Cowboy Sloppy Joes | How to Make the Best Sloppy Joes

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chef's please open your baskets [Music] and we are looking at sardis corn on the cob Ishta Bentham and Kenda sloppy joe filling hold on Ted not here we making no sloppy joes out of no can huh I'm talking sweet I'm talking heat and I'm talking putting it together all gonna be so good cowboy sloppy Jews [Music] now some of y'all might have seen that episode I was on chopped grill masters long time ago whoo it was nerve-racking it was to say the least and them folks used groceries I couldn't even spell but that day when I finally made it to the finals with three other chefs and was after that morning wind blowing about 40 miles an hour and they thinking we might have to cancel and I'm thinking hey that's a normal day in Oklahoma ain't nothing wrong with this so what did Ted - he got up there and he opened up them baskets and he said what sloppy joe mix in a can folks ain't never used that stuff in my life we're talking about combining all these flavors to make this stuff just really make them taste buds get out of your mouth and run a race they gonna set a record they are when you can blend that good hamburger meat and that's what we're starting with folks good 80/20 and then you seasoned it just right but putting their money ins in there then you get that barbecue sauce with a little cheese now folks before we go any further hey we have done set the dates and it has been announced what are we talking about tour dates for our brand new cookbook Faith Family and the feast we're gonna be turnin across the United States to a lot of places hey we're probably gonna run into you so be sure and check our events page down there channel heavier link below or you can go to the website and it's going to tell you what day and which city we're gonna be in now folks these sloppy joes is handy and they easy to make and a lot of times me and Shannon would make them on a ranch early in the morning if we're having to break camp now you talking about breaking camp this is not no easy chore fold that fly up put it in the wagon get everything loaded hook up a team to the wagon after you got them harnessed Shannon have them sloppy joes all made up and then good old buns and we had wrap them up and we might move 14 miles that day guess what we had a drive up window yes it worked no Mikey D's or a Hardee's this was driving up right at the wagon em Cowboys had rad buy weed pass them out of sloppy joe they'd be good to go but what happened we had a lot of repeat customers they'd just circle back around and come again until they all run out hey I think from this point on you should know we had technical difficulties yes we had a Hooper blooper we did I mean a big one so as you watch this from now on here going forward all the sound you're going to hear is coming right off the camera you might even hear a little wind noise come through there but it's all gonna be good it's cooking in mother nature's kitchen and hey we can do it and y'all hear it well it's time to get things to happening now I'm gonna cook this in a 12-inch Dutch oven today here so I got me a pound and a half remember Certified Angus beef 8020 we're gonna dump it right in there give it a good chopping with our little musky spatula and I can hear a little sizzle action already starting to take place and there's a good time when we just got it sitting right there this season what we're gonna season it with anybody know you in the fourteenth row down there with the binoculars yep it is red river ranch original you need some hay we'll have you linked up there where you can find it so just keep stirring it around get her getting brown you don't want to leave it in big batches hurry up a little but I don't want it to be like of a mealy texture so don't beat it to death now if you be doing this in the house you can do this in a regular 12-inch cast-iron skillet right there on the stove I'd start out on about medium high heat and then as this gets to cooking we can turn it down but I'll give you another tip to that my mother would sometimes get in a hurry she would brown the meat in the skillet and then put it together in a crock pot and just turn it on low and it'd be there when me and daddy come in it was what you call a handy-dandy happy meal and it was ready we got our meats browned up and when it did get browned you see me I just sort of tilted it to one side strained that grease out there I just throw it in the fire don't do it in the kitchen floor you'll get you a beat with one of them husband trainers remember them rolling pins ain't no good for you today we put that large body up you're on that cutting board and we don't sliced it up with the hash knife you don't have one saddle heavy a link where you can find one and I'm going to tell you right now do not get your fingers in the way because the wheel Oh rotate some of y'all might not be able to find this war yard but it comes in a different brand and it's called rush in but dice tomatoes and green chilies that's all it says on the cap so I'm store so find you some of this and it'll have something on there it'll say original or say medium heat or it'll say hot or just a spicy told it whatever you're lacking is green there it's big drained it has the dumper in there give it a little stir just water some mustard now folks I have known people to try to put that ground mustard in there but I really don't be liking it I just like regular old buster so we're gonna put us about three tablespoons in there which is about that much right there on the money guess what any kind of barbecue sauce you will be open to use but I like to use about a half a cup now remember it been telling you I was going to put some of that green chili Chipotle relish you folks this here stuff makes ice cream taste better you ain't got enough you gonna be needing some if you're willing to make this tonight and you don't have that on hand get you some of them on dobo peppers chipotle peppers in adobo sauce put you about two of them in there finely chopped and maybe three or four tablespoons of that sauce if you want to heat things up in the kitchen and make things get to jobbing dump the whole can in there I don't happy see what's in here about 1/4 of a jar maybe even a third there it went right in there and that is what makes a sloppy joe for short keep this all stirred back up you still got one more thing that coming last but not least a very important angry remember sweet and heat a little more sweet brown sugar eat it all stirred up in there we'll and this broke I hear some of you out there hauling cowboy can't you ain't supposed to cook nothing that's tomato base paste or barbecue sauce in cast iron it's harder than your season folks that thing is about 31 years old and has been seasoned well every time I don't recommend you do this and a brand new Dutch oven or skillet but if it's something you've been using while go ahead home just remember clean it every time you get through dry down heat reese's in' you're not gonna have a problem now I'm gonna sit this right here one set and I'm just gonna let it sit there and see we are gonna have to get it a little closer to the fire five years so we gonna turn it up there like that folks if you got a lead at this time in your life I'd like for you to be covered because it's all about the similar I don't want it to bowl I just wanted to sit there and whisper little simmering drops of love all the way through it just may call them flavors blend together that's what makes this good and I'm gonna let her go about 20 minutes maybe I'm gonna let all the love get to it and I'll tell you why because when the Cowboys used to come in out there at camp I've seen them go over at that pile of bones that I had laid out there and some of them get forward laio mouths their own templates like an open-faced sandwich is that what you call when I'm dealin open fight that's fancy spoon that sloppy-joe on over top it with some more cheese and eat it never in my life if I ever had any leftover sloppy joes never it just don't happen this was a staple on so many ranches for a new meal that different questions like hey cookie we could have that for breakfast or supper it is that good folks it will stick to your ribs [Music] now folks within own about maybe ten minutes at the moment you can see the love is just simmering there along this is a good time to just reach right in here and get smoke in your eyes with this song a champ smoke gets in my eyes did you ever sing yeah I don't think this is what you call tasting to adjust your taste if you need to season more folks is what you call get all eight cylinders on them taste buds we got to do it no more I have made this dish so many times I can run it like it is fine now if it don't suit your taste now would be a good time for you to try to alter your taste buds a little cuz I think it's just right brown sugar in there you want a little hotter how you get you some more than my dough bold peppers and put back in there you want it to have a little more of a barbecue flavor hey Chuck you some more that sauce in there this is a happy meal that don't come in a sack folks and you can change it but why would you I have done perfect addictive now this time would be a really good time hot let's put some cheese in there folks now you can add as little or as much as you want I like to use the cheddar I do I think it gives a great flavor Shands had it with mozzarella some people use pepper jack I combined all 18 up if you need to because folks we about spreading the love and putting some cheese on there now we're not gonna cook this a long time at this point because I don't want none of that cheese to be funny I just wanted to incorporate in there and melt well it sort of behinds all them juices together even a little stir don't take it long to melt it don't and if you think you need some more of it tight get you some more in there I'm all for it you can even throw it in there feeling come on care it's all about the cheese now but you can see how that cheese when it melts sort of is a binding agent pulls this together Thanks you don't get no better than this well the cheese has melted it has simmered alone wouldn't you say that flavor jump out of there and we take that lid off I've been working with the YouTube folks at NASA trying to get smellivision to and be incorporated into your living rooms maybe someday folks you never know didn't I get fancy on you today a sesame-seed bun' this is what's happening now I got a little question I want to ask em because I have done this numerous ways and I don't want to get in trouble now this is what you call what part of the bow and chin the bottom okay did you know that sometimes I go ahead and just put my meat on this now is that wrong no folks I think he'd put it on the merit anyway you can but let's get in there and get us a big old honking spoonful of that and you can see how that cheese and everything sort of binded stuff together and that right there is goodness all on its own slap it right here on here if some runs off don't worry about it we'll get it when we go back with the spoon and lick everything off that couldn't but a pretty spring mmm so guess what I do right here chin says ha but I'd like to take a little this this bone is just feeling left out over here smear it right over so it can just go ahead and soak up some of that goodness slap that like what she has a slapper on there it's where that ooze is out just to litter and then you just grab it right here like this well [Laughter] the heat the sweet the onions that was so good folks hope you don't mind before we do a little dancing that I have just one more little bite right here away from that pickle sham this sorta like doing that washing machine sloppy everywhere that's the sloppy joe right there it is whoo that stuff is good ain't it Dukey hmm the flavors you get the folks something I've always needed in there and it's always been there it's the little crunch of that onion that's why you don't saute them with that meats worth your salt I like to get that crunch that that bad day you brings out in there great flavor yeah that is some fine dining and fine dancing it is we hope you enjoyed today's episode because it was a special treat for me this is one of my most favorite dishes to create and I'm sharing it with all of y'all because what our go family that's what it's about remember as always I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women all the veterans who have kept this old country safe and that old flag flying above the way god bless you each and every warning thank you for taking care of us and old glory now for the rest of you if you're a new viewer Hey we welcome you in here with open arms come on and why are you getting close kitchen about I don't know that'll be fine rest of you hey you know we're always glad to see y'all here we never take it for granted that y'all watch our videos and remember now the egg spring it is March 17th cookbook comes out Faith Family on the feast and folks I'm looking for y'all to help us to try to make 1 million subscribers as the book comes out that's March 17th do your math back it up figure it out if you ain't got 421 subscribers in your house go ahead and grab 34 more but with it and subscribe that way we get to that me and they gonna be a big party folks school they live with a lots and lots of them and get after it and as always being Shaam thank you so much god bless you each everyone and will seek you down to sloppy joe Trey [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 2,088,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sloppy joe, sloppy joe recipe, beef sandwich, how to make sloppy joes, hamburger recipe, ground beef recipes, easy sloppy joes, best sloppy joes recipe, cowboy recipes, cowboy recipes chuck wagon, cowboy cooking, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes, dutch oven beef, cast iron cooking, cast iron skillet recipes, weeknight dinner recipes, sloppy joes, easy beef recipes, kent rollins beef recipe, outdoor cooking, camping recipes, camping cooking, comfort food recipes
Id: fPYV0K2u5mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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