FOUND ROLEX! I Bought a Goodwill Mystery Pallet for $40! Goodwill Mystery Pallet Unboxing BIG PROFIT

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look at the face that is a freaking rolex [Music] so we just got back from the palette auction and guess what we just learned the hard way you don't get to keep the boxes so here's our palette of everything just kind of thrown together we paid 40 bucks for it we got a couple other things i'll show you later but this is the main thing 40 for this stuff here did we get a good deal do we get ripped off let's find out not even gonna lie i'm childish the reason we wanted the uni is because we could see the pikachu plushie at the top and you know pikachu's good things pikachu means good stuff do you realize what you just said what the reason we wanted the unit i'm in autopilot i know units the palette yeah storage unit this one went for seven thousand dollars right now but look at the first thing you got all right it's pretty beat up but it's a metal toolbox and the little thingies work let's see if it has an inside and it does so hey i mean it's not in the greatest shape but if you put metal tools in a metal toolbox that's likely to happen so that's something cool whoever uses the toolbox is not gonna care don't open an umbrella see if it works yep let's see open an umbrella it's a good one good big one it's red and black too my favorite color so does this count as indoors all right it just auto opens you see that yeah i didn't even do nothing because it's not closed that's what it is look yeah all right let's just tie it down it's gotta be tied down or it just auto opens and blows up in your face all right that's cool let's get this thing back closed close enough there's a lot i saw quite a few like diapers in these so look at this underwear underwear diapers king size mattress pad nice yep that's in there this was one of the things we bought separately right five bucks yeah this one for five bucks and this is just a clothes rack that's pretty much new in the box the reason we wanted this for um poshmark stuff we're kind of running out of closet space and needed this and figured not gonna get it cheaper than five dollars anywhere else and it's all in the box good deal five bucks for that this wine glass thing i'm pretty sure this one's from walmart but it was in the palette so i didn't pay nothing extra for it and look at that they're all perfect shape so that's pretty cool yeah pretty much brand new there all this stuff we bagged up because it was just a lot of smaller stuff but we'll get to that soon well bagged up because it's in the back of the truck we don't want it flying over yeah these are like a lot of little jars actually people for some reason ba always buy our jars like right away at yar sales i don't know what they use them for maybe crafting or something like that organization something like that but they always people always buy them and if we can get two for a dollar i mean that's like five or six bucks in this box right here sit don't break don't break you almost broke it me yeah touch it so what is this velocity gears like fighting take it out martial art stuff or another smart sport uh what do you think i don't know that's definitely gonna take it out i mean i can try let's see see if it's like shoulder pads or something it's not football it's not marshall martial arts those are the only two sports i've done in my life so i can't help you on that uh goalie somebody hockey goalie i have no idea anybody yeah i don't know another thing i know it's worth a lot of money i'm pretty sure people use these when like fishing so check that out it's got the boots and everything i think it's cabela brand too it looks like you have a friend when i'm just focus on the boots this is me my homie right here i call him nobody he's nobody literally he's got no body but he's look how long his waist is man look at this guy yeah he goes well i mean pretty sure it's like you wear like suspenders so you can walk in the water and like fish isn't that cool is it fly fishing no somebody out there i'll correct me you guys know i don't so speaking of outdoors oops we got this 110 here great land outdoors and apparently they're all names on it this feels like a storage unit yeah it does it's close we're gonna get right now i'm guessing this might be a sleeping bag with that let's check it out oh ben you so the other sleeping bag or it might be a chair i don't want to find out i thought you had it what is it apex something that goes to something thank you that was the most informative knowledge i've heard all day today something that goes with something you know what exactly all right which bags are up into this one this one right here i'm holding it over here you did that that was your fault that was your fault i was testing your reflexes to see if you catch them okay all right let's see what's in this bag because i did not go through this at all so literally just put a bag dump put it back don't put it back don't put it back down until we got it all out empty so let's see what's in the bag that missy so hey look blood pressure monitor nice that's not even i don't know if it's even been opened or actually it might have been no it's still in the plastic so cool it might be a brand new blood monitor worth a little something a flag america sunglasses yeah what brand are these any ray bans slate slazzinger slazinger let's put this flag somewhere i'll put it right here for now uh dolphin what is this big boy look at this picnic time huh never seen anything like that blanket tote does it got a price tag on it no it doesn't but it's heavy duty so this box is heavy that's kind of cool and i told you i saw quite a few diapers in here probably just end up donating the diapers honestly since i don't know what to do with them you know if you resell them what whatever we got just to donate it back yeah not too far or not not to get not the goodwill yeah that regent this guy from paw patrol yes paw patrol all right dragon costume pj masks not bad look at this it's like a little gift basket it's got like spa stuff in there i see brushes maybe there's something like soap or spongy inside they're not sure another monkey oh this is the envy or college basketball monkey ncaa final four so they could be collectible just because it's college basketball um of course i would find this book in there what is this one oh check that out it says joy all right joy to the world guys joy to the world stitched art maybe look at that looks like something somebody stitched together kind of cool all right so what is that a straightener or curler something to do it's a good question i don't know i said it's either i don't know what it is it looks like a straight curler it's got a curler yeah i agree this you know this reminds me it oh look it's new it's a jewelry organizer hanging jewelry organizer for 20 bucks actually cool but it reminds me of who remembers having these in high school i had all the calculators in them this is at least in high school did it always have these hanging in the door in math class with all the calculators the fault in our stars this is a brand new blu-ray not bad one of these you never have too many of these i feel like you always need them when you've got an orange one when you have them you don't need them and when you don't have them you always need them that's how those things work uh what is that rainbow tutu what rainbow pizza all right it looks like a tutu actually so that this is brand new michelle g robinson never heard of her uh why she's why is this thing so heavy just sit probably that thing feel the bottom of it it's like heavier than you would think i don't know why it's so heavy at the bottom i guess it's like he says it'll sit up giraffe glass oh look somebody this looks like what you had to do in art class every time you made something out of clay they're like put your initials in the year on there it's good though yeah it is better than anything i ever made what is that big boy here insurance supplied pumping style oh double breast pump yeah i'm not touching that but maybe this is also something that we might just donate because somebody might need these so i don't know i don't really know what they sell for to be honest uh that looks like it goes to it this looks like one of those little art guys yeah mini version put it in any position and draw i can draw a stick man that's about the extent of my skill when it comes to drawing a bag and what's in the bag is the question come out all right so we got a few weird things in here get get out get there's something else in here but what's this first goggles anything in the case no just the white for your glasses there's something else in here that i can't seem to figure out where it is there's a front pocket oh is it a zipper oh okay that's why i can't find it makes sense now it is what is that bug spray yep great buck spray chuck e cheese token tickets before they went to the machine and i just found money a quarter they don't check everything uh but oh these are nostalgia these are when chuck e cheese is good before they made it all digital and used to get these and hit the jackpots and just have a giant pile of tickets it just made it more fun you need to carry around the bag yes when you have to get the bag from the front you know you're just like that kid let me get the bag at the front for my tickets more tickets here and hey i found a quarter all right this i'm still keeping contacts i always need those you guys see in your walls looks like a toy store in there oh boy a cup yeah and i can get kicked in the you know what what is that look at this white house historical association christmas order from 2003 huh so this must have been when uh bush was in office right look at that it's kind of cool i wonder how collectible these things are i don't know either let's set that over there and what else do we have in here before we go to the next bag stuffed animal you pull with them uh this guy's a beanie baby look i see his tag and a horse and a dirt bike what's in this like a shower kit i don't think it's been used chalk a rattlesnake let's put that on the floor most of the cats oh yeah i'm definitely gonna do that there's um what's her name i forgot elsa elsa if i'm right i think that sounds right a microphone oh it even has an aux cable oh yeah we're gonna plug this up and have rap battles later then one more little beanie maybe and whatever this is in this bag huh that's cool bag next bag first thing we see this the thing fell out of the first one that i missed it's like handmade fine soap casey's angel soaps okay soap stuff we'll use it let's see what's in this one all your favorite hangers hey they're actually new though okay that's not bad this is okay if it's new in the thing all right this wire is coming with it but whatever it is it's ten pack of hangers that are new what is this this is like an alarm clock what is this oh another hanger heavy duty jose bank oh fancy huh uh dog dolphin uh that a bunny yeah uh an actual like this one feels porcelain have a date on her not that i see not on the neck it says on the neck it's like marked in pen c7663 that's strange like somebody hand wrote that i don't know if that's a code for something but it's there hey look a little target dog dressed as a pencil oh here's another jose bank hanger woohoo racking it in this thing bigger one poodle another grasshopper this one has body wash in it so that there's a lot of stuff in here a lot of stuffed animals yeah unicorn oh look bluebird pie looks like an old pie dish interesting that's cool oh gosh i found something breakable you know every single time in my life i've attempted this i've tried for about 45 seconds and threw it in the wall i can get one side i don't understand how you want me 12 weeks of laundry freshness like urgent type stuff uh let's see well whatever this is a bag of string simple american cooking cookbook uh what is this picture frame or picture album they take people's pictures out of it yeah there's not in there what about this book this looks like it could be old let's see what it is what do you think something cool yeah gods what psychiatry there you go psychiatry i'm proud of you psychiatrist psychiatry i don't know uh book bag a little tie down too yep puma nothing in there that i see or feel let's see let's see where else they look sunglasses they're kind of busted though and they're brandless so not gonna be worth much what about this the ordeal of the reunion a new history of reconstruction all right that book hey look golf balls we gotta save it for the guy at the r2 i know a whole bag of like probably 10 15 golf balls all right this thingy is a speaker what's in here so like a little new stuff filet thing yeah it looks new what is this though plates oh it's this a burner cover is that a four burner cover so i guess your stove doesn't look all grimy yeah all right hey look at vhs we're making it big now hocus pocus it's such a good movie i've never seen it uh what is this pretty kitty lives here this is not going up not everyone looks like dexter not going uh whatever this is your love beyond measures like a little spoon probably for like a baby shower gift something like that one of those things you get in your baby shower i look like a babysitter said you are love doing it yeah you are love beyond measure it's one of those gifts you're like thank you and you put it in a drawer closet and it never comes out yeah dog what is this do you want me to go for family guys these glasses like actually match the glasses case so that's kind of cool and it's got the rag in it but they're probably prescriptions so they're not gonna be no good probably his donation love bug that's what they look like huh uh what else is in here what else what else what else oh boy so many socks what happened to this doll's head man oh her hair is gone yeah her hair's completely gone but this one's another porcelain definitely it's even got the stand with it but yeah not only is her hair gone her entire scalp's gone all right anything else i see a lot of books i see a panda and what's that a router type thing look these up some of these are worth money so we've sold remember a while back we found like probably 30 or 40 of these on ebay we sold all of them on ebay except two it's the only two we had left so 30 out of 40 is a good rate other than that though anything in here no it's empty the rest of it looks like books and just random knickknacks so like i said we bought the uni because i saw pikachu i was hoping every other pokemon stuff in there and look what i see i think his name is blastoise if i remember correctly i know it's the evolved version of squirtle i haven't watched pokemon or played in ages i used to love the card game when i was in like second and third grade but i think it's blastoise then we got mickey mouse you said unit again by the way did i really yeah cheese you know when you do 400 videos one more and you do one another way it's correct right there this beer smells like a dog i'm gonna throw him over there yeah any other stuffed animals i just think it's interesting cat interesting looking cat that's a clifford oh no it's a bear a devil bear oh he's satanic what else is in there that is that scooby yeah i think it's scooby-doo missing his collar scooby's a stray now a couple more stuff animals that's all that's in that one all right let's get into this bag now oh man it's plastic what's it made out of i tied it well all right so we got this green whoa dude here that sounds like a gunshot green basket this is oh look at this gallery craft stitcher somebody stitched that that's kind of cool that's pretty good cool look at this what this is an eel oh i thought of shenron dragon it's an eel that's kind of cool now what else is in there though trash thanks that dog a pug a what pug life this is one of the other things i saw in there i wanted to get even though i'm a yankees fan and hate the red sox i know they're one of the most popular teams out there so yeah little boston red sox there uh this book bag is empty i like the colors yeah this coca-cola bear no it's just a regular polar bear his name huffington or something hug fun probably just something random check this out thermo pad thermopedic heat and cold pad this is in the box this is heavy well so that's cool another mickey mouse two mickeys uh this is maybe a poncho i think maybe that's what it feels like look in here though that's the real question bag of stuff so cleo and friends nesting cats like those things that go inside of each other it looks like and you open up make smaller and smaller and smaller yeah that thing all right what a vent a bed yeah that's a new all right i almost need a new bag uh these look like maybe little things that sit on your desk that like hold paperworks and files i don't know my whole picture frame maybe that too what are these like knobs these look like knobs or something that came off of either the top of a lamp or like a handle of a dresser that's all that's in here there's a bunch of different knobs all right somebody donated their knob plexus look at this money money ways to make it and keep it in good times and bad you know how to keep it right now you don't spend two thousand dollars on a 50 storage unit i've always looked up to giraffes you know what as long as everybody else they're tall uh what else do we got in here though dolphins what is this this even in here dang look at that box i don't know if it's in here it looks like something we would find dumpster diving i don't know just like a cooling pad to go under your laptop keep it cool another vent we're gonna keep cool in here we got vents cooling fans um what is this cherry kiss lip balm lip balm another book the perfect couple oh aren't we aren't we a moose and that that's how i feel after i eat dinner this is plates are these broken no they're not broken but they're just a couple plates and what is that oh look a microphone scissor arm stand oh cool i'll have to give that baby jesus yeah you have like that's an actual microphone or just a pop filter it might just be a pop filter it comes with but microphone i don't know pretty cool you know which way yeah and other only other things down here the turtle some more detergent uh what is this more detergent making the bag smell good sweet love and know this what is this for a closest pair this is cookware guards i didn't even know they made some prevent scratches all right i guess if you don't want scratches on your pant for some reason you put gear on it pull back next bag is right here let's see what we got in there and we're starting off with a baby reindeer costume yeah cozy beer and another vhs dead again all right here's a mobster costume gangster best all right this is a fast track closet keeps taller stacked items from falling over all right i think those there's something else like oh yeah a wall it works very well too big red coloring book um this is like a bag with a pair of new socks on it a laptop case a laptop case here you want some stuff no crepes on them i don't want grape socks hey look headphones what brand are these guys it doesn't say but pair of headphones and then we got another book look at this guy don't laugh at him i was trying to zoom out why i don't know another router modem thingy we have to look up the model and see what they are exactly when we find it or look later this is a qc compact dvr camera pen what what and i gotta open this camera pen a camera thing piqued our interest whoa so does this pen record let's see does it it might have a camera on on the bottom of it's a camera isn't it huh i don't know this is weird it might be we're gonna have to look into that yeah it's gotta be like some type of spy pen recording type the papers in there yeah all the papers are in here huh that's cool i'm setting that aside this is going over here this is like the art look through keep pile so we're gonna keep for ourselves what is this stuff it's like one of those spike oh it's rubber i don't even know it's a shower it's something to do with the shower that's the showerhead oh it is look at that that's a really square one showerheads are meant to be brown not square sorry the fancy ones inexpensive houses are square no a dog's jacket oh boo boo a sweater oh what's this something in bubble wrap let's see what it's well whatever it is probably broken now no it's in bubble wraps all right no i put all my stuff in bubble wrap that goes to usps man and they still find a way to break it so uh what is it come out come out i see a first thing i see is getting mooned by someone that's nice pretty round butt there that's an angel thanks an angel that's just mooning everybody well thanks all right um another speaker what did these speakers go to trash what is that a waste trimmer looks like it all right what is this it's another oh it's pencil sharpener yes these are the new age ones remember we used to have the ones on the wall in elementary school you gotta be that one kid i'll be back in the middle of the lecture you're like oh god you like start going slow like everybody's hearing this and they're like come on get it over with sorry uh basket and then everybody's lives was saved by mechanical pencils yeah all right this is nice kill alex cross all right let's make a book about killing people that's beautiful um what else do we got poor alex frost i don't know what he did hey look a hair dryer and a vase give me your money an enemy it's such a rare it's not really random hey that's a palette for a reason mr crabs he's kind of smushed yeah mr crab's a little smushed there but he's there poor eyes what other stuffed animals are in here this see if i recognize anyone else oh what is this isn't he from a book i don't know i feel like it looks familiar from some doesn't say much tag not that i saw kohl's cares for kids oh polar bear and the rest of them are just generic like little oh no there's a yoda in there yoda the rest of them are just like generic random characters for kids stuff like that nothing yeah uh is this an old like home phone thing looks like it isn't i remember having it and hating so bad then it would knock out the internet you're like oh my gosh my first words baby book and what is this whatever it is it takes discs it looks like is that what it does it's upside down looks like it takes cds in the top and then you can put like an ipod or something at the bottom that might just be like a radio or something the mp3 compact disc player oh yeah there you go all right that and well that's just about it because the pumpkin carving kit and a fanny pack taking the last bag you got a rabbit a rabbit and then we got what is that a mattress bag for storage i guess a single swag only one swag that's the sad that how many swag do you have infinity obviously a hair dryer [Music] a mini dog no ice mini because it says mini another mattress protector oh look at this toddler both though i press it no it's going to make noises if it works i don't want to do it oh the most sought-after wii game in the history of wii games this game is like 10 trillion dollars a piece yep easy definitely not found in dumpsters everywhere what is this beauty lingerie really who can make a lingerie racing costume i'm gonna put it on yeah no don't have don't anybody put that in the comments nobody tell me to put that on in the comments i swear there's a helmet maybe this spot like a gopro or something i don't know another costume 1920s flapper all right well that's for the 1920s here's our representation of society today snowflakes uh a golf club thing why'd i grab the bear like this that's not nice i got this mary meyer is in any one of them um what is that like a sheep bear he looks weird doesn't it yeah brand to see gunned g-u-n-d gunner oh no i thought it was a broken glass some swimming flippers oh sweet what is this this is like a giant bird this is what the calculators were in this is exactly what they are or normally a shoe organizer yeah you know that too this little guy found that before what two of those beers that one that one oh look and so the adventure begins what is it a photo of them no it's just a wallet no money come on man that's messed up uh what else do we have a bunch of bears i love you oh thank you i love you too you can have somebody's you donated there uh that's a curler isn't it yes very tiny one yeah an owl beanie baby uh a rabbit vcu bag what's this a blanket a fleece throw that since somebody's used listerine this is what we do it for actually not using no they are the seals closed so no set of two paper towel holders all right what a brand new stuff i'm surprised yeah me too actually let's see hold on there's another target dog dressed as a statue of liberty a blue crayola crayon costume all right all right mary kay bag makeup bag it's like new it's never even been used oh their phone oh no it's a screen protector i was like no way there's an iphone in the mystery box uh tape we got baby toys whoa look at that a fujifilm five times zoom 14 megapixel camera and it still has an sd card in it nice somebody forgot to remove it so four gigabyte sd card in it we're gonna have to find out what's on that because i have one of the little flash drives you put the sd card in plug it right into your computer let's see does this work uh it doesn't cut on right now but it's probably dead take batteries uh it's probably it's no it's a charger yeah it's a charger still i'm gonna step out of shot at the other thing um what is that phone spa what the heck is that i have no idea i couldn't even begin to tell you yeah i don't want to guess all right um i thought i had a guess but i don't know if i'm uh man search for meaning a picture frame is that a needle catcher what the red thing the thing they have in like doctor's offices that's what it looks like isn't it that's exactly what it is sharps collector that's nice it's new it's good so fishing line ptsd fishing stuff right now i see rapala oh no her apollo tough line more fishing stuff uh doa tags really all right look all right halloween okay it makes us feel a little bit better other than that you got a couple stuffed animals and just a couple of random books so we got a couple things that were also auctioned off that weren't pallets because we just wanted them we got these ugg boots ugg slippers i guess because they were there moccasins moccasins that's the word but the coolest thing i got you see this watch right just to watch look at the face that is a freaking rolex a rolex at goodwill now is it real i don't know but what i'm thinking is we gotta take this somewhere like a shop and get them to look at it and things like that but we paid 20 bucks for it and really it's worth the gamble to me because last time i found a fake one i sold it for fifty dollars anyway so if it's fake we make a little bit of money if it's real you make a small fortune so either which way you win 20 bucks for a rolex watch and i can't see the hand i know one of the quickest ways to tell if it's working is the way the hand moves like a real rolex isn't it it moves like this and then a fake one's usually yeah tick so but it's not running right now it's probably a dead battery so i don't know we're going to take it somewhere and definitely get a check but i just saw that in a jar and i was like really then a rolex at a goodwill so let's get into the last bag so the last bag here first off look at this little blue box i'm not sure what this is i thought it looked interesting look whatever this is it's still in the plastic i'm guessing this little thing yeah this thing turns and turns the pulley or the little gear inside it says something on my side does it rude off the redness reindeer why does it play the song i don't know that's like one of those i know we don't want to play but that's like one of those ribbed things where like these little pins hit the in place it bubbles and play it that might be exactly what that is actually that's definitely kind of weird and strange something i've never seen before i didn't know what it was but there's that so hold on let's get into here let's see what's in this box cherry christmas nothing boo teddy bear yeah got him yeah you got me more diapers by the way that pair was in one of the bags too it fell out in the truck so we have a crap ton of diapers crap ton of diapers probably just donate them um we got purple bear and pink rabbit and pikachu pikachu the main reason we bit on this unit is because it's all pikachu at the front what's he old he's from build-a-bear he says but he does actually have an actual pokemon tag on him so it's not like some rebrand but i don't even know they had pikachu there oh look at his hand it says some bab or something does it feel like there's something in it no no it's just it just build up there yeah oh baby wait b.a.d i didn't even think about it what is that this is isaac jewelry organizer it looks like yeah jewelry makeup whatever all that this is one of those shoe things then you just buy one of these yes i did well now yeah only for like three or four bucks though but now i get another one yeah it's not like i have more shoes uh baby toys and there's like an american flag now i don't know things to hang outside it looks like hangs like this so pretty cool um not too much in this bag you got this big it looks like a textbook top secret information the government banks and the retailers don't want you to know i got an idea here that if there was top secret information they want you to know it wouldn't be available for sale in book form but that's just my guess i don't know i could be wrong um i thought that was somebody's mails like really these are like sewing patches yeah it's like a whole bag of sewing patches look at that a lot of them too i mean there's a bunch in there selling kits that's pretty cool now that's what that is too huh yep so we'll keep those over there together what else is in here this is another sewing thing is that what this is too also sewing so that'll go over here and let's see planting gardens and graves seems a little dark but okay and interesting on the case the greatest game ever and well not too much else in here we got whatever this is a one person travel hammock it's brand new look tag still on it and everything and another ruler curler or dryer and the only other thing in there is the exact same thing as this another rabbit so now that we're in here because i want to talk about the watch a little bit now if you watched the auction video yesterday you would have seen that there was a total of four different rolexes that went up for auction two of them had the clear back casing like the if you see the back of the rolex and it's clear it's a guarantee that you have a fake 100 fake so we've been up to like 40 bucks on those because i know that's what i can get reselling and just by some crazy miracle that somebody replaced the back with a clear one that it could be real i'd at least have my money back this one however did not have that it had the right markings on the back which is what kind of intrigued me so i've been doing like so much research about this little it's a ladies rolex and so far what i found is that everything is checking out so for example one of the biggest things i found on a hundred different websites to say to tell if it's real two things one is the time thing the little thing you use to adjust it most of the fakes leave off the rolex symbol this one has the rolex symbol on it two the magnifier on the front on the fake ones it's just usually a divot where on the real ones it can actually actually magnifies the date on it and if you look on the back of this watch i can call the number it says rolex which is a model number and when i look that model number up it is a watch it looks very similar to this one online like i said it's marked 18k on the back so what was i thinking 18k what's the most logical thing to do let's scratch it on the acid tray so we've got the watch scratched right here and you're probably not gonna be able to see this but this has been sitting here for like 10 minutes almost and you can see 14 karat and 18 karat acid just test it neither one of them have done anything to that mark yet anything which is also a very good thing so i mean it would be a chance in a million to find a legitimate no a chance at a billion to find a legitimate rolex at the goodwill but i'm thinking tomorrow since it's late now now it's like 8 p.m we'll find maybe find one of those shops that do watches and jewelry take it in and just see if can you imagine that that would be the craziest thing ever this thing ended up being real and see if it's real because everything i'm seeing is checking out so it's either real or really really really well done fake that hit all the little points that most of the counterfeits are missing so i don't know right now you guys let me know what you think and come back tomorrow because in the next video we will take this somewhere and we will see if it's real or fake cross your fingers for us please if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and make sure you come back next time
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 44,485
Rating: 4.9346805 out of 5
Keywords: Goodwill mystery pallet, I bought a goodwill mystery pallet, mystery pallet, goodwill, goodwill haul, goodwill mystery box, goodwill pallet, pallet unboxing, pallet unbox, goodwill pallet unboxing, bulq unboxing, bulq pallet, pallet buying, pallet wholesale, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: djtIv-jVKIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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