Best Homemade Pizza Dough | Easy Pizza and Dough Recipe #Cooking with me

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it's a Hut yeah yeah I'd like to order a pizza what you don't deliver to camp well folks we didn't need them to deliver anyway I'm talking about the best pizza crust ever we're going to show you how to put it together with the homemade sauce come on [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a beautiful day it is and let me tell you if you're a first time here hey let me open them arms we just welcomed you in here this is a place to where we can all come and just share some laughter talk about some food some good times because we cover it all cooking outside converting all them outsides to inside in the oven but folks just come on in grab a chair set down this is a place where we can relax so what are we talking about today pizza Shan is the connoisseur of all pizzas and she does love a pizza now folks I'm going to tell you right now I know that pizza is about the crust that's what it's all about to me not so much the toppings but I ain't getting crazy Shannon ain't going out there and putting a bunch of vegetables on something we're gonna cover mine up with meat we are here in a minute but folks I'm talking about the best crust ever it's really easy takes a little time but it's so much worth the effort now folks we're gonna be putting two of them together today this recipe will make four but you can put them in the icebox them other two to share with friends and we're making my ever popular oh I love it so much meat lovers Pizza Shan is here yes she isn't I love her so much I do and she wants a margarita pizza I ain't got no tequila but she said it's not like that it is tomato and basil whoo it does look pretty it does smell good so let's get started with this crust now the first thing we're gonna have to work on is we're gonna need a cup and 1/3 of warm water always check the date wherever it is somewhere here and then get your magnifying glasses out this says expires November 30 92054 so I know this is some really good stuff so we're gonna use two packets yep you heard me now folks I gotta give a little shout-out here to my good friend Joe Jones because he is the pizza king over in Wellington Texas he is and he makes some of that best crust he let me borrow some of his ideals for this pizza but I sort of changed it up a little I'm adding more yeast and we're doing a longer rice so yeast first then we go and go some sugar okay about teaspoons which is about that much stir this up really well proofing the yeast is make sure that the yeast is active that it is good that it's going to do its job and get that rising to go and make that dough bloom I mean just get bigger and bigger gonna see a little bubbling and little stuff ferment in there and coming up and it's just gonna sort of start to grow just a little in there by bubbles ever so gently we're gonna set this right here and we're gonna get four cups of all-purpose flour now the recipe will tell you four to five cups and you're gonna need that last cup for sprinkling as we go along making this well we got our flour here and you notice his salt is out here never put salt in there with them using sugar cuz it's just going to defeat our purpose now we're going to put about two teaspoons in there which is that much I love me some onion powder and we're going to go and use about a table spoon which is that much because wonder how you say I'm sure I had a guy not long ago and say oh no ken has done broke down and used a measuring spoon one of them videos I did so I'm going back to the old ways Italian seasoning now we're going to use two tablespoons so we got our dry in here I need you to go ahead and mix all that together and folks ain't telling you you can't be adding like some garlic powder in here any kind of everything you might want some red pepper flakes whatever you need mix it on in here but make sure you got that onion powder and that Italian seasoning in there our yeast did proof you've seen it bubble up there you did and he's gonna give it a little whisking around make it a little way layer in the bottom go ahead and pour it right on in there and it's already smelling like pizza to me that is gonna be some goodness to that a third of a cup of olive oil y'all remember her Popeye's girlfriend she was great person now then we gonna stern and I just want you to get all this incorporated then we're gonna get our hands in it and we're gonna walk make some dough we sure are you might flour your hands just to take it then just go to working it to where we can form all this into some type of a round figure not a trapezoid so let me get rid of this somewhere get you a and this is where it is very important folks we're gonna need this for 10 minutes yep you heard me right that's what makes a great pizza dough now when you keep working this I want you to stretch it roll it back stretch it roll it back we have kneaded for 10 minutes my arthritis and my shoulders see and you can see you don't want that to sticky it is just right we didn't have to add hardly much flour back to our board but I want you to just make it sort of in one then mushroom dome like shapes grease that same Bowl you took it out of that way you don't have to wash them any dishes and I like to rub me a little coating on here just on the top and I'm not telling everybody that but I'm telling y'all so we got her in the bowl I want you to cover it now I like to let it rise for you can do this for three it is going to come to the top I mean gonna be plumb full then I want you to take it out punch it down and I want you to need it I need you to take it and just take your hands and just roll it stretch that dough on top because we need that right here to lay just keep stretching it rolling it around sort of like you're forming a mushroom but just keep pulling it towards the bottom then we're going to place it back in that bowl cover it we're gonna let it go one more hour and who folks look what happens at one more hour I'm talking goodness now it rose like this and nearly pushed the plastic off flour your surface again make sure you got someone everybody take the edge of that bowl and just pull it just a tad and it out a dump right out of there well what do you think there I think it's mighty pretty I do now I will show you a little tip or a trick or whatever before we cut that into four equal pieces I need you to grease your cutting device and I just want you to slice it down through here turn it around here and slice it again and you can see as it sort of spreads apart there it is growing it'll continue to grow a little now if it you won't at this point you can cover it with this bowl this is just a trick I'm going to show you and you can let it sit for a little while it'll even get bigger I'm gonna put these other two in a baggie and I'm gonna put them in the refrigerator now when you refrigerate this stuff and you get ready to use it again you need to bring it out and let it come to room temperature before you go to kneading it and working it again so I just need you to go to mashing and just try to mash to where you're getting in a circle now you can use a rolling pin but all them true pizza people will be throwing it up in the air now they don't do that no comb you know why when to catch it it'll be gone we won't know where it's at so we're gonna fold this over we're gonna grease our Dutch oven really well come up the sides bottom everywhere and then I want you to pick your dough up ever so gingerly fold it back over maneuver your crust around without tearing the bottom up hey we user know that hunts tomato canned stuff neither we're gonna make our own because that's what you do when you're making homemade pizza well look here what it's a stewed tomatoes Hey and they got some juice in them I want you to drain about half of that offer I want you just to me mash them mater's up and you can see we're still a little soupy but we're gonna run it through a screen here in a minute and get some of that out of there well you can see I run that through the colander there and got most of that juice out of there but when you mash it up again you that consistency that were after but remember when we did that there I don't know what video it was that one yes it was the top coercion and we talked about that whole oregano I just want you to put some of it out here just crumble it up any hanging to me folks when you use this like this it has so much more flavor that it's going to bring out then the regular powder that you just buy in there but after that we oh it is good after that we're gonna use a little garlic powder a little salt a little black pepper you see me out of made that homemade sauce spread it on there pretty thing and that's the way she requested and we've been using us some fresh mozzarella usually but guess what I look store didn't have nothing but guess what substitutes really well for queso fresco gonna be so good and then one of her favorite herbs out of the garden at home with him pulled and brought with us some fresh basil and who don't it make a pretty picture let's get it covered up and move on for the main star of the attraction of this pizza outfit and that is mine the meat lovers Pizza took me some mozzarella that I had graded and then just roll that crust back over and crimp it Dec to that bottom then you didn't see no tomato sauce or nothing here folks you seen the real stuff the relish yes you did makes one of the greatest pizza bases I've ever known to mankind it does then a layer of cheese then we're gonna put some pepperoni in there some ham on top of that some more cheese you see me brown up some ground beef and some sausage put that back in there more cheese more cheese and then some fresh parmesan right there on top and some onion now if you'd be doing this in the house I need you to preheat that oven to 500 yep you heard me 500 and I would like for you to put it in a cast-iron skillet like a 12-inch if you're going to do it but you can do it on a pizza stone but folks it takes about 10 to 11 minutes at 500 it's going to give you that good crispy crust on the bottom everything gonna Brown up it is a quick fix so get that oven preheated I'm going to cook these in a Dutch oven you know cooking these pizzas is really a good deal for a beginner because it's pretty easy to cook what you're actually doing is just browning all that cheese and getting it good and melted and then we're just crisping that crisp up from the bottom crisp crust there we go but you can actually see when that top is done you can remove your heat and then also guess what you can take a fork and peel that edge up there on the bottom after it sets a look and see how you're progressing now I'm going to show you two different styles one with a trivet which we sell on our website and they'll be a place that you can find them interchangeable legs either tall or short and I prefer a trivet especially when the winds blowing but I have cooked them when you ain't got no trivet and all you do is widen your cold circle out at the bottom and you're a little lighter now loaded the top up heavy on both of them we did we will have to rotate a little cause we've got some breeze going but it won't take that long to cook the top and we'll keep an eye on that bottom with the fork and pull it up but usually when the top of that crust is set and you push on it you know that bottom is near done [Music] [Music] hey folks it is a done deal it is lookie there I used to work at Domino's Pizza Hut Mario Brothers hunts pizza I'm not gonna take the first bite today because this is in your honor what you call a margarita pizza why I do not know she took two bites now she's going for the third one look how much of that is gone gosh uh-huh what about that crust that crust it is so good I'm gonna have about a mind you can see that relish layer right there on the bottom come on desert come on any tail wags her tail wags huh you're the cheese expert you are we hope you enjoyed this because hey we sure did pizza is one of Shannon's favorite as long as Duke has some cheese on his he's in pretty good shape he is and folks we appreciate you stopping by Camp we never take it for granted that you watch our videos and hey with all what's going on in the world today this is a great place to stop by and visit just relieves all your stress and tension and we learn to cook some pizza we did share with all your friends and neighbors I'd like to tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who are keeping this country safe that old flag of fly we appreciate you we do so all y'all Hey no viewers Oh here's everybody that's joined in we're so glad to have you banished and consider your family thank each and every one of you for stopping by Camp god bless you and I'll see you down the stuff crusts easy pizza margherita pizza tree you know it's really good when one of your helpers down there chasing frogs and the oven is in the kitchen here soaking up the last little bit of shady is well they always told me a good cookware what he's cooking [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 318,933
Rating: 4.966526 out of 5
Keywords: pizza dough, pizza dough from scratch, how to make pizza dough, pizza dough with instant yeast, pizza dough stretching, pizza dough recipe tasty, how to make pizza, homemade pizza sauce, homemade pizza dough, homemade pizza crust, best pizza recipe, how to make pizza at home, meat lovers pizza, meat lovers pizza recipe, pizza, pizza crust, kent rollins chopped, cowboy kent rollins, cowboy cooking, dutch oven pizza, cast iron pizza, cook with me, dinner recipe
Id: E7u3dPeqhgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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