Game Grumps: Best of Resident Evil HD Remaster

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game grab cool bro oh my by saying gosh it's cool gross scary spooky wow this is gonna be a great time we're pounds no resident [ __ ] evil this is exciting but it's a remake but it's a remake of the remake I wish there was a P in front of it it was president according to Hillary Clinton's Advisory Board in like when this game came out it's called a resident of evil Creek is that right yeah I was like back when everyone was like you gave you too violent and make people shoot other people there's like one of the biggest culprits of this sensation is a resident of evil Creek yeah that's really funny that's Chris he's cool and generic okay and he has little elf ears okay and then are they gonna show her Jesus Christ show her she's got a great ass Jimmy and her butt is incredible Jill Valentine yeah but they haven't shown her yet oh that's Joseph he dies I have a grape there's Jill ah she's so hot I love Jill she's really pretty god she's so [ __ ] cute this is Joe Joseph yeah should I not get attached to him emotionally if you're a puppy you could get attached to him real fast yeah otherwise there will be no time yeah that was Chris Chris is cool he's all fluff in later games he's just kind of like normal here but he like starts working out and he gets super Jack and then he like he punches a boulder to death oh I think the six game excellent do things get silly later oh man okay they get silly in this one okay cool [Laughter] Wesker's cool dude oh that's Barry Barry's the best his name's Barry Burton he's got a big-ass [ __ ] Magnum for no reason holy [ __ ] yeah we're locked in the mansion because there's poppers outside okay and they're gonna eat us flesh meat yeah that sounds great they're going to eat me fish yeah they're going to eat me three stars members left yet our dance team is dwindling quickly we can't assembly rehearse and our routine what happened a Christmas just there he's outside on a [ __ ] mill not quite your ordinary house that's for sure yeah I'll make dinner Joe no I said no we have to lease at best with an option to buy the down payment alone we'll run you out of house and home even though you'll have the house if you die anyway yeah all right we're going to the dining room sorry I feel fine part of the ours team I took a [ __ ] on the floor yeah smell it it's gross it's got a little corn in it but I don't remember eating corn what do you think go ahead sniff well no no I ain't none of this it's all wrong pastrami lettuce god I remember playing the original version of this is she gonna find the dude getting eaten yeah that [ __ ] was so scary yeah that when he turned slowly Sir Richard it was so scary to me Richard no Richards the one who was getting eaten by the snake this is Patrick or Peter or something [Music] hi al sorry Zambo let's kill it Kenny Thank You Kenny alright let's report back to Wesker this is where you go take a tinkle yeah that's that's exactly the donor of a room I'd like to be exposing my genitalia yeah so here's a tub full of water huh and if I remove the plug good only good things can happen only good things what could possibly be hiding inside the water in a zombie infested mansion oh man I stayed in there way too long my skin's all pruney look at this guy yeah it was just like it's all over I don't know that the branch in front of its face sorry I thought that was its face do you see what I mean and then this guy's like hmm these guys yeah we're above the door Steve are you still above the door yeah I oh you know it Benjamin their paintings we're always about the car wow she's really pretty I know isn't she she's a very attractive character one you were almost a Joe sandwich sandwich you were almost a Jill sandwich but you would have fit nicely into a sandwich seems creepier to me why are you here well guys you can find out like that I can fold you up and put you into a folder they brought you home with me so you in a file would you like that would you like to dig up what you file in my cabinet don't mention it alright fine about that hair cream I got him right in the [ __ ] face you sure did he's still alive so whatever kinda reminds me I am when we were traveling back from Philadelphia with Brent on the plane yeah I had one of those moments where it was too quiet when I was saying the thing that I was saying you know yeah like the plane had landed and like Brent and I were standing there waiting for other people in front of us to get their bags and like everyone was chatting and then like I turned to Brett and I was like please be careful getting off the plane as the contents of my dick may have shifted in your face turned around as I go [ __ ] dude nice thanks that's that's pretty nice they're pretty proud of it pretty proud of it yes I will refill my fuel canteen with kerosene I used to be a personal trainer now I'm a personal trainer zombie I still care about your fitness I also care about the taste of your I still want you to build muscle but only because there will be more from me all right cool wait wait oh yeah handgun ammo cool I am blasting through the [ __ ] right now yeah you are flying so don't get jealous my favorite dish flying yeah it's like going real fast by yours your favorite dish oh yeah cuz there there was a plate it was like a commemorative plate connection it was all just oh okay you know what the [ __ ] like that [ __ ] on fire [ __ ] for woosh oh I could roast a chestnut on that [ __ ] mm-hmm I am roasting chestnuts if you see berries he's got like a marshmallow on a stick mmm well with her sandwich I was gonna make out of you oh [ __ ] another dog attack bang bang oh [ __ ] he's got me dude you're hurting [ __ ] I'm getting all [ __ ] up from a dog Oh caution I got I got orange caution fine holy [ __ ] she's like a key look likes the precision D to be used as one need so now I have a fake key yes I will discard the dog whistle I would love to because I don't need the [ __ ] dog will anymore just sorry just hate the dog was yeah I'm sorry worst item no I'm sorry so dumb I'm just kidding it's cool okay I was at the was at the aquarium and for anyone who's ever been to the aquarium in Long Beach it's [ __ ] amazing and beautiful oh yeah it's a great aquarium yep we were at the otter exhibit and Oh yep swimming around on the backs doing cool human things with their hands you adore them and one of them just dropped a huge gross duke in the water really yeah it was so gross that's funny but like everything everything swimming around in it and like fish are like eating it and stuff and like it was just such a gross scene and then this guy next it's just like it's this is the best note a badass I would've given that guy - yeah it was pretty great just recounting the scene and then like [ __ ] 20 minutes go by because you spend forever at that exhibit just there's so much fun to watch that's a crimson hood sir okay god yeah he is fast too fast I think he's around the corner yeah Oh God in heaven [ __ ] you out of my way like draw my legs up on the couch yeah there uh okay what's up when they're fast it's a lot worse yeah that's a problem it's definitely problematic and that's because you killed him but didn't burn his body well so that one is a plant that one's there to like introduce you to crimson head gotcha so now now they'll start waking up if I didn't burn them yeah that's how it works brother see you buddy nice knowing you this is job thanks for the grenade launcher yeah ed you can't use it anymore because you're a [ __ ] dumbass [ __ ] I was coming he's quick well he's a quick one whoa look at him look at the stumble he's got some moves he's a joker that one oh [ __ ] where's the door where's the door Oh God right here confusing alright so forest is I'm not a smart mind and what were smaller I know what a grenade launcher I love you Jimmy here's Richard whoa I told you to call me dick yeah probably Thanks could you show me show me a little tit maybe it'll make me feel better just a little tit also I'm my Walkmans out of double-a batteries OOP there's a CVS on the road Mike I need to play my my cassette of extreme more than words always makes me feel woods more than words is one of those every time my arm gets eviscerated by a snake I don't know it's probably because when I I left after the last episode and when I read you had your shirt up overhead and your hands down your pants furiously pretending to jerk off and then when I opened the door you earned into my mind I knew you were only gonna be God for a second so I was like well it's my moment yeah those are the things where like the other person ends up taking way longer than they should and then who says like pretending to jerk off for like ten minutes waiting there and then suddenly the door open as well have really started to jerk off and then you really start to jerk off and that's when the person enters the room I can't say I can relate to that one okay why they call crimson heads because they're all like red and bloody looking you yeah okay good enough for me he just decided to call him that I don't know what are you the [ __ ] Goblin guy I know that you know a lot of producers Sophie died could you please say sorry guys taking the driver not hurt oh come on you just got eaten by a snake you can take a [ __ ] shot you don't does it never not hurt idiot yeah I'm gonna take this musical score and I'm gonna play a little piano I sure do love playing piano but I do have you received I think I think his naked gun to where like Frank Drebin is with his ex-wife in in like the depressing sad bar and like the old black dude Sam is playing them yeah I don't like it it's really sad dude and they're reconnecting and he's like Sam would you play our song just for old times sake of course anything no not that song Sam the other you got it mysterious box yeah I'll take the choice of wood of it I'm gonna examine the box you know it's got like hearts all over this be aware I open this box um how do I open this ball guys the tone of the song says anyone na ha nothing shall within me mmm saying that Oh where's the where's the sunshine at maybe if I hit this button uh and then hit this button what does shine awakened oh that's nasty it looks so grody it looks like my cousin and I don't much care for him and no oh I never thought about it until I fell most golf at math but you're the fool cuz the school face was just like grossed by oh my finger and head you always get me excited Jill I mean dude all right then you put the Lord there with the [ __ ] other lures and then you put the B with the bees and then you press the button and then it activates say all right [ __ ] convoluted [ __ ] that is weird like oh no not be easy came to life see not only did he activate the tip thing but he gave the life as well you activated to be no mass B whoa [ __ ] B was it a some zombie but why is that what it was no I don't know I mean that we look deadish it yeah yeah thank you guys death mask with no eyes cool get it see [Laughter] the first time that you played it did you have to like run and find like the one herb that oh yeah man oh I had a hard time the first time welcome to my house use the door next time guys oh my you guys are crazy dude [ __ ] crazy anyway I'm scared shitless yeah anyway I [ __ ] my pants what's it like living in Japan as an American um or no she's Dutch right from what yes from what I understand it actually is kind of tough yeah I would imagine so so that's like your dream maybe yeah well I know there's all these ambos everywhere sorry I was at the bathroom and oh you're getting tasty [Applause] [Laughter] I gotta get the wooden thing first okay no I'm wasting my time Al's gun these [ __ ] down [ __ ] I don't have kerosene so he's gonna wake up later and that's gonna be a problem for me so see you later guy terrific I should leave a note on him that's just like please don't weaken yeah but post it please at least draw a dick on his face that would be great if he was a crimson head he was running after me with a big dick I like you like I mean it's scary but thank you good helper laughs Wow Sergeant Pepper sergeant pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band gonna be 50 years old right on and magical mystery tour because the Beatles wrote both those albums in the same [ __ ] year because they were insane Jesus I'm talented goddamn it really yeah that's ridiculous were they written by like different members no it was all John and Paul with the occasional song by George Harrison so no Ringo Ringo uh like Ringo had a couple songs like octopus's garden like that's a Ringo song okay Ringo had songs where the other Beatles were like very good Ringo this is going right on the fridge like we've talked about that before it's like when he did his mspaint stuff that's right I called this man with hat because it's got a man with a hat so Dan this morning you know Dan and I convene and we're like what do you wanna play today and Dan was like I wanna play rosin evil yeah and by play I mean watch you play okay I frigging have really enjoyed the series and a lot of fans wrote me and relay keep it going beyond Halloween we're doing really people said like yeah yeah well lots of people who else do you think like cows are watching and they're like [Music] I like to imagine you know how like people when they do the game grumps animated yeah they'll put you and I in the position of like the character of the game we're playing even though sometimes like there's only one character but it's like the two of us whoa I like to imagine that like I'm next to you in the in the Resident Evil mansion just just wandering stupidly with like my eyes like looking around like the world is full of magic Wow look at that stained glass window I'm just like please shut up please stop I have to concentrate why do you think there's a G and the word laughter that's just like tearing you apart [Laughter] call me when you're lagging lagging stop turning around just stupid ape Wow a lot of words for Jill Valentine no man she's beautiful and she's got a big old book like just like oh my god guys let me tell you something I don't care what your stances are politically can we all agree that Michelle Obama has an awesome but damn oh oh he's dead yeah bummer sucks to be you see you brother gravedigger she's like actually the names Dave Dave Gregor you can imagine because I'm I tend to put me in a grave and say yeah it makes sense right but anyway I still get a little offended sometimes even nail clipper please I am I'm tick tack and all up on this floor did you know Tic Tac yeah you know when your nails are too long I was like yeah attention all Halloween hoes it's time to get spooky you know what that means get fisted by a skeleton shove candy corn in your [ __ ] and don't forget to suck some Dracula dick so put on your costumes and go door-to-door begging for that good good for that good good send this to 12 spooky [ __ ] to show that you're ready to get some chocolate-covered dick this is way past Halloween like even when we're filming this this is like not even close why am I not allowed to share a festive message of the season like even even in Japan especially in Japan because I was in Japan on Halloween and then the day after uh-huh and it was like holy [ __ ] like they had an entire [ __ ] crew of people just hook up in like midnight and it was just like take all the Halloween [ __ ] out and put all the Christmas stuff up right now oh really yeah it was unbelievable no Thanksgiving in Japan they like to give thanks for the American holiday Thanksgiving yeah or the days that we slaughtered and gave smallpox blankets to Native Americans yeah yeah it's just a horn of plenty filled with cholera they really enjoy celebrating that it's wonderful I wouldn't die yeah come on Japan yeah with yeah it's a cornucopia of American tragedy [Laughter] look at me I'm part of tar I'm [ __ ] out of here I'm going to a new area Dan you guys need this driveway [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] say that ever even thought it's a bad thing to say I'm sorry oh you dope I'd never even considered that was a do you need your [ __ ] driveway to be taut hard again what do they say I don't know just [ __ ] but not the bad I know what's not bad but goddamnit I know there's no good way out of us throwing throwing myself in circles here it's okay I'm sorry for saying those words yes anyway we're part of tar that is what's important yeah silly [ __ ] [ __ ] shut up dude I'm saying it dope get us in trouble you're the one who's getting us in trouble I mean bad words all the time did you know Humpty Dumpty mm-hmm he's not an egg go on people just I know he's an egg man that's Sonic the Hedgehog dude oh yeah because nothing in the song says that he's Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall eating his curds and whey along came a waffle done Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall yes I'm Tina then fall horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again people just assume he's an egg because eggs fall in the yeah maybe they made it maybe they turned it into eggs so like children wouldn't like imagine a man being eviscerated as he falls that's the whole point of it is is he falls and falls into pieces and it's gross why does he why could you imagine all the king's horses and all the king's men showing up and they're like oh and why would they even try to put him together gross did you think we could did you think that guy's dead he's in pieces but do you think maybe if we try real hard we could put him together again pretty great being a kid in the 16th century or whatever that was must've sucked balls you know I bet like in five hundred years people are gonna say that about our generation well it's like they didn't have scrum pole fiends [ __ ] man their generation must have sucks crumpled they don't they don't even have mats Crump's anymore how did you survive without a scrump dude and a now dude I need I need a scrum pump in the morning honey did you leave my Flicka dee flew near the scrapple things create a cataclysmic wow so funny [Laughter] mom where I miss you you jeez yeah it's pretty [ __ ] Saturday someone could have really used autocorrect you know it was written on paper Dan oh wow well in 500 years from now paper is the what even is that they'll you escaped you cut down trees to write on things that's so [ __ ] up yeah now we just use our mind lasers to write in the air it just picks up on our vibes picks up oh my gosh yeah what happened to her she has a bunch of phases of her family sewed on oh yeah when she was saying like I found mommy she's she didn't want to be attached uh-huh that's she's talking about attaching it to her face yeah fashion mom to her face ah [ __ ] that I just screw myself I think I might have what do you mean yeah she's right there oh dear I'm gonna go ahead and run right back okay yep see ya I'll see you later babe you're beautiful you're beautiful don't let anybody tell you different I'm gonna steal your [ __ ] and leave see you baby looking good damn I mean damn you got that Michelle Obama but Duncan yeah I wish I was your lover I gotta go hey-hey puppers naughty you want a pet oh Jesus Oh God who's a good boy I didn't realize there were three of them have you ever seen that um that meme where it's like a dog sitting at a computer typing and it says we can you hack the mainframe to find out who's a good boy [Laughter] we got a flickering lamp which fills me with ominous dread yeah and I've got this ink ribbon so that I can use the typewriter for my advantage outstanding in fact I'm gonna use it right now take it eat a cat a [ __ ] no she's just like what oh yeah sometimes like a robot Jay I where's the L I know I just used the L bar lost track of where the alley it's the second L I know there's two owls sir I've typed my name before whoa people it's Barry Oh No Barry's in some deep [ __ ] Larry I see a bad guy selling us out look he's trying to look out for his family so he must be a good guy if i play my cards right I'll win the pot those moths are close I'm scared this is the thing that scared me I'm out of here hey Perry no I didn't see you talking I didn't see you playing with your dolls again yeah Jill Barry I heard someone talking Oh sounded like you yeah yeah you just starting to take its toll talking to myself is becoming a bad habit oh you think I'm gonna buy that because it seems like you're lying seems like you're really lying it's gotten into you fat bunch of lies spitting out all your life you're a disgrace to ours thank God one out of the same t whoa what I don't know that door opening was much more aggressive than I remembered oh hey zombie hey buddy do you want to chance a warning shot stop Usami wait so many zombies things going on the warning shot totally not because I'm terrible at shooting gun right into the ceiling you never figured a walk past the tentacle one more time and just be a I'll just be walking here with my beautiful beautiful neck just exposed my exposed beautiful neck it'd be a shame of some handsome Hey hello welcome back the game gay me grumps let me open up a fresh can funny that's hilarious 1982 mm-hmm was troubling about it pac-man had just come out headed to yeah and everybody knows the terrible twos those years those are the roughest they just melt away and just so hard to control a pac-man pac-man Galaga I think was 1980 logo is it Galaga at the same time no it's not Galaga Jesus what do you think I'm a duck I'm a dingus it's like how Schwarzenegger would say Galaga yeah you might do wondering why I'm here presenting a bra maybe it's because I'm good friends with Jim Cameron anyway here's a bra safe to be really strict yes during the war oh thank god yeah god that's like taking a big old [ __ ] is he gonna be seeing me floppy they're like all floppy oh yeah yeah he's gonna be pretty floppy it's gonna be a problem for him good we've transferred the problem situation or her you know I don't know if Neptune is a boy or a girl honestly I don't see a big shark dick like flopping around so I know what shark dicks look like let's look it up yeah you know what I want that in your search history what shark penis sounds like something they'd make a soup out of that's it yeah in like Bangkok or exactly looks like an ad shark penis to my amazing Google search history uh sure penis um okay so I'm going in here now whoa well is it cool is it impressive it's like two pronged damn dude that's weird it's [ __ ] hot you can probably get that from bad dragon oh no it's actually - yeah sure why do sharks have two dicks this was that so you're googling yes why do sharks have to hey check it out for hanging out with my boy Neptune right now just chillin in the same tank oh [ __ ] is it dead sure that's not whatever that's like the [ __ ] whatever whatever we just learned sharks have two dicks and you're gonna whatever that damn is intense well echidnas have four penises so I'll never be more impressed than it has five penis bar has been set very high yeah exactly speaking of which the penis bar is my favorite place you'll find at least four there by you know dolly the cloned sheep yeah um named after Dolly Parton yeah because they cloned the sheep from like skin cells from a breast that's pretty impressive when you have the most famous pair of boobs in the world oh yeah that's how that's where I ultimately want to get into with my with my scrotum oh yeah gotcha I want when people see sack I want an offensive if they ever clone a giraffe from from sack cells from sack material yeah Danny yeah it's exactly right Danny giraffe chant Danny the sack celled clone then I began become the mayor of Sacramento Sacramento California thinks okay yeah you know what I never really considered it before but the beginning a set sound of my town is definitely a scrotum rotones the sack yes yeah I mean like come on like Santa has a sack I mean not I mean he has that sack but I mean also he has a sack of toys which could also be misconstrued as that sad [Laughter] Wow all right Here I am in the special room I got to make this [ __ ] chemical called V jolt but this [ __ ] is [ __ ] okay this this whole because you got to do like this weird you got to do math and it's like it's kind of easy but it just I could never seem to get it right it's kind of easy but it's also math well which you and I don't have the best track record with it will Thanks and it's true I need to continue to put it in no what the hell's math is my favorite subject really yeah I've said that a million times okay I love math um so does Brian yeah it's a great it's it's logic this is what it is well if you love math so much why don't you marry it Wow Dan I just had like a flashback to people say that when I was like in kindergarten I'm like what a stupid thing to say I got mp4 here and I gotta get yellow six oh its wesker [ __ ] who's there I can't see why can't I see yeah there is a song I listen to every election day mm-hmm it's not a well-known song it's by the 70s band called gentle giant and it's called aspirations and it's about Oh gross what was that as a puppy oh it's a really beautiful quiet song from like mid-70s mm-hmm and it was written I guess it was written around the time of like Watergate but it's all about like putting your faith in a politician and hoping that like they'll come through for you and do the right thing I think it's a really beautiful song and I like it it gives me a sense of peace every election day it'd make you [ __ ] no actually not thanks for asking that I wouldn't do why wouldn't you do it it makes me come to the voting booth exercise is my right in a democracy oh no you're poisoned yeah if there's a there's a video of its gentle giant I lost my head it's like a like a 70 is like recording of a performance but it's a live performance of theirs and like you can see like everyone's got crazy seventies hair and half of them look like Jesus and it's amazing I [ __ ] love that video what if one of them was Jesus well that would be surprising would you be into it yeah sure why not he's a good dude he was alright have you read the Bible I have actually in in the Bible so Jesus he did this one thing where there was this they were on a boat or something and then you need the one of the people in the boat that was with Jesus was like he was like I need to get to that Island and Jesus is like well you can if you believe in me he was like alright and then he got out of the boat and started walking across the water and he was like oh [ __ ] dude I'm [ __ ] walking on water just because I believe in Jesus and Jesus is like yep and the guy was like oh maybe maybe I but this is crazy I can't be walking on water right now I don't believe in Jesus and then he fell in the water and started drowning and then Jesus was like it sucks to be you and that's it he dies yeah yeah so I don't know he was cool to a point it's just like he's got all that magic [ __ ] and stuff but like I never fully understood that lyric come together right now over me yeah maybe he's talking about like two dudes butts and they act like touch I mean they both poop on his face maybe that's what he was talking about yeah that's probably that's exactly what he was talking about I'm gonna you should look it up yeah I'm gonna look up the lyrics and then try to cross-reference it with two guys butts isn't talking about like he's got mood you go carts or something like that here we go yeah here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly he got juju eyeballs juju eyeball he one Holy Roller okay so those are clearly the butts the bullets yeah those are the butts that we're talking about okay the male butts yes because he said he got yep and the juju eyeballs are like the guy's eyes being like whoa that's a crazy but he got hair down to his knee young ass hair got to be a joker he just do what you please boy these legs don't make any [ __ ] sense they're really good he wear no shoeshine he got toe jam football he got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola these are the [ __ ] lyrics have come together holy [ __ ] he shoot cold Cola he say I know you you know me one thing I can tell you is you got to be free come together right now over me [ __ ] I don't know I I can't make heads or tails of that well fortunately verse two is coming in and it's gonna clear up everything yeah he bagged production he got walrus gumboot he got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker oh man he got feet down below his knee hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease what come together right now over me so that was a famous song very famous [ __ ] is walrus gumboot if I put that in a song I get laughed out of the room even in your comedy band yeah all right you just these are my grams I'm mailing it in with your weirdness so in the last episode we were talking about oh god they're just here now huh yeah where the [ __ ] did they come from I don't know man like it they Troy pardon me sir well if you're good keep them in your room and feed him every day that's a great name son so soothing I were driving somewhere and the GPS said bear left and I was like it's not there oh god I'm a smart boy I always check my map and I always check details and when I get those details correct then everybody gets to watch an entertaining episode of game grumps I'm a smart boy I pay attention to detail and always do things correctly now if you'll excuse me I have to go back here through my left because I [ __ ] up the truth it's cool it's the truth now I'm here in the kitchen what a beautiful place for Jill to be I could this meat may or may not be from my body but I'll never tell you my secret ingredients the guy lying on the floor is like you've seen the end of Charlotte's Web right yes we're all like get your crappy [ __ ] sad and he's like no wait no and then she does yeah but thanks for [ __ ] reminding me well whatever [ __ ] it's like my spices all the time my first exposure to death that I'd ever great finds incredibly sorry you're so sad anyway Oh God okay so spiders actually do that die no yes well yes but that's all I'm saying okay spiders actually like stick their webs out after they're born and then fly away well hi and then you could just see like little streams of silk in the air as they like fly through the air really and catch the wind yeah it's [ __ ] weird and when I lived in Palmdale I guess it was like a prime spot for spider traveling so we went outside and Susie and I thought like there was like UFO activity or something really [ __ ] three is happening right now because there was all these like sparkles and [ __ ] in the air and then and then we started seeing like the strands and then we were like what is this oh my god and then we googled like strands in the sky and then the first result was like spider migration you know what now that you say that I think I have seen like video like in Africa of just like the sky filled with spiders like flying through the air yeah and it's like someone from their window just being like I am NOT going outside today oh it's Rufio or Enrico my hair is too stupid too much gel I wonder what unit ours are finished no one's dancing with us oh oh it might have been him that was a silly reaction yeah let's get shot he's like oh okay well whoever did this is definitely a professional yeah all of the stars people you a hooker did this you think what you say it save I don't why would I save because you keep dying yes you can say it's silly all you want but that's the truth that it keeps happening alright fine you can say I just don't want to run out of stink ribbons you know before I have more than four then that's even better I have more than four idiots yeah was that good or no I should crank it three times yeah so I'm gonna crank it three times oh yeah this is the I see yeah this is the one we decide you have the flat surfaces and now I can go no keep carrying more items damn it seven [ __ ] a [ __ ] drops a useless [ __ ] did that there's nothing useless here no I feel like such a tool why not just use it because I did oh you did okay but I had full health so it didn't matter oh and it sucks because now I'm combine these and it's one item now so now I have a spot open again sucks my out stupid evolved pricks so my own weights on my own a man or the toy homeboy you told me I look at your teeth your teeth are grit your bowing your teeth cause you're my oh I've got I've got some nail that I'm gonna spray on my body to make sure I don't have hey [Laughter] that one caught me by surprise [Laughter] sounds dangerous out there okay maybe check it out yeah okay maybe borrow your giant [ __ ] revolver that would be great no I need it to secure this position yep mmm sure oh there's literally no way to get in here hey Barry could you um got a huge gun jeez could you go ahead uh-huh yeah I'll go ahead oh boy good [ __ ] it's good shit's good comedy does she go fairy I found another crate Julie don't care about the crate yeah there's water creature there's wider near the crate we could survive for years down here with all this water and if we need to float away we can build a raft out of spare wood from the crate there's sweets materials down here pretty please - don't bother you in peace we could live for ages you build a whole new society we could live off a steady diet of revolvers I have my knife I know how to boil knives they're delicious I thought Lisa Trevor was the african-american girl from Saved by the Bell but then I remembered that's Lisa turtle what nevermind saved by the smell oh my god you wait why are you sending that crate because it's away it's a nice crate whatever Duty you it's it was a crave a great great look apparel Crate and Barrel [Music] there must be candles around here somewhere variety yeah if I know my cratenbarrel correctly if you find cinnamon and vanilla scent I really like that one we're just redecorating your place no big deal beautiful down here so beautiful it's very short for barrel hello Barry Jill robot huh how awesome I don't have a gun I swear oh [ __ ] damn Barry no gee whiz there Schmucks everyone's favorite [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah time to talk Jill my god give the gun back to Barry oh geez yeah he helps really yeah he's crazy dolphin was the code name for Nintendo GameCube really yeah and it was released in Japan September 14 2001 well 2001 ok when to come out America November 18th 2001 that's what people ever anyone ever think of that uh-huh just really great just mouth sounds I like isn't that what any show truly is you know just great mouth sound right mouth sounds like you're a d-pad or okay maybe not I guess I find something else there excuse me sorry didn't mean to interrupt you I'm at stairs now open this gate neat do you guys want to come down yeah do you want to follow me down here we're partying down here yeah there's all kinds of beer I brought glow sticks only a couple though so beat the pest them out sparingly whoever's the best of doing the rave stuff there sir alright just easy you'll get your glow stick in time well now you've got one in your head congratulations I want to use this dumb computer anymore doesn't even have a Google whatever nobody's got on iTunes here oh pretty Spears net escape my dad used to call it nuts grape oh I like your dad yeah he's cool he's a cool dude I hope he's dead for good not your dad not my dad yeah sounds Ami's so that how long are these digits right here four digits arrow hello I wrote to you two seems to be something behind this sturdy door I would love it warning Fila may explode if shaken her jar I'd love it if that was like the announcer voice for this game looks like a refueling device that's crazy I just don't you know I just don't want to risk it I know I'd accidentally pressed it again I didn't mean to it's the shake and/or jar button could I shake and jar this please that's the what's the best time of day to shake a baby like no don't shake a baby why would they make them so shakable yeah why are they so shakily soft then it looks like you can use it no I don't want to watch to be perfectly honest with you all right then wasn't a very good film I thought that directing was a little aimless it was a little bit trite yeah the camerawork was obviously amateur-hour glib so I don't really care for that don't really care for that that Hunter Thompson style of right gonzo as they call it I prefer my Gonzo's on Muppet Babies thank you very much Oh sir please use the bucket I get nervous around girls man he is for bass okay am I in the same place or is this a different place I am in the same place excellent I leave now and I say hello to my crimson head friend oh crap I've been waiting for you Jew slashy slashy let me swipe right on your face my personal tinder just realized how close we were to the end of the game yeah you just told me Mom there were like three episodes left yeah that's exactly out of my way get out of my face get into my place and into my car I don't want to get into your place get out of my dreams and into my car I'm gonna use the M oh oh oh sure sir sir cool it just cuts to amaze I know all I need is a pretty lady to say oh what the [ __ ] that things are back where they were no that's [ __ ] man lame so now you just have to well I just gotta go through the two vents again so bless you Dan oh thank you Erin thanks I say gesundheit do you and first of all I was [ __ ] ranting and raving so you were it's obviously a [ __ ] this wasn't the right room dang it I'm such a [ __ ] idiot what room was it wastin my god dad wasn't wasting your goddamn time no it was like you're still wasting me and as we speak that's actually I should probably kill him first hello hi good day welcome back to the most stressful part of Resident Evil by and large this [ __ ] sucks I got a walk through this door and there are [ __ ] bug monsters crap that are gonna slash at me that's not good and every time they do there's a 20% chance of this [ __ ] exploding almost yes yeah so not the best situation for me to be in and also if I fire my gun there's what we percent chance Oh God hey I'm dead Wow 20% huh I wish my odds were that good in Vegas looks like you won the lottery cuz I would what quadrupled my money man he hit you right in the fuel cell god damn he oh stop stop stop running I'm skirt start it up so oh god yes it is actually oh my god come on oh my god are you [ __ ] serious with this do you have to kill that thing I know I [ __ ] I just need to be like lined up perfectly or something God hey where do I put it then if not there where do I put it please let me check the walkthrough see if there's a different location like oh I gotta put it in right at the beginning that was fun so that was actually pretty impressive yeah you did great the with the thing supposed to do that okay so hi I'm Jill I'm 19 I'm from the lab laughs my friends all say I'm the coolest but but Marco still doesn't know what can I do to get her to notice how cool I am find out today on lab lounge also why that girl they mark oh yeah that's my name's mark out that I must be Paulo today on LAV lounge does Randi really feel the way he says about me I really don't feel the same way you feel find out today on lab lounge lab lounge is filmed in front of a live studio audience of undead bug people Oh set the capsule hell yeah yeah and now blow the [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] up damn I'll make you [ __ ] on these titties over here baby keep talking like that I'll meet you [ __ ] I'm a sucky dick imma [ __ ] you dick expect up a trump oh my god oh [ __ ] oh don't blame Barry for everything yeah I hear that his better half and two lovely daughters will be in danger if he doesn't do everything I tell him oh no poor Barry did you do the Olive Garden with me hey what's up baby yeah everything's great let's go to Jersey Mike's a rough day I could go for a 7 to toe bread why don't you just get it with Brad I just literally make the sandwich and then put it in a plastic tub this is not the time Jill stupid oh please oh my god gotta go all right fine what kind of whinnies I don't care I really want to I want to do like a freestyle rap competition where everybody's really good and I just go up and I'm like hey yo I gotta go dude listen sell my flow mr. Sherr thing is No yeah yeah it's a they have a rap battle and like one guy [ __ ] kills it and then Bob Odenkirk comes out he's like in rap rap rap adir abs like that kind of [ __ ] was like rap rap rap it's okay smell your own blood and then take a pic of your face sorry is that a challenge or something that Brian posted on the gig Rose Twitter yo this [ __ ] is wack yeah just like my we can make it it's pronounced run des Vosges you got a Jill and Jill remember my face when it was beautiful because God knows it's gonna be jacked up oh man it's awesome I mean like seriously [ __ ] yeah Oh extra-chunky did Brad survive oh you mean berry berry sorry yeah he's fine oh good alpha teams hey guys what's up I'm Brad yeah pick up people from stars you guys and please don't put your head on me oh hell yeah [Music] no I'm gay I love like especially audio-only [ __ ] crazy Sutton it's [ __ ] crazy psycho [ __ ] [Laughter] super cuckoo for cocoa the movies like yeah when Bobby but Nick is like this all from your mom and [ __ ] he's like yeah but then she's [ __ ] crazy psycho [ __ ] got arrested [ __ ] sucks you think come on pin pin pin pin talk about robots for the future it's it's [ __ ] weird dude anyway I'm gonna break out of jail yeah totally she seems legit boy you [ __ ] tore beans through this game dude yeah I told you is really impressive yeah I'll [ __ ] I'll suck your dick um I'll do it how long what do you think our longest awkward silence in the history of the show was pretty long it's pretty good yeah it was that felt long I'll suck your dick well next time I'm game no we're not gonna get to see it I do that [ __ ] died so what I [ __ ] die do it you can't you've come this far you can't deny the people now I don't like coming though whoa whoa but I'll just have to start for the beginning I didn't save it at all oh yeah so it's all right blame Aaron role picture of Jill and her rosin evil three outfit there you go okay oh it's beautiful I guess that is whoa I'll get it later have a great day everybody goodbye but that was a light-hearted romp you're a late husband [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 47,089
Rating: 4.8780842 out of 5
Keywords: Applesauce, 2.0, toad, assassin, apple, sauce2, Asauce, gamegrumps, gaming, best, moments, compilations, of, videogames, Resident evil, hd, remake, remaster, arin and dan, egoraptor, ninja sex party, supermega, ps4, playthrough, lets play, funny, comedy, laugh, resident evil 7, resident evil 2016, e3, gameplay, resident evil hd remaster, playstation, playstation 4, 3.0, game grumps, resident evil remaster, resident evil hd
Id: WKs3dHmTrPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 7sec (4147 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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