The Big Mac | Cowboy Style Homemade Big Mac Recipe

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hi folks were taking an iconic fast-food burger the Big Mac to a whole different level cowboy style more meat more special sauce and on the grill hey come on I'll get the fire hot for you [Music] very excited uh-huh I'm gonna get me something to eat that I didn't have to cook yes ma'am I need a Big Mac just a sandwich and a large iced tea and I need some six-piece Chicken a six-piece Chicken McNugget for my big girl in my Duke she doesn't know who would be going Ducard listen I want you to blow with us you know who the people and do kids and if they have learned that you go to McDonald's and you don't bring them something home about the tars off a pickup truck the Big Mac there versus there it is this is for research [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard for another episode of cowboy cooking what we doing here hey we going to show you how to do some grilling we're gonna show you how to cook in a Dutch oven with coals I mean everything you need to go outside and let's do some great cooking but hey if you're a new viewer I want to just tell you right now reach up and hit that subscribe button because I don't want you to miss out on none of these great recipes and tips and tricks and techniques that we're gonna show you how to cook outside the iconic sandwich from McDonald's the Big Mac made its debut in 1968 some of you might not have been around the night hey I was but I didn't get one too long about 1978 because it wasn't a McDonald's nowhere near us but now these things are served all over the world you could get a Big Mac nearly anywhere but folks you know the cowboy we're gonna jazz this thing up a little and we're gonna make our own version of this Big Mac but still keep it pretty traditionally now first thing we're gonna look at is sesame seed bun who doesn't like a sesame seed bun I really do and you know they got that special sauce but look here toasted bun we're gonna do that now this is a little thing that we may have to change this is called a patty of meat they claim it weighs one eighth of a pound but I did some research that's two ounces so if you're talking about two of them and you do the math help me out here Amy because I know you if that's four ounces that's doing well folks we're gonna change that up today and we're gonna load this rascal up with some beef mean I can nearly say for y'all I can't so here we get down to their special sauce in here lettuce onions some pickles but folks we have jazz their special salsa me and the big put a lot of hours of research into what McDonald's puts in theirs and we have changed it just a little toasted bun more special sauce right down through there ready to go so we have got it deconstructed now it's time to construct it but we're going to do it cowboy style so let's get things to going now the first thing we need to do is assemble this special sauce that goes on this special burger now I looked at theirs and I tasted theirs and I tried theirs but hey I'm gonna tune it up just a little now sure we got to have that sweet relish they got that in there you got to have some diced onion they got that in there you got to have a little mustard in there we're gonna have some of that but guess what we're gonna add a little bit of that chipotle pepper adobo sauce in there to give it a little kick now remember folks when you put that apple cider vinegar don't forget that teaspoon of sugar is so I'm gonna mellow things out there and it needs to sit in the icebox about two hours stir it all up sitting in there to blend all them flavors together now you'll remember that little jingle they had they said two all-beef patties special sauce pickles lettuce cheese on a sesame seed bun well folks let's talk about two patties now this is what you call two patties of meat Shannon was telling me when I was putting all this together you think he can get that eat oh I can get this eat this is 80/20 Certified Angus beef and we're gonna start with what is this a half a pound and a half a pound you know how much that is in mathematical x' that is eight ounces now remember that two ounces we had there while ago there's a lot of difference folks sure we're going to have a little shrinkage but not that much and when you season a burglar that you're gonna cook on the grill do it when you get it ready to throw on the grill don't be doing it before because if it's a processed meat you're gonna drive that meat out by doing that if you season it and then this let it set so be sure you season both sides and give it a little pat there what am i using the all-american red river ranch original seasoning that's what everybody should use thank you for the infomercial you can get it at [Music] hot and ready to go it is so let's lay that first and on there and there something in the Oklahoma breeze lay that other on there now I'm gonna cheat this a little you don't have to at times but hey we're gonna cook these three and a half four minutes aside but I'm gonna trap a little of that heat in there make them cook just a little bit faster so let's talk about a few grilling tips we got going on here first of all make sure that that grill is clean make sure it is old and make sure it is hot how do you know how hot remember you put your hand down there close to that grill can you hold it more than five seconds it's probably not hot enough if we're grilling burgers this is different than an indirect whoo we got them cold scattered plumb out to where it's covering the whole grate the whole grill itself because we want it to be hot when we're grilling them burgers well we've been out about four this side we have and I want to show you something you can see with that lid shut you're gonna get a sweating action here and things are going to begin to glisten and things are gonna rise to the top see that dirt blood that's coming out of there and see this in here bubbling I think we can go ahead and do this right here and look it is pretty close to what I'm asking now remember if and you're doing this in the house and you're doing it McDonald style when you throw that burger in there you go get you sixty pound anvil put your spatula out there lay the anvil on the spatula and flatten the meat now when you're cooking burgers I don't like to mash them cuz when you're mashing them what's happening you mentioned all that good flavor of juice out of me and you get something that's Drive that you can hold up and see the Sun through we're gonna do that do not match your burger okay now folks you always be hearing them folks saying you can't be flipping your burger just like you can't be turning your steak we hear there and yonder just one time know you can check that burger you can flip it you ain't gonna hurt it just remember don't mash it I need to look at it so what am I going to do I'm gonna flip it we are getting old so close if I can see it from the smoke but don't be afraid to flip that bugger but don't flip it out there and ocean somewhere now folks when I'm cooking a burger and me and Shannon she does - I like to be having a little fire so I'm gonna let her down just a little but just take that spatula we mashing I just want you to push and you can see just a little of that clear liquid come back to the top that's what you call I just wrapped burger so I'm gonna take them set them right over here where they hardly no coals get these sesame seed buns ready to go in there and get toasted well we got them over here to one side and remember we're swatching that when we deconstructed that Big Mac and it was toasted bones I'll accept that Midland wasn't toasted on both sides and how do you make middle one well folks you get that really good bread knife and you just cut the top off one of them bones to where you have what a middle bun yeah that's how you do it so let's get them on this grill we're gonna give them a little toasting but also they can get a little smoke flavoring at the same time and it won't take long as hot as that is but remember that one that's cut on both sides we've got to toast him on both sides well we got them all cooked up we've got our little buns nicely toasted we did and folks this is where it comes to the assembly line and things are blowing around if y'all think that explore in here there and yonder it ain't lightning so the assembly line is fixing to start and this is one of the most important things when you're reconstructing the deconstructed Big Mac that's a lot of words for me so what is it first it is some of this special sauce on which one of them buns Shan I'm so confused it is the one that is called the bottom now I like to just go ahead give me enough on there that I can taste and folks this hair stuff is so good you gonna be wanting to put it on your hot dogs and everything you got you're gonna want to make it all summer long what is next some finely chopped lettuce yep just like the Big Mac so we just scatter them out right peaceful-like and one thing I would have done different if it was me I'd have put the cheese on maybe at the bottom but no and they use that American cheese folks we're gonna use us some cheddar and I'm trim it to fit this is there and I have these two cheese dogs right here that will help me out thank you all very much now when you get to this point guess what that's what a lot of people would call just enough stuff to put on their burger but ha we got to have a burger to put on there so here we go there is that so we are ready to go ahead with the middle bun that is the one that we cut the top off of the top bun so we got to have some more that there's special sauce to get ready to go back here make sure you got plenty and then guess what it is time for some more lettuce guess what comes after that they don't call for it but old Kent's gonna put it on there you know that is some extra piece of cheese and then you got two left for the cheese inspectors there you go so you can see we have nearly got there it is time for what that is what you call a burger folks and we're nearly there then we're gonna go ahead and take us some more of that special sauce right here on the top and we're gonna have to have some pickles for shin because she do love a pickle now me I would not be putting a pickle on it but hey we're trying to keep it authentic last one and guess what we do now shall we give it a little mash now folks I'm gonna take a knife and I'm gonna cut this in half because I wanna see all of them flavors what hill can y'all see the difference here I mean even if you stand in a way away from the camera can you see the difference here let me get in here yep I can see the difference when you get them here now this is a Big Mac McDonald style this is a Big Mac cowboy style you even got to have a muscle to hold this and up now I want to tell you when you make that sauce and it does make extra folks you're gonna love this stuff just go ahead and seal it back up put it on your sandwiches your hotdogs more burgers dip your french fries in it whatever you got to do but it gonna be some fine Danny I would like to do this I would and I think we should take a peek in there do this now folks don't get me wrong I have eat my share of them through the years rodeoing and riding bulls it was one of the places that we stopped but hey there are no conic restaurant they're still in business still doing great things but when you could have one of these why pull up to the drive-up window and have one of them so here we go Dukey it tastes so much better than a Big Mac we're gonna do the ronald mcdonald shuffle [Music] ah I know Hardee's nor is it a Mickey D's they ain't no drive-up window and a menu you won't see but what you will see is good fine dining folks the start of the show hey I love some beef but the star of the show today the Cowboys special sauce with that chipotle pepper and adobo sauce mixed in there kicks it all up to a brand new level but as always I tip my hat and I thank you to all our American servicemen and women and all the veterans and all the people who keep our country safe for letting that old flag fly with freedom we appreciate it one and all we do but also have some special shout outs this week bigs girlfriend he's been getting love letters in the mail from Molly the muncher yeah I think they're hitting it off would make a good team might not have enough food to feed them all but hey it'll be good and also a friend of mine up there in Canada John Tom hey stay warm up there on the northern side my friend it is gonna be warming up soon and remember it is a tabloid version of a Big Mac and I'll see you down the Big Mac trail God bless you each and every hi we're taking I [Music] don't know maybe a trip to tell Barney I don't know woo there we go because this is what happens to an empty Big Mac box I think it's gonna be a really do we make it home without eating it we'll be in pretty good shape [Music] whoa good job Duke that's impressive open dropped it there you go okay last one maybe we need to do a chicken nugget video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 8,264,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best homemade big mac, homemade big mac, big mac, mcdonald's big mac, best big mac, big mac recipe, how to make mcdonald's big mac, best burger recipe, how to grill a burger, grilled burger, certified angus beef, burger recipe, big mac sauce, special sauce, how to make big mac sauce, easy burger recipe, best big mac recipe, big mac copycat recipe, kent rollins burger, outdoor cooking, grilling, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, grilling burgers
Id: kVAfrY2-VrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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