Egg McMuffin Recipe | How to Make the Best McDonald's McMuffin

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oh caught me skipping you did but guess what you can skip the drive up window and the fast food line because we're showing you how to make the egg mcmuffin doubling it up cowboy size with a real piece of thick hog meat on there i'm talking ham and a special sauce that goes on both them toasted little muffins ain't no waiting in line at the drive up window for this one come on i'm gonna get the grill hot and ready to go [Music] yes i need a number one and a large unsweet iced tea well folks last time you seen me here we was doing something about the cowboy big mac version we're finna make the mcmuffin all over we are so stay tuned well there it is the egg mcmuffin [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard on a glorious day and what are we talking about that mcdonald's favorite sandwich for breakfast what an egg mcmuffin yeah but you know when you get theirs it's got that little piece of see-through canadian bacon ham that you can use as an eye test and still read the words down at the end well folks we're gonna jazz this deal up we're gonna put some hog meat on there that is worthy to be on the cowboy style egg mcmuffin we're gonna put some good cheddar cheese on there and i got a little sauce that we're gonna spread on the top because there's come sort of dry but guess what we ain't just using one egg huh we're gonna double up the dose folks cause you get this big old piece of ham on there you're gonna need two eggs to hold that hog on there before it floats off so let's get it to go in and i wanna show y'all how easy it is to make and you'll be making it for breakfast and not even have to go to the drive up window here it is folks them golden arches now when did the egg mcmuffin get its start 19 and 72 it was a big year 1972 was things was going great and guess what they come out with this sandwich to try to mimic sort of an eggs benedict on a bun to get it to go in but i didn't see no sauce on it so remember when we did the big mac and we deconstructed and reconstructed and we went from here to here yep folks it went pretty viral got over a million real quick it did so let's see what's in the sack look what does it say big it says what egg mcmuffin so the big says we should inspect this deal there it is folks lookie there so he's already getting tail wags they got their little bun toasted i like that and here is this little bitty cackle berry that the yeller has been broken so it would spread out there a little and here's the kicker for me folks if we can get this off there this is i mean i can see through this this is what they call canadian bacon we're gonna put some real ham on it and then they got some of that there just a regular plastic cheese on there and melted on the bun so big we're going to put this all back together for the time being wrap it up put it in the sack because we're going to have to have a comparison we are so what are we talking about let's talk about ham first ham uh-huh that is some ham and it's not gonna fit on a bun yeah we can make it fit on the bun but we got to open it first and guess what kenny got no knife well knife in hand now and let's talk about ham steak now this is just a cured piece of ham that you can bring home and we used to have it a lot and then you can fry it up bake it up grill it up whatever you're going to do but folks this is what the cowboy egg mcmuffin starts with well you remember now that little bitty piece of ham that didn't even stick out past the bun there it didn't it didn't even come over the mcmuffin so remember when you was like in the first grade and you was coloring and they said stay in the lines folks i don't want you to stay in the lines on this one this is just sort of a temporary guide i just want you to put it on there somewhere like this here and take your coloring stick and let's just slice it around there to where it will fit on the egg mcmuffin so what happens this goes on the grill yes it does so we're just going to place it right over here on some hotness i hear a little sizzle there now we're going to make one of these but this recipe you can double and triple and make as many as you want so while that's going on let's talk about how they get that round egg you know chickens lay an egg and it's sort of oblong in different shapes in fact let me just show you some okay white egg brown egg and see they they got this shape so how did they get them into this spherical circumstance shan do you know a spherical circumstance well folks you can use a variety of things a mason jar lid today kent is going all out and we're using the tin can method what did that come from this come from some remember that tuna video we did shan you know the tuna melt this is charlie's can right here and i'll be using it for a lot of stuff so i cut the bottom out of it because it works really well but remember i told you this is a two egg deal so let's get the skillet to heating well i bet that piece of hog meat is done it's got about the right color so let's just move in right over here on the corner to stay warm now we're going to take us some of this good kerrygold butter yup y'all heard me use it before it is some good stuff i just want you to get some of there and put on your muk muffins and i guess you could do this with a bagel but it wouldn't be called an english muffin then it'd be called a bagel wouldn't it bagel bagel and i just want you to lay these over here on the grill to let them go to warming and then we'll toast them right there at the last we got our old griswold out there getting hot we do now folks i'm gonna cook two eggs in charlie the tuna can but i need you to go ahead and grease them with something because you don't want the eggs sticking to the can grease the bottom of it just a little go ahead and set it right there in that skillet and you can see it's just like the best pen you ever see it's going to round them chickens up them cackle berries ain't going nowhere so let's get these two in that skillet if i can find a spot where it's nearly level and remember we did a perfect fried egg video but this is not really so much fried as it is broke them yellers and then we're going to let it cook crack them on a flat surface oh and some is trying to reach out that side but it'll all be just right in the end well while them is sizzling there in that little contraption that charlie can let's go ahead and give them a little bit of salt and pepper we're going to let them cook for just a while until they get just right in fact i'm going to let the fire down just a tad because we want them to get right there now we have been cooking for maybe like 45 seconds we need to go ahead and break the yeller in them eggs so they can spread out there a little it's what you call scrambling in the can now you can see a little leaked out under the little catch device there but that ain't no big deal you can either cut it off and throw it back in there or just let it hang off the sandwich all from the end it's gonna be pretty so don't forget to break them yellers in there let them spread out just a little and just cook it slow then we'll see what's happening flip it over and oh the goodness is gonna commence well folks i want you to come over here and give it a little jiggle and you can see there ain't nothing moving in there so i think we can remove our apparatus look at there and then let's just give him a flip and look there it's looking like a round egg mcmuffin egg so let that go for just a little bit i want you to go ahead and let's slide these over to the hot side now we'll give them a little toasting on this side and then we'll turn them over because i want that good crunch on that english muffin but folks it's about time to break out some cheese and yes y'all have seen me use a lot of cheese cooking here lately but folks you got to have it this is what makes things complete now i'm just going to lay him right there on that piece of ham to where he can just gingerly warm up and the ham was feeling cold so he needed a little cover on him so we're getting there pretty close to this i guarantee you we can take this and move it right over here because that egg is done and set up and we're going to compare this all together before we ever put it to the sandwich so you can see the difference in the thickness and the size well as this is all finishing up folks it's time to add one more piece of cheese yep you heard it one more piece of cheese just layer right there on that egg mcmuffin and just let it sit so we're just going to give that just a minute to melt it ain't going to take it long then we'll put it all together and show you what's happening my well you can see i don't whip me up some special salve there to put on top of it all it was was a little mayonnaise which was dukes uh-huh some mustard and a little bit of horseradish and you can see the comparison there sure everything is pretty well sort of close but see how we have a protrusion of egg and meat outside the sandwich area itself and that's what we were after so let's just go ahead and do this because i just want to look in there and we're going to pull it right here like this here so we can see that wait cut the other one and then we go cut this one and put it here so you can see there is noticeable amount of difference the egg is really the only kind of similar deal yeah but that's just a one egg deal and we got a two egg deal so folks i tell you what we're going to do this comparison a different way today we're going to take this and we're going to take this and i'm going to give my two test subjects who have never had an egg mcmuffin a test there's this one and this one the tail wag meter is just so so so we're going to take some of this one cut it again duker i want your honest opinion how many tail wags am i gonna get for the whoa man and the big big says yep dad's sandwich is better [Music] do you have a morning shuffle um get them golden arches [Music] no drive up window for me folks you've done had your bite well folks the polls are in from the two taste testing wagging tail authorities and they have what over unanimously decided the cowboy egg mcmuffin is truly the winner and you can make it at your house and be a winner for everybody involved everything that we use will be listed down there in the little link below to where you can find it because it is very easy to make and it's about bringing family together as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept old gloria flying over our camp no matter where we're at thank the first responders truck drivers all the medical professionals everybody that's keeping us safe in these times like to thank andy and shan especially because they like they make me look better than i really do they do they can photoshop so as always thank you for watching we'll be looking for you next wednesday at 2 30 central not you and i'll see you down the cowboy egg mcmuffin trail [Music] [Music] delicious time you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 596,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg mcmuffin, mcmuffin, mcdonalds, mcdonald's egg mcmuffin, egg mcmuffin recipe, mcmuffin breakfast, homemade egg mcmuffin, how to make egg mcmuffin, egg sandwich, best egg mcmuffin, copycat egg mcmuffin, mcmuffins, breakfast ideas, egg recipe, mcdonald's egg mcmuffin recipe, how to make an egg mcmuffin, mcmuffin sandwich, mcdonalds egg mcmuffin, cowboy cooking, cowboy kent rollins, kent rollins chopped, cast iron cooking, cast iron skillet, breakfast sandwich
Id: bQZShIrNYm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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