Blueberry and Cream Cheese Fried Pies and Turnover Recipe

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so you say you ain't got no fancy pastry shop in your house no we're a donut shop neither hey don't worry about it cuz I got you fixed up I'm talking about a blueberry cream cheese turnover deep fried or baked it's gonna make your sweet tooth jump out of your mouth stick around [Music] hey thank y'all for dropping by camp on a beautiful day the Lord has blessed is with my name is Kent Rollins and what do we do here whole lot of cowboy cooking so many of you have been asking from an old video long ago I don't never see no recipe Kent for them blueberry sourdough cream cheese turning over well you're in luck today because I'm gonna show you two versions of them one baked one fried Shannon have everything you need to know right there in the little recipe listed below the video so today we're going to be making a sourdough pie crust for these little blueberry turnovers but you can use whatever you got on hand whether it be one of them store-bought or any other things but I would recommend you try this recipe just once it's we're gonna start two cups of flour and we'll use about a half later for sprinkling and everything else teaspoon of salt teaspoon of baking powder now you can add cinnamon to this nutmeg or you can leave it out and have a plain white pie crust whatever you want to do but I like a little cinnamon in mind and I'm just gonna put a DAB in there probably about a half a teaspoon now mix all these dry ingredients really well yeah there's a little breeze in Oklahoma today now we're gonna have about two and a half tablespoons of sugar which is about that much what do we got a stick of Lord you know this is one of the greatest inventions ever made you can get it in a stick of law it is exactly one cup so that's how much we be needing and I like to sort of just chunk it up now if you want to do this in a little more creative fashion you can put this lard in the icebox and get it really chilled or maybe in the freezer for just a minute run it down a cheesegrater it will incorporate a little quicker now they make them deals you pastry cutters well I don't know what they are but this is what my mom always used so that's what we use today and we're just going to cut this in there till we get it blended really well now as you seen folks there's still quite a bit of that chunky Lord in there we're gonna add just a little more flour probably about 1/4 of a cup sprinkler in there really well you go back to mixing cause it's just a little wet well it's time to get your hands in it I always like to get it to that point to where it's nearly like a cracker crumb and then I like to take it between your hands we're just trying to bust all them big chunks of lard up to get it well incorporated we added an additional fourth to a half a cup of all-purpose flour here to get it to this consistency that we want you can see it's pretty pretty well all mixed and incorporated we'll Sardo is going to be a different thickness and wherever you live during to the country and the environment and the temperature in which it is we started that starter at the house last night got us at 24 hours started once it is ready to go you can see it is a setting over here by Bertha staying warm now people say you can't use that in cold weather oh you can I keep it warm a lot then I'll preheat me one of them Yeti ice just pour a little hot water and there set that crock jar in there it'll stay that temperature to lug it ready to use it again so I'm gonna take the kerchief off it stir it pretty well and we're gonna start with an even up Cup I like to sort of incorporate it around and around to get everybody on an even playing field and it may take just a little more than this folks we're just gonna have to see cuz we went back and added some more flour but we might be pretty close to end the money flour just a little on your hands we're gonna make this in just a soft ball of dough well you can see folks it don't take long to get there and I just want it soft and pliable not dry where it cracks all apart it's not tacky it is just right we're gonna flour as a board like you give it a little patting right there to first to get it started you know folks I like to get this rolled out and you can tell I have smooth sand concrete in my day but about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch I really don't go as thin as there folks that make them Pillsbury's and put them in them pie boxes that you buy with that I put together me a little filling to go with it now that was what a block of cream cheese that had been softened go ahead and put it in there dump the blueberries in there blend it mix it really well to you got a good smooth consistency then we're gonna add a tablespoon of sugar and about a teaspoon of vanilla and mix well again so get you something that you can cut them with now what do I use hey it's my kitchen at all times it is a fancy gadget that I have invented many years back it's called the top to the Folgers candy it is now it's about six inches so yes it would work chené very nice very nice so we're gonna mark them all and then we'll cut them out about here and we will cut these out to the best of our capability to stay round because this time pie are round it ain't square now we've got this left over here and we sure ain't gonna throw it away so we're gonna gather it back up try not to work it too much because I just want to get it back into a ball stage because the more you work it just like a biscuit dough the tougher it's gonna become every pastry chef want one of these after this video Shin yes it does get you a good dollop in size of that right there and lay right dead center you don't want to get overzealous here and think that you can put a whole bunch in there it'll squish out the sides everywhere first we got to take this here egg wash because I want things to stick really whaling so let's give her a little brushing all the way around roller back over here now comes well when grandma and them I'd seen him make them pies and mamas she had make them little fried pies with him homemade apricots loaded loaded they was good and they would just take a thumb and mash but I have crimped a lot of them with a fork where you can just come right in here seal them up really good and looky there folks so let's sit him right over here out of the way while we feel the rest of them well folks we got her done there and thank shann for coming along and doing the artistic talent there yours look like little clams you dug out from the pond down there we're going to go ahead and bake these we got a 12-inch Dutch oven today it has been greased and ready to go this they do look pretty sugar you're very artistic you're and as you can see folks we have a guest coming in for lunch [Music] that's a drive-up window where he gonna come by one number through in a minute I'm just gonna pitch one up there to him so let me get this out there on the trivet and get us some coals and let's get to cooking because he'll be back in a minute and today we're using a tall tree that it's about five inches how we do sell them off the website if you be looking for one now I got me some good hardwood coals out of old Bertha that shovels got holes in it remember shake that ash out put them coals pot around that trivet in a circle and then let's load the top up good and heavy this is an easy dish to bike because you can take that fork when we get to going through there and pull that bottom up to see that browning effect we're gonna have to rotate much maybe even out some hot spots here and there but it is a glorious day to cook in southwest Oklahoma because there is no we that's not much for us well folks we've been on about maybe five to eight minutes here things is happening about right there's a little cracking starting hearing a little browning so I'm a guarantee in you nearly one hundred and sixty four percent that the bottom of them is looking about right if Shannon get in there that's pretty hot so we can we can come off that bottom because it's going to continue to cook so now what we're gonna do give it a little basting with that leftover egg wash so that'll brown up and get good and crispy there we will give it just a little coating here things will brown up so nice and pretty who y'all be thinking I'm a pastry chef well we put the lid back on there folks now all we got to do is cook it till the top Browns whoo and it won't be long with that egg wash on there and then we're gonna let it cool and we're gonna cut it well we got them others done we're gonna let them cool Tero no Martha we have got as a Dutch oven with enough oil to fry using some peanut oil today leftover from Thanksgiving running about three hundred and sixty degrees we're gonna have a pretty fast fry we are you're gonna have to turn them over probably be careful that you don't puncture one of the little fellers but you can see we've been in there no time and we're already getting that good crust drain that grease off of them folks we're gonna set them over here and let them cool just a minute but you can see how that crust sort of puffed up their things is good let me get that other two in there we'll go back to fry [Music] when they come out of that grease I like to give a sprinkling of powdered sugar you can put on there whatever you want but I love that it'll stick to it when it's got that grease on there a little better let's look at these little bike fellers and see what's happening that's our don't make such a wonderful crust now you can brush them with a little butter if you wanted to right at the end put you some powdered sugar or you could make you some powdered sugar and milk glaze with a little vanilla or almond extract glaze them however you want them but folks really the only thing I ever like to put on was my teeth and I like that crust because it's got that good crispness to it and flakiness in there and that's what it's about you get that good crust to that sour dough but then you get that filling of that cream cheese and then blueberries mixed together it's like a happy dance all the way down your throat going that away coz it is some of that good eating see that saying that's what you call a happy moon right there darling this is really good got that powdered sugar on there we fixin to do this little deal right here so I can see in there look at that see that little air pocket in there that crystal hang on folks that is worth that's worth I jumped back in a jump back up here and get some more now me I'm probably liking the fried version better because you get that sort of soft Center in that crust that cooked just right to perfection and it's just got a different taste when something is fried and whoo it is so good hey this is good eating whether it's fried or it's baked I hope this got to you people that was wanting to always know how come Nate no recipe for them blueberry cream cheese turnovers in that old chicken fried steak video that you did so many years ago I'd like to thank all our servicemen and women and veterans to keeping that old flag flying high above that wagon in this good country that we live in we appreciate it each and every one we hope you learned something today and you had a good time what I'm going to tell you be sure and hit that subscribe button now I'm going back up here just a minute Shannon because a lot of people telling me there trouble not getting their notifications anymore ring that Bell up there folks click it till you see it move that way you'll always get them notifications and you won't miss out on a video every Wednesday so god bless you each and every one thank you for stopping by Kemp and I'll see you down the jump back jump up blueberry trail I always like to wear my work pretty good where's a big where's the beagle when you need him well Brigham just this once Shann said just this once it's not well folks howdy Skippy it's a better shape
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 778,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried pies, fried pie dough recipe, sourdough, sourdough recipe, sourdough pie crust, sourdough starter recipes, how to make pie dough, turnover pie, how to make a pie crust, fried pie crust, quick sourdough starter, how to bake in a dutch oven, dutch oven recipe, dutch oven recipes camping, cast iron, outdoor cooking channel, campfire cooking, turnover recipes, blueberry pie, blueberry fried pie recipe, kent rollins, Holiday recipe, classic fried pies
Id: GR0BsUWJmmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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