Crazy Crust Pizza......quick and easy!

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[Music] you're not gonna believe how easy this piece is going to be to make especially the crust this is called a crazy crust pizza it's really easy in fact it takes longer to get your toppings together than it does to make the crust this it's kind of like your homemade grandma's sheet pan pizzas what it's going to be but it's gonna be fast and it's gonna be easy even your kids can do this and you're not going to believe it when I show you how to do it now you take a cup of all-purpose flour and a teaspoon of salt I'm going to take a teaspoon of Italian seasoning and yeah you're going to put that towel Italian seasoning inside with your on your crust we put it how much you really want it calls for a taste thing I'm gonna put just a pinch of pepper and you can use cayenne pepper red pepper want to if you like it kind of spicy so I got my flour and my salt my tagging seasoning my pepper and I need two eggs now we like pizza and our favorite pizza is a thin crispy crust but you know that takes a lot of time to come in and make your your dough up and you've got to let it sit and then you've got to roll that thing out and mess with it and pull on it and this is just going to be a easy quick pizza and it tastes really good so I've got my two eggs and I've got 2/3 cup of milk now y'all don't think I'm crazy and this is called crazy crust pizza but your your crust a piece of crust it's going to be a batter it's gonna be like liquid it's almost going to be like pancake batter a little bit thinner and you just want to mix all that up now the recipe calls for a 15 by 10 cooking sheet pan and you want to spray it or all it but what I'm going to use is my big iron skillet and my big the biggest iron skillet I've got is close to it 15 inches and it makes a really good crust on the bottom I've got my oven hatin to 425 and when I put my pizza in the oven I'm gonna put it on the lower rack so I've got all that mixed up and you can see it's just a wet batter no no you're thinking I'm crazy and I am so now all we got to do is get it or steal it or 15 by 10 cookie sheet I'm gonna pull my batter into my big iron skillet now like I said it calls for a 15 by 10 cookie sheet that I just like making it an iron skillet and I'm just gonna kind of spread it around are you gonna just tip your your pan like this either way this would be so much fun for kids it'd be so easy for them to make a pizza now that does look pretty thin but it's gonna puff up a little bit it will get thicker now the next step is even crazier because what you're gonna do on top of this batter is you're only gonna put your meat now if you're just making a cheese pizza you'll just go ahead and put this pan in your oven and cook it for 20 minutes but because I'm putting pepperoni and a tagging sausage that's the first thing I'll be putting that's the only thing I'll be putting on this batter at this point now I've got some Italian sausage and I can't put the big chunks this time instead of breaking it up that would be just a little bit Meteor a little bit more meat in your bite I love Italian sausage on a pizza whenever we go out to eat pigs always get Italian sausage on it so just put what you whatever meat Nady and bacon bacon hamburger meat if you want to make a barbecue chicken pizza you can put you you would have put your chicken on your top of your batter and that's all you would have put on there nothing else at this point now I've got my meat on here so that's all I want to put on there and I'm going to stick it in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes and then we're going to take it out and finish it off so here's our pizza took about 20 minutes you can see how it's brown around the edge a little bit poofy in the middle but it's still pristine crust but it's brown and it's dad now you're gonna think you're doing this Pizza backwards Mansouri but this is the way it works so now that our crust is done and I've removed it from the oven what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your pizza sauce whatever kind of sauce you like you can even use it a pesto if you want to make a fancy pizza with some pesto on it mr. Brown likes mercury sauce on his pizzas so that would be good no we don't like a lot of sauce so I'm just gonna kind of DAB it on here now if you like a lot of sauce you can make you a thinner sauce and just kind of pour it over the top and spread it out but we don't like a lot of sauce so I'm just gonna kind of dab some herring there and the way I made this sauce is I took some of my dehydrated powdered to my toes and put me a little bit of water in it put me some Italian seasoning and garlic a little bit of olive oil and made me a paste out of it and that's about all this but we will want now if I had fresh tomatoes out of garden I'd put me some fresh tomatoes on this pizza so that's all the sauce that we want okay now put your sauce on there now you're gonna start putting your toppings on there and just anything you make this pizza whatever you want it to be I've got some leftover dehydrated bell peppers and mushrooms that I used in my quiche in my quiche video and I had some bit leftover still on the frigerator so I'm gonna use the rest of it we like a lot of vegetables on my pizza such a easy Pizza and I've got to some red peppers red sweet peppers and I bought these at the Dollar Tree and they're really good they're really sweet I think they're gonna give this Pizza really good taste so I'm gonna put some red sweet peppers on here and I'll show you what I bought because I'm gonna I think I'm gonna buy a bunch more and put him in the pantry like I said I got him at the Dollar Tree so they were a dollar jar I got really good taste and this is what they look like so you put a focus on it red sweet pepper strips it's is non-gmo and I'm gonna read the ingredients to you says bell pepper water vinegar sugar garlic sunflower oil and salt and that's the ingredients you see there's garlic in it right there it is it's really good sweet peppers so I'm gonna get the rest of them online on my pizza and I've got some shredded Parmesan and my daughter-in-law makes a really good chicken alfredo pizza if you like stuff like that what she did does instead of pizza sauce she used to sell Fredo sauce and grilled chicken now I'm gonna put my mom's real cheese on the top and this is going to go back in the oven for 25 and I've lifted my rack up to the middle of the oven and this will go back in there 10 to 15 more minutes till your cheese is good and bubbly so that's all there is to it like I said you can put anything on your pizza that you want I'm just using what I've got so I'm gonna get this back in the oven 15 to 20 minutes okay here's our pizza and before I put it in the oven I said 15 20 minutes so I meant 10 to 15 minutes and mine was done after 10 minutes so I'm gonna let this go off and we're going to cut it then we're gonna taste it okay let's try this pizza this one turned out pretty thin the last one I made I made and I'm 15 by 10 cookie sheet and free light stick pizza crust it was good though get some Parmesan on it we'll have mr. brown theis divorce I know it won't be no good probably not is it pretty good for a Seacrest pizza it's really good you know we always talk about it big funny if just making a video when you took a bite of something it was really bad but that's pretty good huh that's very good okay we're good so y'all got to try this recipe easy crust pizza the kids can do it really good don't like this recipe give me a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't subscribed share it and y'all come back and see me you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 1,092,027
Rating: 4.924809 out of 5
Id: 54__N0NjboM
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Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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