Best Day of Our Lives! Wedding Day Vlog 2020

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it is a wonderful friday morning we are getting packed and loaded and ready to go to the venue to start decorating check into the hotel all that good stuff so cool video ahead i'm up obviously i'm doing the video but jeevus isn't yet so let's go get him up so we can get on the road can we get up hello hey get up it is time to go are you trying to expose me no no no get him in sleep i mean you can but today is a different day hey today is friday and we have to go decorate the venue and check into the hotel but i guess what i sleep on fridays too i like to do it every day yeah i know but don't get a lot of sleep because then we gotta get up tomorrow early i want to punch the camera no sir are you ready for the day they love sitting on this freaking square that's just a straight drop fall if they walk sir sir so do you have her her dress ready for the wedding oh god she's going to kill me missy where's your dress she's all right where is your dress oh missy looks so good in the dress recognize our suitcase full of clothes here we don't buy anything new around here i forgot what storage unit it came out of but it was one very recently so thank you whoever you were for the suitcase all right so we also brought with us the tripod and i have the wireless microphone so that tomorrow during the wedding we can record the whole ceremony i'm gonna wear under my tuxedo so hopefully you'll be able to hear everything in the camera it's a nice little tripod so we get the whole thing one nice nice video are you ever convinced that your pets know when you're leaving like we're about to leave and look at these three triangular eared monsters piling up the stairs they're like what are you doing i know what this means no wet food for a day you only get dry food no it's that time there's mama jesus and baby jesus going in that car and we got ours and since you know we're gonna have to deal with a lot of family at one time you know we had a bottle ibuprofen here just because you never know how it's gonna go but you guys know what i'm talking about let's get out of here we got right under a two hour drive to get there so let's hop on the road and let's go get it done [Music] all right so we're finally starting to get in the mountains and your ears and my ears are doing those weird things like you feel like you need to constantly chew gum and swallow but we don't have gum and i don't want to keep swallowing my spit that's just weird but we're 9 minutes away from a 7-eleven because we're going to stop we need to drink thirsty you need that liquid caffeine which is then what how far away from the dessert i want 20-30 minutes from the hotel i'm not the same facility i'm so used to doing this on camera everybody say we're 20 minutes from the storage facility not this time 20 minutes from the hotel so i guess we'll see you at 7-eleven just stopped at 7-eleven or what still 30-30 minutes from the hotel got to get this pepsi max going though i need that caffeine dr pepper is good but it doesn't have that caffeine pepsi max has man it just makes me go like ah and we got those taquitos you know they had chicken bacon ranch taquitos i've never seen them before have you ever seen chicken making ranch ones i haven't you know the issue we're gonna have here yeah cause you she's got two monterey jack ones i got chicken bacon ranch ones and they just throw them all in a box and say good luck they all look the same how would you tell them apart i don't know we'll figure it out never tried these before hopefully they're good let's figure this out let's go drive this last half hour out all right so we're finally off the exit here in harrisonburg virginia really beautiful area if you've never been over here sometimes you can get a little traffic because the college nearby but anyway we're going to the hotel right now we go on clog the car get everything out of it get everything to the room that's the best one i can think of then i think we're going to group up and head to the venue and i can't wait for you guys to see it beautiful hotel here we are staying at the true by hilton never stayed here before good reviews that we've read on google so let's check out this room who are these people hey guys how are we going to get our bags why oh no i'm going to the room so check out our hotel room this isn't actually the one we're staying in but you know they're all identical check this out look at the bathrooms i never stated they haven't always heard they're nice but look at this look at the shower whoa that's tall man you know i need stuff like this usually showers are like this hot this high you know people my height doesn't work well for that's pretty awesome i like that let's go into the main room look at this good transition what yeah modern looks our room came with some meatballs raising your hand what i just want to say the reason why that shower looks like that is this is your grandfather's room this is a handy castle [Music] it's a nice little staple we got oh look a box of wedding candy let me taste test it one more time just to be sure you have to be sure if i serve people bad can't actually i wouldn't care lying i just want to eat it you see the sticker oh how could you do that i worked so hard one by one look at flash screen tv nice we got a little vantage point here the hd is kicking really good you know hotels are sometimes the ac is like starting to cool your rooms almost feels good it almost feels good cuts off now you're gonna be hot again i hate that so bad but overall this hotel super nice look at our view from the window how much money would it take for me to stand right up here and just give a full dance show to everybody out there it would take a lot not happening guys we went outside and we found the king of all crickets right here he lives in harrisonburg don't do it don't do it it's gonna jump on you i'm gonna laugh oh you touched it he's running he's running oh he has one leg why are crickets always injured every time you find them they're always like missing a leg or missing an antenna or something i feel like they're such easy prey oh are you recording me camera well guess what i'm recording you recording me i'm not afraid of you so real quick granddad gevis aka jeevas's granddad just got here so let's see what he's doing and see how he's doing granddad jebus putting on a sweater he's cold what you got to say man i got to say a lot of things but i'll make it short congratulations to both of you you're both great people great kids you've grown up loving each other and i know you have a great life together i can see it i mean i might not see it myself but i feel it in my heart so y'all have a good day tomorrow and enjoy it because it only happens once i found a munchkin this is riley aka our flower girl and cousin hi riley here i wanted to give you this we found on our video the other day thank you so you're gonna be our flower wet or flower wedding girl flower girl right yeah how do you feel about that i feel excited i think mimi's been telling me mimi is a mom and demons by the way but mimi's been telling me that that's all you talk about is the wedding and i gotta show people your dress too show people your dress coming in we're showing my dress right here yeah and look where we have arrived guys sunny slope farm my angle on that was really bad way to go oh there's some cows down here we're gonna stop the cows pit stop head stop for the cows look at him looking at me stop for a second excuse me sir ma'am he's like what are you looking at hi guys how you doing what's up hey you stink you know that you stink oh i heard his feelings i'm sorry i i didn't mean that you smell good sir this is a road i can't even see straight because of the sun oh is he squaring up he just squared up he just squared up you want to fight the car boy i'm going around you hi excuse me humans gross [Music] there's a little sign welcome to sunny slope farm we're setting up at right here we're gonna go show you guys around before my mom brandon my grandad and some cousins are all coming too to help us decorate so you want to get out look around yup give you a tour so here we are at the entrance where people park over here and then there's some chairs right here for people to chill i'm excited to see what these lights right here like look up look like at night um and it gets dark at five so i mean i know everybody's still gonna be here the party's still gonna go on oh yeah partying all night right here is the entrance to the tents look at that all right so that echo i go i go i go hello they already have hand sanitizer for us here to be safe i'm not gonna touch it um so i think these are the like food table so we'll probably have to move these tables like over where all the other tables are and then these are our like cloth napkins that the lady told me to pick so i have purple blue and this pink down there to put on all the tables assuming another food table here and these spools over here that are on wheels she said put food on them put drinks on them really whatever we want to do so i think we might put like the card box in the like the guest book on it might but we have one two three of those and then all the top table things are already there so we're just gonna lay these out on each table we're gonna make it look like a straight 12 year old's birthday party with the dragon ball stuff yeah and all inside here have lights we just walked over it actually this is where people would dance but you know i'm not a dancer he's not a dancer excuse me we're dancing here i don't know what kind of dancing is going to happen but here is the stuff that we're going to test today too baby davis wants to see like how his little um beat plays on this speaker so music is going to come out of here we have a microphone for people that want to speak so all that stuff will be on camera more tables that's where a would-be bar would be but um no alcohol i don't feel like dealing with drunk personality so yeah my day don't care i don't want to beat nobody up on the wedding day this is what the lady said is a sweetheart table so that's going to be where we sit all right and next is outside where the actual ceremony is going to take place and when you walk to the other side of that tent you get this beautiful view of just the mountainous virginia which has just always been my happy place since i was a little kid my parents actually got married somewhere out here i think it was waynesboro or stanton so we came here a lot as a kid just to visit the town it's always just been like a happy place being out here in the mountains so it's only fitting really that we end up getting married here ourselves so look at that view it's just so pretty i'd love i missed the east coast so much when we were going i just missed the green grass the mountains that are alive with trees and not just dead rock ones so pretty so we're in this little building here they call this the egg house i guess that's what the barn term is but this is the room with the fridge basically so we have refrigerator here to keep all the stuff because we got you know cake meatballs all kinds of food macaroni and stuff coming so we go in here microwave stove i guess you can rent the place out if you want there's a freaking whole bedroom in here look at this i think this is they technically call this like a bridal suite so we have a bed we have couches tv kind of cool in here realistically the only thing we're going to use is the fridge yeah so to keep the food in but it's still kind of cool but now let's go back to the other side of the tent we're going to show you the little place where you know you go to change i don't know if it's called the barn the bar it's kind of barn here but the place where you go to change and stuff because it's really nice let's go check it out so out here is where the whole thing's actually gonna go down tomorrow how do you feel that you only have 24 hours left with your last name it's absolutely crazy out here is where it's gonna go down you see the arch out over there that is going to come in over here it's going to be right at the end of this place and these chairs over here are going to be basically set up going down here this is where it all goes down and in here is where the changing stuff is so let me show you how this looks so here we are inside this whole thing finally look at that oh so somebody's here we're just gonna cheat come on in the boys one oh i get to go in the men's room hey why not look what we got over here we got the bathroom this is where i get changed look what i got i get darts oh how many things i can get do you think we had a bullseye one yeah yeah i wish i had somewhere to set the camera we could have a game real quick i suck i'd rather not i've never played all right i'm going to do this right right yeah anybody doesn't even stay on the board no you'll get us stuck on the board you're just not getting your bullseye oh did you catch that almost let's try it again come on now hey there's on the board okay there's two all right three four in the one that's the one yeah all right so we got the dart room and some old books so bath install in case you gotta take you know wedding cake dookies [Music] am i allowed to go in the women's bathroom yeah yeah where are you going though this is these are the doors to the actual fitting room itself you can close the one within the bathroom i don't really care about seeing the bathroom i know what toilets look like i'm gonna see the changing here these are locked oh no they're not all right here's my changing room so everything's like super rustic it looks cool though it smells good like oh cool does that look good great so this is for in here i think family just got here i just saw the cars arrive too let's go bother them flower girl you're here family seeing the fitting room for the first time so this we're definitely going to put out on the lawn that day this is their own cornhole boards and i actually have another family bringing more so we could have multiple cornhole games going on i felt i've never played cornhole you ready well dad barely got on the board what do you have for [Music] she hit the door on the wall good thing you're okay man i was trying to be funny okay hold on i'm gonna try one more you need to redeem yourself after that somebody walks in the background they're done get out get out this is for the men's room hey i used to be a professional bart's player i'm glad you were tired yeah i have a shot i'm glad you retired for public safety oh they're already playing with the microphone give me a mic give me your mic [Applause] [Laughter] each other you're gonna see a bunch of redneck white people rap battling in here it's gonna be incredible [Music] so [Music] time to put the cardboard mr and mrs sign on our sweetheart table here why the sweetheart table gotta be the smallest table i feel disrespected so i'm gonna have to um tie to you weirdly i don't know how to tie these good questions i don't know you're gonna have to help me with that i might have to tape them i don't know it's on there but it's on there for now that's what matters yep so mister and misters and miss what mrs misters sounded like you said mistress and i'm like what no misters fun one chaotic bra yeah subscribe to steven animal channel even brandon i'm done [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hey yeah stop now [Music] ugh [Music] i can't run all right guys it's dark outside of a guest so we finally got this place set up and looking so pretty we were doing run-throughs and everything in uh less than 24 hours it's gonna be crazy but check out look at goku and the nimbus there's little dragon ball things hanging everywhere the streamer all the poles are decorated all the tables have pictures candy the galaxy themed um the cloth napkins i guess you call them here's the wedding box this thing with the right date on it bubbled and everything's just set up i don't know what else to say it looks awesome like it just it works so much easier than i thought you know when you have to set up stuff like this you're like everything's gonna go wrong in your head and you're just like preparing for the worst then when it goes easy it's a pleasant surprise so for now we getting out of here we're gonna go get dinner somewhere and get ready you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 39,165
Rating: 4.9706168 out of 5
Keywords: wedding day, wedding day vlog, wedding day vlog 2020, wedding day vlog getting ready, wedding, love, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: c8RSW_BcKgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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