New York-style pizza at home, v2.0

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I made this guys original version like 10 times this past year and it's great. It's very nice making home made pizza that does not taste like homemade pizza and instead tastes better than the local pizzeria. Not too much has changed in this iteration, it was more process changes rather than ingrediants. But I do love a 50/50 mix of Pecarino and Parmesan Reggiano as a base layer of cheese under the mozz.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/EggdropBotnet 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why I season my pizza stone and not my pizza

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/emptythecup 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

This video might have changed my life.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/858 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Went to three local Walmarts and a Food Lion and could not find any whole fat low moisture mozz besides the one who specifically said wasn't actually low moisture. RIP Pizza dreams

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jaybib 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Adam makes the best cooking videos, all content and no fluff!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kiwidrew 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
this pizza recipe is sponsored by audible start listening with a 30 day free trial by using my link in the description this is an update of a video I posted a year ago about how I try to make New York style pizza in a home kitchen I'm gonna show you how my technique has evolved over the last year and also try to explain things a little better than maybe I did the first time including what this style of pizza actually is start with the dough yes I normally make my pizza dough in a stand mixer but I will never cook in a stand mixer on the internet again because I don't want people to get the impression that they need something so expensive to make good food you don't all you need is a bowl ideally a big bowl with a wide base these days I start by putting in all my water about two and a half cups of warm water then some sugar a tablespoon some people might say that's a lot I don't think that it makes the dough taste sweet it does however help the crust Brown at home oven temperatures which are going to be lower than professional oven temperatures that's our main challenge here in goes a teaspoon of active dry yeast mix that up and let it sit for five minutes give that yeast a chance to rehydrate and to eat some of the sugar in there and to be fruitful and multiply this is called blooming and it is not necessary the dough will rise regardless the reason people do this is to check to see if their yeast is still alive and guess what this was dead look no change I've been working from this jar of yeast since my first Pizza video a year ago and this yeast is no more it has ceased to be it's expired and gone to meet its maker so let's try this again with fresh yeast you wait a few minutes and then here's my favorite part I am not speeding up this footage this is real time I love that okay now I am speeding it up gonna put in some olive oil maybe that's two tablespoons or something some pros don't use oil in their dough again I think that it helps the crust Brown in a home oven then in goes a tablespoon of salt some people say that will kill the yeast that is a myth as you shall plainly see certainly with enough salt and enough time you will kill the yeast but this will not now flour I use bread flour which has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour you can use all-purpose it just won't be quite as chewy and stretchy there's even higher protein flours that you can buy on the internet but this is in every American grocery store I start with five cups by volume sure that's not an accurate way of measuring flour but this is just a starting point I'm gonna add more flour by feel as we need I usually just bring that together with a spatula or something then get my hand in there and knead you can take it out and knead on the table of course but with a nice wide bowl like this you can keep the mess entirely contained in the bowl I'm just gathering it together and then pushing it down with the weight of my body behind my palm when it gets so sticky that I can't really work with it I'll sprinkle on a little bit more flour as little as possible though I really prefer wetter dough's these days they bake up lighter and crispier the only downside is they're sticky and hard to work with so I'm adding the minimal flour to keep it workable the test to see if it's ready is to see if you can stretch out a patch of it really thin without it tearing that is not ready yet by the way some pros would say if you're going to use oil in your dough you should add it at this stage rather than at the beginning they say you got to let the flour hydrate first before you introduce the fat the problem with that is that it's hard to knead oil into a dough that's already gone smooth and elastic like this especially when you're kneading by hand I've done it both ways and I think the texture of the finished product is virtually indistinguishable I just don't think it makes a big difference in a dough this lean alright I've needed this for ten minutes and now I can stretch it thin without it tearing this is enough dough for for home oven sized pizzas so I've got four containers here big enough for the dough balls to double in size I'm pouring a little olive oil into each then you could use a scale to divide this into four equal balls or you could do what I usually do these days which is to tear the ball in half then heft each ball for weight if one feels heavier transfer some dough to the other ball one of those goes back into the bowl and then we do the same to this tear it in half heft the balls for weight then it's time to shape them reasonably smooth and round the shaping doesn't really matter so much with a wetter dough like this because it's just gonna kind of go breathe into the container no matter what we do then what I like to do is use the ball like a paintbrush to oil the inside of the bowls in the process the balls themselves get good and covered in oil to very efficient system the oil helps to keep the balls from drying out which is especially important if you're going to keep these in the fridge for up to a week as I do it also helps you get them out of the containers later and the thick coating of oil on the surface again helps the crust Brown at home oven temperatures because oil is such an effective thermal interface cover them up and then you could either rise them on the table for a couple hours and then bake them or what I do is throw them straight into the fridge some people rise them at room temperature for a bit before refrigerating I think that makes almost no difference and this way you can just throw them in and forget about them I make my dough when I'm not hungry and then after at least 24 hours cold rise these are ready and I can bake one super easily and quickly whenever I want they're already portioned though I do think these basically get better as they age in the fridge up to a week I have a whole video about that which is linked in the description ok time to bake you need a hot surface to bake on and I have recently switched from a stone to a steel I have a video that systematically compares the two it's also linked in the description the steel is simply more thermally conductive it would be too thermally conductive for a thousand degree wood-fired oven but for a home oven it's perfect I've recently started putting it on the second-highest rack position I find that's best for browning the top but every oven is different you want to get your oven as hot as it goes though for me that's 550 Fahrenheit on the convection roast setting and I will preheat my steel for a full hour you could do less but this gets me a noticeably browner crispy or crust and electricity is absurdly cheap here in America okay now cheese one of the things that makes this style of pizza different from saying Neapolitan pizza is low moisture mozzarella if you use fresh mozzarella you can only use a little bit of it otherwise your pizza will become soaked in way that's why Neapolitan pizza only has splotches of cheese New York Pizza has a solid layer part-skim low moisture mots is very easy to find but the whole milk version tastes a lot better and it's much harder to find I used to be able to get it molded into sticks galbadia string cheese this was a pain to unwrap but it was a good cheese now they only have the part skin kind at my stores so I'm struggling to find a replacement there is this whole milk low moisture mots from Walmart it is not a great cheese but it's the right style I will say beware of this cheese from Palio which a lot of people like for pizza but this cheese they sell retail is not what I would call a true low-moisture cheese it's basically medium moisture look how much smoother the Palio is compared to this Walmart cheese look at how much squishier it is when I taste them not only is the true low moisture cheese on the Left noticeably drier it is also 10 year which is key Palio does make a good whole milk low moisture cheese for pizza but only in these big seven and a half pound loafs for commercial use this is a different cheese from what you will find in the grocery case though you might be able to get at your deli counter honestly if you live in a bigger city you'll probably have plenty more good options than me this Walmart cheese is what I've got today it's one pound I tend to do about seven ounces on my pizza's so this is a little more than what I need for two pizzas and then crucially I'm gonna put it back in the fridge after I grade it I have found that in my oven at least if I keep the cheese cold it's less likely to overheat and squeeze out an orange grease layer before it's had the chance to brown in the oven okay now sauce the New York style pizza that I'm talking about here is a street food it's cheap it's generally made with canned sauce products a popular one with New York joints is full red which only comes in number 10 cans for commercial use that's almost seven pounds of sauce this right here far and away is the closest thing to that stuff that I can find in u.s. grocery stores Pass teen kitchen ready crushed Tomatoes really good it's very strong I don't have to supplement it with tomato paste I do put in a pinch of sugar some dried oregano and a lot of olive oil I love fresh oil in pizza sauce but you do you there's enough for like four or five homemade pizzas and a 28-ounce can I've just mixed up enough sauce there for one Pizza the key thing is to not cook this sauce before it goes on the pizza canned foods are already cooked a little canning requires Heat if you cook your sauce any more than that you're likely to lose the brightness that is key to this style you end up with a flavor that reminds me more of lasagna than of pizza here is my pizza peel you need something big and flat to shimmy the pizza out onto the steel I used to do it with a sheet of cardboard back in college you need a granular matter to keep it from sticking and I'm back to using cornmeal I know I said that I don't like the grittiness but I don't know its traditional in my mind and for some reason I just like that even though I don't really like that now what I do is put a plate on there and then some flour on the plate I pull the dough straight out of the fridge I do not warm it up for I work with it this is a very wet dough and the cold helps keep it work ibly stiff I take it out while deflating it as little as possible and then get it coated in flour I didn't used to do this step but again wet dough got to keep it from sticking and yeah I know how to toss pizzas in the air I still prefer to just do the gravity stretch method just go around the edge forming the thick cornice while letting the rest of the dough fall and stretch out naturally this is most significantly cleaner than tossing it in the air I think it gives you a little more control and no it does not give you a perfect circle like centrifugal force does but guess what I don't want a perfect circle I want an oblong a characteristic of New York style pizza is it's wide wide enough that you can get foldable slices and it's basically as thin as you can get it in a home oven I can bake a wider thinner pizza if I just let it be shaped like an oval sauce goes on smoothing it out with the back of a spoon I generally feel that if I've put on a little less sauce than is my instinct to put on then it's gonna taste perfect you gotta remember how thin this is for flavor I think it's key to sprinkle on a little grated Parmesan under the moths layer some New York style places do this others don't I think it adds a lot and you can still put more on top later if you want then the moths I find that if I start by sprinkling it around the edge first and then work my way in that gives me the most even distribution again if it feels like not quite enough to me then it ends up being just right then very quickly before this dough bonds to the wood bring it over to the oven a little shimmy just to make sure it's gonna release and then shimmy it out onto the steel a piece of this thin in an oven this hot cooks really fast six or seven minutes it's a game of chicken with the cheese I want to wait until I've got as much color as possible but right before it starts to overheat and squeeze out its fat rather than taking the pizza out with the peel I usually grab it with tongs and pull it straight out onto a cooling rack main reason I do this is so that I can be building the next pizza on the peel while this is baking but I also think this is a little cleaner and I definitely like to rest the pizza on the rack it keeps the crust crispy when it's cooled down a bit it's solid enough to cut cleanly I honestly don't think that pizza cutters are good tools for the home because when you use them on a little home cutting board like this they're likely to fall off the edge and at your table for a pizza this size a good old chef's knife is a perfectly adequate tool and it's safer it gives you more control now look at how Brown the bottom is you can even see some leopard spotting they're like they get in the wood-fired brick ovens I've never achieved that with a pizza stone in a home of and only with the steel that's really tasty it's the taste I grew up with and if you make your dough in advance it's a pretty easy weeknight family meal now if after all that you've got pizza on the mind might I suggest going on audible and listening to sushi résumé does comedy special pizza mind which you can do for free at first she was like I want you to bring home a god-fearing man and then years went by and I didn't bring anyone home and she goes I want you to bring home a man no it's not about making pizza she uses pizza as a metaphor but anyway I love her and I love how audible allows me to make fun or productive time out of lost time like when I have to do the dishes after a shoot whether its comedy specials or books audible has the world's largest selection of audio entertainment including audible originals which are stories created exclusively for audio whether you're driving around or hitting the gym this time of year as I am audible can keep you entertained informed and inspired anytime you can't read you can listen with the audible app on any device start listening with a thirty-day audible trial choose one audiobook and two audible originals absolutely free visit slash Adam or goose iya or text Adam or goose yet to 500 500 and get pizza mind well my pizza process continued to evolve I'll let you know in a year
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 5,081,748
Rating: 4.9288507 out of 5
Keywords: pizza dough, new york style pizza, how to make pizza, homemade pizza, new york, pizza recipe, pizza dough recipe, thin crust pizza, new york pizza, new york-style pizza, pizza dough stretching, how to make new york style pizza, new york pizza recipe, new york pizza dough recipe, new york pizza dough, new york-style pizza videos, new york style pizza dough recipe, homemade pizza recipe, pizza (cuisine), how to
Id: SDpCzJw2xm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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