Easy Sausage Breakfast Casserole - Christmas Inspired Recipe

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are you looking for a simple and quick easy breakfast dish that is also Hardy and oh so good save you time on a holiday season or even when you're camping we have got you a sausage breakfast casserole that is gonna be the best thing ever you want to check this one out for sure [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a beautiful day the Lord has made my name is cowboy Kent Rawlings what do we do whole lot of cowboy cooking now christmas is coming up I hope you got all your shopping done but if you ain't we're gonna save you some time this is a good old dish and I have a special guest star coming in that taught me how to make this dish uh-huh so no you gotta come in when I tell you back off just a little okay you ready go so folks with a warm welcome outing you really put them hands together in let's welcome her into camp yo sugar darlin hey thanks for helping me out to see usually I'm behind the camera but today you took a bath a shower once a month growing up we always had this Christmas morning and the best thing about it is it's one of those that you prep the night before stick it in the icebox and then so when everything's crazy people are putting presents in the morning you can just take this out put it in the oven and it does all the work do you wanna be my little sous chef today uh I got a whole bunch of silly tools okay so let's start off crack these six eggs no you do know that the table is running away from itself and the possum is going to have that one okay so now to those eggs we're gonna add two and a half cups of milk all right all right give me some salt and pepper to taste now we're gonna add a teaspoon of dried ground mustard let's go ahead and add two tablespoons of mayonnaise to this and I know you people be telling me you need to get some dukes well I'm here to tell you folks they don't carry it in my hometown but I did get some and bring home I had to hold that stuff in my arms go ahead and dump that out this is a can of cream of mushroom soup and this can all be done the night before that's what's great about it so you have I promise yeah that's what I can't pressure so I give you more time to wrap my presence yeah I've got milk so we use three cups total give that a little with so and you also want everybody stick around till the end because I think you've got a special Christmas wish for everybody yes ma'am we do it is something that is very near and dear to our heart and we'd like to share it with these people so stick around till you see it's a over and it's going to be some more now we are we've got our 9 by 13 casserole dish but we're going to show you also how to do it in a Dutch oven but this is also a really good camping recipe we've done it a lot on ranches when we had to move camp that day because it's something that was quick we could drag out of there and cook I get a lot of people ask can you use this in a Dutch oven yes you can yeah we don't and we also don't season cast iron with this but it's okay to cook with it yes a sack of seasoned croutons it's about three and a half cups if you've got loose croutons or this is a 5 ounce sack this is going to make the crust I'm just gonna dump it out now kind of spread it around so it makes a good even layer like playing yah-tchi now we've got 2 cups of shredded cheese go ahead and evenly sprinkle over that we got about 12 ounces of link sausage yep you could use the patties and chop them up but I like to use the link I think it makes a better bite size go ahead and cook that and now let's take our egg mixture give it another whisk again and then evenly pour it that wasn't too much even but okay well I couldn't see their domain if you run that into the sloping end of the table it's like give it a little shimmy shake yeah remember our mushroom mixture we've got here uh-huh even dollops just kind of all over it and as this cooks it's gonna like melt all in together and be yummy if you don't want to use this canned mushroom soup and you've watched our video from Mike in the smothered steak you can use that mushroom soup mix that's on there reckon in the icebox six hours or overnight and then also Mar yes what page is it let me check you don't know if the page memorize Oh page 47 350 degrees for about and hour-and-a-half or til it's bubbling and heated through yeah so usually before I cook it while the oven is preheating take this out and let it warm up just a tad it'll reduce your cooking time a little bit so we just showed them the way to do it you know outside but of course we're outside we're in camp we're gonna touch up inside yes we're ever gonna use an insert and that is what you have which makes cleanup easier but for this dish it's nearly mandatory because you gotta let this set an icebox overnight I have chilled a Dutch oven and I asked just before but I prefer not to we don't hardly ever cook with inserts and when we mean an insert it's just usually like a cake pan or a pie pan that you put your dish in and then or your food and then you put it in the Dutch oven I'll cook it that way we don't like to do that generally because it takes away the flavor that cast-iron gives that is right the heating also changes a little bit so we prefer just going straight to the iron but like you said in this case we didn't want to put the dish together and then chill the other self so on this one we do recommend that you put it into an insert so for a 12-inch oven you're looking at like a 10 inch cake pan yeah and this is lightly grease because when you're cooking with an insert and you put something in there's just a drive and that heat and moisture that gets trapped under there it's hard on cast iron so make sure you give it just a light coat of oil before you start and I've got my 10 inch cake pan and we're just going straight in there I'll bring it fish put your lid on and let's go to the farm yes ma'am that's like the wisemen they come from afar hole placement is a little different on the dish and what y'all been watching is in previous episodes now this has an insert in it and it is been chilled so it's going to take it longer to even get hot before it started so automatically I'm going on a short trip and I am loading the bottom Havey Havey all the way around cooking with mesquite and open mixture today and then load the top up really well we ain't got no wind today so we gonna have to rotate much but we will eventually rotate a little to even out our heat now that insert is giving you a little buffer there to where you're not we sitting on the bottom of that Dutch oven so you can get things hotter and it's gonna take you longer to cook them because that insert is keeping you away from some of that heat as it started cooking and this thing was bubbling I mean it was going good because I was cooking with me some good Hardy mesquite coals today I am I had to pull the coals away from it made sure there was nobody directly under there raked them out of there slowed it down a little then as it got even closer here we don't took it off the bottom heat and it is time to what check it and see what is happening well I pulled it away for them worth of fork and I can see that we're getting some good browning action all the way around now when you pull that you mean you did tale that them eggs are setting up a little they are and that's what we want that's why it come off that bottom heat we got to brown this top up let them egg set a little more on the top side of it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it is a done deal now them inserts is hard to get out of there barehanded so get you some of them see T's if you got them to grab a whole 230 that's a plier that's the people that make them see T's that's what we always call them oh you have learnt part 101 today uh-huh it'll set up a little bit more as it cools and then you don't burn the hide off your tongue as we usually say to burn the hair off a frog's body will yep okay in the oven one hour 15 minutes to an hour and 30 depending if you let it like warm up a little bit and then outside we had a really good mesquite wood and so we were probably 25 minutes yeah pretty quick yeah go ahead on Shan since you got the spoon let me see if we can see you'll see that like browning there just right those croutons swell up as they set and then they just puff up and make this amazing crust yes my eggs yes ma'am you won't burn nothing that stuff returns what you call fine down in D looks no mean so usually it's about this time I break into a happy dance sin so they've seen me dance they've seen the big ole dance let's see shins version of the happy dance right is it like the washing machine yeah the egg mixes with the crouton and makes almost like this souffle whoa big one with a crust a little bit and I have to tell you too so we also always serve this with or you call them mimosa additionally a mimosa is orange juice and champagne but I don't like champagne that much so we use a Moscato wine it's a sweet white wine and it's a little slightly bubbly it's it's I think it's much better than champagnes and most people got a corkscrew opener I don't got one those pliers are coming in handy today look at you two an easy Christmas dish that saved you time and effort you didn't have to rush around Christmas morning miss out on opening the presents you already had this done than that before whoa there let me got into there mimosa that's not bad at all anything that we used in this recipe and everything will be down below Shan always has it there we never take it for granted that you'll stop by and watch our videos we appreciate it so much I do tip my hat as always to the veterans and all those that have served and are serving now to keeping that old flag flying here in camp and Santa Claus will see it on his way by I promise you that thank you all for letting us into your homes this whole past year and before it's very special for us to be a part of your family and you've part of ours so thank you god bless you one and all we thank you so much for stopping by camp and we'll see you down the mimosa brunch trail yes ma'am thank you [Music] it was the cold I could barely hold the match still as I tried to lock that lantern that morning my hands were shaking and there was a stiff north breeze that coming under the fly the wagon I felt like there was nothing between me and the Canadian border at this time and on this day the last breakfast of the works and the Palo Duro Canyon in Texas about the time I try to light that letter in the match it burn out this seemed to go on forever as I discussed that lanterns pedigree but finally there was like a small beacon of encouragement on this the 21st day of December at 3:45 in the morning I didn't know the actual temperature at the time and it's probably better off I didn't but the Waterboro was froze solid so I had to chop ice to make coffee and then the lantern went out again I knew I should have changed that propane bottle before I went off to sleep last night so back at it again with trembling hands and a match I said God let there be light I need a little help those Cowboys are depending on me to give them nourishment and warmth before they go off to do bovine battle and then it was a small Christmas miracle as the first match struck home and there I was back in business I stoked Oh Bertha full of mesquite nuts and slid that coffee pot over there to let the magic start I pulled that old canvas chair up there next to that stove and said thank you Lord for the heat and the light so many mornings I've started this way but something about this one seemed different it was about that moment when I felt the howling winters breath stop it was like someone shut the north door and all I could hear at that time with a crackling of embers inside old Bertha and she began to come to life i sat there and thought how blessed I was as I soaked in that stoves warmth I felt something come over me a calmness I knew this feeling it was a feeling that I'd had as a child on Christmas morning it was a feeling of hope love light and faith and then I remembered a Christmas message that I'd heard Church so long ago it was about those same feelings and I understood it now at this moment better than I did some 45 years ago it was about a cold night and it too started with a light a guiding light a beacon of new beginning the light drew folks in and there they found a small child at a stable lying in a manger this child brought hope this child brought peace the true meaning of Christmas now I bet when you started hearing this story you didn't think it was going to be a Christmas story but I asked you to think back you see my morning started out on a cold night and I needed light light to see light to begin I doubted if that Leonard whatever light or the wind would ever quit blowing but I asked God for a little help and he did it and he has ever since just like that lantern that ran out ran empty we too have to be refueled every day and we get that from that small child that lay in that manger those men that came to see that newborn child so long ago came bearing gifts well the fellows who are drawn to the light of my camp and warmth of that old stove have brought me a gift to the gift of friendship now I know these fellows who visited that small child so long ago were dressed as wise men and shepherds and the men in my camp they're dressed as Cowboys but they too were wise because they chose to follow the path that we have chosen maybe trying at times but that child born in the manger gives light every day to guide us along the way my hope to you this Christmas is that there is a light around you and your families a bright light of love hope and faith and a merry Christmas to you [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 409,883
Rating: 4.9700432 out of 5
Keywords: sausage breakfast, easy camping breakfast, dutch oven breakfast, sausage casserole, easy breakfast casserole, dutch oven cooking outdoors, dutch oven camping, dutch oven breakfast casserole, holiday recipes, christmas breakfast, christmas breakfast ideas, holiday recipe tasty, outdoor cooking, outdoor cooking channel, campfire cooking, cowboy recipes, how to cook in a dutch oven, easy breakfast recipe, cowboy cooking, christmas casserole, holiday recipe
Id: p2YLQN5Zu7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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