Authentic Tacos with Homemade Corn Tortillas and Guacamole

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what taco tuesday no it's taco time every day of the week here folks we are throwing out that little seasoning packet and we are making us some authentic tacos corn tortillas homemade from scratch blending them dried chilies in that seasoning to get all that great flavor in it but guess what i'm gonna throw you in a bonus cowboy guacamole come on i'm gonna save you a cherry at the table for this one because it's that good hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a beautiful afternoon and look we have a live audience today they are in the house they are ready to go what are we talking about did you tell them we're cooking beef today no keep that a secret you have to not tell them right off or they'll scatter but what are we cooking today hey one of my favorites authentic tacos beef tacos i'm talking we're bringing out all that great flavor we're not using a seasoning packet them little things you buy at the store and you rip up throw in there on your hamburger meat and you think it's gonna make tacos it ain't folks we're going back and using some old dried chili recipes that brought back to me from many years ago and they're gonna bring you that great unique flavor you get that smokiness that them dried chilies are out there but also you're going to get a little bit of that bite from that chili there ball but such great flavors are going to hit them taste buds you won't know what to do with them and folks we ain't going to the store and buying them little corn tortillas that you get out of that plastic sack no i'm going to show you how to make them they're so simple they're so easy but even i am throwing a little cowboy twist in there that's going to make them even better but hey who don't like a bonus i do love a bonus i don't hardly ever get one but i'm gonna give y'all two i am three three hey i'm feeling really generous shan says and we're gonna give three bonuses not only we're gonna show you how to make them homemade corn tortillas but i'm gonna show you how to make you some corn tortilla chips to dip right in there with what would you like to have some homemade guacamole we'd right out of our new cookbook faith family in the feast and say you ever had one of them gorditos hey i'm going to show you how to make them too right off that corn tortilla press put you some of that taco meat in there it is fine dining it is so stick around because this is bonus day and who don't like a bonus so let's talk about what we're going to fill them tacos with and i am talking about some 80 20 ground chuck certified angus beef i love to use me some 80 20 ground chuck for tacos burritos stuff like that because i think there's a little better flavor coming out of that meat i'm gonna get a little more of that good tenderness in there so it makes for some fine tacos it does but hey you see me i told you we wasn't using one of them packets of that taco seasoning we are blending them dried chilies in there and getting some great flavor chili caskerville one of them guajillo chilis and for the heat what was it a chili day or a ball now if y'all don't like no heat in your tacos don't put it in there but if you like me and shannon wasn't here and she wasn't going to get a bite i'd put three in there i want to light them things up i do but folks you just take the top off them chili cascabel and them guajillos and just dump them seeds out best you can crumble them up a little to where you can get them in that chopper papa chopper that chili day our ball and just go to crying if you got one of them what do you call them shan petals and mortisers whatever they are you know you just put them in there and you can just go to crushing but folks a friend of mine works at the grocery store he's a great mexican cook put me onto this stuff a long time ago what whole oregano you didn't know it came that way well folks this stuff is going to give you to me so much more flavor look at that stuff right there i mean it is good and it don't take nothing just to grind it up with your fingers to mix it and you see me put it in there so we added some of that ground oregano some cumin some chili powder some garlic powder some onion powder get it all mixed up in there and it is good to go so we're going to get our skillet hot we're going to brown this meat up just a little then we're going to add this seasoning well we got our old field skillet out here our 12 inch got our camp stove going i didn't want to build a fire an old birthday it's like 90 degrees already so let your skillet warm up a little before you ever put that ground chuck in there because you want to hear that sound when it goes in there just masher around there a little now we're going to season that when it comes time i believe that if you get that meat brown and then add that taco seasoning in there and just a little bit of water then you're going to get such a better blend of flavor if you put it in there at the first and cook it too long some of it might evaporate well you can see the meat is brown but you see me put some of that good mesquite seasoning on there now folks this is two pounds of ground beef and how spicy do you like your tacos now if you're just using hey two pounds on the money i like to use like maybe four to five tablespoons but if you want to tone it down just a little use your three to four and i want you to scatter it i just don't want you to dump it all in one spot and if you've got a lot of grease in there tilt it over to one side and spoon it out but i like to leave that grease in there instead of adding water back to it which a lot of things on them taco packets say and that meat grease is flavor so we're just gonna leave it in there well folks we're gonna let this simmer about four to five minutes to get them flavors all blended in there well keep an eye on it stir it occasionally like i say you may have to put your little beef broth in there if you've gotten under there hey it's all right put you a little bit of water in there two or three tablespoons but just let her simmer and get all them flavors mixed in there the aroma that's coming off this will make you think taco time is every day well got that meat all browned up we did as you can see this one participant right over there is asking how come we're having beef today and not chicken tacos well beef is what we're after i'm telling you but set it aside just let it cover if you've got a lid not put some tinfoil on it just let it sit there and just mind its own business and let's make some corn tortillas you want to yeah look here he said how you say that [Music] corn flour is all it is folks so let's take two cups and if you read on the directions it'd be telling you somewhere back here in really fine print two cups of this to like a cup and a half of water folks really not gonna put no water in there i'm gonna use me what some corn de polo some chicken bouillon cubes instead of water use chicken broth and i'm gonna start with about a cup and a half maybe a tad over now a bowl that work all blends in real well so you want to make sure that it's cool enough you can handle it when you put it back in there take your spoon spatula and just get started sort of mixing around here so when you get that mixed in there i need you to just take your hands and just go to making it to where it's a ball a giant one and it's gonna be a little sticky but just keep it working and if it's a sticky you can't get your hands off of it hey reach over here in the sack get you just a little sprinkle in here and you're good to go just keep working it a little and it's got that great flavor you can just so make sure you get everybody picked up off the bottom there and then all you got to do folks is just ball it up into that stage and you are ready to go set it right out here on that board move this bowl out of your way guess what comes next shin tortillas uh-huh but what we're going to use to make them with jd done sent us a homemade tortilla press he's seen me break the handle out of that little and was using when we made them fish tacos y'all remember that video right over here on this same pond and i caught that one lubey fish all day well shad i have a link where you can watch that too but hey if you're just making corn tortillas but you're thinking you know i'd like a flour tortilla with mine shane got you covered there too she makes some of the best flour tortillas you'll ever see in your life so let me get our little tortilla press we'll get our field skillet to heating and folks we need a little oil in there so what's it going to be a little bit of bacon grease so stick with me well we got that little ball formed we do and folks i need you to get you some of that corn moss out there and you can use wax paper you use tinfoil use whatever you want to you can even do this with a rolling pin but i think jd every time i mash one of these out here just put you a little bit of that corn flour on there a regular flour tear you off about a golf ball size i want you to work it again to where you can sort of feel it like play-doh it'll sort of come back to life after sitting there and this is out in a little breeze so just make you a ball roller around here i just want to put it right there in the middle give it a little mash little more of this so we ain't sticking nowhere hear that sound that's the sound a corn tortilla makes right before it gets mashed and give it and then all you got to do is just peel it off or you hope [Music] and we'll just set it right out there and we'll get us some made and we'll get them fried y'all remember that song jeremiah was a wolfrog today he's wanting some corn tortillas and that's what we're fitting to fry but what are you going to fry them in used to use corn oil a lot of dead but i have got me some leftover bacon grease if your stove ain't level and mine ain't make sure you tilt her around there where everybody can have some of it you can see things it's starting to sizzle folks and like i say we want to fry these very long we're just going to let them run around in here a minute until we can get them turned over to where everybody gets some of that bacon grease and then we're going to slip them over in this little 10 inch oven to keep warm but you can see it bubble there just a little usually when it reaches that point that thing is soft enough to make a good folded taco well then little corn tortillas got all fried up and it is sitting over getting warm but i do love me some guacamole with my homemade tacos and hey y'all in for a treat today because i'm going to share my recipe and shan's with you out of faith family in the feast best guacamole you ever eat in your life and there's a few tips and tricks there is to it number one you need one of these it is vitally important not only to mash the avocado but to beat the people off of it while you're trying to make it number two pickled jalapenos yeah i just love the flavor that they bring to it better than the fresh but also what you see people do it all the time and i never did really like it they'd be wanting to put a purple onion in there no a white onion is what you need so get you some of them avocados get them de-seeded and we're using four of them today i really do love me some guacamole shan got me started on it i really didn't think it was one of them things you should eat because i'd walked around in a lot of cow pastures all my life and stepped in stuff that sort of looked like it it did but i come up with my own recipe we make it a bunch and it is great to go with any kind of mexican food but also if you're having tacos folks you got to have it we have also diced us up that one little white onion aroma tomato and a garlic clove but before you go any further you got to take this and mash a lot of people like to leave it all chunky and stuff i like mine sort of creamy smooth so whip no no i'm not going to whip it i ain't got no stick and you can see that consistency it is about like so first we're going to go ahead and get this garlic clove in there load your gun put your shell in mash him down in there but we are going to finish off two folks with some garlic powder so i don't think we didn't get near enough in there in go the onion and the tomato the aroma tomato take the seeds out of it folks when you do you can use your avocado stir to mix it back up get all that blended but it's also got to have some of this and we'll adjust the heat here in just a minute we can also adjust the line now folks remember i was telling you about these diced jalapenos and you can get some you'd be looking at the store some of them say mild and some of them say hot that's going to cure them to your temperature here so we're going to put a few in there we'll adjust it again as we go along stir it up good i like to use some original some of our mesquite seasoning anything you got today we going just drop traditional with a little more garlic powder there at the end some salt and black pepper well it's mixed up folks now let's get them tacos made and get us on that guacamole and we're gonna have us some fine dining [Music] well there you go three little tacos with some homemade guacamole thrown right up on top of them corn tortillas all we're missing is just something that maybe just to give it a little bit of heat what some that red river ranch green chili chipotle go right on there if you ain't got some shan will tell you where you can get it and he'll have you a little deal there look at there folks and it ain't crumbling apart this is what you call a good taco how do you feel about it i'll tell you how i feel about it i'm gonna have me another bite that ground meat folks make you do the hop right back up there to it that homemade tortilla that corn flavor just jumps out at you but folks that chili in that ground beef that you just dried up you made your own taco seasoning to go with this knocks it out of the park it does and easy it was hey you didn't stand in line ain't got another artificial in it it is ready to go to town great flavors in every bite now everything we used in this video and everything we talked about what about the bonuses oh you nearly forgot didn't you shan well folks gorditos now we're going to take that same corn masa that we mixed up make us a little ball put it in that tortilla press but we're going to leave them about that thick we're not going to mash them all the way down and then guess what we're going to deep fried in some good frowl and when you lay them things in there you'll see them just puff up and separate so it'll look like a sopapilla it'll just grow just turn it over gin like let her float back and forth to get it brown as you want it lay it out there you can tear the corner off of it and put some of this taco meat in there or you can peel that right off that top layer you got your own little corn bowl right there you do put that meat in there good to go but take these same flour tortillas lay em out there cut you some triangles deep fry them in that fryer you got your own chips for your guacamole and anything else that you need and it is so good and easy to do well before i was interrupted by the producer which hey i nearly forgot them bonuses too i did so thank you shed but everything we have used in this video the little recipe anything you need to go will be listed down there below in a little link just click on it you can find out about it all but as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept this country of ours safe and free i do god bless you but also remember folks we still have so much to be thankful for at these times and all them people that are fighting the virus and all the people that are looking out for us hey we lift you all up too remember everybody in your little network and your little town there keep them safe everywhere you go andy shannon thank y'all so much guess what god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down at taco time trail which is every day is taco time folks last two videos we head out you know y'all can see duke where's duke everybody won't know where duke was duke's lazy it was a little hot he was in their own mind in shan's bed in the air conditioner while me and shannon and the beagle was working whoa and we're having a lot of trouble here i don't want to look at the camera shadow look at the food food looks good and they need all day [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 696,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tacos, taco tuesday, how to make tacos, beef tacos, corn tortillas, corn tortilla recipe, corn tortilla chips, guacamole, how to make guacamole, homemade tacos, homemade taco seasoning, authentic taco, tacos con todo, guacamole dip, street tacos, mexican tacos, tortilla, how to make tortillas, kent rollins chopped, kent rollins tacos, corn tortilla tacos, corn tortillas maseca, corn tortilla chips from scratch, gorditas, corn gorditas, mexican food, taco recipe ground beef
Id: PP1viMkS1_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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