Cowboy Cures | Natural Remedies and Immune Boosters

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hey folks in this week's episode we are stepping back into mother nature talking about some cures and some remedies and let's boost that immunity system you have come to the right place we're gonna share some coffee together [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a beautiful day it is and uh we just want to tell you who we're so glad you'd be here with us and we're just so proud that you're letting us in your living room you phone whatever you got going on we are so proud and you know today folks there's a lot of things going on there is and we need to talk about defense best defense we can have against all this stuff is a great offense I got that when I was in the seventh grade playing football we still got big nothing we did but folks we're gonna go back down the old trail with cookie and we're gonna talk about some of the cures some of the remedies that he used to keep that immune system going but Hite just to make you feel better and laugh a lot of these are natural and that's what we're after folks no waiting in line at the pharmacy and you Saints ain't supposed to even get out of the house but you don't have to have an insurance card for these imma let you have him for free breaking news folks a little disclaimer here I do not have a medical license these are all things that I were brought up with when I was little that helped me get cured but also a lot of them was found in Farmers Almanac a lot of my folks said they used during the Dust Bowl of the depression this stuff works I wouldn't be using it if it wasn't well you know we've been telling you about this new book that come out March 17th and some of you may have our first one I taste a cowboy that come out five year ago but folks in here there is also something we put together that is called cowboy cures now it's got a lot of things in there from stomachaches to sunburn to even a broken tooth but folks this stuff might even help you get by in a time of need so if you got this one you might even overlook that page but check it out if you don't hey we can fix you up you know back in the 1870s after the Civil War there was a great expansion of people that took place to spread west and north and also there was a great bunch of longhorn cattle that was running wild and free Texas Louisiana Arkansas New Mexico parts of Oklahoma and folks were needing some beef so let's gather up 12 to 15 of them Cowboys as down there around San Antone and let's go gather up about 2,500 head of these Longhorns and what are we gonna do we're gonna push them north go to a trailhead in Abilene Kansas put them on a rail car we can ship them anywhere but hey we need somebody that's gonna come along and feed these Cowboys who's it gonna be that's own cookie that's what they called him the coos and arrow an old cookie he had that first chuck wagon you remember meals on wheels he's a man that got it done but not only was he a cook folks he was a doctor he was a dentist he was a barbershop a philosopher he did it all that's what old cookie had to do to get down the trail and to make it you know times have changed but our methods really that me and Shan used today have not changed all that much sure we don't have to push cattle from San Antone to somewhere in Kansas to get on a rail head but sure we have been on ranches that's nearly three hundred thousand acres big and that's a lot of country 70 miles from the nearest town and ain't a doctor in sight so we have to learn to do the same things that old cookie did going down the trail and sure I have been that doctor I have been that dentist I have cut a little hair but just one time because they didn't like it after I got through with it so let's talk about having to sew something up back in cookies day he had a needle he didn't have much thread guess what he used folks horse hair soaked in whiskey it was an antiseptic run it through there tied in a square knot just keep it sewing now I've done that but I'd like to use a wax dental floss but sometimes too I will soak that in maybe alcohol or just some good thread that she's Noah's good and stout run it through there but now o cookie he didn't deaden it none folks unless he was just telling them I take a drink of this for he started me we carry some lot of King with us and we do it right so talking about that dentist had been there done that had a young kid get kicked in the mouth but old Earl and broke them two front teeth off right it nearly at the gum line eight degrees out there that morning cold air and a broke tooth and don't feel too good ain't no dentist for 65 miles and they got work to do so what doe cookie do he kept it JB will mix it up together stir it up with a stick paste it on there let it dry it'll seal it keep that air from coming in there now that kid was proud he looked a little bad dirt first but he was proud to be able to go back to work I did get a call from him about six weeks later and the dentist said he wasn't too proud of my work he couldn't get that stuff browned off but he said good fixing it tight so remember whatever you've got it might can work so let's know that hey we got a first aid kit never drawer well folks a first thing on every morning when I get up and the last thing to come off that fire what is it about a COPI old bertha made now coffee been around forever and it will sure keep you going it will but did you know coffee had some great immunity boosting properties oh it does that for a fact ghost now I don't want you to go out there and drink 63 cups and wants less you want to be wired up and bounce off the apartment or something like that all day I've had Cowboys been out there and that dust all day may be allergic to some of that pollen and may be coming in goes on forever and ever and I'll say hey that cough is beginning to bother me what about you yes oh yeah it's been bad can it has I say well let me fix you a hot toddy so first of all what goes in it a little raw honey and folks I'm talking about some good honey if you can get it locally it's even better now I'm talking about that much how much was that has a right amount to what it was but let's also talk about putting some lemon in there now I always carry lemon with me over time on a ranch because not only is it good to cook with it times but also folks hmm it is great in a toddy so let's get about that much in there and that was nearly a tablespoon it was guess what gotta have some bourbon it's gonna help things better so we're gonna pour about 1/4 of a cup in there which is pretty close to that and next that magical elixir black/gold coffee and I'm just going to go ahead and fill it half full for me today because I'd like for it to be Extra Stout so give it a good stir in folks so we got it all stirred up but you might have missed some of that but anything we'd be using in recipes to put all this good doctor and stuff together with will be listed down there below and you'll be thanking hey I just like to know how to make that coffee you do well shadow have you a link up there to where you can see that too but folks just sip on it that's heaven right there it's just right Coffee lemon honey and a little bit of bourbon you can't go wrong with that but I'll tell you one thing for certain the next night every cowboy in camp was coughing they was all wanting the toddy we got a ration that stuff out sort of like the groceries they're doing to us now so be careful when you make that first and you might have to have some more you got some em coffee beans in house I mean just ain't been ground whole bean take you one of them if you got some dark chocolate get you square that put it with it it is a great antioxidant immune booster it is but hey I gotta tell you this and I think you should come on in here this might be a little embarrassing to some of you but if you need it folks then coffee beans can be used as a laxative also I'm just telling you that I'm not saying it's happened but I am just telling you that hey see this little wonder drug or here garlic more antibiotics than most things you can get across the crown crown hood the counter do you need a prescription no it's at your grocery store every time I go to a gir store I buy more garlic folks if you can get that organic kind I think it is best but I'm gonna tell you something it is a cure-all was on a ranch in New Mexico 300,000 acres Shan was out there she's prone to get strep throat she is and I told her you can't get it now no huh ain't no doctors you gonna have to take a garlic clove but you got to eat something first folks you can't do this on empty stomach get you a garlic clove eat it I want you to do three times a day her strep throat was gone the next day folks this stuff has got so many great properties in it and I just like to take one get the skin off of it you just mash it there just a little and it'll come right off a little easier and I didn't mash it near hard enough so I'm going to mash it again a family but folks it is so good for you just take it out of there peel that off of it I like to have them with a cracker sometime they are good in a lot of things I'll put them with a piece of sausage every morning me and Shan we do one a day just as a preventative measure to keep things good but folks if you feeling like you got that sinus infection you got a call if you feel like you maybe got that strip take you three of these a day but folks make sure you got something on your stomach and you eat it with a cracker because these little things can become hot but I think we needed us go ahead and lay this jalapeno out there with you kill - now how opinions is rich in vitamins A b6 but this remedy right here has got me over many a sinus infection and many of a sore throat take get garlic clove if you ain't got one of these masters chop it up good with a knife I want you to just squeeze her down in there take your knife and just get all that goodness down in there then we're gonna cut this much off that Hal opinion we're gonna light him in there - seeds - Oh makes things work faster and you got seeds in them and that juice that goes down in there folks this is what you call a gourmet meal all in itself and remember me telling you about this honey look where it says raw honey 100% pure clover now folks if you can buy honey in your area that you're living in it will help you with your allergies that you're having in your surrounding area and I want you to put enough honey in there that it's probably pretty close to a half a tablespoon so we're gonna put that honey in there about a full tablespoon for going to shams calculations look at that that gut is goodness right there you smear that on some toast you can eat it that way put it on a biscuit give me a spoon up Virginia I can't film sous chef a teaspoon of this once a day for preventive if you're sick folks this stuff will break a fever it is so good you sick I was not about don't it's kind of like a pepper jelly go let's go on through that staples and stuff we might have in the house and hey sometimes you can even pick these in the wild know what they are mmm mushroom well woah don't any of you go run out there in the backyard and pull a toadstool out of the ground you remember that Jim Croce song take a trip never lived the farm hey you will be doing some of that stay away from them now demo button mushrooms that you can find it to grocery store them little baby portobellos them things are really high in antioxidants and did you know that a medical research was done and they even inhibit tumor growth you got to get the most antioxidants out of them and how do you do that it's not by frying not by bowling the best method is to grill them and they're still there and the mushrooms are so good grilling you say hey I just happened to have a video we have grilled a bunch of mushrooms stuff them they were so good there'll be a link up her to where you can watch it if you're a mind to but now remember Oh cookie would have picked some of these up probably them morale rush rush rush booms ooh them things is so good folks and they good for you so don't forget to pick them up on your way by the grocery store well folks what we got here as my friend Justin Wilson would say ain't on y'all day I've got so many great healing properties tool and they so good for you now when I was little my mother would take care now cut that onion in half quarter it one more time and sort of peel it out and guess where she'd put it folks in a sock on your feet and you would sleep with it at night some of you guys out there laugh and say who I bet your feet stunk the next morning when you pull that onion out of there the next morning it was black that onion will pull the toxins out of your body I promise same thing with a bar Ivory soap they say I never used that but I have used an onion but it also makes a great pole to took that onion mashed it up really good put me a little garlic with it slap that on there wrapped it up with a good cotton towel it will draw that poison out them onions or a great thing but say you got that in sinus infection that hacking cough that won't go away you've been through 22 bottles of bourbon 26 jalapenos and 57 garlic cloves and you still got it right folks I have a cure for you mm-hmm you ain't gotta wait in line ain't no insurance court take that onion slice him in half put it in a pot of water that is about that deep throw him in there two garlic cloves about whole I'd say half a tablespoon of cinnamon let it Bowl till that onion is completely just fell apart in there just soft as it can be let it cool for just a minute take that pot set it right out there in front of you get a cup towel put over your head breathe that in for about 15 minutes just take your time deep breaths just relax this is like going to the sauna even better that stuff just get in your system it will help folks well folks has always been something that's always - been a staple at the wagon for a lot of bacon but what is it Arm and Hammer yes baking soda hey it's got a lot of great properties it does not only is it a great toothpaste but also for heartburn folks but I'll guarantee you to come on back in here I got a whisper this to you some of you might be having a problem since you didn't do the coffee bean also works as a laxative I just want to let you know okay so I hope you've enjoyed some of these cures but a thing that is out there that is like the press of gold now can't even find it most places hand sanitizer there was an old man on a ranch told me one time people was talking about this many years ago he said drink more vodka it's 70% alcohol that's what's in hand sanitizer folks I ain't telling you that but let's make our own see this here rubbing alcohol 70% that's what it needs to be folks and this is with a wintergreen fresh smell now if you can't find this if you got any of them essential oils you can make your scent whatever color you want and just pour you a little in there don't take much couple of drops you'll be fixed up so I like to take the alcohol portion and I like to do a half and a half now you can see that's pretty close when I was little my mother used mineral and I'm using olive oil today and folks it's good for your hands but also it'll cleanse you make sure that you're going half and half now all we got to do is put our little deal back on there give it a good shaking and look ain't that a pretty color and look here it don't take much it smells so good but you can see how that ol is shiny you just gotta rub a little longer cuz alcohol does what really quick dries so just make sure you rub that all in good for your hands well I'm gonna tell you for sure there is a supplement that we you need to get in your body every chance you get to time now you can go down to the drugstore and get it but why would you it's right up there see it it's called sunshine sunshine make me happy what is it vitamin D if you get a chance go out there and get you a handful of that wet dirt and just smell of it ain't nothing like turning Mother Earth over and just getting you a handful of dirt it is good for you so be sure and use your best judgement on all these cures we give you and if you need to go to the doctor hey I ain't keeping you from it but if you think you might be thinking this stuff is right for you you probably got it all in the house try it folks I think you'll be surprised well folks I hope you enjoyed some of this old-time remedies and medicine immune boosters whatever it is y'all call it hey it's all good now I know we all in this quarantined together but folks being together in the whole thing together just makes people stronger when you can just join in there we all going to get through it we are now as always i tip my hat to our servicemen and women and all the veterans who are keeping this country safe but folks also we are thanking all them folks who are indeed doctoring business the people in the yards the hospitals the nurses the doctors the people who are doing the drive-through checkups when you go through there and they can give you a test for that coronavirus height they are all putting it on the line and sure we're all foreign team that is where we need to be yes because then folks out there are putting it on the line for us every day and if this is a way that we can help beat all this hey I'm all for it folks keep your chin up let's get it done stay together we are family and we are blessed and just because I love y'all and we've even ain't no food I'm gonna giggle happy dance it's called I'm so happy whoo love y'all a bunch god bless you each and every one stay safe stay healthy and stay happy I don't know subliminal you need to keep that in there Andy I don't know subliminal subliminal wherever you're only knows [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,035,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natural remedies, immune boosting foods, immune booster foods, immune boosters, natural cures, natural cure for acid reflux, homemade hand sanitizer, natural remedies for cough, natural remedies for sore throat, natural remedies for constipation, natural remedies for flu, home remedies, home remedies for cold, home remedies for flu, home remedies for sore throat, cowboy cooking, cowboy coffee, how to make cowboy coffee
Id: SWkCLK2Sf_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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