Ultimate BLT | Best Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Avocado Sandwich

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i'm training i am like some rocky music no i'm not in a fight but folks i have been training to lift up the ultimate blt with a little avocado yes i'm talking good peppered bacon home-grown tomato sliced on and a special dukes mayo to spread on there on some toasted sourdough bread come on we're nearly in the third round already hey folks thank y'all for stopping by the backyard on a glorious day boy it is one of my favorite dishes and i be loving it especially since shan turned me on to them avocados yeah bacon lettuce avocado tomato sourdough bread that special sauce i was telling y'all about this stuff is good especially with that home-grown mater right out of that garden out there you know we just want to thank you all for stopping by here because it means the world to us and this is a place that you can come and hey we just relax share food share happiness share some happy dancing yes we do and everything you be needing to know about this video or anything we got going on will be down there in the little description below so without further ado let's get to this and go to making a b-l-a-t so folks what makes a bacon lettuce and tomato and avocado sandwich the star of the show they ain't but two of them really to me and that is the sourdough bread which we'll talk about in a minute but also the bacon thick cut pork bacon now you know they used to run these tests on bacon they did and they would cut pieces and they would hold them up this close to your face and see could you read the eye chart if you could read through the bacon bacon yes they did the bacon was too thin we got to have good thick cut bacon that's what i'm talking about that's how this is going to make this even better now you've seen me go in there and take this thick cut bacon i'm making two sandwiches today one for the beagle one for the duke now about 30-40 minutes ahead of time i like to take me some coarse ground black pepper and i'm talking give it a good lathering coating on there i want to see it get spotted all over that hog love some pepper and be sure that you pat it in really well do both sides set it back in icebox about 40 minutes and let that black pepper love on that good hog meat so we got our stargazer heated up here we do and we're just going to fry this now if shannon was over here on this side and i was on that side first of all y'all wouldn't see nothing because i didn't know how but she would fry this so crispy that when you break it it would sort of shatter folks no we've got to leave that bacon cooked but i don't want it so crispy that it crumbles up when it gets in there so you can see that good thick cut pork bacon all lathered up there that good goodness layer right there in that star grazer star grazer and if you skill it ain't big enough guess what you can do you can tear it in half layer right in there now we're just going to fry that up till it gets just right we'll have to turn it once then you can just set it on a wire rack or a paper towel let it cool and then we'll prep the rest of this stuff because we got to talk about the best tomato in the world to put on a blat well we got the bacon all done and you seen that old stargazer skillet there had a little bit of bacon residue left back over there now you got one of these wooden spatulas that's good you can use it you got a plastic utensil you can use that never scrape metal against metal too clean okay i don't mind you dipping something out of there but don't be scraping it on there you're damaging your seasoning and just cause that bacon stuck there a little bit in one side hey we lost no seasoning and our seasoning is building as we go in because when you frying some good hog meat in there you helping things out let's get on with the blat and what is the next participant that we should talk about this is not something that duker likes duster does not like a tomato now folks you see me pluck that right out of that tomato vine out there and i've been guarding this and it was down under there i'd go out with a flashlight at night and check it just make sure some bug or worm or some old crow ain't come in there and try to get it all cause that right there folks is what's happened i think it needs to be one of them beefsteak tomatoes because they're so juicy got all that flavor and i'm going to tell you i like to sort of slice them on the thin side not really big and thick i like to keep them about liking so right there mm-hmm that's what i'm talking about and we'll see can we go even thinner just me okay this is my sand folks just so we know these two are for my sandwich now we're gonna see if we can't cut one really really thin yeah yeah i don't like a big old tomato bite i mean folks remember when we're talking about that thick bacon and that thin bacon i can read through that tomato you got to have some substance in there sham so we're gonna cut her one more and the reason we're cutting these early there is a purpose i would like for you to arrange my two right there shan's two right here and all you folks is fixing to have like a fit fall out in the floor say what is the cowboy doing folks just stay with me because i guarantee you you're gonna like it brown sugar [Applause] what yes you heard me right brown sugar salt and pepper is a lot what goes on them maters but folks this is gonna create us something that we need with that sandwich so just put you a little on there and just let it sit there and soak rub it in really well because we gonna need it now you remember bacon is salty we got a lot of pepper on there and i need a little sweetness to go with this so there it is folks brown uh-huh just brown sugar tomatoes we're gonna set it right in there and let it rest and next what is it that tropical fruit that grows not in my garden but i wish it did an avocado and is it a fruit is it a vegetable i don't know chen do you know hey siri oh we don't have her she ain't out here how am i gonna know folks we got all them veggies ready to go except for this and we're going to save him till last because folks if you slice them a little early out here in this climate they'll get a little darker so let's talk about really probably the second star of the show and that is some good sourdough bread now i'll be getting this over at walmart and sometimes they don't be having it just like in the bread section so you got to go over to the deli side and do some prowling around but folks when you toast this up with some of that good kerrygold butter on there i'm talking it is good remember we used it in the tuna melt oh my god you didn't see it well you'd be having a link up there where you can go to it and find it because it was right under the ultimate blat the classic tuna male yes it is so let me get some butter smeared on them we got our little star gazer over here preheating so and don't be sparingly with the butter you all know me because y'all might have seen the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich too to where there's nearly 11 pounds of butter on them sandwiches i hear that little sizzle and see there that 12 inch star gazer will exactly fit two of them right there together so it is a good deal and we'll go ahead and get these other two out while them others is toasting brown because when we pull them out folks we're going to let them cool just a minute before we go to laying that special sauce back in there to finish up them sandwiches toasted up golden brown and pretty it is so folks about the time we went to start fixing that bacon i run in the house real fast i don't know if y'all seen me or not and i mixed up what we call some special sauce to go on this now all it was was some duke's mayo and i know thank you all so much for turning me on to duke's mayo it is what i call oh so good then we just took a little chili powder some smoked paprika and some of that w sauce i'm not even trying to say that word no more because i have to i heard in england they call it worcester worcester sauce okay well we put the worcester sauce in it and i i do want to give them all them folks a shout out over there because we have a lot of uk a lot of ireland fans a lot of german fans hey we just proud to have y'all on board so let's talk about this avocado okay so slice that thing and folks in our part of the country you never know what you're getting you get one of them that's hard as a rock when you buy it you let it sit three or four days and you never know what's going to happen did y'all ever see that on the news where folks say they were cutting their self really bad by getting the seed out of avocado i didn't know about that stuff i didn't do you have one of these it is one of my most favorite tools for this little contraption and we're just going to try to get them out of there without tearing them up and let them lay right there keep that little seed and stem right back in there go on to the next one [Music] and we have hold them out we have now let's talk about assembly line production yes we are you can see the special sauce in there looking really good so let's get all the players up here on the field ready to go because when i put this together folks i ain't gonna stop and talk to y'all i'm gonna eat it one slice of sourdough toasted bread deeply lovely lovely stuff in that kerrygold butter i want you to take some of that salve and paint it on there pretty good folks now at this time folks i like to lay some cushion in there i do that is some avocado now i like to lay him on one side of the bread but the other side of bread will be that tomato where it can soak up some of that goodness go for the bacon lay them in here oh so pretty like now folks i'm gonna go back with a little more avocado right here duke says hey you even got my attention now you don't broke out the bacon and we got our other piece of bread now instead of trying to put them tomatoes over here and flop that all back over there folks we're going to do it this way right here and then all you got to do is spread you some more salve and just give it just a tiny little mash and folks right there you have the ultimate b-l-a-t sandwich hey we got the b we got the a because i stand for avocado and we got to t wait just a minute hey something oh folks it is a blooper it is andy would you hit your rewind rewind rewind rewind the rewind button because guess what we forgot folks the ale that lettuce i like to use butter lettuce yeah shan got me hooked on that stuff it's got that nice crunch but that buttery taste it is so good makes even this sandwich a little better it's one of them deals you shouldn't [Music] forget [Music] do [Applause] [Music] well we got it a done deal but i've had great help out here this morning so come on over duke big i want to get a little less pepper off her don't want you all to have all that okay so i want to thank you so much for always showing up at the videos and always being the perfect taste tester and i want you to approve this hog meat how about you duker so that's it i mean let's get some tail wags to go in tail wagon time yes it is it is time to do a slice i love that crunch don't you dooky and then we just take him right out here everybody want to see oh my gosh duker look at all that goodness in there now i am so ready for some of this ain't you that bacon meter was on high today folks [Music] folks i'm talking easy i'm talking so good start out with the best fresh ingredients that you can it's just gonna make it better and hey we appreciate you for stopping by the backyard today because one of my most favorite sandwiches ever and hey i'm i'm trying to hurry through this thing because i'm gonna eat the rest of it but as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag flying over there and keeping us safe and folks remember it's a crazy time out there it is for sure but this is a place that anyone and everyone can come to drag up a chair get with your family watch the videos we want to bring you some peace some happiness some food some happy dancing moves yes you'll be thinking you're on the tropical islands when you watch these videos bring your family and your friends together even if you have to social distance this is six foot okay you can do it sit on the couch but also i need you to share these videos because we need to spread the good news of happiness and love god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the bacon lettuce avocado tomato sourdough bread and butter [Music] entertain and inform us whoa duke are you ready duke says there's nothing out here on the table oh my gosh i want you to have a bite sin my tummy's growling hang on they'll hear that on the recorder they will
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 259,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich, bacon lettuce tomato and avocado, bacon sandwich, best blt sandwich, bacon, BLT sandwich, best BLT, BLTs, avocado, sandwich recipe, hot make a blt, kent rollins chopped, cowboy kent rollins, kent rollins cast iron, fried bacon, homemade bacon, how to make peppered bacon, best sandwich recipes, outdoor cooking recipes, live fire cooking, how to make a blt sandwich, blt sandwich recipe, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, dinner recipes
Id: BiTdrSUXua8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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