Homemade Donut Recipe | Easy Glazed Donuts

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you know there ain't nothing better than a donut to start your day and i'm telling you folks i have got a recipe for a light and fluffy doughnut that will float from out of there and oh it is so good so come on i'll get the grease hot and start kneading the dough homemade donuts [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard on another glorious day the lord has made and he doesn't drop some humidity in here on this and so if you see me perspiring i'm gonna have to ask for makeup to come and pat me off i don't know but what are we talking about yeah that ever popular gotta have them wish we had some right now donut they are so good light and fluffy like that one thing i need to tell you right off the bat is we need to warm some milk to room temperature but i can remember people saying well what temperature is that kent well back when i was feeding my young childs many years ago we could take a drop and put right there and did it just feel like your body temperature sure did to me and i guess what i want you to pour it in a bowl i sure do because we got to what proof the yeast now folks sometimes just getting hard to come by in these parts now time so make sure when you buy yeast you check the date that it ain't out doubted and we're gonna use two tablespoons and that's what was exactly left in there i looked and calculated it myself we're gonna have to add a tablespoon of sugar to help kick start that yeast yes we are now i want you to give it a good stir and make sure that everything is incorporated well and now we're going to talk about something else and that's flour all-purpose flour and we're going to use about four cups to start out with so we're going to put them in here because my mother said if he is baking something and it need to be light and fluffy you're going to sift it so we're going to sift that one now shan you've heard me say it many times you sift flyer long time ago for what reasons that is right grandma used to sift it to get them weevils out because she had a flower box how many is that shannon you think that was three was it i don't know i was thinking that this was three do you need to rewind and find out cause you've got me confused the recipe gonna call for about four and a half to five and some of that is used for sprinkling but folks i like to always start out with the least amount of flour that i can so let's get this sifted in there and can you can see that our yeast is starting to do a little something but folks it's got to set 10 minutes don't rush it don't look at it don't talk to it just let it sit there and then when we get this flower all sifted we have a major problem we do because kent forgot to bring the salt out here and we got to have a little salt so hang on [Music] glad we wasn't on some ranch somewhere and i had to run 21 miles to town so we're going to take about a teaspoon generously in this salt and i want you go ahead and mix that in there i just want you to make a little whale cause there's gonna be some things happening there in just a minute and we need a stick of butter whole stick some of you out there be accusing me of using too much butter just like we did in the video last week about too much cheese no can't have it you can't and then i want you to get one half cup sugar layer right on that softened butter and then you take one of these pastry cutters we're just going to get that mixed with that sugar real well and then folks we'll add some cackle berries large cackle berry at room temperature if you had them in icebox i need you to take them out about 30 minutes ahead of time because i want them to warm up a little and then just whoo i just want you to mix that up well to where it is smooth now if you've got a mixer in the house you're in good shape but mine is not out here so i'm just going to mix this till it is all pretty smooth don't see much of that butter left and if shanna zoom in here you can see that yeast is really blooming it does look good i mean that is what you call some good active yeast and folks if you don't waited this long and yours ain't doing that pardon me while i wipe my brow you got to start over because your yeast ain't no good so that's sort of what we're looking for here just about that consistency and you can do this in any form or fashion you want but i always like to add the yeast first into the whale then the egg and butter and sugar mixture take your wooden spoon and i just need you to go to folding it in i don't want you to be too rough on it just yet and it always already smells good to me like we're at that old donut shop so speaking of donut shops y'all seen me right there at the first when i come out the door of that old donut shop there wonder where that was wellington texas yeah and they do make a fine donut they do but oh what it would go with really good is some of that cowboy coffee uh-huh so i got to thinking me and shannon and beak and duke and we thought we ought to have a coffee shop that's what we're going to do i'm going to make donuts but we're going to have a coffee shop and we're going to be holding events there and you can come and drink coffee and sit and visit with us yep you heard me wellington texas it's big news folks hey where's wellington texas and when is this going to open hey you better be checking out our website right there you have sign up for our little email newsletter and hey we'll have it on there when it's going to open because we're going to have some events we have big things planned there folks and we want a place to where folks can come and gather and we can say hey welcome to the family let's have a cup of coffee what's the name of it cowboy coffee so we got this to this and remember i'm telling you that it's going to have to be four and a half to five clips of flour so i want you to give it a little sifting action here to where we can get it to turn loose from the sides of that bowl and we are about there and you can see that consistency is just what we want to wear when it rolls around it ain't sticking to the side of it no mo so we got our surface flowered whale we do dump this out on that flower board flour your hands a little and let's just go to working it roll that dough back over you don't have to set no timer folks but i want you to work this dough after we get it to where we need it which is about there about eight to ten minutes now if you've got one of them electric mixers in there that's got one of them doe hooks as the thunder rolls and garth brooks says hey you can just do that let her run well eight to ten minutes i need and it'll give you a good workout so what i need you to do whatever kind of bowl you got that's gonna be big enough that it can double inside i need you to grease that rascal cover it with wax paper cling wrap not wax paper cling wrap some of that press and seal whatever you got warm cup towel set it in a place that it can rise about an hour a little more until it's doubled in size now if you're at high elevation or you're in a really humid country that's going to take you a little longer well folks due to the magic of tv can't get up an hour and a half earlier and the change of a different color a bowl presto magico what do we got there some dough that is rose plum up i mean and it smells like a bakery shop to me folks so i need you to make sure remember that your surface is floured well again because we got to dump it out here we do get you just a tad more flour and we got to make sure that we get this out there now there's been some discrepancy at my house about how big how thick do you cut your donuts originally so no somebody didn't step on something that's duke playing with his favorite toy the hamburger joker quite on the set so you roll it out to your desired thickness i like to a half but really i like about three quarters to 13 16. but folks you've heard me say it do not when you cut these out do not twist your cutter because you're sealing the edges of that dough and it can't rise properly so you get you whatever you need to make this work me i just find whatever's happening you can use a glass and then a shot glass whatever you got i'm all for it get you some wax paper because folks we fitting the beet in the donut business we are make sure that you flour it before you go to cut it and then you just slap it right down on there now and you got it to that point flower this and again try to get right in the center i was using a bigger cup before and there we got our first donut just gather it back up give it a little mashing so everything's there together go back to the same process as before put them in a warm spot cover them with some more wax paper or a cup towel just let them rise till they're doubled in size 45 minutes to an hour's about what it takes well it is risen it has the dough has risen so folks we when you pick these up and you think they're going to be damaged they're not got my finex out here heated it up to about 340 and we're gonna drop the first contestant in and we're gonna fry them till they're just lightly golden brown and i'd be liking to do about two at a time and also if you'll ever remember back from the sopapilla deal if you'll splash a little of that hot oil up there on top it'll make them jump up there even a little bit more and it don't take them long you keep an eye on this bottom right here see how that's already beginning to brown looky there it don't take long at all [Music] but folks you fry them lightly golden brown like we said in that oil about 340 and then when they come out of there place them on that wire rack let them cool just a minute and then dip them in that glaze what was the glaze some powdered sugar a little milk some almond extract and vanilla but look here some machan's favorite doughnut in the world sprinkles yep shandu love a sprinkle i don't know which one to try what try the sprinkles i was gonna just no light and fluffy but i want a little crunch on top look in there folks that is air that is fluffy make me want to do the donut dance y'all ever seen that no huh you just gotta shake it a little here uh-huh and then you get ready whoa bust and move back and forth do a little spin around like james brown because i feel good cause i'm gonna tell you folks that is better than any donut i ever eat shannon i want you to have a bite of that come on oh and look look who showed up it's the donut inspector himself just in time so being in there an air conditioner and you want to try donut huh got a sweet tooth yeah we think man he says they're good everything we did in this recipe anything you need to know will be listed down there in the little link below where you can click on it and we'd be so glad and when you make these donuts i want you to comment about how light and fluffy they were and how good they were and who did you share with because that's what it about well folks as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and veterans who are keeping that old flag of flying and folks i just want to tell all you service men and women and veterans that are out there watching me and shannon counting on you we counting on you to watch these videos stay strong stay tough and i mean tune in because we're gonna try to fill your belly with some food and your heart with some happiness we'll always be there every wednesday and we'll be looking forward to each and every one of you watching because that's what it is about so from our house to your house and things that's fitting to blow down again they are we be seeing you down the easy doughnut trail yes and the big says i need one now did he get it ready he says things are blowing down dad donut all good donut makers will tell you that he's a mama needed i've had a lot of [Music] donuts you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 432,896
Rating: 4.9749041 out of 5
Keywords: donuts, donuts recipe, donut recipe, homemade donuts, glazed donut recipe, homemade glazed donuts, doughnut, doughnut recipe, glazed doughnuts, easy homemade donuts, yeast donuts, how to make donuts, how to make doughnuts, how to make donuts at home, easy donut recipe, easy donut glaze, sugar donut recipe, cowboy recipes kent rollins, cowboy cooking, kent rollins chopped, cowboy kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins coffee, breakfast ideas, breakfast recipes
Id: X9_CRSU1hSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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