is this normal for you do you adapt your full schedule to win age of empires events or is it a little past your bedtime well it's still still kind of late for me but i'm fine apparently when when i stayed at yo and paladin's place for like two weeks i woke up 6 7 a.m yo was still grinding league of legends a couple hours later he goes to bed like around 10 11 a.m maybe every day the ruins but i don't play well around this this hour i get tired yeah that makes sense well anyways congrats i wanted to ask that because that's pretty insane but as far as i knew you uh you're no stranger to playing at these times because of the tournaments and all so uh yo was fun to watch appreciate it man thanks for taking part yo and we'll see you around see you bye right wisdom was a lot of fun having you along for the ride and uh yeah thanks for casting with me yeah thanks for showing me the ropes it was can i tell you guys do you guys know when t90 asked me to cast the final with him i did that professionally i had to get off for the day it's not like he came to me like after i lost yesterday no no no no tinani asked me many many days ago he's like by the way do you want to cast the final together like we haven't told him it hasn't even started i'm playing we got a plan man it's a man with a plan i actually read the conversation off i caught i said hello slithery snake master pizza man i come to you in request to cast with you and you responded hello three ranged neutral islander we can do that but i hope we don't so that was the combo for those that missed it i'm sorry if that was too much i was just that i was excited man uh it's not nice by the way to leak private messages to the public oh oh oh okay okay sorry i'm new yeah all good all right yeah it was fun thanks for putting up with me and congrats on a good event man it was awesome yeah thank you man i will see you around bye-bye see ya wow um treat the cast with viper as i just said he's such a good guy a great player of course who put on a show on the tournament and i can't imagine playing and casting a few players did that i'm not sure everyone did that i think with this prize pool it probably weren't too many people doing it but yo and viper the players we just talked to watching the games showing people the games dedicated to age so that was pretty freaking cool
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 207,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definite, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE, AoE2DE, DE, elo, wow, crazy, insane, high, skill, highskill, the, open, classic, toc, TOC, TheViper, Viper, Yo, Liereyy, grand, finals, final, grandfinal, grandfinals, grandfinale, finale
Id: PKVikw5ine4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 21sec (12201 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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