Poor Man's Lobster

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Cowboy Kent Rollins is a legend. His videos about cast iron are great!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FastGunner 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

Kent Rollins is rocking it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlbertBevia 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
what are you doing now building lobster traps Shan I want some lobster this is gonna work you have to catch them quick I got bait got a stick of butter in there I'll wait till the rostra curls in there guess what happened caught him just like that slams down on his head you know there might be an easier way stick around I'll show you [Music] you know a lot of times I get to hankering for something special that I think will mean the world to Shan and that's what she loves morning thing crab legs to dry down here in this part of the world ain't got no crab legs and I really like some Lobster ain't got no them neither best thing I got take two places crawdad this is a dried ain't rain here and forever crawdads done went south I promise you so what we're gonna do hey we're gonna make us something that's just as good as that I call it poor man lobster but you can call it poor man's crab and it is so simple so easy you can find it in the grocery store or if you live up north go catch you one of them a lot of people use halibut but since I ain't got no Halla but I'm gonna use some Cod today works just as well it's a good white flaky fish that's what you need to start with you know that stuff is pretty high do you just go buy it somewhere but this is affordable it's cheap so come on over and let's get started hi folks so let's get after this deal of poor man's lobster crab leg whatever you don't call them and get you a stockpot that's pretty good-sized because we got a bull this in there but if it's too little this stuff bowl over real quick and it'll make a mess on the stove I promise you you first got to have something in there that's going to change the texture plus change the taste a little so what's that B we're going to start with a cup of sugar in some boiling water but we got to have a little acid to change the texture of what we're trying to do and that is some lemon just drop her in there we're going to stir that sugar and stuff around just a minute to make sure that it's all melted cuz you want to make sure this is really a good hard Bowl before you even start this process because it don't cook long one cup of sugar and about a half a lemon in here let that get back to a good bowl again then we're going to come right over here I take this Cod always Pat it dry with a paper something like that and I'm just gonna cut it into about one inch chunks most everybody uses halibut but I'm using Cod and I'm pretty sure you could do this with nearly any whitefish but it's got to have enough texture to it in size that you can cut it in about an inch by inch cube so if you catch you an old walleye or something like that because they're a good white flaky fish to cut you some big squares out of there I bet you can get by with that but you can get this at the grocery store you got a fish market go there get it fresh it'll even be better now folks when we get ready to drop this cod in there one thing you got to remember is don't stir it if you're stirring this bill you messing up the whole process you'll cause some of it to break down so we're just going to drop them in there and you can see them what they do sink now when them little fellers go to floating back to the top guess what we got lobster it don't take long and it's pretty foolproof they'll jump right back up er the top like a bobber on a fishing string winning pull it under so it'll take it a little while to get back to bowling after we drop this cold fish in there but remember don't stir it and when it floats back to the top a little goodness is surfaced you can see folks if you ain't paying attention what did grandma tell you I watch pot never bulls but you ain't watching it it'll boil over so we're gonna turn that heat down just to a little to where we can keep it from boiling over then let's take this here scoop and run around here and see if anybody has surfaced yet and they haven't but it's coming and if you want to you can dip that foam offer and throw it in the sink whatever you do but most the time it'll disappear if you just reach but a channel zoom in here we have some creatures trying to float to the top look at them that's what I'm talking about I'm gonna turn the heat up a little more get them to jump back up here where I can see them when they float and they stay on top like this little creature here when he's floating they're on top and he went nowhere closer else to the bottom here's what I call a done deal here's his brother he decided he would join him now you don't try to remember if you got a whole bunch of this keep that warm somewhere because these need to be served hot if they can sometimes it's good to count them before you ever put them in there that way you know you need to do how much fishing you got left to do but they'll all surface and come right back up there so you don't have to look for none of them now I have put these on a paper towel let them strain too little I know people that put them on a wire rack or something like that to let that juice get off of them so we have got our little poor man's imitation here first thing we're gonna do a little lemon all over the top of him now I like lemon pepper with mine also good sprinkling but Shan bless her heart I know she's a little off but she likes some dill seed on her so I'm gonna divide to plate what I call even me to her that's me this is her give her a little sprinkle a deal see down there when then fancy lobster Forks dip her in the butter I just went to Red Lobster I didn't stand in line I didn't have to worry won them little fancy bibs ain't got none em lobster claws on me or nothing but I'm guaranteeing you folks you break this out any time people will thank you this is what I call fine dining and it was easy and simple well folks hope you learned something here today because I did I can take Shannon out to eat crab legs with lobster we don't have to crack them remember got to have that lemon in there to change the texture of this fish anything you do if you're trying to make it look like an imitation or something else but also don't stir it that is very important you'll break some of this down they'll always tell you when they're done because they'll jump right up to the top you can season it with whatever you want but I would suggest you use lemon and limb pepper or something like that now Shen she does like the deal on here I'll leave that out there to you folks on your own simple it's easy how you get your kids in here and let them help you I don't care it'll be a good treat we thank you for stopping by a newly remodeled kitchen that me and Shannon a beagle and Frank worked on really hard and guess what y'all can't see the paper towels no more Kenya ha I hit them where they wouldn't be inside and guess what I am out of paper towels and they on the right weight when I do put them on I hope you have a blessed day get their neighbors over have a good time god bless you each and every one look down here what is it hit the button says subscribe we appreciate
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,996,327
Rating: 4.9169598 out of 5
Keywords: lobster, crab, cod, halibut, cowboy cooking, cast iron, dutch oven, ranch life, grilling, outdoor cooking, camp cooking, food network, chopped, fish recipe
Id: vvu-WlIE5C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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